Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 →
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J . \ UV . - " *¦) ¦¦ " TABLE OF CONTENTS . The M . W . Grand Master , 739 REPORTS or MASONIC MBETINGS : —
; Craft Masonry 7 . 19 Instruction H ° Royal Arch 74 ' Mark Masonry 742 Scotland 742 Consecration of a New Lodge at Oxford 74 " Consecration of a New Lodge at Portmadoc 743 Consecration of aNew Chapter at St . Austell 743 After-Dinner Speeches 744 Another Attack on Freemasonry 744 Our Royal Brother Prince Leopold 745
ConnsspoKDENCE : — The Orders of the Temple and Malta 745 Was the Pope a Freemason ? 74 S Masonic Legends 74 ° Dedication of a Masonic Hall at Thirsk 747 Masonic Tidings 74 ^ Masonic Notes and Queries 74 ° Freemasonry in Cornwall 74 Lodgeof Benevolence 74 Advertisements 737 73 ° " 744 749 75 ° 75 ' 75
SUPPLEMENT ( F OUR PAGES ) . Red Cross of Constantine 753 Prov . Grand Lodge of Middlesex 754 Masonic Orphan Boys' School , Dublin 755 Freemasonry in Bermuda 75 ° Reviews ¦ IS
THE M . W . GRAND MASTER . We understand on good authority that it will
not be possible for thc M . W . G . M . the Prince of Wales to attend the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge on the 2 nd December .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Graft Ifasmui * . DOMVTIC LODGE ( NO . 177 . ) —This lodge held its regular November meeting on the 13 th . inst . at Anderton ' s Hotel , and there was a large gathering of brethren on the occasion . The W . M ., Bro . F . Kent , C . C ., occupied the chair , in which he was supported by his officers
( Bro . Tims , P . M ., taking the S . D . ' s duties in the absence of that brother ) , and Bros . Brett , Haydon , Foulger , Josh . Smith , W . F . Smith and Ferguson . The agenda paper showed a good list of business to be performed and several questions to be discussed . These latter ,
however , were ordered , after some short conversation , to stund over ; but the W . M . initiated lus brother , Mr . Kent , and Mr . Tribe , and passed two brethren , Bros . Vivian and Potter , to thc Second Degree . Thc W . M . feelingly alluded to the death of Bro . Lillywhite , which was
announced on the summons as having occurred since the last regular meeting of the lodge . He also announced the death of Bro . Bradley . In addition to these announcements he read a letter from Mrs . Kent to the - .-fleet that with the balance of profit from the " Domatic ball '' she had become a Life Governor of thc Royal Masonic Institution
for Girls . Another letter was read from Sir J ohn Bennett , apologising for his absence on that evening , bnt hoping to be present at thc next meeting of thelodge . The W . M . shortly afterwards closed thc lodge , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was well supplied by Iiro . Clemow , under the superintendence of Bro . George Smith .
