Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article YORKSHIRE (NORTH AND EAST). Page 1 of 1 Article YORKSHIRE (NORTH AND EAST). Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
being opened at four o ' clock by the retiring W . M ., Bro . G . S . Woodwark . After the usual preliminaries , Bro . Wm . Pattrick , who had been unanimously elected by the brethren as W . M . for the ensuing year , was installed in the chair , the impressive ceremony being performed with
great ability by Bro . C . ' 1 . Ives , P . M ., assisted bv Bro . G . G . Sadler , P . M ., as Director of Ceremonies . The newly installed W . M ' ., having been saluted in due form , invested the following brethren with the jewels of their respective offices : Bro . J . J . R . Chadwick , S . W . ; J . C . Sadler ,
J . W . ; Rev . W . L . Onslow , Chaplain ; Jas Green , Sec ; R . CTIYSO , Treas . ; Rev . Thos White , S . D . ; Alfred C . Jones , J . D . ; K . Howes l . G . ; Wolsey , Ty ler . The Lodge was then adjourned , andshortlv after sixo ' clock the brethren sat down to a banquet , served by Bro . Marshall in
excellent style . The company numbered about 40 , and included several visitors from neighbouring and distant lodges . Bro . Pattrick , W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bro . C . T . Ives , Installing Master ; Rev . W . Lake Onslow , Pro \ . G . Chaplain ; Rev . Geo . Thompson , P . Prov . G . Chaplain
Cambridgeshire ; Rev . H . H . Bridgwater ; Merrick B . Bircham , P . M . ; J . D . Thew , -Mayor of Lynn •, and Past Masters G . S . Woodwark , W . j . Pole , G . G . Sadler , J . T . Banks , and G . Webster . Amongst others present Mere Bros . Rev . Dr . White , Rev . Thos . Peacey , Dr . Lowe
Dr . Reed , Dr . Cooke , T . Adams , R . Cruso , T . Pattrick , Craggs , J . F . Young , J . Leach , P . Prov . G . W . Cambridgeshire : II . Hudson , Sy der , and others . The after dinner speeches Mere interspersed with excellent singing by several of the brethren , Bro . Hillam accompanying al the
pianoforte . " The Queen and the Craft " having been given and responded to enthusiastically , "The health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , P . G . M . of England , " was proposed in an effective manner , with suitable allusion to His Royal Highness ' s membership of and visit to this lodge , and to his
happy recovery from his late se \ ere illness , through the skill and vigilance of his physicians , under the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe . Dr . Reed here sang " God bless the Prince ol 'Wales , " with original Masonic words , tin brethren joining heartily in chorus . Tin
next toast from the chair was '' The . vl . Y \ Grand Master of England , the Marquis of Ripon , " which was received with full honours . Dr . White proposed " The V . W . Deput y Grand Master , the Earl of Caernarvon : " and Bro . Sadler " The Karl Zetland , Past Grand Master . " Rro . Webster
proposed " The R . W . Provincial ( hand Master , Bro . B . Bond Cabbell : the V . W . Deputy Prov . G . M ., Hon . F . Walpole ; and the Prov incial Grand Officers . " to which Bro . Pole , P . Prov . A . G . D . C , responded . " The health of tin Worshipful Master " was then proposed by Bro .
Woodwark , and received with full masonic honors . The W . M . suitably acknowledged the cordial reception he had met Math , and proposed " The health of the Installing Master , Bro . Ives . " Bro . Ives , in returning thanks , referred to the valued services he had received from Bro .
Dunsford , P . M ., and irom Bro . Sadler , P . M . Bro . Banks proposed " The health of the I . P . M ., Bro Woodwark . " Bro . Woodwark , in reply , referred to a topic which had been broached by the W . M . that of the proposed erection of a Masonic Hall in Lynn . Several other toasts were given and responded to , and the brethren separated .
SHROPSHIRE . OSWESTRY . —Lodge of St . Oswald ( No . 1124 ) . —At the February meeting of this lodge , an address of congratulation to his Royal Hi ghness the Prince of Wales , P . G . M ., was moved by Br . J . R . Ormsby Gore , AI . P ., W . M ., and
seconded by Mr . W . H . Hill , P . M ., Prov . G . J . D . A Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . "W . H . Spaull , I . P . M ., in recognition of his services on behalf of the lodge . Br . Spaull has now taken the more onerous duties of Hon . Sec , relinquished by Br . Askew Roberts , Prov . G . S ., who has performed the duties of the office
from the establishment of the lodge in 1866 . There were also present at the lodge Bros . G . Owen , P . M ., Prov . G . D . C ; J . Ward , S . W . i E . Wood , J . W . ; A . Walker , S . D . ; John Thomas , J . D . ; J . Morris , l . G . ; Dr . Burton , Steward ; Oswell , Treas . ; Salter , Phillips , H . Davis , and others .
