Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
our Past Masters , our fraternal acknowledgments are due for the zeal , ability , and Masonic spirit with which they carry through the working of the lodge during their respective years of office , and also for the liberality some of them have shown towards our Masonic Charities . During the time we have occupied these rooms it has been our painful duty to relieve the wants on several occasions of the widows and children of deceased brethren . In this respect
I venture to say the Aire and Calder Lodge has not fallen short of its duty , its liberality having been only stayed when its purse was empty . VVe have done what we could willingly , and 1 would remind you that through us grants have been obtained from Grand Lodge , and admission also obtained for children of deceased brethren to the great Masonic schools of England . Amongst the events ( during the time wc have been in
these rooms ) in the Masonic world has been the election and installation of the Prince of Wales to the position of Grand Master of all England . At the grand ceremony then held at the Albert Hall it was the privilege of many of our Past Masters to be present , they will ever retain a vivid recollection of the splendour of the scene and of the impressiveness of the ceremony . This year the Grand Master has visited Yorkshire and has performed a
ceremony of no little importance in the city of \ ork , at which I with many of my officers and brethren had the pleasure of being present . From the year 1 S 39 to the present the population of Goole has advanced from 3000 inhabitants to over 12 , 000 . Need I tell you its still prospering . I could wish that in the buildings in our town , especially those for the humbler classes , there had been more of the truly Masonic spirit shown , for I venture to think
that nothing is more important in these days than the provision of structures of a durable , health ) -, and suitable character . Though the absence of that spirit is seen in the early history of Goole , there is now marked improvement , and there arc signs that in the future Goole will be , not merely a prosperous community , but a healthy and pleasant place of resort , situated as it is on the banks of one of the noblest rivers in our seagirt isle . Our number
on the register of the Grand Lodge of England is 45 S . To that number we were advanced a few years ago and I trust it will remain with us . I confess to a liking for 45 S ; it has now almost become a part of our Constitution , and 1 hope that in the future by no other number shall we be known . We are associated with one of the finest Masonic provinces in England , West Yorkshire , and the excellence of its work is only equalled by the liberality with whicli it supports
our charities . With new bye-laws , and working ( very soon ) under an improved Book of Constitutions , Masonry in Goole will prosper . Not ( said Lord Ripon while speaking in his capacity as P . G . M . of West Yorkshire at Leeds ) , the number of Masons but the spirit that animates them , should be taken into consideration , and , brethren , as wc leave the room 1 commend this to your consideration . VVe have in our lodge
many true and earnest Masons ; but we have living in our neighbourhood one to whom we may justly look up to as a model of what a Mason should be—I refer to Bro . Tew , Deputy Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire and now Senior Deacon in the Grand Lodge of England . 1 trust he will be advanced to still higher dignity . In a few weeks he will visit Goole to dedicate our new lodge room , and then I am sure you will extend to him a hearty Masonic
welcome . Forgive me , brethren , for detaining you so long . To me when I leave this chair this evening it will be with far from altogether pleasant feelings . Though we go to larger rooms , where we hope to have larger and more profitable gatherings , yet I must confess 1 shall regard with feelings of no little regret the dismantling of this room , in which I and so many of you had our Masonic birth , and in
which we have gained much of that knowledge of Masonic ritual and principles which we possess . As we are extending our borders , may we also cultivate Masonic principles , and , in all reverence , may 1 ask you to make the entrance of our lodge to larger premises only a preparatory step in that education by which we shall be fitted to be numbered amongst those who will be admitted to the Grand Lodge Above .
MORPETH . —D'Ogle Lodge ( No . 636 ) . —On Thursday evening , the 13 th inst ., the annual meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . John Charles Wilson , supported by Bros . R . H . Dickenson , S . W . ; T . Ashton , J . W . ; and John Hann , Sec . There was a large number of visiting brethren present from Newcastle , Sunderland , Amble , Bedlington , Blyth . ' and Stockton , as well as Past Masters
and brethren of the lodge , including Bros . E . D . Davis , Prov . G . D . of C . Northumberland ; Dickenson , P . P . G . O . Durham ; W . Davidson , P . M . ; T . Waters , P . M . ; T . Braithwaite , P . M . ; A . E . Loades , P . M . ; Dunn , W . M . ; Percy , S . W . ; and J . C . Moor , S . W . 97 . After other business , Bro . VV . Davidson , P . M ., D . of C , presented Bro . R . H . Dickenson , S . W ., VV . M . elect , to the Installing Master , Bro . lohn Charles Wilson , to receive the
benefits of installation . At a Board of Installed Masters Bro . Dickenson was duly installed in the chair of K . S ., and afterwards saluted by the brethren according to ancient custom , Bro . Wilson performing the ceremony in a very efficient manner . The newly-elected VV . M ., afterwards invested his officers as follows : Bros . J . C . Wilson , I . P . M . ; T . Ashton , S . W . ; J . VVatt , J . W . ; Ashton , S . D . ; C . Lea , Sec . ; T . Gillespie ,
P . M ., Treas . ; R . Edger , I . G . ; and James Thompson , T yler . Bro . VV . Davidson , P . M ., was re-invested as D . of C . Several of the visiting brethren expressed "Hearty good Wishes " to Bro . Dickenson , and the lodge was closed . The annual banquet was afterwards held at the Oueen's Head ( Bro . Watt ' s ) , the W . M . presiding , and Bro . Ashton , ^¦ W ., in the vice-chair . Bros . Dickenson ( Stockton ) , the W . M . ; E . L ) . Davis , Curry , Dick , and others cordially joined in the harmony which took place during the evening .
