Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE AMERICAN K.T,. TOURISTS. Page 1 of 2 Article THE AMERICAN K.T,. TOURISTS. Page 1 of 2 Article THE AMERICAN K.T,. TOURISTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Festivities.
luncheon was spread , which was abundant and sumptuous . The after-dinner toasts were limited to the Worshipful Master only , which was proposed by Bro . William Crane , P . M ., who in feeling terms alluded to the untiring zeal and disinterested devotion of
Bro . Winstanley . Whether by affording instruction , correction , relief , or reproof , his hand was always guided by justice and his heart expanded by benevolence . In short , he ( Bro . Winstanley ) carried out , in his daily life out of the lodge , those precepts which he taught in it .
Bro . Winstanley , W . M . in reply , said that he felt deeply grateful to Bro . Crane for his kind eulogium , and to the company for their manifestations of good-will and esteem . He would do all he could to promote their comfort , and he trusted all would enjoy themselves . He hoped that these annual
picnics would be long continued . After dinner , many of the ladies and gentlemen had a sail up the Dee , and a view of the Hall and grounds .- Others joined in the sports , while some kept up dancing with great spirit to the strains of the band until the shades of evening .
The annual gatherings have become an institution with the Temple Lodge , and decidedly popular amongst the ladies . The arrangements for the picnic were carried out with great spirit by Bros . Winstanley , Washington , Yelland , Martin , and
Major Newman . The company were much pleased with the vocal arrangements of the Misses Washington , Mrs . Smith , and Miss Eves . A very happy day was spent . The weather was beautiful and fine , every one expressing a wish that the next Temple picnic was nearer at hand .
The American K.T,. Tourists.
On Friday , the 7 th inst ., the members of the Allegheny Commandery were received and welcomed by the representatives of English Templary , and were afterwards entertained at a banquet over which the V . H . and E . Dep . Grand Master of the Order , the Rev . John Huyshe presided . The following Knights signed the attendance book : —
Wm . Stuart , M . E . and S . G . M . ; the Rev . J . Huyshe , D . G . M . ; Earl of Limerick , Grand Prior ; Sir P . Colquhoun , Grand Chancellor ; W . Tinkler , Grand Vice-Chancellor ; J . Lavender , Grand Registrar ; F . J . 'Leveson , Grand Provost ; F . H . Wilson lies , Second Grand Aid dc Camp ; H .
Dubosc , First Grand Captain of Lines ; D . G . M . Gordon , Grand Sword Bearer ; G . Harcourt , P . G . C ., Surrey ; Capt . N . G . Phillips , P . G . C ., Suffolk and Cambridge ; Colonel Goddard , Past First Grand Captain ; J . M . P . Montagu , Past First Grand Captain ; the Rev . G . Ross , D . P . G . C ,
Cornwall ; j . Boor , P . G . Standard Bearer , Surrey ; D . M . Dewar , Mount Calvary Encampment ; G . Hillyer , Faith and Fidelity ; J . Oxley Oxland , Tancred ; W . Smith , P . D . P . G . C . Kent ; the Rev . C . W . Spencer Stanhope , Past Grand Almoner ; Raymond H . Krupp , Faith and Fidelity ; A . T .
Brett , Stuart ; Malcolm O . Sim , Faith and Fidelity ; T . W . Venn , Ceylon Encampment ; E . Turner , St . George ' s London ; Col . C . Ratcliffe , Howe ; J . R . Bramble , Baldwin ; S . Rosenthal , Grove ; W . Blcnkin , Harcourt ; J . Dyer , Temple Cressing ; Hyde Pullen , Royal Naval ; E . H . Finney , Mount
Calvary ; G . Kenning , Kemeys Tynte ; C . Horsley , Stuart ; j . Lockhart Syms , Faith and Fidelity ; the Rev . A . B . Frazer , Cour de Lion , Oxford ; W . R . Bryan , Abbey Chapter ; J . Hart , Grove ; F . A . Philbrick , Mount Calvary ; J . D . Larcscn , Mount Calvary .
