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$ ( r tlje | MtUti > , tatttg families- , wxxb § t \\ tx % . THE PRINCE'S GATE HOTEL , 19 , CROMWELL PLACE , S . W ., ( Opposite South Kensington Station ) . PRIVATE HOTEL , Easy access to all parts of Town , ten minutes of Hyde Park and Albert Hall . Unsurpassed in London for elegance of appointments , replete with every convenience , rendering thc House an EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE AND REFINED HOME . TERMS PER WEEK : Single Rooms from 3 $ to 3 Guineas . Double Rooms from 6 to 9 Guineas . Private Sitting Rooms from 3 Guineas . Per day from Half-guinea . Charges for Visiters , Luncheon 2 s . 6 d . Dinner 5 s . Supper a la Carte . Gas in Bedrooms , Special Bath , and meals served in Bed-rooms at irregular hours extra as per tariff . There is an ascending room to the top of the house . Complete tariff on application to the PROPRIETOR .
In thc Press , and yvill shortly be Published , THE SCOTTISH MASONIC CALENDAR FOR 18 7 6 . PRICE 3 d ., POST-FREE 4 d . This Calendar yvill contain Lists of Lodges , Chapters , K . T . Preceptories , Conclaves , Grand Councils , & c , yvith the names of officers , places and dates of meetings , together yvith full particulars of every recognised Masonic body throughout Scotland . Office : 9 , West Hoyvard-street , Glasgoyv .
f ) NE SHILLING . —The AMERICAN GEM V - ' COOKING STOVE yvill boil a pint of yvater in five 'in utes , cook chops and steaks . Invaluable for thc nursery , sick rooms , doctors ' , layvycrs ' , or any offices . Teakettle , 10 stamps ; Frying-pan , 9 stamps ; Tea-urn and Saucepan combined , 15 stamps ; packed and sent to any railway station . J . B . PILLINGER , 7 , Churcl -road , Upper Norwood , London .
104 CHURCHSERMONSr By EMINENT CLERGYMEN . In Two Volutses , Handsomely Bound in Cloth , each , 4 s . RBKVKS SON AND Co .. Playhouse-yard , London . QOMFORT FOR TENDER FEET . — Try Anthony ScartTs new material ! Peculiarly Prepared Indestructible Porpoise Skin ISoou and Shoes . -Soft as silk , shines like patent , never cracks , becomes softer and liner in wear , a perJc-ct durable luxury and superlative specialte . 8 Bow Lane , Cheapside , E . C . Ladies' orders skilfully executed . One trial insures -satisfaction ..
A LL MUSIC UNDER HALF-PRICE . — Any 43 . piece sent post free , is . gd ; 3 s . pieces , is . 3 ^ d . ; 2 s . 6 d . pieces , is . id ., including the newest and best music of all publishers . Lists sent free . —Freeman and Gage , 15 , Beaufort-buildings , Stiand .
WILKINSON'S BRONCHIO-THORACIC LOZENGES . Prepared from the receipt of an Eminent Physician ; experience has fully justified their recommendation as the " most speedy remedy in Iiritation of the Throat , Cnrtarrha , Coughs , Bronchitis , Incipient Consumption , Spitting of Blood , & c . To public speakers and vocalists they are invaluable , as they impart a clear aud heautifu * tone to lhe voice . Free from opium , anJ of an agreeable taste . In bottles of one uniform size .
*\ y HITMORE'S STOMACHIC and LIVER PILLS , composed ofthe Extracts of Dandelion , Turkej Rhubarb , and Jamaica Ginger . No Till is so" efficacious " in promoting Digestion , strengthening thc Stomach , correcting Acidity , preventing 01 removing Headache , Giddiness , & c , arising from Costiveness , Debilitated Stomach , or Torpid Liver . They require no change of Diet , and the most delicate may take them with safetv . Taken as an adjunct with WILKINSON'S SARSATARILLA Willi the greatest success , Sold in Hollies , Small , Medium and Large . Prepared only by THOMAS WILKINSON , 2 jo , Regent Street , London , W . May be had of all leading firms in India and Colonics .
