Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Among the visitors present were representatives of the " Neptune , " " Mount Edgecumbe , " and " Enoch" Lodges . STONEHOUSE .- —Metham Lodge . ( No . 1 ^ 02 ) . —A very gratifying presentation was made at this lodge on Monday evening . Bro . W . Howe ,
a former member of this lodge , has for some years been stationed at Dartmouth , where , by his kindly disposition and pleasant and courteous demeanour , he has endeared himself to his Masonic brethren in that town . Although not a joining member , the brethren of Hanley
Lodge ( 797 ) heartil y welcomed him amongst them as one of themselves , and from time to time he rendered them so much assistance that when a few weeks since he was recalled to Plymouth , they determined upon giving him some memento of their regard and esteem . It was not practical to do so before his departure , but
on Alonday evening Bro . Heath attended Metham Lodge and presented Bro . Howe , through the Acting W . M . ( Bro . Cross ) , a set of gold studs , a gold pendant , and a handsomely illuminated vellum containing the names of the officers and brethren of Hanley Lodge , and setting forth the love , esteem , and regard in which Bro . Howe was held bv them .
HAMPTON - HILL . — Francis Burdett Lodge ( No . 1503 ) . —The first regular meeting of this lodge for the dispatch of business , after the consecration on the 5 th inst ., was held at the " King ' s Arms , " Hampton Hill , on Wednesday , nth inst . Bros . Colonel Wigginton , P . AI .
902 and 1298 , P . P . G . D . C . Worcestershire , W . M . ; Saunders , S . W . ; Tomlinson , P . AI . and P . P . G . S . D ., Norfolk , J . W . ; Cox , S . D . ; Deekes , J . D . ; Walls , ( 1381 ) I . G ., ( pro tem ) ; Harrison , Tyler . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The W . AI . then
proceeded to initiate , in a most excellent manner , Air . S . H . Knaggs , AI . D . The brethren were " called oil ' , " and upon resuming the W . M . read tho draft of a book of bye-laws , which was unanimously passed and ordered to be submitted to the G . S . Bros , f . S . Merchant ,
P . M . 610 , J . Alerchant , 902 , T . Gilbert , 902 , and C . Horsley , P . AI ., 33 , 6 9 , 3 S 2 , Srr , and 1309 , who had been proposed at the previous meeting as joining numbers , were balloted for and unanimously admitted . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and the J . D .
proposed Bro . T . C . Walls , 1381 , to be a joining member , which was seconded by the S . W . The W . AI . announced his intention of calling an emergency meeting some time during the month , and invested 3 ro . Knaggs with the insignia of Treasurer for the ensuing year , that
brother having kindly consented to take the responsible duties of that onerous position . This ceremony terminated the business , and the lodge was closed in ancient form . The visitors to the lodge were Bros . Hammond , P . AI . and W . M . of 1502 , ( who kindly officiated as P . AI .
and rendered other valuable acts to the W . AI . throughout the whole of the proceedings ) Carter , 209 , Court , 168 , Latham , 946 , Walls , 1381 . The lodge then partook of refreshment , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were
fluently given from the chair and duly honoured . The health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . Hammond in an able speech , and heartily received by the brethren . Thc Tyler ' s Toast having been given , the proceedings then terminated at an advanced hour .
MADOC LODGE ( No . 1509 ) . —The first monthly meeting of this lodge , since its consecration , was held at the Queen ' s Hotel , Portmadoc , on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., Bro . E . Breese , P . G . Reg . of Herefordshire , W . AI ., in the chair . The initiation fee was fixed at i £ 6 6 s ., and the
annual subscription JS . t is . Eleven candidates for initiation , and thirty-one for joining were then proposed and seconded . Nothing further for the good of Alasonry in general , or of this lodge in particular being proposed , the lodge was closed , after solemn prayer , bythe W . AI .
