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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
took place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Wednesday , November nth . Lodge met at four o ' clock sharp , when the chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . E . J . Scott , supported by his officers . Amongst those present were Bro . W . Hester , P . M . ; S . Hammond , P . M . ; Geo .
Pymm , P . M . ; members of the lodge . The visitors included Bros . John Hervey , Grand Sec , R . W . Little , P . G . Sec . for Middlesex , Sec . Girls School ; John Boyd , P . G . Purs . ; James Terry , P . G . D . C . Herts , Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; James Linzell ,
W . M . 1287 ; E . Coste , P . M . 9 ; W . Shepherd , P . M . 148 9 and W . M . 36 ^; J . Sheppard , P . M . 27 , W . ] ones , P . M . tty ' ; P . Parsons , P . M . ; H . Buller , P . M . 9 , Scc ' i . ^ i- - ; J . Smith , P . M . ; Thomas Strickland , P . P . G . O ., Berks and Bucks ; S . Bradley , D . C . 414 I ; W . H . Waghorn ,
W . M . 946 ; John Williams , 6 99 ( Freemason ); and many others . After the confirmation of the minutes of the preceding meeting , Messrs . Dickson , Day , Wiltshire ; Shead and Titley were dnly initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry , each candidate being initiated separately ; after which Bvo . Harvey was passed to
the degree of F . C . Bro . John Painter was then presented by Bro . Scott to Bro . W . Hester for installation , and , having taken thc obligation , a board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . John Painter was duly installed and received the salutations ; and after the brethren had been readmitted to the lodge , he was proclaimed accordinsr to ancient custom . The
Installing Master , Bro . W . Hester , performed the ceremony in an admirable manner . The new W . M . then appointed his officers as follows : Bros . W . Batley , S . W ., ] . Hobbs , J . W ., W . Hunting , Treas ., H . Garrod , Sec , H . W . Greenwood , S . D ., R . E . Booker , J . D ., Geo .
Gardiner , I . G . The Installing Master then addressed the W . M . and his officers on their various duties in such a manner that will never be forgotten . His elocutionary powers gained for him the admiration of all present . The W . M . then presented to Bro . Scott a
P . M . ' s jewel , and trusted that he would live long to wear it . After the hearty good wishes lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren proceeded to the banqueting room , where they sat down to an elegant banquet , presided owr by the W . M ., Bro . John Painter , supported by
Bros . Hervey , Boyd , Hester , Pymm , Little , and others . On the removal ofthe cloth the W . M . proposed " The Queen nnd the Craft , ' and said it was always customary in all regular and recognised lodges to propose the health of one who , by her virtuous anil sublime reign , has cemented
her to every subject with one willingness of heart . The toast was highly honoured . The brethren sang the National Anthem . He then proposed "The Health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . Grand Master designate . " His character , he said , is well known to us as our
coming king , tliat-uir hopes are well centred in him . As a Mason he has done all he could to benefit the Order , and likely to do more when he becomes our Grand Master . This was received with much enthusiasm . The W . M . proposed "The hail of Carnarvon , R . W . D . G . M .,
and the other Grand Oilicers , " and said , You are all aware ofthe ability of our D . G . M ., that I need say no more . I am proud to see so many Grand Oilicers amongst us to-night . We have our hi ghly esteemed brother John Hervey , Grand Sec , also Bros . Boyd , Teirv , and Little .