1 ne Knights of the Allegheny Commandery wl ose names are appended were received with the honours due to their rank : —
W . Hamilton , Eminent Commander ; W . H . Slai k , Generalissimo ; E . M . Jenkins , Captain Go era ]; J . J . Mcllyar , Prelate : M . Riley , Treasnrir ; J . A . Scholes , Recorder ; D . A . Cook , Senior \ Vaiden ; A . Godfrey , Junior Warden ; H . Laughlin , Swo d Bearer ; T . J . Cleppcr , Standard Bearer
H . C hurch , Warden ; W . A . Short , Marshal ; S . A . Garc ner , and W . T . Tudor , Chaplains ; A . M . R . unbo , Past E . Commander ; S . T . G . Morsell , R . H . Tavlor , G . G . Bowcn , J . Dickson , G . W . Park r , C . H . Shcppard , W . llasson . H . D . Rcymer , W . II . Dcvorc , W . H . Thompson , J . M . Gumming , F . W . T . Glover , J . Ii . Knapp , J . L . Acorn b , C . L . P .
Boi . e , E . Coates , J . J . Fisher , J . K . Ritier , J . F . Gral am , J . C . Jenkins , Judge W . A . Richardson , of tl e Pilgrim Encampment , Lovell , Mass ; C . E . Coor , of St . Omer ' s Commandery , Elinira , New York ; M . R . Barnitzy , of the Palestine Commandery , Clvlsea , Mass . In passing , the Sir Knights advanced in military style and saluted the M . K . and S . G . M ., and
The American K.T,. Tourists.
the Grand Officers , and were then invited to take their seats in the encampment . The Grand Chancellor Sir P . Mc C . de Colquhoun then addressed the distinguished visitors .
Sir Kt . W . Hamilton , Eminent Commander , replied on behalf of the Sir Knts . of Allegheny This seventh day of July , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventyone , is one that will be always remembered , not only by the Knights of Allegheny , but by all
our i raters throughout the United States of America , as an epoch in the history of the Order of the Temple , in the United States . We have left our homes in the Far West , and are now travelling East , not with the intent of winning renown by warlike deeds , but as
pilgrim penitents , visiting the scenes made famous by those valiant knights who have won for themselves and for the Order of the Temple imperishable renown , and reverently , with uncovered heads and sad hearts , view those hallowed spots , sacred to the memory of those noble knights
whose names are inscribed on the roll of the noble army of martyrs . And now , when we are weary with travelling , you have met us with kindly greeting , taken us into your tents , and made us the recipients of your unbounded hospitality . Although so far from our homes , we are not in
a strange land—we feel to-day that we are at our mother's fireside , surrounded by our elder brethren . That the Grand Chancellor , in his official capacity of Crand Commander of Middlesex , should convene the Prov . Grand Conclave with regard to our convenience , we regard as
one of the greatest honours that could be conferred upon us . And , in conclusion , permit us to say , that if any mists have darkened the political atmosphere between Great Britain and the United States , we believe that they have been happily dispelled , and we hope that Her
Gracious Majesty , Victoria , Queen of England , may long continue to live and reign , and that her memory as a devoted wife and affectionate mother , a loving and gracious Queen , and a Christian woman , may be loved and honoured until the end of recorded time .
Sir Knts . W . Hamilton and E . M . Jenkins were appointed to the honorary rank of Past Grand Captains of the Grand Conclave of England and Wales , received their patents , and tendered their warmest thanks for the honour
conferred upon them . The Prov . Grand Conclave of Middlesex , was then opened , and the following were duly appointed as Prov . Grand Officers : —
Sir Kt . the Rev . A . B . Shepherd , Prelate and Almoner „ E . Turner ... ; .. 1 st Captain „ S . Rosenthal 2 nd Captain „ W . Tinkler Chancellor „ Raymond H . Thrupp ... Registrar „ D . M . Dewar Chamberlain
„ 1-. A . I-Mulbrick ... Director of Cers . „ F . W . Ramsay ... Standard Bearer „ Clarence Harcourt ... Captain of Lines „ G . Hillyer Banner Bearer Sir Knight J . Tepper was elected Treasurer , and Frater Austin Equerry .