FAITH LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( NO . 141 ) . —On Tuesday , 17 th inst ., the members of the above lodge of instruction held their annual
banquet , and more than forty brethren were gathered together for the purpose . It was provided at the usual place of meeting of the lodge , Bro . Cole ' s restaurant , 2 , Westminster Chambers , and Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., presided . Among the other brethren present were Bros .
W . '; AIann , T . Bull , Swallow , Brock , Leggatt , Lister , Haslett , Cameron , Smale , Parkinson , Bowen , Olive , Cox , Belfrage , Harvey , Roberts and Brearey . The style and quality of the banquet and wines were most creditable to Bro . Cole , and to his chef , Bro . Lewis ( 343 ) , and after it
had been partaken of , the brethren honoured the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Cottebrune paid all the compliments to Her Alajesty which she so richly deserves , and to the Prince of Wales , as an Englishman , a Alason , and Grand Alaster , he awarded high praise . The Earl of
Carnarvon , as Depnty Grand Alaster , and the rest of the Grand Officers present and past , he also warmly praised for the exertions they had made on behalf of the Order , and in the cause of charity . Bro . Alann proposed "The Health
of the W . AI ., Bro . Cottebrune , " and reminded the brethren of what they knew before , that he had always been an assiduous instructor in Masonry , and an energetic promoter of the welfare of the Craft . The toast was of course
enthusiastically responded to , and Bro . Cottebrune having acknowledged it , proposed the toast of the evening . " Success to the Faith Lodge of Instruction . " In doing so he gave a full account of its history , from its promotion to the present time , including its struggles its wanderings , and
its final settlement , at 2 , Westminster Chambers . He spoke approvingly of the conduct of its members , and the zeal they displayed in receiving information . He encouraged them to persevere in the ] course they had adopted , and
assured them that was the real secret of success in striving for the oflice of Alaster of their diflerent lodges , The proceedings of the evening were very gratifying , and were kept up till a lato hour .
OXFORD . —A / milo University Lodge ( No . 327 ) . —A meeting of the above lodge for instruction took place on Friday evening , Nov . 6 th . Bro . R . I . Williamson took the W . AI . ' s chair , and was supported by Bro . Col . the Hon . Sackville West , S . W . ; Bro . C . J . S .
Spedding , J . W . ; Bro . Butler , S . D . ; Bro . Gordon Campbell , J . . ; Iiro . J . E . C . Uodley , I . G . Tho lodge was opened and closed in all three degrees , and the ceremony of initiation worked most ably by Bro . Williamson . There were present P . M . ' s
Bitd and Pickartl , and W . Bro . F . P . Morrell , who gave the working oilicers the benefit of their experience . The lodge is to be congratulated on having determined not to lose its ancient prestige .
UNION LODGE , LEICESTER . —The festival meeting of this lodge was held at Freemasons ' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday , the nth instant , when thc seven sections of thc first lecture were worked by the following brethren : —
ist Section Iiro . S . S . Partridge , W . AI . 523 2 nd „ „ T . A . Wykes , Sec . 523 3 rd „ „ W . Sculthorpe , P . M . 523 4 U 1 „ „ J . AI . Al'AUister , J . W . 279 5 th „ „ S . S . Partridge , W . AI . 523 6 th „ „ J . T . Thorp , S . W . --2 3 7 th „ „ J . Halford , I . P . M . 1391
The questions by Bro . G . Toller , Jun ., P . M . 523 . The work was performed in the most admirable manner , there being hardly a single mistake or slip of any kind throughout , and was listened to with evident attention and pleasure by a large assemblage of members of the several Leicester
