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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sonic Hall , Gower-street , on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., in the following brethren were present : —Bros . Henry T Bobart , W . M . ; S . Pipes , S . W . ; J . H . Biggs , as J . W . ; ii jl . Bobart , Treas . ; J . Worsnop , Sec . ; Theo . Hills , J n •Geo . Pioes , as J . D . ; Jos . Heathcote , I . G . ; T . Slinn , Tvler ; F . Campion , P . M . ; Jos . Shaw , C . D . Hart , F . Rinpon , J . ° - Manton , Matthew Hill , Richard Daniel , Jas .
Park ' > jun . visitors : Bros . , | onn bimth , IM ' . . IJ . W ., pM . 73 ' ' * H * Warn £ r i P - - So 2 5 A - Frazer , 73 r . The minutes of thc last lodge were read and confirmed . _ ro . Richard Daniel was raised to thc Sublime Degree Df Master Mason by the W . M . Mr . Joseph Griggs was ballotted for as a fit and proper person to be made a AIas ° > aml e'ecte ' ' - Bros . Joseph Shaw and Geo . Pipes « ere nominated to act as Provincial Grand Stewards for
the year . The lodge was then closed according to -indent custom , and adjourned until the first Wednesday of the ensuing month , emergencies excepted , of which due notice will be given . WALTHAM . —KING HAIIOI . D LODGE ( NO . 1327 ) . — The installation meeting of the King Harold Lodge was bclil on Tuesday , at thc Britannia , Waltham New Town ,
when Bro . Charles Lacey , W . M ., presided , and was assisted by bis officers . Before the installation Bros . . ' Newman , Bull , Ridley , and Fuller were passed to the Second Degree , and this ceremony was succeeded by the initiation of Mr . William Henry Hornsby , C . E ., Langham Hotel , London . Bro . James Terry , P . G . D . C . Herts , then presented Bro . Gilbert , S . W ., Prov .
G . Steward and W . M . elect , to the W . M . for the benefit of installation , Bro . Copestick , P . G . J . W . Herts , taking the S . W . chair , and Bro . Young the J . W . Bro . Lacey thereupon proceeded to instal Bro . Gilbert as Master of the lodge , executing his work in an admirable manner . The officers appointed and invested by thc W . M . were Bios . Charles Lacey , I . P . M . ; Riley , S . W . ; Tydeman ,
j . VV . -, Barwick , Treas . ; Malcolm , Sec . ; Holmes , S . D . ; Jacobs , J . D . ; Pritchard , Org . ; Fisher , I . G . ; Creed and Noyes , Stewards -, Knight , D . C . -, and Bro . Steedman , Tyler . Bro . Lacey then delivered the charges . Before the lodge closed the proposition of Bro . Young , I ' rov . G . D ., to increase the Tyler ' s fee was carried . On Ihe motion of Bro . Young , seconded by Bro . Tydeman ,
J . W ., a vote of condolence with Bro . West , the first Master of the lodge , on thc sudden loss of his wife , was also carried , and a letter was ordered to be sent to Bro . West , ami the vote of condolence was directed to be entered on the lodge minutes . A vote of thanks to Bro . Lacey for performing the ceremony of installation was moved by Bro . Young , seconded by the S . W ., and carried unanimously , and also
ordered to be entered on the lodge minutes . The Worshipful Master afterwards rose to present a P . M . ' s jewel and a Provincial Grand Deacon ' s jewel to Bro . Lacey , and in doing so said lhat this was at once one of the most important and most pleasing duties that could devolve upon any W . M . To present a token of recognition of his services to any brother was at all times a most
pleasing duty , because it conveyed to the brother the ideas of the brethren upon thc subject . ( Addressing Bro . Lacey the W . M . said ) II give to you what thc brethren thought well to present to you as a mark of their sentiments ; for I am sure that the way in which you have performed your duties must have won tbe approval of every one connected with the lodge . It is my pleasing duty to decorate you
with a mark of the very great honour which we as Freemasons who are hard working greatly desire an d work for , and for which you have worked so assiduously that no one will grudge you thc honour that the decoration confers upon you . It is very pleasing for me to have to decorate you with this jewel , and may you long live to enjoy the privilege it confers upon you . I have also another
decoration to confer upon you , which is that of the jewel of the Provincial Grand Deacon . It is one -which you are entitled to in connection with thc lodge in consequence of your being a Provincial Grand Officer . This will bc a testimony to the Masonic world that you have so well pleased the brethren of the King Harold Lodge that they do not grudge to invest you with this mark of distinction . I
hope you will continue long to enjoy thc privilege of wearing it . Bro . Lacey thanked the W . M . for this mark of approbation of his conduct , but refrained from saying any more , as the time was short . The Secretary read the communication from Prov . Grand Secretary as to the wearing of commemorative jewels ; also one from Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Prov . G . M ., regretting his inability to bc present ,
and hoping to be present at next Prov . Grand Lodge . The Secretary also read another letter from Bro . Wilson lies , "W . Grand Secretary , regretting his inability to be present . A circular from Bro . James Terry , Prov . G . D . C , Secretary ° f the Benevolent Institution , asking for a Steward for next festival , on 9 th Feb ., 1876 , was also read . The W . M . offered himself as Steward , and was accepted . Lodge was
then closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , Among ihe brethren wbo were present during * the ceremonies , and at the installation and banquet were Bros . J . "* ;•Voung , P . M . ; James Terry , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , '•- ^•! Barwick , Treas . ; A . Malcolm , Sec ; J . Tydeman , Jj-D . ; and W . Holmes , J . D . Among the visitors were ° ° s- Jos . Gaskill 1076 G . JW . Mugliston 1421 A .
