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Prov. Grand Lodge Of Middlesex, And Consecration Of The Francis Burdett Lodge, No. 1503.
of Carnarvon , and rest of thc Grand Officers , Past and Present , Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett , said : We have amongst our Grand Officers those who are ever anxious to do their best to promote Masonry , ancl always ready to assist the smallest province , if it is a young province , or young lodge , we find them always willing to come forward . In the Earl of Carnarvon wc have one who has added
materially to the credit of the order , and has held his position in such a manner that very few men could have done . ( Cheers ) . I therefore ask you to drink heartily the health of the Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , and rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Prcsent , and beg to couple with that toast thr- name of Bro . thc Rev . R . J . Simpson . The toast was highly honoured . Song , "Polly "—Bro . Theodore Distin .
Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , in responding , said : It affords me a deal of pleasure to return thanks on behalf of the Earl of Carnarvon and the rest of the officers . In so doing I would say the Earl of Carnarvon has won a good name amongst Masons . He is in every sense a man of high worth , and has proved himself as such both in his public
as well as his private life . Allow me to thank you for the Grand Officers , both past and present . I think I may verge a little from the toast , and say that we all feel a great pleasure in knowing that our P . G . Master is connected with one who has shown a great interest in the craft , one who I have often wished had been a man . Masonry is operative as
well as theoretical , and , in regard to promote the happiness of mankind , no one has done more than the Baroness Burdett Coutts . ( CheersJ She has done much good in converting the dens of wild beasts into the habitations of Christians . We are all pleased with her noble principles of charity ; ancl in the person of our Right Worshipful
Provincial Grand Master we recognise one who is closely connected with her . After some further remarks eulogising the Masonic career of Bro . Colonel Burdett , he thanked thc brethren , ancl sat down amidst the cheers of all . Bro . Colonel Wigginton rose and said : I am about to propose a toast you will all receive with
pleasure . Although we are away from the place of meeting of Grand Lodge , it makes no difference . It is only within the last few hours that I have become a subject lo thc Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex . Up to that time I was a subject of Grand Lodge only , now I have another Master , and one I am proud of . As W . M . ofthe Francis
Burdett Lodge , I hope he ( Sir Francis Burdett ) will find one who will support him in his province , and act for thc good of Masonry in general . ( Cheers . ) Had our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master been away I would speak more freely . We call this thc Francis Burdett Lodge out of the feelings of our heart , and because we have an unfeigned
regard for ihe Provincial Grand Master , after whom thc lodge is named . Wc have hitherto coupled in our toasts the Queen and the Craft , because we want to do honour to her ancl to show that we are a loyal body . We have also , since H . R . H . the Prince of Wales has consented to take the Grand Mastership of England , coupled the Princess of
Wales ancl the rest of thc Royal Family , and I hope it will be always so ; and , with these precedents , I beg to couple with thc Provincial Grand Master another name , and I am sure every brother present will receive that name with pleasure . If there is one who has a greater claim to thc regard of Freemasons more than another it is that of thc Baroness Burdett Coutts . She has not only done
a large amount of good for the poor , but has identified herself with Masonry . Within thc next month our P . G . M . will present a set of chairs presented by her to a lodge in the Burdett Road . I therefore ask you to drink heartily "The Health of our Provincial Grand Master , " and beg to couple with that toast the name of Baroness Burdett Coutts . Thc toast was drank with the highest honours .
Song , " Esmeralda "—Mrs . R . Lunpus . Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett rose amid loud cheering , and said : Brethren , —I assure you that I never found so much difficulty to respond to a toast as I do this evening . Bro . Wigginton has said more of mc than I deserve —( No , no )—and it gives me great pleasure to hear thc name of
Baroness Burdett Coutts proposed . She has exerted herself in every way , ancl very few persons could do as she has clone . Although she has a large heart , she has also a large purse . She has taken a proper view of things , ancl thinks it is better to bestow her charity during her life time . She has done much for thc animal world , and has taken up
the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals , and has also exerted herself to alleviate the sufferings of the poor . She has also done a great deal for Freemasonry , and is always ready to do her best . She has seen the benefit of it , not by the brethren alone , but by what is around us in the shape of institutions . An instance occurred the other day when I met with a gentleman who had a
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Middlesex, And Consecration Of The Francis Burdett Lodge, No. 1503.
