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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
enteitained the 1 rcthren , who separated at an advanced hour . The next meeting takes place on the second Monday in January next . UNITED STRENGTH ( No . 228 . )—The most interesting meeting night in the whole lodge year next to the installation nig ht is the one upon which the W . M . for the coming year is elected , and it was upon the last
meeting of the United Strength , at the Guildhall Tavern , Gre sham-street , under the shadows of Gog and Magog , on the nth inst ., that this weighty business was dispatched , as well as other interesting business . Bro . Jas . Hill , W . M ., was in the chair , the Senior Warden ' s chair biing filled by Bro . Snare , who had stolen from the sickness at home to be present on this occasion . Bro . Halford ,
the J . W ., whose merits in assisting most ably in the lodge work have placed him in the high po > i ion of holding the Second Warden's chair after a very short Masonic career ; Bro . Pearcy being S . D . ; Flaws , J . D . ; Patmore , I . G . ; and Hickman , D . C . The Past Masters tf the lodge present were Bros . Joseph Crump , Sec . ; Jas . Terry , E . Divies , Colston , J . Hiilhouse , J . While ( Freemason ) ,
and R . Griggs ( I . P . M . ) . Bro . Smith was passed , and Bros . Menrich and Swain were raised , the work being wholly done by the W . M . The election for W . M . then proceeded , and Bro . Snare , to the regret of all , for every brother in the lodge knows him to be a thoroughly efficient Mason , stated that home matters would prevent him taking upon himself the office of W . M . The election
then fell upon the J . Warden , Bro . Halford , who was elected with absolute unanimity . The usual congratulatory and responsive speeches were delivered . The grateful task to the lodge of re-electing the Treasurer , Bro . J . Winsland then followed . The announcement was made , and was received with great sorrow , that Bro . Doherty , a most promising young member , had been carried off by
typhoid fever . A letter of condolence it was agreed should be written to his friends . Bro . Steedman was re-elected Tyler . An interesting ceremony then fol ' owed , and one which took the brethren by surprise . Bro . Moseley stepped to the front , and stated that he had been commissioned by Bro . Heniich , who had been raised that evening , to offer for the acceptance of the lodge three solid ivory gavels .
The gavels were greatly admired for their beauty , and the gift was thoroughly appreciated , for the lodge , on the motion of Bro . James Terry , P . M ., cntcreel a vote cf thanks upon the minutes , and orelered that the name of the donor shoulel be engraved upon the gavels . The lodge , too , voted a Christmas gift to the poor brothers and sisters in the almhouses , and to the Tyler . The lodge
closed , and adjourned to banquet , the visiting brethren being Bros . Denison , 398 ; Fenney , Goode , S . W . 1288 ; Porter , P . M . 1269 ; Turner , 902 ; and McNivcn , 1426 . The W . M . in acknowledging the toast of his health , pioposeel by Bro . Griggs , drew attention to the fact that he would stand as Steward for the lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Bro .
Porter , in responding for the visitors , testified to the good work he had seen in the lodge , and expressed himself as delighted with the truly brotherly feeling he had seen on all sides in lodge as well as at the banquet table . The example the lodge set in all respects could not but effect the greatest good followed . The other visiting brothers also spoke , and the W . M . elect was warmly toasted , and
the deepest sympathy with Bro . Snare in his inabili'y to take upon himself the highist office which the members of the lodge have it in their power to bestow upon any of its members . The W . M . elect , in his reply , warmly thanked the brethren for the honour conferred upon him , and indicated that he would select his officers according to the laws laid down in the Book of Constitutions—by their
merits . The P . M . ' s were also heartily toasted , and they each replied in speeches of greater or lesser length , Bro . Terry , however , striking the keynote of the whole by speaking of the pride with which the Past Masters watched the working of the young members , and saying that the Past Masters were as united as a band of brothers could be , thereby setting an example to all . The proceedings
were over be fore the eleventh hour . ECLECTIC LODGE ( No 1201 ) . —The concluding meeting of ihe year of this advancing and prosperous lodge was held on Friday , the 14 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Gtueen Street . An exceedingly large and representative company graced the work in the Zetland Room . The W . M ., Bro . Edward James Hatty ,
was supported in the chair by Bro . James Stevens of " The Great City" lodge , in the absence of the I . P . M ., Bro . Watts , and Bro , Manilers , P . M ., and Treasurer , was also an assistant in the arduous work . The S . W . was Bro . A . Taylor , the J . W ., Bro . G . W . Saul , Bro . Lee the S . D ., Bro . Dobbing the J . D ., Bro . Moss the I . G ., Bro . Pochin the D . C , and Bro . W . H . Barber the Secretary .