The Sir Knights then adjourned to an adjoining room for the purpose of conferring upon the Sir Knights of Allegheny Commandery the degree of the Mediteranean Pass , according to their desire , although they had , with one exception , in their own country received the degree of Knight of Malta .
1 he Prov . Grand Conclave of Middlesex was then closed , and a Priory of Malta was opened . Sir Knight James Dickson , of the Allegheny Commandery , and Sir Knights J . Boord of the Harcourt Encampment , J . D . Larsen of the Mount Calvary Encampment , Thomas Luty of
the Ancient York Encampment , and G . Hillyer and J . Lockhart Syms of the Faith and Fidelity Encampment , then received the Mediterranean Pass , and were admitted into the Order of the Knights of Ma ' ta . The Priory of Malta was closed .
The business of the Faith and Fidelity Encampment being concluded it was closed . The American Sir Knights then formed a procession and retired in military order . The Sir Knights shortly afterwards re-assembled in the Banquet Room in undress .
The American K.T,. Tourists.
At the banquet the American Sir Knights were seated alternately between the English Sir Knights round the table . The Sir Knights Hamilton , Slack , Jenkins , and Mclllyar , of the Allegheny Commandery , being the supporters ,
right and left of the Chairmain . After the cloth had been drawn , the Chairman proposed "The Queen , the daughter of a Mason , the mother ' and mother-in-law of Masons . " He said the manner in which the American Sir
Knights had received the name of Her Majesty was sufficient to ensure a cordial reception of the toast . The National Anthem was sung . The Chairman gave " The President of the
United States of America . " Although they could not give this toast with Masonic honours , they no less cordially drank his health , and prosperty to the United States . The Chairman made some appropriate remarks upon the recent events in
which , Freemasonry had taken an important part . ( This toast was drunk with enthusiasm . ) The national song of the " Star Spangled Banner " was sung by Sir Knight Slack , with the additional verse , by Bro . Walter Montgomery .
Sir Knight Sir P . Mc C . de Colquhoun proposed "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " as a Knight Templar , a zealous Mason , and an English gentleman . He had visited the United
States , and had since frequently acknowledged the hearty welcome he had there received . He would also add the health of the Princess of Wales , as the daughter , the sister , and wife of a Mason , highly esteemed by all who knew her .
The next toast was " The Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master of England , Sir Knight W . Stuart , " given by Sir Knight Hamilton , who mentioned the connection of Sir Knight Stuart with the American nation , being the great
grandson of William Penn , and a descendant of the royal Stuarts . ( The toast was enthusiastically received , and it was regretted by all that the state of his health did not permit him to be present . )
The next toast was given by the Chairman , " The health of Sir Knight W . Sewall Gardner , M . E . and S . G . M . of Knights Templar in the United States , " whose command extended over no less than 36 states , and about six territories .
( The toast was received with Masonic honours . ) Sir Knight Huyshe then proposed " The health of the Visitors , as the representatives of the Knights Templar of the United States , " in a forcible speech , which , we regret , our space will
not permit us to give in extenso . He expressed his regret at the shortness of the notice which had no doubt prevented a larger number of Sir Knights being present ; but he hoped the warmth of the reception would make amends for
the smallness of their number . He strongly expressed himself upon the great influence which Masonry had exercised upon the welfare of mankind , and alluded in feeling terms to the very cordial reception which had been given to the
Grand Master of Craft Masonry , during his recent visit to the United States . He agreed with the sentiments expressed by an American brother as to the influence which Masonry had exercised in the happy settlement of the
differences which at one time threatened to disturb the peaceful relations of the two countries . Sir Knight Rev . J . J . Mclllyar , D . D ., replied as follows : Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , I assure you that it afforcP me great
pleasure , on behalf of all the visiting brethren of Allcghency Commandery , to return ieir heartfelt thanks for the very cordial manner in which they have been received by the Grand Encampment of England and Wales . When we
remember , eminent sir , that this is the first time in the history of the world that such an honour has been conferred , it is impossible for us to express our high appreciation of your kindness . Eminent sir , the very eloquent and able manner in which you have spoken of the American people , and
the settlement of those differences which seemed to threaten difficulty between two of the greatest nations in the world , has brought us under great obligations . I can assure you , eminent sir , that the American people no less appreciate the amicable settlement of those difficulties , and I have no doubt that the principles of Masonry
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Festivities.
luncheon was spread , which was abundant and sumptuous . The after-dinner toasts were limited to the Worshipful Master only , which was proposed by Bro . William Crane , P . M ., who in feeling terms alluded to the untiring zeal and disinterested devotion of
Bro . Winstanley . Whether by affording instruction , correction , relief , or reproof , his hand was always guided by justice and his heart expanded by benevolence . In short , he ( Bro . Winstanley ) carried out , in his daily life out of the lodge , those precepts which he taught in it .
