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Table Of Contents.
B . PORTS or M ASONIC MEETINGS : - Craft Masonry 331 Ark Masonn- . ¦ 33 S Red Cross of Constantine 335 „^? n lc \ alV ; Vand "i _ i ' _ KeofWcVt ' Y . V _ E _ irc 336 iconic __ •' General Tidings 33 ? ^ Benevolent Festival 337 e _ . ^ vsierrvMeeiing TZ Z Z : ; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: fas
The Demands on Our Charities 838 Lodge cf Benevolence 338 . ticket ••339 peace or War 339 fOR- ESrONDF-NCE l—The Last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge 33 g Another Pamphlet 339 A Masonic Club 339 The Vicar of Brigg and the Freemasons 339
Consecration ol the West Middlesex Lodge 340 Consecration of St . Thomas ' s Lodge , Gibraltar 841 Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire 341 Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire 341 Freemasonry in New Zealand 342 West Yorkshire and the Boys' School 342 Provincial Grand Lodgeof Cornwall 342 Masonic Meetings for next Week 342 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
„__ . _ Craft 1 $ aaottrii . WILLIAM PRESTON LODGE ( No . 766 . )—The summer festival of this lodge was held at the Pier Hotel , Rosherville , on Thursday , thc 6 th inst ., and was numerously attended by the members of the lodge and their friends . Al the banquet the chair was taken by thc W . M ., Bro . John Pringlc , and the two vice-chairs by Bros . Capt . G . J . Kain , P . M . and Treas ., and William
Worrell , P . M . and Secretary . I hc dinner was excellently served under the superintendence of thc Bros . Roberts , thc worthy proprietors of thc hotel . Grace having been said , thc first two toasts , viz ., " The Queen " and " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " were proposed by thc W . M ., and were most cordially and loyally received . The next toast was proposed by Bro . W . Worrell , P . M . and Sec , viz .,
" Success to the William Preston Lodge , " coupling with it thc name of the W . M . Bro . Worrell , in the course of his speech , gave an outline of the history and events of the lodge , and with great emphasis congratulated the members upon its present prospciity . 'Ihe next toast being that of "The Visitors , " was most ably proposed by Bro . Capt . Kain , P . M ., and was eloquently responded to
by a r .-sost worthy- brother ( whose name escaped us ) on behalf of thc Freemasons , and a gentleman , a member of thc Irish Bar , with great vigour and amid much cheering , returned thanks for "The non-Freemasons . " The last and most popular toast was that of " The Ladies , " which was proposed by Bro . J . H . Williams , and responded to by Bro . Robert Lyon , and amongst all the
members of thc lodge no two more respected brethren could have been found to have championed so worthy a toast . Dessert having ended , thc brethren and ladies then adjourned to the ball-room , where the dancing was kept up with great vigour , and was interspersed with some excellent music . Amongst thc ladies present was Miss ¦ Marie Duval , of thc Royal Academy of Music , whose
charming singing was greeted with immense applause . Miss Williams , Mrs . Rtissmann , Mr . Cornier , Mr . Reynolds , and other friends largely contributed to thc musical arrangements . Ten o ' oclock having arrived , was the signal to prepare for the last train , and thus ended one of thc most enjoyable days ever spent in connection with the William Preston Lodge . Besides the brethren already
mentioned there were present Bros . Dr . Cutmore , Dr . Atwood , P . C . Sttinmann , II . Rcissmann , B . Abbott , P . M . ; R . Sutcliff , A . Lc Grand , R . Leaman , W . Johnston , G . Smithers , A . Ransby , H . F . Parttidge , and others . OLDHAM . —Friendship Lodge ( No . 277 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was heltl at the Freemasons' Hall , Union-street , on Wednesday , the cth inst ..
