Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF A NEW LODGE AT LARKHALL, LANARKSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article DIMITS. Page 1 of 1 Article DEDICATION OF KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE. Page 1 of 1 Article A NEW LODGE IN NORTH LONDON. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
relating to events that took place , about the time of his joining the lodge , but the minute book showed that those statements were without foundation , and this showed the necessity of the records of a lodge being accurately kept , as he was glad to say they were . He had accordingly
confirmed the action of tlie lodge in expelling Mr . Stratford . The P . G . M . then impressed on the members the necessity of caution in the admission of visitors , and also dwelt on the desirability of an extended scheme of benevolence for the province , stating , that as this was the last
visitation for this season , and he had now brought the matter before each lodge , he thought that now something practical should be done , and with that view he intended , at the next provincial meeting , to bring it before them in a definite shape . Bro . Jackson , R . W . M ., thanked the
P . G . M . and the deputation for their visit , and also for the favourable way in which they had spoken of the affairs of the lodge , and congratulated them on having completed their arduous task of visiting the twenty-six lodges of the Provinces . By the aid of his officers aud
members , the lodge of Glasgow had . , during the past year , paid oft * s £$ o of their debt , and their hall would soon be free , and he could assure the P . G . L . that 441 would gladly join a plan for extending benevolence to deserving objects . The deputation then withdrew . The brethren spent some time in harmonv . The R . W . M .
proposed the various toasts in appropriate terms ; that of the visitors was responded to by Bro . J . Gray , of No . 1 7 , and G . W . Wheeler , 73 , who proposed "Prosperity to Lodge 441 . " Bro . Jackson acknowledged the compliment , and gave " The Masonic Press . " Bro . Wheeler responded for the Freemason , and Bro . Adams for the Masonic News .
GLASGOW . — Clyde Lodge ( No . 408 , ) met at J 70 , Buchanan-street , on Friday , May 15 th , D . Downie , R . W . M ., in the chair , supported by J . McDonald , P . M . 735 G . W . Wheeler , 73 J . Bain , P . M . 103 ; J . R . Mitchell , P . M . 332 J . McGinnis , S . W . ; Wm . Billsland , J . W . 3 J .
Harper , T . There was a petition for initiation from Mr . Buckland , Master Mariner , and also one from Mr . H . G . Banks , on behalf of lodge 73 . These two gentlemen were then duly initiated into the Order b y Bro . Downie , the Master of the lodge , in a way
which proved him to be a careful Masonic Student . The lodge having been raised to the second degree , Bro . G . McDonald , P . M . of 73 , passed one brother for his own lodge , and another for the Clyde , into that degree . A lodge of Master Masons was then opened , and Bro . Banks ,
P . M ., of 103 , raised three brethren to the sublime degree . At the conclusion of the ceremony , as two of the new Mark Masters were seafaring men , he related the circumstances under which a master and mate of a schooner who he had
himself raised to the same degree had been the means of saving not only their own lives but those of the whole ship ' s crew , through their shewing the distress sign on their iirst voyage , and the owners were so pleased at their being the means of saving the vessel and cargo that
they had placed them in the command of a large vessel with greatly increased pay . The narration of this anecdote , as the event is quite recent , and some of the actors well known , created a great impression in the Lodge Clyde , as many ot its members are seafaring men .
GLASGOW . —Clydesdale Lodge ( No . 556 ) . —A meeting of this new lodge was held in the " Star Lodge HaU , " 12 , Trongate-street , on Thursday , 14 th May , for the election of officebearers , when the following brethren were unanimously appointed , viz : —Bros . William
Phillips , R . W . M . ; Dr . Thomas Russell , D . M . ; J ohn McNaught , S . M . ; J- B . McNaught , S . W . ; John Howie , J . . - , T . B . Ytiill , T . ; James Strong , S . ; John Frew , S . D . ; John McDougall , J . D . ; John Doig , C . Wm . J . E . Dobson , P . G . S . ; J . Weir , S . S . ; John BrownI . G . ;
, Henry Jackman , A . ; Wm . Graham , T . After the business of election was settled , the lodge proceeded to initiate four candidates , viz : —J . -Brown , Robert Scott , George Yuill , and Duncan Campbell . The lodge was thereafter closed , in due and ancient form .
Consecration Of A New Lodge At Larkhall, Lanarkshire.
