Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 4 of 4 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article PRESENTATION to V.W. Bro. The Rev. C. J MARTYN, Grand Chaplain of England. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Strathkinness . In proposing the toast , he said they would all have observed from the public prints that the county had lost one of its most active public men , and the Prov . Grand Lodge one of its most active members . As a public man Mr . Pagan , by his energy and integrity , had raised himself to a very high position in the county ; and as the Secretary of the Provincial Grand Lodge , he had
earned for himself the respect and esteem of his brethren . While they all regretted his removal by death , however , and while he would ask them to respond to the toast which he had now proposed , he had a word or two to say regarding the position which the Provincial Grand Lodge occupied in the county . He had been reading up a good many works and magazines relating to Freemasonry of
late , and he had noticed the fraternal feeling wdiich seemed to exist between Provincial Grand Lodges in other places and the lodges under their charge . He had noticed how frequently visitations had been made , and enquiries entered into in regard to those lodges . But he had been unable to discover in the course of his reading what the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife had been doing—in their part of the
county at least- —to the lodges under their charge ( hear , hear ) . He understood that an annual fee had to be paid to the Provincial Grand Lodge by each of the lodges in the county ; and he would like to know what they were doing for that fee ? ( Applause ) . He held it was the duty of every Provincial Grand Lodge to look after the interests and welfare of the lodges under their care . He did not
know how this state of matters could be remedied , but he thought that the R . W . M . and the office-bearers of the Union Lodge should make some representation to the Provincial Grand Lodge to perform their duty , and institute a regular visitation of the lodges in Dunfermline , and elsewhere in the county . He was sure that the Union Lodge , at least , would give the deputation a hearty
reception . From the honoured names connected with the Provincial Grand Lodge , he believed that they only required Jo be reminded of their duty to perform it . He had therefore great pleasure in asking them to respond to the toast which he had proposed . ( The toast was responded to in true Masonic style . )—Bro . Taylor , I . P . M ., while agreeing with what had been said by Bro . Romanes ,
mentioned that it was now some iS or 20 years since it was proposed to have a regular visitation of all the lodges by the Provincial Grand Lodge . But neither the Union nor the St . John ' s were in a position to receive the deputation , and it was proposed to send it to Kirkcaldy ( laughter ) . They had since been often taxed with their negligence , and Bro . Pagan , the Secretary , had been several times
written to ; but beyond promising to pay them a visit in the event of any foundation stone being laid , or any statue being inaugurated , they had never done anything to recognise them . He ( Bro . Taylor ) held with Bro . Romanes that the Provincial Grand Lodge had not done their duty towards the lodges in the western district . ( Hear , hear , and applause ) . —Among the other toasts were
— "The other officers of the Union Lodge , by Bro . G . G . Russell ; "Bro . Taylor , the I . P . M ., " by Bro . M'Kelvie Robertson , replied toby Bro . Taylor ; "Continued prosperity to No . 250 , " by Bro . Dodds ; " Bro . Stark , of Brechin Lodge , " by Past Master Taylor , replied to by Bro . Stark ; " The Town and Trade of Dunfermline , " by the Secretary , humorously replied to by Bro . M'Kelvie
Robertson ; " The Press , " coupled with the name of Bro . A . Romanes , of the Dunfermline Press , replied to by Bro . Romanes ; "The Depute Master , " by Bro . Romanes , replied to by Depute Master , J . Slcwart ; " The memory of Burns , " by Bro . Tullis ; cic . Votes of thanks were also propo ; ed by Bro . Taylor to the R . W . M ., an . 1 after singing "Auld lang syne , " the lodge was close ! at "high twelve , " all delighted with the evening ' s proceedings .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN * . MJUII ! Lebanon Chapter . —An emergency meeting of this Chapter was held on . Saturday , the 15 th inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Soulhwark . Comp . A . D . Locwenstark , M . E . Z ., supported by other principals opened the Chapter . Ballots were unanimous in favour of all
the candidates . Bro . G Ransom , CIC , was exalted . The Chapter was closed . Present , V . Walters , P Z ; M . A . Locwcnstark , S . N . and Treas ; A . P . Steadman , T . D . Barnard , J . McKicrnau , and others . Visitors , Comps . J . Laccy , M . E . Z ., 176 ; J . Rosenthal , 18 S ; S . Noble , P . Z ., 206 ; J . C . Peckham , P . Z , 206 , and others .