son lately initiated into Freemasonry , and thinking , perhaps , it was of no benefit , he asked me to explain the advantages . I explained to him as well as I could about our different institutions . He said no more at the time , but two or three days after I received a cheque from him giving £ 67 to the different Masonic charities , and this , my brethren ,
from one who was not a Mason . ( Cheers . ) I again thank you for the very kind manner in which you have proposed and drank my health . ( Renewed cheers . ) Bro . Colonel Burdett rose to propose the next toast , and said * . —I have now a toast to propose which is of great importance , it being that of " The Deputy Provincial Grand Master and rest of the
Provincial Grand Officers , past and present . " Ir the province we are always happy to see the Grand Officers . Grand Lodge has been worthily attended to this day . Whenever it is called , the brethren attend excellently indeed . In proposing the health of those already mentioned , I would couple with that the name of Bro . Buss . The toast was drank lustily amidst loud
cheering . Bro . Buss , in responding , thanked the brethren for the very high compliment they had just paid to the Deputy P . G . M . and rest of the Officers , both past and present , and assured them that it gave him great pleasure to be present that day , ancl he hoped that he should be spared to carry out his work ( Cheers . ) Trio , "The Magic Wove Scarf "—Mrs . R . Limpus ,
Bros . Limpus and Distin . Bro . Col . Burdett—The toast I shall now propose will , I am sure , be received with pleasure . We have seen a new lodge consecrated this day , and I feel confident it will be a progressive one ; one that will hold a very high position in the Province of Middlesex . Thc new Master is thoroughly
endowed with the principles of Masonry , and I must say he is a very successful man . Wc have some excellent lodges in the province , and this lodge seems to be a rival , because the Master is a good one , and well up in his duties . I am much pleased
with what I have seen to-day . Everything has been carried out in a manner that will not soon be forgotten . I therefore propose " The Health ofthe W . M . and Prosperity to thc Lodge . " ( Cheers . ) The toast was enthusiastically responded to . Irish Buffo Song , "The Whistling 'Thief—Bro .
R . Limpus . Bro . Col . Wigginton , W . M ., in responding , said : Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master and brethren , it is true we are now the last of the new lodges , but I am very far from hoping ancl wishing that we shall continue to be thc last ; ancl if there is one thing I wish tor , it is that thc Francis
Burdett Lodge shall be one ofthe best . W : have many competitors , and nothing shall be wanting on my part to make it one of thc best in thc Province ; and if my Officers will work heart ancl soul with mc , I will run thc race that is open , and endeavour to win thc prize . 1 am sure that if my Ofiicers will bear mc up in the work , thc 5 th of Novembci will be a clav long to be remembered . I sincerel )
thank yon all for the very high compliment you have paid me . ( Cheers . ) "Thc Officers ofthe Lodge" being proposed , Bro . Saunders , S . W ., rose ancl said : Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brethren , —Thc W . M . has said so much already in praise of the lodge that I shall only say that I trust this , thc Francis Burdett , will be one of the best in the province . We as officers will do our best in assisting the W . M . to
make it such . Bro . Tomlinson , J . ., next rose and assured the brethren that no energy on his part should be wanted to promulgate thc interests of thc lodge , ancl hoped that , as thc lodge was consjerated on the 5 th of November , they would never blow up . ( Laughter . ) He thanked them all for the toast ,
and hoped that success would attend their labour as officers ofthe lodge . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Jenkins , one of thc founders of the lodge , rose and hoped it would be one of the best in the province , and wished them every success . Bro . Colonel Burdett rose and said : It is with great pleasure I propose the next toast . Wc are
deeply indebted to those officers who so ably consecrated this lodge . Thc work was worthily carried out , I therefore propose thc healths of those officers who have performed their several duties this day so admirably . Bro . Little , whom I appointed , has performed his duty in such a manner that very few men could do . I trust , brethren , you will all cordially respond . I therefore give you
" The Consecrating Officers , " Brothers Little , Hervey , & c . Bro . Little , on rising , said : It gives me pleasure to return thanks on behalf of myself and Bro . White . I can only apologise for my own shortcomings this day . I felt so ill that I was afraid I should be prevented from coming amongst you this day . I am glad you have been satisfied with the work of to-day . Bro . Buss has been associated
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Middlesex, And Consecration Of The Francis Burdett Lodge, No. 1503.
with us for more than ten years , and has rendered mc great assistance . I congratulate you , Worshipful Sir , on the prospects of this lodge , and am gratified with the proceedings this day . I wish you every success , and again thank you all for the kind way in which you have responded to our health . ( Cheers ) .
