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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sponded to with great enthusiasm . A pleasant part of the proceedings was the proposition of " The Health of Bro . Joseph Bell , I . P . M ., " and the W . M ., in giving the toast , took occasion to present him with an exceedingly handsome Past Master ' s jewel . The company then proceeded to Chatsworth House , and afterwards returned to Baslow , where a substantial tea was provided ' . Thc
waggonettes and " greys '' were again brought into requisition , and conveyed the company through Edinsor , across the new park , and through Beeley to Rowsley Station , whence the special train had proceeded . After one of the jolliest " outs " ever held in connection with the lodge , the party left at 8 p . m ., and arrived at Liverpool shortly after - ..-n o ' clock .
HAMPTON COURT . —Era Lodge ( No . 1423 ) . —An emergency meeting of this well-established lodge was held at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court , on Saturday , July 8 th . Bro . J . Baxter Langley , W . M ., opened the lodge . He , in an impressive manner , initiated Lieut . Walter Cole , thc celebrated ventriloquist . By the kindness of the W . M ., the veteran Secretary , Bro . F . Walters ,
P . P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M . 73 , arc , was allowed to pass his friend , Bro . J . B . Riley . The J . W ., Bro . T . J . Sa-Hne , P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex , P . M . 73 , and W . M . 1540 , laving expressed his wish to do the raisings , the W . M ., with his usual courtesy , allowed him to do so . Bros . E . I " . Henman , G . S . Wingate , and Dr . J , W . Gillespie ( late of the 42 nd Highlanders ) , were raised by Bro . T . J . Sabine ,
after which the W . M . resumed the chair . AH business being ended , the lodge was closed . It was arranged to hold an emergency meeting on Wednesday , 19 th inst ., to suit the convenience of some gentlemen already balloted for , who wished to be initiated . There were present besides those named Bros . Col . F . Burdett , R . W . P . G . M . Middlesex , P . M . ; J . W . Bal- ' win , P . M . •, S . Wolff , J . D . ;
J . Moon , Rumbelow , J . Faulkner , and several others . Visitor : Bro . Ockenden , D . C . 1512 . Refreshment followed labour . SANDGATE . —Sandgate Lodge ( No . 1436 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Sandgate , on the 10 th inst ., for thc purpose "f initiating Mr . J . J . B . Caudell into the mysteries of
the Craft , and for installing the W . M . elect , Bro . R . H . Pledge , J- W ., as W . M . for the ensuing year . Present : Bros . Fjnmore , W . M . ; Gosby , I . P . M . ; Pledge , J . W . ; A . ; Keeler , S . D ., Dickson , I . G . ; Butcher , Field , Tyler : Bull , Hamilton , Simmonds , and A . Keeler . Visitors . Bros . H . Stock , P . M . 558 ; Kent , P . M . 55 8 , P . G . O Kent ; Klefberg , 1604 . The lodge was opened in due
form at three o ' clock , and after Mr . Caudell had been initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , the W . M . elect , Bro . R . H . Pledge , was presented for the benefit of installation at the hands of I . P . M . Gosby , Bro . P . M . Stock acting as S . W ., and Bro . P . M . Kennett , as J . W . After the usual obligations had been made , all below thc rank of Installed Masters retired , when Bro . Pledge was
inducted in the chair of King Solomon in the usual manner . T he Master Masons were then admitted , when Bro . R . H . Pledge was for the first time in the East declared W . M . of Lodge r-436 for the ensuing year , and saluted in accordance with ancient custom . The lodge was then resumed to the Second and First Degree , and the F . C . ' s and E . A . ' s were respectively admitted , when the W . M . was for the second
and third time declared and saluted . The following brethren were then invested as officers : Bros . F . H . Field , S . W . ; A . Keeler , J . W . ; Gosby , P . M ., Sec . ; Jenner , P . M ., Treas . ; Dickson , S . D . ; Simmonds , J . D . ; Hamilton , I . G . -, Butcher , Tyler . After the customary addresses had been given , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer about 5 . 30 p . m . The brethren then adjourned to the Royal Kent Hotel ( Bro . A .
