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Provincial Grand Lodge Of North Wales And Shropshire .
On Friday , 14 th inst ., one of the largest Masonic gatherings ever held in the Province of North Wales and Shropshire took place at Shrewsbury , on the occasion of the Annual Grand Lodge which this year was
held in the County town , in the lodge room of No . 262 , at the Lion Hotel . The great interest attaching to the meeting was the presentation to Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart . M . P ., of an address oi congratulation on his completing the twenty-fifth year of his rule over the Province as its Giand Master ; accompanied by a " Sir Watkin Presentation " to the Masonic Boys' School , which
is to be purchased at a cost of £ 530 by the private contributions of the brethren of the various lodges . The province , as at present constnuted , was formed in 1852 , and Sir Watkin was its first Grand Master . He was installed on the 9 th of March that year by the Hero of Bhurtpore , Lord Combermere , in the presence of a distinguished company oi Masons . That ceremony over ,
the new Grand Master invested his officers—sixteen in number—of whom only foar are living , and three of whom Messrs . ] . P . White , S . Wood , and T . Onions—were present on ' Friday , the absent one being the Rev . P . G . Bentley . Sir Watkin ( as we learn from the chapter on " Freem isonry " in the gossiping book about his family , called " WynnsUy and the Wynns " ) was initiated int > the in lodwhich
mysteries of the Craft at Chester in 1851 , a ge contained amongst its members the late Lord Chief Justice Jervis and other distinguished brethren . With the exception of Bro . John Fawcett , who was installed Grand Master of Durham in 1847 , and Bro . the Rev . Dr . Bowles , who was appointed to the s ime office in Herefordshire in 1848—and who would have been present
on Friday had his health permitted—Sir Watkin has been in office longer than any other ProvincUl Grand Master in England ; and he has probably done more work than any of them . During his rule the following lodges have been consecrated : —Admaston 1852 ( removed to Wellington in 1857 ) , Ludlow 18 5 ^ , Carnarvon 1854 . Llandudno 1858 , Welshpool 1864 , ' Llangefni 1866 , Oswestry ( St .
Oswald's ) 1866 , Ironbridge 1866 , Denbigh 1867 , Wrexham 1871 , Bala 1872 , Oswestry ( Fitzalan ) , 1872 , Mold 1874 , Amlwch 1874 , Portmadoc 1874 , Market Drayton 1876 , Brignorth 1876 , Llandidnoes 18 7 6 , Newtown 18 7 6 , Rhyl i 877 , Towyn 1877 , Sir Watkin has also performed other Masonic work ; such as laying the corner-stone ol Trinity Church , Llandudno , in 18 O 4 ; opening the
Masonic Hall in the same town , in 1867 ; and laying the foundation-stone of the Oswestry Cottage Hospital , in 186 9 . The attendance of the Provincial Grand Lodge on Friday included , in addition to the Grand Master , Br . > . W . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., and several visitors , including the R . W . Bro . Charles Hunter , P . P . G . M . of Aberdeenshire East , and P . G . W . of Greece . The names of the brethren
of the Province ( who were either present or had signified their intention ot being so ) are , as far as we can supply them , given below . The brethren present were : Bros . Bunny , Blockley Deakin , Evans , P . P . A . D . of C , Harries Hanky , P . P . G . Reg ., Lea Lewis , P . M ., Morris , W . M ., Moores Newncs P . A . Tyler , Oliver , Pr ' chard . Robbins ,
Richards Spraggon , Warren Thompson Andrew P . G . Stew ., Bodenliam , P . M ., Barr , Bagnall , Brightwell , P . P . G . S . W ., Blakcway P . P . G . J . W ., Clarke , J . W . Chandler P . P . G . Reg ., Clement , J . Sices , Davics , Downes , Dovaston , Forrest , P . P . G . Org ., Hickman Lowcock . Newman , W . M ., Onions , P . P . Reg ., Patchett P . P . J . W . Cressvvell Pecle , P . M ., Randal , P . P . G . S . W .,
Redman , P . M ., Stuart , Smith , Wakeman , P . P . S . W . Oxon ,, Withers , White , P . G . Treas ., S . Wood , P . P . G . J . W ., Hidr P . G . Tyler , R . W . O . Withers , Cameron , Elliott , Peters , P . P . G . S . W ., Acton , Adams , P . M ., Bates , P . M ., Brookes , Felton , Hunt , Henshall , King , Millington , P . G . S . B ., Trevor , Parkins , Poole , J . Smith , Webb , P . M ., Van Stranbcnzee , Sydney-Boucher , Ringers , T . Roberts ,
Brctton , P . P . G . D . of C , Banks , f . G . S . of W . Hazledine , Rodcn , P . P . G . S . W ., Brown , Callender , P . P . A . D . of C-, David Pryce Owen , P . M . ; Withy , P . M . ; T . Lloyd Kyffin , P . G . Chaplain , Lister , Bryce Smith , Burton , P . M . ; Christian Corfield . J . C . Edwards , Homfray , G . Owen , P . G . S . W . ; Oswell , Askew Roberts , W . H . Spautt , P . G . Sec , J . Thomas , P . G . Stewd . ;