Lodges , including several P . M . s . At the conclusion of the Sections , on the motion of Bro . A . P . Duflj P . M ., a hearty vote of thanks to all concerned was unanimously accorded , and suitably acknowledged . The W . M . for the next meeting having been elected , and other routine
business transacted , the brethren adjourned to the banquet . It is now several years since the Sections were publicly worked in Leicester ; it is therefore satisfactory to find that there are brethren willing to undertake the duty who arc so thoroughly competent to discharge it .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
WHITEHAVEN . —Sun , Saturn ; and Compaisois Chapter ( No . 119 ) . —An emergency convocation of this chapter was held on Alonday evening last , at the Alasonic Hall , College-street , at 7 o ' clock . The Principals , E . Comps . John Bass , Z . ; Fearon , H . ; Dr . Henry , I . ; were
suported by the following ; Comps . Gibson , P . Z . ; John Bowes , P . Z . ~ P . P . G . S . B . ; Atter , Scribe E . ; E . Tyson , P . S . ; McKelvie , Treas . ; W . White ; Spittall ; Sandwith ; Ryrie ; Alsop ; Rothery ; Wiudross ; Dr . Ablett ; Cooper , Org . ; Cowie , and Fitzgerald . The chapter having
been opened by the Principals , the rest of tho companions were admitted . The ballot was then taken for several candidates , and Bro . G . A . C . Bentinck , M . P ., being present , was exalted , at the request of tho TJ . E . Z ., by E . Comp . John Bowes , the M . E . Z . delivering thc symbolic
lecture , and E . Comp . Pearson the historic lecture . The excellent working of Comp . E . Tyson , P . S ., was very noteworthy . At the conclusion of the ceremony a unanimous and cordial vote of thanks was accorded-to E . Comp . Bowes for his valuable assistance , and the same was ordered to
be entered on the minutes of the chapter . A code of bye-laws was submitted and approved , and ordered to be printed and circulated among the members . A joining companion having been proposed , and there being no further business , the chapter was closed with the usual
solemnities , and the companionsadjourned to refreshment . After the usual loyal and Masouic toasts had been duly honoured , Comp . Bowes proposed " Tlie Health of the Principals of the Chapter , " ar . d observed that it was evident th _ y had determined to master the work , and thereby render No .
119 a model chapter for the province . The Principals iu response acknowledged that it was their intention to profit by the instruction they were receiving at the hands of their Preceptor , and hoped ere long to be able to work the chapter within themselves . Comp . Gibson ,
P . Z ., proposed thc health of the newly exalted companion , and referred tothe impressive manner the proceedings of the evening had been conducted throughout . Comp . Bentinck , ALP ., responded at considerable length , and said he had been waiting for the R . A . degree thirty
years , and he considered himself fortunate that the ceremony of his exaltation should have been performed by a companion so able . He had listened most attentively to the ceremony throughout , and he must confess that ho hail
been both gratified and impressed . He also must acknowledge his obligation to Comp . Tyson , P . S ., who had introduced him and conducted him through tlu ceremony . Comp . Bentinck then made known his intention to
present to the chapter some valuable engravings of King Solomon ' s Temple , which he had purchased on tbe Continent . Comp . AIcKelvie next proposed the lic . il th of their esteemed visitor , Comp . J ohn Bowes . They had all been edified with the manner he had rendered thc beautiful
ceremony of exaltation , and they were greatly indebted to Comp . Bowes for so readily , and he had no doubt at personal inconvenience , coming to Whitehaven to lend them a helping hand . He considered that the proceedings of that evening would do much to rekindle a love for R . A .