, ; . , ; " - •Wylie , W . M . 869 ; T . T . Asga Thorp , 1439 ; J . H . |? ° bbs , J . w . 749 ; W . II . Etherington , J . W . 86 9 ; Walter ' - •Gompertz , P . P . G . P . Herts .-, J . Copestick , Prov . WAV . ; Bradstock ; G . T . English , P . M . 1227 ; " •Massey (" Freemason" ); J . H . Thompson , W . M . }~\ 7 * , John Mailer , W , M . 754 -, R . T . Ingersoll , W '
. M . elect I 237 . j £ Wy ] iC i g 6 o . M > c _ Lucyj Oo . i ** . )•Carter , "W . M . 403 , P . Prov . G . S . D . Herts ; and helton . After the banquet the toasts were proposed ™ re gular order . In giving " The G . M ., " Bro . Gilbert •"" JJtMded His Royal Higbness ' s earnestness and energy tTeemasonry , and applauded his sentiments ; that thc but" ? ' he took "" Cralft was " * ** * or the i ewe - s he wore > 'or the glorious cause itself , and its watchwords ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
" Loyalty and Charity . " Thc toasts of " The Pro Grand Master , " and " The Deputy Grand Master , & c , " also drew from thc W . M . expressions of approbation of the manner in which those several brethren discharged their duties . In proposing "The Provincial Grand Master , Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., " the W . M . referred to the letter from that brother , which had been read in lodge that day , and added
that if he had been able to be present thc brethren would have given a most hearty welcome . " The D . P . G . M ., Bro . Sedgwick , and Provincial Grand Officers " was the next toast , and referring to those who were in attendance , [ he rejoiced to see Bro . Copestick , Prov . G . J . W ., honour the lodge in conjunction with several other Prov . Grand Officers . Bro . Copestick replied , and assured the brethren that the
Prov . Grand Officers were ready to do their duty whenever called upon , and whatever it might be . When they considered what good examples were set them first and foremost by the Provincial Grand Master , whose assiduity was such as to deserve the greatest respect and thanks , and next , by the Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Wilson lies , whose courtesy at all times cheered the brethren in the discharge
of their duties , the other officers of the province could not but be energetic The province was now attaining a very high position , and in a short space of time he expected to see it second to none in the kingdom . The number of lodges and the number of Freemasons was increasing ; and the Freemasons he hoped were good men and true . It was one of the most important things in connection with
Freemasonry at the present moment that the Order should have a strong army in the field of men of courage and esteem , and he believed that there were such men in the Craft . Bro . Lacey , I . P . M ., proposed " The W . M ., " and said it was the first time he had had the privilege and the honour to propose this toast in connection with Bro . Gilbert . For various reasons he had great pleasure in doing so ; and
among them was the fact that Bro . Gilbert was one of the founders of the lodge . It was very gratifying to see liim in the chair ; it was a position he was well entitled to . From the time he had been associated with the lodge he had carried out with great ability the various offices below it , and the brethren , as soon as they had the opportunity , conferred upon him the highest office they could bestow .