AROMATIC TINCTURE OF QUINOIDINE . For the prevention of FEVKR , AGUE , ar Effects ol MALARIA . An Unfailing Remedy . Those who during the campaign in the Crimea , dailv took a email quantity , passed unharmed through the Fever anil Dvsen . tery , that thinned the ranks . In Half , Quarter and Pint 13 tittles Prepared only by THOMAS WILKINSON , 270 , Regent Street , London , \ V . May be had of all leading Firms i India and Colonies .
Watches , Clocks , Brooches , Ear-rings and all kinds of Jeyvellery , REPAIRED BV EXPERIENCED WORKMEN at 198 , FLEET-STREET , LONDON . Country orders yvill receive prompt attention . RANTED . —A Hall-keeper for the Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . A Man , yvell up in Masonry , yvith a yvife antl daughter , the latter about 14 years old , yvill be preferred . —For particulars appl y to Mr . George Thompson , 72 , P'igrim-street , Newcastle-oil-Tyne .
FOR LODGES , GRAND LODGE , SCHOOLS , ASYLUMS , HOSPITALS , OFFICES , HOUSEHOLDS . BISCHOFSPATENTSPONGYIRONFILTER. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1875 . * RECOMMENDED BY ROYAL COMMISSION As Superior to all other Filters Tested . See Sixth Report of "Thc Royal Commission on Rivers Pollution" ( Domestic Water Supply of Great Britain ) presented to Parliament , Session 1875 , p . 220 . Domestic Filters from 30 s . Extracts from Official Reports , Illustrated Price-Lists , & c , on application , or Post Free . THE SPONGY IRON WATER PURIFYING COMPANY . 505 , OXFORD-STREET , LONDON , W . C .
MIDDLETON'S MAGICLANTERNSANDSLIDES. As made for the Royal Polytechnic Institution . T \ TEW SUBJECTS : —PORTRAIT of HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS the PRINCE of WALES , x * in his MASONIC DRESS , by Special Permission of E . J . HARTV . Esq ., S . D . 1201 . —Thc new OVERLAND ROUTE to INDIA , ' ncluding the ROYAL VISIT , from authentic Sketches by an eminent Artist . —ARCTIC REGIONS , as shown at the Royal Polvtechn ic by B . MALDEM , Esq ., BRIDGEMAN SMITH , & C , & C , and all our leading Exhibitors . HOW TO PAINT YOUR OWN SLIDES , PRICE OXE SHILLING . BOXES OF MATERIALS , *•«. 6 d . AXP I = . 6 d . E « . CH SAMPLE SLIDES AND CATALOGUE , BY POST , FOR TWENTY STAMPS . J . T . MIDDLETON , Manufacturer to thc Royal Polytechnic , and all the Leading Institutions and Exhibitors throughout the World . 38 , LITTLE QUEEN-STREET , HIGH HOLBORN . MANUFACTORY , DULWICH . Readings for Lantern Exhibitions , including Lantern Manipulation , Gfc ., & c , in One /' ol ., zs . 6 d .
MANUFACTURER OF ENETIAN , WIRE AND OUTSIDE SPRING SHOP BLINDS . Old Blinds renovated to look equal to new . Estimates and Contracts supplied on the shortest notice . 43 , Aldersgate-street , City .
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Bro . J . Ayton
Successor toE . T . CROFTON , Funeral Furnisher and Featherman ESTABLISHED 1821 , 79 , JUDD ST ., BRUNSWICK SQ ., W . C AND 139 , CALEDONIAN RD ., ISLINGTON , N . Price List on Application . Distance no object .
. , ,
Size of Photograph , 24 by 18 , beautifully and correctly coloured and mounted , ready for framing ( each ) £ 440 Suitable Gilt Frame for same , tyvo inch moulding , size 33 by 26 ( each ) 220 Emblematic ditto , four inch moulding , size 33 by 26 ( each ) 440 Cartcs-de-Visitc ( each ) o 1 o Cabinet Portraits ( each ) 026 GEORGE KENNING , MASONIC DEPOTS , LONDON , LIVERPOOL , AND GLASGOW .