Saturday , May the 9 th , was a day to be remembered by the inhabitants of this village and its vicinity , for the oldest inhabitant had never seen such a procession as that formed by the brethren of the mystic tie to assist inaugurating the Lodge Clydesdale Larkhall , No . 534 . As
a proof of the zeal and energy of the members of the new lodge , we have only to say that the charter was only granted on Monday the 4 th , and on the 9 th they had not only got the Provincial Grand Master to attend , but also above
600 brethren from the several other lodges in the province . The day too was propituous and the whole proceedings , considering the short time the new officers had to make their arrangements , was something wonderful , and fully accounted for the few moments' delay , at the
commencement . As it would be invidious to mention a few names where so many were present , we will only state that there were deputations from the following lodges : Hamilton , Kilwinning ( No . 7 ) , Old St . John , Lanark ( No . 21 ) , St Mungo ,
Glasgow ( No . 27 ) , St . Mary Coltness , Wishaw ( No . 31 ) , Thistle and Rose , Glasgow ( No . 73 ) , Robert Burns Chapter ( 143 ) , Free Operatives , Biggar ( 16 * 7 ) , St . John ' s , Carluke ( 187 ) , Union St . John ' s , Stonehouse ( 244 ) , Hamilton ( 233 ) , Woodhall St . John ' s , Holytown ( 305 ) , St .
John ' s , Cairnworth ( 244 ) , St . John s , Dalziel , Motherwell ( 406 ) , and thc Old Larkhall St . Thomas , ( 306 ) , which numbers about 200 members , and has a benefit society attached to it , and who are cordially welcoming the new lodge in their midst . Larkhall is the centre of a large
mining district , and if some of its denizens are not quite so polished as some of the Masonic fraternity , they have hearts as warm , and their hands are quite as open to relieve the wants of a brother in distress .
Bro . Hector MacLean , P . G . M ., of the Upper Ward ofj Lanarkshire , attended by tlie P . G . Sec , Bro . John Currie , and other Provincial Officers , attended punctually at the hour named , and the handsome gold cups , brought by the P . G . M ., excited much admiration .
The consecrating ceremonies having been gone through , Bro . MacLean proceeded to instal the following brethren as the first officers of the lodge : James Davis , R . W . M . ; Daniel Wright , S . W . ; Robert J . Brown , J . W . ; Andrew T . Watson , Sec . ; William MacEwan , Treas . ; Alex .
Frew , S . D . ; William Brown , J . D . ; Neil Barn , S . S . ; Andrew Imrie , J . S . ; John Caldwell , I . G . ; and William Wood , Tyler . At the conclusion of the ceremonies , after a short interval , the brethren assembled in the large hall of Bro . Sibbald ' s Inn , where a substantial banquet was provided
in very good style . The P . G . M . presided , supported by the R . W . M . and P . G . S ., we also noticed Bros . Bassett and Wheel * , who appeared to be the only representatives of the Glasgow Province ; probably this was owing to the shortness of the notice .
A number of brethren in various lodges throughout Scotland are not exactly aware of the nature of a Dim . it , it best explains itself and a copy is herewith given , the blanks being filled up when issued to a brother : —
"Ihe office bearers and members of the lodge holding ofthe Grand Lodge of Scotland , No do hereby certify that brother ( whose signature is annexed in the margin ) has , during the period
of his membership , conducted himself to the entire satisfaction of the lodge , and has paid all fees and dues exigible from him , he is therefore cordially commended to the fraternal reception of
any regular lodge in which he may seek affiliation . R . W . Master . Secretary .
18 " GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND . " The foregoing Dim it is hereby countersigned , and confirmed under the seal of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , at the request of the lodge No .... [ Seal ] Grand Secretary . "
Dedication Of King Solomon's Temple.
We give to day the following amount of subscriptions , and the subscribers names , towards the purchase of Bro . Ashton ' s picture . Bro . George Kenning , 2 , 3 , 4 , Little Britain , is the treasurer of the fund . We wish the endeavour
to obtain the picture for Freemasons Hall all success : — £ s . d . The Most Hon . the Ma-iquess of Ripon , M . W . Grand Master 5 5 o
Friends in Council Lodge ( No . 1383 ) 1 1 o Lodge of Union No . 38 o to : o Lodge of Unanimity No , 102 o 15 , v o Massy Rynes 1 1 o R . Sargent o 10 o
E . Smyth o 10 o J . Bingham o 5 o £ . J . Duncan ... 1 1 o F . Duncan 010 o W . Johnson o to o
W . S . Browne 1 o o S . Bailey o 10 o J . Wilcox o 2 * jj" 6 J . Morgan 050 E . Morgan o 10 . 0
E . Davidson o 5 o P . F . Newnham 1 1 o W . Moore o iojo R . Townsend o 10 o R . Hare 050
Captain R : D . Grady 1 1 o E . Scott 0 10 . o S . C . M o 10 o E . S . Parain 1 1 o
W . P 050 C . M o 10 o J . Williams 0 10 o A . H . R 050 G . J 1 o ~ o C . Tony 1 10
A New Lodge In North London.