Caveac ChapAr , A o . I / O . —The regular meeting ofthe Chapter was held at Radlcy ' s Hotel , on Tuesday , the IIth inst . Cojnps . J . Lacev , M . E . Z . ; P . A . Nairne , II . ; F . Wallers , P . Z . as J ., presided . Bros . Wyman , God-S 2 II , and liarmett , were exalted . About a dozen Companions sat down to banquet .
Cnafiter of Hope , A ' o . 2 OJ . — The regular meeting of this Chapter was held on Thursday , the " 13 th inst ., ai the Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich . The Chapter was opened by Comps . II . A . CoHingion , ¦ M . E . Z . ; J . Ilasler , II . ; W . Noak , J . TI 12 minutes were confirmed . Comp . II . A . Collinglun , M . E . Z ., ins ' alle I J . Ilasler ,
M . E . Z ., and F . Wallers , P . Z . installed W . Noak , II . ; A . II . T . Utcrshall , J . There were present , W . R . Orchard , S . N . ; S . Noble , P . Z . ; J . C Peckham , P . Z . ; G . W . Islington , P . Z ., and others . The Chapter was closed . Visitors , F . Walter * , P . Z ., 73 ; Wright , 72 . Banquet followed .
PROVINCIAL . NEW MALTON , YORKSHIRE . —Ning Edwin Chapter , No . 660 . —The third meeting of this new Chapter since its consecration at- New Malton , took place on Monday , January the 1 oth inst ., for ihe installation of principals and election of officers . The Chapter was opened at seven o ' clock in the evening , by the M . E . Comps , Tom
Royal Arch.
Turner , Z . ; Major W . H . Smyth , P . Z ., ( D . P . G . M . for Lincolnshire , ) as H . ; James Frederick Spurr , P . Z ., ( 200 ) Scarborough , as J . The minutes were read and confirmed . Comp . John Staniland was installed in the first chair , Samuel Walker , ( by dispensation , H ., and John Marshall , J . Comp . Jonathan Taylor , was elected P . S . ; W . Wilson , Scribe E . ; Tonathan Turner , N ., and Robt . H . Bower , Treas ., and there were present , Comps . Rose , Russell , K . Wardly . & c . Tlie Chapter was duly closed at nine o'clock .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED . CROSS OFROMEANDCONSTANTINE . Planlagenet Conclave , No . 2 . —An assembly of this Conclave was held at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Monday , the loth inst ., Sir Knt . Thos . Wescombe ,
G . S-B , presiding as M . P-S . The Conclave was opened in Imperial form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . This being the assembly for tbn election of the M . P . S . for the ensuing year , as also
the Viceroy E-, Treasurer , and Sentinel , E . Sir Knt . D . R . Still , was unanimously elected to fill the chair of Constantine , as M . P-S . for the year ensuing , the enthronement taking place at the assembly in April next . Sir Knt . F . H . Gilbart , was also unanimously elected to fill the chair of Viceroy E . ; E . Sir Knt . Thos . Cubitt , G . Herald , Treasurer ; and J . Gilbert , Sentinel Tlie Recorder
announced the death of Sir Knt . W . A . Wreford , wdiich happened very recently ; the deceased Knight Companion was a member of the "Fitzroy Lodge , " and much respected . Others matters of busivess having been disposed of , the Conclave was closed in Imperial form with solemn prayer and adjourned . Amongstt he Sir Kills ,
presentwere , Sir Knts . T . Wescombe , G . S . B ., as M . P . S . ; D . R . Still , S . G . ; Thos . Cubitt , G . Herald , Treas . ; J . G . Mrrsh , G . Architect , and P . G . S . G . Recorder ; G . S . States , Herald ; Jas . Brett , P S . G . —then retired to refreshment , presided over by the MPS ., wdiich concluded a happy meeting of this illustrious and chivalric Order .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
A Quarterly General Court of Governors and Subscribers of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , was held on Monday last , in the Board Room , Freemasons' Hall . The chair was taken by Bro . J HERVEY , G . Secretary , V . P ., and the brethren who supported him were , Bros . John Udall ,
John Symonds , E . H . Patten , F . Binckes ( Sec ) , James Weaver , W . H . Warr , F . Walters , H . Young . Raynham , W . Stewart , Thos . J . Barnes , and H , Massey . Bro . F . BINCICES read the minutes of the former Quarterly General Court , which were unanimously