, , .
CHARING CROSS STATION TOILET•¦»|§|**CLUB. ( Continental Booking Office Entrance . ) A Great Convenience and Saving of Time to the ^ Brethren , desirous of dressing promptly , previous to going to Lodge , Ball , Dinner , & c . Private Dressing Rooms , charge 6 d ., with every attendance and appliance for the Toilet . Evening dress taken care of for the day or season in peifumed boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths . Hosiery , Peifumery , Halrdressing , Dress Suits , Boots , Opera Hats , Masonic Clothing , Jeyvels , Swords , & c . Fuller particulars per post ( Jd . stamp ) . N . B . —Ladies' Depart-TO » nt attached .
ARTIFICIAL TEETH . —First-class Den-*^ tistry only , embracing all the most recent improvements , at a very trilling cost beyond that paid for inferior , yvhich often proves utterly useless . ' A great reduction made to servants attending after two . Nitrous oxide gas administered daily . Consultations free . Mr . PARTRIDGE , Surgical and Mechanical Dentist . 4 , Sussex-terrace , near South Kensington Station .
WEAK OR DEFECTIVE SIGHT . —SPECTACLES scientifically adapted to remedy- impaired vision by Bro . ACKLAND . Surgeon , daily , at Home anil Thornthwaite ' s , Opticians to the Queen , 41 ( 1 , Strand , London , W . C . Send six stamps for " Ackland ' s Hints on Spectacles , ' which contains valuable suggestions to sufferers from imperfect sight .
POR FISH . L Try GOW POR POULTRY . L Try GOW . POR GAME . Try GOW POR BARRELLED OYSTERS . Try GOW . T GOW . J •1 , HONEY-LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . Special quotations to large consumers , Hotels , Caterers , &* c . Country Orders promptly executed . ONE ORDER WILL SECURE FUTURE PATRONAGE
TO RESTAURANT AND HOTEL PROPRIETORS , & c . QAIN , BUTCHER , 23 , SEETHING-LANE , ^ " ^ Great Toyver-street , Supplies Hotels , Luncheon-Bars , Coffee Houses , Sic , with Joints . Chops , Steaks , & c , at lowest possible rates . Branch Establishments—Gipsy-hill , Nonvood ; 306 , Walworth-road .
"TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R .DTPARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 4 J , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , QFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLT GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an " Immense Stock , " but sufficiently large for any person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A visit yvill , at all times , be very much appreciated .
F ) INNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA . — For over 30 years approved as thc Best Remedy ACIDITY ofthe STOMACH , HEARTBURN , HEADACHE . GOUT and INDIGESTION , and as a safe and gentle aperient for delicate constitutions , ladies , children and infants . D 1 N N E F O 11 D & CO . 172 , Neyv Bond Street , London , and of all Chemists throughout thc yvorld .
THE GENERAL FLOOR CLOTH WAREHOUSE , BEEHIVE PASSAGE , LIME STREET , FENCHURCH STREET , LONDON , E . C . CORTICINE, THE PATENT FLOOR CLOTH , Specially adapted for Office and Private Use , and all Floor Coverings . Supplied at the Loyvest Prices . EXPERIENCED FITTERS KEPT . OFFICES COVEUED WITH I MMEDIATE DESPATCH . Estimates given , and Patterns sent to all Parts . N . B . —Country Orders Punctually attended to . All communications to be addressed to MALLETT BROTHERS , PROPRIETORS .
Now Ready . Plain is . 6 d . ; coloured , 33 . A BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPH OF MASONIC EMBLEMS may be had , Wholesale and Retail , of Bro . George Kenning , at his Masonic Depots in London Liverpool , and Glasgoyv .