LontiK or T RANUUILITY ( NO . 185 ) . —ihe usual monthly meeting of this lodge was li « d on the irtth instant at thc City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . C . The W . M . ( Bro . John Constable ) presided , assisted by the following officers :-Bros . J . H . Ross , S . W . ; J . D . Barnett , J . W . ; John Peartrce , Treasurer- Phillip
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Levy , Honorary Secretary ; G . S . Pare , J . D . ; W . O . Bayley , as I . G . The S . D ., Bro . D . Posener , being absent in consequence of the death of his eldest son , which occurred on the morning of the same day , a general expression of heartfelt sympathy was manifested b y the
brethren , of the Lodge , by whom Bro . Posener is held in high esteem . The Past Masters present were Bros . N . Moss , I . P . M ., S . E . Moss , J . Holbrook , E . Harfeld , A . E . Sydney , M . Harris , E . Gottheil , and N . Gluokstein . Visitors—Bros . T . G . Bullen , J . W . 197 ; D . Still ,
P . M . 1293 ; and D . Cohen , 188 . In the course of the evening Bros . Magnin , Christie , Jauralde , and Barber were passed to the second degree , and two brethren admitted joining members . The most noteworthy incident of the meeting was the discussion of a notice of motion
given at the previous monthly meeting by P . M . S . E . Moss : — " That a sum not exceeding £ 60 be voted from the lodge funds to publish the History of the Lodge as written by the W . M ., and the balance ( after recouping the lodge ) be given to the Benevolent Fund attached thereto . "
The motion was opposed by P . M . A . E . Sydney , who in his vigorous and fluent style endeavoured to show the impropriety of apply ing the funds for any such purpose . He was supported by Bro . Harris , P . M . Bros . Gluckstein P . M ., Child , and Gottheil , P . M ., supported the
motion , which was carried by a goodly majority , there being 21 for the motion , and 5 against it , thus showing that the brethren had a truer appreciation of the disinterested labours of the W . M . for the prosperity of the lodge , than the old stagers who , after having passed the chair ,
are consigned to the ranks technically known as the incorrigibles . After an ample repast the toasts were given briefly and responded to , interspersed with songs by Bros . Child , Bayley , and Barnett ; the Tyler ' s toast concluded the evening , and the brethren separated shortly after ten p . m .
LIVERPOOL . —Harmonic Lodge ( No . 216 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of the Harmonic Lodge was held at the Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , on Thursday evening , the 12 th inst . Bro . Ismay ,
W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . J . Beasley , I . P . M . J . Skeaf , P . G . O ., P . M . ; Moore , S . W .
G . Fowler , J . W . ; J . Rees ; Jenkins , Chaplain ; W . Laidlaw , Treasurer ; Dwerryhouse , Secretary ; & c . ; and amongst the members of the lodge present were—Bros . Councillor D . Campbell , Dr . Costine , Dr . Kisch , W . F . Naylor , Caine , T . J . Hughes , & c . Amongst the visitors
were—Bro . the Rev . Dr . Hyde , Bro . Stoddart , P . G . S . W . ; D . Jones , H . C . Harrison , & c . After the lodge had been opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting confirmed , the W . M ., in a most complete , effective , and impressive manner , raised Bros . Wright , Gill , Gillmore , Thomas , and
Williams to the sublime degree of M . M . At the close of the ceremony the W . M . said that since their last meeting they had lost a brother who was very much beloved , not only in that lodge , but in many others within the proviucehe referred to Bro . George Rigby Smith . He
could not by any words add to the esteem in which the memory of their deceased brother was held , and therefore he would simply move the following resolution for the favourable consideration of the brethren : — " That we , the members of the Harmonic Lodge , No . 216 , of Ancient ,
Free , and Accepted Masons , m open lodge assembled , do testify that we have heard with the deepest sorrow of the death of our much-beloved brother , George Rigby Smith . He had endeared himself to the hearts of all by his many amiable and noble qualities , and by his assiduous
attention to , and support of , every good and charitable work . He was a true man and most worthy Mason , of whom it has been well said , None knew him not to love him , or named him but to praise . We now desitv . to record our deepest sympathy with his bereaved widow and children , and agree that this resolution should be entered
on the records of this lodge , and , further , that a copy should be sent to Mrs . George Rigby Smith . " The resolution was seconded by Bro . the Rev . J . Rees Jenkins , Chaplain , in a very feeling speech , and at once adopted by the b rethren . After the transaction of some formal business , the lodge was closed in due form . It
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
may be stated that the really artistic and splendidly-appointed new tracing boards , supplied from the well-known Masonic establishment ot Bro . G . Kenning , were used for the first time , and they were the theme of general admiration and praise . At the close of business the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , under the presidency ofthe W . M .
