Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R EPORTS or MASONIC MEKTI . NUS : — Craft Masonry 74 $ Royal Arch 746 Mark Alasonry 746 New Constitution ofthe Irish Grand Lodge 748 Weekly Summary of News 748 The Poet Burnsand Freemasonry 749
CORRESPONDENCE : — Surreptitious Rituals 750 Reading the Scriptures 7 . 0 Intolerance in "Western India 750 The Double Triangle 751 Spiritualism , 751 itiasonic Literature 751
The Great City Lodge and Banquets 751 Our Masonic Charities 751 Relation of Sts . John with Freemasonry 751 Notes and Queries 751 Poetry 7 ** Consecration of two Red Cross Conclaves 7 _ 2
West India Islands 752 Societas Rosicruciana ; in Scotia 752 Masonic Tidings 752 Gift of an Art Gallery to Liverpool 752 Lodge Meetings for next week 752 Advertisements 744 7 + 5 74 753 754
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
SUNDERLAND . —Pa / aline Lodge ( No . 91 ) . — The brethren of the Palatine Lodge assembled in the Masonic Hall , Toward Road , on Thursday 13 th inst ., under the presidency of the W . M ., Brother R . Humphrey , P . G . S . D . This being the annual meeting for the election of W . M . for the
_ . toft tOPtaorcrg .
ensuing year , the choice of the brethren fell on Brother S . P . Austin , S . W . He was declared by the Master as W . M . elect . The brethren , about 50 in number , afterwards adjourned to the banqueting hall , when after a very choice repast , Brother S . P . Austin , S . W ., rose , and in a
suitable address , in the course of which he was warmly applauded , begged of the W . M . to accept from the members of the lodge a very handsome Full-dress suit of Provincial Grand Lodgeclothin g , together with a jewel , as P . G . S . D ., in recognition of the very eminent services rendered by Bro . R .
Humphrey to the Craft in general , and more particularly with reference to the arduous duties undertaken by him , when recently , as a Steward to the Grand Lodge , he collected and carried to London the substantial sum of upwards of £ 300 for the benefit of the Boys' School at Wood
Green , London , this being perhaps the largest sum ever collected by one brother . The jewel bore the following inscription : — " Presented by the brethren of the Palatine Lodge , No . 97 , to Bro . R . Humphrey , W . M ., together with Provincial Grand Lodge Clothing—Senior Deacon ,
in recognition of the valuable services rendered by him to the Craft in general . Nov . 13 th 1873 . " —The following lodges were represented : —No 80 , Bro . Elwen , P . M . and W . M . Elect ; No . 94 , Bro . R . Lutert , S . W . and W . M . Elect ; No . 424 , Bro . Jonathan Cooke , P . M . : No . 949 , Bro .
Shadforth , J . W . ; No . 1389 , Bro . Riley , J . W . ; as well as many respective members . Amongst the P . M ' s . present were Bros . H . Crooks , Provincial Grand Secretary ; Bros . J . J . Clay , I . P . M . , Wm . Skelton , J . Stainsby , G . Lord , M . Allison , P . Vistendahl . These , as well as all others present , rose and cheered heartily when
Bro . Humphrey had been invested with the clothing and jewel . Afterwards the recipient addressed the brethren , and said in the course of his remarks that the handsome present made to him that ni ght would remind him of the duties he owed , not only to the Palatine , but to all lodges in the province , and he would make it his study to deserve the fraternal esteem of the
members in general , and he trusted that his children mi ght be spared to join the Craft , and look on the beautiful gift as a token of the appreciation in which their father had been held ; and he might say one of his boys was already a life governor of the school , having obtained that honour when only 20 minutes old . Bro .
