Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of Two Red Cross Conclaves.
On Thursday , October 23 rd , two new Conclaves of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , viz ., the De Irwin and Munbee , was *
inaugurated at Bristol . The inaugural ceremony was very ably and impressively performed by III . Sir Knig ht , Major General GoreB . Munbee , Intendant General of Somerset , Bristol and Gloucester , assisted by Captain Knight ,
Captain Irwin , and several eminent Sir Knights of the provinces of Somerset and Wales . The following Masons were installed Knights of the Order . —Bros . Scott , Hodges , Hallam , Hunt , Munro , Amor , Williams , Tricks , Tonkin . Plant ,
and Cole . Sir Knight G . F . luckeywas installed M . P . Sovereign of the De Irwin , and Sir Knig ht W . A . Scott of the Munbee Conclaves , Sir Kni g ht Hodges and Ward V . E . At the conclusion of the ceremony , the Sir Knig hts
adjourned to the White Lion Hotel , and partook of a most sumptous banquet , presided over by Sir Kni g ht General Major Gore B . Munbee , supported by the Visiting Sir Knights . The
toasts of the " Officiating Sir Knights , was proposed , and responded to . These are the first Conclaves ofthe Order of the Red Cross in Bristol , but we believe it will become very popular among the Masons of this Province .
West India Islands.
The first meeting of this recently-revived Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Tobago on the 24 th September last , under the presidency of its much valued Provincial Grand Master , the Hon . Joseph King Wattley , Chief Justice of Tobago . The lodge was opened in the first degree with
solemn prayer , and raised to the sublime degree . The commisionto the P . G . M ., and letter therewith from the Grand Secretary , were read b y thc Provincial Grand Secretary-designate . Bro . Wattley thereafter administered the oath deftdek officio to himself , and afterwards invested the
following brethren in their respective offices : — Depute P . G . Master , Henry Francis ; Substitute P . G . Master , William Ifill Buhot ; Senior P . G . Warden , William M'Call ; Junior I ' . G . Warden , Samuel Hartley Hill ; P . G . Secretary , George Kenned y Forbes . In the above office-bearers each Island in the Province has a native .
Among other business transacted the following resolution was passed— " Resolved , It is the opinion of the P . G . Lodge for 'West India Islands , ' holding under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , that a brotherly connection and correspondence with Provincial Grand Lodge of
Innidad , holding under the Grand Lodge of England , will be found productive of honour and advantage to thc Fraternity in general , and the Province in the West Indies in particular . " It was also resolved that the future quarterly communications should be held on the first
Wednesdays of December , March , June , and September . The meeting was thereafter adjourned until the 22 nd October current , for the appointment of Proxy Provincial Grand Master , and Trustees on Grand Lodge Debt Liquidation Fund .
Societas Rosicrucianæ In Scotia.
COLLEGE OP THE EAST OF SCOTLAND . —A full meeting of this flourishing College was held in Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on the 8 th inst ., the Chief Adept presiding , supported by Fratres H . Z . D . Copland , Suffragan ; Dr . Dickson , Conductor ; W . J . Rindon , Secretary ; Council
of Ancients , Fratres W . Bryce , H . C . Peacock , F . L . Law , II . S . Brown , J . Reid , and J . Webster ; Fratre J . H . Bostock , Herald ; R . Davidson , Organist ; R . Bryce , Torch Bearer , & c , & c . There were also present Captain Charles Hunter , and a number of the members . The M . C .
having been formed , the following Fratres were received : —Captain R . Rintoul , Dragoon Guards ; P . Gardner , Esq ., E . R . S . A ., Rector of Leith Academy ; and W . Milne , Esq ., banker . A select choir intoned the ceremonies of the occasion . A ballot was taken in favour of several distinguished gentlemen , who were duly elected .
Societas Rosicrucianæ In Scotia.
The Chief Adept has agreed to read a paper on " The Mysteries" at the quarterl y meeting in January . This College , though so latel y founded , is in a very vigorous condition , and promises to carry on the labours of the Society with great enthusiasm .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked on Wednesday , the 26 th inst ., at the Confidence Lodge of Instruction , Railway "Iavern , Fenchurchstreet , E . G ., at 6 30 p . m . Bro . C . F . Hogard will preside on this occasion . Brethren desirous of
disseminating their knowledge are respectfully solicited to give their mimes to the Secretary of the above lodge , which meets every Wednesdry throughout the year , at 7 . . 30 p . m ., under the able presidency of Bro E . Gottheil .