Keeler's ) where a very recherche banquet awaited them . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were then given and dilated on at some length , after which a vote of thanks was returned to Bro . P . M . Gosby for the able manner in which he had performed the duties of Installing Master . " The Health of the W . M ., I . P . M ., Officers , Visitors , and I lost " having been given and severally responded to , the Tyler ' s
toast brought a very enjoyable evening to a close about ten p . m . BIRMINGHAM . — Lodge of Israel ( No . 1474 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting on the 10 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . S . Lyon , was supported by Bros . M . Davis , I . P . M . ; J . Pursall , P . P . G . S . W .-, J . Silverstone , S . W . ; B . Lazarus , J . W . ; J . Myers , W . M .
of the Lodge of Emulation , rrcas . j D . Lavenstem , Sec . -, W . Harris , S . D . ; Paul Roberts , J . D . ; H . Woad , I . G . The Secretary having read the minutes of the last meeting , they were confirmed . Thc ballot was then taken for Messrs . H . Myers , Hurwitzand Mendlcsohn , and was found satisfactory . Bro . D . Abrahams was raised by the W . M . Bro . Powell , Cohen , and Gumpleson were passed
to the Degree of Fellow Craft . Messrs . H . Myers , H . Hurwitz , and Mr . J . Mendlesohn were initiated . This lodge , although only two years and four months established , has over sixty-six members , and possesses a benevolent fund . Three guineas were voted to assist a poor American Mason . The W . M . read a letter he had received from the P . G . M ., Lord Leigh , thanking him and
the brethren for their liberal support at the Festival of the Boys' School , over which he had the pleasure of presiding . The brethren retired to their banqueting room , the VV . M . presided , and gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and song , excellent music and siriging brought the evening to a very successful issue . " EPWORTH . —Isle of Axholme Lodge ( No
-1482 ) held their installation meeting on the 6 th inst . Bro . G . J . Bell was the W . M . elect . The ceremony of installation was very ably performed by Bro . F . D . Walker , cf St . George's Lodge , 242 , Doncaster . At the close of this ceremony Bro . Bell appointed the following brethren as his . ffictrs for the ensuing year : —Brc-s . Alfred Parkin ( who was the founder of the lodge , and has filled the chair for two years by the unanimous wish of the brethren ) , I . P . M .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
John Campbell , S . VV . and Treas . ; Alfred Taylor , J . W . and Sec . ; Jas . Benson , S . D . ; H . Campbell , J . D . ; M . ' Belton , I . G . ; and Geo . Naylor , Tyler . The banquet was afterwards held at the Red Lion Hotel , and was of the most recherche character . The newly-installed W . M . ably presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and a most harmonious and pleasant
evening was spent . TEDDINGTON . — The Felix Lodge ( No . 1494 , ) . —The regular monthly meeting of the above lodge took place on Saturday , 15 th inst ., at the Clarence Hotel , Bro . F . B . Archer , W . M . in the chair ; F . Summer Knyvett , Grand Steward , I . P . M . ; Edward B . Grabham , P . M ., Prov . Grand Steward Middlesex ,
Sec ; R . Berridge , P . M ., Grand Steward , S . W . ; W . G . Moore , P . M ., J . W . ; T . G . Archer , S . D . ; E . A . Wooky , J . D . ; Belward , I . G . pro tem . Visitors : the R . W . Prov . Grand Master for Middlesex , Lieut .-Col Francis Burdett , P . S . G . W . ; the Hon . W . Warren Vernon , Grand Junior Warden ; H . Thorn , P . M . 16 5 ; and others . The work before the lodge was the
ballotting for Mr . H . E . Taylor , who was afterwards initiated into the Order , the passing of Bros . Sealy , Weston , and Cooper , and raising of Bros . Hanson and Williams , the whole of thc work being done in a very perfect and impressive manner . The -lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , presided over by the W . M . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal toasts
were given and responded to . Bro . the Hon . W . Warren Vemo : > , Grand Junior Warden , replied to th : toast of " The Grand Officers , " and in the course of his remarks congratulated the lodge upon having a brother to preside over them who was in every way worthy of their highest esteem , a brother whom he had known and respected for some years , and who had entered on his year of office
with such brilliant prospects of success . " The Health of the Prov . Grand Master for Middlesex " was then given , and responded to by the brethren in a very hearty manner . Bro . Col . Burdett , in replying to the toast , spoke of the excellent working he had witnessed , and gave the brethren some exceedingly practical suggestions as to the future comfort and well-bei'ig of thc lodge . Bro . Grabham ,
Prov . Grand Steward Middlesex , responded to the toast of "The Prov . Grand Officers , " and took the opportunity of acknowledging the favourable recognition which the labours of Bro . Knyvett , I . P . M ., and himself had received at the hands of the Provincial Grand Master . " The Health of the W . M . " was then proposed by Bro . Knyvett in eulogistic terms , and received by the brethren with
much enthusiasm . Bro . Archer , in responding , expressed the pleasure it affordel him to preside over a lodge which had already taken so high a position in the province . During kis year of office he would do all in his power to make the Felix Lodge worthy of the position to which it had attained , and looked for the support of the brethren j be willingly gave them his best services . " The Health of
the Initiate , Bro . Taylor , was then given and responded to . The W . M . proposed " The Health of the Past Masters , " to which Bro . Knyvett replied . Bro . Beriidge , P . M . Grand Steward , S . W ., responded for " The Officers , " who were complimented by the W . M . for their thoroughly good working . The Tyler ' s toast brought the meeting to a close , and after the enjoyment of a pleasant evening ,
rendered more so by the excellent singing of Bros . Sealy and Hunter , the brethren returned to town . BARNSLEY . —Lodge Friendly ( No . 1513 ) . — Tlie brethren of this young and thriving lodge were engaged in a somewhat pleasing and peculiar duty on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., being called upon to assist their highly honoured Past Master , Bro . Richard Carter , P . M .