When his term of office expired it would be found that he had done justice to his position . The W . M . replying , said , that when he was initiated the first thing that struck him was how Bro . Watkins , who was the Master , could remember the beautiful ritual . When he found that it was all committed to memory he made a resolve to imitate him if he could . Although he never expected to do it so well
as Bro . Watkins he had endeavoured to perfect himself . He mentioned this to show that great difficulties appeared to present themselves at first , but by application and perseverance they were overcome . When he began to see the beauties of Freemasonry , thc good society it brought him in connection with , and the excellent objects it had in view , he felt bound to go on in the direction which he had pointed
out for himself , and he set himself to work to learn the Masonic ceremonies . He was happy to say he had succeeded . As to being one of the founders of the lodge , he was glad to say he was ; and whenever the monthly meetings came round they were regarded by him with pleasure and gratification , and as a relaxation from his daily avocations . It was his desire to go on in the
course he had marked out , and he hoped that he would receive the support of his officers and the members of the King Harold Lodge in doing so . When he looked at Bro . Lacey ' s career he felt he had only to imitate him , and he should retire from office with honour , and with the laurels which Bro . Lacey had so justly earned . He pledged himself to do his utmost to perform the duties that devolved
upon him according to those true Masonic principles which were so well set forth in the cciemonies . The W . M . then proposed " The Visitors , " for which Bros . Thompson , W . M . 1237 , P . G . S . B . Middlesex ; Ingersoll , Mallow , and Carter returned thanks , and the brethren then drank the remaining toasts and shortly afterwards journeyed homewards . The day was an exceedingly pleasant one , and thc admirable
banquet supplied by Bro . Sheldon added greatly to the general enjoyment . HAMPTON COURT . —En A LODGE ( NO . 1423 ) . —This lodge met on Saturday , 9 th inst ., at King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court . Bro . J . W . Baldwin , thc W . M ., passed three brethren , and initiated Dr . Gilliespie ( late 78 th Highlanders ) . The Stewards to represent this lodge in 18 7 C
were elected . Ihe three chanties will be represented . Banquet followed . There were present Bros . E . H . Thiellay , S . W . -, J . B . Langley , f . W . ; T . | . Sabine , P . Prov . G . S . B . Middlesex , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . Prov . G . P . Middlesex , P . M ., Sec . ; E . W . Devereux , S . D . ; S . Wolff , J . D . ; A . F . Loos , I . G . ; and some dozen others . Several visitors were present .
TWICKENHAM . —FHANCIS BURDETT LODGE ( NO . 1503 ) . —Two emergency meetings of this lodge took place at thc Albany Hotel , on the 22 nd and the 30 th ult . At the first meeting there were present Bros . W . Wigginton , P . M . 902 and 1298 , P . Prov . G . D . C . Worcestershire , and P . G . S . of Middlesex , W . M . ; Saunders , S . W . ; Tomlinson , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . D . of Noifolk , I . W . ; Horsley , P . M .,
P . Prov . G . R . of Middlesex , acting I . P . M . ; Walls , I . G . ; Mitchell , Sec . Thc visitors were Bros . Artus , P . M . 34 ; Palmer , 1293 ; Court , jun ., 113 . This meeting was convened to record on the minutes a letter received from the G . S ., Bro . J . Hervey , to the W . M ., stating that the removal of the lodge from Hampton Hill to Twickenham , which had been approved by Colonel Burdett , P . G . M ., had
received the concurrence of thc M . W . the Grand Master . The resignation of the Secretary , Bro . Mitchell , in consequence of his departure for America , was announced , and a vote of thanks for his services passed . Some minor matters having been discussed , the lodge was closed , and the brethren partook of refreshment . At the meeting on the 30 th ult ., in addition to the above officers , Bro . Knaggs , the Treasurer , was present . The W . M ., assisted by his
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
officers , initiated Mr . F . M . Ashley into the mysteries of the Craft most ably and impressively . The ballot was taken as joining members for Bros . Ewens , 144 ; Court , jun ., 113 ; Arlus , P . M . 34 ; and upon investigation was declared unanimous . Several propositions having been taken , the lodge was closed , and the brethren partook of an excellent cold collation . The usual loyal and Craft toasts were
given by ; the W . M ., briefly , but to the purpose . Bro . Horslty responded for the " P . G . Officers of Middlesex , " and proposed , in a neat speech , " Thc Health of the W . M ., " who ably replied . " The Initiate , Bro . Ashley , " was toasted , and he acknowledged the compliment . Bros . Palmer , 1293 , and Carless ( late St . George ' s ) replied for " The Visitors . " " The Health of the Officers ofthe Lodge "
was most cordially proposed by the W . M ., and responded to by Bros . Tomlinson , Knaggs and Walls . Bros . Horsley , P . M ., and Walls having contributed some harmony , the proceedings terminated with the Tyler ' s toast . A numerous meeting of the members of this young but exceedingly flourishing lodge was held at the Albany Hotel , Twickenham , on the 1 -5 th inst . The lodge was opened
by Bro . Colonel Wigginton , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , Worcestershire , P . G . S . ofJMiddlesex , & c , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Artus , P . M . ( Mount Moriah ) , acting S . W . ; Tomlinson , P . M ., P . Z ., P . P . G . S . D . of Norfolk , J . W . ; Birchill , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , acting I . P . M . ; Deeks , acting S . D . ; Walls , acting J . D . ; Sugg , P . P . G . O . of Surrey , acting Org . ; Knaggs , Treas . -, Court , sen ., Sec , pro tem .