STRONG MAN LODGE OP INSTRUCTION . — The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the " Large Hall " at St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , on Monday evening , Nov . 24 th , at seven p . m .,
precisely by the following brethren : Verry , P . M ., 554 ; Wallington , S . D . 860 ; Berry , S . D . 554 ; Constable , S . D . Griffith Maunders , 1201 ; Watts , 1201 ; Golmie , S 61 ; Morrison , 141 ; Gardiner , 749 ; under the Preceptorship of Bro . Beckett ,
STRONG MAN LODGE AND CHARTERHOUSE CLUB OP INSTRUCTION . —At a joint meeting of the brethren of the Strong Man Lodge and Charterhouse Club of Instruction , held at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , on the 3 rd of Nov ., 1 S 73 , it was proposed to present a testimonial to Bro . Beckett , as a
mark of esteem and appreciation of his services as Honorary Preceptor to the above Lodge and Club . A committee was formed for the purpose of carrying out the object . The presentation is intended to be made on 15 th December , and it is requested that those brethren who desire to participate in the pleasure , will give in their subscriptions not later than Sth December .
Bro . Charles S . Burgess has resigned , or is about to resign the office of Grand Registrar of Marks . The " Palestine " Rose ' Croix [ Chapter , will meet at the Masonic Hall , Golden square , on Tuesday next , the 25 th inst ., at half-past four . Bro . George Kenning 30 is the M . W . S . Elect .
We are requested to state that the window to be p laced in Durham Cathedral , as a mark of esteem to John Fawcett , Esq ., is not the gift of the " Freemasons of the City of Durham , " as stated by us , Nov . 5 , but " has been subscribed for b y the whole of the Masons of the province , and not ofthe City alone . " We duly apologise to the " provinces . "—Figaro .
We have be n favoured with a view of a lifesize likeness in oil , by Mr . W . R . Dickinson , of Tunbridoe Wells , of R . W . Bro . Hugh D . Sandeman , District Grand Master of Bengal . The picture , which is pronounced to be an excellent likeness , and is certainl y a good work of art , is taken partly from sittings and partl y
from a number of photographs by Messrs , Robinson and Cherill , the well-known photographers of Tunbridge Wells . Bro . Sandeman is represented in his regalia as D . G . M ., and wearing the collar and jewel of the 33 . The picture , after remaining a short time on view , will be forwarded to its destination , the Freemasons' Hall in Calcutta .
Our attention has again been called to that excellent little work " The Oxford and Cambridge Masonic Almanack , " areviewof whichhas already appeared in our columns on June the 21 st . The next issue will not appear before the
1 st of October ; it will comprise an Almanack and Diary forthe years 1874 and 187 * 5 . We have every reason to believe that it will be another charming little work , and one that will vie with its predecessors . The price will be is .
"Winn-Quit / rED SOI . F . D BOOTS , which save 50 per cent in wear , may be had from Burgess , 29 A , Oxford-street , VV ; Speak , 13 , Broadway , Ludgate-hill ; Blundell , 66 , Forestreet , City ; Lewis , zoo , Liverpool-road , N . ; and elsewhere . N . B . —Your regular bootmaker can procure soles ready quiited in every size from the Wire Quilting Company , Limited ; or have his own leather quilted by forwarding same to the Company's works , Leicester . —ADVT .
Gift Of An Art Gallery To Liverpool.
MUNIFICENT DONATION BY THE NEW MAYOR . Mr . Alderman Walker , who has been elec ted to fill the Mayor ' s Chair in Liverpool has signalised his appointment to that hi gh office by a munificent offer to expend ^ 20 , 000 in
presenting the town with an Art Gallery . The offer was as unexpected as it was generous . Mr-Walker , as he stated to the Town Council on Monday , formed so long ago as 18 months an intention of erecting some public institution in
Liverpool ; and the recent movement to provide an art gallery by voluntary contributions seems to have led him to embody this intention in the shape now announced . Coming as it does subsequent to , and not before , his election to the
highest municipal honours , Mr . Walker s offer is as disinterested as it is acceptable . Henceforth his name will be associated with those of the late Sir William Brown , M . P ., who built for us the noble Free Public Library , in William
Brown-street ; and Mr . Joseph Mayer , whose costly museum of treasures , valued at not less than ^ 25 , , was a few years ago presented to the town . Mr . Walker ' s gift is doubly opp or tune , for it not only furnishes what was much
needed , but saves the town from the humilation with which it was threatened by the failure of the recent appeal to the wealthy inhabitants of the town for funds to erect an art gallery . The munificence of Mr . Alderman Walker is
without a parallel in the annals of mayoralty of Liverpool , and he has , not more by his timely munificence , than by the cultivated taste displayed in his selection of a public gift , earned the lasting gratitude of every one of his townsmen .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the Week ending Friday , November 28 , 1873 . Tht Editor will be glad to have notice from Secretaries of Lodges and Chapters of any change in place or time ot meeting .
