Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To ADVERTISERS . THE Circulation of THE FREEMASON being now at the rate of nearly Haifa-million per annum , offers peculiar facilities to all who advertise . It is well known that the Fraternity of Freemasons is a large and constantly increasing body , mainly composed of the influential and educated classes of society ; and as Tlie Freemason is no-w the accepted organ of the Brotherhood in the United Kingdom , and also enjoys an extensive sale in the colonies and foreign parts , ifs advantages as an advertising medium can scarcely he overrated . For terms apply to GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . C .
$ anicpx anb * ( Mmrhil Incuts . —•>—AMERICA : Bro . J . FLETCHER BRENNAN , 114 , Mainstreet , Cincinnati , Ohio * „ Messrs . WOODRUFF & BLOCIIER , Little Rock , Arkansas , U . S . CANADA : Messrs . DEVRIE & SON , Ottawa . CAPE OF GOOD HOPE : Bro . G EORGE BRITTAIN , Cape Town . CEYLON : Messrs . \ V . L . SKEENE & Co ., Colombo . CONSTANTINOPLE : Br . J . L . HANLY , Levant Times . EAST INDIES : Allahabad : Messrs . WYMAN BROS . Bombay : Bro . M . B . COHEN . Byculla : Bro . GEO . BEASE . Central Provinces : Bro . F . J . JORDAN . Kurrachce : Bro . G . C BRAYSON . Madras : Mr . CALEB FOSTER . Mlirna : Bro . COWASJEE NUSS-ERWANJEE . Poona : Bro . W . WELLIS . GALATA : IPSICK KHAN , Perche-Bajar . LIBERIA : Bro . HENRY D . BROWN , Monrovia . PARIS : M . DECHEVAUX-DUMESNIL , Rue de Harlaydu-Palais , 20 , near thc Font Neuf ; Editor Le Franc-Jlfafon . WEST INDIES : Jamaica : Bro . J A . D . SOUZA , Falmouth . Trinidad : Bros . S . CARTER ancl J . LEWIS , 3 , Abercrombie-street , Port of Spain ; and Bio . W . A . KERNAHAN , San Fernando . And all Booksellers and Newsagents in England , Ireland , and Scotland .
prtljs , iPiOTiitQCs , aixi * gcutlrs . ? DEATHS . COLHURN . —On 27 th April , at Belmont , near Boston , U . S . A ., very suddenly , aged 37 , Bro . Zerah Colburn , M . I . C . E ., and of 13 , Gloucester-road , Regent ' s-park , of Royal York Lodge of Perseverance , No . 7 , London . PlKE . —On the 14 th May , of apoplexy , aged 68 , Bro . James Pike , of Vanburgh Fields , Blackheath , late of Westminster , for many years an active member of the Emulation Lodge of Instruction , deeply lamented .
Letters froiji R . W . L . and J . G ., Bro . Hughan ' s Knight Templar Jottings , report of Macdonald Lodge installation meeting , and other interesting communications , crowded out this week , shall appear in our next .
TheFreemason,SATURDAY , "MAY 21 , 1870 . THE KKEKMASO . N is published on Saturday Mornings in time for he early train-,. The price ol THE FHKIIMASON is Twopence per week ; quarterly subscription ( including postage ) -js , 3 d . Annnal Subscription , 32 , Subscriptions payable in advance . AU communications , letters , & c ., to bc addrefcsed to the KniTOH , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little llritain , K . C . Tlie "Cditor will pay careful .-mention to all MSS , cnlni . sicd lo him hut cannot undertake 10 return tlicm Unless accompanied by postage . stamps .
The New Grand Officers.
THE installation of the M . W . Bro . the Earl Dc Grey ancl Ripon as Grand Master of England , isaneventwhich will not be readily forgotten by those who had tlie good
fortune to witness the important ceremony . Notwithstanding thc gloom which the recent atrocious massacre in Greece has caused in the breast of every civilized being , and more
especially in the breast of every English man , the assemblage of Masons on Satur day last was not only exceedingly
numerous , but may truly bc considered in many respects a demonstration in honcmr of the nobleman to whom the guidance and government of the English Craft
The New Grand Officers.