The minutes of the previous meetings , both regular and emergency , having been read and confirmed , thc W . M . proceeded to initiate the Rev . Mr . L . M . D'Orsey , M . A ., into the mysteries of the Craft . The solemnity of the beautiful ceremony , which was most ably performed , was further enhanced by the harmonium symphonies of Bro . Sugg , the acting Organist . The ballot was taken for Bro . C .
Palmer , L . L . D . ( 1293 ) , who was unanimously elected as a joining member . ,, The election of two members upon the Library Committee resulted in favour of Bros . Taylor and Palmer , who each returned thanks for the honour accorded . A proposition of Bro . Rogers— " That each member of the lodge do subscribe one shilling per month towards a special fund for the Masonic charities , and that a
ballot for a Life Governorship be taken as often as ten guineas may bc collected ; the brother receiving the largest number of votes to be nominated for the Life Governnorship , thc 'donations to be for the three Charities alternately , as follows : ' Aged Freemasons and their Widows , Boys' School , and Girls' School' " —was briefly discussed and adjourned until next meeting . Several
important resolutions which had been passed during the year were ordered to be inserted in the bye-laws when printed , and the audit night fixed . This being the night of the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Colonel Wigginton was unanimously re-elected to that high position . The W . M ., when the result was made known , made a most feeling reply , in which he stated , amongst other
things , that although the work of a newly formed lodge was very great and exacting , he had endeavoured , and he hoped successfully , to establish the " Francis Burdett " upon a sound foundation , and that his labours to promote that end had been very considerably lightened by his brother officers . In being proudly placed again at the head of the lodge , he should strive still further to increase
the prosperity of the " Fiancis Burdett , " as well as the comfort and interests of its members , and in conclusion he hoped that upon the termination of ths second year of his Mastership the lodge would be thoroughly well established , and second to none in the province . Bro . Knaggs was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Harrison re-appointed Tyler . Both brethren having returned thanks , the lodge
was shortly afterwards closed , and the brethren partook of a cold collation . The usual toasts were circulated , and a most agreeable evening brought to a conclusion with the " Tyler ' s " toast . The installation ofthe W . M . and banquet to celebrate the opening of the lodge at its new quarters will take place on the second Wednesday in November , when the Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex and
many other distinguished members of the Craft are expected to be present . PLUMSTEAD . —UNITED MIUTARY LO DOE ( NO . 1536 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of thc above lodge took place on Friday , the 8 th inst ., at the new Masonic Hall adjoining the Sir Robert Peel , Crescent Road , Plumstead , when a large number of the brethren and visitors attended .
Among the latter were Bros . C . Santi , W . M . 706 ; T . Ward , W . M . 700 ; F . J . Dawson , P . M . 700 ; J . Mc-Dougal , P . M . 913 j J . Fenn , P . M . 1331 ; Donolly , 706 ; T . Dovey , 861 ; C . Mason , 295 ; J . Regan , 1205 ; J . Battersby , 1424 ; H . Fellows , 1208 ; R . McCoy , 142 + ; W . McCoy , 700 ; R . Beaver , 700 ; B . Plaisted , 913 ; B . Norman , 13 , and C . Jolly , 913 .
the officers of thc lodge present were Bros . Croisdale , P . M . 706 ,. and who , on account of the serious illness of Bro . F * . Pownall , the W . M ., kindly officiated as W . M . for the evening ; W . Weston , S . W . ; G . Spinks , J . W . ; T . Cooper , Sec ; A . G . Picken , S . D . ; J . McCaffery , Steward ; K . G . Lapham , I . G . ; and J . Lackland , Tyler . The lodge having been opened in due form and with
solemn prayer , the following brethren were duly elected as joining members : —Bros . James , Brooks , Serjt . Major R . A ., 199 ; Alex . Masterson , Serjt . Major R . A ., 1000 ; G . Webster , Battery Qr . Master Serjt . R . I LA ., 434 ; and J . Fenn , Battery Qr . Master Serjt . R . H . A . 1331 . The following were then balloted for and approved of : — S . Morrish , Battery Serjt . Major R . H . A . ; J . A . Mason ,
Serjt . Major R . A ., and G . Smith , Qr . Master Serjt ., R . A . Band . The two latter not being present , Serjt . Major Morrish was duly initiated . Bros . M . Tormey , H . Harding , R . Thompson , R . Moore , J . Knight , and J . B . Gibson were then passed to the Second Degree , and Bros . E . G . Latham , T . Pearson , S . T . Smith , and W . Land raised to the Sublime Degree , the whole of the work being done by the W . M . in a most eloquent and impressive manner .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sonic Hall , Gower-street , on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., in the following brethren were present : —Bros . Henry T Bobart , W . M . ; S . Pipes , S . W . ; J . H . Biggs , as J . W . ; ii jl . Bobart , Treas . ; J . Worsnop , Sec . ; Theo . Hills , J n •Geo . Pioes , as J . D . ; Jos . Heathcote , I . G . ; T . Slinn , Tvler ; F . Campion , P . M . ; Jos . Shaw , C . D . Hart , F . Rinpon , J . ° - Manton , Matthew Hill , Richard Daniel , Jas .