We understand that a charter has been granted for a lodge to be holden at the very handsome Literary Institute entitled the . Athenaeum , Camden-road , N . The new lodge , which has taken
its name from the building which is proposed for its place of meeting , is founded , we are led to believe , under very distinguished patronage , and starts on its course with every prospect of a brilliant career . The aims of its founders are
sufficiently indicated by the device and motto assumed . Around a bust of Pallas-Athene a garter bears the aphorism , " Sapientia Sumraa Felicitas . " The number on the Grand Lodge register is 1491 . The very Worshipful Bro . John Hervey , G . S ., & c , & c , is deputed by the
Grand Master to perform the ceremony of consecration , and has appointed Wednesday , the 10 th June , at six o ' clock in the evening , for that purpose , when a very select company—comprising some of the very elite of the Craft—is expected to be present . The new lodge will be entirelv independent of the tavern element , the
brethren undertaking their own commissariat . It remains but to be added , that the first occupant of the throne of K . S . in this star , now rising in the north , will be the worthy and well-known Bro . Samuel Poynter , P . M . and Treas ., Burgoyne lodge No . 902 , and for many years past an active member of the Board of General
Purposes . HOLLOWAY ' OrsTMr . sT ANU P ILLS—SOKES , WOUNDS AND ULCEUS . —livery variety of so re , ulcer , eruption , boil , and carbuncle is safely stopped in its destructive course by the timely application of this healing Ointment , lt arrests unhealthy , and substitutes healthy action ; thus curing inflamed , irritable , and spreading diseases affecting
the skin . Holloway ' s Ointment has gained an imperishable fame for its faculty in healing old inflammatory sores about the shins and ankles , and for bad legs and old wounds it cannot be equalled ; nor is it less efficacious in gathered breasts and abscesses . When the complaint has been of long continuance , Holloway ' s i-ills will expedite recovery if taken in those doses which act as alteratives on the stomach and tonics on the constitution . — ADVT .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
relating to events that took place , about the time of his joining the lodge , but the minute book showed that those statements were without foundation , and this showed the necessity of the records of a lodge being accurately kept , as he was glad to say they were . He had accordingly
confirmed the action of tlie lodge in expelling Mr . Stratford . The P . G . M . then impressed on the members the necessity of caution in the admission of visitors , and also dwelt on the desirability of an extended scheme of benevolence for the province , stating , that as this was the last
visitation for this season , and he had now brought the matter before each lodge , he thought that now something practical should be done , and with that view he intended , at the next provincial meeting , to bring it before them in a definite shape . Bro . Jackson , R . W . M ., thanked the
P . G . M . and the deputation for their visit , and also for the favourable way in which they had spoken of the affairs of the lodge , and congratulated them on having completed their arduous task of visiting the twenty-six lodges of the Provinces . By the aid of his officers aud
members , the lodge of Glasgow had . , during the past year , paid oft * s £$ o of their debt , and their hall would soon be free , and he could assure the P . G . L . that 441 would gladly join a plan for extending benevolence to deserving objects . The deputation then withdrew . The brethren spent some time in harmonv . The R . W . M .
proposed the various toasts in appropriate terms ; that of the visitors was responded to by Bro . J . Gray , of No . 1 7 , and G . W . Wheeler , 73 , who proposed "Prosperity to Lodge 441 . " Bro . Jackson acknowledged the compliment , and gave " The Masonic Press . " Bro . Wheeler responded for the Freemason , and Bro . Adams for the Masonic News .
GLASGOW . — Clyde Lodge ( No . 408 , ) met at J 70 , Buchanan-street , on Friday , May 15 th , D . Downie , R . W . M ., in the chair , supported by J . McDonald , P . M . 735 G . W . Wheeler , 73 J . Bain , P . M . 103 ; J . R . Mitchell , P . M . 332 J . McGinnis , S . W . ; Wm . Billsland , J . W . 3 J .