Alasonry . Comp . John Bowes acknowledged Ins obligation for the flattering notice which had been taken of his endeavours to render a beautiful ceremony intelligently . As regarded Chapter 119 , he should not leave it till it could do its own work efficiently , and judging from what had
been done in so short a time , he should not have to wait very long . The M . E . Z . then proposed "The Subordinate Officers of the chapter , " and coupled with the toast the name of Comp . Tyson , P . S ., whose working that evening had both surprised and pleased them . Comp . Tyson in
returning thanks said that he believed all the officers , equally with himself , were determined to do their work , and thus raise the R A . degree in Whitehaven to its proper position . The chapter was long in abeyance , and after its resuscitation , for some time it was in a weakly condition , he hoped , however , that now the . v had
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Among the visitors present were representatives of the " Neptune , " " Mount Edgecumbe , " and " Enoch" Lodges . STONEHOUSE .- —Metham Lodge . ( No . 1 ^ 02 ) . —A very gratifying presentation was made at this lodge on Monday evening . Bro . W . Howe ,
a former member of this lodge , has for some years been stationed at Dartmouth , where , by his kindly disposition and pleasant and courteous demeanour , he has endeared himself to his Masonic brethren in that town . Although not a joining member , the brethren of Hanley
Lodge ( 797 ) heartil y welcomed him amongst them as one of themselves , and from time to time he rendered them so much assistance that when a few weeks since he was recalled to Plymouth , they determined upon giving him some memento of their regard and esteem . It was not practical to do so before his departure , but
on Alonday evening Bro . Heath attended Metham Lodge and presented Bro . Howe , through the Acting W . M . ( Bro . Cross ) , a set of gold studs , a gold pendant , and a handsomely illuminated vellum containing the names of the officers and brethren of Hanley Lodge , and setting forth the love , esteem , and regard in which Bro . Howe was held bv them .
HAMPTON - HILL . — Francis Burdett Lodge ( No . 1503 ) . —The first regular meeting of this lodge for the dispatch of business , after the consecration on the 5 th inst ., was held at the " King ' s Arms , " Hampton Hill , on Wednesday , nth inst . Bros . Colonel Wigginton , P . AI .
902 and 1298 , P . P . G . D . C . Worcestershire , W . M . ; Saunders , S . W . ; Tomlinson , P . AI . and P . P . G . S . D ., Norfolk , J . W . ; Cox , S . D . ; Deekes , J . D . ; Walls , ( 1381 ) I . G ., ( pro tem ) ; Harrison , Tyler . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The W . AI . then
proceeded to initiate , in a most excellent manner , Air . S . H . Knaggs , AI . D . The brethren were " called oil ' , " and upon resuming the W . M . read tho draft of a book of bye-laws , which was unanimously passed and ordered to be submitted to the G . S . Bros , f . S . Merchant ,
P . M . 610 , J . Alerchant , 902 , T . Gilbert , 902 , and C . Horsley , P . AI ., 33 , 6 9 , 3 S 2 , Srr , and 1309 , who had been proposed at the previous meeting as joining numbers , were balloted for and unanimously admitted . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and the J . D .
proposed Bro . T . C . Walls , 1381 , to be a joining member , which was seconded by the S . W . The W . AI . announced his intention of calling an emergency meeting some time during the month , and invested 3 ro . Knaggs with the insignia of Treasurer for the ensuing year , that
brother having kindly consented to take the responsible duties of that onerous position . This ceremony terminated the business , and the lodge was closed in ancient form . The visitors to the lodge were Bros . Hammond , P . AI . and W . M . of 1502 , ( who kindly officiated as P . AI .
and rendered other valuable acts to the W . AI . throughout the whole of the proceedings ) Carter , 209 , Court , 168 , Latham , 946 , Walls , 1381 . The lodge then partook of refreshment , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were
fluently given from the chair and duly honoured . The health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . Hammond in an able speech , and heartily received by the brethren . Thc Tyler ' s Toast having been given , the proceedings then terminated at an advanced hour .
MADOC LODGE ( No . 1509 ) . —The first monthly meeting of this lodge , since its consecration , was held at the Queen ' s Hotel , Portmadoc , on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., Bro . E . Breese , P . G . Reg . of Herefordshire , W . AI ., in the chair . The initiation fee was fixed at i £ 6 6 s ., and the
annual subscription JS . t is . Eleven candidates for initiation , and thirty-one for joining were then proposed and seconded . Nothing further for the good of Alasonry in general , or of this lodge in particular being proposed , the lodge was closed , after solemn prayer , bythe W . AI .
