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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
C ¦ J . " Terminus Hotel , Gannon-street LONDON . Ty'ELL ndr . pted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hail is capable of seating upwards . of Twelve Hundred people . „ „ „ . SYDN-EY SPENCER , Proprietor
Tne Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private Dining Rooms . First-class Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers alter the Theatres . Bro . F . HiLFKEicil , Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , I-. OIiF . KT STUIiET , ADIiLPHI TERRACE , STRAND flENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will lind everv accommodation , combined with comfort and mod . rate charter ., at the above Hotel . I'eds from is . ; Sitting Rooms from 3 s . ; Breakfasts from ia . Taiiie d'i * u ; c 6 . 30 , 3 s . Od . Iv .- ' . ry accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquets for tile Craft , Arc ! -, and High Grades . A S ; -:-. cio :: s cr .. i Cheerful Coffee Room overlooking the rictoria fcmbdiikiuent . BUO . GEORGE STATES Manager .
" Tlie Portugal . " i , - ; .-, & 155 , I-LEiiT-STREET , E . C . MESSRS . GiAN'EU . AS & THORN , PROPRIETORS . Anvt ' e accommodation for Masonic Lodges , Chapters , Sec . llav . qii , ts , dinners , or suppers prepared on Ihe shortest notice . Mr . ' 1 horn having been lor many years exclusively engaged in tbe wholesale Wine and Spirit trade , is a sufficient guarantee that the fjualitv of the wines will be unexceptional .
THE London Restaurant , ( Next Door to tlie Piincc of Wales's Theatre ) CLAYTON SQUARE , LIVERPOOL , BREAKFASTS , LUNCHEONS , DINNERS , TEAS , SUPPERS , & c . Wines , Liqueurs , Spirits , & c . ROBERT WOOL-SOUGH , Proprietor .
Guildhall Tavern , G R E S [ I A M - S T R E E T , E . C . Chop and Steak Room filled with the Silver Gridiron . Spacious Dining-rooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smokingrooms . Rooms of all sizes suitable for Auction Sales , CoiiMiltations , Arbitrations , Bnildintr Societies , & c . ; also for I'Vceiiiasoiiu' Lodgesaud Banquets , Private Dinners , & c . GUILDHALL TAVERN COMPANY ( Limited ) . = 2 and ^ , GRESHAM-STREET , E . C . . iOSl'PlI C 011 B 1 N , Manager .
CHARING CROSS STATION TOILET - © - CLUB . ( Con ' mcntal Be - ( . king Office Entrance . ) A (' . cut C'ltv-uiuice and Saving of Time to the l- Bu-thien , de irons of diesMng promptly , previous to :, ir " - to l . od ; -r , Hail , Dinner , ire . I'mate Dressing Room : ¦ , e ' . iai ;; e 0 I ., v . it ' i every attendance and appliance for the Toilet , ivo . aii-. igduss taken care of for the day or se . -ivon in ] : erfunied boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths , iI .-:- ' . civ , i ' -eifi-mcry , ilairdressin !; , Dress Suits , Boots , Op . ra I !; . ! . * , " '¦ *' ¦ onic Clothing , Jewels , Swords , cvc . Fuller protv . ih ; . ; p : r post ( J I . stamp . ) M . B . —Ladies' Deppnn : ¦ ¦ 1 .- ' . it- ' . cl-ed .
"' "BALL FAVOURS , rlF . T 7 E 3 T DESIGNS . ;* . - . * (; : * iC I'l'l'O'lS ? ., 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , ") K ; O , Elect-street , London . l' .- ' ., ' .: ; r IM : S : 2 , Mi . aiimcnt-place , Liverpool . J l . l " , Aiy \ I ' .-stn 1 I , C * H ; ts , cr ( Uv .
