Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Chapter ( No . 249 ) . — The annual meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on the evening of Friday , the Sth instant , when there was a large and influential muster of companions . Comp . J . F .-Jones , Z ., presided at the opr-nins ?* ,
and amongst the others present were Comps . J . Hamer , P . Z . ; W . J . Lunt , P . Z . ; J . Healing , P . Z . ; W . Doyle , H . ; H . Pearson , J . ; J . S . Dixon , E . ; W . C Bulman , N . ; J . E . Jackson , P . S . ; Joseph Wood , Treas . ; Rev . P . Hains , Chaplain , P . Ball , fanitor : W . Roberts , W .
Laidlaw , P . Z . 216 : P . B . Gee ; G . S . Willings ; C . Leighton , J . R . ' Goepel , P . S . 86 ; A . Bucknail : W . Curtis ; J . Chisnall ; T . H . Hall ; R . Carter ; J . Archdeacon ; H . Firth ; J . Marshall ; J . E . Skillicorn ; W . Heath ; Jose F . Larza ; W . Nash ; C . Warner , & c . The list of visitors
included the names of Companions J . Pemberton , P . Z . 1094 ; W . Shortis , H . 1094 ; W . T . May , P . Z . jSo ; P . M . Larsen , P . Z . 220 ; T . Clark , 67 * ; J . Skeaf , Z . 216 ; j . Goodman , 823 ; and C . S . Hikins , 203 . After the transaction of some formal business , Comp . J . Hamer . P . Z .,
proceeded to instal Comp . W . Doyle , H ., as Z . of the chapter , and after he had been duly placed in that position , he invested the following as his officers for the ensuing year : —Comps . H . Pearson , H . ; W . C . Bulman , J . ; Joseph Wood , Treas . ( re-elected ); Rev . P . Hains , Chaplain
J . E . Jackson , P . S . ; J . S . Dixon , S . E . ; P . B . Gee , S . N . Comp . Peter Ball was unanimously re-elected Janitor . Comp Hamer , who is a recognised veteran in excellent working , performed the ceremony of installation in a remarkably
able manner . Bros Evans , Carter , and Jones , were exalted during the meeting , and in the course of the evening Comp . J . F . Jones was presented with a handsome P . Z . jewel , in recognition of his valuable services .
PANMURE CIIAPTRR ( NO . 720 ) . — -The installation meeting of this prosperous chapter was held at the " Horns Tavern , " Kennington , on Monday , the nth instant . The chapter was placed in mourning for the late Comp . S . C . Davison , the M . E . Z ., whose decease took place on thc
23 rd January last . The chapter was opened by Comps . James Stevens , P . Z ., as M . E . Z . ; Henry Smith , H . ; Clias . Hammerton , J . ; H . C . Levander , P . Z ., and Treas . ; R . H . Harvey , P . Z . ; Joseph Nunn , P . Z . ; John Rend , P . Z . ; William Watson , P . Z . ; William Worrell , M . E . Z .,
William Preston Chapter ; and the following companions were present during the convocation , viz : —Comps . Rev . W . B . Church . N . ; T . Pulsford , P . S . ; T . Poore ; C . Bnrrell ; Newington Bridges ; T . Heller ; R . B . Bryant ; G . Waterall ; M . S . Larlham ; F . Levander ; 11
N . Field ; and J . Gilbert . The minutes ofthe previous convocation having been confirmed , Bro . William Hislop Van Baerle , of the British Lodge , \ o . 8 , wasdulyexalted into the Supreme Degree with full ceremony and addresses . Tlie following companions were then installed and
invested , respectively , as officers for the ensuing year , viz . —Comps . Henry Smith , M . E . Z . ; Chas Hammerton , H . ; Rev . W . B . Church , J . ; James Stevens , P . Z ., E . ; G . Waterall , N . ; H . C . Levander , P . Z ., Treas . ; M . S . Larlham , P . S .: T . Poore , S . A . S . ; R . N . Field , J . A . S . ¦ R . B .