FAITH LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( NO . 141 ) . —On Tuesday , 17 th inst ., the members of the above lodge of instruction held their annual
banquet , and more than forty brethren were gathered together for the purpose . It was provided at the usual place of meeting of the lodge , Bro . Cole ' s restaurant , 2 , Westminster Chambers , and Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., presided . Among the other brethren present were Bros .
W . '; AIann , T . Bull , Swallow , Brock , Leggatt , Lister , Haslett , Cameron , Smale , Parkinson , Bowen , Olive , Cox , Belfrage , Harvey , Roberts and Brearey . The style and quality of the banquet and wines were most creditable to Bro . Cole , and to his chef , Bro . Lewis ( 343 ) , and after it
had been partaken of , the brethren honoured the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Cottebrune paid all the compliments to Her Alajesty which she so richly deserves , and to the Prince of Wales , as an Englishman , a Alason , and Grand Alaster , he awarded high praise . The Earl of
Carnarvon , as Depnty Grand Alaster , and the rest of the Grand Officers present and past , he also warmly praised for the exertions they had made on behalf of the Order , and in the cause of charity . Bro . Alann proposed "The Health
of the W . AI ., Bro . Cottebrune , " and reminded the brethren of what they knew before , that he had always been an assiduous instructor in Masonry , and an energetic promoter of the welfare of the Craft . The toast was of course
enthusiastically responded to , and Bro . Cottebrune having acknowledged it , proposed the toast of the evening . " Success to the Faith Lodge of Instruction . " In doing so he gave a full account of its history , from its promotion to the present time , including its struggles its wanderings , and
its final settlement , at 2 , Westminster Chambers . He spoke approvingly of the conduct of its members , and the zeal they displayed in receiving information . He encouraged them to persevere in the ] course they had adopted , and
assured them that was the real secret of success in striving for the oflice of Alaster of their diflerent lodges , The proceedings of the evening were very gratifying , and were kept up till a lato hour .
OXFORD . —A / milo University Lodge ( No . 327 ) . —A meeting of the above lodge for instruction took place on Friday evening , Nov . 6 th . Bro . R . I . Williamson took the W . AI . ' s chair , and was supported by Bro . Col . the Hon . Sackville West , S . W . ; Bro . C . J . S .
Spedding , J . W . ; Bro . Butler , S . D . ; Bro . Gordon Campbell , J . . ; Iiro . J . E . C . Uodley , I . G . Tho lodge was opened and closed in all three degrees , and the ceremony of initiation worked most ably by Bro . Williamson . There were present P . M . ' s
Bitd and Pickartl , and W . Bro . F . P . Morrell , who gave the working oilicers the benefit of their experience . The lodge is to be congratulated on having determined not to lose its ancient prestige .
UNION LODGE , LEICESTER . —The festival meeting of this lodge was held at Freemasons ' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday , the nth instant , when thc seven sections of thc first lecture were worked by the following brethren : —
ist Section Iiro . S . S . Partridge , W . AI . 523 2 nd „ „ T . A . Wykes , Sec . 523 3 rd „ „ W . Sculthorpe , P . M . 523 4 U 1 „ „ J . AI . Al'AUister , J . W . 279 5 th „ „ S . S . Partridge , W . AI . 523 6 th „ „ J . T . Thorp , S . W . --2 3 7 th „ „ J . Halford , I . P . M . 1391
The questions by Bro . G . Toller , Jun ., P . M . 523 . The work was performed in the most admirable manner , there being hardly a single mistake or slip of any kind throughout , and was listened to with evident attention and pleasure by a large assemblage of members of the several Leicester
Lodges , including several P . M . s . At the conclusion of the Sections , on the motion of Bro . A . P . Duflj P . M ., a hearty vote of thanks to all concerned was unanimously accorded , and suitably acknowledged . The W . M . for the next meeting having been elected , and other routine
business transacted , the brethren adjourned to the banquet . It is now several years since the Sections were publicly worked in Leicester ; it is therefore satisfactory to find that there are brethren willing to undertake the duty who arc so thoroughly competent to discharge it .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