confirmed , with a slight alteration proposed by Bro . Symonds , and seconded by Bro . Udall . The minutes of the General Committees of Nov ., Dec , and January , and of the extra meeting on the 18 th Nov ., were also put and confirmed . Nine vacancies in the institution in June were
declared , and the list of fifty-nine candidates at the April election was approved and ordered to be printed and circulated , on the motion of Bro . Udall seconded by Bro . Raynham \ V . Stewart . Bro . RAYNHAM W . STEWART proposed that Bro . Stephen Blair's terms , on which he presents
1 , 000 guineas to the Institution be accepted . Bro . SYMONDS seconded the proposition , which was the put and carried unanimously . Bro . RAYNHAM W . STEWART proposed the bringing forward of his motion that no boy should be eligible as a candidate for the institution " unless
the father of such child shall be or have been , a Life Governor , or have been a subscribing member to the same to the extent of live guineas . " It was not , he said , his intention to withdraw his motion , but to bring it on here , and in the Girls' School too , for he was sorry to see so long a list of candidates ,
election after election at each institution . Freemasonry was a luxury , and no man should partake of it who could not afford to pay for it . If afterwards the brother failed , then he should be assisted by such institutions as these , and every brother should do the best he could for him . But now ,
unfortunately , men entered v rcemasonry for the sake of getting the most they could out of it . He sincerely trusted that he should have the support of his brethren when he brought his motion forward . He was shocked to sec at so many of the late elections , not only that the candidates' fathers had not
subscribed to the different charities , but the candidates ' cases were actually recommended by brethren who had never subscribed a farthing to the Institution whoso generosity they sought . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . SYMON'Ds suggested that Bro . Stewart should first bring the matter before the General Committee , and have his motion well ventilated . It was a course
he adopted himself when he had a motion to bring forward , and unless the committee agreed with him he did not submit it to the Quarterly Court . Bro . UDALL proposed , and Bro . SYMONDS seconded , a vote of thanks to the chairman , whose thanks for the compliment brought the proceedings to a close , and the Court adjourned .
Presentation To V.W. Bro. The Rev. C. J Martyn, Grand Chaplain Of England.
PRESENTATION to V . W . Bro . The Rev . C . J MARTYN , Grand Chaplain of England .
A large number of the brethren of the Province . of Gloucestershire met at the Masonic Hall , Cheltenham , on Wednesday , the 5 tiiinst ., for the purpose of presenting an address and testimonial to the V . W . Brother the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Chaplain of England , on his leaving the province—where he has done so much to promote the
interests and spread the principles of Freemasonry—as a mark of the very high esteem and- respect in which he is held by them . The testimonial consisted of a gold repeater watch , and of a suitable address , the latter beautifully illuminated on vellum and enclosed in a handsome case .
Bro . E . WILLIAMS , P . M . S 2 , presided , and on his right sat the R . W . D . P . Grand Master of Gloucestershire ( Bro . Newmarch ) , and on his left the V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn . Amongst the other brethren present were Bros . Swinburne ( W . M . 82 , M . E . Z . - 82 ) , Porcher ( W . M . 246 , P . P . G . D . ) , W . Waites ( W . M . 493 ) , Taynton ( W . M . 839 ) ,
Edgell ( W . M . 900 ) , Jeffs ( W . M . Mark Lodge No . 10 ) , Colonel Money ( P . G . W . Bengal ) , A . Slud ( P . P . G . S . W ., Gloucestershire ) , Capt . Humphrey ( P . G . S . W . Monmouth ) , the Rev H . Layton ( 839 ) , Brook Smith ( P . P . G . W . ) Alex ; ( P . P . G . W . ) , Tovey ( P . M . 246 ) , J . Crook ( P . M . 246 ) , Bain ( P . P . G . W . ) , Ricketts ( P . M . 246 ) , Humphreys ( P . G .