- -PWICKENHAM SCHOOL , M 1 DDLEJ- SEX . —Established 1820 . Sound Education . Preparation for Examination and Commercial Pursuits . Foreign Masters . Moderate and Inclusive Terms . —Apply o 8 ro , Clayboii Palmer , LL . D ., L . C . P ., F . E . I . S ., & c .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
$ ( r tlje | MtUti > , tatttg families- , wxxb § t \\ tx % . THE PRINCE'S GATE HOTEL , 19 , CROMWELL PLACE , S . W ., ( Opposite South Kensington Station ) . PRIVATE HOTEL , Easy access to all parts of Town , ten minutes of Hyde Park and Albert Hall . Unsurpassed in London for elegance of appointments , replete with every convenience , rendering thc House an EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE AND REFINED HOME . TERMS PER WEEK : Single Rooms from 3 $ to 3 Guineas . Double Rooms from 6 to 9 Guineas . Private Sitting Rooms from 3 Guineas . Per day from Half-guinea . Charges for Visiters , Luncheon 2 s . 6 d . Dinner 5 s . Supper a la Carte . Gas in Bedrooms , Special Bath , and meals served in Bed-rooms at irregular hours extra as per tariff . There is an ascending room to the top of the house . Complete tariff on application to the PROPRIETOR .
In thc Press , and yvill shortly be Published , THE SCOTTISH MASONIC CALENDAR FOR 18 7 6 . PRICE 3 d ., POST-FREE 4 d . This Calendar yvill contain Lists of Lodges , Chapters , K . T . Preceptories , Conclaves , Grand Councils , & c , yvith the names of officers , places and dates of meetings , together yvith full particulars of every recognised Masonic body throughout Scotland . Office : 9 , West Hoyvard-street , Glasgoyv .
f ) NE SHILLING . —The AMERICAN GEM V - ' COOKING STOVE yvill boil a pint of yvater in five 'in utes , cook chops and steaks . Invaluable for thc nursery , sick rooms , doctors ' , layvycrs ' , or any offices . Teakettle , 10 stamps ; Frying-pan , 9 stamps ; Tea-urn and Saucepan combined , 15 stamps ; packed and sent to any railway station . J . B . PILLINGER , 7 , Churcl -road , Upper Norwood , London .
104 CHURCHSERMONSr By EMINENT CLERGYMEN . In Two Volutses , Handsomely Bound in Cloth , each , 4 s . RBKVKS SON AND Co .. Playhouse-yard , London . QOMFORT FOR TENDER FEET . — Try Anthony ScartTs new material ! Peculiarly Prepared Indestructible Porpoise Skin ISoou and Shoes . -Soft as silk , shines like patent , never cracks , becomes softer and liner in wear , a perJc-ct durable luxury and superlative specialte . 8 Bow Lane , Cheapside , E . C . Ladies' orders skilfully executed . One trial insures -satisfaction ..
A LL MUSIC UNDER HALF-PRICE . — Any 43 . piece sent post free , is . gd ; 3 s . pieces , is . 3 ^ d . ; 2 s . 6 d . pieces , is . id ., including the newest and best music of all publishers . Lists sent free . —Freeman and Gage , 15 , Beaufort-buildings , Stiand .
WILKINSON'S BRONCHIO-THORACIC LOZENGES . Prepared from the receipt of an Eminent Physician ; experience has fully justified their recommendation as the " most speedy remedy in Iiritation of the Throat , Cnrtarrha , Coughs , Bronchitis , Incipient Consumption , Spitting of Blood , & c . To public speakers and vocalists they are invaluable , as they impart a clear aud heautifu * tone to lhe voice . Free from opium , anJ of an agreeable taste . In bottles of one uniform size .
*\ y HITMORE'S STOMACHIC and LIVER PILLS , composed ofthe Extracts of Dandelion , Turkej Rhubarb , and Jamaica Ginger . No Till is so" efficacious " in promoting Digestion , strengthening thc Stomach , correcting Acidity , preventing 01 removing Headache , Giddiness , & c , arising from Costiveness , Debilitated Stomach , or Torpid Liver . They require no change of Diet , and the most delicate may take them with safetv . Taken as an adjunct with WILKINSON'S SARSATARILLA Willi the greatest success , Sold in Hollies , Small , Medium and Large . Prepared only by THOMAS WILKINSON , 2 jo , Regent Street , London , W . May be had of all leading firms in India and Colonics .