Nos . 61 and 1513 , P . P . G . W . of W . Yotks ( Mayor of Barnsley ) , in laying the corner-stone of St . Paul's Church , Monk Bretton , near Barnsley , agreeably with a faculty granted for that purpose by the VV . P . G . M . to the W . M . and brethren of the above lodge . The date fixed upon for the ceremony was that on which the regular lodge meeting should be held , the time for opening lodge
having been altered to 1 p . m ., when a goodly number of brethren were in attendance . The lodge having been opened in the three degrees , the brethren were conveyed in open carriages to the residence of Bro . Jackson , at Monk Bretton , and were received by him with the most fraternal and generous hospitality . Here they were marshalled by Bro . Bustard , D . C , and proceeded to the site
in the usual order . When the head of the procession had arrived at the entrance of the ground the brethren divided to the right and left . W . Bro . Carter , followed by the W . M . of Lodge Friendl y . Bro . Wm . Smith , the officers , and brethren in reverse order , took their respective positions on the ground . Bro . Carter having taken his seat , the vessels of corn , wine , an 1 oil were deposited on a pedestal
placed for their receplion . The Rtv . A . Lambert , Vicar of Monk Bretton , requested Bro . Carter to lay the stone , and presented to him on behalf of the building committee .. trowel for that purposv . The inscription upon the trowel , read by Bro . Shepherd , Sec , was as follows : — " July 6 th , 1876 . Presented to the Worshipful Richard Carter , Esq ., Mayor of Barnsley , P . P . G . W . of West Ytrks , and
P . M . Nos . 61 and 1513 , on his laying the cornerstone of Saint Paul's Church , Monk Bretton . " Bro . Bustard , D . C , here raised the upper ftone and adjusted the lower one , during which the 100 th Psalm was sung . Bro . the Rev . H . J Day , Chaplain , then read a short lection , from the V . of S . L ., Gen . 28 , v . 16 to 22 , after which he said : "Brethren , —Let us invoke the
blessing of the G . A . O . T . U . on the work we have thus begun in His name . O Lord God , whom the Heaven of Heav : ns cannot contain , and who yet vouchsafest to have a house here upon earth , wherein Thy name may be constantly invoked ; look down , we beseechThee . with benign countenance on us Thy humble servants ; vouchsafe to bless , make sure and establish this stone now to I e placed in Thy nam J . Be Thou , O Lord , the beginning , the in-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
crease , and the ending of the work which we have thus undertaken to Thy praise and honour ; through Him who is the chief corner stone , and the true foundation , and who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost , one God , world without end . So mote it be . " Bro . Watson then placed in . a cavity in the stone a bottle containing the inscription removed from the old church , specimens of the
current coin of the realm , and a document with the following inscription : — " St . Paul ' s Church , Monk Bretton . The corner stone of this church was re-laid on the 6 th of July , 1876 , with full Masonic ceremonial , by Richard Carter , Esq ., P . P . G . W ., and P . M ., Mayor of Barnsley Alfred Lambert , M . A ., Vicar , in his 7 ist year and 34 th of incumbency . Building committee : Alfred Lambert
Vicar ; Thomas Marsden and George Henry Jackson Churchwardens . William Dodgson , Arthur R . Kell , and Benjamin Smith . Architect : Luigi Solaini , Liverpotl . Builders : Messrs . Chadwick an-. ! Co ., Rotherham . The late fabric was so damaged by a storm of wind in December , 1873 , as to render it necessary to re-build the whole , from its foundations . The corner-stone itself bore
the inscription : — ' St . Paul ' s Church . This memorial stone was laid Julv 6 th , 1876 , with Masonic honours , by Richard Carter , P . P . G . W ., and P . M ., Mayor of Barnsley . Building committee : Alfred Lambert , Vi ; ar ; T . Marsden , W . Dodgson , G . H . Jackson , A . R . Kell , B . Smith . Luigi and Hari Solaini , architects . '" Bro . Carter then advanced to the front of the raised
platform and said : W . M ., P . M . ' s , and brethren of the Ancient Order of Free and Accepted Masons , Mr . Lambert and your clerical fricnds , Iadies and gentlemen , my neighbours in this place and district , —We are assembled to-day to engage in a ceremony which I am sure you all feel to be one of considerable importance . It is usual in connection with an enterprise of any magnitude in all classes of society to
recognise in some formal manner the commencement of that enterprise . But there is something which makes it mor ; especially becoming and appropriate in the occasion which has brought us together to-day . Wc are here to lay a corner stone , and so far to inaugurate a work which is for all time to redound to the honour and glory of the M . H . the A . and S . R . of the U . I accepted the duty with