Park ' > jun . visitors : Bros . , | onn bimth , IM ' . . IJ . W ., pM . 73 ' ' * H * Warn £ r i P - - So 2 5 A - Frazer , 73 r . The minutes of thc last lodge were read and confirmed . _ ro . Richard Daniel was raised to thc Sublime Degree Df Master Mason by the W . M . Mr . Joseph Griggs was ballotted for as a fit and proper person to be made a AIas ° > aml e'ecte ' ' - Bros . Joseph Shaw and Geo . Pipes « ere nominated to act as Provincial Grand Stewards for
the year . The lodge was then closed according to -indent custom , and adjourned until the first Wednesday of the ensuing month , emergencies excepted , of which due notice will be given . WALTHAM . —KING HAIIOI . D LODGE ( NO . 1327 ) . — The installation meeting of the King Harold Lodge was bclil on Tuesday , at thc Britannia , Waltham New Town ,
when Bro . Charles Lacey , W . M ., presided , and was assisted by bis officers . Before the installation Bros . . ' Newman , Bull , Ridley , and Fuller were passed to the Second Degree , and this ceremony was succeeded by the initiation of Mr . William Henry Hornsby , C . E ., Langham Hotel , London . Bro . James Terry , P . G . D . C . Herts , then presented Bro . Gilbert , S . W ., Prov .
G . Steward and W . M . elect , to the W . M . for the benefit of installation , Bro . Copestick , P . G . J . W . Herts , taking the S . W . chair , and Bro . Young the J . W . Bro . Lacey thereupon proceeded to instal Bro . Gilbert as Master of the lodge , executing his work in an admirable manner . The officers appointed and invested by thc W . M . were Bios . Charles Lacey , I . P . M . ; Riley , S . W . ; Tydeman ,
j . VV . -, Barwick , Treas . ; Malcolm , Sec . ; Holmes , S . D . ; Jacobs , J . D . ; Pritchard , Org . ; Fisher , I . G . ; Creed and Noyes , Stewards -, Knight , D . C . -, and Bro . Steedman , Tyler . Bro . Lacey then delivered the charges . Before the lodge closed the proposition of Bro . Young , I ' rov . G . D ., to increase the Tyler ' s fee was carried . On Ihe motion of Bro . Young , seconded by Bro . Tydeman ,
J . W ., a vote of condolence with Bro . West , the first Master of the lodge , on thc sudden loss of his wife , was also carried , and a letter was ordered to be sent to Bro . West , ami the vote of condolence was directed to be entered on the lodge minutes . A vote of thanks to Bro . Lacey for performing the ceremony of installation was moved by Bro . Young , seconded by the S . W ., and carried unanimously , and also
ordered to be entered on the lodge minutes . The Worshipful Master afterwards rose to present a P . M . ' s jewel and a Provincial Grand Deacon ' s jewel to Bro . Lacey , and in doing so said lhat this was at once one of the most important and most pleasing duties that could devolve upon any W . M . To present a token of recognition of his services to any brother was at all times a most
pleasing duty , because it conveyed to the brother the ideas of the brethren upon thc subject . ( Addressing Bro . Lacey the W . M . said ) II give to you what thc brethren thought well to present to you as a mark of their sentiments ; for I am sure that the way in which you have performed your duties must have won tbe approval of every one connected with the lodge . It is my pleasing duty to decorate you
with a mark of the very great honour which we as Freemasons who are hard working greatly desire an d work for , and for which you have worked so assiduously that no one will grudge you thc honour that the decoration confers upon you . It is very pleasing for me to have to decorate you with this jewel , and may you long live to enjoy the privilege it confers upon you . I have also another
decoration to confer upon you , which is that of the jewel of the Provincial Grand Deacon . It is one -which you are entitled to in connection with thc lodge in consequence of your being a Provincial Grand Officer . This will bc a testimony to the Masonic world that you have so well pleased the brethren of the King Harold Lodge that they do not grudge to invest you with this mark of distinction . I
hope you will continue long to enjoy thc privilege of wearing it . Bro . Lacey thanked the W . M . for this mark of approbation of his conduct , but refrained from saying any more , as the time was short . The Secretary read the communication from Prov . Grand Secretary as to the wearing of commemorative jewels ; also one from Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Prov . G . M ., regretting his inability to bc present ,
and hoping to be present at next Prov . Grand Lodge . The Secretary also read another letter from Bro . Wilson lies , "W . Grand Secretary , regretting his inability to be present . A circular from Bro . James Terry , Prov . G . D . C , Secretary ° f the Benevolent Institution , asking for a Steward for next festival , on 9 th Feb ., 1876 , was also read . The W . M . offered himself as Steward , and was accepted . Lodge was
then closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , Among ihe brethren wbo were present during * the ceremonies , and at the installation and banquet were Bros . J . "* ;•Voung , P . M . ; James Terry , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , '•- ^•! Barwick , Treas . ; A . Malcolm , Sec ; J . Tydeman , Jj-D . ; and W . Holmes , J . D . Among the visitors were ° ° s- Jos . Gaskill 1076 G . JW . Mugliston 1421 A .