are now entrusted . From the Heir-Apparent to the humblest Mason present , all had met united by one common desire to testify their respect and
admiration for Lord De Grey . And we are proud to add , that this natural desire to bow before the rising sun , was closely commingled with a kindly feeling of regret , that age had
at length asserted its inexorable claims , and deprived the Grand Lodge of the active services of that venerable chief , under whose genial sway Freemasonry has so greatly
and so widely flourished . We heartily echo the hope , that the Earl of Zetland may long be spared to enjoy the retirement which he has so fairly earned , but we also trust—to
use the language of the address presented to him by the brethren—that his lordship will continue to give the benefit of his
experience and advice to the Grand Lodge over which he has so long and so successfully presided . The visible emotion of the new Grand Master when he alluded to the
horrid tragedy in Greece was evidently responded to by every brother present , and as it is said by the poet , that " one touch of nature makes the whole world kin , " sad
as may be the occasion , the Earl De Grey and Ripon commences his Masonic reign , not only with the respect of the Craft for his qualifications as a Mason , but with their entire sympathy and communion in his
feelings as a man . Inhischoiceof Grand Officers for theyear , the Most Worshipful Grand Master has , in our opinion , upon the whole displayed
excellent discretion and sound judgment ; and as we gave a few remarks respecting the officers last year , a few words may not be deemed uninteresting upon the present appointments .
We have recently stated our conviction , that the nomination ofthe Earl of Carnarvon to the high post of Deputy Grand Master was one sure to find favour with the
Fraternity , and the cheers which greeted the mention of his name in Grand Lodge , are a sufficient indication that our prognostications were in accordance with the wishes
of thc Craft . His lordship is an initiate of the Westminster and Keystone Lodge , No . IO , in which he served thc office of Master for two consecutive years , namely 1857 and
1858 . Lord Carnarvon is also Provincial Grand Master for Somersetshire . The Senior Grand Warden , Victor Albert , Earl of Jersey , is likewise a Past Master ,
the lodge in which he wielded the gavel being the Churchill , No . 47 S , Oxford . Lord Jersey was initiated in thc Apollo University Lodge , No . 357 , Oxford , and was also a
founder ofthe Villiers Lodge , No . 1194 , at Isleworth , which bears his family name . His appointment is , in every sense of thc word , a most judicious act .
Of thc Junior Grand Warden , Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart , M . P ., we can speak in terms of the highest praise : a more
amiable gentleman , or a more thorough Mason never existed , and his reception by the Grand Lodge of England clearly shows that merit , however retiring , is not ignored
The New Grand Officers.
by generous hearts . Sir Frederick is a Past Master of the Lodge of Fortitude , No . 131 , Truro , a Past Principal of the Rose of
Sharon Chapter , No . 1006 , and a Vice-President of all our Masonic Institutions , besides which he is a great supporter of Freemasonry in his native province .
Our new Grand Chaplain , the Rev . W . J . Short , is a distinguished Oxford Mason , a Past Master of the great Apollo Lodge
in that city , where he is , we understand , permanently located , as a dignitary of the U ' niversity , and in which he is enabled to render most valuable services to the Masonic
Order . We may note that the office of Grand Secretary for German Correspondence has been revived in favour of Bro . Wendt , the
necessity for which we do not clearly understand , inasmuch as the present Grand Secretary , Bro . Hervey , is well-known to be proficient in the German tongue .
The Senior Grand Deacons , Bros . Horace Lloyd , Q . C , and W . Romaine Callender , represent town and country , the former
being a P . M . of the Middlesex Lodge , No . 143 , the latter being Deputy Provincial Grand Master for East Lancashire , and both excellent men and Masons .
The Junior Deacons also appear as representative men ; Bro . Edward Barker Sutton , as a P . M . of the Prince of Wales
Lodge , No . 259 , and Bro . Edward Turner Payne , as Provincial Grand Treasurer for Somerset ; London and the Provinces being thus fairly considered .
In the nomination of the Grand Sword Bearerwedonotso readily agree . There may be great claims upon the part of Bro . Hollon , but we could easily point to greater , and no man who reads the list of Governors of our
Masonic Charitable Institutions can fail to appreciate our ideas upon the subject . Thougli last , not least , we greet a worthy and a true-hearted Mason in Bro . John
Coutts , upon whom the position of Assistant Grand Pursuivant has been conferred , in succession to Bro . James Brett , who has been most deservedly promoted to the rank
of Grand Pursuivant . Bro . Coutts is , wc are informed , a Scottish Mason , but during his Masonic career in London , he has won thc esteem and regard of all who know him .
Twice W . M . of the Egyptian Lodge , No , 27 , at present Master ofthe Harrow Lodge , No . 1310 , a liberal supporter and Past
Steward ofthe Masonic Charities ; this is a record which attests thc reality of thc man , and thc truth of his professions as a Mason .