Bryant , Steward-and J . Gilbert , Janitor . The report of the Audff Committee , which presented a very favourable financial result , after liberal donations to charitable purposes , was read and adopted . The sum of five pounds , to be added to a former vote of equal amount , was voted for
the purpose of constituting a Life Governorshi p in the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , in memory of the late M . E . Z ., to be called the "Davison Governorshi p , " and to be at the disposal of the Treasurer for the time being . A similar Life Governorshi p , in memory of the late Comp . Thomas , P . Z ., had been created
during the past year . The resignation of Comp . Worthmgton , P . Z ., in consequence of business engagements in the country , was accepted with earnest expressions of regret , and the resignation of Comp . T . Pulsford was also accepted . Propositions for exaltation at the ensuing meeting were received , and the chapter was then closed .
Royal Arch.
The companions partook of an excellent banquet , provided in first-rate style by the new host of the " Horns' " Tavern , which gave unqualified satisfaction , and was supplemented by a very generous gift from the M . E . Z ., who received hearty congratulations on his advancement in
Masonic position , and whose health , after the usual preliminary toasts , was cordially drunk and responded to by him in his customary genial and courteous manner . A most enjoyable evening was passed in that perfect harmony and
good companionship which has been characteristic of this chapter from its foundation , and the members separated at a seasonable hour , well p leased with the entire proceedings of their ninth anniversary .
Scotland .
EDINBURGH . —The Lodgc ' of Edinburgh Mary ' s Chapel' ( No . 1 ) . —The last monthly meeting of tlie season of this lodge was held in the lodge room , Waterloo place , on Tuesday evening , the 12 th inst . There were present on the occasion , Bro . Bailie Muirhead , R / W . M . ; Abbott , P . M .
Officer , P . M . ; Mann , P . M ., Melville , P . D . M ., President Board of Grand Stewards ; Captain Shanks , Royal Marines L . I ., J . G . W ., Prov . Grand Lodge of Devon ; Schopp , R . W . M . ; Lodge Canongate Kilwinning No . 2 , accompanied by a deputation ; H . R . Hendrie , P . M .,
lodge Journeymen , No . 8 ; Roy , D . M . ; Dr . Dickson , S . M ., and a numerous attendance of other brethren . In the temporary absence of the R . W . M ., the lodge was opened by Bro . Roy , D . M ., after which the minutes were read and confirmed . A petition was then read from Bro .
Edward Massey Hay , Roslin , Mid Lothian , a M . M . of the Lodge Hornsey , No . S 90 ( E . C . ) craving to be affiliated a member of the lodge , which having been unanimously approved , Bro . Hay was duly affiliated , and at a subsequent part of the evening gave the brethren an interesting
sketch of his experiences as a Freemason in various distant parts of the world , and of the advantages of Freemasonry to those whose avocations lead them to travel abroad , a remark which was amply corroborated by Bro . Captain Shanks . In accordance with a previous
resolution of the lodge to confer honorary affiliation on Bro . H . P . Hendrie , P . M . of the Lodge Journeymen No . 8 , in recognition of his lengthened and well known services to the Craft , and of the friendly relations which have always existed betwixt tlie lodge No . 1 ,
and the lodge No . 8 , one of its most thriving and vigorous offshoots , that brother presented himself , and was affiliated in common form , amid the applause of the brethren . A gratifying part of the proceedings of the evening consisted in the presentation of a piece of plate , and a
P . M . ' s jewel , to Bro . W . J . Crawheld Abbott , whose name has been familiarly identified with the lodge for a considerable number of years past . Bro . Abbott has been in office for at least seven consecutive years of that period as Secretary , Sub-Master , and latterly as R . W . M .,
an office which he vacated on St . John ' s Day , 1872 , and during his connection with the lodge , he has worked incessantly and disinterestedly in furthering its welfare . The R . W . M ., in making the presentation , adverted in a highly complimentary manner to the good wo * -k Bro . Abbott
had done for his mother lodge , and how pleasing it was to him , personally , to be deputed by the brethren to place in his hands that gift expressive of their appreciation of his services in the various offices he had filled . He hoped that Bro . Abbott would not estimate their gratitude
by the size or value of the g ift , but accept as a little representing a great deal . The R . W . M . concluded by placing the piece of plate in Bro . Abbott ' s hands , and by fixing the jewel on his breast , amid much applause . Bro . Abbott , in reply , said that he felt great difficulty in
expressing himself in terms adequate to an occasion so gratifying to him . It did not require this mark of their approval to keep him in mind of the gratitude he owed to the lodge . After serving in several subordinate offices , he was raised b y the goodwill of the brethren to the responsible position of Master , in which position