, ; . , ; " - •Wylie , W . M . 869 ; T . T . Asga Thorp , 1439 ; J . H . |? ° bbs , J . w . 749 ; W . II . Etherington , J . W . 86 9 ; Walter ' - •Gompertz , P . P . G . P . Herts .-, J . Copestick , Prov . WAV . ; Bradstock ; G . T . English , P . M . 1227 ; " •Massey (" Freemason" ); J . H . Thompson , W . M . }~\ 7 * , John Mailer , W , M . 754 -, R . T . Ingersoll , W '
. M . elect I 237 . j £ Wy ] iC i g 6 o . M > c _ Lucyj Oo . i ** . )•Carter , "W . M . 403 , P . Prov . G . S . D . Herts ; and helton . After the banquet the toasts were proposed ™ re gular order . In giving " The G . M ., " Bro . Gilbert •"" JJtMded His Royal Higbness ' s earnestness and energy tTeemasonry , and applauded his sentiments ; that thc but" ? ' he took "" Cralft was " * ** * or the i ewe - s he wore > 'or the glorious cause itself , and its watchwords ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
" Loyalty and Charity . " Thc toasts of " The Pro Grand Master , " and " The Deputy Grand Master , & c , " also drew from thc W . M . expressions of approbation of the manner in which those several brethren discharged their duties . In proposing "The Provincial Grand Master , Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., " the W . M . referred to the letter from that brother , which had been read in lodge that day , and added
that if he had been able to be present thc brethren would have given a most hearty welcome . " The D . P . G . M ., Bro . Sedgwick , and Provincial Grand Officers " was the next toast , and referring to those who were in attendance , [ he rejoiced to see Bro . Copestick , Prov . G . J . W ., honour the lodge in conjunction with several other Prov . Grand Officers . Bro . Copestick replied , and assured the brethren that the
Prov . Grand Officers were ready to do their duty whenever called upon , and whatever it might be . When they considered what good examples were set them first and foremost by the Provincial Grand Master , whose assiduity was such as to deserve the greatest respect and thanks , and next , by the Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Wilson lies , whose courtesy at all times cheered the brethren in the discharge
of their duties , the other officers of the province could not but be energetic The province was now attaining a very high position , and in a short space of time he expected to see it second to none in the kingdom . The number of lodges and the number of Freemasons was increasing ; and the Freemasons he hoped were good men and true . It was one of the most important things in connection with
Freemasonry at the present moment that the Order should have a strong army in the field of men of courage and esteem , and he believed that there were such men in the Craft . Bro . Lacey , I . P . M ., proposed " The W . M ., " and said it was the first time he had had the privilege and the honour to propose this toast in connection with Bro . Gilbert . For various reasons he had great pleasure in doing so ; and
among them was the fact that Bro . Gilbert was one of the founders of the lodge . It was very gratifying to see liim in the chair ; it was a position he was well entitled to . From the time he had been associated with the lodge he had carried out with great ability the various offices below it , and the brethren , as soon as they had the opportunity , conferred upon him the highest office they could bestow .