Purst . ) , Stocker ( P . M . 493 ) , Moore ( P . M . 900 ) , Gaul ( P . M . 93 S ); Fothcrgill , C . Homphrey , and Roper ( P . G . S . Monmouth ) ; Capt . Campbell , Salisbury , J . Winterbotham , L . Winterbotham , Dr . Smith , J . Smith , and J . Walker ( 82 ); W . O . Watts ( S 39 ) , J . T . Agg Gardner ( 246 ) , Bernard ( J . W . 900 ) , Rice ( 900 ) , William Forth ( J . W .
246 ) , Furber , Jull , Dixon , Alder , Lillywhite , Clench , Martin , Robertson , Stapley , Holman , Lake , & c , & c . Bro . WILLIAMS , after a few remarks respecting Bro . Martyn ' s connection with Cheltenham and the happy result of his labours amongst the poor in the district over wdiich he had charge , called upon the R . W . D . P . G . M .,
Bro . Newmarch , to present the testimonial in the name of lhe brethren of the province . Bro . NEWMARCH made the presentation , and in an appropriate and eulogistic speech , while expressing the sincere regret felt at the loss the Gloucestershire brethren were about to sustain , congratulated Bro . Martyn on being
removed to a wider sphere of usefulness , where lie . would have greater opportunities of exercising that charity and benevolence wdiich had won for him here the respect and esteem of all classes . Bro . WILLIAM FORTH , Hon . Sec , then read the following address : —
" To the V . W . Brother the Rev . C . J . MARTYN , M . A ., .. Grand Chaplain of England , P . M . A os . 82 and 478 , P . Prov . G . Sec . Oxon ., P . Prov . G . J . IV . Gloucestershire , Past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Mark A / inters , Past Aide de Camp of England , and Past E . C . of the Cottcszuold Encampt . of St . Auguslin .
"The Freemasons of the undermentioned lodges desire to avail themselves of the occasion of your removal from the Province of Gloucestershire to express their sincere personal regard , and their sense of the value of your exertions 0 . 1 behalf of Freemasonry , while you have been resident amongst them : and they accordingly beg your
acceptance of the accompanying watch , as a trilling memento of the friends and brethren whom you arc about to leave . While bidding you farewell , they also heartily wish you every happiness and prosperity in your future life . " Signed on behalf of the brethren of—The Foundation Lodge , Cheltenham , No . 82 , by
EDWIN WILLIAMS , W . M . ; The Royal Union Lodge , Cheltenham , 246 , by W . R . PORCHER , W . M . ; The Royal Lebanon Lodge , Gloucester , 493 , by W . WAITES , W . M . ; The Royal Gloucestershire Lodge , Gloucester , S 39 , by T . TAYNTON , W . M . ;
R . A . Chapter of Unanimity , S 2 , Cheltenham , by T . W . SWINBURNE , M . E . Z . ; Cheltenham and Keystone Lodge of M . M . ' s , by II . J EFFS , W . M . W . FORTH , Hon . Sec . " Bro . MARTYN , in feeling and appropriate terms ,
acknowledged the kind and gratifying compliment the brethren had paid him . lie said that ever since his first coming into Gloucestershire—six years ago—he had always met with the greatest kindness and truly brotherly friendship from every Mason in the province , and ever found that lliev , iu common with his many other Cheltenham friends ,
seemed determined to magnify his few good qualities , while they ignored and forgot his many bad ones . Whenever he looked at their splendid present , he would be reminded of this proud and happy day , and most sincerely did he hope that they might , one and all , follow and
adhere to lhe ancient landmarks of their noble order , and endeavour to live as good men , good masons , and good christians , and then they might hope , though parted on earth , to meet hereafter in that Grand Lodge above , where the World ' s Great Architect lives and reigns supreme .