Moreover , it is a record which should never be found wanting when a brother aspires to the honourable position of a Grand Officer of England . There are now
so many brethren capable and competent to discharge the routine duties of the Craftso many who add to those desirable qualifications , a love for the true principles of the
Order , and an untiring anxiety to promote its beneficent objects—that no difficulty ought to be experienced in excluding from the roll of honour , all those who forget thc first
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To ADVERTISERS . THE Circulation of THE FREEMASON being now at the rate of nearly Haifa-million per annum , offers peculiar facilities to all who advertise . It is well known that the Fraternity of Freemasons is a large and constantly increasing body , mainly composed of the influential and educated classes of society ; and as Tlie Freemason is no-w the accepted organ of the Brotherhood in the United Kingdom , and also enjoys an extensive sale in the colonies and foreign parts , ifs advantages as an advertising medium can scarcely he overrated . For terms apply to GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . C .
$ anicpx anb * ( Mmrhil Incuts . —•>—AMERICA : Bro . J . FLETCHER BRENNAN , 114 , Mainstreet , Cincinnati , Ohio * „ Messrs . WOODRUFF & BLOCIIER , Little Rock , Arkansas , U . S . CANADA : Messrs . DEVRIE & SON , Ottawa . CAPE OF GOOD HOPE : Bro . G EORGE BRITTAIN , Cape Town . CEYLON : Messrs . \ V . L . SKEENE & Co ., Colombo . CONSTANTINOPLE : Br . J . L . HANLY , Levant Times . EAST INDIES : Allahabad : Messrs . WYMAN BROS . Bombay : Bro . M . B . COHEN . Byculla : Bro . GEO . BEASE . Central Provinces : Bro . F . J . JORDAN . Kurrachce : Bro . G . C BRAYSON . Madras : Mr . CALEB FOSTER . Mlirna : Bro . COWASJEE NUSS-ERWANJEE . Poona : Bro . W . WELLIS . GALATA : IPSICK KHAN , Perche-Bajar . LIBERIA : Bro . HENRY D . BROWN , Monrovia . PARIS : M . DECHEVAUX-DUMESNIL , Rue de Harlaydu-Palais , 20 , near thc Font Neuf ; Editor Le Franc-Jlfafon . WEST INDIES : Jamaica : Bro . J A . D . SOUZA , Falmouth . Trinidad : Bros . S . CARTER ancl J . LEWIS , 3 , Abercrombie-street , Port of Spain ; and Bio . W . A . KERNAHAN , San Fernando . And all Booksellers and Newsagents in England , Ireland , and Scotland .
prtljs , iPiOTiitQCs , aixi * gcutlrs . ? DEATHS . COLHURN . —On 27 th April , at Belmont , near Boston , U . S . A ., very suddenly , aged 37 , Bro . Zerah Colburn , M . I . C . E ., and of 13 , Gloucester-road , Regent ' s-park , of Royal York Lodge of Perseverance , No . 7 , London . PlKE . —On the 14 th May , of apoplexy , aged 68 , Bro . James Pike , of Vanburgh Fields , Blackheath , late of Westminster , for many years an active member of the Emulation Lodge of Instruction , deeply lamented .
Letters froiji R . W . L . and J . G ., Bro . Hughan ' s Knight Templar Jottings , report of Macdonald Lodge installation meeting , and other interesting communications , crowded out this week , shall appear in our next .
TheFreemason,SATURDAY , "MAY 21 , 1870 . THE KKEKMASO . N is published on Saturday Mornings in time for he early train-,. The price ol THE FHKIIMASON is Twopence per week ; quarterly subscription ( including postage ) -js , 3 d . Annnal Subscription , 32 , Subscriptions payable in advance . AU communications , letters , & c ., to bc addrefcsed to the KniTOH , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little llritain , K . C . Tlie "Cditor will pay careful .-mention to all MSS , cnlni . sicd lo him hut cannot undertake 10 return tlicm Unless accompanied by postage . stamps .
The New Grand Officers.
THE installation of the M . W . Bro . the Earl Dc Grey ancl Ripon as Grand Master of England , isaneventwhich will not be readily forgotten by those who had tlie good
fortune to witness the important ceremony . Notwithstanding thc gloom which the recent atrocious massacre in Greece has caused in the breast of every civilized being , and more
especially in the breast of every English man , the assemblage of Masons on Satur day last was not only exceedingly
numerous , but may truly bc considered in many respects a demonstration in honcmr of the nobleman to whom the guidance and government of the English Craft
The New Grand Officers.