Bro . Winstanley , W . M . in reply , said that he felt deeply grateful to Bro . Crane for his kind eulogium , and to the company for their manifestations of good-will and esteem . He would do all he could to promote their comfort , and he trusted all would enjoy themselves . He hoped that these annual
picnics would be long continued . After dinner , many of the ladies and gentlemen had a sail up the Dee , and a view of the Hall and grounds .- Others joined in the sports , while some kept up dancing with great spirit to the strains of the band until the shades of evening .
The annual gatherings have become an institution with the Temple Lodge , and decidedly popular amongst the ladies . The arrangements for the picnic were carried out with great spirit by Bros . Winstanley , Washington , Yelland , Martin , and
Major Newman . The company were much pleased with the vocal arrangements of the Misses Washington , Mrs . Smith , and Miss Eves . A very happy day was spent . The weather was beautiful and fine , every one expressing a wish that the next Temple picnic was nearer at hand .
The American K.T,. Tourists.
On Friday , the 7 th inst ., the members of the Allegheny Commandery were received and welcomed by the representatives of English Templary , and were afterwards entertained at a banquet over which the V . H . and E . Dep . Grand Master of the Order , the Rev . John Huyshe presided . The following Knights signed the attendance book : —
Wm . Stuart , M . E . and S . G . M . ; the Rev . J . Huyshe , D . G . M . ; Earl of Limerick , Grand Prior ; Sir P . Colquhoun , Grand Chancellor ; W . Tinkler , Grand Vice-Chancellor ; J . Lavender , Grand Registrar ; F . J . 'Leveson , Grand Provost ; F . H . Wilson lies , Second Grand Aid dc Camp ; H .
Dubosc , First Grand Captain of Lines ; D . G . M . Gordon , Grand Sword Bearer ; G . Harcourt , P . G . C ., Surrey ; Capt . N . G . Phillips , P . G . C ., Suffolk and Cambridge ; Colonel Goddard , Past First Grand Captain ; J . M . P . Montagu , Past First Grand Captain ; the Rev . G . Ross , D . P . G . C ,
Cornwall ; j . Boor , P . G . Standard Bearer , Surrey ; D . M . Dewar , Mount Calvary Encampment ; G . Hillyer , Faith and Fidelity ; J . Oxley Oxland , Tancred ; W . Smith , P . D . P . G . C . Kent ; the Rev . C . W . Spencer Stanhope , Past Grand Almoner ; Raymond H . Krupp , Faith and Fidelity ; A . T .
Brett , Stuart ; Malcolm O . Sim , Faith and Fidelity ; T . W . Venn , Ceylon Encampment ; E . Turner , St . George ' s London ; Col . C . Ratcliffe , Howe ; J . R . Bramble , Baldwin ; S . Rosenthal , Grove ; W . Blcnkin , Harcourt ; J . Dyer , Temple Cressing ; Hyde Pullen , Royal Naval ; E . H . Finney , Mount
Calvary ; G . Kenning , Kemeys Tynte ; C . Horsley , Stuart ; j . Lockhart Syms , Faith and Fidelity ; the Rev . A . B . Frazer , Cour de Lion , Oxford ; W . R . Bryan , Abbey Chapter ; J . Hart , Grove ; F . A . Philbrick , Mount Calvary ; J . D . Larcscn , Mount Calvary .
