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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
assemblage was due to the fact , that in addition to the ceremony of installation , an event always honoured by the Craft , the occasion was chosen as a fitting one for the presentation to the lodge of an excellent oil painting of the worthy Treasurer and Father of the Lodge , Bro . J . E . Lane ,
P . M . and P . P . S . W ., & c . After the routine business of the lodge had been transacted , the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , prepared by the worthy hostess of the King ' s Arms , Mrs . Baker ; and it may suffice , once for all , to say that her skill and management in this
important part of the day ' s proceedings , left nothing to be desired in them . The chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . W . H . Rowe , supported on his right by Bros . T . F . Halsey , P . G . M . Herts ; Rev . F . B . Harvey , P . M . 743 P . P . G . C . Herts , C . F . Humbert , I . Houll , I . Howe , A . T . Parkes , E .
Terry , & c , and on his left by Bros . J . H . Adams , P . M . ; J . Johnson , P . M . and P . P . S . W . ; J . M . Shugar , P . M . and P . P . S . W . ; J . E . Lane , P . M . and P . P . S . W . ; R . A . Wright , W . I . Adams , W . B . Heath , G . Lambert , J . Burton , all prominent members of the Berkhampstead ,
Provincial and London Lodges . The brethren present also , to the number of about 50 , included representatives from the Grand Lodge of England , down to the entered apprentices of that day ' s celebration . After the visual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given by the W . M ., Bro . W . Wilson ,
P . M . and Hon . Sec , 504 , proposed in most appropriate terms the health of the newly appointed P . G . M . Herts , Bro . T . F . Halsey , which was drunk with full Masonic honours . In an able and characteristic speech that gentleman responded , pledging himself to the discharge of the duties
entrusted to him , for the sole good of the Craft in general , and of the brethren in the province in particular . The toast of the evening confessedly was that of the Treasurer and father ofthe lodge Bro . J . E . Lane , P . M ., and P . P . S . W . Herts etc ., by Bro . Lambert , whose metropolitan and
provincial Masonic honours and position are almost beyond enumeration . In an able and feeling address he alluded to the high character and Masonic zeal which for so many years had distinguished Bro . Lane , especially enlarging upon the stay he had been to the Berkhampstead
Lodge , and the attraction which , through his management , the lodge had so widely and successfully exercised on the London brethren . In conclusion , as expressing the sentiments of the entire lodge , by whom the portrait of Bro . Lane had been subscribed for , he
fraternally greeted him on behalf of the lodge , and formally presented the portrait . After the cheers , loud and long , had subsided , which responded to Bro . Lambert ' s address , and bore testimony to the regard and affection in which Bro . Lane was esteemed , he returned his
best thanks to the brethren in a very effective and most appropriate reply . It is impossible to report as fully of this meeting as it deserves . One toast , however , must not be passed over , for it embodies a sentiment dear not only to every Masonic heart , but also of interest to
hearts yet to be Masonic . This toast was that of the " Brother Initiates , " who had that day been admitted into the Craft as "Entered Apprentices . " There were Mr . F . Q .. Lane , and Mr . Jostling , whose health in their newly acquired character was suitably proposed by the
Rev . F . B . Harvey , P . M ., and P P . G . C , Herts , and duly received and responded to . Tlio health of Bro . Wilson , Hon . Sec , was proposed by Bro , Lambert in a humorous speech , accompanying it with a handsome present of a cruet and . sauce stand from the brethren . And lastly , that
same vivacious and generous brother presented th' ! Tyler , Bro . Thomas , an old , and highly respected member , with a handsome plated biscuit basket , from the same brethren . Freemasonry is thus progressing in Berkhampstead .