I therefore a : k you to drink heartily the health of the D . G . M- and rest of Grand Oilicers , and beg to couple with that toast the name of Bro . Hervey . 'ihe toast being hi ghly honoured , Bro . Heivey ro : e and said : " Brethren , it is always very gratifying to have one ' s health thank with
so much enthusiasm , and t . j be associated with so eminent a personage as thc Karl of Carnarvon . He i . s not only eminent as a Mason , but as one ol high social Ktnndin- ' , It is a honour to have one like him , 1 cannot say to preside over you , but to watcil over vour interests . It is also
gratifying to know th .-t he can have time to ilevolo to Masonry . I feel highly honoured to-night to have my name coupled with the Earl of Carnarvon , and thank you very kindly for the manner you have received Iiro , Boyd and myself . We have met with . 1 very hearty reception tonight , and we feel quite at home . I was glad
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to hear that the work of initiation was performed separately ( cheers ) . If it took longer time yet it added to the effect and to their positive value ; and it showed that the Belgrave Lodge does not perform its work in a slumbering manner . The ceremonies throughout this night
have been performed with great accuracy , and I wish you prosperity , Worshipful Sir , and thank you on behalf of the Earl of Carnarvon and the rest of the Grand Officers ( cheers ) . Bro . Boyd thanked the brethren in suitable terms . The W . M . next proposed "The Initiates , " and
said , we have five brethren who will , I am sure , make good and worth } ' Masons . The tonst was duly honoured , Bro . Goddard singing the Entered Apprentice ' s Song . Bro . Dickson responded on behalf of the Initiates . The W . M . rose to propose "The Visitors , " and said ,
it afforded him great pleasure to see so many visitors present . We have Bros . Little and Terry , who I shall ask to respond . The toast was highly honoured . Bro . Little rose to return thanks for the kind hospitality that had been shown , and was hig hly pleased to see the
good working , and trusted that the progress that had hitherto attended the lodge would prove the same in the future . He ( Bro . Little ) highly appreciated the kindness that had been shown . Bro . Terry rose to return thanks , and said , it augurs well for a lodge when , at the installation ,
the W . M . oilers to go as Steward to the Benevolent Institution . The speaker then went on to show the great necessity of the brethren subscribing to the institution which he represented , and strongly urged them , one and all , to do their best . After thanking the brethren for their
kindness , and wishing the W . M . a successful year of office , Bro . Terry sat down amidst loud cheering . Bro . Scott roso and proposed the health of " The W . M . " The toast was received and drank with great enthusiasm . TheW . M ., in returning thanks , assured the brethren that he was always happy
to do good for the Belgrave Lodge , and for Freein isonry in general , and trusted his labours in the future would give satisfaction to all present . The W . M . then proposed "The Past Masters , " and said the qualifications of the P . M . ' s are so well known that I need not here dilate on what
you are already acquainted with . Our worthy I . P . M ., Bro . Scott , has proved himself a worth y Mason , and I trust he will long live to wear the jewel he has had presented him this evening . The toast was highly honoured . Iiro . Scott rose , to return thanks , and felt incompetent to
thank the brethren all for their very high compliments , and assured them he should be happy to give them his services whenever required . ( Hear , hear . ) The W . M . then proposed "The Officers , " and , this being drunk lustily , Bro . Batty rose and returned thanks on behalf of himself and his brother oilicers , and trusted their
services m the future would meet witli the approbation of all the members of the lodge . The Tylers' toast brought the proceedings to a close . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . McDavitt , which gave satisfaction to all , whilst his singing was admired . Bro . Dawson gave the " Maniac " in a masterly stvle .