Yorkshire (North And East).
FILEY . —Royal Lodge , ( No . 4 , 3 < 5 . )—The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the t 2 th inst ., at the Lodge Rooms , Foord ' s Hotel , Filey . Bro . C . Scnveuer , AT . D ., W . M ., opened the Lodge , and , after the minutes of the
minutes of hist meeting had been read and confirmed , Br . 11 . Blane , P . M ., Chaplain of the Lodge , proceeded to initiate , in a high impressive manner , Messrs . W . Whitley and 0 . Beck . Bro . W . Hanks then proceeded to initiate with his usual ability , Mr . f . Smith Cowton .
After the usual Lodge business bad been transacted , Br . " ) . F . Spurr , P . M ., 209 , proceeded to install Br . W . G . Long , P . M ., as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . Br . Long then invested as his officers , Bros . G . Simpson , S . W ; R . Simpson , J . W . ; Rev . H . Blane , Chaplain ;
W . Hankes , P . M ., Treas .: H . A . Darby . Sec ; H . Kilbv , S . D .: W . Simpson , J . D .: ' ( . McFaden , S . D ' .: W . Jefferson , Tyler . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adto a splendid banquet , provided by Bro . H . Kilbv . The chair was taken by the newly
installed W . M ., Bro . W . G . Long , P . M ., and it is needless to say with what geneial good humour and kindly feeling he performed the duties ol his post . He was ably supported in the vicechair by I . P . M ., Bro . C . Scrivener , . M . D After the cloth was drawn , the W . M . gave "The Queen and the Craft . " -. "H . R . H . the Prince
of Wales , P . G . M . : " The Princess of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family " ; " The Most Noble the Marquis of Ripon , M . W . Grand Master of England ; " " The Rt . Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Past Grand Master : " " Br . Bale , D . Prov . G . M . " "The Installimr
Master , _ Mr . j . v . Spurr , P . M ., a / id the visiting brethren . " This toast was abl y responded to by Bro . Spurr , with truly masonic feeling , and also by Bro . H . C . Martin , P . M .. P . Prov . G . D . C , who had rendered most efficient service during the performance of the ceremonies . Bro . H .
Hankes , P . M ., gave "The Clergy , ' coupling them with Br . II . Blane , P . M . The Chaplain , and Bro . the Rev . R . Mitford Taylor , severall y returned thanks in very appropriate terms . Bro . the Rev . R . M . Taylor , proposed " the health of the immediate Pasl Master , ISro . C . Scrivener
A ] , I ) .. " who responded in a most eloquent and emphatic manner . The Installing master , then gave "The health of the newlv elected W . M . " in a most telling speech , which was enthusiastically received . The W . M . returned thanks in a speech replete with masonic and
paternal feeling , and promised to do his utmost for the good of ihe Lodge and for Freemasonry generally . The next health was that of " the Worthy and Courteous Treasurer , Br . W , Hankes , P . M . " proposed by Bro . Blane , P . M ., amidst great applause , testifying the high
position that he eii ] oys in the estimation of the brethren . Bro . Hankes replied in his usual strain of mingled eloquence and appropriate sentiments . Bro . R . Mitford Taylor , P . M ., then gave , in a neat speech , " The health of the Secretary " who briefly returned thanks . Several
other toasts were given , and duly honoured , the most prominent being that of "The Worthy Host , Brother II . Kilby , and his excellent wile , with thanks to them for having so eli ' ectuallv provided for the entertainment of the brethren . " The brethren then separated in peace and harmony .
GREAT DRII'I ' IELD . —The Si / lies Lodge ( No J 040 ) . —The annual meeting of the above lodge took place in the Masonic Hall , Great Driffield , on Wednesday , the . 17 th January , 1872 . The lodge was opened in due form . The ordinary routine business having been transacted , Bro .