_ FELTHAM . —Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . — 'he final meeting of the season was held on Saturday , U / \ ' 5 tn inst ., at the Railway Hotel , Bro . David Steinhauer , n I ' " Prei > iding . There were present Bros . J . W . Baldwin , M- J-V > -Middx ., I . P . M . ; Edwin Gilbert , P . G . Steward Middx-, P . M ., Treas . ; E . Mallett . P . M . ; J . | . Marsh ,
f-W . ; F . Knight , I . W . ; VV . R . Vassila , S . D . ; | . Laurence , J . D . ; C . W . Baker , as I . G . ; and others . The visitors were Bros . J . Sims , S 34 ; F . Craggs , S 34 ; C . II . Tu 1 * S' 3 ; and othersrecr 1 1 ffe ,, avin g been opened the minutes of the last guiar lodge meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in favour of a candidate for initiation proved unanimous . By desire Bro . James VV . Baldwin , P . P . G . P . Middx ., I . P . M ., initiated Mr . James Clark Goslin , and the VV . M ., Bro . David Steinhauer , initiated his friend , Mr . Leo . Schaeffer , into Freemasonry , the ceremonies in each case being excellently rendered . Notices of motion having been
given , and the names of candidates received for initiation , the lodge was closed and adjourned to May 17 th , 1 SS 4 . Before leaving the lodge room the respected Secretary , according to his usual custom at the final meetings of the season , wished every member " A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year . " Refreshment followed labour .
LIVERPOOL . —Fermor-Hesketh Lodge ( No . 1350 ) . — The annual installation gathering of the members of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on Monday , the 10 th inst ., when Bro . Henry B . Browne was duly placed in the chair of Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . The attendance included Bros . C . Leighton , VV . M . ( who performed the installation ceremony 1 ; I . H .
Johnston , P . M . ; Dr . A . Samuels , P . M . ; Richard Collmson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . of C . ; C . Titherley , P . M . ; Thos . A . Collinson , P . M . ; VV . P . Evans , P . M . ; and others . Among the visitors were Bros . H . S . Alpass , P . G . Std . Br ., Prov . ~ G . Sec . ; Captain VV . Newman , P . P . G . R . ; Harold Wyatt , P . M . 1473 ; Dr . F- I- Bailey , P . G . S . D . ; ] . Pendleton , W . M . 241 ; J . P . Bryan , Prov . G . Org . ; J .
Brotherton , S . W . 241 ; and others . The VV . M . elect was presented by Bros . H . Johnston , P . M ., and Dr . Samuels , P . M . After the usual honours , the following officers were appointed for the ensuing year : Bros . C . Leighton , I . P . M . ; E . G . Grundy , S . W . ; J . T . Stowell , J . VV . ; John Hodgson , Sec ; Peter Ashcroft , Asst . Sec ; H . Ashton Hill , S . D . ; E . King Ellison , J . D . ;
F . A . Staedeli ( by proxy ) , I . G . ; R . Morris Jones , S . S . ; F . Van Gelder , J . S . ; Robert Carruthers , P . M ., Treas . ( by proxy ); J . Higston Johnston , P . M ., D . of C . ; and Rev . John Stowell , Chap . Bro . P . Ball was re-elected Tyler . During the after-dinner proceedings a handsi . me Past Master's jewel was presented to the I . P . M . on behalf of the lodge by the VV . M .
YORK . —Eboracum Lodge ( No . 1611 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday week last when there was a capital muster of members . In the absence of the VV . M ., the chair was taken by Bro . T . B . Whytehead , P . M ., who was supported by Bros . J . S . Cumberland , P . M . ; J . T . Seller , P . M . ; C . G . Padel , P . M . ; G . Balmford , P . M . ; George Simpson , P . M . ; Major A .
H . McGachen , P . M . 1991 ; R . VV . Hollen , P . M . ; S . Chadwick , VV . M . 1040 ; the Wardens , officers , and a large number of brethren , amongst the visitors being Bro . VV . P . Moat , P . M ., Senior District Grand Warden of Auckland , New Zealand . The business consisted in a passing and a raising , which having been accomplished , the ballot was taken for the
following brethren as honorary members , proposed by Bro . Whytehead , seconded by Bro . Cumberland , and supported by several other Past Masters : Col . Shadwell II . Gierke , Grand Secretary ; D . Murray Lyon , Grand Secretary of Scotland ; Robert F . Gould , P . G . D . ; and Colonel VV . J . B . McLeod Moore , Canada , all of whom were elected unanimously . The acting W . M . announced that
the W . M . had with his usual liberality presented the lodge with a series of forms of honorary certificates on parchment , and that some had already been issued . The name of a candidate was proposed and the lodge was closed amid " Hearty good wishes . " There was a great gathering round the refreshment table , when a number of toasts were honoured and songs sung .