Saturday , November 22 . Red Cross Conclave , No . 3 , Rose and Lily , Masons' Hal Masons' Avenue . Lily Lodge of Instruction ( 820 ) , Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , Surrey . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 ; Bro . C . G . Dilley , Preceptor .
Monday , November , 24 . Lodge 4 , Royal Somerset House and Inverness , Freemasons' Hall . „ 26 , Castle Lodge of Harmony , Willis ' s Rooms lames ' s .
„ 28 , Old Kings' Arms , Freemasons' Hall . „ 79 , Pythagorean , Ship Hotel , Greenwich . „ 183 , Unity , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . „ 831 , British Oak , Bancroft place , Mile End .
„ 902 , Burgoyne , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Mark Lodge 5 , Mallet and Chisel , Horns Tavern , Kennington . Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction ( 1445 ) , Lord Stanley Tavern , Sandringham-road , Kingsland , at 7 ;
Bro . T . Austin , Preceptor . Strong Man Lodge of Instruction ( 45 , ) Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s-gatc , Clerkenwell , at 8 ; Bro Beckett , Preceptor . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-street Station , at 7 .
Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern , Haverstock-hill , at 8 j Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 95 ) , Royal Hotel , Mileend-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge ' of Instruction , Bank of Fiiendship Tavern , Mile-end , at 7 for 8 .
St . James ' s Union Lodge of Instruction ( 180 ) , Horse and Groom Tavern , Winsley-street ( opposite the Pantheon ) , Oxford-street , at 8 ; Bro . J . R . Stacey , Preceptor . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , "White Swan Tavem Deptford , at 8 ; Bro . C . G . Dilley , P . M . 1155 , Preceptor . St . John of Wapping Lodge of Instruction ( 1306 ) , Gun
Tavern , High-street , Wapping , at 8 ; Bro . T . Mortlock , Preceptor . West Kent Lodge of Improvement ( 1297 ) , St . Saviour ' s College , Stansted-road , Forest-hill , at 7 . 30 j Bro . H . W ,. Lindus , Preceptor . Metropolitan Mark Lodge of Instruction , Goach and Horses , Hotel , 313 , Strand , at 8 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of Two Red Cross Conclaves.
On Thursday , October 23 rd , two new Conclaves of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , viz ., the De Irwin and Munbee , was *
inaugurated at Bristol . The inaugural ceremony was very ably and impressively performed by III . Sir Knig ht , Major General GoreB . Munbee , Intendant General of Somerset , Bristol and Gloucester , assisted by Captain Knight ,
Captain Irwin , and several eminent Sir Knights of the provinces of Somerset and Wales . The following Masons were installed Knights of the Order . —Bros . Scott , Hodges , Hallam , Hunt , Munro , Amor , Williams , Tricks , Tonkin . Plant ,
and Cole . Sir Knight G . F . luckeywas installed M . P . Sovereign of the De Irwin , and Sir Knig ht W . A . Scott of the Munbee Conclaves , Sir Kni g ht Hodges and Ward V . E . At the conclusion of the ceremony , the Sir Knig hts
adjourned to the White Lion Hotel , and partook of a most sumptous banquet , presided over by Sir Kni g ht General Major Gore B . Munbee , supported by the Visiting Sir Knights . The
toasts of the " Officiating Sir Knights , was proposed , and responded to . These are the first Conclaves ofthe Order of the Red Cross in Bristol , but we believe it will become very popular among the Masons of this Province .
West India Islands.
The first meeting of this recently-revived Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Tobago on the 24 th September last , under the presidency of its much valued Provincial Grand Master , the Hon . Joseph King Wattley , Chief Justice of Tobago . The lodge was opened in the first degree with
solemn prayer , and raised to the sublime degree . The commisionto the P . G . M ., and letter therewith from the Grand Secretary , were read b y thc Provincial Grand Secretary-designate . Bro . Wattley thereafter administered the oath deftdek officio to himself , and afterwards invested the
following brethren in their respective offices : — Depute P . G . Master , Henry Francis ; Substitute P . G . Master , William Ifill Buhot ; Senior P . G . Warden , William M'Call ; Junior I ' . G . Warden , Samuel Hartley Hill ; P . G . Secretary , George Kenned y Forbes . In the above office-bearers each Island in the Province has a native .