The first work of the evening after the minutes had been confirmed was the initiation of two gentlemen , Mr . W . E . Wright and Mr A . Rayner , who had been regularly elected in open lodge , and the work was executed in the perfect manner to be expected of so experienced a Craftsman as the W . M . of this lodge ; the ritual was heightened in its solemnity by the musical accompaniments of Bro .
Higgs , the Orgamrt and P . M of St . Mary ' s Lodge . Bro . Absolon was missing when called upon to show his proficency in the First Degree and to stand a candidate for the Second , so the lodge was raised to the Second Degree , for the due examination of five candidates for the promotion promised them in due time : these were Bros . Everett , Stewart , J . Amesden , A . Amesden , and
G . E . Travers . They were all present , and having passed in a most satisfactory manner the lodge was in efue form raised , and the five brethren were made participators in the privileges of Master Masons . The ceremony was long in consequence of the lodge as a whole having a great pride in good work , and the greatest care was taken to give the degree with becom-> ng . | we might say with artistic effect , and Bro . Higgs '
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
organ accomj animent was most effective and striking . The leVge work was opened when the lodge was resumed to the First , and the important task of electing a W . M ., frr the ensuing year came before the members . The brethren discharged lhis duty by unanimously electing the Senior Warden , Bro . A . Taylor , to whom the W . M . gave hearty congratulations in the name of the lodge , and the
W . M . elect , 111 a modest speech , fully appreciative of the honour done to him , thanked the lodge , and took the weighty office upon his shoulders . An election was then held for Treasuter , and Bio . Mandeis was unanimously reelected to this position , and was congratulated upon being the senier P . M . ( f the lodge . Bro . Grant was elected Tyler , and a Christmas present was made to him .
An audit committee was elected in Bros . Dr . Pcarce , Rush and MOJS . Upon the proposal that the lodge should present ihe usual jewel to the W . M ., it was voted by various brethren that the value should be douVled in token of the gratitude of the brethren to Bro . Harty for rescuing the lodge fn m its cold and inhospitable character , and for raising it to a higher degree of prosperity than it could
ever have hoped to " enjoy" under its old system of meeting for Work and parting without refreshment . It was thought , however , that the lodge should keep to the value set down in the byilaws , the brethren tn be at liberty to show their feeling by supplementing the well earned jewel of the lodge in any way they thought proper . The ledge being closed , the brethren adjnumed
to the Holborn Restaurant , where a banquet was served . In the course of the evening , the five newly raised brethren received a further insight into Masonic mysteries , for having with all heartiness toasted the W . M ., they were jokingly told that they rail exposed themselves to the fine of a battle foe challenging the W . M ., and they all at once accepted the situation by ordering up the " extra best . " Bro . Knight Smith sung and played ,
Bro . Watts' favourite ditties were missed , and in the responding to the visitors Bro . J . Stevens , in a lengthened and very complimentary speech , replied to the toast of the visitors , who were Bros . Maj'ir Williams , Dr . Alworth , Capt . Btckett , Dr . E . Payne , and G . W . Tolmie , who also replies . The great amount of work in the lodge had made the banquet late , and as a matter of course it was late before it hail finished .
PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE ( No . 1178 ) . — The regular melting of this lodge was held on Thursday , December 6 th , at ihe Bridge House Hotel , Snuthwark . Bro . Frederick Garbctt , W . M ., presided . Present : Bros . J . Stock , S . W . ; T . Simpson , J . W . ; F . H . Ebsworth , P . M ., Treasurer ; F . Walters , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Bell , S . D . ; S . Quincey , J . D . ; G . H . Fordcr , 7 . G . ; J . H . Harmsworlh , P . M ., D . C ; C . Deakin , P . M . ; W . T . Lover ,
P . M . ; J . A . Smith , P . M ., andabout forty members . Visitors : Bros . Rev . H . J . Hatch , P . M . 160 ; T . Aldridge , 507 ; D . Smith , 1326 ; R . Pooley , 1326 ; R . W . Williams , 1622 . and others . The work done well by the W . M . was raising , passing , and initiations The initiation fee was raised to ten guineas . Some joining numbers and canelidates for initiation were proposed . The lodge closed and adjourned to February 7 th .