under thc presidency of the W . M ., Bro . H . I homas . I wo candidates for initiation into the mysteries of our Order were balloted for and approved . The ceremony of initiating Mr . Wm . Lees , of Hollinwood , was ably performed by P . M . Bro . H . L . Hollingworth , and that of initiating Mr . John Buckley , of Oldham , by the W . M . The last named ceremony was performed with musical
accompaniment , Bro . Dr . Sparkes beautiful music bung used . The , vocalists wi re Bros . Dumville and Lister , of Manchester Mark Stafford , Hy de ; and several members of the lodge , \ iz .: Bros . Clafton , Page , Midgeley , Braddcck , Bailey , and others , the result being highly satisfactory . The lodge voted an annual subscription nf £ 10 towards the funds of the East Lancashire Systematic Educational and Benevolent
Institution . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Dr . Prestwich for his handsome present of music to the lodge , "iter the supper which followed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , interspersed with several beautiful glees , which were rendered by the musical brethren named a <* ove in a most effective manner . LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No
, v ) - —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on ne 12 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , Lancas-{ " ¦ •The W . M ., Bro . T . Atkinson , occupied thc chair of •k - The lodge was opened with solemn prayer in the lr j' ^ S ^ e , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . There was only routine business to Iranct
, and this having been gone through , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony . i 8 ^ ° CKPORT . —Lodge of Unanimity ( No . anHP •' S held ' lls St - John's festival at the Dog _^ artn " % eIt ! n ,. Stockport , on Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., Mit t - ^' . * Shepherd was installed Worshipful J- se . j ° f t " _ ensuing , year ... 'Ihe ceremony was p-. r . Ch ? R --- ) - -- vJ . 9- n Gla | !* Cheetham , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . -h « e , in the mist beautiful mitf impressive manner and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the same brother afterwards invested the following officers—viz ., Bros . John Turner , S . W . ; Thomas Newton , J . W . ; Charles Booth , , S . D . ; John Leigh , J . D . ; H . F . Smith , Sec ; James Huline , I . G . ; Chas . J . Rix , jun ., Organist ; Blakehurst and James Hitchin , Steward . Several provincial officers , members of this lodsre , were ' present—viz ., Bros . George Turner , P . P . G . P . ;
Charles Maryland , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; William Greatorex , P . M ., P . P . G . P . Cheshire ; and the Installing Master also had the kind supporc of Bro . Beresford , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . Cheshire . Amongst the other visiting brethren present we noticed Bros . John Bledon , P . M . Affability Lodge , No . 317 ; John Stock , P . M . Lodgeof Concord , No . 323 ; josiah Hill , W . M . 323 ; W . Pritchard , J . W .
3-3 ; J- Williamson , Lodge of Peace , 322 ; and E . Lord , S . W . Egerton Lodge , No . 1030 . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet , admirably served by Bro . Ross , the host , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to . SOUTH MOLTON . —Loyal Lodge of Industry ( No . 421 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held
on Tuesday , thc 1 ith inst ., at the Masonic Hall . Present : Bros . F . Day , W . M . ; Huxtable , S . W . ; Hitchcock , J . W . ; J . Kingdon , S . D . ; Paige , J . D . ; A . Kingdon , Treas . ; Mountjoy , Sec . ; J . T . Shapland , J . Galliford , Wm . Oram , Wm . Cole , Wm . Manning , E . Fursc , and Thos . Saunders , P . M . ' s ; together with a
large number of other members of the lodge . Mr . H . Mountjoy was initiated , and Bro . Chant passed . It was announced by the W . M . that a Provincial Grand Lodge would be held at South Molton in the month of August next , the last held in this town being now some forty years since .
SIDCUP . —Sidney Lodge ( No . 829 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 1 ith inst , at thc Black Horse , when Bro . P . M . T . Smith , IM . G . P ., installed Bro . T . Hastings , W . M ., whose first duty was to present his I . P . M ., Bro . G . H . Gales , with a handsome gold jewel , which was feelingly acknowledged by ihe retiring officer . At the banquet the I . P . M .
presented a silver goblet , emblazoned with Masonic emblems , and the names of the subscribers engraved thereon , to their esteemed late Treasurer , Bro . G . M . E . Snow , P . P . G . S . VV ., on his retirement from office , which was duly filled and received in appropriate terms . The officers appointed for the ensuing year are Bros . Hcthcridgc , S . VV . ; P . Goic , J . W . ; W . T . Birts , Treas . ; J . Henderson , Sec ;
Dr . Spurrell , S . D . ; W . Moulder , J . D . ; J . Pudncy , I . G . ; | . T . Ward , D . C ; T . Smith , W . S . ; S . Polls , Tyler . PLUMSTEAD . —Pattison Lodge ( No . 913 ) . — The installation meeting of this , one of the largest and most influential of the lodges in thc Province of Kent , took place on Thursday , Gth inst ., at thc Lord Raglan , Bro . A . Penfold performing the ceremony , and inducting
his successor , Bro . W . T . Vincent , into thc chair . Bro . J . Franklin was passed to the Second Degree , and then thc I . P . M ., Bro . J . McDougall , presented Bro . Vincent to the Installing Officer , the Board of Past Masters numbering some two-and-twenty . Bro . Vincent invested his officers as follows : —H . Butter , S . W . ; T . VV . Hayes , J . W . ; E . Denton , P . M ., Sec ; A . Jcssup , Treas . ; W . B .