Harper , T . There was a petition for initiation from Mr . Buckland , Master Mariner , and also one from Mr . H . G . Banks , on behalf of lodge 73 . These two gentlemen were then duly initiated into the Order b y Bro . Downie , the Master of the lodge , in a way
which proved him to be a careful Masonic Student . The lodge having been raised to the second degree , Bro . G . McDonald , P . M . of 73 , passed one brother for his own lodge , and another for the Clyde , into that degree . A lodge of Master Masons was then opened , and Bro . Banks ,
P . M ., of 103 , raised three brethren to the sublime degree . At the conclusion of the ceremony , as two of the new Mark Masters were seafaring men , he related the circumstances under which a master and mate of a schooner who he had
himself raised to the same degree had been the means of saving not only their own lives but those of the whole ship ' s crew , through their shewing the distress sign on their iirst voyage , and the owners were so pleased at their being the means of saving the vessel and cargo that
they had placed them in the command of a large vessel with greatly increased pay . The narration of this anecdote , as the event is quite recent , and some of the actors well known , created a great impression in the Lodge Clyde , as many ot its members are seafaring men .
GLASGOW . —Clydesdale Lodge ( No . 556 ) . —A meeting of this new lodge was held in the " Star Lodge HaU , " 12 , Trongate-street , on Thursday , 14 th May , for the election of officebearers , when the following brethren were unanimously appointed , viz : —Bros . William
Phillips , R . W . M . ; Dr . Thomas Russell , D . M . ; J ohn McNaught , S . M . ; J- B . McNaught , S . W . ; John Howie , J . . - , T . B . Ytiill , T . ; James Strong , S . ; John Frew , S . D . ; John McDougall , J . D . ; John Doig , C . Wm . J . E . Dobson , P . G . S . ; J . Weir , S . S . ; John BrownI . G . ;
, Henry Jackman , A . ; Wm . Graham , T . After the business of election was settled , the lodge proceeded to initiate four candidates , viz : —J . -Brown , Robert Scott , George Yuill , and Duncan Campbell . The lodge was thereafter closed , in due and ancient form .
Consecration Of A New Lodge At Larkhall, Lanarkshire.
Saturday , May the 9 th , was a day to be remembered by the inhabitants of this village and its vicinity , for the oldest inhabitant had never seen such a procession as that formed by the brethren of the mystic tie to assist inaugurating the Lodge Clydesdale Larkhall , No . 534 . As
a proof of the zeal and energy of the members of the new lodge , we have only to say that the charter was only granted on Monday the 4 th , and on the 9 th they had not only got the Provincial Grand Master to attend , but also above
600 brethren from the several other lodges in the province . The day too was propituous and the whole proceedings , considering the short time the new officers had to make their arrangements , was something wonderful , and fully accounted for the few moments' delay , at the
commencement . As it would be invidious to mention a few names where so many were present , we will only state that there were deputations from the following lodges : Hamilton , Kilwinning ( No . 7 ) , Old St . John , Lanark ( No . 21 ) , St Mungo ,
Glasgow ( No . 27 ) , St . Mary Coltness , Wishaw ( No . 31 ) , Thistle and Rose , Glasgow ( No . 73 ) , Robert Burns Chapter ( 143 ) , Free Operatives , Biggar ( 16 * 7 ) , St . John ' s , Carluke ( 187 ) , Union St . John ' s , Stonehouse ( 244 ) , Hamilton ( 233 ) , Woodhall St . John ' s , Holytown ( 305 ) , St .
John ' s , Cairnworth ( 244 ) , St . John s , Dalziel , Motherwell ( 406 ) , and thc Old Larkhall St . Thomas , ( 306 ) , which numbers about 200 members , and has a benefit society attached to it , and who are cordially welcoming the new lodge in their midst . Larkhall is the centre of a large
mining district , and if some of its denizens are not quite so polished as some of the Masonic fraternity , they have hearts as warm , and their hands are quite as open to relieve the wants of a brother in distress .
Bro . Hector MacLean , P . G . M ., of the Upper Ward ofj Lanarkshire , attended by tlie P . G . Sec , Bro . John Currie , and other Provincial Officers , attended punctually at the hour named , and the handsome gold cups , brought by the P . G . M ., excited much admiration .
The consecrating ceremonies having been gone through , Bro . MacLean proceeded to instal the following brethren as the first officers of the lodge : James Davis , R . W . M . ; Daniel Wright , S . W . ; Robert J . Brown , J . W . ; Andrew T . Watson , Sec . ; William MacEwan , Treas . ; Alex .