THE ROTHESAY LODGE ( No . 1687 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous and well-established lodge was held on Wednesday , the 3 th inst ., at the Inns of Court Hotel , Holborn . Bro . Louis Beck , W . M ., opened the lodge . There were present Bros . Frank Kirk , S . W . ; Hancock , J . W . ; B . H . Swallow , P . G . J . D . Middlesex , P . M ., Treas . ; W . C . Parsons , P . M ., Sec . ; J . B . Docker ,
S . D . ; J . Crossland , J . D . ; J . Outhwaite , I . G . ; Forscait , D . C ; Duret , W . S . ; Jones , A . W . S . ; Lcvermore , Ellen , Lintott , Lucas , Palmer , Michaels , and others . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . F . Walters , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M . 7 ,, etc . ; E . H . Thiellay , P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex , P . M . 145 , W . M . 1423 , & C . ; H . A . Staccy , P . M . 180 ; G . Bubb , P . M . 180 ; Faiwig , S . D . 180 ; Collins , P . M .
1328 ; Denton , 25 ; Partridge , 1445 ; Crovviher , I . G . 1248 ; J . W . Thompson , 16 95 ; E . Crickmay , 1426 ; J . Berrow , 190 ; W . A . Tinnty , P . M . 1319 ; E . Swanborough , J . W . 1319 ; H . H . Bennett , 370 ; and some whose names we were unable to ascertain . The W . M ., Bro . Louis Beck , in an able manner , which gave great satisfaction to all who had the good fortune to be present ,
raised Bros . Taylor , Levermorc , and Ellen , passed Bros . Lintott and Ellen , initiated Mr . Epaminondas Lconidas Valerinani and Mr . Lionel Nathan into Freemasonry . He was then unanimously elected to the proud position of StewarJ to represent the lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Girls' School , to be held on Wednesday , May 8 th , 1878 , the worthy Treasurer , Bro . B . H . Swallow ,
P . G . J . D . Middlesex , giving timely help by giving notice of motion to swell his list by voting a goodly sum from the lodge funds to head it with . The Secretary proved himself the right man in the right place by an admirable notice of motion which he gave concerning an important and wise alteration in the bye-laws . It is seldom that wc visit any lodge where there is to be found such good work
from a W . M ., careful and discriminating exercise of the duties of Treasurer , wise and judicious rendering of the Secretarial administration , as what is to be found in this lodge . The names of gentlemen who are anxious to be initiated were given in to the Secretary . Other formalities were gone through , and the lodge was closed and adjourned to meet next year . A splendid banquet and
dessert was scrvcel under the courteous management of Mr . Gcsden , who attended personally to supervise it . The usual toasts were given and responded to . The event of the evening was the presentation to Bro . Louis Beck of a handsome maible bust of himself . The bust
when unveiled was such a striking good likeness that it was received with a genuine burst of enthusiasm of the appreciation of the merits displayed by the artist in its execution . The presentation was entrusted to Bro . Frank Kirk , S . W ., who in the best manner it was possible for it to be done , on behalf of himself and the other subscribers
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
asked the W . M . to accept the bust . The W . M ., Bro . L . Beck , who seemed deeply affected by this splendid gift , acknowle d ged the high compliment paid h . m by presenting him with the bust , and accepted it with gratitude and thanks . Songs , recitations , and music brought a pleasant meeting to an agreeable close . The brethren separated at a reasonable hour , wishing one and all the compliments
of the approaching season . WOOLWICH . —Union Waterloo Lodge ( No . 13 ) . —The regular meeting of the above lodge took place on Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., at F . H ., William-street , Bro . G . W . Reed , W . M ., presiding . The other officers present were F . G . Povvnall , I . P . M . ; G . Davies , P . M . ; J . P . Moore , S . W . ; T . Hutton , J . W . ; J . Henderson ,
P . M . and Trias . ; H . Syer , Sec ; N . Brown , S . D . ; G . H . Masters , J . D . ; T . Hosgood , I . G . ; T . Hassell , D . C , and B . Norman , Tyler . The visitors were G . Andrews , P . M . 871 ; G . Spinks , W . M . 1536 ; D . Wilson , 54 ; G . T . Edds , 40 ; and C Jolly , 913 ( Freemason ) . The work before the lodge consisted of the passing of Bro . Akers , and the raising of Bro . Westlake ; the former ceremony being worked