Samuel King , P . M . 660 , P . Prov . J . G . W . North and East Yorkshire , took the chair as Installing Master . The Worshipful Master elect , Bro . Jonathan Turner , was then presented and duly installed , and afterwards invested as his officers the following brethren : —Bro . Thomas llomly ,
I . P . M . ; Edward G . Warren , Organist ; Ralph Teal , S . W . ; Wm . Roberts , IXC . ; Thomas Britton , ( M . D . ) J . W . ; Ed . Jessep , I . G . ; W . G . Chickman , Chaplain : Thos . W . Lister , and John Dunn , Stewards ; James Elgey , Treas ; James Bordass , Sec . ; Richd . Davison , S . D . ; Robt * Gait , j . D . Rob . Potts , Tyler . Mr . John Wilkin-
Yorkshire (North And East).
son was then innitiated by the W . M . and his officers . Hearty good wishes having been expressed , and the thanks of the lodge conveyed to Bro . King , for the impressive and correct manner in which he had performed the ceremony of installation the lodge was closed in the usual
form . The annual banquet 111 celebration of the instalhnion of the W . M . Mas held the same evening at the Bell Hotel . The usual loyal and masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the W . M . then presented a beautiful Past Master ' s jewel , as a fraternal token of regard and esteem
to the I . P . M ., Bro . Thomas Hornby , on his retirement from the chair ( for the second time ) of the Sykes Lodge , and congratulated that worthy brother on being the means of raising the lodge to its present harmonious and prosperous condition .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
PAXMURE CHAPTER ( NO . 720 ) . —This chapter held its election meeting at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , on Monday , the 12 th inst ., when there Mere present : E . Companions , Joseph Ntinn , M . E . Z . ; R . H . Harvey , H ; S . Davison , J .: | ames Stevens , P . Z . ; Scribe , E . ; H . C .
Levander , P . Z ., Treas . : John Thomas , P . Z . ; John Reed , P . Z . ; Rev . W . B . Church , N . ; C . Hammerton , P . S . ; G . H . N . Bridges , 1 st . A . S . ; G . Waterell , 2 nd . A . S . ; W . Worrell , Organist ; H . Smith •, H . F . Hodges •, M . S . Larlham ; E .
H . Pulsford ; W . J . Messenger ; and visitors , li . Companion ; H . \ i . Frances . Bros . John Rexworthy , of Israel Lodge , No . 205 , Mas exalted into the Supreme Degree of the Royal Arch . The election of officers for the ensiiinc year resulted
as follows , viz . —li . Companions Harvey , Al . E . Z : Davison , H ; H . Smith , J : J . Stevens , P . Z , Scribe E ; H . C . Levander , P . Z , Treasurer ; C . Hammerton , N . ; Bridges , P . S , ; and Bradley , Janitor . On proposition to vote a presentation to the retiring M . E . Z . on" his
leaving the Chair of First Principal , for the second time , the M . E . Z . expressed his desire to honour the memory of the late E . Companion , J . H . Gates , who , if he had been spared , would have been the present First Principal , by appropriating the value of ( he customary P . Z . jewel , with an additional contribution he would be willing to
make himself towards securing the election of the deceased's son , Frederick Charles Yates , into the Royal . Masonic Institution for Boys , at the ensuing election in April . This honourable and liberal suggestion was cordially received by the
Chapter , and evoked a general expression of esteem for the M . E . Z ; and the amount Mas unanimously voted to be placed at his disposal . The Chapter was then closed , and after a brief period of refreshment , the Companions separated .
Red Cross Of Constantine Scotland.
Red Cross of Constantine SCOTLAND .