GLOUCESTER . — Royal Lebanon Lodge ( No . 493 ) - —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Spread Eagle Hotel , in this city , on Tuesday last , whenBro . Henry J efts ( P . P . G . J . W . Gloucestershire ) , who filled the chair two years in succession nine years ago , was again unanimously
elected as Worshi pful Master . There was a large and influential gathering of the Craft , over sixty brethren being present , and of the number twenty , three were Past Masters of lodges—the Board of Installed Masters was therefore an unusually full one . The following is a list , as
far as could be gleaned , of those who attended : —Bros . John Walker , Edwin Williams , J . Robertson , R . W . Holman , J . Winterbotbam , D . J . Newman , and Dr . Julius Maier ( Cheltenham ) , J . Brook Smith , W . R . Porcher , and W . L . Bain , ( Cheltenham College ) , Dr . Partridge
( Stroud ) , E . T . Inskip ( Bristol ) , J . Gamble , T . Morse , W . Fairley ( Forest of Dean ) , E . H . Edgell ( Tewkesbury ) , W . Cliftbra ( Frampton-on-Severn ) , W . H . James ( Cirencester ) , E . Horlick ( Tredegar ) , T . M . Jenkins ( Liverpool ) , J . W . Handley ( Madras ) , the Gloucester brethren
being represented by Bros . Dr . Wesley , Captain J . Knight , T . H . Chance , A . Booth , R . W . White , A . S . Helps , J . Bryan , Trevor Powell , T . J . Pooley , F . W . Fisher , G . H . Edwards , F . and W . H . Roberts , Margretts , Strctche , ^ Stephens , Waites , Hatton , Worsley , Joseph , Wilson ,
Stocker , Woodward , Prowse , Ford , Peters , Rumsey , Hadley , Hastie , Matthews , Rootes , Maitland , Moss , Jeens , Johnson , Winfield , Niblett , Shadgett , and Pope . The lodge was opened at four o ' clock , when the ceremony of installation was conducted by Bro . Rev . C .
Raikes Davy , of Tracy Park , Bath , a Past Chap-Iain of Grand Lodge . This brother ranks very high in the Order , and will be remembered for the popular sermon he preached at the Cathedral in June of last year , on the occasion of the formal presentation of the reredos by the
Freemasons of the province to the Dean and Chapter . The brethren appointed to office were : — E . D . Worsley , Immediate Past Master ; F . G . Roberts , Treasurer ; J . R . Wilson , Secretary ; E . G . Woodward and Lewis Ford , Wardens ; G . K . Prowse and D . T . Newman , Deacons ;
W . Curteis , Steward ; W . B , Shocker , Director of Ceremonies ; G . Peters , Organist ; S . Moss , Inner Guard ; Doyle and Thomas , Tylers . The banquet was served at six o ' clock , and Bro . Henry Jeffs presided . Among letters expressive of good wishes for the success of the lodge and
regret at being absent were those of Bros . General Money , Lieut .-Col . Basevi , Rev . C . J , Martyn , Grand Chaplain ; G . F . Newmarch , W . P . Price , Captain vV . E . Price , M . P . and P . M ., C . J . Monk , M . P ., W . K . Wait , M . P ., * J . Agg-Gardner , M . P . ; Major Fisher , Thos .