CAUTION-. [ - . ¦ : ; . . "ii : ; -L :- 'unr : i-tAL ESTABLISHMENT . ¦ Iv :..:. !¦• ¦ Led upwards nf 35 years . ; ^ ,--t -- r -.- r ~ . -r n T -, "" 5 O r * /" v * T * T t . / . 0 , ~ -. :., i-.-. u *^ .. tJiiii : x CC SOid , y . Y < .: ¦ ¦ : :: i . ; o ' - ' M-: ::: . \ :: r . i's AND F ::::: MI ' A -1 , ' ::: ' i * i ; s ' , l " . v /' .- ~ Ty Sq ; -:.::-, 1 ; p ' - ' i-1 l : e I'in ^ buiy ' x ' . iunls , '" . '" ., ; . : ¦ . 1 .- ' , . ' - ¦ .:. ' .. : ' ..--: o : d , 1 Jo -. v ; : ! :::: r .-r ; ' : id , near tlie Roseinarv 1 ; , . ii ! n ; . l •¦ , : ¦* . . .. < I . ; ::: ; 1 . :, ¦; : -: ' :. \ . ::.: ¦ . ' :.: ! : jr cs ' . r : bl ; : ; : r . < -r . t r . f ihe same name . ) <>• . :.-.- :: ' : ... 1 .-. >¦' .:. ¦ ' ¦¦ - . livery l ' -.-: i-. .-: ii al slated charges—
FU \! -: I ; ALS . BUGS . SAftVANTE fi . PERRY KAN , Compltie Fiuiii'al Vuinishcrs , 2 , -2 , UK . ' ! : diOLLORN , ' . '< ::.: ¦; .. ' ' . ' i v . 'i ' uio-tile , le < di ; : g into Lincoln ' s-Inn-field ; !¦' . ..::: ! . .-..-. ' .:: t .-. i in toe best manner , with choice apt - ; .: ' ::: ! : ii :.::, . 0 : 1 : ^ — it e'ononiy . Distance no object . 1 ' iice u . 1 :. . ^ . . ' ¦ ¦¦ . '¦ ii : ¦ :. ! n-. - .: ;!; . - 150 u ... u
104 CHURCH SERMONS , By EMINENT CLERGYMEN . In Two Volumes , Handsomely Bound in Cloth , each , 4 s . REEVES , SON AND CO ., Playhouse-yard , London .
PATON'S JURISPRUDENCE OF FREEX MASONRY . 8 vo ., ios . 6 d . PATON'S FREEMASONRY ; Its Symbolism and Religious Nature , and Laws of Perfection . 8 vo ., cloth ios . 6 d . PATON'S ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY , or the 1717 Theory Exploded . 8 vo ., sewed , is . Reeves and Turner , lofi , Strand , London .
((¦ pHE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published St . Louis , Mo ., by George Frank Gouley , Grand Secretary and Recorder of the four Grand Bodies of Missouri . The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of thc world and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those interested * m An : ric . in affairs . Terms ? 2 per annum , and to those who subscribe for thc London Freemason the price will be § i . $ o currency . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Office of the London " Freemason " rgS , Fleet-street .
THE ENTR'ACTE , A . MUSICA . L and THEATRICAL REVIEW , Price One Penny . Used as . 1 programme at the principa London and Provincial Music Halls . The Entr ' acte enjoys an , extensive circulation , and gets into the hands of every theatrical and music-hall artiste . It contains a splendid cartoon every week . First-rate medium for advertisers . Subscribers can be supplied by post at i / S per quarter . Published every Saturday , at 5 , Catherine street , Covent Garden , W . C .
*[ H £ LONDON MIRROR Published every Saturday ; price 4 d . Thc object of this journal is to set forth the claims of the many Religious , Educational , Benevolent , and Prudential Institutions oi Hie United Kingdom , and week by week to report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour of the Public . Oflicc , 5 g , Southampton-row , Russell-snuare , London , W . C .
"THE FREEMASON " Supplied by T DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , - ** * Farringdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Wandsworth-road , S . W ., eight doors from the London Chatham and Dover Railwaj Station . Wholesale Publisher to the Trade .
SWANSEA : Agent for " The Freemason . " J 3 RO . CHAS , MAGGS , 24 , Oxford-st , Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every equisitc for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kcnning ' s Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , & c . Advertisements received for "Thc l'recmason . "
Phortlv will be Published , THE DAILY INDEPENDENT . - *• Offices , 1 P 0 nnd ISI , Elect-street , London , E . G ., earner oC Felt ' - ' ¦' lane . The largest Loudon aud Provincial Pennv Papei in theWoild . The Daily Independent Will he conducted on strictly pure and thorough Independent principles . I ' or aU shades and phases of Political and Religious opinions . The Daily Independent . Special and noiel arrangement of columns . Instant reference to News and Advertisement's of a particular City , Town , Colony , or Foreign Country . The Daily Independent . Be ? t medium for Advertisements . Supplements , being irregularly supplied and often mislaid , will NOT be issued by Daily Independent , except for New .-, of extraordinary Import , while all Advertisements will be always in hotly of paper . The Daily Independent One Penny . l ' * or nil the world , and every class . Offices , 1 So and 1 Hi , Fleet-st reef , London , E . C ., corner of Fetter-tone .