Bro . Moat responded to "The Health of the Visitors , " and expressed his pleasure of having witnessed the working of the lodge . When he left New Zealand he had made up his mind to visit York and see a lodge so famous actually at work . He entered into many interesting particulars respecting the Craft in New Zealand which he said was very prosperous and rapidly gaining ground . The evening passed most happily .
CAMDEN LODGE ( No . 704 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , 13 th inst ., at 305 , High Holborn , when there present Bros . G . H . Cobb , 1745 , W . M . ; Snowdin , J . VV . 157 , S . W . ; Jenkins , SGo , J . VV . ; VV . Simpton , 201 , Sec ; Tomyn , 534 , S . D . ; Glazier ,
704 , J . D . ; Trant , 704 , I . G . ; Fox , 201 , Precept . ; and Pain P . M . Lodge was opened in due form . Lodge was opened in Second Degree . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Glazier acting as candidate . Lodge was closed in the Second Degree . Bro . Jenkins , S 60 , was elected joining member . Lodge was closed in due form .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 1425 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on Monday , the 17 th inst ., at the Fountains Abbey Hotel , in , Praed-street , Paddington , VV . Present : Bros . C . S . Moat , VV . M . ; J . T . Mickleburgh , P . M . 1425 , S . W . ; Perdu , J . W . ; J . Lawrence , S . D . ; C . R . Wickens , J . D . ; M . J . Green , I . G . ; G . Read , P . M . 511 , Preceptor ; H . E . Dehane , VV . M . 1543 , Sec ; M .
Speigal , P . M . iSS , W . S . ; VV . Death , M . S . Rodet , B . P . Smith , J . C . Rhind , C . J . Morse , J . Chapman , A . Hardy , VV . Craig , P . M . 1425 ; H . Robinson . VV . H . Wadham , Capt . A . Nicols , VV . M . 1974 ; and H . P . Fowler . Lodge opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremonies of initiation and passing were rehearsed , Bro . Hardy being the candidate . Lodge called off and the brethren were
instructed by Bro . G . Read , P . M ., in entry drill . Lodge called on . The lodge votes for girls were unanimousl y voted to the widow of Bro . VV . West , P . M . 12 S 7 , who used to be a regular attendant . Bro . Mickleburgh , P . M . 1425 , was elected VV . M . for next meeting , and the lodge was closed and adjourned . The ceremonies of consecration and installation will be rehearsed on Monday , October 15 th , by Bro . James Terry , P . P . G . S . D . Herts , Sec . R . M . B . l .
FETE AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE . —An attractive evening fete is announced for to-morrow ( Saturday . ) 'Ihe programme includes a grand Illumination of the palace and popular Salurday evening conceris , with Mr . Manns as conductor , and ihe London Vocal Union under the direction of Mr . Fred Walker . The grounds will be illuminated with thousands of coloured lamps and Chinese lanterns .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
WITHINGTON . —Architect Chapter ( No . 1375 ) . —A meeting of this chapter took place on Monday last , at the Local Board Offices , when the followingweie present : Bros . J . D . Pochin , P . Z ., and Treas ., acting Z . ; J . G . Bromley , II . ; A . P . Collins , J . ; J . Warburton , E . ; Vollmer , P . Z ., P . P . G . J . West Lancashire , acting N . ; Wood , P . S . ; A . P . Graves , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; and Henry Heap , Janitor . Visitors : T . H . Glcndinning , P . Z . 105 =
; , P . P . G . A . S . East Lancashire ; J . VV . P . Salmon , P , Z . 1 O 3 , P . P . G . D . C . East Lancashire ; lohn Bladon , P . Z . 317 , P . P . G . Std . Br . East Lancashire ; VV . W . Wilson ( formerl y 1 . 375 ); Whitehead ( formerly 1375 ); and R . R . Lisenden , S . E . 317 ( Freemason . ) I he companions assembled at C . 15 , and partook of tea . At 7 o ' clock the chapter was opened in due form and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The
ballot was taken for Comp . VV . W . WiLon as a rejoining member , and being unanimous in his favour , he was declared elected . the ballot was next taken for Bro . H . B . Riley , of S 15 , who was also elected , and afterwards exalted to the Holy Royal Arch Degree by Comp . Pochin , acting '/ .., assisted by his officers in a very satisfactory manner . At the expiration of the ceremony of exaltation the ballot for officers for the ensuing year was
proceeded with and resulted as follows : Bros . j . G . Bromley , Z . ; A . P . Collins , , 11 . ; Wood , J . ; J . Warburton , S . E . ; A . P . Graves , S . N . ; VV . VV . Willson , P . S . ; J . D . Pochin , P . Z ., Treas . ; and Henry Heap , J . Comps . Wilson and Wood were appointed Auditors of the chapter accounts . There being 110 further business " Hearty good wishes " were expressed by theviaitorsand the chapter was closed in peace and harmony .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
COCKERMOUTH . — Faithfull Lodge ( No . 229 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., when Bro . Henry Peacock , Prov . G . Inspector of Works , was installed as VV . M ., and invested the following as his officers : Bros . Thos . Mason , S . W . ; VV . Shilton , J . W . ; E . L . Waugh , M . O . ; G . Brash , S . O . ; J . Towers , J . O . ; II . Carruthers , S . D . ; T . Bird , J . D . ; Win . Paisley , Sec . and Reg . ; and J .