Robinson , ike . Bro . Major General Gore Munbee , P . G . S . W ., Somerset , had promised to be present , but business detained him in Ireland . On the removal of the cloth and the doors of ths room being tyled the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . John Walker , M . A .,
of Westbourne House , Cheltenham , responded for "The Craft , " Bro . Rev . C . 11 . Davy , for " Grand Lodge , " Bro . J . Brook Smith for " Provincial Grand Lodge , " Bros . Porcher , Winterbotham , and Holman for "The Lodges ofthe Province , " Bros . Horlick an » Handley for
" Lodges out ofthe Province , " and Bros . Wilson and Stocker for " The Past Masters . " A noteable feature at the banquet was the presentation of Past Masters' gold jewels to Bros . E . D . Worsley , and E . S . Joseph . After the usual
harmony , in whioh Bro . E . G . Woodward rendered effective accompaniment at the pianoforte , the Tyler ' s toast , " To all Poor and Distressed Brethren , " brought the evening ' s proceedings to a close . BELGRAVE LO * X ; I : ( NO . 749 ) . —The installation meeting of this highly interesting lodge
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
J . \ UV . - " *¦) ¦¦ " TABLE OF CONTENTS . The M . W . Grand Master , 739 REPORTS or MASONIC MBETINGS : —
; Craft Masonry 7 . 19 Instruction H ° Royal Arch 74 ' Mark Masonry 742 Scotland 742 Consecration of a New Lodge at Oxford 74 " Consecration of a New Lodge at Portmadoc 743 Consecration of aNew Chapter at St . Austell 743 After-Dinner Speeches 744 Another Attack on Freemasonry 744 Our Royal Brother Prince Leopold 745
ConnsspoKDENCE : — The Orders of the Temple and Malta 745 Was the Pope a Freemason ? 74 S Masonic Legends 74 ° Dedication of a Masonic Hall at Thirsk 747 Masonic Tidings 74 ^ Masonic Notes and Queries 74 ° Freemasonry in Cornwall 74 Lodgeof Benevolence 74 Advertisements 737 73 ° " 744 749 75 ° 75 ' 75
SUPPLEMENT ( F OUR PAGES ) . Red Cross of Constantine 753 Prov . Grand Lodge of Middlesex 754 Masonic Orphan Boys' School , Dublin 755 Freemasonry in Bermuda 75 ° Reviews ¦ IS
THE M . W . GRAND MASTER . We understand on good authority that it will
not be possible for thc M . W . G . M . the Prince of Wales to attend the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge on the 2 nd December .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Graft Ifasmui * . DOMVTIC LODGE ( NO . 177 . ) —This lodge held its regular November meeting on the 13 th . inst . at Anderton ' s Hotel , and there was a large gathering of brethren on the occasion . The W . M ., Bro . F . Kent , C . C ., occupied the chair , in which he was supported by his officers
( Bro . Tims , P . M ., taking the S . D . ' s duties in the absence of that brother ) , and Bros . Brett , Haydon , Foulger , Josh . Smith , W . F . Smith and Ferguson . The agenda paper showed a good list of business to be performed and several questions to be discussed . These latter ,
however , were ordered , after some short conversation , to stund over ; but the W . M . initiated lus brother , Mr . Kent , and Mr . Tribe , and passed two brethren , Bros . Vivian and Potter , to thc Second Degree . Thc W . M . feelingly alluded to the death of Bro . Lillywhite , which was
announced on the summons as having occurred since the last regular meeting of the lodge . He also announced the death of Bro . Bradley . In addition to these announcements he read a letter from Mrs . Kent to the - .-fleet that with the balance of profit from the " Domatic ball '' she had become a Life Governor of thc Royal Masonic Institution
for Girls . Another letter was read from Sir J ohn Bennett , apologising for his absence on that evening , bnt hoping to be present at thc next meeting of thelodge . The W . M . shortly afterwards closed thc lodge , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was well supplied by Iiro . Clemow , under the superintendence of Bro . George Smith .