rpilK I-hVTTER & UMBRELLA TRADE - - JOURNAL . An lllustnULMMontlily Trade Journal . l » ubli > hc'l <'' - l ]»^ J ( ' ^ faclj iiKimh . tiubscrii-tinn gs . per annum . pt ) il free pay ; il ) lc in athaucc . Single copies One Sliiliin ^ . 'j'liL' Halter is eNtenMvely firculateil amoni ; the Retail Hatters , Hat Manilla .. tinvr- * , ami Shippers of Hats in Creat Uritain , aiul lliroii !; hout the l' ] i )! i ! is ! i-.- * pea' * . inii world . An ' i-. i' - '; - ; nnt III , i---tY--tt--i i-a-hiuti C ; uA < -f Hats and Caps , ivillj the I ' ortiait of Mime Ixadin , ; C . ' eieljiity , by one of the lir & t artLsts , Kivcn with each Number .
BRO . KENNING'S NEW TRACING BOARDS , Mounted on Cloth for the I ' ocket , Price 7 / 6 .
J \ jMfflLa Pi *\/ ' ^ SffjQ ? - *^ r ^ iUssa Bro . \\ r . K . JONES , HAT Al A N U l < A C T U 11 E R , 7 3 , LONG ACRE , Wil I . SI-: '!) CAUKIAC . IC l'Kl-H 'fO ANY ADDRl'SS , A Splendid Paris Hat for NEW ] 10 / G [ SHAVES A good Silk Umbrella , 126 Or the two tn-rrlhcr for Oi : - _* . , ( Juiiun , on receipt of P . O . O ' . iur , pay . ilil-j at i ¦ u « v LAM ; ( Jiiicii ,
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS FOR iloftt % ul & <& l \\ $ tmf MANUFACTURED , IN THREE FTUALITIES , BY COMP . GEORGE KENNING , ' COMPRISING Floor Cloth . Trowel Pedestal Square and Compasses Veil Sword Set of Letters Three Robes for Principals Five Large Banners with Poles Three Sceptres „ and Stands Three Surplices Fifteen Small ditto Ten Oflicers' Collars Three Large Candlesticks Ten „ Jewels Three Small ditto janitor ' s Sword Six Ornamental Candles Ballot Box Crowbar Bible Pickaxe Cushion for ditto Shovel Scripture Extracts Parchment Scroll Set of Five Books Set of Life Lines Thrones , Chairs , Canopy , Head Ornaments , & c . ( if required ) on the most moderate terms , according to material , style , & c . For Personal Insignia , see Lists of Clothing and Jewels .
( . \ iiUK . - " -r . ri KJiiib * - * MAPLE and ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS , best in London rpiORGE REES * " ~" * - ** GILT MOULDINGS , cheapest in the Trade . QEORGE REES ' 1 co . ooo feet of GILT ROOM BORDERING in stock , from id . per foot . Q . EORGE REES ' First-class ENGRAVINGS , from 2 s . each . QEORGE REES " CHR 0 M 0 S , from the Best Masters , at reduced prices . SI , DRURY-L 4 NE , W . C , opposite Drury-lane Theatr
TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electro * plate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . DTPARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , < 4 » . BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH . QFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an " Immense Stock , " but sndicicntly large for any person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A viuit will , at all times , be very much appreciated .
JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S " CHERRY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all other preparations for the Teeth , price is . 6 d . per pot . I'AGUA AMARELLA" restore the Human Hair to its pristine hue , no matter at what age , price 3 s . per bottle . " TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifully perfumed and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR JOHN GOSNELL & GO'S , And see that you have none other than tneir genuine Articles . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Perfumers . Wholesale , Angel-passage , 93 , Upper Thames-street , London .