by the W . M ., and the latter ( in the W . M . 's temporary absence ) by Bro . P . M . Pownall . The lodge was then closed in due form . Having honoured the usual preliminary toasts and the W . M . had responded to a flattering recognition of his name , he proposed the toart of " The Visitors , " coupling it with the name of P . M . Andrews , who he mentioned as the Preceptor of the " Star Lodge of
Instruction . " Bro . Andrews , in the course of his reply , said they had a good Lodge of Instruction at Woolwich , and strongly advised the brethren to attend it , for there they would see the whole of the ceremonies worked , under the eye of careful Preceptors , with accuracy and in perfect order . The W . M . had been to his house , and there he had gone through the three degrees without an hitch , but of
course it was a very different thing to do so before a full lodge . He had advised the W . M . to go into it like a boy would take his first heaelcr—with a dash ( laughter and cheers ) . He felt sure that their W . M . would sustain the credit of the lodge and leave that chair with their entire sat ^ faction . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Spinks then spoke of the pleasure it gave him to see the W . M . do his work , and the
excellent feeling which pervaded the whole of the lodge towards him . He and their W . M . had been closely associated in Masonry together for some time ; they had been S . W . ' s together in this district , and now were W . M . 's together . He wished him a prosperous year of office , and the lodge success , and concluded by inviting as many as could come to his lodge , the " United Military , " on the
following I'riday . ( Applause . ) In proposing the toast of " The : Past Masters , " the W . M . warmly eulogised Bro . Pownall , who he said , was one of the best P . M . ' s in the district , and regretted the necessity of his ( Bro . Pownall ' s ) leaving them . Bro . Povvnall , in reply , took no especial credit to himself but , gave all honour to those who had precceled him . He should continue to be a subscribing
member of the lodge . It was a regret of his to leave Woolwich , because of the happy associations formed here , but especially , felt the losing of his pleasure in being with them on lodge nights . They were looking forward to their centenary , and he hoped to see the day when they would obtain a jewel for it . He trusted that they would long continue in their bond of unanimity and brotherly
love which now held them , and trusted he might long be spared to place his humble services at their disposal for the welfare and interest of the lodge and its members . ( Cheers . ) " The Officers' Health" was next proposed , and Bio . Moore suitably replied . The Tyler ' s toast concluded the duties of the evening . MIDDLETON . —Imperial George Lodge
( No . 78 ) . —The last meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , Nov . 29 th , at the Assheton Arms . Bro . G . Bradbury , W . M . presided , being assisted by Bros . W . Percival , S . W . ; F . Fothcrgill , J . W . ; D . Reid , I . P . M . ; J . Garlick , V . M . ; S . H . Chcetham , P . M . ; J . Hatton , Sec . ; F . Hooper , Org . ; J . Kent , Tyler . The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary and received confirmation . Bro ,
Tetlow having to the satisfaction of the brethren answered the questions leading to the l'hird Degree , was entrusted with the test of merit and pissed out . The lodge was then raised to the Third Degree , and Bro . Tetlow elevated to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . by the W . M ., in a manner at once impressive and solemn . Bro . Hooper presided at the harmonium , and contributed in no slight degree to the
solemnity of the ceremony . The lodge having been lowered to the First Degree , the brethren proceeded to the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , and their choice fell upon Bro . Percival , S . W . Bro . Harvey Heywood , P . M ., whose unavoidable absence was regretted by all , was again appointed Treasurer ; Bro . Kent was elicted Tyler and Bros . Barley , Hewitt , and Valentine , Auditors . " Hearty
Good Wishes were accorded from Lodges 148 , 152 , 1213 , 1588 , and 1633 ; after which Bro . Reid , I . P . M ., rose to address the brethren upon the death of Bro . Mills . He said that few who saw the cheerful face of Bro . Mills at their last meeting would have expected that he would so soon be taken from them . He felt very deeply the loss of Bro . Mills ; he had been the last initiate in his ( Bro .