Among other business transacted the following resolution was passed— " Resolved , It is the opinion of the P . G . Lodge for 'West India Islands , ' holding under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , that a brotherly connection and correspondence with Provincial Grand Lodge of
Innidad , holding under the Grand Lodge of England , will be found productive of honour and advantage to thc Fraternity in general , and the Province in the West Indies in particular . " It was also resolved that the future quarterly communications should be held on the first
Wednesdays of December , March , June , and September . The meeting was thereafter adjourned until the 22 nd October current , for the appointment of Proxy Provincial Grand Master , and Trustees on Grand Lodge Debt Liquidation Fund .
Societas Rosicrucianæ In Scotia.
COLLEGE OP THE EAST OF SCOTLAND . —A full meeting of this flourishing College was held in Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on the 8 th inst ., the Chief Adept presiding , supported by Fratres H . Z . D . Copland , Suffragan ; Dr . Dickson , Conductor ; W . J . Rindon , Secretary ; Council
of Ancients , Fratres W . Bryce , H . C . Peacock , F . L . Law , II . S . Brown , J . Reid , and J . Webster ; Fratre J . H . Bostock , Herald ; R . Davidson , Organist ; R . Bryce , Torch Bearer , & c , & c . There were also present Captain Charles Hunter , and a number of the members . The M . C .
having been formed , the following Fratres were received : —Captain R . Rintoul , Dragoon Guards ; P . Gardner , Esq ., E . R . S . A ., Rector of Leith Academy ; and W . Milne , Esq ., banker . A select choir intoned the ceremonies of the occasion . A ballot was taken in favour of several distinguished gentlemen , who were duly elected .
Societas Rosicrucianæ In Scotia.
The Chief Adept has agreed to read a paper on " The Mysteries" at the quarterl y meeting in January . This College , though so latel y founded , is in a very vigorous condition , and promises to carry on the labours of the Society with great enthusiasm .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked on Wednesday , the 26 th inst ., at the Confidence Lodge of Instruction , Railway "Iavern , Fenchurchstreet , E . G ., at 6 30 p . m . Bro . C . F . Hogard will preside on this occasion . Brethren desirous of
disseminating their knowledge are respectfully solicited to give their mimes to the Secretary of the above lodge , which meets every Wednesdry throughout the year , at 7 . . 30 p . m ., under the able presidency of Bro E . Gottheil .
STRONG MAN LODGE OP INSTRUCTION . — The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the " Large Hall " at St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , on Monday evening , Nov . 24 th , at seven p . m .,
precisely by the following brethren : Verry , P . M ., 554 ; Wallington , S . D . 860 ; Berry , S . D . 554 ; Constable , S . D . Griffith Maunders , 1201 ; Watts , 1201 ; Golmie , S 61 ; Morrison , 141 ; Gardiner , 749 ; under the Preceptorship of Bro . Beckett ,
STRONG MAN LODGE AND CHARTERHOUSE CLUB OP INSTRUCTION . —At a joint meeting of the brethren of the Strong Man Lodge and Charterhouse Club of Instruction , held at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , on the 3 rd of Nov ., 1 S 73 , it was proposed to present a testimonial to Bro . Beckett , as a
mark of esteem and appreciation of his services as Honorary Preceptor to the above Lodge and Club . A committee was formed for the purpose of carrying out the object . The presentation is intended to be made on 15 th December , and it is requested that those brethren who desire to participate in the pleasure , will give in their subscriptions not later than Sth December .
Bro . Charles S . Burgess has resigned , or is about to resign the office of Grand Registrar of Marks . The " Palestine " Rose ' Croix [ Chapter , will meet at the Masonic Hall , Golden square , on Tuesday next , the 25 th inst ., at half-past four . Bro . George Kenning 30 is the M . W . S . Elect .
We are requested to state that the window to be p laced in Durham Cathedral , as a mark of esteem to John Fawcett , Esq ., is not the gift of the " Freemasons of the City of Durham , " as stated by us , Nov . 5 , but " has been subscribed for b y the whole of the Masons of the province , and not ofthe City alone . " We duly apologise to the " provinces . "—Figaro .
We have be n favoured with a view of a lifesize likeness in oil , by Mr . W . R . Dickinson , of Tunbridoe Wells , of R . W . Bro . Hugh D . Sandeman , District Grand Master of Bengal . The picture , which is pronounced to be an excellent likeness , and is certainl y a good work of art , is taken partly from sittings and partl y
from a number of photographs by Messrs , Robinson and Cherill , the well-known photographers of Tunbridge Wells . Bro . Sandeman is represented in his regalia as D . G . M ., and wearing the collar and jewel of the 33 . The picture , after remaining a short time on view , will be forwarded to its destination , the Freemasons' Hall in Calcutta .