E . Wood , P . G . D . of C . ; Walker , P . P . G . S . of W . ; J . Davies , Jesse , Lloyd , Sisson , P . G . Reg . ; Lloyd Williams , P . G . Pur . ; Benson , Oswell Bury , Cooper , Howell Davics , Edisbury , Eyton , Jones , Low , P'G . Stew . ; Lloyd , Lovctt , Morris , J . C . Ow . ti , E . Smith , S . W . ; J . Williams , Dr . Beresford , P . M . ; J . Williams , Adams , Corbett , Algernon Potts , P . M . j Salmon , P . G . J . W . ; Roose , Cinders , Jones ,
G . G . Warren , Elliott , Fouikes Jon ; s , Danny , Morgan , J . Owen , Chitty , Foxall , Nock , Hubert Smith , H . L . Southwell , Trevor , Coxhead , Foulkes , Giibank , J . F . Roberts ; and Parmetor , P . P . G . D . Provincial Grand Lodge was opened atfour o ' clock , and , we rejoice to say , wc have not for some time seen our Grand Master looking so well . This was a matter of
general congratulation amongst the brethren , after the long and serious indisposition which Sir Watkin has suf fcred . Alter the usual formalities had been completed , minutes read , and finances discussed , the work of presentation was performed . Bro . W . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., D . P . G . M ., stepped forward , album in hand , and said : —Right Worshipful
Grand Master , I am deputed to be the organ of the province to present to you an illuminated album , descriptive of the sentiments ot your province , and which will contain the names of a great number—I hope nearly of all—the brethren of North Wales and Shropshire . It contains an address , whicfc describes the sentiments expressed , and the feelings entertained throughout the province for you , sir , ersonally , and in acknowledgment of your services as
Provincial Grand Lodge Of North Wales And Shropshire .
Grind Mister for five-and-twenty years . For myself , together with many in the room , 1 can say that each succeeding ye 3 r has only added to the sense we entertain of your worth , and we all wish to express to you the deep feeling we entertain of the value and the privilege the province has enjoyed in being for so long a period under such a chief . No one amongst your countrvmen and admirers
can , more than I do , sir , feel pride in being selected to present this address , and I beg you , Sir Watkin , to accept it with the hearty good wishes of the whole province . The P . G . Sec , Bro . Spaul ] , then read the address , as follows : — " To Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bar > net , and Member of Parliament for the county of Denbigh , the Right
Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of North Wales and Shropshire" VVe , the undersigned officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , Masters , Past Masters , Officers , and Members of the Lodges in the province of North Wales and Shropshire , beg to offer you our hearty congratulations upon having presieled over this province for a quarter of a
century . To commemorate this happy event we propose to establish a presentation for this proviuce to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys at Wood Green , and we ask your permission to call it the " Sir Watkin Presentation . " During the above period your rule has been such as to give the greatest satisfaction to all Masons , an 1 has been so highly appreciated that Masonry has largely increased
and flourished . The fact also that you have personally attended the consecration of twenty-one lodges in the province is sufficient proof of the great interest you have taken in the Craft , and the prayer of every brother is that the G . A . O . T . U . will long spare you to continue that happy rule which has endeared the name tif Sir Watkin Williams Wynn to each and all who have been connected with the
province since it was formed in 18 52 , and of which you were the first Grand Master . " Bro . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart , M . P ., P . G . M ., in reply , said—Bro . Bulkeley Hughes and brethren , I am exceedingly honoured by this last tribute of your kindness . Twenty-five years ag >> 1 was installed in this room . It seems a long time since ' , but it has included many happy days spent amongst you , and I hope I may be permitted
to spend a few more . With the exception of our esteemed old friend , Dr . Bowles ( who would have been with us today but for his age ) , and Bro . Fawcelt , I am now the oldest Granel Master in the kingdom . During my career I have had difficulties in my path in giving away the Purple , but my object has always been to do justice to brethren who were entitled , and you must bear with me if I have omitted some who have merited it . I can assure .
you my object has always been to confer 11 on such as would benefit the Craft . I beg again to th ink you for your kindness . The Deputy Grand Master especially do I wish to thank for his kind words . It is to him and to me a matter of deep feeling how many familiar faces we have
seen in the twenty-five years , at our lodges , who are now gone from among us , and their faces will be seen no more here , bat we trust they have gone to that place where those who here have acted out the principles they profesied as Masons will obtain their reward .