are now entrusted . From the Heir-Apparent to the humblest Mason present , all had met united by one common desire to testify their respect and
admiration for Lord De Grey . And we are proud to add , that this natural desire to bow before the rising sun , was closely commingled with a kindly feeling of regret , that age had
at length asserted its inexorable claims , and deprived the Grand Lodge of the active services of that venerable chief , under whose genial sway Freemasonry has so greatly
and so widely flourished . We heartily echo the hope , that the Earl of Zetland may long be spared to enjoy the retirement which he has so fairly earned , but we also trust—to
use the language of the address presented to him by the brethren—that his lordship will continue to give the benefit of his
experience and advice to the Grand Lodge over which he has so long and so successfully presided . The visible emotion of the new Grand Master when he alluded to the
horrid tragedy in Greece was evidently responded to by every brother present , and as it is said by the poet , that " one touch of nature makes the whole world kin , " sad
as may be the occasion , the Earl De Grey and Ripon commences his Masonic reign , not only with the respect of the Craft for his qualifications as a Mason , but with their entire sympathy and communion in his
feelings as a man . Inhischoiceof Grand Officers for theyear , the Most Worshipful Grand Master has , in our opinion , upon the whole displayed
excellent discretion and sound judgment ; and as we gave a few remarks respecting the officers last year , a few words may not be deemed uninteresting upon the present appointments .
We have recently stated our conviction , that the nomination ofthe Earl of Carnarvon to the high post of Deputy Grand Master was one sure to find favour with the
Fraternity , and the cheers which greeted the mention of his name in Grand Lodge , are a sufficient indication that our prognostications were in accordance with the wishes
of thc Craft . His lordship is an initiate of the Westminster and Keystone Lodge , No . IO , in which he served thc office of Master for two consecutive years , namely 1857 and
1858 . Lord Carnarvon is also Provincial Grand Master for Somersetshire . The Senior Grand Warden , Victor Albert , Earl of Jersey , is likewise a Past Master ,
the lodge in which he wielded the gavel being the Churchill , No . 47 S , Oxford . Lord Jersey was initiated in thc Apollo University Lodge , No . 357 , Oxford , and was also a
founder ofthe Villiers Lodge , No . 1194 , at Isleworth , which bears his family name . His appointment is , in every sense of thc word , a most judicious act .
Of thc Junior Grand Warden , Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart , M . P ., we can speak in terms of the highest praise : a more
amiable gentleman , or a more thorough Mason never existed , and his reception by the Grand Lodge of England clearly shows that merit , however retiring , is not ignored
The New Grand Officers.
by generous hearts . Sir Frederick is a Past Master of the Lodge of Fortitude , No . 131 , Truro , a Past Principal of the Rose of
Sharon Chapter , No . 1006 , and a Vice-President of all our Masonic Institutions , besides which he is a great supporter of Freemasonry in his native province .
Our new Grand Chaplain , the Rev . W . J . Short , is a distinguished Oxford Mason , a Past Master of the great Apollo Lodge
in that city , where he is , we understand , permanently located , as a dignitary of the U ' niversity , and in which he is enabled to render most valuable services to the Masonic
Order . We may note that the office of Grand Secretary for German Correspondence has been revived in favour of Bro . Wendt , the
necessity for which we do not clearly understand , inasmuch as the present Grand Secretary , Bro . Hervey , is well-known to be proficient in the German tongue .
The Senior Grand Deacons , Bros . Horace Lloyd , Q . C , and W . Romaine Callender , represent town and country , the former
being a P . M . of the Middlesex Lodge , No . 143 , the latter being Deputy Provincial Grand Master for East Lancashire , and both excellent men and Masons .
The Junior Deacons also appear as representative men ; Bro . Edward Barker Sutton , as a P . M . of the Prince of Wales
Lodge , No . 259 , and Bro . Edward Turner Payne , as Provincial Grand Treasurer for Somerset ; London and the Provinces being thus fairly considered .
In the nomination of the Grand Sword Bearerwedonotso readily agree . There may be great claims upon the part of Bro . Hollon , but we could easily point to greater , and no man who reads the list of Governors of our
Masonic Charitable Institutions can fail to appreciate our ideas upon the subject . Thougli last , not least , we greet a worthy and a true-hearted Mason in Bro . John
Coutts , upon whom the position of Assistant Grand Pursuivant has been conferred , in succession to Bro . James Brett , who has been most deservedly promoted to the rank
of Grand Pursuivant . Bro . Coutts is , wc are informed , a Scottish Mason , but during his Masonic career in London , he has won thc esteem and regard of all who know him .
Twice W . M . of the Egyptian Lodge , No , 27 , at present Master ofthe Harrow Lodge , No . 1310 , a liberal supporter and Past
Steward ofthe Masonic Charities ; this is a record which attests thc reality of thc man , and thc truth of his professions as a Mason .
Moreover , it is a record which should never be found wanting when a brother aspires to the honourable position of a Grand Officer of England . There are now
so many brethren capable and competent to discharge the routine duties of the Craftso many who add to those desirable qualifications , a love for the true principles of the
Order , and an untiring anxiety to promote its beneficent objects—that no difficulty ought to be experienced in excluding from the roll of honour , all those who forget thc first