he received the most generous support from the office-bearers and brethren . He would ever look back to the two years of Mastership as the most p leasant of his life . While occupying the chair he endeavoured , as was his duty , to do all he could not only to
advance the interests of the lodge , but those of the Craft at large ; and although he had never " passed the chair , " the brethren mi ght always reckon upon him in any emergency so long as health and strength were vouchsafed to him . Bro . Abbott concluded by adding that as he had
devoted much time to Masonry , he considered it just to do homage to claims of an iniuortant nature by allowing Mrs . Abbott to receive her own pleasure in tho selection of the gift , a remark which elicited much applause . On the motion of brother officers it was unanimously
agreed to record on the minutes an expression of regret at the death of Bro . Alexander Hay , a Past Treasurer , and ( with the exception of two ) the oldest member of the lodge . Bro . Hay was initiated in the year 1 S 22 , and has thus been connected with the lodge for the long pmod of 52 years . This concluded the business , and the
lodge was closed according to ancient form . GLASGOW . —St . Marl ; Lodge , No . 102 , held their usual meeting on Monday , May nth . There was a good attendance of members , Bro . j . Mitchell , R . W . M ., in the chair . There was one candidate who was dulv admitted into the Order by the P . M ., Bro . T . Halket .
GLASGOW . —Star Lodge , No . 279 , met on the nth . Their fine new Hall was crowded with members and visitors , Bro . Joseph Wilson , R . W . M :, in the chair ; J . Logan , S . W . ; Jas . Duthie , acting J . W . ; Bro . Miller , Sec . There were two candidates for initiation , and a request
was preferred from the Lodge Union and Crown , 103 , to initiate two for them . This was readilyacceded to , and Bro . A . M . Wright , R . W . M ., of 103 , proceeded to initiate the four gentlemen in a careful and praiseworthy manner . The lodge was then raised to the second degree , and five brethren were duly passed to that degree , Bro .
J . Gilles , R . W . M . of 103 , giving the degree . The lodge was again raised , and that sublime degree was conferred on three brethren by Bro . P . M . Bain . This concluded a long evening ' s labours , the brethren having had the opportunity of seeing the three degrees worked by three excellent workers of the mystic art .
GLASGOW . — Union Lodge ( No . 33 ) . —This lodge held an emergency meeting on Monday , May 1 ith , to initiate a gentleman who was about to sail for Canada . The lodge was opened at 8 p . m . by Bro . J . MacNair , R . W . M . ; Bros .
McHurdy , S . W . ; J . McConnachy , J . W . J . Balfour , P . M ., as Past D . M . ; and J . Murray , Secretary . The 1 st and 2 nd degree were wrought by the Master , Bro . J . Pash gave the obligation of the 3 rd , and Bro . J . Balfour the lecture and concluding charges .
GLASGOW . —Glasgow Lodge ( No . 441 ) . — This lodge held their monthly meeting in their own hall , Struthers-street , on Tuesday , May 12 th , the R . W . M ., Bro . W . H . Jackson , in the chair , Bros . W . Taylor , P . M . ; Thallon , S . W . ; J . Mason , J . W . ; and A . Rennie , Secretary . A
deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge , consisting of Bros . M . W . F . A . Barrow , D . P . G ., acting Grand Master ; J . B . Walker , P . G . T . ; A . McTaggart , M . A ., P . G . S . ; G . Thallon , P . G . J . D . ; J . Balfour , P . G . D . of C . ; James Gilles , P . G . S . B . ; and Wm . Phillips , P . G . I . G .
The P . G . Secretary reported that after a minute examination they had found all the books perfectly correct and well kept . The P . G . M . said it was always a source of p leasure to be able to speak well of the lodge they were visiting , and in this instance it was all the more satisfactory ,
as they had had occasion to refer to the minutes for the past five years , and they found they had been always accurately kept . As the lodge was aware they had some trouble with one of their late members , Bro . Thomas Stratford , whom
they had expelled for unmasonic conduct J rejoining and acting as the Master of an unrecognised lodge ; that gentleman had appealed to the Grand Lodge , who had sent his appeal back to Provincial Lodge to be enquired into . When before that body , he had made certain statements
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Chapter ( No . 249 ) . — The annual meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on the evening of Friday , the Sth instant , when there was a large and influential muster of companions . Comp . J . F .-Jones , Z ., presided at the opr-nins ?* ,
and amongst the others present were Comps . J . Hamer , P . Z . ; W . J . Lunt , P . Z . ; J . Healing , P . Z . ; W . Doyle , H . ; H . Pearson , J . ; J . S . Dixon , E . ; W . C Bulman , N . ; J . E . Jackson , P . S . ; Joseph Wood , Treas . ; Rev . P . Hains , Chaplain , P . Ball , fanitor : W . Roberts , W .