1 ne Knights of the Allegheny Commandery wl ose names are appended were received with the honours due to their rank : —
W . Hamilton , Eminent Commander ; W . H . Slai k , Generalissimo ; E . M . Jenkins , Captain Go era ]; J . J . Mcllyar , Prelate : M . Riley , Treasnrir ; J . A . Scholes , Recorder ; D . A . Cook , Senior \ Vaiden ; A . Godfrey , Junior Warden ; H . Laughlin , Swo d Bearer ; T . J . Cleppcr , Standard Bearer
H . C hurch , Warden ; W . A . Short , Marshal ; S . A . Garc ner , and W . T . Tudor , Chaplains ; A . M . R . unbo , Past E . Commander ; S . T . G . Morsell , R . H . Tavlor , G . G . Bowcn , J . Dickson , G . W . Park r , C . H . Shcppard , W . llasson . H . D . Rcymer , W . II . Dcvorc , W . H . Thompson , J . M . Gumming , F . W . T . Glover , J . Ii . Knapp , J . L . Acorn b , C . L . P .
Boi . e , E . Coates , J . J . Fisher , J . K . Ritier , J . F . Gral am , J . C . Jenkins , Judge W . A . Richardson , of tl e Pilgrim Encampment , Lovell , Mass ; C . E . Coor , of St . Omer ' s Commandery , Elinira , New York ; M . R . Barnitzy , of the Palestine Commandery , Clvlsea , Mass . In passing , the Sir Knights advanced in military style and saluted the M . K . and S . G . M ., and
The American K.T,. Tourists.
the Grand Officers , and were then invited to take their seats in the encampment . The Grand Chancellor Sir P . Mc C . de Colquhoun then addressed the distinguished visitors .
Sir Kt . W . Hamilton , Eminent Commander , replied on behalf of the Sir Knts . of Allegheny This seventh day of July , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventyone , is one that will be always remembered , not only by the Knights of Allegheny , but by all
our i raters throughout the United States of America , as an epoch in the history of the Order of the Temple , in the United States . We have left our homes in the Far West , and are now travelling East , not with the intent of winning renown by warlike deeds , but as
pilgrim penitents , visiting the scenes made famous by those valiant knights who have won for themselves and for the Order of the Temple imperishable renown , and reverently , with uncovered heads and sad hearts , view those hallowed spots , sacred to the memory of those noble knights
whose names are inscribed on the roll of the noble army of martyrs . And now , when we are weary with travelling , you have met us with kindly greeting , taken us into your tents , and made us the recipients of your unbounded hospitality . Although so far from our homes , we are not in
a strange land—we feel to-day that we are at our mother's fireside , surrounded by our elder brethren . That the Grand Chancellor , in his official capacity of Crand Commander of Middlesex , should convene the Prov . Grand Conclave with regard to our convenience , we regard as
one of the greatest honours that could be conferred upon us . And , in conclusion , permit us to say , that if any mists have darkened the political atmosphere between Great Britain and the United States , we believe that they have been happily dispelled , and we hope that Her
Gracious Majesty , Victoria , Queen of England , may long continue to live and reign , and that her memory as a devoted wife and affectionate mother , a loving and gracious Queen , and a Christian woman , may be loved and honoured until the end of recorded time .
Sir Knts . W . Hamilton and E . M . Jenkins were appointed to the honorary rank of Past Grand Captains of the Grand Conclave of England and Wales , received their patents , and tendered their warmest thanks for the honour
conferred upon them . The Prov . Grand Conclave of Middlesex , was then opened , and the following were duly appointed as Prov . Grand Officers : —
Sir Kt . the Rev . A . B . Shepherd , Prelate and Almoner „ E . Turner ... ; .. 1 st Captain „ S . Rosenthal 2 nd Captain „ W . Tinkler Chancellor „ Raymond H . Thrupp ... Registrar „ D . M . Dewar Chamberlain
„ 1-. A . I-Mulbrick ... Director of Cers . „ F . W . Ramsay ... Standard Bearer „ Clarence Harcourt ... Captain of Lines „ G . Hillyer Banner Bearer Sir Knight J . Tepper was elected Treasurer , and Frater Austin Equerry .
The Sir Knights then adjourned to an adjoining room for the purpose of conferring upon the Sir Knights of Allegheny Commandery the degree of the Mediteranean Pass , according to their desire , although they had , with one exception , in their own country received the degree of Knight of Malta .