RYDE , ISLE OF WIGHT . UOPGOOD & CO . 'S NUTRITIVE and SEDATIVE HAIR CREAM . is supplied to the Trade bv all Patent Medicine Honscsand Whole IVifnmers . This Cream ' has the testimony of EMINENT 1 UIYSlCIANS to its " surprising" and " unfailing success . " Also SEDATIVE COLD CREAM . Sold bv all Chemists and Perfumers .
m LEA & PERRINS' SAUCE . ml THE "WORCESTERSHIRE . " f ' - 'J Pronounced by Connoisseurs " THE ONLY OOOD J : j . « j SAUCE . " Its use imjiroves appetite and diges » /^ 'i ' ^ tv ' - Unrivalled for piquancy and flavour . | | ila ASK FOR LEA & PERRINS SAUCE . [ STiSrail UEWAIIE OF IMITATIONS ' e'SsffSF avo' ( ' which sec the names , jt'lp'tl LEA & I'liRKINS , Jjpf ^ Sjj on all bottles and labels . i-: $ o ^ W $ j Airents—CHOSSE & : lii , ACKWEi . L , London , and sold ^ ij ^ M-J ^ by all Dealers iu Sauces throughout the world .
THE BIRKBECK Is the only Buil-lini ; Society whose Annual Receipts exceeds ONR MILLION ! Ilotu to Purchase a House Jor Tivo Guineas per Month , With immediate possession and no Rent to pa v . Apply n . t the Oflice of the UIRKBIiCK BUILDING SOCll ' iTY . ag & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . flow lo purchase a Plot of Land Jor five Shillings per Month , With immediate possc * rsion , either forlhiiiunv ^ orGardeninp ; purposes . apply at the Otlice of thc BIKKBKCK i- 'RKEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 29 & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chanc-jry- ' iane . flozu to Invest Money ninth safety at f . \ per cent Interest , Apply to thc Otlice ofthe BiKKBIiCK BANK . All p-tvms under £ , % Q repayable upon demand . Current account !! opened similar lo Ordinary Bankers . Cheouc Books supplied . D . 'lice hours fiom 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till 9 , and on . Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A .-mall pamphlet , containing full parikuliir-s , may be obtained tjrati .-, 01 . sent Cost-1 ' iee on applicaii-. itj to I'KA . NCU KAVENfctKOM , MailOKtr ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
C ¦ J . " Terminus Hotel , Gannon-street LONDON . Ty'ELL ndr . pted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hail is capable of seating upwards . of Twelve Hundred people . „ „ „ . SYDN-EY SPENCER , Proprietor
Tne Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private Dining Rooms . First-class Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers alter the Theatres . Bro . F . HiLFKEicil , Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , I-. OIiF . KT STUIiET , ADIiLPHI TERRACE , STRAND flENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will lind everv accommodation , combined with comfort and mod . rate charter ., at the above Hotel . I'eds from is . ; Sitting Rooms from 3 s . ; Breakfasts from ia . Taiiie d'i * u ; c 6 . 30 , 3 s . Od . Iv .- ' . ry accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Banquets for tile Craft , Arc ! -, and High Grades . A S ; -:-. cio :: s cr .. i Cheerful Coffee Room overlooking the rictoria fcmbdiikiuent . BUO . GEORGE STATES Manager .
" Tlie Portugal . " i , - ; .-, & 155 , I-LEiiT-STREET , E . C . MESSRS . GiAN'EU . AS & THORN , PROPRIETORS . Anvt ' e accommodation for Masonic Lodges , Chapters , Sec . llav . qii , ts , dinners , or suppers prepared on Ihe shortest notice . Mr . ' 1 horn having been lor many years exclusively engaged in tbe wholesale Wine and Spirit trade , is a sufficient guarantee that the fjualitv of the wines will be unexceptional .
THE London Restaurant , ( Next Door to tlie Piincc of Wales's Theatre ) CLAYTON SQUARE , LIVERPOOL , BREAKFASTS , LUNCHEONS , DINNERS , TEAS , SUPPERS , & c . Wines , Liqueurs , Spirits , & c . ROBERT WOOL-SOUGH , Proprietor .
Guildhall Tavern , G R E S [ I A M - S T R E E T , E . C . Chop and Steak Room filled with the Silver Gridiron . Spacious Dining-rooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smokingrooms . Rooms of all sizes suitable for Auction Sales , CoiiMiltations , Arbitrations , Bnildintr Societies , & c . ; also for I'Vceiiiasoiiu' Lodgesaud Banquets , Private Dinners , & c . GUILDHALL TAVERN COMPANY ( Limited ) . = 2 and ^ , GRESHAM-STREET , E . C . . iOSl'PlI C 011 B 1 N , Manager .