Hewson , Tyler . Bro . James Gardiner , P . M . 151 , P . P . G . S . W ., discharged the duties of Installing Master in an able manner . The following visitors were present to do honour to the occasion : Bros . G . W . Thompson , P . M . 151 , P . G . J . O . ; J . Scott , S . O . ; J . Abbott , J . O . ; J . Dickinson , Sec . ; J . Hodgson , I . G . ; R . Leech , 60 ; Geo . Dalrymple , P . M . 2 i ( 5 , G . A . D . of C . ; ] . C . Thompson , M . O .
2 S 2 ; J . Lewthwaite , J . O . ; and others . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Gardiner for his services , and the lodge was closed in form and good harmony . The newly-installed Master invited all present to accompany him to the Globe Hotel , where an excellent spread awaited them . Ample justice was done to the good things , and a very pleasant evening spent .
Obituary .
BRO . F . H . WILSON ILES , M . D ., DEPUTY PROV . G . M . HERTFORSHIRE . A bright particular star in Freemasonry in the person of VV . Bro . Dr . Wilson lies , Deputy Prov . Grand Master Herts , has been called away suddenly , under circumstances which are calculated to excite the most poignant regret among not only his relatives and friends and the brethren of his province , but among Craftsmen generally ; while the
profoundest sympathy will be felt for the widow and children whom he has left behind to mourn his loss . A short time since , in the course of his professional duties , he had the misfortune in performing a surgical operation to scratch one of his fingers . So slight indeed was the wound that no notice was taken of it . Unfortunately blood poisoning supervened , and the result was death , on Wednesday , the iyth inst . Our deceased brother had passed a long and
successful career in Masonry , having been initiated in the Watford Lodge , No . 404 , Watford , on the nth November , 1 S 59 , and passed and raised on the 10 th February and 9 th March respectively in the following vear . In iSOO lie was elected to fill the chair of his lodge , and at the time of his death and for some years previously was its Treasurer . On April , 1 S 74 , on the installation of R . W . Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., as Prov . G . M . of Hertfordshire ,
Bro lies was appointed Prov . Grand Secretary , and on the resignation of liro . Sedgwick as D . G . M . of the piovince in 18 79 , he was appointed to fill the vacant office . In 187 ( 1 he was deputed to consecrate the Cranbourne Lodge , No . 15 S 0 , Hatfield , and was rewarded for his services on the occasion by being elected honorary member of the lodge , and on the 13 th December of last year he was installed as first VV . M . of the Earl of Clarendon Lodge , No . 19 S 4 . But
our late brother ' s services were by no means confined to Craft Masonry . On the 27 th May , 1 SG 1 , he was exalted to the Royal Arch Degree in the Watford chapter , No . 404 ; had twice filled the chair of First Principal—in 1 S 6 S and lS 73—and was a Past Prov . G . M . He was als : > Treasurer of his chapter , and on 3 rd February , 1 S 75 , consecrated , and was elected honorary member of the Gladsmuir Chapter , No . 13 S 5 , Barnet . He was S . W . and Treasurer of
the Watford Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 241 , as well as a P . E . C . and Treasurer of the Stuart Encampment of Knights Templar , Watford , and P . A . G . D . C . of the Great Priory of England . He was a Life Governor of and had served the ofiice of Festival Steward for both the Royal Masonic Boys ' School and Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and was a Life Subscriber of the Girls' School , for which his name was down to act as Steward at the festival of next year .