Reid ' s ) year of office . By his exemplary conduct , his regular attendance at their meetings , and his studious endeavour to walk the path of life by Masonic rule , he had won the esteem and respect of the brethren . The death of Bro . Mills was a great loss , not only to the lodge but to that wide circle of friends who would long feel hi removal . In conclusion , he moved " That the Imperia
George Lodge , No . 78 , of Ancient Free and Accepted Matons desires to express its profound sorrow at the death of their Bro , Moses Mills . The brethren , therefore , place on the minutes of the lodge this expression of their respect and sorrow , and direct that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the family of their late Bro . Moses Mills in token of their sincere and earnest sympathy in the loss they have sustained . " Bto . Garlick , who exhibited much
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
enteitained the 1 rcthren , who separated at an advanced hour . The next meeting takes place on the second Monday in January next . UNITED STRENGTH ( No . 228 . )—The most interesting meeting night in the whole lodge year next to the installation nig ht is the one upon which the W . M . for the coming year is elected , and it was upon the last
meeting of the United Strength , at the Guildhall Tavern , Gre sham-street , under the shadows of Gog and Magog , on the nth inst ., that this weighty business was dispatched , as well as other interesting business . Bro . Jas . Hill , W . M ., was in the chair , the Senior Warden ' s chair biing filled by Bro . Snare , who had stolen from the sickness at home to be present on this occasion . Bro . Halford ,
the J . W ., whose merits in assisting most ably in the lodge work have placed him in the high po > i ion of holding the Second Warden's chair after a very short Masonic career ; Bro . Pearcy being S . D . ; Flaws , J . D . ; Patmore , I . G . ; and Hickman , D . C . The Past Masters tf the lodge present were Bros . Joseph Crump , Sec . ; Jas . Terry , E . Divies , Colston , J . Hiilhouse , J . While ( Freemason ) ,
and R . Griggs ( I . P . M . ) . Bro . Smith was passed , and Bros . Menrich and Swain were raised , the work being wholly done by the W . M . The election for W . M . then proceeded , and Bro . Snare , to the regret of all , for every brother in the lodge knows him to be a thoroughly efficient Mason , stated that home matters would prevent him taking upon himself the office of W . M . The election
then fell upon the J . Warden , Bro . Halford , who was elected with absolute unanimity . The usual congratulatory and responsive speeches were delivered . The grateful task to the lodge of re-electing the Treasurer , Bro . J . Winsland then followed . The announcement was made , and was received with great sorrow , that Bro . Doherty , a most promising young member , had been carried off by
typhoid fever . A letter of condolence it was agreed should be written to his friends . Bro . Steedman was re-elected Tyler . An interesting ceremony then fol ' owed , and one which took the brethren by surprise . Bro . Moseley stepped to the front , and stated that he had been commissioned by Bro . Heniich , who had been raised that evening , to offer for the acceptance of the lodge three solid ivory gavels .
The gavels were greatly admired for their beauty , and the gift was thoroughly appreciated , for the lodge , on the motion of Bro . James Terry , P . M ., cntcreel a vote cf thanks upon the minutes , and orelered that the name of the donor shoulel be engraved upon the gavels . The lodge , too , voted a Christmas gift to the poor brothers and sisters in the almhouses , and to the Tyler . The lodge
closed , and adjourned to banquet , the visiting brethren being Bros . Denison , 398 ; Fenney , Goode , S . W . 1288 ; Porter , P . M . 1269 ; Turner , 902 ; and McNivcn , 1426 . The W . M . in acknowledging the toast of his health , pioposeel by Bro . Griggs , drew attention to the fact that he would stand as Steward for the lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Bro .
Porter , in responding for the visitors , testified to the good work he had seen in the lodge , and expressed himself as delighted with the truly brotherly feeling he had seen on all sides in lodge as well as at the banquet table . The example the lodge set in all respects could not but effect the greatest good followed . The other visiting brothers also spoke , and the W . M . elect was warmly toasted , and
the deepest sympathy with Bro . Snare in his inabili'y to take upon himself the highist office which the members of the lodge have it in their power to bestow upon any of its members . The W . M . elect , in his reply , warmly thanked the brethren for the honour conferred upon him , and indicated that he would select his officers according to the laws laid down in the Book of Constitutions—by their
merits . The P . M . ' s were also heartily toasted , and they each replied in speeches of greater or lesser length , Bro . Terry , however , striking the keynote of the whole by speaking of the pride with which the Past Masters watched the working of the young members , and saying that the Past Masters were as united as a band of brothers could be , thereby setting an example to all . The proceedings
were over be fore the eleventh hour . ECLECTIC LODGE ( No 1201 ) . —The concluding meeting of ihe year of this advancing and prosperous lodge was held on Friday , the 14 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Gtueen Street . An exceedingly large and representative company graced the work in the Zetland Room . The W . M ., Bro . Edward James Hatty ,
was supported in the chair by Bro . James Stevens of " The Great City" lodge , in the absence of the I . P . M ., Bro . Watts , and Bro , Manilers , P . M ., and Treasurer , was also an assistant in the arduous work . The S . W . was Bro . A . Taylor , the J . W ., Bro . G . W . Saul , Bro . Lee the S . D ., Bro . Dobbing the J . D ., Bro . Moss the I . G ., Bro . Pochin the D . C , and Bro . W . H . Barber the Secretary .