' 1 he album ( which had been entrusted to Messrs . Woodall and Venables , of Oswestry , to execute ) , is bound in Morocco , Masonic colour ; with Sir Watkin ' s Arms emblazoned on the side , lined with silk , the leaves being vellum . So far only the address and the Grand Master ' s heraldic shield have been cmbazmied , but the book is to contain water colour diawings of Sir Watkin ' s seats , and the [ lists
of names of all the brethren who subscribed to the School Presentation : consequently it is desirable that any brethren who have not yet intimated their wish to subscribe will do so at once to their respective Masters , or to the Grand Secretary or Grand Treasurer . At the conclusion of this interesting episode the ordinary routine ' business was resumed .
On the motion of Bro . Rodin , secouded by Bro . Bulkeley Hughes , a sum of £ 50 from the Grand Lodge funds was voted to the widow of the late Bro . Dr . Goldsbro ' . On the motion of Bro . White , seconded by Bro . Blakeway , £ 100 of the funded money of the Grand Lodge was voted to the purchase of a vice-patronship in the Masonic Boys' School ; and £ 50 as part of the larger sum for the
same in connection with the Girls School . The Prov . Grand Master , in the name of the Prov . Grand Lodge , presented Charity jewels to Bros , Algernon Potts , W . M . 1477 ; and R . J . Sisson , P . P . G . Reg ., who had qualied to wear them by serving two Stewardships to the Masonic Charities ; and to Bro . W . H . Spaul ) , P . G . Sec , who had served five Stewardships .
1 he Prov . Grand Master invested the following brethren as the Prov . Grand Officers for the ensuing year : — W . B . Hughes , M . P ., 755 ' D . Prov . G . M . E . M . Wakeman , 26 a Prov . G . S . W . Lloyd Williams , 1143 Prov . G . J . W . Rev . A . J . Van Straubenzee , 601 Prov . G . Chap . Rev . J . S . Boucher , O 06 Prov . G . Chap .
J . P . White , 262 Prov . G . Treas . G . G . Warren , 1575 Prov . G . Reg . W . H . Spaull , 1124 Prov . G . Sec . E . Andrew , M . D ., 2 C 2 Prov . G . S . D . J . Thomas , 1124 Prov . G . J . D . W . Low , 1336 Prov . G . S . of W E . Wood , 1124 Prov . G . D . of C .
R . T . Phillips , 1488 Prov . A . G . D . of C J . L . Griffiths Prov . G . S . B . J . H . Redman , 262 Prov . G . Purs . J . C . W . Lister , 1120 ; J . O . Bury , 1336 ; A . McMillan , 384 , John
Corbett , 1477 ; W . Spraggon , 117 ; W . Burton , 1336 Prov . G . Stwds . J . B . Hide , 262 Prov . G . Tyler . B . Newnes , 11 ; ,. Prov . G . A . Tyler . Bros . W . Blakeway and J . Bodenham were appointed Auditors
Provincial Grand Lodge Of North Wales And Shropshire .
At the close of the Grand Lodge the brethren sat down to a dinner at the Lion Hotel . The usual toasts were given and responded to ; on this occasion with unusual additions -, as for instance , in the health of the Treasurer which included congratulations on his " completing the ' twenty-fifth year of office . " Bro . White is the only officer in the who has for the
province quarter of a century of Sir Watkin ' s rule been annually invested by the Grand Master . To Bro . Forrest , P . P . G . Organist , the music of the evening was intrusted , and he very successfully accomplished his task by obtaining the services of Mr . Rawlings who engaged Messrs . Lea , Ptobert , and Millvvard to sing ' accompanying them on the piano . —Oswestry Advertiser .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft UlasirarE .
CONFIDENCE LODGE ( No . 193 ) . —On the roth inst ., the installation meeting of this old-established lod ge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-s ' reet . Amongst those present were Bros . Reed , W . M . ; King , P . M ., actine S . W . ; H . L-ah , J . W ., W . M . elect ; Wame , P . M ., Treas ; Shackell , P . M ., Secretary ; Biddle , S . D . ; Foottit , P . M ., J . D . ; and Past Masters Webb , Kershaw , and Bonney .