Lloyd , S . D . ; J . Chapman , J . D . ; R . J . Cook , I . G . ; H . Mason , D . C ; J . Randal , W . S . ; B . Lester , Tyler ; and C . Cooke , Organist . A vote of thanks and a splendid Past Master ' s jewel were then presented to Bro . Penfold , and never has that decoration becn more nobly and worthily won than by our good brother , who returned thanks eloquently and well for the enthusiasm and
spontaniety with which thc crowded lodge hailed him as the new W . M . attached thc jewel to his breast . The brethren then had a beautiful ride through some of the most picturesque parts of Kent to Dartford , where at Bro . Bray ' s a superb banquet awaited them . The following were among the visitors present : —Bros , the Rev . W . A . Hill , P . G . Chaplain of Kent ; VV . Mann , P . M . 187 ; J .
Ives , W . M . 1472 ; S . Goddard , P . M . 700 ; F . G . Pownall , W . M . 1336 , and W . M . elect 13 ; G . Davies , P . M . 13 ; W . Graham , P . M . 700 ; C . Andrews , P . M . 77 , 299 , 615 , & c .-, F . J . Dawson , P . M . 700 ; G . D . Crawford , 700 ; Sydney Clark , P . M . 706 ; J . Rowland , P . M . 700 ; J . W . Tapp , W . M . 706 ; J . J . Dawson , W . M . 299 ; W .
Weston , W . M . elect 15-56 ; W . Gamble , S . W . 706 ; S . Waters , S . W . 700 ; ' — Wills , S . W . 299 * , F . G . Sales , J . W . 706 ; McCaffcry , D . C . 1536 and 700 ; J . Donnolly , J . D . 706 and 1536 ; H . Shaw , J . D . 1536 ; G . Mitchell , 700 ; E . D . Williams , 1056 ; A . J . Mitchell , 700 ; A . Ruddoch , 1201 ; W . A . Watkins , 1536 ; C . S . Roardman , 299 ; T . Hastings , W . M . elect 829 ;
S . W . Gibson , 341 ; I-I . Ough , 1150 ; C . Cooke , Org . 700 and 913 ; J . Fletcher , 615 ; A . Woodly , J . W . 700 ; J . Dovey , 861 ; E . W . Robins , 77 and 483 ; G . Spinks , S . W . 133 d ; G . Causton , 829 ; F . J . Tame , 700 ; J . Reilly , 13 ; G . Churchly , 615 ; J . Boydon , 615 . and others . Thc following P . M . ' s of the lodge were present : —Bros . Knight , P . P . D . C . Kent ; C . Coupland ,
Prov . G . L Warden Kent ; W . Tongue , P . P . J . W . Kent ; T . Smith , P . P . G . P . Kent : E . Denton , P . P . G . J . D . Kent ; C . Ellis , Henderson , McDougall , S . Paine , and others . The first toast was that of " The Queen and the Craft , " followed by that of " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , G . M . of England-, "" The Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , and the rest of the Grand Officers ;" " Lord Holmesdale , the P . G . M . for Kent ; Bro . Eastes ,
D . G . M ., and the rest of the Past Grand Officers , " the last being coupled with thc name of our esteemed Bro . Hill , P . G . Chaplain , whose name , the W . M . said , would always he affectionately remembered among them for his kindness in connection with their deceased Bro . Graydon ' s monument . . Bro . Hill replied . Bro . Penfold pre posed " The Health of the W . M . " He said he had great , p leasure in proposing the toast , / or Bro . Vincent has shown himself woithy to fill the position , and it waa one that
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
required filling in every sense to carry out thc wishes of the members of the lodge . Well , Bro . Vincent had that day shown them that he could tread out of the . beaten path if necessary , and the splendid ride and . banquet given by him showed that he had not only the interest of the . lodge at heart , but nerve and ability to carry out its success to a successful issue . He felt certain their W . M . would
worthily sustain the reputation of the lodge , and do all in his power for its interest and well being . He therefore called upon them to drink his health heartily . Bro . Vincent , in reply , said he felt that he had a great task set before him for the next twelve months in following so perfect a Master , but he trusted that by imitating the example before him , and by a careful study co discharge his trust for
the good of the lodge and the Craft in general , to gain at the end of his year their genuine satisfaction . " The Past Masters of and belonging to the Lodge " were duly honoured , and Bro . Ellis replied . tn reply to the toast of " The Visitors , " Bros . Pownall , Sales , and others expressed their thanks for the great treat afforded them both in the lodge and at the banquet , and cordially wished every
prosperity both to the lodge and its Master . The toast of "The Officers of the Lodge" was responded to by Bros . Butler and Hayes . REDCAR . —Marwood Lodge ( No . 1244 ) . — The annual festival of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., when there was a good attendance of the brethren of that and other lodges in the neighbourhood . The