Co . s > ioroi . rT . \ N * LOIXJJ ; ( No . 917 ) . —The annual installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Cannon-street Hotel , City , on the 10 th insc . The work done was the passing of Bro . Scares , and the initiation of Mr . Yon . Raalte , which ceremonies were performed in
excellent style by Bro . Humes , P . M ., who officiated for the W . M ., Bro . Cotke . The installation of Bro . Lovell Kcays , as W . M ., was then performed by Bro . Steai ) , the Secretary of the lodge . The newly-appointed oilicers were : F . Jones , S . W . ; J . Rowley . J . W . ; J . B . f . Deporta ,
Iieastirer ; L . Stean , Secretary ; G . AI . Taylor , S . D . ; White , J . D . ; J . Lamarque , I . G . : Geo . Gullock , Tyler . The banquet was attended by about - brethren , including several visitors . In proposing the health of H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., the W . AI . observed that he
took the earliest opportunity which had ottered itself to express the satisfaction of himself , and also that of the lodge generally , at seeing His Koyal Highness occupying so prominent a position in the Craft . Unhappily there was a species of fashion prevalent two or three years ago of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
criticising the Prince of Wales and his move - ments , and these criticisms were generally couched in unkind and illiberal terms . For his own part the W . M . could not see any objection to a gentleman finding an agreeable evening ' s
amusement at a theatre , and so far from finding fault with His Royal Highness for attending theatres , he was disposed to regard it as being an indication of considerable refinement and judgment . And if that were all that his detractors
could hnd against htm , it was a subject of satisfaction that his life had been so blameless as to leave no other opportunity for thc class referred to . Those of his own friends who had known
the Prince of Wales personally were unanimous in pronouncing him to be a loving father , an afl ' ectionate husband , an agreeable companion , a true friend , and , the W . M . was about to add , " a forgiving enemy , except that he did not believe
that His Royal Highness really had an enemy to which he could extend his forgiveness . The W . M . therefore wound up by saying " a worthy Mason , " which , in his opinion , included all the lesser good qualities possessed by him . The
W . M . assured the brethren that for his part he should be anxious , during his year of office , to support the M . W . G . M . at Grand Lodge on every occasion , and he sincerely hoped ( hat the
Wardens would make efforts to attend there also . It is unnecessary to add that this toast was enthusiastically honoured . The other usual toasts followed , and it was not until past eleven that the Tyler ' s toast closed the evening .
LIMEHOUSE . —Duke of Edinburgh Lodge ( No . 1259 . )—The installation meeting of this lodge was held at Cape of Good Hope Tavern , Limehouse , on Tuesday , 3 rd . inst . The business of the evening commenced by raising three
brethren , Bros . Daniels , Spray and Weatherhead , and initiating Mr . Stichells . Bro . Weatherhead , W . M ., then installed his successor in office , Bro . Darling , S . W ., in a manner which gave him great credit , and for which he was highly
complimented by the many Past Masters and visitors present , amongst whom were several Grand Officers . We may remark that wc never remember seeing so many Past Masters in such a young lodge , there being no less than twenty
present . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bro . W . Lusty , S . W . ; G . Rowe , J . W . ; E . Jex , P . M ., Treasurer ; G . Clayton , Secretary ; R . Bradbrook , S . D . ; J . Holmes , J . D . ; R . Atkins , I . G . ; Verry , Tyler .
He then presented to Bro . Weatherill a handsome P . M . jewel and a silver snuft-box , the latter being a present from tho brethren for the very efficient manner in which he discharged the heavy duties that devolved upon him during his .
year of office . This concluded the business of the evening , after which the brethren sat down to an exellent banquet , served by their worthyhost , Bro . Davies , and spent a very pleasant evening . Bro . Seddon presided at the harmonium and piano in his usual able manner .
KENNINOTON * LODGE ( NO . 1381 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at thc Surrey Club House , on Tuesday , November 3 rd . Bros . Koch , P . M ., W . M . ¦ Higgins , S . W . ; Gardner , J . W . ; Painter , S . D . ; Webb , J . D . ;
Reeves , I . G . ; Boulton , Speedy , Poole , W . Ellis , and W . A . Ellis were passed to the second degree , and Messrs . Gibson and H . Cruse duly initiated . The sum of £ 10 was voted the W . M . as Steward for the Aged Fre emasons '
Charity and the Widows' Fund . The lodge 1 haying beeu closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where an excellent repast awaited them . The " Queen and Craft" were toasted in the usual manner ,
and the health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Alaster designate , loyally and heartily thank . " God Bless thc Prince of Wales was " sung by Bro . Walls , accompanied on the pianoforte by Bro . Ellis . The usual Masonic toasts followed , and were given by the W . AI . with
commendable brevity . Between the toasts Bro . Webb sang "The Village Blacksmith , " the J . W . gave a comic effusion , Bro . Sirgood a buffo song , and Bro . Walls sang the tenor ballad "Come into the Garden , Aland . " The Tylers ' toast having been given , tho brethren separated .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
took place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Wednesday , November nth . Lodge met at four o ' clock sharp , when the chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . E . J . Scott , supported by his officers . Amongst those present were Bro . W . Hester , P . M . ; S . Hammond , P . M . ; Geo .