W 1 N D s o R . — Windsor Cos lie Lodge ( N o . 7 7 1 ) . —The installation meeting of the lodge took place- on the 10 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Windsor , when there was a large assemblage of
brethren to do honour to the new W . M ., Bro . W . Hill Bingham , ( amongst them the Rev . Sir Johu Hays , D . P . G . M . ) Two gentlemen having been initiated , the W . M ., Bro . Grisbrook , proceeded to instal his successor into the chair of K . S . The ceremony was admirably rendered ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and gave great satisfaction to all present . Bro-Devereux , I . P . M ., delivered the address , and the proceedings were rendered more impressive by the choral service performed by Bro . Fuller , P . G . O ., assisted by Bros . Briggs and Large , of the Chapel Royal Windsor . The W . M . having
been duly installed , proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : —Bro . H . Greville Palmer , S . W . ; W . H . Cutler , J . W . ; Whitehouse , Treas . ; Solley , Secretary ; Rev . Sir John Hays , D . P . G . M ., Chap . ; S . Scott , S . W . ; T . Fleek , J . W . ; W . Brown , I . G . ; W . H . Cantrell ,
P . G . S ., D . C . A member of the lodge having served the office of Steward at the R . M . B . I . Festival announced that his list of subscriptions amounted to nearly £ 60 , and entreated the brethren who had not contributed to do so at
once . All business being ended the brethren adjourned to a very excellent banquet at the White Hart Hotel . After the cloth was drawn a most agreeable evening was spent , enlivened by the admirable singing of the musical brethren already referred to .
WHITTINGTON LODGE ( NO . 862 . )—The ordinary monthly meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Monday , the i 6 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , Bro . F . Smith , W . M ., in the chair , supported by Bro . W . J . Jones , P . M . ; A . H . Haley , S . W . ; Seeling , J . W . ; and
Quilty ' , Treasurer . After the confirmation of the minutes , ballot was taken for the election of Bro . Kenneth R . H . Mackenzie , as a joining member , and the ballot having been declared clear in the South and West , he was unanimously elected . The W . M ., assisted by Bro . 11 .
Wentworth Little , P . M ., then raised Bros . Sedgwick and Brothers to the sublime degree of Master Masons . A vote of ^ 10 was made towards the Girls' School , and a subscription was set on foot among the brethren to have the lodge adequately represented on the next recurring festivals . Bro . A . Moore handed a special
subscription to the W . M . The lodge had to deplore on this occasion the decease of Bro . W . Anderson , J . D ., which had taken place very suddenl y ' . Bro . Jones , P . M ., moved , and the S . W . seconded , that a letter be addressed to his widow , condoling with her upon the bereavement she had sustained . It was further announced
that the Whittington Chapter would meet for dispatch of business on Friday , the 27 th inst ., Bro . James Weaver , M . E . Z . The visitors were—Bros . John Boyd , 145 , P . G . P . ; and H . Hi ggins , 18 4 . At the banquet which followed ,
the usual toasts were duly honoured , and some deli ghtful music from Bros . Weaver and Moore terminated a pleasant evening , although it was saddened by the melancholy event above mentioned .
HARROGATE . —Harrogate and Claro Lodge ( No . 1001 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Parliament-street , on Friday evening , February 13 th . The W . M ., Bro . Robt . Ackrell was supported b y Bros . John Burke , S . W . ; Render , J . W . ; Pullan ,
P . M ., Powell , Harrison , and a goodly number of members ; visitor , Bro . John Bowes , P . M ., P . Proy . G . Reg . Cumberland and Westmoreland . The lodge was opened in due form , when thc minutes were read and declared to be correctly recorded . The business consisted in the
readineand consideration of a number of communications . Notably amongst then * was a reply from the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Bentley Shaw , to a vote of condolence . The W . M . stated that he had aiu-ndid , with his Wardens , the recent
Provincial Grand Lodge at Leeds , which was presided over by the Most Noble thc Marquess of Ripon , and thereupon made a report of the proceedings . Tbere being no further busine :,.-- , the lodge wns closed , and the brethren adjourned fur refreshment .