Humphrey resumed his seat amid long-continued cheering , Masonic toasts and harmony passed away a very enjoyable night—one such as has never been known in the new hall . The goods "were from the noted firm of G . Kenning , Little Britain , London . —Newcastle Journal . ROTAL GLOUCESTER LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( No . 130 ) . —A most interesting meeting of this
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Lodge of Instruction , was held at Freemasons ' Hall , Bugle-street , Southampton , on Monday week , on which occasion the members gave practical proof of their ability for Masonic Work ,
tangible proof of their gratitude to one who was mainly instrumental in establishing the lodge and during the three years of its existence acting as Pieceptor . After opening the lodge , in due form the seven sections ofthe first lecture were worked
as follows : — Bro . J . B . Thomas W . M ., Preceptor . First Lecture , ist Section Bro . Hickman 2 nd „ „ Philips . 3 rd „ „ Manby . „ 4 th „ „ Feuvre .
5 th „ „ Wilson . 6 th „ „ Miles . / th „ „ Sharpe . At the conclusion of which the W . M . ( Bro . Thomas ) , in a few words , reviewed the history
ofthe lodge , since its establishment , and congratulated the members on its success , showing how it had began , by two or three of them meeting to learn the first three sections , and that afterwards through the instrumentality of Wor . Bro . Le Feuvre , it had been founded as a regular
Lodge of Instruction , had done much good in instructing the Masters nominate and other officers of the different lodges of the Town in their coming duties , and in providing a number of brethren , ready qualified , and capable of filling any temporarily vacant office in lodge if called
upon to do so . He proceeded to show that all this good result was mainly due to Wor . Bro . Le Feuvre ' s exertions , who had at great sacrifice of time and of his own convenience , done so much to help the lodge forward , and keep it going . He ( the W . M . ) then on behalf of the
lodge presented Wor . Bro . Le Feuvre with a P . Prov G . Sec . jewel , and begged he would accept and wear it as a token of the obligation the lodge felt under to him for his past and present services in founding and maintaining it in its present efficiency . Wor . Bro . Le Feuvre was quite
taken by surprise at this sudden termination ot the W . M's . remarks , he expressed his great gratification at the compliment paid him , but regretted he had not had some previous intimation of the intention of the brethren , as he should have been then better able to give expression to
his feelings on the subject . He assured the brethren he felt their kindness very much , and that he should ever esteem and wear the jewel in remembrance of his connection with the lodge , and of their willingness to assist him , for without their aid he could have done little , and althrough
his occupation as Preceptor seemed to be nearly gone , his pupils having taken the lead of him , ( no , no , ) he should always be ready and ever willing to aid and assist them in all their undertakings . He begged to thank them from the bottom of his heart .
TRANQUILITY LODGE ( NO . 185 ) . —Theregular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Monday , the 17 th inst ., which was attended by a vast number of brethren . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bros .
Cohen and Phillips were passed to the second degree , and Bros . Foss , Rees , Child , and Croaker , raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M ., Bro . Nathan Moss , conferred these degrees in his usually impressive manner , and his working throughout was perfect . The
lodge was resumed in the first degree , and the sum of £ 10 was unanimously voted from the funds of the lodge to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , the same to be [ placed on the list of the W . M ., who has undertaken a
Stewardship of the said institution . A further sum of ten guineas was voted towards a testimonial for the retiring W . M . The lodge was then closed and the brethren repaired to the banquet chamber . A very substantial repast was provided , under the able presidency of the
newlyappointed sub-manager of the hotel , Bro . Smith , and we congratulate him upon his success in catering for the brethren , who expressed themselves on this occasion , thoroughly well pleased with his efforts . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and ably responded to . Several of the members contributed to the harmony of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the evening , the most noteworthy being Bro . T . P . Child , who sang " Come into the Garden , Maud , " with taste and ability . The S . W ., Bro . John Constable , solicited the members to encourage the project for obtaining a Life Governorship of the Benevolent Institution;—to this
we referred some months since , and we heartily wish him success in his undertaking . The example presented by the principal officers of this lodge is well worthy of emulation , the W . M ., S . W . & J . W ., having each undertaken the Stewardship of the Benevolent Institution at the
next festival , and we hear that the S . W . has collected a very considerable sum . The brethren separated early , alter a very agreeable evening . SOUTH SHIELDS . —St . Hilda Lodge ( No . 240 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at South
Shields on Monday week , when Bro . E , Thomson , J . W ., was unanimously elected to the office of Worshipful Master for hext year . The brethren at the same time resolved to subscribe five guineas annually to the funds of the Ingham Infirmary , South Shields .