lodge was opened in due form shortly after three p . m ., when the Installing Master , Bro . Marwood , of Bushby Hall , Northallerton , after whom the lodge has been named having taken the chair , in the most solemn and impressive manner installed Bro . James Wade Bennett as the W . M . for the ensuing year . The new officers were then appointed -. -viz ., Bros . R . B . Atkinson , S . W . ; J . L . Potts ,
J . W . ; J . Hogg , Sec . ; J . Dyson , S . D . ; . W . Anderson , J . D . ; J . Dobbs , I . G . The other business having been transacted , thc lodge was closed , { and the brethren adjourned to the Coatham Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet had been provided . Thc chair was occupied by the new W . M ., Bro . , | . W . Bennett ; the vice-chair being filled by Bro . R . B . Atkinson , and Bro . J . G . Thompson acting
as Director of Ceremonies . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , " The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro . Marwood , who commented upon the unprecedented fact that within four years he had installed both father and son in that lodge . The nex t toast was that of " The Late Master , Bro . Waller , " which was proposed by Dr . Bennett j and the W . M . then
presented to Bro . Waller , I . P . M ., in the name of the officers of the lodge , a costly and beautiful jewel in gold , bearing the inscription : — " Marwood Lodge , No . 1244 . Presented by the officers to Bio . Waller , I . P . M ., 4 th July , 1876 . " The jewel is in the form of a square , with the usual pendant suspended by a sky blue ribbon wilh three gold clasps , thc whole being most richly chased and elaborately
finished . The toast and presentation having been suitably responded to , other toasts followed , and a very pleasant evening was passed , enlivened by the musical brethren present , and the brethren separated hoping to meet again at the Provincial Lodge which is to be held at Redcar on the 2 nd August , under the presidency of the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Zetland , P . G . M .
LIVERPOOL . —De Grey and Ripon Lodge ( No . 1356 ) . —After one ofthe most prosperous years of its existence , the brethren of this lodge celebrated their annual summer festival on Wednesday and Thursday , the 12 II 1 and 13 th inst . The lodge was called for half-past four o ' clock on Wednesday afternoon at 80 , North Hill-street , for the speclal / purpose of installing a successor to Bro . J .
Bell in the chair of K . S ., than whom no more efficient and hard-working Master has ever occupied that proud position . The lodge was opened by Bro . J . Bell , W . M ., ' shortly after the stated time . After the minutes of the previous meeting had becn duly read and confirmed , one candidate was initiated by Bro . Bell , W . M . At the close of this ceremony Bro . Bell right worthily , brought his
year ' s labours in the chair to a close by installing Bro . T . Home as his successor in the chair of W . M . The W . M . then invested the following as his officers fur the ensuing year : —Bros . J . Bell , I . P . M . ; T . Nickson , S . W . ; J . W . Williams , J . W . ; J . Ireland , Treas . ( re-elected ) j . A . Woolrich , Sec . ; Jos . Jones , S . D . ; C . Arden , J . D . ; \ . Keet , I . G . ; E . George , S . S . ; W . Evans , J . S . ; J . H .
Hunter , Org . ; and P . M . Larsen , Tyler . It was unanimously agreed to vote the sum of five guineas from the funds of the lodge so as to constitute Bro . B . B . Marson , P . M ., a Life Governor of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , in recognition of the many valuable services he had rendered to the lodge . The brethren sat down to an excellent supper under the presidency of
the W . M ., who proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Bell , I . P . M ., gave "The Health of the W . M . " Bro . Home , W . M ., responded . The W . M . next proposed " The Health of Bro . Bell , I . P . M ., " upon whom he passed a high eulogium for the manner in which he had performed the duties of the chair during the year and the ceremony of installation that afternoon . Bro . Bell
replied in suitable terms , adding that it had been a source of great satisfaction to be able to instal his successor . Hc looked upon this as part of his duty , and he felt amply repaid by the approbation of the brethren . On the following ( Thursday ) morning about 200 brethren and ladies left the Central Station , Liverpool , at . a quarter past 9 o ' clock , for the purpose of proceeding to Hassop en route to .