Frew , S . D . ; William Brown , J . D . ; Neil Barn , S . S . ; Andrew Imrie , J . S . ; John Caldwell , I . G . ; and William Wood , Tyler . At the conclusion of the ceremonies , after a short interval , the brethren assembled in the large hall of Bro . Sibbald ' s Inn , where a substantial banquet was provided
in very good style . The P . G . M . presided , supported by the R . W . M . and P . G . S ., we also noticed Bros . Bassett and Wheel * , who appeared to be the only representatives of the Glasgow Province ; probably this was owing to the shortness of the notice .
A number of brethren in various lodges throughout Scotland are not exactly aware of the nature of a Dim . it , it best explains itself and a copy is herewith given , the blanks being filled up when issued to a brother : —
"Ihe office bearers and members of the lodge holding ofthe Grand Lodge of Scotland , No do hereby certify that brother ( whose signature is annexed in the margin ) has , during the period
of his membership , conducted himself to the entire satisfaction of the lodge , and has paid all fees and dues exigible from him , he is therefore cordially commended to the fraternal reception of
any regular lodge in which he may seek affiliation . R . W . Master . Secretary .
18 " GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND . " The foregoing Dim it is hereby countersigned , and confirmed under the seal of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , at the request of the lodge No .... [ Seal ] Grand Secretary . "
Dedication Of King Solomon's Temple.
We give to day the following amount of subscriptions , and the subscribers names , towards the purchase of Bro . Ashton ' s picture . Bro . George Kenning , 2 , 3 , 4 , Little Britain , is the treasurer of the fund . We wish the endeavour
to obtain the picture for Freemasons Hall all success : — £ s . d . The Most Hon . the Ma-iquess of Ripon , M . W . Grand Master 5 5 o
Friends in Council Lodge ( No . 1383 ) 1 1 o Lodge of Union No . 38 o to : o Lodge of Unanimity No , 102 o 15 , v o Massy Rynes 1 1 o R . Sargent o 10 o
E . Smyth o 10 o J . Bingham o 5 o £ . J . Duncan ... 1 1 o F . Duncan 010 o W . Johnson o to o
W . S . Browne 1 o o S . Bailey o 10 o J . Wilcox o 2 * jj" 6 J . Morgan 050 E . Morgan o 10 . 0
E . Davidson o 5 o P . F . Newnham 1 1 o W . Moore o iojo R . Townsend o 10 o R . Hare 050
Captain R : D . Grady 1 1 o E . Scott 0 10 . o S . C . M o 10 o E . S . Parain 1 1 o
W . P 050 C . M o 10 o J . Williams 0 10 o A . H . R 050 G . J 1 o ~ o C . Tony 1 10
A New Lodge In North London.
We understand that a charter has been granted for a lodge to be holden at the very handsome Literary Institute entitled the . Athenaeum , Camden-road , N . The new lodge , which has taken
its name from the building which is proposed for its place of meeting , is founded , we are led to believe , under very distinguished patronage , and starts on its course with every prospect of a brilliant career . The aims of its founders are
sufficiently indicated by the device and motto assumed . Around a bust of Pallas-Athene a garter bears the aphorism , " Sapientia Sumraa Felicitas . " The number on the Grand Lodge register is 1491 . The very Worshipful Bro . John Hervey , G . S ., & c , & c , is deputed by the
Grand Master to perform the ceremony of consecration , and has appointed Wednesday , the 10 th June , at six o ' clock in the evening , for that purpose , when a very select company—comprising some of the very elite of the Craft—is expected to be present . The new lodge will be entirelv independent of the tavern element , the
brethren undertaking their own commissariat . It remains but to be added , that the first occupant of the throne of K . S . in this star , now rising in the north , will be the worthy and well-known Bro . Samuel Poynter , P . M . and Treas ., Burgoyne lodge No . 902 , and for many years past an active member of the Board of General
Purposes . HOLLOWAY ' OrsTMr . sT ANU P ILLS—SOKES , WOUNDS AND ULCEUS . —livery variety of so re , ulcer , eruption , boil , and carbuncle is safely stopped in its destructive course by the timely application of this healing Ointment , lt arrests unhealthy , and substitutes healthy action ; thus curing inflamed , irritable , and spreading diseases affecting
the skin . Holloway ' s Ointment has gained an imperishable fame for its faculty in healing old inflammatory sores about the shins and ankles , and for bad legs and old wounds it cannot be equalled ; nor is it less efficacious in gathered breasts and abscesses . When the complaint has been of long continuance , Holloway ' s i-ills will expedite recovery if taken in those doses which act as alteratives on the stomach and tonics on the constitution . — ADVT .