my brethren ot engaging in this ceremony , at the request of our dear friend the venerable vicar of this parish , and we feel that in such acceptance the duty is more appropriately performed than if it had become the work of any other body . I shall not for many reasons detain you by attempting to prove the assertion which I have just made—it is more especially addressed to a fraternity whose , history
may be traced back to the earliest period of the history of the human race—a fraternity to whom duties of this kind have been in all ages of mankind willingly and especially confided . We accepted this work , important in the highest sease of the term , with a becoming degree of propriety which I hope we all know how to appreciate . And while wc acknowledge our own personal humility and dependence , we come at the same time as Freemasons . Although
we may have these opportunities of inculcating principles which in a certain manner we are forbidden from divul ging to the outer world , there is nevertheless that which does commend itself to the highest of all classes , and I am proud to think that Freemasonry never flourished in this country or any other in a more distinguished manner than it does among Englishmen at the present time . I shall , without detaining this numerous assembly , place myself in the hands of the Director of Ceremonies and ask him now
to proceed in the further work to be done . Thanking you , Mr . Lambert , and the building committee for the kindness and courtesy with which you have permitted us to be present on this occasion , and congratulating you on your numerous assemblage of friends and parishioners , and availing myself of this opportunity of faying that as to the work in which we are engaged , may you live to see
it completed , that it may be a source of happiness , enjoyment , and comfort for many years to come . Worshipful Bro . Carter then adjusted the lower stone , after which the upper stone was slowly lowered with three distinct stops , during which the anthem , " O Lord of Host , " was sung . Worshipful Bro . Carter then proved the just position and form of the stone by the i-lum rule , level , and
square , which were successively delivered to him by the Junior Warden , Senior Warden , and Worshipful Master of Lodge Friendly . Being satisfied in these particulars he gave the stone three knocks with the mallet , which was delivered to him , laying the stone in the name of the most High , the Father , Son , and the Holy Ghost , the Creator of the Universe . The cornucopia , containing the corn , and
the ewers , with the wine and the oil , were next handed ( 0 Bro . Carter , who strewed the corn and poured the wine over the stone , saying : In these emblems , we recognise thc symbols of plenty . Nay , the bounteous giver of all good , the author of all temporal and spiritual blessing , please to bless this place of worship for all future time with abundance and plenty , of all gifts that can render
material and spiritual happiness . The Chaplain then offered up the following prayer , saying : " Brethren , —Let us now supplicate Almighty God , of His infinite mercy , to bless , sanctify , and consecrate the house which is to be built in thia place . O Almighty and everliving God , who in every place of Thy d ominion art wholly present , wholly operating , and who yet dost hallow the places
dedicated to I hy name , pour forth Thy grace upon the house of prayer here to be built , that it may be raised up atemple to Thy honour , and remain for ever inviolable . And as Thou art the founder of this house , be Thou also its protector . Here let no malice of the enemy prevail no perverse desires divide those whom one fold contains
and one shepherd guides . Here let brotherly love , relief , and truth flourish , and through the powerful aid of Thy blesssed Spirit mayest Thou always be worshipped in this place in faith and charity , in purity and true devotion * , a .- * grant that all who shall here seek Thee may ever find the light of Thy countenance , and be filled with abundance ^
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sponded to with great enthusiasm . A pleasant part of the proceedings was the proposition of " The Health of Bro . Joseph Bell , I . P . M ., " and the W . M ., in giving the toast , took occasion to present him with an exceedingly handsome Past Master ' s jewel . The company then proceeded to Chatsworth House , and afterwards returned to Baslow , where a substantial tea was provided ' . Thc
waggonettes and " greys '' were again brought into requisition , and conveyed the company through Edinsor , across the new park , and through Beeley to Rowsley Station , whence the special train had proceeded . After one of the jolliest " outs " ever held in connection with the lodge , the party left at 8 p . m ., and arrived at Liverpool shortly after - ..-n o ' clock .