I he minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . raised Bro . Holt , passed Bros . Silvester and Pye , and initiated Mr . R . W . Roxby most ably . The ceremony of installing Bro . Leah into the chair of K . S . was then proceeded with by Bro . Reed , who appointed Bros . King , P . M ., as S . W . ; Bonney , P . M ., as J . W . ; and S . Webb , P . M ., as D . C ., to assist him in the
working , which was carried outmost impressively ; the rendering of the addresses being marked by more than or . linary c ' . ocutionary ability . 1 he officers appointed and invested for the ensuing year . were Bros . Biddle , S . W . ; Foottit , P . M ., J . W . ; Wame , P . M ., Treas . ; Shackell , P . M ., Secretary ; James , S . D . ; Lemare , J . D . ; Hall , I . G . ; S . Webb , P . M ., D . C . ; and H . Webb , P . M ., W . S .
Previously to the closing of the lodge a vote of thanks was unanimously passed and ordered to be entered on the minutes in recognition of the able manner in which Bro . Reed , I . P . M ., had installed his successor . The lodge was then duly closed , and the members and visitors , to the number of nearly go , adjourned to the Pillar-roo m , where a most elegant banquet was served by Bro .
Clemow . Amongst the visitors were the following , Bros , Edmands , G . S . Lejdge ; Maidwell , 27 ; Driscoll , 30 iVewbon , 46 ; Salter , 72 ; T . C . Walls , 141 , & c „ P . G . O . Midx . ( Fiw ;« ei « , n ); Beauchamp , 167 ; Rawley and Battram , 174 ; Cohen , P . M . 185 ; Walters , 188 ; Godfrey , late 193 ; Laxton , 511 ; Anderson , 554 ; Hesketh , 711 ; Morris , 901 ; Gosheron , 902 ; Johnson , 933 ; L ; ver , 1178 ; Jupf ,
W . M . 128 7 ; Fortescue , 1306 ; Hill , P . M . 1366 ; Morgan , " 385 . Goggs , 1527 ; Clark .-, 156 7 ; H . " W . Clemow , 1389 ; Bromley , 16 5 8 ; Western , 16 93 ; and A . Macpherson , 141 , Scotland . At the termination of the banquet the customary Royal and Craft toasts were given from the chair with the most commendable brevity . "The W . M . " was proposed by the I . P . M . in a very complimentary
speech . He . particularly referred to the efficient manner in which Bro . Leah had discharged the minor offices in the lodge , and he believed that the higher duties of the chair would be performed by him equally as wll . This toast having been received with excellent " fire , " the W . M . briefly responded by slating that he hoped to cairy out the great
responsibilities of his position to the satisfaction of the brethren . In conclusion he said that during his year of office he would endeavour to advance the interests cf the Confidence Lodge and the comfort of its members in every possible way . In proposing " The Health of the Initiates , " the W . M . trusted that Bto . Roxby would tike such an interest in Freemasonry that in the course of a few years he vrcull be
seen occup ; uig the position of Master in the lodge . He then went on to explain to the newly-made brother some of the principles of Freemasonry , and in concluding his remarks stated that when he first saw the Masonic li ght he was deeply impressed with the initiatory ( ceremonial , and hoped that Bro . Roxby hael experienced the same feeling . The initiate having acknowledged the compliment , the
W . M . in very complimentary terms proposed " The Health of the Visitors . " This toast having been warmly received , Bro . Edmands , of the G . S . L ., made an able response . "The I . P . M . ( Installing Master ) and Past Masters" followed . In introducing this toast the W . M . considered it " par excellence " the toast of the evening . The Confidence Lodge was noted for the Masonic abilities of its
Masters , but he ventured to think that the I . P . M . was more than ordinarily good , and he believed that every member present would agree with him that Bro . Reed by the excellence of his working had richly deserved the handsome jewel he was about to place upon bis breasf . In speaking of the old Past Masters of the lodge , the W . M . said thai he could only state what others had said before
him , that they were eicc ready and willing to come torward at all times to assist in the work of the lodge , and to devote their best energies for the benefit of its members . The I . P . M ., in reply , deeply thanked the brethren for the kind recognition of his services to the lodge , manifested by their having unanimously voted him the jewel which the W . M . had just presented him with . He then proceeded
to acknowledge the compliment paid to the other Past Masters , and in conclusion he humorously remarked , that from that evening he should consider as one of their august number that he had been promoted to the Masonic House of Lords . " The Treasurer and Secretary , " "The Officers , " and "The Caterer" followed , and were duly acknowledged by Bros . Shackell , Biddle , Foottit , and Clemow . During the evening Bro . Sinclair and others
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of North Wales And Shropshire .