Immediately after the presentation the annual meeting of the Royal Union Lodge , No . 246 , took place , to celebrate lhe Festival of St . John and instal the W . M .-elect , Bro . William Forth . After the ceremony , wdiich was ably ¦ performed by the W . M ., Bro . Porcher , P . P . G . D ., assisted
by Bros . Brook Smith , P . P . G . W ., and Ricketts , P . M . 216 , lhe brethren adjourned lo the baiiquetting-hall , where , . alter an excellent dinner , lhe usual toasts were proposed and received in a hearty and Masonic spirit , and a very . p . casant evening was spent by the brethren assembled ..,
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Strathkinness . In proposing the toast , he said they would all have observed from the public prints that the county had lost one of its most active public men , and the Prov . Grand Lodge one of its most active members . As a public man Mr . Pagan , by his energy and integrity , had raised himself to a very high position in the county ; and as the Secretary of the Provincial Grand Lodge , he had
earned for himself the respect and esteem of his brethren . While they all regretted his removal by death , however , and while he would ask them to respond to the toast which he had now proposed , he had a word or two to say regarding the position which the Provincial Grand Lodge occupied in the county . He had been reading up a good many works and magazines relating to Freemasonry of
late , and he had noticed the fraternal feeling wdiich seemed to exist between Provincial Grand Lodges in other places and the lodges under their charge . He had noticed how frequently visitations had been made , and enquiries entered into in regard to those lodges . But he had been unable to discover in the course of his reading what the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife had been doing—in their part of the
county at least- —to the lodges under their charge ( hear , hear ) . He understood that an annual fee had to be paid to the Provincial Grand Lodge by each of the lodges in the county ; and he would like to know what they were doing for that fee ? ( Applause ) . He held it was the duty of every Provincial Grand Lodge to look after the interests and welfare of the lodges under their care . He did not
know how this state of matters could be remedied , but he thought that the R . W . M . and the office-bearers of the Union Lodge should make some representation to the Provincial Grand Lodge to perform their duty , and institute a regular visitation of the lodges in Dunfermline , and elsewhere in the county . He was sure that the Union Lodge , at least , would give the deputation a hearty
reception . From the honoured names connected with the Provincial Grand Lodge , he believed that they only required Jo be reminded of their duty to perform it . He had therefore great pleasure in asking them to respond to the toast which he had proposed . ( The toast was responded to in true Masonic style . )—Bro . Taylor , I . P . M ., while agreeing with what had been said by Bro . Romanes ,
mentioned that it was now some iS or 20 years since it was proposed to have a regular visitation of all the lodges by the Provincial Grand Lodge . But neither the Union nor the St . John ' s were in a position to receive the deputation , and it was proposed to send it to Kirkcaldy ( laughter ) . They had since been often taxed with their negligence , and Bro . Pagan , the Secretary , had been several times
written to ; but beyond promising to pay them a visit in the event of any foundation stone being laid , or any statue being inaugurated , they had never done anything to recognise them . He ( Bro . Taylor ) held with Bro . Romanes that the Provincial Grand Lodge had not done their duty towards the lodges in the western district . ( Hear , hear , and applause ) . —Among the other toasts were
— "The other officers of the Union Lodge , by Bro . G . G . Russell ; "Bro . Taylor , the I . P . M ., " by Bro . M'Kelvie Robertson , replied toby Bro . Taylor ; "Continued prosperity to No . 250 , " by Bro . Dodds ; " Bro . Stark , of Brechin Lodge , " by Past Master Taylor , replied to by Bro . Stark ; " The Town and Trade of Dunfermline , " by the Secretary , humorously replied to by Bro . M'Kelvie
Robertson ; " The Press , " coupled with the name of Bro . A . Romanes , of the Dunfermline Press , replied to by Bro . Romanes ; "The Depute Master , " by Bro . Romanes , replied to by Depute Master , J . Slcwart ; " The memory of Burns , " by Bro . Tullis ; cic . Votes of thanks were also propo ; ed by Bro . Taylor to the R . W . M ., an . 1 after singing "Auld lang syne , " the lodge was close ! at "high twelve , " all delighted with the evening ' s proceedings .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN * . MJUII ! Lebanon Chapter . —An emergency meeting of this Chapter was held on . Saturday , the 15 th inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Soulhwark . Comp . A . D . Locwenstark , M . E . Z ., supported by other principals opened the Chapter . Ballots were unanimous in favour of all
the candidates . Bro . G Ransom , CIC , was exalted . The Chapter was closed . Present , V . Walters , P Z ; M . A . Locwcnstark , S . N . and Treas ; A . P . Steadman , T . D . Barnard , J . McKicrnau , and others . Visitors , Comps . J . Laccy , M . E . Z ., 176 ; J . Rosenthal , 18 S ; S . Noble , P . Z ., 206 ; J . C . Peckham , P . Z , 206 , and others .