BARROW-IN-FURNESS . — Hartington Lodge ( No . 1321 )—This lodge held its usual meeting on Monday , 12 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Custom House-buildings , Hindpool-road , Iiro . Henry Cook , P . M . 1021 , 1 . 38 , P . P . G . R . for
C . and W ., presiding , in the absence of P . M . Sir Janies Ramsden , Prov . Grand Senior Warden , who was confined to his house on account of severe indisposition . After tho usual business had been transacted , the S . W . proposed that the thanks and gratitude of the lodge
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
are due to Bro . Cook , P . M ., & c , for the very handsome present of a harmonium ; The high eulogiums passed by the speaker and other brethren fully testified the position Bro . Cook holds in the Craft , whose graceful and impressive delivery , combined with correct working ,
unremitting exertions , devoted zeal , and by his suave manner has gained the respect of the brethren in this and other lodges . Bro . Cook ' s reply was given in his truly characteristic style . The lodge is fortunate in having such talented and influential brethren as Bros . Sir James
Ramsden and Henry Cook to preside oyer them , by whose munificence the lodge has been to a great extent re-furnished . HAMPTON COURT . —Era Lodge ( No . 1423 . ) —The anniversary meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Saturday , 14 th inst ., at the
King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court , punctually at three o ' clock , p . m . The W . M ., Bro . J . T . Moss , P . P . G . D ., Middlesex , opened the lodge . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed , and the report of the audit committee was read , received , adopted , and
ordered to be entered on the lodge minute books . It showed the funds to be in a good state . As there were only initiations down on the list of work to be done , in addition to the installation , that ceremony was proceeded with . Although a large list of names was on the summons , but
two presented themselves , who were duly intiated into Freemasonry . Bro . T . J . Sabine , P . M . 73 , Treasurer , took the chair , and in an able manner installed Bro . Henry Arthur Dubois , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , and W . M . elect , as the Worshipful Master for the
ensuing year . The officers appointed are —Bros . J . W . Baldwin , S . W . ; J . Baxter Langley , J . W . ; T . J . Sabine , P . M ., Treasurer ; F . Walters , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M . Secretary , ; J . S . Sweasey , S . D . ; W . C Devereux , . R . iV , J . D . ; E . W . Devereux , I . G , ;
Rev . P . M , Holden , Chaplain ; E . W . Mackney , Organist ; S . Wolff ; M . C B . Wright , W . S . ; J . Gilbert , Proy . Grand Tyler , Middlesex , Tyler . At the conclusion of the installation ceremony , a cordial vote of thanks was given to Bro , T . J . Sabine , P . M ., Treasurer , for his kindness in
performing the ceremony of installation , and it was ordered to be entered on the lodge minute book , which met with the unanimous approval of all present . The event of the evening was presenting the out-going Master , Bro . J . T . Moss , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M ., with a massive silver
cup ( unanimously voted to him by the lodge ) . The cup was made by Bro . George Kenning , Little Britain , and did him great credit , for it was perfection in every way . When Bro . J . T , Moss , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M ., had the cup given him and rose to return thanks he was
received most cordially , and had an ovation . So great and long was the applause it was a work of time before he could return thanks , which he did in an excellent manner . Tho cup was handed round the lodge room , and was much admired for the beauty of its design and its excellent workmanshi p . When the Prov . G .
Master , Col . F . Burdett , and Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . J . C . Parkinson , arrived , soon after the lodge was opened , they were each received with the honours suitable to their rank , and the gavel and position of the W . M . was offered , bnt kindly refused by each of them . However before the close of the
lodge at the earnest solieiution of the P . M . ' s and others . Bro . J . C . Parkinson , D . P . G . M . Middlesex , in the kindest passible manner gave the address as Installing Mnster to the Wardens in a beautiful , agreeable , nnd impressive manner . Several brethren were proposed as joining
members . The indefatigable veteran Secretary , Bro . Frederick Wallers , P . G . Stcvard Middlesex , would not let them teparate until he had all the Stewardships of the Ciia-. ities tilled up , as he said he had a Steward for Hoys , three Stewards for Girls , 1874 , but the * Stewardship for Royal Benevolent 1875 was vacant . He did not have
to appeal very lung , as he soon got a volunteer in Bro . John Faulkner , who was elected to that office , and agreed to accept it . Not satisfied with this success , the Secretary assured the brethren he had a member amongst them who had not been raised , whom he felt sure he could induce to be a Steward for the Benevolent , in addition to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
assemblage was due to the fact , that in addition to the ceremony of installation , an event always honoured by the Craft , the occasion was chosen as a fitting one for the presentation to the lodge of an excellent oil painting of the worthy Treasurer and Father of the Lodge , Bro . J . E . Lane ,
P . M . and P . P . S . W ., & c . After the routine business of the lodge had been transacted , the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , prepared by the worthy hostess of the King ' s Arms , Mrs . Baker ; and it may suffice , once for all , to say that her skill and management in this
important part of the day ' s proceedings , left nothing to be desired in them . The chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . W . H . Rowe , supported on his right by Bros . T . F . Halsey , P . G . M . Herts ; Rev . F . B . Harvey , P . M . 743 P . P . G . C . Herts , C . F . Humbert , I . Houll , I . Howe , A . T . Parkes , E .