On Friday , 14 th inst ., one of the largest Masonic gatherings ever held in the Province of North Wales and Shropshire took place at Shrewsbury , on the occasion of the Annual Grand Lodge which this year was
held in the County town , in the lodge room of No . 262 , at the Lion Hotel . The great interest attaching to the meeting was the presentation to Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart . M . P ., of an address oi congratulation on his completing the twenty-fifth year of his rule over the Province as its Giand Master ; accompanied by a " Sir Watkin Presentation " to the Masonic Boys' School , which
is to be purchased at a cost of £ 530 by the private contributions of the brethren of the various lodges . The province , as at present constnuted , was formed in 1852 , and Sir Watkin was its first Grand Master . He was installed on the 9 th of March that year by the Hero of Bhurtpore , Lord Combermere , in the presence of a distinguished company oi Masons . That ceremony over ,
the new Grand Master invested his officers—sixteen in number—of whom only foar are living , and three of whom Messrs . ] . P . White , S . Wood , and T . Onions—were present on ' Friday , the absent one being the Rev . P . G . Bentley . Sir Watkin ( as we learn from the chapter on " Freem isonry " in the gossiping book about his family , called " WynnsUy and the Wynns " ) was initiated int > the in lodwhich
mysteries of the Craft at Chester in 1851 , a ge contained amongst its members the late Lord Chief Justice Jervis and other distinguished brethren . With the exception of Bro . John Fawcett , who was installed Grand Master of Durham in 1847 , and Bro . the Rev . Dr . Bowles , who was appointed to the s ime office in Herefordshire in 1848—and who would have been present
on Friday had his health permitted—Sir Watkin has been in office longer than any other ProvincUl Grand Master in England ; and he has probably done more work than any of them . During his rule the following lodges have been consecrated : —Admaston 1852 ( removed to Wellington in 1857 ) , Ludlow 18 5 ^ , Carnarvon 1854 . Llandudno 1858 , Welshpool 1864 , ' Llangefni 1866 , Oswestry ( St .
Oswald's ) 1866 , Ironbridge 1866 , Denbigh 1867 , Wrexham 1871 , Bala 1872 , Oswestry ( Fitzalan ) , 1872 , Mold 1874 , Amlwch 1874 , Portmadoc 1874 , Market Drayton 1876 , Brignorth 1876 , Llandidnoes 18 7 6 , Newtown 18 7 6 , Rhyl i 877 , Towyn 1877 , Sir Watkin has also performed other Masonic work ; such as laying the corner-stone ol Trinity Church , Llandudno , in 18 O 4 ; opening the
Masonic Hall in the same town , in 1867 ; and laying the foundation-stone of the Oswestry Cottage Hospital , in 186 9 . The attendance of the Provincial Grand Lodge on Friday included , in addition to the Grand Master , Br . > . W . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., and several visitors , including the R . W . Bro . Charles Hunter , P . P . G . M . of Aberdeenshire East , and P . G . W . of Greece . The names of the brethren
of the Province ( who were either present or had signified their intention ot being so ) are , as far as we can supply them , given below . The brethren present were : Bros . Bunny , Blockley Deakin , Evans , P . P . A . D . of C , Harries Hanky , P . P . G . Reg ., Lea Lewis , P . M ., Morris , W . M ., Moores Newncs P . A . Tyler , Oliver , Pr ' chard . Robbins ,
Richards Spraggon , Warren Thompson Andrew P . G . Stew ., Bodenliam , P . M ., Barr , Bagnall , Brightwell , P . P . G . S . W ., Blakcway P . P . G . J . W ., Clarke , J . W . Chandler P . P . G . Reg ., Clement , J . Sices , Davics , Downes , Dovaston , Forrest , P . P . G . Org ., Hickman Lowcock . Newman , W . M ., Onions , P . P . Reg ., Patchett P . P . J . W . Cressvvell Pecle , P . M ., Randal , P . P . G . S . W .,
Redman , P . M ., Stuart , Smith , Wakeman , P . P . S . W . Oxon ,, Withers , White , P . G . Treas ., S . Wood , P . P . G . J . W ., Hidr P . G . Tyler , R . W . O . Withers , Cameron , Elliott , Peters , P . P . G . S . W ., Acton , Adams , P . M ., Bates , P . M ., Brookes , Felton , Hunt , Henshall , King , Millington , P . G . S . B ., Trevor , Parkins , Poole , J . Smith , Webb , P . M ., Van Stranbcnzee , Sydney-Boucher , Ringers , T . Roberts ,
Brctton , P . P . G . D . of C , Banks , f . G . S . of W . Hazledine , Rodcn , P . P . G . S . W ., Brown , Callender , P . P . A . D . of C-, David Pryce Owen , P . M . ; Withy , P . M . ; T . Lloyd Kyffin , P . G . Chaplain , Lister , Bryce Smith , Burton , P . M . ; Christian Corfield . J . C . Edwards , Homfray , G . Owen , P . G . S . W . ; Oswell , Askew Roberts , W . H . Spautt , P . G . Sec , J . Thomas , P . G . Stewd . ;
E . Wood , P . G . D . of C . ; Walker , P . P . G . S . of W . ; J . Davies , Jesse , Lloyd , Sisson , P . G . Reg . ; Lloyd Williams , P . G . Pur . ; Benson , Oswell Bury , Cooper , Howell Davics , Edisbury , Eyton , Jones , Low , P'G . Stew . ; Lloyd , Lovctt , Morris , J . C . Ow . ti , E . Smith , S . W . ; J . Williams , Dr . Beresford , P . M . ; J . Williams , Adams , Corbett , Algernon Potts , P . M . j Salmon , P . G . J . W . ; Roose , Cinders , Jones ,