Pymm , P . M . ; members of the lodge . The visitors included Bros . John Hervey , Grand Sec , R . W . Little , P . G . Sec . for Middlesex , Sec . Girls School ; John Boyd , P . G . Purs . ; James Terry , P . G . D . C . Herts , Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; James Linzell ,
W . M . 1287 ; E . Coste , P . M . 9 ; W . Shepherd , P . M . 148 9 and W . M . 36 ^; J . Sheppard , P . M . 27 , W . ] ones , P . M . tty ' ; P . Parsons , P . M . ; H . Buller , P . M . 9 , Scc ' i . ^ i- - ; J . Smith , P . M . ; Thomas Strickland , P . P . G . O ., Berks and Bucks ; S . Bradley , D . C . 414 I ; W . H . Waghorn ,
W . M . 946 ; John Williams , 6 99 ( Freemason ); and many others . After the confirmation of the minutes of the preceding meeting , Messrs . Dickson , Day , Wiltshire ; Shead and Titley were dnly initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry , each candidate being initiated separately ; after which Bvo . Harvey was passed to
the degree of F . C . Bro . John Painter was then presented by Bro . Scott to Bro . W . Hester for installation , and , having taken thc obligation , a board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . John Painter was duly installed and received the salutations ; and after the brethren had been readmitted to the lodge , he was proclaimed accordinsr to ancient custom . The
Installing Master , Bro . W . Hester , performed the ceremony in an admirable manner . The new W . M . then appointed his officers as follows : Bros . W . Batley , S . W ., ] . Hobbs , J . W ., W . Hunting , Treas ., H . Garrod , Sec , H . W . Greenwood , S . D ., R . E . Booker , J . D ., Geo .
Gardiner , I . G . The Installing Master then addressed the W . M . and his officers on their various duties in such a manner that will never be forgotten . His elocutionary powers gained for him the admiration of all present . The W . M . then presented to Bro . Scott a
P . M . ' s jewel , and trusted that he would live long to wear it . After the hearty good wishes lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren proceeded to the banqueting room , where they sat down to an elegant banquet , presided owr by the W . M ., Bro . John Painter , supported by
Bros . Hervey , Boyd , Hester , Pymm , Little , and others . On the removal ofthe cloth the W . M . proposed " The Queen nnd the Craft , ' and said it was always customary in all regular and recognised lodges to propose the health of one who , by her virtuous anil sublime reign , has cemented
her to every subject with one willingness of heart . The toast was highly honoured . The brethren sang the National Anthem . He then proposed "The Health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . Grand Master designate . " His character , he said , is well known to us as our
coming king , tliat-uir hopes are well centred in him . As a Mason he has done all he could to benefit the Order , and likely to do more when he becomes our Grand Master . This was received with much enthusiasm . The W . M . proposed "The hail of Carnarvon , R . W . D . G . M .,
and the other Grand Oilicers , " and said , You are all aware ofthe ability of our D . G . M ., that I need say no more . I am proud to see so many Grand Oilicers amongst us to-night . We have our hi ghly esteemed brother John Hervey , Grand Sec , also Bros . Boyd , Teirv , and Little .