HAMPTON COURT . —Era Lodge ( No . 1423 ) . —An emergency meeting of this well-established lodge was held at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court , on Saturday , July 8 th . Bro . J . Baxter Langley , W . M ., opened the lodge . He , in an impressive manner , initiated Lieut . Walter Cole , thc celebrated ventriloquist . By the kindness of the W . M ., the veteran Secretary , Bro . F . Walters ,
P . P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M . 73 , arc , was allowed to pass his friend , Bro . J . B . Riley . The J . W ., Bro . T . J . Sa-Hne , P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex , P . M . 73 , and W . M . 1540 , laving expressed his wish to do the raisings , the W . M ., with his usual courtesy , allowed him to do so . Bros . E . I " . Henman , G . S . Wingate , and Dr . J , W . Gillespie ( late of the 42 nd Highlanders ) , were raised by Bro . T . J . Sabine ,
after which the W . M . resumed the chair . AH business being ended , the lodge was closed . It was arranged to hold an emergency meeting on Wednesday , 19 th inst ., to suit the convenience of some gentlemen already balloted for , who wished to be initiated . There were present besides those named Bros . Col . F . Burdett , R . W . P . G . M . Middlesex , P . M . ; J . W . Bal- ' win , P . M . •, S . Wolff , J . D . ;
J . Moon , Rumbelow , J . Faulkner , and several others . Visitor : Bro . Ockenden , D . C . 1512 . Refreshment followed labour . SANDGATE . —Sandgate Lodge ( No . 1436 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Sandgate , on the 10 th inst ., for thc purpose "f initiating Mr . J . J . B . Caudell into the mysteries of
the Craft , and for installing the W . M . elect , Bro . R . H . Pledge , J- W ., as W . M . for the ensuing year . Present : Bros . Fjnmore , W . M . ; Gosby , I . P . M . ; Pledge , J . W . ; A . ; Keeler , S . D ., Dickson , I . G . ; Butcher , Field , Tyler : Bull , Hamilton , Simmonds , and A . Keeler . Visitors . Bros . H . Stock , P . M . 558 ; Kent , P . M . 55 8 , P . G . O Kent ; Klefberg , 1604 . The lodge was opened in due
form at three o ' clock , and after Mr . Caudell had been initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , the W . M . elect , Bro . R . H . Pledge , was presented for the benefit of installation at the hands of I . P . M . Gosby , Bro . P . M . Stock acting as S . W ., and Bro . P . M . Kennett , as J . W . After the usual obligations had been made , all below thc rank of Installed Masters retired , when Bro . Pledge was
inducted in the chair of King Solomon in the usual manner . T he Master Masons were then admitted , when Bro . R . H . Pledge was for the first time in the East declared W . M . of Lodge r-436 for the ensuing year , and saluted in accordance with ancient custom . The lodge was then resumed to the Second and First Degree , and the F . C . ' s and E . A . ' s were respectively admitted , when the W . M . was for the second
and third time declared and saluted . The following brethren were then invested as officers : Bros . F . H . Field , S . W . ; A . Keeler , J . W . ; Gosby , P . M ., Sec . ; Jenner , P . M ., Treas . ; Dickson , S . D . ; Simmonds , J . D . ; Hamilton , I . G . -, Butcher , Tyler . After the customary addresses had been given , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer about 5 . 30 p . m . The brethren then adjourned to the Royal Kent Hotel ( Bro . A .