Caveac ChapAr , A o . I / O . —The regular meeting ofthe Chapter was held at Radlcy ' s Hotel , on Tuesday , the IIth inst . Cojnps . J . Lacev , M . E . Z . ; P . A . Nairne , II . ; F . Wallers , P . Z . as J ., presided . Bros . Wyman , God-S 2 II , and liarmett , were exalted . About a dozen Companions sat down to banquet .
Cnafiter of Hope , A ' o . 2 OJ . — The regular meeting of this Chapter was held on Thursday , the " 13 th inst ., ai the Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich . The Chapter was opened by Comps . II . A . CoHingion , ¦ M . E . Z . ; J . Ilasler , II . ; W . Noak , J . TI 12 minutes were confirmed . Comp . II . A . Collinglun , M . E . Z ., ins ' alle I J . Ilasler ,
M . E . Z ., and F . Wallers , P . Z . installed W . Noak , II . ; A . II . T . Utcrshall , J . There were present , W . R . Orchard , S . N . ; S . Noble , P . Z . ; J . C Peckham , P . Z . ; G . W . Islington , P . Z ., and others . The Chapter was closed . Visitors , F . Walter * , P . Z ., 73 ; Wright , 72 . Banquet followed .
PROVINCIAL . NEW MALTON , YORKSHIRE . —Ning Edwin Chapter , No . 660 . —The third meeting of this new Chapter since its consecration at- New Malton , took place on Monday , January the 1 oth inst ., for ihe installation of principals and election of officers . The Chapter was opened at seven o ' clock in the evening , by the M . E . Comps , Tom
Royal Arch.
Turner , Z . ; Major W . H . Smyth , P . Z ., ( D . P . G . M . for Lincolnshire , ) as H . ; James Frederick Spurr , P . Z ., ( 200 ) Scarborough , as J . The minutes were read and confirmed . Comp . John Staniland was installed in the first chair , Samuel Walker , ( by dispensation , H ., and John Marshall , J . Comp . Jonathan Taylor , was elected P . S . ; W . Wilson , Scribe E . ; Tonathan Turner , N ., and Robt . H . Bower , Treas ., and there were present , Comps . Rose , Russell , K . Wardly . & c . Tlie Chapter was duly closed at nine o'clock .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED . CROSS OFROMEANDCONSTANTINE . Planlagenet Conclave , No . 2 . —An assembly of this Conclave was held at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Monday , the loth inst ., Sir Knt . Thos . Wescombe ,
G . S-B , presiding as M . P-S . The Conclave was opened in Imperial form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . This being the assembly for tbn election of the M . P . S . for the ensuing year , as also
the Viceroy E-, Treasurer , and Sentinel , E . Sir Knt . D . R . Still , was unanimously elected to fill the chair of Constantine , as M . P-S . for the year ensuing , the enthronement taking place at the assembly in April next . Sir Knt . F . H . Gilbart , was also unanimously elected to fill the chair of Viceroy E . ; E . Sir Knt . Thos . Cubitt , G . Herald , Treasurer ; and J . Gilbert , Sentinel Tlie Recorder
announced the death of Sir Knt . W . A . Wreford , wdiich happened very recently ; the deceased Knight Companion was a member of the "Fitzroy Lodge , " and much respected . Others matters of busivess having been disposed of , the Conclave was closed in Imperial form with solemn prayer and adjourned . Amongstt he Sir Kills ,
presentwere , Sir Knts . T . Wescombe , G . S . B ., as M . P . S . ; D . R . Still , S . G . ; Thos . Cubitt , G . Herald , Treas . ; J . G . Mrrsh , G . Architect , and P . G . S . G . Recorder ; G . S . States , Herald ; Jas . Brett , P S . G . —then retired to refreshment , presided over by the MPS ., wdiich concluded a happy meeting of this illustrious and chivalric Order .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
A Quarterly General Court of Governors and Subscribers of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , was held on Monday last , in the Board Room , Freemasons' Hall . The chair was taken by Bro . J HERVEY , G . Secretary , V . P ., and the brethren who supported him were , Bros . John Udall ,
John Symonds , E . H . Patten , F . Binckes ( Sec ) , James Weaver , W . H . Warr , F . Walters , H . Young . Raynham , W . Stewart , Thos . J . Barnes , and H , Massey . Bro . F . BINCICES read the minutes of the former Quarterly General Court , which were unanimously