The Tylers' toast brought thc proceedings to a close . The banquet , provided by Bro . T . Palmer was of the best quality , and gave great satisfaction to all . And the musical arrangements , under thc direction of Bro . Limpus , added greatly to the whole proceedings . The rendering
of the song , " Esmeralda , " wa sgiven with telling effect by Mrs . R . Limpus , whilst the singing of the other songs shed as it were a lustre round the brethren , who highly eulogised her for the beautiful manner in which they were rendered . The whole ofthe proceedings passed off with the greatest eclat , and every one present was highly delighted .
Ireland .
MASONIC ORPHAN BOYS' SCHOOL . The half yearly general meeting of the Board of Governors of the Masonic Orphan Boys' School , was held at Freemasons' Hall , Molesworth street , on Thursday , the 12 th of November , J . Creed Meredyth , LL . D ., Vice President , in the chair . The minutes of the previous half yearly meeting
having been read , were confirmed and signed . The following report from the committee was read : — " Thc Committee of the Masonic Orphan Boys ' School , in laying before thc board a short statement of thc progress of thc institution during thc past year , arc happy in being able to state that the
receipts from all sources , since the 1 st of January , are somewhat in excess of the amount received during thc same period last year ; but , although such is thc case , they regret to say , that so far as life and annual governors' payments are concerned , the amount received in 1 S 73 exceeded that of 1874 , by about £ 150 . The committee think it will
mention this , in hopes that during theremaimng portion of thc year an effort will be made to make up this deficiency , and enable the committee to invest , before thc close of the year , at kast as much as they were able to do during 1873 . Thc number of pupils now under the care of thc school , including the two elected this day , is 23 ; and the reports
received as regards their health , general conduct , and attention to their duties has been most satisfactory . One ofthe boys elected in May last , the committee regret to say , left the school without leave and returned to his relatives . In consequence of strong representations laid before thc committee , they were were induced to permit his return to the
school , on thc distinct understanding that if again guilty of such insubordination he should be at once removed . The committee regret to say that this leniency on their part has not had the desired effect ; and the boy having again left school , the committee have declined to permit his return , and must reluctantly request thc board of governors to
confirm this act by directing Isaac Strahan's name to be removed from the list of pupils of the school . The new Grand Lodge rules not being yet issued , ihe committee have postponed the consideration of the alterations advisable to be made in thc rules of the school ; but thc Grand Lodge have resolved to make a grant of Z'oo per annum to tlie school , on
condition that the grand officers for the time being , and thc W . M . of each of thc Dublin lodges , shall be governors ofthe school so long as such payment is continued . The committee recommend the following addition to rule 2 : — ' In consideration of the payment of . £ 100 per annum by the Givnul Lodge to thc funds of the institution , ' each of the
Grand Officers and the W . M . for thc time being of each ofthe Dublin Lodges , shall be a governor of the school' They would also suggest as an addition to Rule No . 11 : — ' They shall have thc power of suspending the admission of a pupil , or rusticating one already in the school , pending the decision of the board at its next half vearlv meeting ,
should any circumstances come to the knowledge of the council that in their opinion would justify such a step . ' The committeo being anxious to have the opinion of experienced parties , as to the soundness ofthe education the boys were receiving , arranged that previously to the breaking up of the school for the summer vacation , an examination
should be held in thc several subjects in which they were being taught . The following brethren kindly consented to conduct this examination :--Rev . T . Gray , F . T . C . D . ; Rev . Samuel Haughton , F . T . C . D . ; Hugh Holmes , Esq ., barrister ; George Vaughan Hart , barrister ; Rev . Benjamin Gibson ; Rev . James Kay Latham , A . M . And the committee desire to take this opportunity of expressing how
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Middlesex, And Consecration Of The Francis Burdett Lodge, No. 1503.