Keeler's ) where a very recherche banquet awaited them . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were then given and dilated on at some length , after which a vote of thanks was returned to Bro . P . M . Gosby for the able manner in which he had performed the duties of Installing Master . " The Health of the W . M ., I . P . M ., Officers , Visitors , and I lost " having been given and severally responded to , the Tyler ' s
toast brought a very enjoyable evening to a close about ten p . m . BIRMINGHAM . — Lodge of Israel ( No . 1474 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting on the 10 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . S . Lyon , was supported by Bros . M . Davis , I . P . M . ; J . Pursall , P . P . G . S . W .-, J . Silverstone , S . W . ; B . Lazarus , J . W . ; J . Myers , W . M .
of the Lodge of Emulation , rrcas . j D . Lavenstem , Sec . -, W . Harris , S . D . ; Paul Roberts , J . D . ; H . Woad , I . G . The Secretary having read the minutes of the last meeting , they were confirmed . Thc ballot was then taken for Messrs . H . Myers , Hurwitzand Mendlcsohn , and was found satisfactory . Bro . D . Abrahams was raised by the W . M . Bro . Powell , Cohen , and Gumpleson were passed
to the Degree of Fellow Craft . Messrs . H . Myers , H . Hurwitz , and Mr . J . Mendlesohn were initiated . This lodge , although only two years and four months established , has over sixty-six members , and possesses a benevolent fund . Three guineas were voted to assist a poor American Mason . The W . M . read a letter he had received from the P . G . M ., Lord Leigh , thanking him and
the brethren for their liberal support at the Festival of the Boys' School , over which he had the pleasure of presiding . The brethren retired to their banqueting room , the VV . M . presided , and gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and song , excellent music and siriging brought the evening to a very successful issue . " EPWORTH . —Isle of Axholme Lodge ( No
-1482 ) held their installation meeting on the 6 th inst . Bro . G . J . Bell was the W . M . elect . The ceremony of installation was very ably performed by Bro . F . D . Walker , cf St . George's Lodge , 242 , Doncaster . At the close of this ceremony Bro . Bell appointed the following brethren as his . ffictrs for the ensuing year : —Brc-s . Alfred Parkin ( who was the founder of the lodge , and has filled the chair for two years by the unanimous wish of the brethren ) , I . P . M .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
John Campbell , S . VV . and Treas . ; Alfred Taylor , J . W . and Sec . ; Jas . Benson , S . D . ; H . Campbell , J . D . ; M . ' Belton , I . G . ; and Geo . Naylor , Tyler . The banquet was afterwards held at the Red Lion Hotel , and was of the most recherche character . The newly-installed W . M . ably presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and a most harmonious and pleasant
evening was spent . TEDDINGTON . — The Felix Lodge ( No . 1494 , ) . —The regular monthly meeting of the above lodge took place on Saturday , 15 th inst ., at the Clarence Hotel , Bro . F . B . Archer , W . M . in the chair ; F . Summer Knyvett , Grand Steward , I . P . M . ; Edward B . Grabham , P . M ., Prov . Grand Steward Middlesex ,
Sec ; R . Berridge , P . M ., Grand Steward , S . W . ; W . G . Moore , P . M ., J . W . ; T . G . Archer , S . D . ; E . A . Wooky , J . D . ; Belward , I . G . pro tem . Visitors : the R . W . Prov . Grand Master for Middlesex , Lieut .-Col Francis Burdett , P . S . G . W . ; the Hon . W . Warren Vernon , Grand Junior Warden ; H . Thorn , P . M . 16 5 ; and others . The work before the lodge was the
ballotting for Mr . H . E . Taylor , who was afterwards initiated into the Order , the passing of Bros . Sealy , Weston , and Cooper , and raising of Bros . Hanson and Williams , the whole of thc work being done in a very perfect and impressive manner . The -lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , presided over by the W . M . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal toasts
were given and responded to . Bro . the Hon . W . Warren Vemo : > , Grand Junior Warden , replied to th : toast of " The Grand Officers , " and in the course of his remarks congratulated the lodge upon having a brother to preside over them who was in every way worthy of their highest esteem , a brother whom he had known and respected for some years , and who had entered on his year of office
with such brilliant prospects of success . " The Health of the Prov . Grand Master for Middlesex " was then given , and responded to by the brethren in a very hearty manner . Bro . Col . Burdett , in replying to the toast , spoke of the excellent working he had witnessed , and gave the brethren some exceedingly practical suggestions as to the future comfort and well-bei'ig of thc lodge . Bro . Grabham ,
Prov . Grand Steward Middlesex , responded to the toast of "The Prov . Grand Officers , " and took the opportunity of acknowledging the favourable recognition which the labours of Bro . Knyvett , I . P . M ., and himself had received at the hands of the Provincial Grand Master . " The Health of the W . M . " was then proposed by Bro . Knyvett in eulogistic terms , and received by the brethren with
much enthusiasm . Bro . Archer , in responding , expressed the pleasure it affordel him to preside over a lodge which had already taken so high a position in the province . During kis year of office he would do all in his power to make the Felix Lodge worthy of the position to which it had attained , and looked for the support of the brethren j be willingly gave them his best services . " The Health of
the Initiate , Bro . Taylor , was then given and responded to . The W . M . proposed " The Health of the Past Masters , " to which Bro . Knyvett replied . Bro . Beriidge , P . M . Grand Steward , S . W ., responded for " The Officers , " who were complimented by the W . M . for their thoroughly good working . The Tyler ' s toast brought the meeting to a close , and after the enjoyment of a pleasant evening ,
rendered more so by the excellent singing of Bros . Sealy and Hunter , the brethren returned to town . BARNSLEY . —Lodge Friendly ( No . 1513 ) . — Tlie brethren of this young and thriving lodge were engaged in a somewhat pleasing and peculiar duty on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., being called upon to assist their highly honoured Past Master , Bro . Richard Carter , P . M .