CHARING CROSS STATION TOILET - © - CLUB . ( Con ' mcntal Be - ( . king Office Entrance . ) A (' . cut C'ltv-uiuice and Saving of Time to the l- Bu-thien , de irons of diesMng promptly , previous to :, ir " - to l . od ; -r , Hail , Dinner , ire . I'mate Dressing Room : ¦ , e ' . iai ;; e 0 I ., v . it ' i every attendance and appliance for the Toilet , ivo . aii-. igduss taken care of for the day or se . -ivon in ] : erfunied boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths , iI .-:- ' . civ , i ' -eifi-mcry , ilairdressin !; , Dress Suits , Boots , Op . ra I !; . ! . * , " '¦ *' ¦ onic Clothing , Jewels , Swords , cvc . Fuller protv . ih ; . ; p : r post ( J I . stamp . ) M . B . —Ladies' Deppnn : ¦ ¦ 1 .- ' . it- ' . cl-ed .
"' "BALL FAVOURS , rlF . T 7 E 3 T DESIGNS . ;* . - . * (; : * iC I'l'l'O'lS ? ., 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , ") K ; O , Elect-street , London . l' .- ' ., ' .: ; r IM : S : 2 , Mi . aiimcnt-place , Liverpool . J l . l " , Aiy \ I ' .-stn 1 I , C * H ; ts , cr ( Uv .
CAUTION-. [ - . ¦ : ; . . "ii : ; -L :- 'unr : i-tAL ESTABLISHMENT . ¦ Iv :..:. !¦• ¦ Led upwards nf 35 years . ; ^ ,--t -- r -.- r ~ . -r n T -, "" 5 O r * /" v * T * T t . / . 0 , ~ -. :., i-.-. u *^ .. tJiiii : x CC SOid , y . Y < .: ¦ ¦ : :: i . ; o ' - ' M-: ::: . \ :: r . i's AND F ::::: MI ' A -1 , ' ::: ' i * i ; s ' , l " . v /' .- ~ Ty Sq ; -:.::-, 1 ; p ' - ' i-1 l : e I'in ^ buiy ' x ' . iunls , '" . '" ., ; . : ¦ . 1 .- ' , . ' - ¦ .:. ' .. : ' ..--: o : d , 1 Jo -. v ; : ! :::: r .-r ; ' : id , near tlie Roseinarv 1 ; , . ii ! n ; . l •¦ , : ¦* . . .. < I . ; ::: ; 1 . :, ¦; : -: ' :. \ . ::.: ¦ . ' :.: ! : jr cs ' . r : bl ; : ; : r . < -r . t r . f ihe same name . ) <>• . :.-.- :: ' : ... 1 .-. >¦' .:. ¦ ' ¦¦ - . livery l ' -.-: i-. .-: ii al slated charges—
FU \! -: I ; ALS . BUGS . SAftVANTE fi . PERRY KAN , Compltie Fiuiii'al Vuinishcrs , 2 , -2 , UK . ' ! : diOLLORN , ' . '< ::.: ¦; .. ' ' . ' i v . 'i ' uio-tile , le < di ; : g into Lincoln ' s-Inn-field ; !¦' . ..::: ! . .-..-. ' .:: t .-. i in toe best manner , with choice apt - ; .: ' ::: ! : ii :.::, . 0 : 1 : ^ — it e'ononiy . Distance no object . 1 ' iice u . 1 :. . ^ . . ' ¦ ¦¦ . '¦ ii : ¦ :. ! n-. - .: ;!; . - 150 u ... u
104 CHURCH SERMONS , By EMINENT CLERGYMEN . In Two Volumes , Handsomely Bound in Cloth , each , 4 s . REEVES , SON AND CO ., Playhouse-yard , London .
PATON'S JURISPRUDENCE OF FREEX MASONRY . 8 vo ., ios . 6 d . PATON'S FREEMASONRY ; Its Symbolism and Religious Nature , and Laws of Perfection . 8 vo ., cloth ios . 6 d . PATON'S ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY , or the 1717 Theory Exploded . 8 vo ., sewed , is . Reeves and Turner , lofi , Strand , London .