Terry , & c , and on his left by Bros . J . H . Adams , P . M . ; J . Johnson , P . M . and P . P . S . W . ; J . M . Shugar , P . M . and P . P . S . W . ; J . E . Lane , P . M . and P . P . S . W . ; R . A . Wright , W . I . Adams , W . B . Heath , G . Lambert , J . Burton , all prominent members of the Berkhampstead ,
Provincial and London Lodges . The brethren present also , to the number of about 50 , included representatives from the Grand Lodge of England , down to the entered apprentices of that day ' s celebration . After the visual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given by the W . M ., Bro . W . Wilson ,
P . M . and Hon . Sec , 504 , proposed in most appropriate terms the health of the newly appointed P . G . M . Herts , Bro . T . F . Halsey , which was drunk with full Masonic honours . In an able and characteristic speech that gentleman responded , pledging himself to the discharge of the duties
entrusted to him , for the sole good of the Craft in general , and of the brethren in the province in particular . The toast of the evening confessedly was that of the Treasurer and father ofthe lodge Bro . J . E . Lane , P . M ., and P . P . S . W . Herts etc ., by Bro . Lambert , whose metropolitan and
provincial Masonic honours and position are almost beyond enumeration . In an able and feeling address he alluded to the high character and Masonic zeal which for so many years had distinguished Bro . Lane , especially enlarging upon the stay he had been to the Berkhampstead
Lodge , and the attraction which , through his management , the lodge had so widely and successfully exercised on the London brethren . In conclusion , as expressing the sentiments of the entire lodge , by whom the portrait of Bro . Lane had been subscribed for , he
fraternally greeted him on behalf of the lodge , and formally presented the portrait . After the cheers , loud and long , had subsided , which responded to Bro . Lambert ' s address , and bore testimony to the regard and affection in which Bro . Lane was esteemed , he returned his
best thanks to the brethren in a very effective and most appropriate reply . It is impossible to report as fully of this meeting as it deserves . One toast , however , must not be passed over , for it embodies a sentiment dear not only to every Masonic heart , but also of interest to
hearts yet to be Masonic . This toast was that of the " Brother Initiates , " who had that day been admitted into the Craft as "Entered Apprentices . " There were Mr . F . Q .. Lane , and Mr . Jostling , whose health in their newly acquired character was suitably proposed by the
Rev . F . B . Harvey , P . M ., and P P . G . C , Herts , and duly received and responded to . Tlio health of Bro . Wilson , Hon . Sec , was proposed by Bro , Lambert in a humorous speech , accompanying it with a handsome present of a cruet and . sauce stand from the brethren . And lastly , that
same vivacious and generous brother presented th' ! Tyler , Bro . Thomas , an old , and highly respected member , with a handsome plated biscuit basket , from the same brethren . Freemasonry is thus progressing in Berkhampstead .