EniMH . ROii . —F . dineiirgh Conclave ( No . 4 ) . — The third quarterly meeting of this conclave was held at the Albert Hotel , Hanover-street , on Tuesday evening , J an . 23 rd . Present Em . Sir Kls . J . B . Mercer , M . P . S . R . S . ; Brown , Hon . Sov ., ' E . V . E . : | . Tavlor , Hon . Soy ., H . P . ;
Alex . Henry , Hon . Sov .: and F . L . Law , Hon V ., Prefect ; Sir Kts . Dr . J . T . Loth , Charles G . C . Christie , G . Watson , and Thomas Sim . The conclave having been duly opened , the . following brethren Mere proposed for installation viz . —W . Anderson and C . J . Kerr , M . M . ' s
of St . Andrew ' s Lodge , No . 48 ; R . Irlam , M . M . of St . Stephen ' s , 145 ; and W . Hawley , M . M . of St . David ' s 36 ; and having been approved of , they were duly installed Knights Companions of the order . The next business
was the election of office bearers , for 1872-3 , and Sir Knight Brown , E . V . E ., having declined the Chair of C , Sir Kt . Dr . J . T . Loth , R . W . M ., of St . Andrew ' s Lodge , No . 4 8 , was elected to that office , and Sir Kt . Charles G . C . Christie , R . W . M . of St . David , No . 36 . as E . O . E . ; Em .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
being opened at four o ' clock by the retiring W . M ., Bro . G . S . Woodwark . After the usual preliminaries , Bro . Wm . Pattrick , who had been unanimously elected by the brethren as W . M . for the ensuing year , was installed in the chair , the impressive ceremony being performed with
great ability by Bro . C . ' 1 . Ives , P . M ., assisted bv Bro . G . G . Sadler , P . M ., as Director of Ceremonies . The newly installed W . M ' ., having been saluted in due form , invested the following brethren with the jewels of their respective offices : Bro . J . J . R . Chadwick , S . W . ; J . C . Sadler ,
J . W . ; Rev . W . L . Onslow , Chaplain ; Jas Green , Sec ; R . CTIYSO , Treas . ; Rev . Thos White , S . D . ; Alfred C . Jones , J . D . ; K . Howes l . G . ; Wolsey , Ty ler . The Lodge was then adjourned , andshortlv after sixo ' clock the brethren sat down to a banquet , served by Bro . Marshall in
excellent style . The company numbered about 40 , and included several visitors from neighbouring and distant lodges . Bro . Pattrick , W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bro . C . T . Ives , Installing Master ; Rev . W . Lake Onslow , Pro \ . G . Chaplain ; Rev . Geo . Thompson , P . Prov . G . Chaplain
Cambridgeshire ; Rev . H . H . Bridgwater ; Merrick B . Bircham , P . M . ; J . D . Thew , -Mayor of Lynn •, and Past Masters G . S . Woodwark , W . j . Pole , G . G . Sadler , J . T . Banks , and G . Webster . Amongst others present Mere Bros . Rev . Dr . White , Rev . Thos . Peacey , Dr . Lowe
Dr . Reed , Dr . Cooke , T . Adams , R . Cruso , T . Pattrick , Craggs , J . F . Young , J . Leach , P . Prov . G . W . Cambridgeshire : II . Hudson , Sy der , and others . The after dinner speeches Mere interspersed with excellent singing by several of the brethren , Bro . Hillam accompanying al the
pianoforte . " The Queen and the Craft " having been given and responded to enthusiastically , "The health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , P . G . M . of England , " was proposed in an effective manner , with suitable allusion to His Royal Highness ' s membership of and visit to this lodge , and to his
happy recovery from his late se \ ere illness , through the skill and vigilance of his physicians , under the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe . Dr . Reed here sang " God bless the Prince ol 'Wales , " with original Masonic words , tin brethren joining heartily in chorus . Tin
next toast from the chair was '' The . vl . Y \ Grand Master of England , the Marquis of Ripon , " which was received with full honours . Dr . White proposed " The V . W . Deput y Grand Master , the Earl of Caernarvon : " and Bro . Sadler " The Karl Zetland , Past Grand Master . " Rro . Webster
proposed " The R . W . Provincial ( hand Master , Bro . B . Bond Cabbell : the V . W . Deputy Prov . G . M ., Hon . F . Walpole ; and the Prov incial Grand Officers . " to which Bro . Pole , P . Prov . A . G . D . C , responded . " The health of tin Worshipful Master " was then proposed by Bro .
Woodwark , and received with full masonic honors . The W . M . suitably acknowledged the cordial reception he had met Math , and proposed " The health of the Installing Master , Bro . Ives . " Bro . Ives , in returning thanks , referred to the valued services he had received from Bro .
Dunsford , P . M ., and irom Bro . Sadler , P . M . Bro . Banks proposed " The health of the I . P . M ., Bro Woodwark . " Bro . Woodwark , in reply , referred to a topic which had been broached by the W . M . that of the proposed erection of a Masonic Hall in Lynn . Several other toasts were given and responded to , and the brethren separated .
SHROPSHIRE . OSWESTRY . —Lodge of St . Oswald ( No . 1124 ) . —At the February meeting of this lodge , an address of congratulation to his Royal Hi ghness the Prince of Wales , P . G . M ., was moved by Br . J . R . Ormsby Gore , AI . P ., W . M ., and
seconded by Mr . W . H . Hill , P . M ., Prov . G . J . D . A Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . "W . H . Spaull , I . P . M ., in recognition of his services on behalf of the lodge . Br . Spaull has now taken the more onerous duties of Hon . Sec , relinquished by Br . Askew Roberts , Prov . G . S ., who has performed the duties of the office
from the establishment of the lodge in 1866 . There were also present at the lodge Bros . G . Owen , P . M ., Prov . G . D . C ; J . Ward , S . W . i E . Wood , J . W . ; A . Walker , S . D . ; John Thomas , J . D . ; J . Morris , l . G . ; Dr . Burton , Steward ; Oswell , Treas . ; Salter , Phillips , H . Davis , and others .