PECKHAM LODGE ( No . 879 ) . —Whatever differences may have been observed among the brethren of the Peckham Lodge during the past year , it is impossible to imagine a more harmonious gathering than that which assembled on Thursday last , the 13 th inst ., at Bro . Freeland ' s
Southwark Park Tavern , Bermondsey . The lodge was opened at half-past six , military time , by * the W . M ., Bro . C . W . Kent , assisted by Bros . Pennefather , S . W . and pro tem Secretary ; T . A . Hudson , J . W . ; J . Howe , P . M ., Treasurer ; E . Brewster , J . D . ; A . Emler , D . C . ; Villenger ,
W . S . ; and O . Ling wood , I . G . Bro . Knowles was crafted ; and Messrs . T . Kent , J . J . and G . Latt , initiated into the Order . Another candidate would have been initiated had time permitted . Bro . Johnson , of No . 1178 , was admitted as a joining member . Many propositions
of candidates were made for the next meeting of the lodge . An excellent banquet was afterwards partaken of by the brethren , and the proceedings throughout were enthusiastic and harmonious in the highest degree . Among the numerous visitors we observed Bros . W . H .
Green , W . M ., 619 ; H . Bartlett , W . M ., 147 ; G . J . Wintle , W . M ., 548 ; T . Neville , P . M ., 765 ; J . J . Hole and J . ' Phillips , 73 ; E . J . R . Lugg , 193 ; J , Davison , 299 ; and many others . DUKE oi * EDINBURGH LODGE ( No . 1259 ) . — - The installation meeting of this lodge was held
for the first time at the Cape of Good Hope Tavern , Commercial Road , E ., on Tuesday , the 4 th instant , the lodge having lately been removed from the New Globe , Mile End Road . The business commenced by balloting for six candidates , four of whom , Messrs . Armstrong ,
McKenzie , Hancock and Rowlandsen , being in attendance , were duly initiated in the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . Bro . Weatherill the W . M . elect , was duly installed in the chair of K . S . The beautiful ceremony of installation was most effectively rendered by Bro . Barford ,
P . M ., assisted by Bro . T . J . Barnes , P . M . 933 and 5 . 54 . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . W . Darling , S . W . j W . Hogg , W . M . 1349 , J- - * E * J - P * *> Trea . ; G . Clayton , Sec . ; W . Lusty , S . D . ; G ; Rowe , J . D . ; R . Bradbrcok , I . G . ; Verrf , Tyler .
Bro . Weatherill , W . M ., then had the pleasing duty to perform of presenting the I . P . M ., Bro . Salter ; with a very handsome P . M . Jewel . The Installing Master then , on behalf of the W . M ., and brethren of the lodge , presented Bro . E . Jex , P . M . and Treasurer , with a massive silver cup ,
subscribed for by the brethren , as a token of their regard and esteem for the valuable services he had rendered to the lodge . The recip ients of these presents returned thanks , after which the brethren adjourned to a banquet . Ihe usual toasts were proposed and responded to .
ALDERSHOT . —Aldershot Camp Lodge ( No . 1331 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Hotel , Aldershot , on Thursday , the 30 th October , 1873 , when the chair was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . Capt .