I hus at the close , as well as throughout the whole of his career as a Mason , our deceased brother was as active as he was able and energetic , nor will it be any exaggeration to say that his practice in all respects coincided with his exposition of the glorious principles of Freemasonry . We cannot close this brief retrospect of the Masonic portion of
Bro . Iles ' slife without expressing our deep sorrow at his premature death and our warm , st sympathy with his widow and nine children who remain to mourn his loss . The funeral is fixed for to-day ( Saturday ) at Watford cemetery , at 3 . 30 p . m ., the opening portion of the service taking place in the parish church .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
our Past Masters , our fraternal acknowledgments are due for the zeal , ability , and Masonic spirit with which they carry through the working of the lodge during their respective years of office , and also for the liberality some of them have shown towards our Masonic Charities . During the time we have occupied these rooms it has been our painful duty to relieve the wants on several occasions of the widows and children of deceased brethren . In this respect
I venture to say the Aire and Calder Lodge has not fallen short of its duty , its liberality having been only stayed when its purse was empty . VVe have done what we could willingly , and 1 would remind you that through us grants have been obtained from Grand Lodge , and admission also obtained for children of deceased brethren to the great Masonic schools of England . Amongst the events ( during the time wc have been in
these rooms ) in the Masonic world has been the election and installation of the Prince of Wales to the position of Grand Master of all England . At the grand ceremony then held at the Albert Hall it was the privilege of many of our Past Masters to be present , they will ever retain a vivid recollection of the splendour of the scene and of the impressiveness of the ceremony . This year the Grand Master has visited Yorkshire and has performed a
ceremony of no little importance in the city of \ ork , at which I with many of my officers and brethren had the pleasure of being present . From the year 1 S 39 to the present the population of Goole has advanced from 3000 inhabitants to over 12 , 000 . Need I tell you its still prospering . I could wish that in the buildings in our town , especially those for the humbler classes , there had been more of the truly Masonic spirit shown , for I venture to think
that nothing is more important in these days than the provision of structures of a durable , health ) -, and suitable character . Though the absence of that spirit is seen in the early history of Goole , there is now marked improvement , and there arc signs that in the future Goole will be , not merely a prosperous community , but a healthy and pleasant place of resort , situated as it is on the banks of one of the noblest rivers in our seagirt isle . Our number
on the register of the Grand Lodge of England is 45 S . To that number we were advanced a few years ago and I trust it will remain with us . I confess to a liking for 45 S ; it has now almost become a part of our Constitution , and 1 hope that in the future by no other number shall we be known . We are associated with one of the finest Masonic provinces in England , West Yorkshire , and the excellence of its work is only equalled by the liberality with whicli it supports
our charities . With new bye-laws , and working ( very soon ) under an improved Book of Constitutions , Masonry in Goole will prosper . Not ( said Lord Ripon while speaking in his capacity as P . G . M . of West Yorkshire at Leeds ) , the number of Masons but the spirit that animates them , should be taken into consideration , and , brethren , as wc leave the room 1 commend this to your consideration . VVe have in our lodge
many true and earnest Masons ; but we have living in our neighbourhood one to whom we may justly look up to as a model of what a Mason should be—I refer to Bro . Tew , Deputy Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire and now Senior Deacon in the Grand Lodge of England . 1 trust he will be advanced to still higher dignity . In a few weeks he will visit Goole to dedicate our new lodge room , and then I am sure you will extend to him a hearty Masonic
welcome . Forgive me , brethren , for detaining you so long . To me when I leave this chair this evening it will be with far from altogether pleasant feelings . Though we go to larger rooms , where we hope to have larger and more profitable gatherings , yet I must confess 1 shall regard with feelings of no little regret the dismantling of this room , in which I and so many of you had our Masonic birth , and in
which we have gained much of that knowledge of Masonic ritual and principles which we possess . As we are extending our borders , may we also cultivate Masonic principles , and , in all reverence , may 1 ask you to make the entrance of our lodge to larger premises only a preparatory step in that education by which we shall be fitted to be numbered amongst those who will be admitted to the Grand Lodge Above .
MORPETH . —D'Ogle Lodge ( No . 636 ) . —On Thursday evening , the 13 th inst ., the annual meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . John Charles Wilson , supported by Bros . R . H . Dickenson , S . W . ; T . Ashton , J . W . ; and John Hann , Sec . There was a large number of visiting brethren present from Newcastle , Sunderland , Amble , Bedlington , Blyth . ' and Stockton , as well as Past Masters
and brethren of the lodge , including Bros . E . D . Davis , Prov . G . D . of C . Northumberland ; Dickenson , P . P . G . O . Durham ; W . Davidson , P . M . ; T . Waters , P . M . ; T . Braithwaite , P . M . ; A . E . Loades , P . M . ; Dunn , W . M . ; Percy , S . W . ; and J . C . Moor , S . W . 97 . After other business , Bro . VV . Davidson , P . M ., D . of C , presented Bro . R . H . Dickenson , S . W ., VV . M . elect , to the Installing Master , Bro . lohn Charles Wilson , to receive the
benefits of installation . At a Board of Installed Masters Bro . Dickenson was duly installed in the chair of K . S ., and afterwards saluted by the brethren according to ancient custom , Bro . Wilson performing the ceremony in a very efficient manner . The newly-elected VV . M ., afterwards invested his officers as follows : Bros . J . C . Wilson , I . P . M . ; T . Ashton , S . W . ; J . VVatt , J . W . ; Ashton , S . D . ; C . Lea , Sec . ; T . Gillespie ,
P . M ., Treas . ; R . Edger , I . G . ; and James Thompson , T yler . Bro . VV . Davidson , P . M ., was re-invested as D . of C . Several of the visiting brethren expressed "Hearty good Wishes " to Bro . Dickenson , and the lodge was closed . The annual banquet was afterwards held at the Oueen's Head ( Bro . Watt ' s ) , the W . M . presiding , and Bro . Ashton , ^¦ W ., in the vice-chair . Bros . Dickenson ( Stockton ) , the W . M . ; E . L ) . Davis , Curry , Dick , and others cordially joined in the harmony which took place during the evening .