Chatsworth House , the seat of the Duke of Devonshire . After a pleasant railway journey through some of the . most magnificent scenery of Derbyshire , the large party arrived at Hassop , where a number of waggonettes , drawnby 36 splendid grey . horses , supplied by Mr . Thompson , of Sheffield , took the pic-nicers on to Baslow , where , they partook of a sumptuous banquet . Aftet the banquet the us . ua ! loyal and Masonic toastt . were propoa-d and te .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
B . PORTS or M ASONIC MEETINGS : - Craft Masonry 331 Ark Masonn- . ¦ 33 S Red Cross of Constantine 335 „^? n lc \ alV ; Vand "i _ i ' _ KeofWcVt ' Y . V _ E _ irc 336 iconic __ •' General Tidings 33 ? ^ Benevolent Festival 337 e _ . ^ vsierrvMeeiing TZ Z Z : ; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: fas
The Demands on Our Charities 838 Lodge cf Benevolence 338 . ticket ••339 peace or War 339 fOR- ESrONDF-NCE l—The Last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge 33 g Another Pamphlet 339 A Masonic Club 339 The Vicar of Brigg and the Freemasons 339
Consecration ol the West Middlesex Lodge 340 Consecration of St . Thomas ' s Lodge , Gibraltar 841 Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire 341 Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire 341 Freemasonry in New Zealand 342 West Yorkshire and the Boys' School 342 Provincial Grand Lodgeof Cornwall 342 Masonic Meetings for next Week 342 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
„__ . _ Craft 1 $ aaottrii . WILLIAM PRESTON LODGE ( No . 766 . )—The summer festival of this lodge was held at the Pier Hotel , Rosherville , on Thursday , thc 6 th inst ., and was numerously attended by the members of the lodge and their friends . Al the banquet the chair was taken by thc W . M ., Bro . John Pringlc , and the two vice-chairs by Bros . Capt . G . J . Kain , P . M . and Treas ., and William
Worrell , P . M . and Secretary . I hc dinner was excellently served under the superintendence of thc Bros . Roberts , thc worthy proprietors of thc hotel . Grace having been said , thc first two toasts , viz ., " The Queen " and " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " were proposed by thc W . M ., and were most cordially and loyally received . The next toast was proposed by Bro . W . Worrell , P . M . and Sec , viz .,
" Success to the William Preston Lodge , " coupling with it thc name of the W . M . Bro . Worrell , in the course of his speech , gave an outline of the history and events of the lodge , and with great emphasis congratulated the members upon its present prospciity . 'Ihe next toast being that of "The Visitors , " was most ably proposed by Bro . Capt . Kain , P . M ., and was eloquently responded to
by a r .-sost worthy- brother ( whose name escaped us ) on behalf of thc Freemasons , and a gentleman , a member of thc Irish Bar , with great vigour and amid much cheering , returned thanks for "The non-Freemasons . " The last and most popular toast was that of " The Ladies , " which was proposed by Bro . J . H . Williams , and responded to by Bro . Robert Lyon , and amongst all the
members of thc lodge no two more respected brethren could have been found to have championed so worthy a toast . Dessert having ended , thc brethren and ladies then adjourned to the ball-room , where the dancing was kept up with great vigour , and was interspersed with some excellent music . Amongst thc ladies present was Miss ¦ Marie Duval , of thc Royal Academy of Music , whose
charming singing was greeted with immense applause . Miss Williams , Mrs . Rtissmann , Mr . Cornier , Mr . Reynolds , and other friends largely contributed to thc musical arrangements . Ten o ' oclock having arrived , was the signal to prepare for the last train , and thus ended one of thc most enjoyable days ever spent in connection with the William Preston Lodge . Besides the brethren already
mentioned there were present Bros . Dr . Cutmore , Dr . Atwood , P . C . Sttinmann , II . Rcissmann , B . Abbott , P . M . ; R . Sutcliff , A . Lc Grand , R . Leaman , W . Johnston , G . Smithers , A . Ransby , H . F . Parttidge , and others . OLDHAM . —Friendship Lodge ( No . 277 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was heltl at the Freemasons' Hall , Union-street , on Wednesday , the cth inst ..