((¦ pHE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published St . Louis , Mo ., by George Frank Gouley , Grand Secretary and Recorder of the four Grand Bodies of Missouri . The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of thc world and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those interested * m An : ric . in affairs . Terms ? 2 per annum , and to those who subscribe for thc London Freemason the price will be § i . $ o currency . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Office of the London " Freemason " rgS , Fleet-street .
THE ENTR'ACTE , A . MUSICA . L and THEATRICAL REVIEW , Price One Penny . Used as . 1 programme at the principa London and Provincial Music Halls . The Entr ' acte enjoys an , extensive circulation , and gets into the hands of every theatrical and music-hall artiste . It contains a splendid cartoon every week . First-rate medium for advertisers . Subscribers can be supplied by post at i / S per quarter . Published every Saturday , at 5 , Catherine street , Covent Garden , W . C .
*[ H £ LONDON MIRROR Published every Saturday ; price 4 d . Thc object of this journal is to set forth the claims of the many Religious , Educational , Benevolent , and Prudential Institutions oi Hie United Kingdom , and week by week to report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour of the Public . Oflicc , 5 g , Southampton-row , Russell-snuare , London , W . C .
"THE FREEMASON " Supplied by T DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , - ** * Farringdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Wandsworth-road , S . W ., eight doors from the London Chatham and Dover Railwaj Station . Wholesale Publisher to the Trade .
SWANSEA : Agent for " The Freemason . " J 3 RO . CHAS , MAGGS , 24 , Oxford-st , Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every equisitc for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kcnning ' s Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , & c . Advertisements received for "Thc l'recmason . "
Phortlv will be Published , THE DAILY INDEPENDENT . - *• Offices , 1 P 0 nnd ISI , Elect-street , London , E . G ., earner oC Felt ' - ' ¦' lane . The largest Loudon aud Provincial Pennv Papei in theWoild . The Daily Independent Will he conducted on strictly pure and thorough Independent principles . I ' or aU shades and phases of Political and Religious opinions . The Daily Independent . Special and noiel arrangement of columns . Instant reference to News and Advertisement's of a particular City , Town , Colony , or Foreign Country . The Daily Independent . Be ? t medium for Advertisements . Supplements , being irregularly supplied and often mislaid , will NOT be issued by Daily Independent , except for New .-, of extraordinary Import , while all Advertisements will be always in hotly of paper . The Daily Independent One Penny . l ' * or nil the world , and every class . Offices , 1 So and 1 Hi , Fleet-st reef , London , E . C ., corner of Fetter-tone .
rpilK I-hVTTER & UMBRELLA TRADE - - JOURNAL . An lllustnULMMontlily Trade Journal . l » ubli > hc'l <'' - l ]»^ J ( ' ^ faclj iiKimh . tiubscrii-tinn gs . per annum . pt ) il free pay ; il ) lc in athaucc . Single copies One Sliiliin ^ . 'j'liL' Halter is eNtenMvely firculateil amoni ; the Retail Hatters , Hat Manilla .. tinvr- * , ami Shippers of Hats in Creat Uritain , aiul lliroii !; hout the l' ] i )! i ! is ! i-.- * pea' * . inii world . An ' i-. i' - '; - ; nnt III , i---tY--tt--i i-a-hiuti C ; uA < -f Hats and Caps , ivillj the I ' ortiait of Mime Ixadin , ; C . ' eieljiity , by one of the lir & t artLsts , Kivcn with each Number .
BRO . KENNING'S NEW TRACING BOARDS , Mounted on Cloth for the I ' ocket , Price 7 / 6 .
J \ jMfflLa Pi *\/ ' ^ SffjQ ? - *^ r ^ iUssa Bro . \\ r . K . JONES , HAT Al A N U l < A C T U 11 E R , 7 3 , LONG ACRE , Wil I . SI-: '!) CAUKIAC . IC l'Kl-H 'fO ANY ADDRl'SS , A Splendid Paris Hat for NEW ] 10 / G [ SHAVES A good Silk Umbrella , 126 Or the two tn-rrlhcr for Oi : - _* . , ( Juiiun , on receipt of P . O . O ' . iur , pay . ilil-j at i ¦ u « v LAM ; ( Jiiicii ,
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS FOR iloftt % ul & <& l \\ $ tmf MANUFACTURED , IN THREE FTUALITIES , BY COMP . GEORGE KENNING , ' COMPRISING Floor Cloth . Trowel Pedestal Square and Compasses Veil Sword Set of Letters Three Robes for Principals Five Large Banners with Poles Three Sceptres „ and Stands Three Surplices Fifteen Small ditto Ten Oflicers' Collars Three Large Candlesticks Ten „ Jewels Three Small ditto janitor ' s Sword Six Ornamental Candles Ballot Box Crowbar Bible Pickaxe Cushion for ditto Shovel Scripture Extracts Parchment Scroll Set of Five Books Set of Life Lines Thrones , Chairs , Canopy , Head Ornaments , & c . ( if required ) on the most moderate terms , according to material , style , & c . For Personal Insignia , see Lists of Clothing and Jewels .