W 1 N D s o R . — Windsor Cos lie Lodge ( N o . 7 7 1 ) . —The installation meeting of the lodge took place- on the 10 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Windsor , when there was a large assemblage of
brethren to do honour to the new W . M ., Bro . W . Hill Bingham , ( amongst them the Rev . Sir Johu Hays , D . P . G . M . ) Two gentlemen having been initiated , the W . M ., Bro . Grisbrook , proceeded to instal his successor into the chair of K . S . The ceremony was admirably rendered ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and gave great satisfaction to all present . Bro-Devereux , I . P . M ., delivered the address , and the proceedings were rendered more impressive by the choral service performed by Bro . Fuller , P . G . O ., assisted by Bros . Briggs and Large , of the Chapel Royal Windsor . The W . M . having
been duly installed , proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : —Bro . H . Greville Palmer , S . W . ; W . H . Cutler , J . W . ; Whitehouse , Treas . ; Solley , Secretary ; Rev . Sir John Hays , D . P . G . M ., Chap . ; S . Scott , S . W . ; T . Fleek , J . W . ; W . Brown , I . G . ; W . H . Cantrell ,
P . G . S ., D . C . A member of the lodge having served the office of Steward at the R . M . B . I . Festival announced that his list of subscriptions amounted to nearly £ 60 , and entreated the brethren who had not contributed to do so at
once . All business being ended the brethren adjourned to a very excellent banquet at the White Hart Hotel . After the cloth was drawn a most agreeable evening was spent , enlivened by the admirable singing of the musical brethren already referred to .
WHITTINGTON LODGE ( NO . 862 . )—The ordinary monthly meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Monday , the i 6 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , Bro . F . Smith , W . M ., in the chair , supported by Bro . W . J . Jones , P . M . ; A . H . Haley , S . W . ; Seeling , J . W . ; and
Quilty ' , Treasurer . After the confirmation of the minutes , ballot was taken for the election of Bro . Kenneth R . H . Mackenzie , as a joining member , and the ballot having been declared clear in the South and West , he was unanimously elected . The W . M ., assisted by Bro . 11 .
Wentworth Little , P . M ., then raised Bros . Sedgwick and Brothers to the sublime degree of Master Masons . A vote of ^ 10 was made towards the Girls' School , and a subscription was set on foot among the brethren to have the lodge adequately represented on the next recurring festivals . Bro . A . Moore handed a special
subscription to the W . M . The lodge had to deplore on this occasion the decease of Bro . W . Anderson , J . D ., which had taken place very suddenl y ' . Bro . Jones , P . M ., moved , and the S . W . seconded , that a letter be addressed to his widow , condoling with her upon the bereavement she had sustained . It was further announced
that the Whittington Chapter would meet for dispatch of business on Friday , the 27 th inst ., Bro . James Weaver , M . E . Z . The visitors were—Bros . John Boyd , 145 , P . G . P . ; and H . Hi ggins , 18 4 . At the banquet which followed ,
the usual toasts were duly honoured , and some deli ghtful music from Bros . Weaver and Moore terminated a pleasant evening , although it was saddened by the melancholy event above mentioned .
HARROGATE . —Harrogate and Claro Lodge ( No . 1001 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Parliament-street , on Friday evening , February 13 th . The W . M ., Bro . Robt . Ackrell was supported b y Bros . John Burke , S . W . ; Render , J . W . ; Pullan ,
P . M ., Powell , Harrison , and a goodly number of members ; visitor , Bro . John Bowes , P . M ., P . Proy . G . Reg . Cumberland and Westmoreland . The lodge was opened in due form , when thc minutes were read and declared to be correctly recorded . The business consisted in the
readineand consideration of a number of communications . Notably amongst then * was a reply from the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Bentley Shaw , to a vote of condolence . The W . M . stated that he had aiu-ndid , with his Wardens , the recent
Provincial Grand Lodge at Leeds , which was presided over by the Most Noble thc Marquess of Ripon , and thereupon made a report of the proceedings . Tbere being no further busine :,.-- , the lodge wns closed , and the brethren adjourned fur refreshment .