under thc presidency of the W . M ., Bro . H . I homas . I wo candidates for initiation into the mysteries of our Order were balloted for and approved . The ceremony of initiating Mr . Wm . Lees , of Hollinwood , was ably performed by P . M . Bro . H . L . Hollingworth , and that of initiating Mr . John Buckley , of Oldham , by the W . M . The last named ceremony was performed with musical
accompaniment , Bro . Dr . Sparkes beautiful music bung used . The , vocalists wi re Bros . Dumville and Lister , of Manchester Mark Stafford , Hy de ; and several members of the lodge , \ iz .: Bros . Clafton , Page , Midgeley , Braddcck , Bailey , and others , the result being highly satisfactory . The lodge voted an annual subscription nf £ 10 towards the funds of the East Lancashire Systematic Educational and Benevolent
Institution . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Dr . Prestwich for his handsome present of music to the lodge , "iter the supper which followed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , interspersed with several beautiful glees , which were rendered by the musical brethren named a <* ove in a most effective manner . LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No
, v ) - —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on ne 12 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , Lancas-{ " ¦ •The W . M ., Bro . T . Atkinson , occupied thc chair of •k - The lodge was opened with solemn prayer in the lr j' ^ S ^ e , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . There was only routine business to Iranct
, and this having been gone through , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony . i 8 ^ ° CKPORT . —Lodge of Unanimity ( No . anHP •' S held ' lls St - John's festival at the Dog _^ artn " % eIt ! n ,. Stockport , on Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., Mit t - ^' . * Shepherd was installed Worshipful J- se . j ° f t " _ ensuing , year ... 'Ihe ceremony was p-. r . Ch ? R --- ) - -- vJ . 9- n Gla | !* Cheetham , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . -h « e , in the mist beautiful mitf impressive manner and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the same brother afterwards invested the following officers—viz ., Bros . John Turner , S . W . ; Thomas Newton , J . W . ; Charles Booth , , S . D . ; John Leigh , J . D . ; H . F . Smith , Sec ; James Huline , I . G . ; Chas . J . Rix , jun ., Organist ; Blakehurst and James Hitchin , Steward . Several provincial officers , members of this lodsre , were ' present—viz ., Bros . George Turner , P . P . G . P . ;
Charles Maryland , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; William Greatorex , P . M ., P . P . G . P . Cheshire ; and the Installing Master also had the kind supporc of Bro . Beresford , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . Cheshire . Amongst the other visiting brethren present we noticed Bros . John Bledon , P . M . Affability Lodge , No . 317 ; John Stock , P . M . Lodgeof Concord , No . 323 ; josiah Hill , W . M . 323 ; W . Pritchard , J . W .
3-3 ; J- Williamson , Lodge of Peace , 322 ; and E . Lord , S . W . Egerton Lodge , No . 1030 . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet , admirably served by Bro . Ross , the host , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to . SOUTH MOLTON . —Loyal Lodge of Industry ( No . 421 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held
on Tuesday , thc 1 ith inst ., at the Masonic Hall . Present : Bros . F . Day , W . M . ; Huxtable , S . W . ; Hitchcock , J . W . ; J . Kingdon , S . D . ; Paige , J . D . ; A . Kingdon , Treas . ; Mountjoy , Sec . ; J . T . Shapland , J . Galliford , Wm . Oram , Wm . Cole , Wm . Manning , E . Fursc , and Thos . Saunders , P . M . ' s ; together with a
large number of other members of the lodge . Mr . H . Mountjoy was initiated , and Bro . Chant passed . It was announced by the W . M . that a Provincial Grand Lodge would be held at South Molton in the month of August next , the last held in this town being now some forty years since .
SIDCUP . —Sidney Lodge ( No . 829 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 1 ith inst , at thc Black Horse , when Bro . P . M . T . Smith , IM . G . P ., installed Bro . T . Hastings , W . M ., whose first duty was to present his I . P . M ., Bro . G . H . Gales , with a handsome gold jewel , which was feelingly acknowledged by ihe retiring officer . At the banquet the I . P . M .
presented a silver goblet , emblazoned with Masonic emblems , and the names of the subscribers engraved thereon , to their esteemed late Treasurer , Bro . G . M . E . Snow , P . P . G . S . VV ., on his retirement from office , which was duly filled and received in appropriate terms . The officers appointed for the ensuing year are Bros . Hcthcridgc , S . VV . ; P . Goic , J . W . ; W . T . Birts , Treas . ; J . Henderson , Sec ;
Dr . Spurrell , S . D . ; W . Moulder , J . D . ; J . Pudncy , I . G . ; | . T . Ward , D . C ; T . Smith , W . S . ; S . Polls , Tyler . PLUMSTEAD . —Pattison Lodge ( No . 913 ) . — The installation meeting of this , one of the largest and most influential of the lodges in thc Province of Kent , took place on Thursday , Gth inst ., at thc Lord Raglan , Bro . A . Penfold performing the ceremony , and inducting
his successor , Bro . W . T . Vincent , into thc chair . Bro . J . Franklin was passed to the Second Degree , and then thc I . P . M ., Bro . J . McDougall , presented Bro . Vincent to the Installing Officer , the Board of Past Masters numbering some two-and-twenty . Bro . Vincent invested his officers as follows : —H . Butter , S . W . ; T . VV . Hayes , J . W . ; E . Denton , P . M ., Sec ; A . Jcssup , Treas . ; W . B .