The first work of the evening after the minutes had been confirmed was the initiation of two gentlemen , Mr . W . E . Wright and Mr A . Rayner , who had been regularly elected in open lodge , and the work was executed in the perfect manner to be expected of so experienced a Craftsman as the W . M . of this lodge ; the ritual was heightened in its solemnity by the musical accompaniments of Bro .
Higgs , the Orgamrt and P . M of St . Mary ' s Lodge . Bro . Absolon was missing when called upon to show his proficency in the First Degree and to stand a candidate for the Second , so the lodge was raised to the Second Degree , for the due examination of five candidates for the promotion promised them in due time : these were Bros . Everett , Stewart , J . Amesden , A . Amesden , and
G . E . Travers . They were all present , and having passed in a most satisfactory manner the lodge was in efue form raised , and the five brethren were made participators in the privileges of Master Masons . The ceremony was long in consequence of the lodge as a whole having a great pride in good work , and the greatest care was taken to give the degree with becom-> ng . | we might say with artistic effect , and Bro . Higgs '
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
organ accomj animent was most effective and striking . The leVge work was opened when the lodge was resumed to the First , and the important task of electing a W . M ., frr the ensuing year came before the members . The brethren discharged lhis duty by unanimously electing the Senior Warden , Bro . A . Taylor , to whom the W . M . gave hearty congratulations in the name of the lodge , and the
W . M . elect , 111 a modest speech , fully appreciative of the honour done to him , thanked the lodge , and took the weighty office upon his shoulders . An election was then held for Treasuter , and Bio . Mandeis was unanimously reelected to this position , and was congratulated upon being the senier P . M . ( f the lodge . Bro . Grant was elected Tyler , and a Christmas present was made to him .
An audit committee was elected in Bros . Dr . Pcarce , Rush and MOJS . Upon the proposal that the lodge should present ihe usual jewel to the W . M ., it was voted by various brethren that the value should be douVled in token of the gratitude of the brethren to Bro . Harty for rescuing the lodge fn m its cold and inhospitable character , and for raising it to a higher degree of prosperity than it could
ever have hoped to " enjoy" under its old system of meeting for Work and parting without refreshment . It was thought , however , that the lodge should keep to the value set down in the byilaws , the brethren tn be at liberty to show their feeling by supplementing the well earned jewel of the lodge in any way they thought proper . The ledge being closed , the brethren adjnumed
to the Holborn Restaurant , where a banquet was served . In the course of the evening , the five newly raised brethren received a further insight into Masonic mysteries , for having with all heartiness toasted the W . M ., they were jokingly told that they rail exposed themselves to the fine of a battle foe challenging the W . M ., and they all at once accepted the situation by ordering up the " extra best . " Bro . Knight Smith sung and played ,
Bro . Watts' favourite ditties were missed , and in the responding to the visitors Bro . J . Stevens , in a lengthened and very complimentary speech , replied to the toast of the visitors , who were Bros . Maj'ir Williams , Dr . Alworth , Capt . Btckett , Dr . E . Payne , and G . W . Tolmie , who also replies . The great amount of work in the lodge had made the banquet late , and as a matter of course it was late before it hail finished .
PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE ( No . 1178 ) . — The regular melting of this lodge was held on Thursday , December 6 th , at ihe Bridge House Hotel , Snuthwark . Bro . Frederick Garbctt , W . M ., presided . Present : Bros . J . Stock , S . W . ; T . Simpson , J . W . ; F . H . Ebsworth , P . M ., Treasurer ; F . Walters , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Bell , S . D . ; S . Quincey , J . D . ; G . H . Fordcr , 7 . G . ; J . H . Harmsworlh , P . M ., D . C ; C . Deakin , P . M . ; W . T . Lover ,
P . M . ; J . A . Smith , P . M ., andabout forty members . Visitors : Bros . Rev . H . J . Hatch , P . M . 160 ; T . Aldridge , 507 ; D . Smith , 1326 ; R . Pooley , 1326 ; R . W . Williams , 1622 . and others . The work done well by the W . M . was raising , passing , and initiations The initiation fee was raised to ten guineas . Some joining numbers and canelidates for initiation were proposed . The lodge closed and adjourned to February 7 th .