_ FELTHAM . —Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . — 'he final meeting of the season was held on Saturday , U / \ ' 5 tn inst ., at the Railway Hotel , Bro . David Steinhauer , n I ' " Prei > iding . There were present Bros . J . W . Baldwin , M- J-V > -Middx ., I . P . M . ; Edwin Gilbert , P . G . Steward Middx-, P . M ., Treas . ; E . Mallett . P . M . ; J . | . Marsh ,
f-W . ; F . Knight , I . W . ; VV . R . Vassila , S . D . ; | . Laurence , J . D . ; C . W . Baker , as I . G . ; and others . The visitors were Bros . J . Sims , S 34 ; F . Craggs , S 34 ; C . II . Tu 1 * S' 3 ; and othersrecr 1 1 ffe ,, avin g been opened the minutes of the last guiar lodge meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in favour of a candidate for initiation proved unanimous . By desire Bro . James VV . Baldwin , P . P . G . P . Middx ., I . P . M ., initiated Mr . James Clark Goslin , and the VV . M ., Bro . David Steinhauer , initiated his friend , Mr . Leo . Schaeffer , into Freemasonry , the ceremonies in each case being excellently rendered . Notices of motion having been
given , and the names of candidates received for initiation , the lodge was closed and adjourned to May 17 th , 1 SS 4 . Before leaving the lodge room the respected Secretary , according to his usual custom at the final meetings of the season , wished every member " A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year . " Refreshment followed labour .
LIVERPOOL . —Fermor-Hesketh Lodge ( No . 1350 ) . — The annual installation gathering of the members of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on Monday , the 10 th inst ., when Bro . Henry B . Browne was duly placed in the chair of Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . The attendance included Bros . C . Leighton , VV . M . ( who performed the installation ceremony 1 ; I . H .
Johnston , P . M . ; Dr . A . Samuels , P . M . ; Richard Collmson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . of C . ; C . Titherley , P . M . ; Thos . A . Collinson , P . M . ; VV . P . Evans , P . M . ; and others . Among the visitors were Bros . H . S . Alpass , P . G . Std . Br ., Prov . ~ G . Sec . ; Captain VV . Newman , P . P . G . R . ; Harold Wyatt , P . M . 1473 ; Dr . F- I- Bailey , P . G . S . D . ; ] . Pendleton , W . M . 241 ; J . P . Bryan , Prov . G . Org . ; J .
Brotherton , S . W . 241 ; and others . The VV . M . elect was presented by Bros . H . Johnston , P . M ., and Dr . Samuels , P . M . After the usual honours , the following officers were appointed for the ensuing year : Bros . C . Leighton , I . P . M . ; E . G . Grundy , S . W . ; J . T . Stowell , J . VV . ; John Hodgson , Sec ; Peter Ashcroft , Asst . Sec ; H . Ashton Hill , S . D . ; E . King Ellison , J . D . ;
F . A . Staedeli ( by proxy ) , I . G . ; R . Morris Jones , S . S . ; F . Van Gelder , J . S . ; Robert Carruthers , P . M ., Treas . ( by proxy ); J . Higston Johnston , P . M ., D . of C . ; and Rev . John Stowell , Chap . Bro . P . Ball was re-elected Tyler . During the after-dinner proceedings a handsi . me Past Master's jewel was presented to the I . P . M . on behalf of the lodge by the VV . M .
YORK . —Eboracum Lodge ( No . 1611 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday week last when there was a capital muster of members . In the absence of the VV . M ., the chair was taken by Bro . T . B . Whytehead , P . M ., who was supported by Bros . J . S . Cumberland , P . M . ; J . T . Seller , P . M . ; C . G . Padel , P . M . ; G . Balmford , P . M . ; George Simpson , P . M . ; Major A .
H . McGachen , P . M . 1991 ; R . VV . Hollen , P . M . ; S . Chadwick , VV . M . 1040 ; the Wardens , officers , and a large number of brethren , amongst the visitors being Bro . VV . P . Moat , P . M ., Senior District Grand Warden of Auckland , New Zealand . The business consisted in a passing and a raising , which having been accomplished , the ballot was taken for the
following brethren as honorary members , proposed by Bro . Whytehead , seconded by Bro . Cumberland , and supported by several other Past Masters : Col . Shadwell II . Gierke , Grand Secretary ; D . Murray Lyon , Grand Secretary of Scotland ; Robert F . Gould , P . G . D . ; and Colonel VV . J . B . McLeod Moore , Canada , all of whom were elected unanimously . The acting W . M . announced that
the W . M . had with his usual liberality presented the lodge with a series of forms of honorary certificates on parchment , and that some had already been issued . The name of a candidate was proposed and the lodge was closed amid " Hearty good wishes . " There was a great gathering round the refreshment table , when a number of toasts were honoured and songs sung .