Richardson , he being supported by the presence of all his officers , and a numerous attendance of the brethren . The lodge having been opened in form , Bro . P . M . J . Balfour Cockburn , M . D ., 30 ° , and Bro . P . M . Samuel Cole , W . M . No . 1424 , P . Prov . G . P . Kent , wcre ballotted for as
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R EPORTS or MASONIC MEKTI . NUS : — Craft Masonry 74 $ Royal Arch 746 Mark Alasonry 746 New Constitution ofthe Irish Grand Lodge 748 Weekly Summary of News 748 The Poet Burnsand Freemasonry 749
CORRESPONDENCE : — Surreptitious Rituals 750 Reading the Scriptures 7 . 0 Intolerance in "Western India 750 The Double Triangle 751 Spiritualism , 751 itiasonic Literature 751
The Great City Lodge and Banquets 751 Our Masonic Charities 751 Relation of Sts . John with Freemasonry 751 Notes and Queries 751 Poetry 7 ** Consecration of two Red Cross Conclaves 7 _ 2
West India Islands 752 Societas Rosicruciana ; in Scotia 752 Masonic Tidings 752 Gift of an Art Gallery to Liverpool 752 Lodge Meetings for next week 752 Advertisements 744 7 + 5 74 753 754
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
SUNDERLAND . —Pa / aline Lodge ( No . 91 ) . — The brethren of the Palatine Lodge assembled in the Masonic Hall , Toward Road , on Thursday 13 th inst ., under the presidency of the W . M ., Brother R . Humphrey , P . G . S . D . This being the annual meeting for the election of W . M . for the
_ . toft tOPtaorcrg .
ensuing year , the choice of the brethren fell on Brother S . P . Austin , S . W . He was declared by the Master as W . M . elect . The brethren , about 50 in number , afterwards adjourned to the banqueting hall , when after a very choice repast , Brother S . P . Austin , S . W ., rose , and in a
suitable address , in the course of which he was warmly applauded , begged of the W . M . to accept from the members of the lodge a very handsome Full-dress suit of Provincial Grand Lodgeclothin g , together with a jewel , as P . G . S . D ., in recognition of the very eminent services rendered by Bro . R .
Humphrey to the Craft in general , and more particularly with reference to the arduous duties undertaken by him , when recently , as a Steward to the Grand Lodge , he collected and carried to London the substantial sum of upwards of £ 300 for the benefit of the Boys' School at Wood
Green , London , this being perhaps the largest sum ever collected by one brother . The jewel bore the following inscription : — " Presented by the brethren of the Palatine Lodge , No . 97 , to Bro . R . Humphrey , W . M ., together with Provincial Grand Lodge Clothing—Senior Deacon ,
in recognition of the valuable services rendered by him to the Craft in general . Nov . 13 th 1873 . " —The following lodges were represented : —No 80 , Bro . Elwen , P . M . and W . M . Elect ; No . 94 , Bro . R . Lutert , S . W . and W . M . Elect ; No . 424 , Bro . Jonathan Cooke , P . M . : No . 949 , Bro .
Shadforth , J . W . ; No . 1389 , Bro . Riley , J . W . ; as well as many respective members . Amongst the P . M ' s . present were Bros . H . Crooks , Provincial Grand Secretary ; Bros . J . J . Clay , I . P . M . , Wm . Skelton , J . Stainsby , G . Lord , M . Allison , P . Vistendahl . These , as well as all others present , rose and cheered heartily when
Bro . Humphrey had been invested with the clothing and jewel . Afterwards the recipient addressed the brethren , and said in the course of his remarks that the handsome present made to him that ni ght would remind him of the duties he owed , not only to the Palatine , but to all lodges in the province , and he would make it his study to deserve the fraternal esteem of the
members in general , and he trusted that his children mi ght be spared to join the Craft , and look on the beautiful gift as a token of the appreciation in which their father had been held ; and he might say one of his boys was already a life governor of the school , having obtained that honour when only 20 minutes old . Bro .