confirmed , with a slight alteration proposed by Bro . Symonds , and seconded by Bro . Udall . The minutes of the General Committees of Nov ., Dec , and January , and of the extra meeting on the 18 th Nov ., were also put and confirmed . Nine vacancies in the institution in June were
declared , and the list of fifty-nine candidates at the April election was approved and ordered to be printed and circulated , on the motion of Bro . Udall seconded by Bro . Raynham \ V . Stewart . Bro . RAYNHAM W . STEWART proposed that Bro . Stephen Blair's terms , on which he presents
1 , 000 guineas to the Institution be accepted . Bro . SYMONDS seconded the proposition , which was the put and carried unanimously . Bro . RAYNHAM W . STEWART proposed the bringing forward of his motion that no boy should be eligible as a candidate for the institution " unless
the father of such child shall be or have been , a Life Governor , or have been a subscribing member to the same to the extent of live guineas . " It was not , he said , his intention to withdraw his motion , but to bring it on here , and in the Girls' School too , for he was sorry to see so long a list of candidates ,
election after election at each institution . Freemasonry was a luxury , and no man should partake of it who could not afford to pay for it . If afterwards the brother failed , then he should be assisted by such institutions as these , and every brother should do the best he could for him . But now ,
unfortunately , men entered v rcemasonry for the sake of getting the most they could out of it . He sincerely trusted that he should have the support of his brethren when he brought his motion forward . He was shocked to sec at so many of the late elections , not only that the candidates' fathers had not
subscribed to the different charities , but the candidates ' cases were actually recommended by brethren who had never subscribed a farthing to the Institution whoso generosity they sought . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . SYMON'Ds suggested that Bro . Stewart should first bring the matter before the General Committee , and have his motion well ventilated . It was a course
he adopted himself when he had a motion to bring forward , and unless the committee agreed with him he did not submit it to the Quarterly Court . Bro . UDALL proposed , and Bro . SYMONDS seconded , a vote of thanks to the chairman , whose thanks for the compliment brought the proceedings to a close , and the Court adjourned .
Presentation To V.W. Bro. The Rev. C. J Martyn, Grand Chaplain Of England.
PRESENTATION to V . W . Bro . The Rev . C . J MARTYN , Grand Chaplain of England .
A large number of the brethren of the Province . of Gloucestershire met at the Masonic Hall , Cheltenham , on Wednesday , the 5 tiiinst ., for the purpose of presenting an address and testimonial to the V . W . Brother the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Chaplain of England , on his leaving the province—where he has done so much to promote the
interests and spread the principles of Freemasonry—as a mark of the very high esteem and- respect in which he is held by them . The testimonial consisted of a gold repeater watch , and of a suitable address , the latter beautifully illuminated on vellum and enclosed in a handsome case .
Bro . E . WILLIAMS , P . M . S 2 , presided , and on his right sat the R . W . D . P . Grand Master of Gloucestershire ( Bro . Newmarch ) , and on his left the V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn . Amongst the other brethren present were Bros . Swinburne ( W . M . 82 , M . E . Z . - 82 ) , Porcher ( W . M . 246 , P . P . G . D . ) , W . Waites ( W . M . 493 ) , Taynton ( W . M . 839 ) ,
Edgell ( W . M . 900 ) , Jeffs ( W . M . Mark Lodge No . 10 ) , Colonel Money ( P . G . W . Bengal ) , A . Slud ( P . P . G . S . W ., Gloucestershire ) , Capt . Humphrey ( P . G . S . W . Monmouth ) , the Rev H . Layton ( 839 ) , Brook Smith ( P . P . G . W . ) Alex ; ( P . P . G . W . ) , Tovey ( P . M . 246 ) , J . Crook ( P . M . 246 ) , Bain ( P . P . G . W . ) , Ricketts ( P . M . 246 ) , Humphreys ( P . G .