AROMATIC TINCTURE OF QUINOIDINE . For the prevention of FEVKR , AGUE , ar Effects ol MALARIA . An Unfailing Remedy . Those who during the campaign in the Crimea , dailv took a email quantity , passed unharmed through the Fever anil Dvsen . tery , that thinned the ranks . In Half , Quarter and Pint 13 tittles Prepared only by THOMAS WILKINSON , 270 , Regent Street , London , \ V . May be had of all leading Firms i India and Colonies .
Watches , Clocks , Brooches , Ear-rings and all kinds of Jeyvellery , REPAIRED BV EXPERIENCED WORKMEN at 198 , FLEET-STREET , LONDON . Country orders yvill receive prompt attention . RANTED . —A Hall-keeper for the Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . A Man , yvell up in Masonry , yvith a yvife antl daughter , the latter about 14 years old , yvill be preferred . —For particulars appl y to Mr . George Thompson , 72 , P'igrim-street , Newcastle-oil-Tyne .
FOR LODGES , GRAND LODGE , SCHOOLS , ASYLUMS , HOSPITALS , OFFICES , HOUSEHOLDS . BISCHOFSPATENTSPONGYIRONFILTER. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1875 . * RECOMMENDED BY ROYAL COMMISSION As Superior to all other Filters Tested . See Sixth Report of "Thc Royal Commission on Rivers Pollution" ( Domestic Water Supply of Great Britain ) presented to Parliament , Session 1875 , p . 220 . Domestic Filters from 30 s . Extracts from Official Reports , Illustrated Price-Lists , & c , on application , or Post Free . THE SPONGY IRON WATER PURIFYING COMPANY . 505 , OXFORD-STREET , LONDON , W . C .
MIDDLETON'S MAGICLANTERNSANDSLIDES. As made for the Royal Polytechnic Institution . T \ TEW SUBJECTS : —PORTRAIT of HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS the PRINCE of WALES , x * in his MASONIC DRESS , by Special Permission of E . J . HARTV . Esq ., S . D . 1201 . —Thc new OVERLAND ROUTE to INDIA , ' ncluding the ROYAL VISIT , from authentic Sketches by an eminent Artist . —ARCTIC REGIONS , as shown at the Royal Polvtechn ic by B . MALDEM , Esq ., BRIDGEMAN SMITH , & C , & C , and all our leading Exhibitors . HOW TO PAINT YOUR OWN SLIDES , PRICE OXE SHILLING . BOXES OF MATERIALS , *•«. 6 d . AXP I = . 6 d . E « . CH SAMPLE SLIDES AND CATALOGUE , BY POST , FOR TWENTY STAMPS . J . T . MIDDLETON , Manufacturer to thc Royal Polytechnic , and all the Leading Institutions and Exhibitors throughout the World . 38 , LITTLE QUEEN-STREET , HIGH HOLBORN . MANUFACTORY , DULWICH . Readings for Lantern Exhibitions , including Lantern Manipulation , Gfc ., & c , in One /' ol ., zs . 6 d .
MANUFACTURER OF ENETIAN , WIRE AND OUTSIDE SPRING SHOP BLINDS . Old Blinds renovated to look equal to new . Estimates and Contracts supplied on the shortest notice . 43 , Aldersgate-street , City .
. ,
Bro . J . Ayton
Successor toE . T . CROFTON , Funeral Furnisher and Featherman ESTABLISHED 1821 , 79 , JUDD ST ., BRUNSWICK SQ ., W . C AND 139 , CALEDONIAN RD ., ISLINGTON , N . Price List on Application . Distance no object .
. , ,
Size of Photograph , 24 by 18 , beautifully and correctly coloured and mounted , ready for framing ( each ) £ 440 Suitable Gilt Frame for same , tyvo inch moulding , size 33 by 26 ( each ) 220 Emblematic ditto , four inch moulding , size 33 by 26 ( each ) 440 Cartcs-de-Visitc ( each ) o 1 o Cabinet Portraits ( each ) 026 GEORGE KENNING , MASONIC DEPOTS , LONDON , LIVERPOOL , AND GLASGOW .