THE ROTHESAY LODGE ( No . 1687 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous and well-established lodge was held on Wednesday , the 3 th inst ., at the Inns of Court Hotel , Holborn . Bro . Louis Beck , W . M ., opened the lodge . There were present Bros . Frank Kirk , S . W . ; Hancock , J . W . ; B . H . Swallow , P . G . J . D . Middlesex , P . M ., Treas . ; W . C . Parsons , P . M ., Sec . ; J . B . Docker ,
S . D . ; J . Crossland , J . D . ; J . Outhwaite , I . G . ; Forscait , D . C ; Duret , W . S . ; Jones , A . W . S . ; Lcvermore , Ellen , Lintott , Lucas , Palmer , Michaels , and others . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . F . Walters , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M . 7 ,, etc . ; E . H . Thiellay , P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex , P . M . 145 , W . M . 1423 , & C . ; H . A . Staccy , P . M . 180 ; G . Bubb , P . M . 180 ; Faiwig , S . D . 180 ; Collins , P . M .
1328 ; Denton , 25 ; Partridge , 1445 ; Crovviher , I . G . 1248 ; J . W . Thompson , 16 95 ; E . Crickmay , 1426 ; J . Berrow , 190 ; W . A . Tinnty , P . M . 1319 ; E . Swanborough , J . W . 1319 ; H . H . Bennett , 370 ; and some whose names we were unable to ascertain . The W . M ., Bro . Louis Beck , in an able manner , which gave great satisfaction to all who had the good fortune to be present ,
raised Bros . Taylor , Levermorc , and Ellen , passed Bros . Lintott and Ellen , initiated Mr . Epaminondas Lconidas Valerinani and Mr . Lionel Nathan into Freemasonry . He was then unanimously elected to the proud position of StewarJ to represent the lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Girls' School , to be held on Wednesday , May 8 th , 1878 , the worthy Treasurer , Bro . B . H . Swallow ,
P . G . J . D . Middlesex , giving timely help by giving notice of motion to swell his list by voting a goodly sum from the lodge funds to head it with . The Secretary proved himself the right man in the right place by an admirable notice of motion which he gave concerning an important and wise alteration in the bye-laws . It is seldom that wc visit any lodge where there is to be found such good work
from a W . M ., careful and discriminating exercise of the duties of Treasurer , wise and judicious rendering of the Secretarial administration , as what is to be found in this lodge . The names of gentlemen who are anxious to be initiated were given in to the Secretary . Other formalities were gone through , and the lodge was closed and adjourned to meet next year . A splendid banquet and
dessert was scrvcel under the courteous management of Mr . Gcsden , who attended personally to supervise it . The usual toasts were given and responded to . The event of the evening was the presentation to Bro . Louis Beck of a handsome maible bust of himself . The bust
when unveiled was such a striking good likeness that it was received with a genuine burst of enthusiasm of the appreciation of the merits displayed by the artist in its execution . The presentation was entrusted to Bro . Frank Kirk , S . W ., who in the best manner it was possible for it to be done , on behalf of himself and the other subscribers
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
asked the W . M . to accept the bust . The W . M ., Bro . L . Beck , who seemed deeply affected by this splendid gift , acknowle d ged the high compliment paid h . m by presenting him with the bust , and accepted it with gratitude and thanks . Songs , recitations , and music brought a pleasant meeting to an agreeable close . The brethren separated at a reasonable hour , wishing one and all the compliments
of the approaching season . WOOLWICH . —Union Waterloo Lodge ( No . 13 ) . —The regular meeting of the above lodge took place on Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., at F . H ., William-street , Bro . G . W . Reed , W . M ., presiding . The other officers present were F . G . Povvnall , I . P . M . ; G . Davies , P . M . ; J . P . Moore , S . W . ; T . Hutton , J . W . ; J . Henderson ,
P . M . and Trias . ; H . Syer , Sec ; N . Brown , S . D . ; G . H . Masters , J . D . ; T . Hosgood , I . G . ; T . Hassell , D . C , and B . Norman , Tyler . The visitors were G . Andrews , P . M . 871 ; G . Spinks , W . M . 1536 ; D . Wilson , 54 ; G . T . Edds , 40 ; and C Jolly , 913 ( Freemason ) . The work before the lodge consisted of the passing of Bro . Akers , and the raising of Bro . Westlake ; the former ceremony being worked
by the W . M ., and the latter ( in the W . M . 's temporary absence ) by Bro . P . M . Pownall . The lodge was then closed in due form . Having honoured the usual preliminary toasts and the W . M . had responded to a flattering recognition of his name , he proposed the toart of " The Visitors , " coupling it with the name of P . M . Andrews , who he mentioned as the Preceptor of the " Star Lodge of