BARROW-IN-FURNESS . — Hartington Lodge ( No . 1321 )—This lodge held its usual meeting on Monday , 12 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Custom House-buildings , Hindpool-road , Iiro . Henry Cook , P . M . 1021 , 1 . 38 , P . P . G . R . for
C . and W ., presiding , in the absence of P . M . Sir Janies Ramsden , Prov . Grand Senior Warden , who was confined to his house on account of severe indisposition . After tho usual business had been transacted , the S . W . proposed that the thanks and gratitude of the lodge
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
are due to Bro . Cook , P . M ., & c , for the very handsome present of a harmonium ; The high eulogiums passed by the speaker and other brethren fully testified the position Bro . Cook holds in the Craft , whose graceful and impressive delivery , combined with correct working ,
unremitting exertions , devoted zeal , and by his suave manner has gained the respect of the brethren in this and other lodges . Bro . Cook ' s reply was given in his truly characteristic style . The lodge is fortunate in having such talented and influential brethren as Bros . Sir James
Ramsden and Henry Cook to preside oyer them , by whose munificence the lodge has been to a great extent re-furnished . HAMPTON COURT . —Era Lodge ( No . 1423 . ) —The anniversary meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Saturday , 14 th inst ., at the
King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court , punctually at three o ' clock , p . m . The W . M ., Bro . J . T . Moss , P . P . G . D ., Middlesex , opened the lodge . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed , and the report of the audit committee was read , received , adopted , and
ordered to be entered on the lodge minute books . It showed the funds to be in a good state . As there were only initiations down on the list of work to be done , in addition to the installation , that ceremony was proceeded with . Although a large list of names was on the summons , but
two presented themselves , who were duly intiated into Freemasonry . Bro . T . J . Sabine , P . M . 73 , Treasurer , took the chair , and in an able manner installed Bro . Henry Arthur Dubois , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , and W . M . elect , as the Worshipful Master for the
ensuing year . The officers appointed are —Bros . J . W . Baldwin , S . W . ; J . Baxter Langley , J . W . ; T . J . Sabine , P . M ., Treasurer ; F . Walters , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M . Secretary , ; J . S . Sweasey , S . D . ; W . C Devereux , . R . iV , J . D . ; E . W . Devereux , I . G , ;
Rev . P . M , Holden , Chaplain ; E . W . Mackney , Organist ; S . Wolff ; M . C B . Wright , W . S . ; J . Gilbert , Proy . Grand Tyler , Middlesex , Tyler . At the conclusion of the installation ceremony , a cordial vote of thanks was given to Bro , T . J . Sabine , P . M ., Treasurer , for his kindness in
performing the ceremony of installation , and it was ordered to be entered on the lodge minute book , which met with the unanimous approval of all present . The event of the evening was presenting the out-going Master , Bro . J . T . Moss , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M ., with a massive silver
cup ( unanimously voted to him by the lodge ) . The cup was made by Bro . George Kenning , Little Britain , and did him great credit , for it was perfection in every way . When Bro . J . T , Moss , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M ., had the cup given him and rose to return thanks he was
received most cordially , and had an ovation . So great and long was the applause it was a work of time before he could return thanks , which he did in an excellent manner . Tho cup was handed round the lodge room , and was much admired for the beauty of its design and its excellent workmanshi p . When the Prov . G .
Master , Col . F . Burdett , and Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . J . C . Parkinson , arrived , soon after the lodge was opened , they were each received with the honours suitable to their rank , and the gavel and position of the W . M . was offered , bnt kindly refused by each of them . However before the close of the
lodge at the earnest solieiution of the P . M . ' s and others . Bro . J . C . Parkinson , D . P . G . M . Middlesex , in the kindest passible manner gave the address as Installing Mnster to the Wardens in a beautiful , agreeable , nnd impressive manner . Several brethren were proposed as joining
members . The indefatigable veteran Secretary , Bro . Frederick Wallers , P . G . Stcvard Middlesex , would not let them teparate until he had all the Stewardships of the Ciia-. ities tilled up , as he said he had a Steward for Hoys , three Stewards for Girls , 1874 , but the * Stewardship for Royal Benevolent 1875 was vacant . He did not have
to appeal very lung , as he soon got a volunteer in Bro . John Faulkner , who was elected to that office , and agreed to accept it . Not satisfied with this success , the Secretary assured the brethren he had a member amongst them who had not been raised , whom he felt sure he could induce to be a Steward for the Benevolent , in addition to