, , .
CHARING CROSS STATION TOILET•¦»|§|**CLUB. ( Continental Booking Office Entrance . ) A Great Convenience and Saving of Time to the ^ Brethren , desirous of dressing promptly , previous to going to Lodge , Ball , Dinner , & c . Private Dressing Rooms , charge 6 d ., with every attendance and appliance for the Toilet . Evening dress taken care of for the day or season in peifumed boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths . Hosiery , Peifumery , Halrdressing , Dress Suits , Boots , Opera Hats , Masonic Clothing , Jeyvels , Swords , & c . Fuller particulars per post ( Jd . stamp ) . N . B . —Ladies' Depart-TO » nt attached .
ARTIFICIAL TEETH . —First-class Den-*^ tistry only , embracing all the most recent improvements , at a very trilling cost beyond that paid for inferior , yvhich often proves utterly useless . ' A great reduction made to servants attending after two . Nitrous oxide gas administered daily . Consultations free . Mr . PARTRIDGE , Surgical and Mechanical Dentist . 4 , Sussex-terrace , near South Kensington Station .
WEAK OR DEFECTIVE SIGHT . —SPECTACLES scientifically adapted to remedy- impaired vision by Bro . ACKLAND . Surgeon , daily , at Home anil Thornthwaite ' s , Opticians to the Queen , 41 ( 1 , Strand , London , W . C . Send six stamps for " Ackland ' s Hints on Spectacles , ' which contains valuable suggestions to sufferers from imperfect sight .
POR FISH . L Try GOW POR POULTRY . L Try GOW . POR GAME . Try GOW POR BARRELLED OYSTERS . Try GOW . T GOW . J •1 , HONEY-LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . Special quotations to large consumers , Hotels , Caterers , &* c . Country Orders promptly executed . ONE ORDER WILL SECURE FUTURE PATRONAGE
TO RESTAURANT AND HOTEL PROPRIETORS , & c . QAIN , BUTCHER , 23 , SEETHING-LANE , ^ " ^ Great Toyver-street , Supplies Hotels , Luncheon-Bars , Coffee Houses , Sic , with Joints . Chops , Steaks , & c , at lowest possible rates . Branch Establishments—Gipsy-hill , Nonvood ; 306 , Walworth-road .
"TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R .DTPARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 4 J , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , QFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLT GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does not keep an " Immense Stock , " but sufficiently large for any person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A visit yvill , at all times , be very much appreciated .
F ) INNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA . — For over 30 years approved as thc Best Remedy ACIDITY ofthe STOMACH , HEARTBURN , HEADACHE . GOUT and INDIGESTION , and as a safe and gentle aperient for delicate constitutions , ladies , children and infants . D 1 N N E F O 11 D & CO . 172 , Neyv Bond Street , London , and of all Chemists throughout thc yvorld .
THE GENERAL FLOOR CLOTH WAREHOUSE , BEEHIVE PASSAGE , LIME STREET , FENCHURCH STREET , LONDON , E . C . CORTICINE, THE PATENT FLOOR CLOTH , Specially adapted for Office and Private Use , and all Floor Coverings . Supplied at the Loyvest Prices . EXPERIENCED FITTERS KEPT . OFFICES COVEUED WITH I MMEDIATE DESPATCH . Estimates given , and Patterns sent to all Parts . N . B . —Country Orders Punctually attended to . All communications to be addressed to MALLETT BROTHERS , PROPRIETORS .
Now Ready . Plain is . 6 d . ; coloured , 33 . A BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPH OF MASONIC EMBLEMS may be had , Wholesale and Retail , of Bro . George Kenning , at his Masonic Depots in London Liverpool , and Glasgoyv .
- -PWICKENHAM SCHOOL , M 1 DDLEJ- SEX . —Established 1820 . Sound Education . Preparation for Examination and Commercial Pursuits . Foreign Masters . Moderate and Inclusive Terms . —Apply o 8 ro , Clayboii Palmer , LL . D ., L . C . P ., F . E . I . S ., & c .