Laidlaw , P . Z . 216 : P . B . Gee ; G . S . Willings ; C . Leighton , J . R . ' Goepel , P . S . 86 ; A . Bucknail : W . Curtis ; J . Chisnall ; T . H . Hall ; R . Carter ; J . Archdeacon ; H . Firth ; J . Marshall ; J . E . Skillicorn ; W . Heath ; Jose F . Larza ; W . Nash ; C . Warner , & c . The list of visitors
included the names of Companions J . Pemberton , P . Z . 1094 ; W . Shortis , H . 1094 ; W . T . May , P . Z . jSo ; P . M . Larsen , P . Z . 220 ; T . Clark , 67 * ; J . Skeaf , Z . 216 ; j . Goodman , 823 ; and C . S . Hikins , 203 . After the transaction of some formal business , Comp . J . Hamer . P . Z .,
proceeded to instal Comp . W . Doyle , H ., as Z . of the chapter , and after he had been duly placed in that position , he invested the following as his officers for the ensuing year : —Comps . H . Pearson , H . ; W . C . Bulman , J . ; Joseph Wood , Treas . ( re-elected ); Rev . P . Hains , Chaplain
J . E . Jackson , P . S . ; J . S . Dixon , S . E . ; P . B . Gee , S . N . Comp . Peter Ball was unanimously re-elected Janitor . Comp Hamer , who is a recognised veteran in excellent working , performed the ceremony of installation in a remarkably
able manner . Bros Evans , Carter , and Jones , were exalted during the meeting , and in the course of the evening Comp . J . F . Jones was presented with a handsome P . Z . jewel , in recognition of his valuable services .
PANMURE CIIAPTRR ( NO . 720 ) . — -The installation meeting of this prosperous chapter was held at the " Horns Tavern , " Kennington , on Monday , the nth instant . The chapter was placed in mourning for the late Comp . S . C . Davison , the M . E . Z ., whose decease took place on thc
23 rd January last . The chapter was opened by Comps . James Stevens , P . Z ., as M . E . Z . ; Henry Smith , H . ; Clias . Hammerton , J . ; H . C . Levander , P . Z ., and Treas . ; R . H . Harvey , P . Z . ; Joseph Nunn , P . Z . ; John Rend , P . Z . ; William Watson , P . Z . ; William Worrell , M . E . Z .,
William Preston Chapter ; and the following companions were present during the convocation , viz : —Comps . Rev . W . B . Church . N . ; T . Pulsford , P . S . ; T . Poore ; C . Bnrrell ; Newington Bridges ; T . Heller ; R . B . Bryant ; G . Waterall ; M . S . Larlham ; F . Levander ; 11
N . Field ; and J . Gilbert . The minutes ofthe previous convocation having been confirmed , Bro . William Hislop Van Baerle , of the British Lodge , \ o . 8 , wasdulyexalted into the Supreme Degree with full ceremony and addresses . Tlie following companions were then installed and
invested , respectively , as officers for the ensuing year , viz . —Comps . Henry Smith , M . E . Z . ; Chas Hammerton , H . ; Rev . W . B . Church , J . ; James Stevens , P . Z ., E . ; G . Waterall , N . ; H . C . Levander , P . Z ., Treas . ; M . S . Larlham , P . S .: T . Poore , S . A . S . ; R . N . Field , J . A . S . ¦ R . B .