WHITEHAVEN . —Sun , Saturn ; and Compaisois Chapter ( No . 119 ) . —An emergency convocation of this chapter was held on Alonday evening last , at the Alasonic Hall , College-street , at 7 o ' clock . The Principals , E . Comps . John Bass , Z . ; Fearon , H . ; Dr . Henry , I . ; were
suported by the following ; Comps . Gibson , P . Z . ; John Bowes , P . Z . ~ P . P . G . S . B . ; Atter , Scribe E . ; E . Tyson , P . S . ; McKelvie , Treas . ; W . White ; Spittall ; Sandwith ; Ryrie ; Alsop ; Rothery ; Wiudross ; Dr . Ablett ; Cooper , Org . ; Cowie , and Fitzgerald . The chapter having
been opened by the Principals , the rest of tho companions were admitted . The ballot was then taken for several candidates , and Bro . G . A . C . Bentinck , M . P ., being present , was exalted , at the request of tho TJ . E . Z ., by E . Comp . John Bowes , the M . E . Z . delivering thc symbolic
lecture , and E . Comp . Pearson the historic lecture . The excellent working of Comp . E . Tyson , P . S ., was very noteworthy . At the conclusion of the ceremony a unanimous and cordial vote of thanks was accorded-to E . Comp . Bowes for his valuable assistance , and the same was ordered to
be entered on the minutes of the chapter . A code of bye-laws was submitted and approved , and ordered to be printed and circulated among the members . A joining companion having been proposed , and there being no further business , the chapter was closed with the usual
solemnities , and the companionsadjourned to refreshment . After the usual loyal and Masouic toasts had been duly honoured , Comp . Bowes proposed " Tlie Health of the Principals of the Chapter , " ar . d observed that it was evident th _ y had determined to master the work , and thereby render No .
119 a model chapter for the province . The Principals iu response acknowledged that it was their intention to profit by the instruction they were receiving at the hands of their Preceptor , and hoped ere long to be able to work the chapter within themselves . Comp . Gibson ,
P . Z ., proposed thc health of the newly exalted companion , and referred tothe impressive manner the proceedings of the evening had been conducted throughout . Comp . Bentinck , ALP ., responded at considerable length , and said he had been waiting for the R . A . degree thirty
years , and he considered himself fortunate that the ceremony of his exaltation should have been performed by a companion so able . He had listened most attentively to the ceremony throughout , and he must confess that ho hail
been both gratified and impressed . He also must acknowledge his obligation to Comp . Tyson , P . S ., who had introduced him and conducted him through tlu ceremony . Comp . Bentinck then made known his intention to
present to the chapter some valuable engravings of King Solomon ' s Temple , which he had purchased on tbe Continent . Comp . AIcKelvie next proposed the lic . il th of their esteemed visitor , Comp . J ohn Bowes . They had all been edified with the manner he had rendered thc beautiful
ceremony of exaltation , and they were greatly indebted to Comp . Bowes for so readily , and he had no doubt at personal inconvenience , coming to Whitehaven to lend them a helping hand . He considered that the proceedings of that evening would do much to rekindle a love for R . A .
Alasonry . Comp . John Bowes acknowledged Ins obligation for the flattering notice which had been taken of his endeavours to render a beautiful ceremony intelligently . As regarded Chapter 119 , he should not leave it till it could do its own work efficiently , and judging from what had
been done in so short a time , he should not have to wait very long . The M . E . Z . then proposed "The Subordinate Officers of the chapter , " and coupled with the toast the name of Comp . Tyson , P . S ., whose working that evening had both surprised and pleased them . Comp . Tyson in
returning thanks said that he believed all the officers , equally with himself , were determined to do their work , and thus raise the R A . degree in Whitehaven to its proper position . The chapter was long in abeyance , and after its resuscitation , for some time it was in a weakly condition , he hoped , however , that now the . v had