I therefore a : k you to drink heartily the health of the D . G . M- and rest of Grand Oilicers , and beg to couple with that toast the name of Bro . Hervey . 'ihe toast being hi ghly honoured , Bro . Heivey ro : e and said : " Brethren , it is always very gratifying to have one ' s health thank with
so much enthusiasm , and t . j be associated with so eminent a personage as thc Karl of Carnarvon . He i . s not only eminent as a Mason , but as one ol high social Ktnndin- ' , It is a honour to have one like him , 1 cannot say to preside over you , but to watcil over vour interests . It is also
gratifying to know th .-t he can have time to ilevolo to Masonry . I feel highly honoured to-night to have my name coupled with the Earl of Carnarvon , and thank you very kindly for the manner you have received Iiro , Boyd and myself . We have met with . 1 very hearty reception tonight , and we feel quite at home . I was glad
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to hear that the work of initiation was performed separately ( cheers ) . If it took longer time yet it added to the effect and to their positive value ; and it showed that the Belgrave Lodge does not perform its work in a slumbering manner . The ceremonies throughout this night
have been performed with great accuracy , and I wish you prosperity , Worshipful Sir , and thank you on behalf of the Earl of Carnarvon and the rest of the Grand Officers ( cheers ) . Bro . Boyd thanked the brethren in suitable terms . The W . M . next proposed "The Initiates , " and
said , we have five brethren who will , I am sure , make good and worth } ' Masons . The tonst was duly honoured , Bro . Goddard singing the Entered Apprentice ' s Song . Bro . Dickson responded on behalf of the Initiates . The W . M . rose to propose "The Visitors , " and said ,
it afforded him great pleasure to see so many visitors present . We have Bros . Little and Terry , who I shall ask to respond . The toast was highly honoured . Bro . Little rose to return thanks for the kind hospitality that had been shown , and was hig hly pleased to see the
good working , and trusted that the progress that had hitherto attended the lodge would prove the same in the future . He ( Bro . Little ) highly appreciated the kindness that had been shown . Bro . Terry rose to return thanks , and said , it augurs well for a lodge when , at the installation ,
the W . M . oilers to go as Steward to the Benevolent Institution . The speaker then went on to show the great necessity of the brethren subscribing to the institution which he represented , and strongly urged them , one and all , to do their best . After thanking the brethren for their
kindness , and wishing the W . M . a successful year of office , Bro . Terry sat down amidst loud cheering . Bro . Scott roso and proposed the health of " The W . M . " The toast was received and drank with great enthusiasm . TheW . M ., in returning thanks , assured the brethren that he was always happy
to do good for the Belgrave Lodge , and for Freein isonry in general , and trusted his labours in the future would give satisfaction to all present . The W . M . then proposed "The Past Masters , " and said the qualifications of the P . M . ' s are so well known that I need not here dilate on what
you are already acquainted with . Our worthy I . P . M ., Bro . Scott , has proved himself a worth y Mason , and I trust he will long live to wear the jewel he has had presented him this evening . The toast was highly honoured . Iiro . Scott rose , to return thanks , and felt incompetent to
thank the brethren all for their very high compliments , and assured them he should be happy to give them his services whenever required . ( Hear , hear . ) The W . M . then proposed "The Officers , " and , this being drunk lustily , Bro . Batty rose and returned thanks on behalf of himself and his brother oilicers , and trusted their
services m the future would meet witli the approbation of all the members of the lodge . The Tylers' toast brought the proceedings to a close . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . McDavitt , which gave satisfaction to all , whilst his singing was admired . Bro . Dawson gave the " Maniac " in a masterly stvle .