Nos . 61 and 1513 , P . P . G . W . of W . Yotks ( Mayor of Barnsley ) , in laying the corner-stone of St . Paul's Church , Monk Bretton , near Barnsley , agreeably with a faculty granted for that purpose by the VV . P . G . M . to the W . M . and brethren of the above lodge . The date fixed upon for the ceremony was that on which the regular lodge meeting should be held , the time for opening lodge
having been altered to 1 p . m ., when a goodly number of brethren were in attendance . The lodge having been opened in the three degrees , the brethren were conveyed in open carriages to the residence of Bro . Jackson , at Monk Bretton , and were received by him with the most fraternal and generous hospitality . Here they were marshalled by Bro . Bustard , D . C , and proceeded to the site
in the usual order . When the head of the procession had arrived at the entrance of the ground the brethren divided to the right and left . W . Bro . Carter , followed by the W . M . of Lodge Friendl y . Bro . Wm . Smith , the officers , and brethren in reverse order , took their respective positions on the ground . Bro . Carter having taken his seat , the vessels of corn , wine , an 1 oil were deposited on a pedestal
placed for their receplion . The Rtv . A . Lambert , Vicar of Monk Bretton , requested Bro . Carter to lay the stone , and presented to him on behalf of the building committee .. trowel for that purposv . The inscription upon the trowel , read by Bro . Shepherd , Sec , was as follows : — " July 6 th , 1876 . Presented to the Worshipful Richard Carter , Esq ., Mayor of Barnsley , P . P . G . W . of West Ytrks , and
P . M . Nos . 61 and 1513 , on his laying the cornerstone of Saint Paul's Church , Monk Bretton . " Bro . Bustard , D . C , here raised the upper ftone and adjusted the lower one , during which the 100 th Psalm was sung . Bro . the Rev . H . J Day , Chaplain , then read a short lection , from the V . of S . L ., Gen . 28 , v . 16 to 22 , after which he said : "Brethren , —Let us invoke the
blessing of the G . A . O . T . U . on the work we have thus begun in His name . O Lord God , whom the Heaven of Heav : ns cannot contain , and who yet vouchsafest to have a house here upon earth , wherein Thy name may be constantly invoked ; look down , we beseechThee . with benign countenance on us Thy humble servants ; vouchsafe to bless , make sure and establish this stone now to I e placed in Thy nam J . Be Thou , O Lord , the beginning , the in-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
crease , and the ending of the work which we have thus undertaken to Thy praise and honour ; through Him who is the chief corner stone , and the true foundation , and who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost , one God , world without end . So mote it be . " Bro . Watson then placed in . a cavity in the stone a bottle containing the inscription removed from the old church , specimens of the
current coin of the realm , and a document with the following inscription : — " St . Paul ' s Church , Monk Bretton . The corner stone of this church was re-laid on the 6 th of July , 1876 , with full Masonic ceremonial , by Richard Carter , Esq ., P . P . G . W ., and P . M ., Mayor of Barnsley Alfred Lambert , M . A ., Vicar , in his 7 ist year and 34 th of incumbency . Building committee : Alfred Lambert
Vicar ; Thomas Marsden and George Henry Jackson Churchwardens . William Dodgson , Arthur R . Kell , and Benjamin Smith . Architect : Luigi Solaini , Liverpotl . Builders : Messrs . Chadwick an-. ! Co ., Rotherham . The late fabric was so damaged by a storm of wind in December , 1873 , as to render it necessary to re-build the whole , from its foundations . The corner-stone itself bore
the inscription : — ' St . Paul ' s Church . This memorial stone was laid Julv 6 th , 1876 , with Masonic honours , by Richard Carter , P . P . G . W ., and P . M ., Mayor of Barnsley . Building committee : Alfred Lambert , Vi ; ar ; T . Marsden , W . Dodgson , G . H . Jackson , A . R . Kell , B . Smith . Luigi and Hari Solaini , architects . '" Bro . Carter then advanced to the front of the raised
platform and said : W . M ., P . M . ' s , and brethren of the Ancient Order of Free and Accepted Masons , Mr . Lambert and your clerical fricnds , Iadies and gentlemen , my neighbours in this place and district , —We are assembled to-day to engage in a ceremony which I am sure you all feel to be one of considerable importance . It is usual in connection with an enterprise of any magnitude in all classes of society to