of Carnarvon , and rest of thc Grand Officers , Past and Present , Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett , said : We have amongst our Grand Officers those who are ever anxious to do their best to promote Masonry , ancl always ready to assist the smallest province , if it is a young province , or young lodge , we find them always willing to come forward . In the Earl of Carnarvon wc have one who has added
materially to the credit of the order , and has held his position in such a manner that very few men could have done . ( Cheers ) . I therefore ask you to drink heartily the health of the Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , and rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Prcsent , and beg to couple with that toast thr- name of Bro . thc Rev . R . J . Simpson . The toast was highly honoured . Song , "Polly "—Bro . Theodore Distin .
Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , in responding , said : It affords me a deal of pleasure to return thanks on behalf of the Earl of Carnarvon and the rest of the officers . In so doing I would say the Earl of Carnarvon has won a good name amongst Masons . He is in every sense a man of high worth , and has proved himself as such both in his public
as well as his private life . Allow me to thank you for the Grand Officers , both past and present . I think I may verge a little from the toast , and say that we all feel a great pleasure in knowing that our P . G . Master is connected with one who has shown a great interest in the craft , one who I have often wished had been a man . Masonry is operative as
well as theoretical , and , in regard to promote the happiness of mankind , no one has done more than the Baroness Burdett Coutts . ( CheersJ She has done much good in converting the dens of wild beasts into the habitations of Christians . We are all pleased with her noble principles of charity ; ancl in the person of our Right Worshipful
Provincial Grand Master we recognise one who is closely connected with her . After some further remarks eulogising the Masonic career of Bro . Colonel Burdett , he thanked thc brethren , ancl sat down amidst the cheers of all . Bro . Colonel Wigginton rose and said : I am about to propose a toast you will all receive with
pleasure . Although we are away from the place of meeting of Grand Lodge , it makes no difference . It is only within the last few hours that I have become a subject lo thc Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex . Up to that time I was a subject of Grand Lodge only , now I have another Master , and one I am proud of . As W . M . ofthe Francis
Burdett Lodge , I hope he ( Sir Francis Burdett ) will find one who will support him in his province , and act for thc good of Masonry in general . ( Cheers . ) Had our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master been away I would speak more freely . We call this thc Francis Burdett Lodge out of the feelings of our heart , and because we have an unfeigned
regard for ihe Provincial Grand Master , after whom thc lodge is named . Wc have hitherto coupled in our toasts the Queen and the Craft , because we want to do honour to her ancl to show that we are a loyal body . We have also , since H . R . H . the Prince of Wales has consented to take the Grand Mastership of England , coupled the Princess of
Wales ancl the rest of thc Royal Family , and I hope it will be always so ; and , with these precedents , I beg to couple with thc Provincial Grand Master another name , and I am sure every brother present will receive that name with pleasure . If there is one who has a greater claim to thc regard of Freemasons more than another it is that of thc Baroness Burdett Coutts . She has not only done
a large amount of good for the poor , but has identified herself with Masonry . Within thc next month our P . G . M . will present a set of chairs presented by her to a lodge in the Burdett Road . I therefore ask you to drink heartily "The Health of our Provincial Grand Master , " and beg to couple with that toast the name of Baroness Burdett Coutts . Thc toast was drank with the highest honours .
Song , " Esmeralda "—Mrs . R . Lunpus . Bro . Colonel Francis Burdett rose amid loud cheering , and said : Brethren , —I assure you that I never found so much difficulty to respond to a toast as I do this evening . Bro . Wigginton has said more of mc than I deserve —( No , no )—and it gives me great pleasure to hear thc name of
Baroness Burdett Coutts proposed . She has exerted herself in every way , ancl very few persons could do as she has clone . Although she has a large heart , she has also a large purse . She has taken a proper view of things , ancl thinks it is better to bestow her charity during her life time . She has done much for thc animal world , and has taken up
the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals , and has also exerted herself to alleviate the sufferings of the poor . She has also done a great deal for Freemasonry , and is always ready to do her best . She has seen the benefit of it , not by the brethren alone , but by what is around us in the shape of institutions . An instance occurred the other day when I met with a gentleman who had a
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Middlesex, And Consecration Of The Francis Burdett Lodge, No. 1503.