G . G . Warren , Elliott , Fouikes Jon ; s , Danny , Morgan , J . Owen , Chitty , Foxall , Nock , Hubert Smith , H . L . Southwell , Trevor , Coxhead , Foulkes , Giibank , J . F . Roberts ; and Parmetor , P . P . G . D . Provincial Grand Lodge was opened atfour o ' clock , and , we rejoice to say , wc have not for some time seen our Grand Master looking so well . This was a matter of
general congratulation amongst the brethren , after the long and serious indisposition which Sir Watkin has suf fcred . Alter the usual formalities had been completed , minutes read , and finances discussed , the work of presentation was performed . Bro . W . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., D . P . G . M ., stepped forward , album in hand , and said : —Right Worshipful
Grand Master , I am deputed to be the organ of the province to present to you an illuminated album , descriptive of the sentiments ot your province , and which will contain the names of a great number—I hope nearly of all—the brethren of North Wales and Shropshire . It contains an address , whicfc describes the sentiments expressed , and the feelings entertained throughout the province for you , sir , ersonally , and in acknowledgment of your services as
Provincial Grand Lodge Of North Wales And Shropshire .
Grind Mister for five-and-twenty years . For myself , together with many in the room , 1 can say that each succeeding ye 3 r has only added to the sense we entertain of your worth , and we all wish to express to you the deep feeling we entertain of the value and the privilege the province has enjoyed in being for so long a period under such a chief . No one amongst your countrvmen and admirers
can , more than I do , sir , feel pride in being selected to present this address , and I beg you , Sir Watkin , to accept it with the hearty good wishes of the whole province . The P . G . Sec , Bro . Spaul ] , then read the address , as follows : — " To Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bar > net , and Member of Parliament for the county of Denbigh , the Right
Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of North Wales and Shropshire" VVe , the undersigned officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , Masters , Past Masters , Officers , and Members of the Lodges in the province of North Wales and Shropshire , beg to offer you our hearty congratulations upon having presieled over this province for a quarter of a
century . To commemorate this happy event we propose to establish a presentation for this proviuce to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys at Wood Green , and we ask your permission to call it the " Sir Watkin Presentation . " During the above period your rule has been such as to give the greatest satisfaction to all Masons , an 1 has been so highly appreciated that Masonry has largely increased
and flourished . The fact also that you have personally attended the consecration of twenty-one lodges in the province is sufficient proof of the great interest you have taken in the Craft , and the prayer of every brother is that the G . A . O . T . U . will long spare you to continue that happy rule which has endeared the name tif Sir Watkin Williams Wynn to each and all who have been connected with the
province since it was formed in 18 52 , and of which you were the first Grand Master . " Bro . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart , M . P ., P . G . M ., in reply , said—Bro . Bulkeley Hughes and brethren , I am exceedingly honoured by this last tribute of your kindness . Twenty-five years ag >> 1 was installed in this room . It seems a long time since ' , but it has included many happy days spent amongst you , and I hope I may be permitted
to spend a few more . With the exception of our esteemed old friend , Dr . Bowles ( who would have been with us today but for his age ) , and Bro . Fawcelt , I am now the oldest Granel Master in the kingdom . During my career I have had difficulties in my path in giving away the Purple , but my object has always been to do justice to brethren who were entitled , and you must bear with me if I have omitted some who have merited it . I can assure .
you my object has always been to confer 11 on such as would benefit the Craft . I beg again to th ink you for your kindness . The Deputy Grand Master especially do I wish to thank for his kind words . It is to him and to me a matter of deep feeling how many familiar faces we have
seen in the twenty-five years , at our lodges , who are now gone from among us , and their faces will be seen no more here , bat we trust they have gone to that place where those who here have acted out the principles they profesied as Masons will obtain their reward .