Instruction . " Bro . Andrews , in the course of his reply , said they had a good Lodge of Instruction at Woolwich , and strongly advised the brethren to attend it , for there they would see the whole of the ceremonies worked , under the eye of careful Preceptors , with accuracy and in perfect order . The W . M . had been to his house , and there he had gone through the three degrees without an hitch , but of
course it was a very different thing to do so before a full lodge . He had advised the W . M . to go into it like a boy would take his first heaelcr—with a dash ( laughter and cheers ) . He felt sure that their W . M . would sustain the credit of the lodge and leave that chair with their entire sat ^ faction . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Spinks then spoke of the pleasure it gave him to see the W . M . do his work , and the
excellent feeling which pervaded the whole of the lodge towards him . He and their W . M . had been closely associated in Masonry together for some time ; they had been S . W . ' s together in this district , and now were W . M . 's together . He wished him a prosperous year of office , and the lodge success , and concluded by inviting as many as could come to his lodge , the " United Military , " on the
following I'riday . ( Applause . ) In proposing the toast of " The : Past Masters , " the W . M . warmly eulogised Bro . Pownall , who he said , was one of the best P . M . ' s in the district , and regretted the necessity of his ( Bro . Pownall ' s ) leaving them . Bro . Povvnall , in reply , took no especial credit to himself but , gave all honour to those who had precceled him . He should continue to be a subscribing
member of the lodge . It was a regret of his to leave Woolwich , because of the happy associations formed here , but especially , felt the losing of his pleasure in being with them on lodge nights . They were looking forward to their centenary , and he hoped to see the day when they would obtain a jewel for it . He trusted that they would long continue in their bond of unanimity and brotherly
love which now held them , and trusted he might long be spared to place his humble services at their disposal for the welfare and interest of the lodge and its members . ( Cheers . ) " The Officers' Health" was next proposed , and Bio . Moore suitably replied . The Tyler ' s toast concluded the duties of the evening . MIDDLETON . —Imperial George Lodge
( No . 78 ) . —The last meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , Nov . 29 th , at the Assheton Arms . Bro . G . Bradbury , W . M . presided , being assisted by Bros . W . Percival , S . W . ; F . Fothcrgill , J . W . ; D . Reid , I . P . M . ; J . Garlick , V . M . ; S . H . Chcetham , P . M . ; J . Hatton , Sec . ; F . Hooper , Org . ; J . Kent , Tyler . The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary and received confirmation . Bro ,
Tetlow having to the satisfaction of the brethren answered the questions leading to the l'hird Degree , was entrusted with the test of merit and pissed out . The lodge was then raised to the Third Degree , and Bro . Tetlow elevated to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . by the W . M ., in a manner at once impressive and solemn . Bro . Hooper presided at the harmonium , and contributed in no slight degree to the
solemnity of the ceremony . The lodge having been lowered to the First Degree , the brethren proceeded to the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , and their choice fell upon Bro . Percival , S . W . Bro . Harvey Heywood , P . M ., whose unavoidable absence was regretted by all , was again appointed Treasurer ; Bro . Kent was elicted Tyler and Bros . Barley , Hewitt , and Valentine , Auditors . " Hearty
Good Wishes were accorded from Lodges 148 , 152 , 1213 , 1588 , and 1633 ; after which Bro . Reid , I . P . M ., rose to address the brethren upon the death of Bro . Mills . He said that few who saw the cheerful face of Bro . Mills at their last meeting would have expected that he would so soon be taken from them . He felt very deeply the loss of Bro . Mills ; he had been the last initiate in his ( Bro .
Reid ' s ) year of office . By his exemplary conduct , his regular attendance at their meetings , and his studious endeavour to walk the path of life by Masonic rule , he had won the esteem and respect of the brethren . The death of Bro . Mills was a great loss , not only to the lodge but to that wide circle of friends who would long feel hi removal . In conclusion , he moved " That the Imperia
George Lodge , No . 78 , of Ancient Free and Accepted Matons desires to express its profound sorrow at the death of their Bro , Moses Mills . The brethren , therefore , place on the minutes of the lodge this expression of their respect and sorrow , and direct that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the family of their late Bro . Moses Mills in token of their sincere and earnest sympathy in the loss they have sustained . " Bto . Garlick , who exhibited much