LontiK or T RANUUILITY ( NO . 185 ) . —ihe usual monthly meeting of this lodge was li « d on the irtth instant at thc City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . C . The W . M . ( Bro . John Constable ) presided , assisted by the following officers :-Bros . J . H . Ross , S . W . ; J . D . Barnett , J . W . ; John Peartrce , Treasurer- Phillip
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Levy , Honorary Secretary ; G . S . Pare , J . D . ; W . O . Bayley , as I . G . The S . D ., Bro . D . Posener , being absent in consequence of the death of his eldest son , which occurred on the morning of the same day , a general expression of heartfelt sympathy was manifested b y the
brethren , of the Lodge , by whom Bro . Posener is held in high esteem . The Past Masters present were Bros . N . Moss , I . P . M ., S . E . Moss , J . Holbrook , E . Harfeld , A . E . Sydney , M . Harris , E . Gottheil , and N . Gluokstein . Visitors—Bros . T . G . Bullen , J . W . 197 ; D . Still ,
P . M . 1293 ; and D . Cohen , 188 . In the course of the evening Bros . Magnin , Christie , Jauralde , and Barber were passed to the second degree , and two brethren admitted joining members . The most noteworthy incident of the meeting was the discussion of a notice of motion
given at the previous monthly meeting by P . M . S . E . Moss : — " That a sum not exceeding £ 60 be voted from the lodge funds to publish the History of the Lodge as written by the W . M ., and the balance ( after recouping the lodge ) be given to the Benevolent Fund attached thereto . "
The motion was opposed by P . M . A . E . Sydney , who in his vigorous and fluent style endeavoured to show the impropriety of apply ing the funds for any such purpose . He was supported by Bro . Harris , P . M . Bros . Gluckstein P . M ., Child , and Gottheil , P . M ., supported the
motion , which was carried by a goodly majority , there being 21 for the motion , and 5 against it , thus showing that the brethren had a truer appreciation of the disinterested labours of the W . M . for the prosperity of the lodge , than the old stagers who , after having passed the chair ,
are consigned to the ranks technically known as the incorrigibles . After an ample repast the toasts were given briefly and responded to , interspersed with songs by Bros . Child , Bayley , and Barnett ; the Tyler ' s toast concluded the evening , and the brethren separated shortly after ten p . m .
LIVERPOOL . —Harmonic Lodge ( No . 216 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of the Harmonic Lodge was held at the Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , on Thursday evening , the 12 th inst . Bro . Ismay ,
W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . J . Beasley , I . P . M . J . Skeaf , P . G . O ., P . M . ; Moore , S . W .
G . Fowler , J . W . ; J . Rees ; Jenkins , Chaplain ; W . Laidlaw , Treasurer ; Dwerryhouse , Secretary ; & c . ; and amongst the members of the lodge present were—Bros . Councillor D . Campbell , Dr . Costine , Dr . Kisch , W . F . Naylor , Caine , T . J . Hughes , & c . Amongst the visitors
were—Bro . the Rev . Dr . Hyde , Bro . Stoddart , P . G . S . W . ; D . Jones , H . C . Harrison , & c . After the lodge had been opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting confirmed , the W . M ., in a most complete , effective , and impressive manner , raised Bros . Wright , Gill , Gillmore , Thomas , and
Williams to the sublime degree of M . M . At the close of the ceremony the W . M . said that since their last meeting they had lost a brother who was very much beloved , not only in that lodge , but in many others within the proviucehe referred to Bro . George Rigby Smith . He
could not by any words add to the esteem in which the memory of their deceased brother was held , and therefore he would simply move the following resolution for the favourable consideration of the brethren : — " That we , the members of the Harmonic Lodge , No . 216 , of Ancient ,
Free , and Accepted Masons , m open lodge assembled , do testify that we have heard with the deepest sorrow of the death of our much-beloved brother , George Rigby Smith . He had endeared himself to the hearts of all by his many amiable and noble qualities , and by his assiduous
attention to , and support of , every good and charitable work . He was a true man and most worthy Mason , of whom it has been well said , None knew him not to love him , or named him but to praise . We now desitv . to record our deepest sympathy with his bereaved widow and children , and agree that this resolution should be entered
on the records of this lodge , and , further , that a copy should be sent to Mrs . George Rigby Smith . " The resolution was seconded by Bro . the Rev . J . Rees Jenkins , Chaplain , in a very feeling speech , and at once adopted by the b rethren . After the transaction of some formal business , the lodge was closed in due form . It
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
may be stated that the really artistic and splendidly-appointed new tracing boards , supplied from the well-known Masonic establishment ot Bro . G . Kenning , were used for the first time , and they were the theme of general admiration and praise . At the close of business the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , under the presidency ofthe W . M .