( . \ iiUK . - " -r . ri KJiiib * - * MAPLE and ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS , best in London rpiORGE REES * " ~" * - ** GILT MOULDINGS , cheapest in the Trade . QEORGE REES ' 1 co . ooo feet of GILT ROOM BORDERING in stock , from id . per foot . Q . EORGE REES ' First-class ENGRAVINGS , from 2 s . each . QEORGE REES " CHR 0 M 0 S , from the Best Masters , at reduced prices . SI , DRURY-L 4 NE , W . C , opposite Drury-lane Theatr
TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electro * plate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . DTPARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , < 4 » . BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH . QFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an " Immense Stock , " but sndicicntly large for any person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A viuit will , at all times , be very much appreciated .
JOHN GOSNELL & CO . 'S " CHERRY TOOTH PASTE" greatly excels all other preparations for the Teeth , price is . 6 d . per pot . I'AGUA AMARELLA" restore the Human Hair to its pristine hue , no matter at what age , price 3 s . per bottle . " TOILET and NURSERY POWDER" beautifully perfumed and guaranteed pure . ASK FOR JOHN GOSNELL & GO'S , And see that you have none other than tneir genuine Articles . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Perfumers . Wholesale , Angel-passage , 93 , Upper Thames-street , London .
RYDE , ISLE OF WIGHT . UOPGOOD & CO . 'S NUTRITIVE and SEDATIVE HAIR CREAM . is supplied to the Trade bv all Patent Medicine Honscsand Whole IVifnmers . This Cream ' has the testimony of EMINENT 1 UIYSlCIANS to its " surprising" and " unfailing success . " Also SEDATIVE COLD CREAM . Sold bv all Chemists and Perfumers .
m LEA & PERRINS' SAUCE . ml THE "WORCESTERSHIRE . " f ' - 'J Pronounced by Connoisseurs " THE ONLY OOOD J : j . « j SAUCE . " Its use imjiroves appetite and diges » /^ 'i ' ^ tv ' - Unrivalled for piquancy and flavour . | | ila ASK FOR LEA & PERRINS SAUCE . [ STiSrail UEWAIIE OF IMITATIONS ' e'SsffSF avo' ( ' which sec the names , jt'lp'tl LEA & I'liRKINS , Jjpf ^ Sjj on all bottles and labels . i-: $ o ^ W $ j Airents—CHOSSE & : lii , ACKWEi . L , London , and sold ^ ij ^ M-J ^ by all Dealers iu Sauces throughout the world .
THE BIRKBECK Is the only Buil-lini ; Society whose Annual Receipts exceeds ONR MILLION ! Ilotu to Purchase a House Jor Tivo Guineas per Month , With immediate possession and no Rent to pa v . Apply n . t the Oflice of the UIRKBIiCK BUILDING SOCll ' iTY . ag & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . flow lo purchase a Plot of Land Jor five Shillings per Month , With immediate possc * rsion , either forlhiiiunv ^ orGardeninp ; purposes . apply at the Otlice of thc BIKKBKCK i- 'RKEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 29 & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chanc-jry- ' iane . flozu to Invest Money ninth safety at f . \ per cent Interest , Apply to thc Otlice ofthe BiKKBIiCK BANK . All p-tvms under £ , % Q repayable upon demand . Current account !! opened similar lo Ordinary Bankers . Cheouc Books supplied . D . 'lice hours fiom 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till 9 , and on . Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A .-mall pamphlet , containing full parikuliir-s , may be obtained tjrati .-, 01 . sent Cost-1 ' iee on applicaii-. itj to I'KA . NCU KAVENfctKOM , MailOKtr ,