Our attention has again been called to that excellent little work " The Oxford and Cambridge Masonic Almanack , " areviewof whichhas already appeared in our columns on June the 21 st . The next issue will not appear before the
1 st of October ; it will comprise an Almanack and Diary forthe years 1874 and 187 * 5 . We have every reason to believe that it will be another charming little work , and one that will vie with its predecessors . The price will be is .
"Winn-Quit / rED SOI . F . D BOOTS , which save 50 per cent in wear , may be had from Burgess , 29 A , Oxford-street , VV ; Speak , 13 , Broadway , Ludgate-hill ; Blundell , 66 , Forestreet , City ; Lewis , zoo , Liverpool-road , N . ; and elsewhere . N . B . —Your regular bootmaker can procure soles ready quiited in every size from the Wire Quilting Company , Limited ; or have his own leather quilted by forwarding same to the Company's works , Leicester . —ADVT .
Gift Of An Art Gallery To Liverpool.
MUNIFICENT DONATION BY THE NEW MAYOR . Mr . Alderman Walker , who has been elec ted to fill the Mayor ' s Chair in Liverpool has signalised his appointment to that hi gh office by a munificent offer to expend ^ 20 , 000 in
presenting the town with an Art Gallery . The offer was as unexpected as it was generous . Mr-Walker , as he stated to the Town Council on Monday , formed so long ago as 18 months an intention of erecting some public institution in
Liverpool ; and the recent movement to provide an art gallery by voluntary contributions seems to have led him to embody this intention in the shape now announced . Coming as it does subsequent to , and not before , his election to the
highest municipal honours , Mr . Walker s offer is as disinterested as it is acceptable . Henceforth his name will be associated with those of the late Sir William Brown , M . P ., who built for us the noble Free Public Library , in William
Brown-street ; and Mr . Joseph Mayer , whose costly museum of treasures , valued at not less than ^ 25 , , was a few years ago presented to the town . Mr . Walker ' s gift is doubly opp or tune , for it not only furnishes what was much
needed , but saves the town from the humilation with which it was threatened by the failure of the recent appeal to the wealthy inhabitants of the town for funds to erect an art gallery . The munificence of Mr . Alderman Walker is
without a parallel in the annals of mayoralty of Liverpool , and he has , not more by his timely munificence , than by the cultivated taste displayed in his selection of a public gift , earned the lasting gratitude of every one of his townsmen .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the Week ending Friday , November 28 , 1873 . Tht Editor will be glad to have notice from Secretaries of Lodges and Chapters of any change in place or time ot meeting .
Saturday , November 22 . Red Cross Conclave , No . 3 , Rose and Lily , Masons' Hal Masons' Avenue . Lily Lodge of Instruction ( 820 ) , Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , Surrey . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 ; Bro . C . G . Dilley , Preceptor .
Monday , November , 24 . Lodge 4 , Royal Somerset House and Inverness , Freemasons' Hall . „ 26 , Castle Lodge of Harmony , Willis ' s Rooms lames ' s .
„ 28 , Old Kings' Arms , Freemasons' Hall . „ 79 , Pythagorean , Ship Hotel , Greenwich . „ 183 , Unity , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . „ 831 , British Oak , Bancroft place , Mile End .
„ 902 , Burgoyne , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Mark Lodge 5 , Mallet and Chisel , Horns Tavern , Kennington . Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction ( 1445 ) , Lord Stanley Tavern , Sandringham-road , Kingsland , at 7 ;
Bro . T . Austin , Preceptor . Strong Man Lodge of Instruction ( 45 , ) Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s-gatc , Clerkenwell , at 8 ; Bro Beckett , Preceptor . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-street Station , at 7 .
Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern , Haverstock-hill , at 8 j Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 95 ) , Royal Hotel , Mileend-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge ' of Instruction , Bank of Fiiendship Tavern , Mile-end , at 7 for 8 .
St . James ' s Union Lodge of Instruction ( 180 ) , Horse and Groom Tavern , Winsley-street ( opposite the Pantheon ) , Oxford-street , at 8 ; Bro . J . R . Stacey , Preceptor . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , "White Swan Tavem Deptford , at 8 ; Bro . C . G . Dilley , P . M . 1155 , Preceptor . St . John of Wapping Lodge of Instruction ( 1306 ) , Gun
Tavern , High-street , Wapping , at 8 ; Bro . T . Mortlock , Preceptor . West Kent Lodge of Improvement ( 1297 ) , St . Saviour ' s College , Stansted-road , Forest-hill , at 7 . 30 j Bro . H . W ,. Lindus , Preceptor . Metropolitan Mark Lodge of Instruction , Goach and Horses , Hotel , 313 , Strand , at 8 .