Bro . Moat responded to "The Health of the Visitors , " and expressed his pleasure of having witnessed the working of the lodge . When he left New Zealand he had made up his mind to visit York and see a lodge so famous actually at work . He entered into many interesting particulars respecting the Craft in New Zealand which he said was very prosperous and rapidly gaining ground . The evening passed most happily .
CAMDEN LODGE ( No . 704 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , 13 th inst ., at 305 , High Holborn , when there present Bros . G . H . Cobb , 1745 , W . M . ; Snowdin , J . VV . 157 , S . W . ; Jenkins , SGo , J . VV . ; VV . Simpton , 201 , Sec ; Tomyn , 534 , S . D . ; Glazier ,
704 , J . D . ; Trant , 704 , I . G . ; Fox , 201 , Precept . ; and Pain P . M . Lodge was opened in due form . Lodge was opened in Second Degree . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Glazier acting as candidate . Lodge was closed in the Second Degree . Bro . Jenkins , S 60 , was elected joining member . Lodge was closed in due form .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 1425 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on Monday , the 17 th inst ., at the Fountains Abbey Hotel , in , Praed-street , Paddington , VV . Present : Bros . C . S . Moat , VV . M . ; J . T . Mickleburgh , P . M . 1425 , S . W . ; Perdu , J . W . ; J . Lawrence , S . D . ; C . R . Wickens , J . D . ; M . J . Green , I . G . ; G . Read , P . M . 511 , Preceptor ; H . E . Dehane , VV . M . 1543 , Sec ; M .
Speigal , P . M . iSS , W . S . ; VV . Death , M . S . Rodet , B . P . Smith , J . C . Rhind , C . J . Morse , J . Chapman , A . Hardy , VV . Craig , P . M . 1425 ; H . Robinson . VV . H . Wadham , Capt . A . Nicols , VV . M . 1974 ; and H . P . Fowler . Lodge opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremonies of initiation and passing were rehearsed , Bro . Hardy being the candidate . Lodge called off and the brethren were
instructed by Bro . G . Read , P . M ., in entry drill . Lodge called on . The lodge votes for girls were unanimousl y voted to the widow of Bro . VV . West , P . M . 12 S 7 , who used to be a regular attendant . Bro . Mickleburgh , P . M . 1425 , was elected VV . M . for next meeting , and the lodge was closed and adjourned . The ceremonies of consecration and installation will be rehearsed on Monday , October 15 th , by Bro . James Terry , P . P . G . S . D . Herts , Sec . R . M . B . l .
FETE AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE . —An attractive evening fete is announced for to-morrow ( Saturday . ) 'Ihe programme includes a grand Illumination of the palace and popular Salurday evening conceris , with Mr . Manns as conductor , and ihe London Vocal Union under the direction of Mr . Fred Walker . The grounds will be illuminated with thousands of coloured lamps and Chinese lanterns .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
WITHINGTON . —Architect Chapter ( No . 1375 ) . —A meeting of this chapter took place on Monday last , at the Local Board Offices , when the followingweie present : Bros . J . D . Pochin , P . Z ., and Treas ., acting Z . ; J . G . Bromley , II . ; A . P . Collins , J . ; J . Warburton , E . ; Vollmer , P . Z ., P . P . G . J . West Lancashire , acting N . ; Wood , P . S . ; A . P . Graves , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; and Henry Heap , Janitor . Visitors : T . H . Glcndinning , P . Z . 105 =
; , P . P . G . A . S . East Lancashire ; J . VV . P . Salmon , P , Z . 1 O 3 , P . P . G . D . C . East Lancashire ; lohn Bladon , P . Z . 317 , P . P . G . Std . Br . East Lancashire ; VV . W . Wilson ( formerl y 1 . 375 ); Whitehead ( formerly 1375 ); and R . R . Lisenden , S . E . 317 ( Freemason . ) I he companions assembled at C . 15 , and partook of tea . At 7 o ' clock the chapter was opened in due form and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The
ballot was taken for Comp . VV . W . WiLon as a rejoining member , and being unanimous in his favour , he was declared elected . the ballot was next taken for Bro . H . B . Riley , of S 15 , who was also elected , and afterwards exalted to the Holy Royal Arch Degree by Comp . Pochin , acting '/ .., assisted by his officers in a very satisfactory manner . At the expiration of the ceremony of exaltation the ballot for officers for the ensuing year was
proceeded with and resulted as follows : Bros . j . G . Bromley , Z . ; A . P . Collins , , 11 . ; Wood , J . ; J . Warburton , S . E . ; A . P . Graves , S . N . ; VV . VV . Willson , P . S . ; J . D . Pochin , P . Z ., Treas . ; and Henry Heap , J . Comps . Wilson and Wood were appointed Auditors of the chapter accounts . There being 110 further business " Hearty good wishes " were expressed by theviaitorsand the chapter was closed in peace and harmony .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
COCKERMOUTH . — Faithfull Lodge ( No . 229 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., when Bro . Henry Peacock , Prov . G . Inspector of Works , was installed as VV . M ., and invested the following as his officers : Bros . Thos . Mason , S . W . ; VV . Shilton , J . W . ; E . L . Waugh , M . O . ; G . Brash , S . O . ; J . Towers , J . O . ; II . Carruthers , S . D . ; T . Bird , J . D . ; Win . Paisley , Sec . and Reg . ; and J .