' 1 he album ( which had been entrusted to Messrs . Woodall and Venables , of Oswestry , to execute ) , is bound in Morocco , Masonic colour ; with Sir Watkin ' s Arms emblazoned on the side , lined with silk , the leaves being vellum . So far only the address and the Grand Master ' s heraldic shield have been cmbazmied , but the book is to contain water colour diawings of Sir Watkin ' s seats , and the [ lists
of names of all the brethren who subscribed to the School Presentation : consequently it is desirable that any brethren who have not yet intimated their wish to subscribe will do so at once to their respective Masters , or to the Grand Secretary or Grand Treasurer . At the conclusion of this interesting episode the ordinary routine ' business was resumed .
On the motion of Bro . Rodin , secouded by Bro . Bulkeley Hughes , a sum of £ 50 from the Grand Lodge funds was voted to the widow of the late Bro . Dr . Goldsbro ' . On the motion of Bro . White , seconded by Bro . Blakeway , £ 100 of the funded money of the Grand Lodge was voted to the purchase of a vice-patronship in the Masonic Boys' School ; and £ 50 as part of the larger sum for the
same in connection with the Girls School . The Prov . Grand Master , in the name of the Prov . Grand Lodge , presented Charity jewels to Bros , Algernon Potts , W . M . 1477 ; and R . J . Sisson , P . P . G . Reg ., who had qualied to wear them by serving two Stewardships to the Masonic Charities ; and to Bro . W . H . Spaul ) , P . G . Sec , who had served five Stewardships .
1 he Prov . Grand Master invested the following brethren as the Prov . Grand Officers for the ensuing year : — W . B . Hughes , M . P ., 755 ' D . Prov . G . M . E . M . Wakeman , 26 a Prov . G . S . W . Lloyd Williams , 1143 Prov . G . J . W . Rev . A . J . Van Straubenzee , 601 Prov . G . Chap . Rev . J . S . Boucher , O 06 Prov . G . Chap .
J . P . White , 262 Prov . G . Treas . G . G . Warren , 1575 Prov . G . Reg . W . H . Spaull , 1124 Prov . G . Sec . E . Andrew , M . D ., 2 C 2 Prov . G . S . D . J . Thomas , 1124 Prov . G . J . D . W . Low , 1336 Prov . G . S . of W E . Wood , 1124 Prov . G . D . of C .
R . T . Phillips , 1488 Prov . A . G . D . of C J . L . Griffiths Prov . G . S . B . J . H . Redman , 262 Prov . G . Purs . J . C . W . Lister , 1120 ; J . O . Bury , 1336 ; A . McMillan , 384 , John
Corbett , 1477 ; W . Spraggon , 117 ; W . Burton , 1336 Prov . G . Stwds . J . B . Hide , 262 Prov . G . Tyler . B . Newnes , 11 ; ,. Prov . G . A . Tyler . Bros . W . Blakeway and J . Bodenham were appointed Auditors
Provincial Grand Lodge Of North Wales And Shropshire .
At the close of the Grand Lodge the brethren sat down to a dinner at the Lion Hotel . The usual toasts were given and responded to ; on this occasion with unusual additions -, as for instance , in the health of the Treasurer which included congratulations on his " completing the ' twenty-fifth year of office . " Bro . White is the only officer in the who has for the
province quarter of a century of Sir Watkin ' s rule been annually invested by the Grand Master . To Bro . Forrest , P . P . G . Organist , the music of the evening was intrusted , and he very successfully accomplished his task by obtaining the services of Mr . Rawlings who engaged Messrs . Lea , Ptobert , and Millvvard to sing ' accompanying them on the piano . —Oswestry Advertiser .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft UlasirarE .
CONFIDENCE LODGE ( No . 193 ) . —On the roth inst ., the installation meeting of this old-established lod ge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-s ' reet . Amongst those present were Bros . Reed , W . M . ; King , P . M ., actine S . W . ; H . L-ah , J . W ., W . M . elect ; Wame , P . M ., Treas ; Shackell , P . M ., Secretary ; Biddle , S . D . ; Foottit , P . M ., J . D . ; and Past Masters Webb , Kershaw , and Bonney .