son lately initiated into Freemasonry , and thinking , perhaps , it was of no benefit , he asked me to explain the advantages . I explained to him as well as I could about our different institutions . He said no more at the time , but two or three days after I received a cheque from him giving £ 67 to the different Masonic charities , and this , my brethren ,
from one who was not a Mason . ( Cheers . ) I again thank you for the very kind manner in which you have proposed and drank my health . ( Renewed cheers . ) Bro . Colonel Burdett rose to propose the next toast , and said * . —I have now a toast to propose which is of great importance , it being that of " The Deputy Provincial Grand Master and rest of the
Provincial Grand Officers , past and present . " Ir the province we are always happy to see the Grand Officers . Grand Lodge has been worthily attended to this day . Whenever it is called , the brethren attend excellently indeed . In proposing the health of those already mentioned , I would couple with that the name of Bro . Buss . The toast was drank lustily amidst loud
cheering . Bro . Buss , in responding , thanked the brethren for the very high compliment they had just paid to the Deputy P . G . M . and rest of the Officers , both past and present , and assured them that it gave him great pleasure to be present that day , ancl he hoped that he should be spared to carry out his work ( Cheers . ) Trio , "The Magic Wove Scarf "—Mrs . R . Limpus ,
Bros . Limpus and Distin . Bro . Col . Burdett—The toast I shall now propose will , I am sure , be received with pleasure . We have seen a new lodge consecrated this day , and I feel confident it will be a progressive one ; one that will hold a very high position in the Province of Middlesex . Thc new Master is thoroughly
endowed with the principles of Masonry , and I must say he is a very successful man . Wc have some excellent lodges in the province , and this lodge seems to be a rival , because the Master is a good one , and well up in his duties . I am much pleased
with what I have seen to-day . Everything has been carried out in a manner that will not soon be forgotten . I therefore propose " The Health ofthe W . M . and Prosperity to thc Lodge . " ( Cheers . ) The toast was enthusiastically responded to . Irish Buffo Song , "The Whistling 'Thief—Bro .
R . Limpus . Bro . Col . Wigginton , W . M ., in responding , said : Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master and brethren , it is true we are now the last of the new lodges , but I am very far from hoping ancl wishing that we shall continue to be thc last ; ancl if there is one thing I wish tor , it is that thc Francis
Burdett Lodge shall be one ofthe best . W : have many competitors , and nothing shall be wanting on my part to make it one of thc best in thc Province ; and if my Officers will work heart ancl soul with mc , I will run thc race that is open , and endeavour to win thc prize . 1 am sure that if my Ofiicers will bear mc up in the work , thc 5 th of Novembci will be a clav long to be remembered . I sincerel )
thank yon all for the very high compliment you have paid me . ( Cheers . ) "Thc Officers ofthe Lodge" being proposed , Bro . Saunders , S . W ., rose ancl said : Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brethren , —Thc W . M . has said so much already in praise of the lodge that I shall only say that I trust this , thc Francis Burdett , will be one of the best in the province . We as officers will do our best in assisting the W . M . to
make it such . Bro . Tomlinson , J . ., next rose and assured the brethren that no energy on his part should be wanted to promulgate thc interests of thc lodge , ancl hoped that , as thc lodge was consjerated on the 5 th of November , they would never blow up . ( Laughter . ) He thanked them all for the toast ,
and hoped that success would attend their labour as officers ofthe lodge . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Jenkins , one of thc founders of the lodge , rose and hoped it would be one of the best in the province , and wished them every success . Bro . Colonel Burdett rose and said : It is with great pleasure I propose the next toast . Wc are
deeply indebted to those officers who so ably consecrated this lodge . Thc work was worthily carried out , I therefore propose thc healths of those officers who have performed their several duties this day so admirably . Bro . Little , whom I appointed , has performed his duty in such a manner that very few men could do . I trust , brethren , you will all cordially respond . I therefore give you
" The Consecrating Officers , " Brothers Little , Hervey , & c . Bro . Little , on rising , said : It gives me pleasure to return thanks on behalf of myself and Bro . White . I can only apologise for my own shortcomings this day . I felt so ill that I was afraid I should be prevented from coming amongst you this day . I am glad you have been satisfied with the work of to-day . Bro . Buss has been associated
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Middlesex, And Consecration Of The Francis Burdett Lodge, No. 1503.
with us for more than ten years , and has rendered mc great assistance . I congratulate you , Worshipful Sir , on the prospects of this lodge , and am gratified with the proceedings this day . I wish you every success , and again thank you all for the kind way in which you have responded to our health . ( Cheers ) .