When his term of office expired it would be found that he had done justice to his position . The W . M . replying , said , that when he was initiated the first thing that struck him was how Bro . Watkins , who was the Master , could remember the beautiful ritual . When he found that it was all committed to memory he made a resolve to imitate him if he could . Although he never expected to do it so well
as Bro . Watkins he had endeavoured to perfect himself . He mentioned this to show that great difficulties appeared to present themselves at first , but by application and perseverance they were overcome . When he began to see the beauties of Freemasonry , thc good society it brought him in connection with , and the excellent objects it had in view , he felt bound to go on in the direction which he had pointed
out for himself , and he set himself to work to learn the Masonic ceremonies . He was happy to say he had succeeded . As to being one of the founders of the lodge , he was glad to say he was ; and whenever the monthly meetings came round they were regarded by him with pleasure and gratification , and as a relaxation from his daily avocations . It was his desire to go on in the
course he had marked out , and he hoped that he would receive the support of his officers and the members of the King Harold Lodge in doing so . When he looked at Bro . Lacey ' s career he felt he had only to imitate him , and he should retire from office with honour , and with the laurels which Bro . Lacey had so justly earned . He pledged himself to do his utmost to perform the duties that devolved
upon him according to those true Masonic principles which were so well set forth in the cciemonies . The W . M . then proposed " The Visitors , " for which Bros . Thompson , W . M . 1237 , P . G . S . B . Middlesex ; Ingersoll , Mallow , and Carter returned thanks , and the brethren then drank the remaining toasts and shortly afterwards journeyed homewards . The day was an exceedingly pleasant one , and thc admirable
banquet supplied by Bro . Sheldon added greatly to the general enjoyment . HAMPTON COURT . —En A LODGE ( NO . 1423 ) . —This lodge met on Saturday , 9 th inst ., at King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court . Bro . J . W . Baldwin , thc W . M ., passed three brethren , and initiated Dr . Gilliespie ( late 78 th Highlanders ) . The Stewards to represent this lodge in 18 7 C
were elected . Ihe three chanties will be represented . Banquet followed . There were present Bros . E . H . Thiellay , S . W . -, J . B . Langley , f . W . ; T . | . Sabine , P . Prov . G . S . B . Middlesex , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . Prov . G . P . Middlesex , P . M ., Sec . ; E . W . Devereux , S . D . ; S . Wolff , J . D . ; A . F . Loos , I . G . ; and some dozen others . Several visitors were present .
TWICKENHAM . —FHANCIS BURDETT LODGE ( NO . 1503 ) . —Two emergency meetings of this lodge took place at thc Albany Hotel , on the 22 nd and the 30 th ult . At the first meeting there were present Bros . W . Wigginton , P . M . 902 and 1298 , P . Prov . G . D . C . Worcestershire , and P . G . S . of Middlesex , W . M . ; Saunders , S . W . ; Tomlinson , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . D . of Noifolk , I . W . ; Horsley , P . M .,
P . Prov . G . R . of Middlesex , acting I . P . M . ; Walls , I . G . ; Mitchell , Sec . Thc visitors were Bros . Artus , P . M . 34 ; Palmer , 1293 ; Court , jun ., 113 . This meeting was convened to record on the minutes a letter received from the G . S ., Bro . J . Hervey , to the W . M ., stating that the removal of the lodge from Hampton Hill to Twickenham , which had been approved by Colonel Burdett , P . G . M ., had
received the concurrence of thc M . W . the Grand Master . The resignation of the Secretary , Bro . Mitchell , in consequence of his departure for America , was announced , and a vote of thanks for his services passed . Some minor matters having been discussed , the lodge was closed , and the brethren partook of refreshment . At the meeting on the 30 th ult ., in addition to the above officers , Bro . Knaggs , the Treasurer , was present . The W . M ., assisted by his
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
officers , initiated Mr . F . M . Ashley into the mysteries of the Craft most ably and impressively . The ballot was taken as joining members for Bros . Ewens , 144 ; Court , jun ., 113 ; Arlus , P . M . 34 ; and upon investigation was declared unanimous . Several propositions having been taken , the lodge was closed , and the brethren partook of an excellent cold collation . The usual loyal and Craft toasts were
given by ; the W . M ., briefly , but to the purpose . Bro . Horslty responded for the " P . G . Officers of Middlesex , " and proposed , in a neat speech , " Thc Health of the W . M ., " who ably replied . " The Initiate , Bro . Ashley , " was toasted , and he acknowledged the compliment . Bros . Palmer , 1293 , and Carless ( late St . George ' s ) replied for " The Visitors . " " The Health of the Officers ofthe Lodge "
was most cordially proposed by the W . M ., and responded to by Bros . Tomlinson , Knaggs and Walls . Bros . Horsley , P . M ., and Walls having contributed some harmony , the proceedings terminated with the Tyler ' s toast . A numerous meeting of the members of this young but exceedingly flourishing lodge was held at the Albany Hotel , Twickenham , on the 1 -5 th inst . The lodge was opened
by Bro . Colonel Wigginton , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , Worcestershire , P . G . S . ofJMiddlesex , & c , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Artus , P . M . ( Mount Moriah ) , acting S . W . ; Tomlinson , P . M ., P . Z ., P . P . G . S . D . of Norfolk , J . W . ; Birchill , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , acting I . P . M . ; Deeks , acting S . D . ; Walls , acting J . D . ; Sugg , P . P . G . O . of Surrey , acting Org . ; Knaggs , Treas . -, Court , sen ., Sec , pro tem .