Humphrey resumed his seat amid long-continued cheering , Masonic toasts and harmony passed away a very enjoyable night—one such as has never been known in the new hall . The goods "were from the noted firm of G . Kenning , Little Britain , London . —Newcastle Journal . ROTAL GLOUCESTER LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( No . 130 ) . —A most interesting meeting of this
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Lodge of Instruction , was held at Freemasons ' Hall , Bugle-street , Southampton , on Monday week , on which occasion the members gave practical proof of their ability for Masonic Work ,
tangible proof of their gratitude to one who was mainly instrumental in establishing the lodge and during the three years of its existence acting as Pieceptor . After opening the lodge , in due form the seven sections ofthe first lecture were worked
as follows : — Bro . J . B . Thomas W . M ., Preceptor . First Lecture , ist Section Bro . Hickman 2 nd „ „ Philips . 3 rd „ „ Manby . „ 4 th „ „ Feuvre .
5 th „ „ Wilson . 6 th „ „ Miles . / th „ „ Sharpe . At the conclusion of which the W . M . ( Bro . Thomas ) , in a few words , reviewed the history
ofthe lodge , since its establishment , and congratulated the members on its success , showing how it had began , by two or three of them meeting to learn the first three sections , and that afterwards through the instrumentality of Wor . Bro . Le Feuvre , it had been founded as a regular
Lodge of Instruction , had done much good in instructing the Masters nominate and other officers of the different lodges of the Town in their coming duties , and in providing a number of brethren , ready qualified , and capable of filling any temporarily vacant office in lodge if called
upon to do so . He proceeded to show that all this good result was mainly due to Wor . Bro . Le Feuvre ' s exertions , who had at great sacrifice of time and of his own convenience , done so much to help the lodge forward , and keep it going . He ( the W . M . ) then on behalf of the
lodge presented Wor . Bro . Le Feuvre with a P . Prov G . Sec . jewel , and begged he would accept and wear it as a token of the obligation the lodge felt under to him for his past and present services in founding and maintaining it in its present efficiency . Wor . Bro . Le Feuvre was quite
taken by surprise at this sudden termination ot the W . M's . remarks , he expressed his great gratification at the compliment paid him , but regretted he had not had some previous intimation of the intention of the brethren , as he should have been then better able to give expression to
his feelings on the subject . He assured the brethren he felt their kindness very much , and that he should ever esteem and wear the jewel in remembrance of his connection with the lodge , and of their willingness to assist him , for without their aid he could have done little , and althrough
his occupation as Preceptor seemed to be nearly gone , his pupils having taken the lead of him , ( no , no , ) he should always be ready and ever willing to aid and assist them in all their undertakings . He begged to thank them from the bottom of his heart .
TRANQUILITY LODGE ( NO . 185 ) . —Theregular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Monday , the 17 th inst ., which was attended by a vast number of brethren . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bros .
Cohen and Phillips were passed to the second degree , and Bros . Foss , Rees , Child , and Croaker , raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M ., Bro . Nathan Moss , conferred these degrees in his usually impressive manner , and his working throughout was perfect . The
lodge was resumed in the first degree , and the sum of £ 10 was unanimously voted from the funds of the lodge to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , the same to be [ placed on the list of the W . M ., who has undertaken a
Stewardship of the said institution . A further sum of ten guineas was voted towards a testimonial for the retiring W . M . The lodge was then closed and the brethren repaired to the banquet chamber . A very substantial repast was provided , under the able presidency of the
newlyappointed sub-manager of the hotel , Bro . Smith , and we congratulate him upon his success in catering for the brethren , who expressed themselves on this occasion , thoroughly well pleased with his efforts . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and ably responded to . Several of the members contributed to the harmony of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the evening , the most noteworthy being Bro . T . P . Child , who sang " Come into the Garden , Maud , " with taste and ability . The S . W ., Bro . John Constable , solicited the members to encourage the project for obtaining a Life Governorship of the Benevolent Institution;—to this
we referred some months since , and we heartily wish him success in his undertaking . The example presented by the principal officers of this lodge is well worthy of emulation , the W . M ., S . W . & J . W ., having each undertaken the Stewardship of the Benevolent Institution at the
next festival , and we hear that the S . W . has collected a very considerable sum . The brethren separated early , alter a very agreeable evening . SOUTH SHIELDS . —St . Hilda Lodge ( No . 240 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at South
Shields on Monday week , when Bro . E , Thomson , J . W ., was unanimously elected to the office of Worshipful Master for hext year . The brethren at the same time resolved to subscribe five guineas annually to the funds of the Ingham Infirmary , South Shields .