The Tylers' toast brought thc proceedings to a close . The banquet , provided by Bro . T . Palmer was of the best quality , and gave great satisfaction to all . And the musical arrangements , under thc direction of Bro . Limpus , added greatly to the whole proceedings . The rendering
of the song , " Esmeralda , " wa sgiven with telling effect by Mrs . R . Limpus , whilst the singing of the other songs shed as it were a lustre round the brethren , who highly eulogised her for the beautiful manner in which they were rendered . The whole ofthe proceedings passed off with the greatest eclat , and every one present was highly delighted .
Ireland .
MASONIC ORPHAN BOYS' SCHOOL . The half yearly general meeting of the Board of Governors of the Masonic Orphan Boys' School , was held at Freemasons' Hall , Molesworth street , on Thursday , the 12 th of November , J . Creed Meredyth , LL . D ., Vice President , in the chair . The minutes of the previous half yearly meeting
having been read , were confirmed and signed . The following report from the committee was read : — " Thc Committee of the Masonic Orphan Boys ' School , in laying before thc board a short statement of thc progress of thc institution during thc past year , arc happy in being able to state that the
receipts from all sources , since the 1 st of January , are somewhat in excess of the amount received during thc same period last year ; but , although such is thc case , they regret to say , that so far as life and annual governors' payments are concerned , the amount received in 1 S 73 exceeded that of 1874 , by about £ 150 . The committee think it will
mention this , in hopes that during theremaimng portion of thc year an effort will be made to make up this deficiency , and enable the committee to invest , before thc close of the year , at kast as much as they were able to do during 1873 . Thc number of pupils now under the care of thc school , including the two elected this day , is 23 ; and the reports
received as regards their health , general conduct , and attention to their duties has been most satisfactory . One ofthe boys elected in May last , the committee regret to say , left the school without leave and returned to his relatives . In consequence of strong representations laid before thc committee , they were were induced to permit his return to the
school , on thc distinct understanding that if again guilty of such insubordination he should be at once removed . The committee regret to say that this leniency on their part has not had the desired effect ; and the boy having again left school , the committee have declined to permit his return , and must reluctantly request thc board of governors to
confirm this act by directing Isaac Strahan's name to be removed from the list of pupils of the school . The new Grand Lodge rules not being yet issued , ihe committee have postponed the consideration of the alterations advisable to be made in thc rules of the school ; but thc Grand Lodge have resolved to make a grant of Z'oo per annum to tlie school , on
condition that the grand officers for the time being , and thc W . M . of each of thc Dublin lodges , shall be governors ofthe school so long as such payment is continued . The committee recommend the following addition to rule 2 : — ' In consideration of the payment of . £ 100 per annum by the Givnul Lodge to thc funds of the institution , ' each of the
Grand Officers and the W . M . for thc time being of each ofthe Dublin Lodges , shall be a governor of the school' They would also suggest as an addition to Rule No . 11 : — ' They shall have thc power of suspending the admission of a pupil , or rusticating one already in the school , pending the decision of the board at its next half vearlv meeting ,
should any circumstances come to the knowledge of the council that in their opinion would justify such a step . ' The committeo being anxious to have the opinion of experienced parties , as to the soundness ofthe education the boys were receiving , arranged that previously to the breaking up of the school for the summer vacation , an examination
should be held in thc several subjects in which they were being taught . The following brethren kindly consented to conduct this examination :--Rev . T . Gray , F . T . C . D . ; Rev . Samuel Haughton , F . T . C . D . ; Hugh Holmes , Esq ., barrister ; George Vaughan Hart , barrister ; Rev . Benjamin Gibson ; Rev . James Kay Latham , A . M . And the committee desire to take this opportunity of expressing how