I he minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . raised Bro . Holt , passed Bros . Silvester and Pye , and initiated Mr . R . W . Roxby most ably . The ceremony of installing Bro . Leah into the chair of K . S . was then proceeded with by Bro . Reed , who appointed Bros . King , P . M ., as S . W . ; Bonney , P . M ., as J . W . ; and S . Webb , P . M ., as D . C ., to assist him in the
working , which was carried outmost impressively ; the rendering of the addresses being marked by more than or . linary c ' . ocutionary ability . 1 he officers appointed and invested for the ensuing year . were Bros . Biddle , S . W . ; Foottit , P . M ., J . W . ; Wame , P . M ., Treas . ; Shackell , P . M ., Secretary ; James , S . D . ; Lemare , J . D . ; Hall , I . G . ; S . Webb , P . M ., D . C . ; and H . Webb , P . M ., W . S .
Previously to the closing of the lodge a vote of thanks was unanimously passed and ordered to be entered on the minutes in recognition of the able manner in which Bro . Reed , I . P . M ., had installed his successor . The lodge was then duly closed , and the members and visitors , to the number of nearly go , adjourned to the Pillar-roo m , where a most elegant banquet was served by Bro .
Clemow . Amongst the visitors were the following , Bros , Edmands , G . S . Lejdge ; Maidwell , 27 ; Driscoll , 30 iVewbon , 46 ; Salter , 72 ; T . C . Walls , 141 , & c „ P . G . O . Midx . ( Fiw ;« ei « , n ); Beauchamp , 167 ; Rawley and Battram , 174 ; Cohen , P . M . 185 ; Walters , 188 ; Godfrey , late 193 ; Laxton , 511 ; Anderson , 554 ; Hesketh , 711 ; Morris , 901 ; Gosheron , 902 ; Johnson , 933 ; L ; ver , 1178 ; Jupf ,
W . M . 128 7 ; Fortescue , 1306 ; Hill , P . M . 1366 ; Morgan , " 385 . Goggs , 1527 ; Clark .-, 156 7 ; H . " W . Clemow , 1389 ; Bromley , 16 5 8 ; Western , 16 93 ; and A . Macpherson , 141 , Scotland . At the termination of the banquet the customary Royal and Craft toasts were given from the chair with the most commendable brevity . "The W . M . " was proposed by the I . P . M . in a very complimentary
speech . He . particularly referred to the efficient manner in which Bro . Leah had discharged the minor offices in the lodge , and he believed that the higher duties of the chair would be performed by him equally as wll . This toast having been received with excellent " fire , " the W . M . briefly responded by slating that he hoped to cairy out the great
responsibilities of his position to the satisfaction of the brethren . In conclusion he said that during his year of office he would endeavour to advance the interests cf the Confidence Lodge and the comfort of its members in every possible way . In proposing " The Health of the Initiates , " the W . M . trusted that Bto . Roxby would tike such an interest in Freemasonry that in the course of a few years he vrcull be
seen occup ; uig the position of Master in the lodge . He then went on to explain to the newly-made brother some of the principles of Freemasonry , and in concluding his remarks stated that when he first saw the Masonic li ght he was deeply impressed with the initiatory ( ceremonial , and hoped that Bro . Roxby hael experienced the same feeling . The initiate having acknowledged the compliment , the
W . M . in very complimentary terms proposed " The Health of the Visitors . " This toast having been warmly received , Bro . Edmands , of the G . S . L ., made an able response . "The I . P . M . ( Installing Master ) and Past Masters" followed . In introducing this toast the W . M . considered it " par excellence " the toast of the evening . The Confidence Lodge was noted for the Masonic abilities of its
Masters , but he ventured to think that the I . P . M . was more than ordinarily good , and he believed that every member present would agree with him that Bro . Reed by the excellence of his working had richly deserved the handsome jewel he was about to place upon bis breasf . In speaking of the old Past Masters of the lodge , the W . M . said thai he could only state what others had said before
him , that they were eicc ready and willing to come torward at all times to assist in the work of the lodge , and to devote their best energies for the benefit of its members . The I . P . M ., in reply , deeply thanked the brethren for the kind recognition of his services to the lodge , manifested by their having unanimously voted him the jewel which the W . M . had just presented him with . He then proceeded
to acknowledge the compliment paid to the other Past Masters , and in conclusion he humorously remarked , that from that evening he should consider as one of their august number that he had been promoted to the Masonic House of Lords . " The Treasurer and Secretary , " "The Officers , " and "The Caterer" followed , and were duly acknowledged by Bros . Shackell , Biddle , Foottit , and Clemow . During the evening Bro . Sinclair and others