1 he Prov . Grand Conclave of Middlesex was then closed , and a Priory of Malta was opened . Sir Knight James Dickson , of the Allegheny Commandery , and Sir Knights J . Boord of the Harcourt Encampment , J . D . Larsen of the Mount Calvary Encampment , Thomas Luty of
the Ancient York Encampment , and G . Hillyer and J . Lockhart Syms of the Faith and Fidelity Encampment , then received the Mediterranean Pass , and were admitted into the Order of the Knights of Ma ' ta . The Priory of Malta was closed .
The business of the Faith and Fidelity Encampment being concluded it was closed . The American Sir Knights then formed a procession and retired in military order . The Sir Knights shortly afterwards re-assembled in the Banquet Room in undress .
The American K.T,. Tourists.
At the banquet the American Sir Knights were seated alternately between the English Sir Knights round the table . The Sir Knights Hamilton , Slack , Jenkins , and Mclllyar , of the Allegheny Commandery , being the supporters ,
right and left of the Chairmain . After the cloth had been drawn , the Chairman proposed "The Queen , the daughter of a Mason , the mother ' and mother-in-law of Masons . " He said the manner in which the American Sir
Knights had received the name of Her Majesty was sufficient to ensure a cordial reception of the toast . The National Anthem was sung . The Chairman gave " The President of the
United States of America . " Although they could not give this toast with Masonic honours , they no less cordially drank his health , and prosperty to the United States . The Chairman made some appropriate remarks upon the recent events in
which , Freemasonry had taken an important part . ( This toast was drunk with enthusiasm . ) The national song of the " Star Spangled Banner " was sung by Sir Knight Slack , with the additional verse , by Bro . Walter Montgomery .
Sir Knight Sir P . Mc C . de Colquhoun proposed "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " as a Knight Templar , a zealous Mason , and an English gentleman . He had visited the United
States , and had since frequently acknowledged the hearty welcome he had there received . He would also add the health of the Princess of Wales , as the daughter , the sister , and wife of a Mason , highly esteemed by all who knew her .
The next toast was " The Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master of England , Sir Knight W . Stuart , " given by Sir Knight Hamilton , who mentioned the connection of Sir Knight Stuart with the American nation , being the great
grandson of William Penn , and a descendant of the royal Stuarts . ( The toast was enthusiastically received , and it was regretted by all that the state of his health did not permit him to be present . )
The next toast was given by the Chairman , " The health of Sir Knight W . Sewall Gardner , M . E . and S . G . M . of Knights Templar in the United States , " whose command extended over no less than 36 states , and about six territories .
( The toast was received with Masonic honours . ) Sir Knight Huyshe then proposed " The health of the Visitors , as the representatives of the Knights Templar of the United States , " in a forcible speech , which , we regret , our space will
not permit us to give in extenso . He expressed his regret at the shortness of the notice which had no doubt prevented a larger number of Sir Knights being present ; but he hoped the warmth of the reception would make amends for
the smallness of their number . He strongly expressed himself upon the great influence which Masonry had exercised upon the welfare of mankind , and alluded in feeling terms to the very cordial reception which had been given to the
Grand Master of Craft Masonry , during his recent visit to the United States . He agreed with the sentiments expressed by an American brother as to the influence which Masonry had exercised in the happy settlement of the
differences which at one time threatened to disturb the peaceful relations of the two countries . Sir Knight Rev . J . J . Mclllyar , D . D ., replied as follows : Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master , I assure you that it afforcP me great
pleasure , on behalf of all the visiting brethren of Allcghency Commandery , to return ieir heartfelt thanks for the very cordial manner in which they have been received by the Grand Encampment of England and Wales . When we
remember , eminent sir , that this is the first time in the history of the world that such an honour has been conferred , it is impossible for us to express our high appreciation of your kindness . Eminent sir , the very eloquent and able manner in which you have spoken of the American people , and
the settlement of those differences which seemed to threaten difficulty between two of the greatest nations in the world , has brought us under great obligations . I can assure you , eminent sir , that the American people no less appreciate the amicable settlement of those difficulties , and I have no doubt that the principles of Masonry