recognise in some formal manner the commencement of that enterprise . But there is something which makes it mor ; especially becoming and appropriate in the occasion which has brought us together to-day . Wc are here to lay a corner stone , and so far to inaugurate a work which is for all time to redound to the honour and glory of the M . H . the A . and S . R . of the U . I accepted the duty with
my brethren ot engaging in this ceremony , at the request of our dear friend the venerable vicar of this parish , and we feel that in such acceptance the duty is more appropriately performed than if it had become the work of any other body . I shall not for many reasons detain you by attempting to prove the assertion which I have just made—it is more especially addressed to a fraternity whose , history
may be traced back to the earliest period of the history of the human race—a fraternity to whom duties of this kind have been in all ages of mankind willingly and especially confided . We accepted this work , important in the highest sease of the term , with a becoming degree of propriety which I hope we all know how to appreciate . And while wc acknowledge our own personal humility and dependence , we come at the same time as Freemasons . Although
we may have these opportunities of inculcating principles which in a certain manner we are forbidden from divul ging to the outer world , there is nevertheless that which does commend itself to the highest of all classes , and I am proud to think that Freemasonry never flourished in this country or any other in a more distinguished manner than it does among Englishmen at the present time . I shall , without detaining this numerous assembly , place myself in the hands of the Director of Ceremonies and ask him now
to proceed in the further work to be done . Thanking you , Mr . Lambert , and the building committee for the kindness and courtesy with which you have permitted us to be present on this occasion , and congratulating you on your numerous assemblage of friends and parishioners , and availing myself of this opportunity of faying that as to the work in which we are engaged , may you live to see
it completed , that it may be a source of happiness , enjoyment , and comfort for many years to come . Worshipful Bro . Carter then adjusted the lower stone , after which the upper stone was slowly lowered with three distinct stops , during which the anthem , " O Lord of Host , " was sung . Worshipful Bro . Carter then proved the just position and form of the stone by the i-lum rule , level , and
square , which were successively delivered to him by the Junior Warden , Senior Warden , and Worshipful Master of Lodge Friendly . Being satisfied in these particulars he gave the stone three knocks with the mallet , which was delivered to him , laying the stone in the name of the most High , the Father , Son , and the Holy Ghost , the Creator of the Universe . The cornucopia , containing the corn , and
the ewers , with the wine and the oil , were next handed ( 0 Bro . Carter , who strewed the corn and poured the wine over the stone , saying : In these emblems , we recognise thc symbols of plenty . Nay , the bounteous giver of all good , the author of all temporal and spiritual blessing , please to bless this place of worship for all future time with abundance and plenty , of all gifts that can render
material and spiritual happiness . The Chaplain then offered up the following prayer , saying : " Brethren , —Let us now supplicate Almighty God , of His infinite mercy , to bless , sanctify , and consecrate the house which is to be built in thia place . O Almighty and everliving God , who in every place of Thy d ominion art wholly present , wholly operating , and who yet dost hallow the places
dedicated to I hy name , pour forth Thy grace upon the house of prayer here to be built , that it may be raised up atemple to Thy honour , and remain for ever inviolable . And as Thou art the founder of this house , be Thou also its protector . Here let no malice of the enemy prevail no perverse desires divide those whom one fold contains
and one shepherd guides . Here let brotherly love , relief , and truth flourish , and through the powerful aid of Thy blesssed Spirit mayest Thou always be worshipped in this place in faith and charity , in purity and true devotion * , a .- * grant that all who shall here seek Thee may ever find the light of Thy countenance , and be filled with abundance ^