Purst . ) , Stocker ( P . M . 493 ) , Moore ( P . M . 900 ) , Gaul ( P . M . 93 S ); Fothcrgill , C . Homphrey , and Roper ( P . G . S . Monmouth ) ; Capt . Campbell , Salisbury , J . Winterbotham , L . Winterbotham , Dr . Smith , J . Smith , and J . Walker ( 82 ); W . O . Watts ( S 39 ) , J . T . Agg Gardner ( 246 ) , Bernard ( J . W . 900 ) , Rice ( 900 ) , William Forth ( J . W .
246 ) , Furber , Jull , Dixon , Alder , Lillywhite , Clench , Martin , Robertson , Stapley , Holman , Lake , & c , & c . Bro . WILLIAMS , after a few remarks respecting Bro . Martyn ' s connection with Cheltenham and the happy result of his labours amongst the poor in the district over wdiich he had charge , called upon the R . W . D . P . G . M .,
Bro . Newmarch , to present the testimonial in the name of lhe brethren of the province . Bro . NEWMARCH made the presentation , and in an appropriate and eulogistic speech , while expressing the sincere regret felt at the loss the Gloucestershire brethren were about to sustain , congratulated Bro . Martyn on being
removed to a wider sphere of usefulness , where lie . would have greater opportunities of exercising that charity and benevolence wdiich had won for him here the respect and esteem of all classes . Bro . WILLIAM FORTH , Hon . Sec , then read the following address : —
" To the V . W . Brother the Rev . C . J . MARTYN , M . A ., .. Grand Chaplain of England , P . M . A os . 82 and 478 , P . Prov . G . Sec . Oxon ., P . Prov . G . J . IV . Gloucestershire , Past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Mark A / inters , Past Aide de Camp of England , and Past E . C . of the Cottcszuold Encampt . of St . Auguslin .
"The Freemasons of the undermentioned lodges desire to avail themselves of the occasion of your removal from the Province of Gloucestershire to express their sincere personal regard , and their sense of the value of your exertions 0 . 1 behalf of Freemasonry , while you have been resident amongst them : and they accordingly beg your
acceptance of the accompanying watch , as a trilling memento of the friends and brethren whom you arc about to leave . While bidding you farewell , they also heartily wish you every happiness and prosperity in your future life . " Signed on behalf of the brethren of—The Foundation Lodge , Cheltenham , No . 82 , by
EDWIN WILLIAMS , W . M . ; The Royal Union Lodge , Cheltenham , 246 , by W . R . PORCHER , W . M . ; The Royal Lebanon Lodge , Gloucester , 493 , by W . WAITES , W . M . ; The Royal Gloucestershire Lodge , Gloucester , S 39 , by T . TAYNTON , W . M . ;
R . A . Chapter of Unanimity , S 2 , Cheltenham , by T . W . SWINBURNE , M . E . Z . ; Cheltenham and Keystone Lodge of M . M . ' s , by II . J EFFS , W . M . W . FORTH , Hon . Sec . " Bro . MARTYN , in feeling and appropriate terms ,
acknowledged the kind and gratifying compliment the brethren had paid him . lie said that ever since his first coming into Gloucestershire—six years ago—he had always met with the greatest kindness and truly brotherly friendship from every Mason in the province , and ever found that lliev , iu common with his many other Cheltenham friends ,
seemed determined to magnify his few good qualities , while they ignored and forgot his many bad ones . Whenever he looked at their splendid present , he would be reminded of this proud and happy day , and most sincerely did he hope that they might , one and all , follow and
adhere to lhe ancient landmarks of their noble order , and endeavour to live as good men , good masons , and good christians , and then they might hope , though parted on earth , to meet hereafter in that Grand Lodge above , where the World ' s Great Architect lives and reigns supreme .
Immediately after the presentation the annual meeting of the Royal Union Lodge , No . 246 , took place , to celebrate lhe Festival of St . John and instal the W . M .-elect , Bro . William Forth . After the ceremony , wdiich was ably ¦ performed by the W . M ., Bro . Porcher , P . P . G . D ., assisted
by Bros . Brook Smith , P . P . G . W ., and Ricketts , P . M . 216 , lhe brethren adjourned lo the baiiquetting-hall , where , . alter an excellent dinner , lhe usual toasts were proposed and received in a hearty and Masonic spirit , and a very . p . casant evening was spent by the brethren assembled ..,