Hewson , Tyler . Bro . James Gardiner , P . M . 151 , P . P . G . S . W ., discharged the duties of Installing Master in an able manner . The following visitors were present to do honour to the occasion : Bros . G . W . Thompson , P . M . 151 , P . G . J . O . ; J . Scott , S . O . ; J . Abbott , J . O . ; J . Dickinson , Sec . ; J . Hodgson , I . G . ; R . Leech , 60 ; Geo . Dalrymple , P . M . 2 i ( 5 , G . A . D . of C . ; ] . C . Thompson , M . O .
2 S 2 ; J . Lewthwaite , J . O . ; and others . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Gardiner for his services , and the lodge was closed in form and good harmony . The newly-installed Master invited all present to accompany him to the Globe Hotel , where an excellent spread awaited them . Ample justice was done to the good things , and a very pleasant evening spent .
Obituary .
BRO . F . H . WILSON ILES , M . D ., DEPUTY PROV . G . M . HERTFORSHIRE . A bright particular star in Freemasonry in the person of VV . Bro . Dr . Wilson lies , Deputy Prov . Grand Master Herts , has been called away suddenly , under circumstances which are calculated to excite the most poignant regret among not only his relatives and friends and the brethren of his province , but among Craftsmen generally ; while the
profoundest sympathy will be felt for the widow and children whom he has left behind to mourn his loss . A short time since , in the course of his professional duties , he had the misfortune in performing a surgical operation to scratch one of his fingers . So slight indeed was the wound that no notice was taken of it . Unfortunately blood poisoning supervened , and the result was death , on Wednesday , the iyth inst . Our deceased brother had passed a long and
successful career in Masonry , having been initiated in the Watford Lodge , No . 404 , Watford , on the nth November , 1 S 59 , and passed and raised on the 10 th February and 9 th March respectively in the following vear . In iSOO lie was elected to fill the chair of his lodge , and at the time of his death and for some years previously was its Treasurer . On April , 1 S 74 , on the installation of R . W . Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., as Prov . G . M . of Hertfordshire ,
Bro lies was appointed Prov . Grand Secretary , and on the resignation of liro . Sedgwick as D . G . M . of the piovince in 18 79 , he was appointed to fill the vacant office . In 187 ( 1 he was deputed to consecrate the Cranbourne Lodge , No . 15 S 0 , Hatfield , and was rewarded for his services on the occasion by being elected honorary member of the lodge , and on the 13 th December of last year he was installed as first VV . M . of the Earl of Clarendon Lodge , No . 19 S 4 . But
our late brother ' s services were by no means confined to Craft Masonry . On the 27 th May , 1 SG 1 , he was exalted to the Royal Arch Degree in the Watford chapter , No . 404 ; had twice filled the chair of First Principal—in 1 S 6 S and lS 73—and was a Past Prov . G . M . He was als : > Treasurer of his chapter , and on 3 rd February , 1 S 75 , consecrated , and was elected honorary member of the Gladsmuir Chapter , No . 13 S 5 , Barnet . He was S . W . and Treasurer of
the Watford Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 241 , as well as a P . E . C . and Treasurer of the Stuart Encampment of Knights Templar , Watford , and P . A . G . D . C . of the Great Priory of England . He was a Life Governor of and had served the ofiice of Festival Steward for both the Royal Masonic Boys ' School and Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and was a Life Subscriber of the Girls' School , for which his name was down to act as Steward at the festival of next year .
I hus at the close , as well as throughout the whole of his career as a Mason , our deceased brother was as active as he was able and energetic , nor will it be any exaggeration to say that his practice in all respects coincided with his exposition of the glorious principles of Freemasonry . We cannot close this brief retrospect of the Masonic portion of
Bro . Iles ' slife without expressing our deep sorrow at his premature death and our warm , st sympathy with his widow and nine children who remain to mourn his loss . The funeral is fixed for to-day ( Saturday ) at Watford cemetery , at 3 . 30 p . m ., the opening portion of the service taking place in the parish church .