Co . s > ioroi . rT . \ N * LOIXJJ ; ( No . 917 ) . —The annual installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Cannon-street Hotel , City , on the 10 th insc . The work done was the passing of Bro . Scares , and the initiation of Mr . Yon . Raalte , which ceremonies were performed in
excellent style by Bro . Humes , P . M ., who officiated for the W . M ., Bro . Cotke . The installation of Bro . Lovell Kcays , as W . M ., was then performed by Bro . Steai ) , the Secretary of the lodge . The newly-appointed oilicers were : F . Jones , S . W . ; J . Rowley . J . W . ; J . B . f . Deporta ,
Iieastirer ; L . Stean , Secretary ; G . AI . Taylor , S . D . ; White , J . D . ; J . Lamarque , I . G . : Geo . Gullock , Tyler . The banquet was attended by about - brethren , including several visitors . In proposing the health of H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., the W . AI . observed that he
took the earliest opportunity which had ottered itself to express the satisfaction of himself , and also that of the lodge generally , at seeing His Koyal Highness occupying so prominent a position in the Craft . Unhappily there was a species of fashion prevalent two or three years ago of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
criticising the Prince of Wales and his move - ments , and these criticisms were generally couched in unkind and illiberal terms . For his own part the W . M . could not see any objection to a gentleman finding an agreeable evening ' s
amusement at a theatre , and so far from finding fault with His Royal Highness for attending theatres , he was disposed to regard it as being an indication of considerable refinement and judgment . And if that were all that his detractors
could hnd against htm , it was a subject of satisfaction that his life had been so blameless as to leave no other opportunity for thc class referred to . Those of his own friends who had known
the Prince of Wales personally were unanimous in pronouncing him to be a loving father , an afl ' ectionate husband , an agreeable companion , a true friend , and , the W . M . was about to add , " a forgiving enemy , except that he did not believe
that His Royal Highness really had an enemy to which he could extend his forgiveness . The W . M . therefore wound up by saying " a worthy Mason , " which , in his opinion , included all the lesser good qualities possessed by him . The
W . M . assured the brethren that for his part he should be anxious , during his year of office , to support the M . W . G . M . at Grand Lodge on every occasion , and he sincerely hoped ( hat the
Wardens would make efforts to attend there also . It is unnecessary to add that this toast was enthusiastically honoured . The other usual toasts followed , and it was not until past eleven that the Tyler ' s toast closed the evening .
LIMEHOUSE . —Duke of Edinburgh Lodge ( No . 1259 . )—The installation meeting of this lodge was held at Cape of Good Hope Tavern , Limehouse , on Tuesday , 3 rd . inst . The business of the evening commenced by raising three
brethren , Bros . Daniels , Spray and Weatherhead , and initiating Mr . Stichells . Bro . Weatherhead , W . M ., then installed his successor in office , Bro . Darling , S . W ., in a manner which gave him great credit , and for which he was highly
complimented by the many Past Masters and visitors present , amongst whom were several Grand Officers . We may remark that wc never remember seeing so many Past Masters in such a young lodge , there being no less than twenty
present . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bro . W . Lusty , S . W . ; G . Rowe , J . W . ; E . Jex , P . M ., Treasurer ; G . Clayton , Secretary ; R . Bradbrook , S . D . ; J . Holmes , J . D . ; R . Atkins , I . G . ; Verry , Tyler .
He then presented to Bro . Weatherill a handsome P . M . jewel and a silver snuft-box , the latter being a present from tho brethren for the very efficient manner in which he discharged the heavy duties that devolved upon him during his .
year of office . This concluded the business of the evening , after which the brethren sat down to an exellent banquet , served by their worthyhost , Bro . Davies , and spent a very pleasant evening . Bro . Seddon presided at the harmonium and piano in his usual able manner .
KENNINOTON * LODGE ( NO . 1381 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at thc Surrey Club House , on Tuesday , November 3 rd . Bros . Koch , P . M ., W . M . ¦ Higgins , S . W . ; Gardner , J . W . ; Painter , S . D . ; Webb , J . D . ;
Reeves , I . G . ; Boulton , Speedy , Poole , W . Ellis , and W . A . Ellis were passed to the second degree , and Messrs . Gibson and H . Cruse duly initiated . The sum of £ 10 was voted the W . M . as Steward for the Aged Fre emasons '
Charity and the Widows' Fund . The lodge 1 haying beeu closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where an excellent repast awaited them . The " Queen and Craft" were toasted in the usual manner ,
and the health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Grand Alaster designate , loyally and heartily thank . " God Bless thc Prince of Wales was " sung by Bro . Walls , accompanied on the pianoforte by Bro . Ellis . The usual Masonic toasts followed , and were given by the W . AI . with
commendable brevity . Between the toasts Bro . Webb sang "The Village Blacksmith , " the J . W . gave a comic effusion , Bro . Sirgood a buffo song , and Bro . Walls sang the tenor ballad "Come into the Garden , Aland . " The Tylers ' toast having been given , tho brethren separated .