Bryant , Steward-and J . Gilbert , Janitor . The report of the Audff Committee , which presented a very favourable financial result , after liberal donations to charitable purposes , was read and adopted . The sum of five pounds , to be added to a former vote of equal amount , was voted for
the purpose of constituting a Life Governorshi p in the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , in memory of the late M . E . Z ., to be called the "Davison Governorshi p , " and to be at the disposal of the Treasurer for the time being . A similar Life Governorshi p , in memory of the late Comp . Thomas , P . Z ., had been created
during the past year . The resignation of Comp . Worthmgton , P . Z ., in consequence of business engagements in the country , was accepted with earnest expressions of regret , and the resignation of Comp . T . Pulsford was also accepted . Propositions for exaltation at the ensuing meeting were received , and the chapter was then closed .
Royal Arch.
The companions partook of an excellent banquet , provided in first-rate style by the new host of the " Horns' " Tavern , which gave unqualified satisfaction , and was supplemented by a very generous gift from the M . E . Z ., who received hearty congratulations on his advancement in
Masonic position , and whose health , after the usual preliminary toasts , was cordially drunk and responded to by him in his customary genial and courteous manner . A most enjoyable evening was passed in that perfect harmony and
good companionship which has been characteristic of this chapter from its foundation , and the members separated at a seasonable hour , well p leased with the entire proceedings of their ninth anniversary .
Scotland .
EDINBURGH . —The Lodgc ' of Edinburgh Mary ' s Chapel' ( No . 1 ) . —The last monthly meeting of tlie season of this lodge was held in the lodge room , Waterloo place , on Tuesday evening , the 12 th inst . There were present on the occasion , Bro . Bailie Muirhead , R / W . M . ; Abbott , P . M .
Officer , P . M . ; Mann , P . M ., Melville , P . D . M ., President Board of Grand Stewards ; Captain Shanks , Royal Marines L . I ., J . G . W ., Prov . Grand Lodge of Devon ; Schopp , R . W . M . ; Lodge Canongate Kilwinning No . 2 , accompanied by a deputation ; H . R . Hendrie , P . M .,
lodge Journeymen , No . 8 ; Roy , D . M . ; Dr . Dickson , S . M ., and a numerous attendance of other brethren . In the temporary absence of the R . W . M ., the lodge was opened by Bro . Roy , D . M ., after which the minutes were read and confirmed . A petition was then read from Bro .
Edward Massey Hay , Roslin , Mid Lothian , a M . M . of the Lodge Hornsey , No . S 90 ( E . C . ) craving to be affiliated a member of the lodge , which having been unanimously approved , Bro . Hay was duly affiliated , and at a subsequent part of the evening gave the brethren an interesting
sketch of his experiences as a Freemason in various distant parts of the world , and of the advantages of Freemasonry to those whose avocations lead them to travel abroad , a remark which was amply corroborated by Bro . Captain Shanks . In accordance with a previous
resolution of the lodge to confer honorary affiliation on Bro . H . P . Hendrie , P . M . of the Lodge Journeymen No . 8 , in recognition of his lengthened and well known services to the Craft , and of the friendly relations which have always existed betwixt tlie lodge No . 1 ,
and the lodge No . 8 , one of its most thriving and vigorous offshoots , that brother presented himself , and was affiliated in common form , amid the applause of the brethren . A gratifying part of the proceedings of the evening consisted in the presentation of a piece of plate , and a
P . M . ' s jewel , to Bro . W . J . Crawheld Abbott , whose name has been familiarly identified with the lodge for a considerable number of years past . Bro . Abbott has been in office for at least seven consecutive years of that period as Secretary , Sub-Master , and latterly as R . W . M .,
an office which he vacated on St . John ' s Day , 1872 , and during his connection with the lodge , he has worked incessantly and disinterestedly in furthering its welfare . The R . W . M ., in making the presentation , adverted in a highly complimentary manner to the good wo * -k Bro . Abbott
had done for his mother lodge , and how pleasing it was to him , personally , to be deputed by the brethren to place in his hands that gift expressive of their appreciation of his services in the various offices he had filled . He hoped that Bro . Abbott would not estimate their gratitude
by the size or value of the g ift , but accept as a little representing a great deal . The R . W . M . concluded by placing the piece of plate in Bro . Abbott ' s hands , and by fixing the jewel on his breast , amid much applause . Bro . Abbott , in reply , said that he felt great difficulty in