The minutes of the previous meetings , both regular and emergency , having been read and confirmed , thc W . M . proceeded to initiate the Rev . Mr . L . M . D'Orsey , M . A ., into the mysteries of the Craft . The solemnity of the beautiful ceremony , which was most ably performed , was further enhanced by the harmonium symphonies of Bro . Sugg , the acting Organist . The ballot was taken for Bro . C .
Palmer , L . L . D . ( 1293 ) , who was unanimously elected as a joining member . ,, The election of two members upon the Library Committee resulted in favour of Bros . Taylor and Palmer , who each returned thanks for the honour accorded . A proposition of Bro . Rogers— " That each member of the lodge do subscribe one shilling per month towards a special fund for the Masonic charities , and that a
ballot for a Life Governorship be taken as often as ten guineas may bc collected ; the brother receiving the largest number of votes to be nominated for the Life Governnorship , thc 'donations to be for the three Charities alternately , as follows : ' Aged Freemasons and their Widows , Boys' School , and Girls' School' " —was briefly discussed and adjourned until next meeting . Several
important resolutions which had been passed during the year were ordered to be inserted in the bye-laws when printed , and the audit night fixed . This being the night of the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Colonel Wigginton was unanimously re-elected to that high position . The W . M ., when the result was made known , made a most feeling reply , in which he stated , amongst other
things , that although the work of a newly formed lodge was very great and exacting , he had endeavoured , and he hoped successfully , to establish the " Francis Burdett " upon a sound foundation , and that his labours to promote that end had been very considerably lightened by his brother officers . In being proudly placed again at the head of the lodge , he should strive still further to increase
the prosperity of the " Fiancis Burdett , " as well as the comfort and interests of its members , and in conclusion he hoped that upon the termination of ths second year of his Mastership the lodge would be thoroughly well established , and second to none in the province . Bro . Knaggs was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Harrison re-appointed Tyler . Both brethren having returned thanks , the lodge
was shortly afterwards closed , and the brethren partook of a cold collation . The usual toasts were circulated , and a most agreeable evening brought to a conclusion with the " Tyler ' s " toast . The installation ofthe W . M . and banquet to celebrate the opening of the lodge at its new quarters will take place on the second Wednesday in November , when the Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex and
many other distinguished members of the Craft are expected to be present . PLUMSTEAD . —UNITED MIUTARY LO DOE ( NO . 1536 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of thc above lodge took place on Friday , the 8 th inst ., at the new Masonic Hall adjoining the Sir Robert Peel , Crescent Road , Plumstead , when a large number of the brethren and visitors attended .
Among the latter were Bros . C . Santi , W . M . 706 ; T . Ward , W . M . 700 ; F . J . Dawson , P . M . 700 ; J . Mc-Dougal , P . M . 913 j J . Fenn , P . M . 1331 ; Donolly , 706 ; T . Dovey , 861 ; C . Mason , 295 ; J . Regan , 1205 ; J . Battersby , 1424 ; H . Fellows , 1208 ; R . McCoy , 142 + ; W . McCoy , 700 ; R . Beaver , 700 ; B . Plaisted , 913 ; B . Norman , 13 , and C . Jolly , 913 .
the officers of thc lodge present were Bros . Croisdale , P . M . 706 ,. and who , on account of the serious illness of Bro . F * . Pownall , the W . M ., kindly officiated as W . M . for the evening ; W . Weston , S . W . ; G . Spinks , J . W . ; T . Cooper , Sec ; A . G . Picken , S . D . ; J . McCaffery , Steward ; K . G . Lapham , I . G . ; and J . Lackland , Tyler . The lodge having been opened in due form and with
solemn prayer , the following brethren were duly elected as joining members : —Bros . James , Brooks , Serjt . Major R . A ., 199 ; Alex . Masterson , Serjt . Major R . A ., 1000 ; G . Webster , Battery Qr . Master Serjt . R . I LA ., 434 ; and J . Fenn , Battery Qr . Master Serjt . R . H . A . 1331 . The following were then balloted for and approved of : — S . Morrish , Battery Serjt . Major R . H . A . ; J . A . Mason ,
Serjt . Major R . A ., and G . Smith , Qr . Master Serjt ., R . A . Band . The two latter not being present , Serjt . Major Morrish was duly initiated . Bros . M . Tormey , H . Harding , R . Thompson , R . Moore , J . Knight , and J . B . Gibson were then passed to the Second Degree , and Bros . E . G . Latham , T . Pearson , S . T . Smith , and W . Land raised to the Sublime Degree , the whole of the work being done by the W . M . in a most eloquent and impressive manner .