Lloyd , S . D . ; J . Chapman , J . D . ; R . J . Cook , I . G . ; H . Mason , D . C ; J . Randal , W . S . ; B . Lester , Tyler ; and C . Cooke , Organist . A vote of thanks and a splendid Past Master ' s jewel were then presented to Bro . Penfold , and never has that decoration becn more nobly and worthily won than by our good brother , who returned thanks eloquently and well for the enthusiasm and
spontaniety with which thc crowded lodge hailed him as the new W . M . attached thc jewel to his breast . The brethren then had a beautiful ride through some of the most picturesque parts of Kent to Dartford , where at Bro . Bray ' s a superb banquet awaited them . The following were among the visitors present : —Bros , the Rev . W . A . Hill , P . G . Chaplain of Kent ; VV . Mann , P . M . 187 ; J .
Ives , W . M . 1472 ; S . Goddard , P . M . 700 ; F . G . Pownall , W . M . 1336 , and W . M . elect 13 ; G . Davies , P . M . 13 ; W . Graham , P . M . 700 ; C . Andrews , P . M . 77 , 299 , 615 , & c .-, F . J . Dawson , P . M . 700 ; G . D . Crawford , 700 ; Sydney Clark , P . M . 706 ; J . Rowland , P . M . 700 ; J . W . Tapp , W . M . 706 ; J . J . Dawson , W . M . 299 ; W .
Weston , W . M . elect 15-56 ; W . Gamble , S . W . 706 ; S . Waters , S . W . 700 ; ' — Wills , S . W . 299 * , F . G . Sales , J . W . 706 ; McCaffcry , D . C . 1536 and 700 ; J . Donnolly , J . D . 706 and 1536 ; H . Shaw , J . D . 1536 ; G . Mitchell , 700 ; E . D . Williams , 1056 ; A . J . Mitchell , 700 ; A . Ruddoch , 1201 ; W . A . Watkins , 1536 ; C . S . Roardman , 299 ; T . Hastings , W . M . elect 829 ;
S . W . Gibson , 341 ; I-I . Ough , 1150 ; C . Cooke , Org . 700 and 913 ; J . Fletcher , 615 ; A . Woodly , J . W . 700 ; J . Dovey , 861 ; E . W . Robins , 77 and 483 ; G . Spinks , S . W . 133 d ; G . Causton , 829 ; F . J . Tame , 700 ; J . Reilly , 13 ; G . Churchly , 615 ; J . Boydon , 615 . and others . Thc following P . M . ' s of the lodge were present : —Bros . Knight , P . P . D . C . Kent ; C . Coupland ,
Prov . G . L Warden Kent ; W . Tongue , P . P . J . W . Kent ; T . Smith , P . P . G . P . Kent : E . Denton , P . P . G . J . D . Kent ; C . Ellis , Henderson , McDougall , S . Paine , and others . The first toast was that of " The Queen and the Craft , " followed by that of " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , G . M . of England-, "" The Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , and the rest of the Grand Officers ;" " Lord Holmesdale , the P . G . M . for Kent ; Bro . Eastes ,
D . G . M ., and the rest of the Past Grand Officers , " the last being coupled with thc name of our esteemed Bro . Hill , P . G . Chaplain , whose name , the W . M . said , would always he affectionately remembered among them for his kindness in connection with their deceased Bro . Graydon ' s monument . . Bro . Hill replied . Bro . Penfold pre posed " The Health of the W . M . " He said he had great , p leasure in proposing the toast , / or Bro . Vincent has shown himself woithy to fill the position , and it waa one that
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
required filling in every sense to carry out thc wishes of the members of the lodge . Well , Bro . Vincent had that day shown them that he could tread out of the . beaten path if necessary , and the splendid ride and . banquet given by him showed that he had not only the interest of the . lodge at heart , but nerve and ability to carry out its success to a successful issue . He felt certain their W . M . would
worthily sustain the reputation of the lodge , and do all in his power for its interest and well being . He therefore called upon them to drink his health heartily . Bro . Vincent , in reply , said he felt that he had a great task set before him for the next twelve months in following so perfect a Master , but he trusted that by imitating the example before him , and by a careful study co discharge his trust for
the good of the lodge and the Craft in general , to gain at the end of his year their genuine satisfaction . " The Past Masters of and belonging to the Lodge " were duly honoured , and Bro . Ellis replied . tn reply to the toast of " The Visitors , " Bros . Pownall , Sales , and others expressed their thanks for the great treat afforded them both in the lodge and at the banquet , and cordially wished every
prosperity both to the lodge and its Master . The toast of "The Officers of the Lodge" was responded to by Bros . Butler and Hayes . REDCAR . —Marwood Lodge ( No . 1244 ) . — The annual festival of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., when there was a good attendance of the brethren of that and other lodges in the neighbourhood . The