PECKHAM LODGE ( No . 879 ) . —Whatever differences may have been observed among the brethren of the Peckham Lodge during the past year , it is impossible to imagine a more harmonious gathering than that which assembled on Thursday last , the 13 th inst ., at Bro . Freeland ' s
Southwark Park Tavern , Bermondsey . The lodge was opened at half-past six , military time , by * the W . M ., Bro . C . W . Kent , assisted by Bros . Pennefather , S . W . and pro tem Secretary ; T . A . Hudson , J . W . ; J . Howe , P . M ., Treasurer ; E . Brewster , J . D . ; A . Emler , D . C . ; Villenger ,
W . S . ; and O . Ling wood , I . G . Bro . Knowles was crafted ; and Messrs . T . Kent , J . J . and G . Latt , initiated into the Order . Another candidate would have been initiated had time permitted . Bro . Johnson , of No . 1178 , was admitted as a joining member . Many propositions
of candidates were made for the next meeting of the lodge . An excellent banquet was afterwards partaken of by the brethren , and the proceedings throughout were enthusiastic and harmonious in the highest degree . Among the numerous visitors we observed Bros . W . H .
Green , W . M ., 619 ; H . Bartlett , W . M ., 147 ; G . J . Wintle , W . M ., 548 ; T . Neville , P . M ., 765 ; J . J . Hole and J . ' Phillips , 73 ; E . J . R . Lugg , 193 ; J , Davison , 299 ; and many others . DUKE oi * EDINBURGH LODGE ( No . 1259 ) . — - The installation meeting of this lodge was held
for the first time at the Cape of Good Hope Tavern , Commercial Road , E ., on Tuesday , the 4 th instant , the lodge having lately been removed from the New Globe , Mile End Road . The business commenced by balloting for six candidates , four of whom , Messrs . Armstrong ,
McKenzie , Hancock and Rowlandsen , being in attendance , were duly initiated in the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . Bro . Weatherill the W . M . elect , was duly installed in the chair of K . S . The beautiful ceremony of installation was most effectively rendered by Bro . Barford ,
P . M ., assisted by Bro . T . J . Barnes , P . M . 933 and 5 . 54 . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . W . Darling , S . W . j W . Hogg , W . M . 1349 , J- - * E * J - P * *> Trea . ; G . Clayton , Sec . ; W . Lusty , S . D . ; G ; Rowe , J . D . ; R . Bradbrcok , I . G . ; Verrf , Tyler .
Bro . Weatherill , W . M ., then had the pleasing duty to perform of presenting the I . P . M ., Bro . Salter ; with a very handsome P . M . Jewel . The Installing Master then , on behalf of the W . M ., and brethren of the lodge , presented Bro . E . Jex , P . M . and Treasurer , with a massive silver cup ,
subscribed for by the brethren , as a token of their regard and esteem for the valuable services he had rendered to the lodge . The recip ients of these presents returned thanks , after which the brethren adjourned to a banquet . Ihe usual toasts were proposed and responded to .
ALDERSHOT . —Aldershot Camp Lodge ( No . 1331 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Hotel , Aldershot , on Thursday , the 30 th October , 1873 , when the chair was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . Capt .
Richardson , he being supported by the presence of all his officers , and a numerous attendance of the brethren . The lodge having been opened in form , Bro . P . M . J . Balfour Cockburn , M . D ., 30 ° , and Bro . P . M . Samuel Cole , W . M . No . 1424 , P . Prov . G . P . Kent , wcre ballotted for as