expressing himself in terms adequate to an occasion so gratifying to him . It did not require this mark of their approval to keep him in mind of the gratitude he owed to the lodge . After serving in several subordinate offices , he was raised b y the goodwill of the brethren to the responsible position of Master , in which position
he received the most generous support from the office-bearers and brethren . He would ever look back to the two years of Mastership as the most p leasant of his life . While occupying the chair he endeavoured , as was his duty , to do all he could not only to
advance the interests of the lodge , but those of the Craft at large ; and although he had never " passed the chair , " the brethren mi ght always reckon upon him in any emergency so long as health and strength were vouchsafed to him . Bro . Abbott concluded by adding that as he had
devoted much time to Masonry , he considered it just to do homage to claims of an iniuortant nature by allowing Mrs . Abbott to receive her own pleasure in tho selection of the gift , a remark which elicited much applause . On the motion of brother officers it was unanimously
agreed to record on the minutes an expression of regret at the death of Bro . Alexander Hay , a Past Treasurer , and ( with the exception of two ) the oldest member of the lodge . Bro . Hay was initiated in the year 1 S 22 , and has thus been connected with the lodge for the long pmod of 52 years . This concluded the business , and the
lodge was closed according to ancient form . GLASGOW . —St . Marl ; Lodge , No . 102 , held their usual meeting on Monday , May nth . There was a good attendance of members , Bro . j . Mitchell , R . W . M ., in the chair . There was one candidate who was dulv admitted into the Order by the P . M ., Bro . T . Halket .
GLASGOW . —Star Lodge , No . 279 , met on the nth . Their fine new Hall was crowded with members and visitors , Bro . Joseph Wilson , R . W . M :, in the chair ; J . Logan , S . W . ; Jas . Duthie , acting J . W . ; Bro . Miller , Sec . There were two candidates for initiation , and a request
was preferred from the Lodge Union and Crown , 103 , to initiate two for them . This was readilyacceded to , and Bro . A . M . Wright , R . W . M ., of 103 , proceeded to initiate the four gentlemen in a careful and praiseworthy manner . The lodge was then raised to the second degree , and five brethren were duly passed to that degree , Bro .
J . Gilles , R . W . M . of 103 , giving the degree . The lodge was again raised , and that sublime degree was conferred on three brethren by Bro . P . M . Bain . This concluded a long evening ' s labours , the brethren having had the opportunity of seeing the three degrees worked by three excellent workers of the mystic art .
GLASGOW . — Union Lodge ( No . 33 ) . —This lodge held an emergency meeting on Monday , May 1 ith , to initiate a gentleman who was about to sail for Canada . The lodge was opened at 8 p . m . by Bro . J . MacNair , R . W . M . ; Bros .
McHurdy , S . W . ; J . McConnachy , J . W . J . Balfour , P . M ., as Past D . M . ; and J . Murray , Secretary . The 1 st and 2 nd degree were wrought by the Master , Bro . J . Pash gave the obligation of the 3 rd , and Bro . J . Balfour the lecture and concluding charges .
GLASGOW . —Glasgow Lodge ( No . 441 ) . — This lodge held their monthly meeting in their own hall , Struthers-street , on Tuesday , May 12 th , the R . W . M ., Bro . W . H . Jackson , in the chair , Bros . W . Taylor , P . M . ; Thallon , S . W . ; J . Mason , J . W . ; and A . Rennie , Secretary . A
deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge , consisting of Bros . M . W . F . A . Barrow , D . P . G ., acting Grand Master ; J . B . Walker , P . G . T . ; A . McTaggart , M . A ., P . G . S . ; G . Thallon , P . G . J . D . ; J . Balfour , P . G . D . of C . ; James Gilles , P . G . S . B . ; and Wm . Phillips , P . G . I . G .
The P . G . Secretary reported that after a minute examination they had found all the books perfectly correct and well kept . The P . G . M . said it was always a source of p leasure to be able to speak well of the lodge they were visiting , and in this instance it was all the more satisfactory ,
as they had had occasion to refer to the minutes for the past five years , and they found they had been always accurately kept . As the lodge was aware they had some trouble with one of their late members , Bro . Thomas Stratford , whom
they had expelled for unmasonic conduct J rejoining and acting as the Master of an unrecognised lodge ; that gentleman had appealed to the Grand Lodge , who had sent his appeal back to Provincial Lodge to be enquired into . When before that body , he had made certain statements