lodge was opened in due form shortly after three p . m ., when the Installing Master , Bro . Marwood , of Bushby Hall , Northallerton , after whom the lodge has been named having taken the chair , in the most solemn and impressive manner installed Bro . James Wade Bennett as the W . M . for the ensuing year . The new officers were then appointed -. -viz ., Bros . R . B . Atkinson , S . W . ; J . L . Potts ,
J . W . ; J . Hogg , Sec . ; J . Dyson , S . D . ; . W . Anderson , J . D . ; J . Dobbs , I . G . The other business having been transacted , thc lodge was closed , { and the brethren adjourned to the Coatham Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet had been provided . Thc chair was occupied by the new W . M ., Bro . , | . W . Bennett ; the vice-chair being filled by Bro . R . B . Atkinson , and Bro . J . G . Thompson acting
as Director of Ceremonies . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , " The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro . Marwood , who commented upon the unprecedented fact that within four years he had installed both father and son in that lodge . The nex t toast was that of " The Late Master , Bro . Waller , " which was proposed by Dr . Bennett j and the W . M . then
presented to Bro . Waller , I . P . M ., in the name of the officers of the lodge , a costly and beautiful jewel in gold , bearing the inscription : — " Marwood Lodge , No . 1244 . Presented by the officers to Bio . Waller , I . P . M ., 4 th July , 1876 . " The jewel is in the form of a square , with the usual pendant suspended by a sky blue ribbon wilh three gold clasps , thc whole being most richly chased and elaborately
finished . The toast and presentation having been suitably responded to , other toasts followed , and a very pleasant evening was passed , enlivened by the musical brethren present , and the brethren separated hoping to meet again at the Provincial Lodge which is to be held at Redcar on the 2 nd August , under the presidency of the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Zetland , P . G . M .
LIVERPOOL . —De Grey and Ripon Lodge ( No . 1356 ) . —After one ofthe most prosperous years of its existence , the brethren of this lodge celebrated their annual summer festival on Wednesday and Thursday , the 12 II 1 and 13 th inst . The lodge was called for half-past four o ' clock on Wednesday afternoon at 80 , North Hill-street , for the speclal / purpose of installing a successor to Bro . J .
Bell in the chair of K . S ., than whom no more efficient and hard-working Master has ever occupied that proud position . The lodge was opened by Bro . J . Bell , W . M ., ' shortly after the stated time . After the minutes of the previous meeting had becn duly read and confirmed , one candidate was initiated by Bro . Bell , W . M . At the close of this ceremony Bro . Bell right worthily , brought his
year ' s labours in the chair to a close by installing Bro . T . Home as his successor in the chair of W . M . The W . M . then invested the following as his officers fur the ensuing year : —Bros . J . Bell , I . P . M . ; T . Nickson , S . W . ; J . W . Williams , J . W . ; J . Ireland , Treas . ( re-elected ) j . A . Woolrich , Sec . ; Jos . Jones , S . D . ; C . Arden , J . D . ; \ . Keet , I . G . ; E . George , S . S . ; W . Evans , J . S . ; J . H .
Hunter , Org . ; and P . M . Larsen , Tyler . It was unanimously agreed to vote the sum of five guineas from the funds of the lodge so as to constitute Bro . B . B . Marson , P . M ., a Life Governor of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , in recognition of the many valuable services he had rendered to the lodge . The brethren sat down to an excellent supper under the presidency of
the W . M ., who proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Bell , I . P . M ., gave "The Health of the W . M . " Bro . Home , W . M ., responded . The W . M . next proposed " The Health of Bro . Bell , I . P . M ., " upon whom he passed a high eulogium for the manner in which he had performed the duties of the chair during the year and the ceremony of installation that afternoon . Bro . Bell
replied in suitable terms , adding that it had been a source of great satisfaction to be able to instal his successor . Hc looked upon this as part of his duty , and he felt amply repaid by the approbation of the brethren . On the following ( Thursday ) morning about 200 brethren and ladies left the Central Station , Liverpool , at . a quarter past 9 o ' clock , for the purpose of proceeding to Hassop en route to .
Chatsworth House , the seat of the Duke of Devonshire . After a pleasant railway journey through some of the . most magnificent scenery of Derbyshire , the large party arrived at Hassop , where a number of waggonettes , drawnby 36 splendid grey . horses , supplied by Mr . Thompson , of Sheffield , took the pic-nicers on to Baslow , where , they partook of a sumptuous banquet . Aftet the banquet the us . ua ! loyal and Masonic toastt . were propoa-d and te .