GLOUCESTER . — Royal Lebanon Lodge ( No . 493 ) - —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Spread Eagle Hotel , in this city , on Tuesday last , whenBro . Henry J efts ( P . P . G . J . W . Gloucestershire ) , who filled the chair two years in succession nine years ago , was again unanimously
elected as Worshi pful Master . There was a large and influential gathering of the Craft , over sixty brethren being present , and of the number twenty , three were Past Masters of lodges—the Board of Installed Masters was therefore an unusually full one . The following is a list , as
far as could be gleaned , of those who attended : —Bros . John Walker , Edwin Williams , J . Robertson , R . W . Holman , J . Winterbotbam , D . J . Newman , and Dr . Julius Maier ( Cheltenham ) , J . Brook Smith , W . R . Porcher , and W . L . Bain , ( Cheltenham College ) , Dr . Partridge
( Stroud ) , E . T . Inskip ( Bristol ) , J . Gamble , T . Morse , W . Fairley ( Forest of Dean ) , E . H . Edgell ( Tewkesbury ) , W . Cliftbra ( Frampton-on-Severn ) , W . H . James ( Cirencester ) , E . Horlick ( Tredegar ) , T . M . Jenkins ( Liverpool ) , J . W . Handley ( Madras ) , the Gloucester brethren
being represented by Bros . Dr . Wesley , Captain J . Knight , T . H . Chance , A . Booth , R . W . White , A . S . Helps , J . Bryan , Trevor Powell , T . J . Pooley , F . W . Fisher , G . H . Edwards , F . and W . H . Roberts , Margretts , Strctche , ^ Stephens , Waites , Hatton , Worsley , Joseph , Wilson ,
Stocker , Woodward , Prowse , Ford , Peters , Rumsey , Hadley , Hastie , Matthews , Rootes , Maitland , Moss , Jeens , Johnson , Winfield , Niblett , Shadgett , and Pope . The lodge was opened at four o ' clock , when the ceremony of installation was conducted by Bro . Rev . C .
Raikes Davy , of Tracy Park , Bath , a Past Chap-Iain of Grand Lodge . This brother ranks very high in the Order , and will be remembered for the popular sermon he preached at the Cathedral in June of last year , on the occasion of the formal presentation of the reredos by the
Freemasons of the province to the Dean and Chapter . The brethren appointed to office were : — E . D . Worsley , Immediate Past Master ; F . G . Roberts , Treasurer ; J . R . Wilson , Secretary ; E . G . Woodward and Lewis Ford , Wardens ; G . K . Prowse and D . T . Newman , Deacons ;
W . Curteis , Steward ; W . B , Shocker , Director of Ceremonies ; G . Peters , Organist ; S . Moss , Inner Guard ; Doyle and Thomas , Tylers . The banquet was served at six o ' clock , and Bro . Henry Jeffs presided . Among letters expressive of good wishes for the success of the lodge and
regret at being absent were those of Bros . General Money , Lieut .-Col . Basevi , Rev . C . J , Martyn , Grand Chaplain ; G . F . Newmarch , W . P . Price , Captain vV . E . Price , M . P . and P . M ., C . J . Monk , M . P ., W . K . Wait , M . P ., * J . Agg-Gardner , M . P . ; Major Fisher , Thos .
Robinson , ike . Bro . Major General Gore Munbee , P . G . S . W ., Somerset , had promised to be present , but business detained him in Ireland . On the removal of the cloth and the doors of ths room being tyled the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . John Walker , M . A .,
of Westbourne House , Cheltenham , responded for "The Craft , " Bro . Rev . C . 11 . Davy , for " Grand Lodge , " Bro . J . Brook Smith for " Provincial Grand Lodge , " Bros . Porcher , Winterbotham , and Holman for "The Lodges ofthe Province , " Bros . Horlick an » Handley for
" Lodges out ofthe Province , " and Bros . Wilson and Stocker for " The Past Masters . " A noteable feature at the banquet was the presentation of Past Masters' gold jewels to Bros . E . D . Worsley , and E . S . Joseph . After the usual
harmony , in whioh Bro . E . G . Woodward rendered effective accompaniment at the pianoforte , the Tyler ' s toast , " To all Poor and Distressed Brethren , " brought the evening ' s proceedings to a close . BELGRAVE LO * X ; I : ( NO . 749 ) . —The installation meeting of this highly interesting lodge