Yorkshire (North And East).
FILEY . —Royal Lodge , ( No . 4 , 3 < 5 . )—The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the t 2 th inst ., at the Lodge Rooms , Foord ' s Hotel , Filey . Bro . C . Scnveuer , AT . D ., W . M ., opened the Lodge , and , after the minutes of the
minutes of hist meeting had been read and confirmed , Br . 11 . Blane , P . M ., Chaplain of the Lodge , proceeded to initiate , in a high impressive manner , Messrs . W . Whitley and 0 . Beck . Bro . W . Hanks then proceeded to initiate with his usual ability , Mr . f . Smith Cowton .
After the usual Lodge business bad been transacted , Br . " ) . F . Spurr , P . M ., 209 , proceeded to install Br . W . G . Long , P . M ., as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . Br . Long then invested as his officers , Bros . G . Simpson , S . W ; R . Simpson , J . W . ; Rev . H . Blane , Chaplain ;
W . Hankes , P . M ., Treas .: H . A . Darby . Sec ; H . Kilbv , S . D .: W . Simpson , J . D .: ' ( . McFaden , S . D ' .: W . Jefferson , Tyler . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adto a splendid banquet , provided by Bro . H . Kilbv . The chair was taken by the newly
installed W . M ., Bro . W . G . Long , P . M ., and it is needless to say with what geneial good humour and kindly feeling he performed the duties ol his post . He was ably supported in the vicechair by I . P . M ., Bro . C . Scrivener , . M . D After the cloth was drawn , the W . M . gave "The Queen and the Craft . " -. "H . R . H . the Prince
of Wales , P . G . M . : " The Princess of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family " ; " The Most Noble the Marquis of Ripon , M . W . Grand Master of England ; " " The Rt . Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Past Grand Master : " " Br . Bale , D . Prov . G . M . " "The Installimr
Master , _ Mr . j . v . Spurr , P . M ., a / id the visiting brethren . " This toast was abl y responded to by Bro . Spurr , with truly masonic feeling , and also by Bro . H . C . Martin , P . M .. P . Prov . G . D . C , who had rendered most efficient service during the performance of the ceremonies . Bro . H .
Hankes , P . M ., gave "The Clergy , ' coupling them with Br . II . Blane , P . M . The Chaplain , and Bro . the Rev . R . Mitford Taylor , severall y returned thanks in very appropriate terms . Bro . the Rev . R . M . Taylor , proposed " the health of the immediate Pasl Master , ISro . C . Scrivener
A ] , I ) .. " who responded in a most eloquent and emphatic manner . The Installing master , then gave "The health of the newlv elected W . M . " in a most telling speech , which was enthusiastically received . The W . M . returned thanks in a speech replete with masonic and
paternal feeling , and promised to do his utmost for the good of ihe Lodge and for Freemasonry generally . The next health was that of " the Worthy and Courteous Treasurer , Br . W , Hankes , P . M . " proposed by Bro . Blane , P . M ., amidst great applause , testifying the high
position that he eii ] oys in the estimation of the brethren . Bro . Hankes replied in his usual strain of mingled eloquence and appropriate sentiments . Bro . R . Mitford Taylor , P . M ., then gave , in a neat speech , " The health of the Secretary " who briefly returned thanks . Several
other toasts were given , and duly honoured , the most prominent being that of "The Worthy Host , Brother II . Kilby , and his excellent wile , with thanks to them for having so eli ' ectuallv provided for the entertainment of the brethren . " The brethren then separated in peace and harmony .
GREAT DRII'I ' IELD . —The Si / lies Lodge ( No J 040 ) . —The annual meeting of the above lodge took place in the Masonic Hall , Great Driffield , on Wednesday , the . 17 th January , 1872 . The lodge was opened in due form . The ordinary routine business having been transacted , Bro .
Samuel King , P . M . 660 , P . Prov . J . G . W . North and East Yorkshire , took the chair as Installing Master . The Worshipful Master elect , Bro . Jonathan Turner , was then presented and duly installed , and afterwards invested as his officers the following brethren : —Bro . Thomas llomly ,
I . P . M . ; Edward G . Warren , Organist ; Ralph Teal , S . W . ; Wm . Roberts , IXC . ; Thomas Britton , ( M . D . ) J . W . ; Ed . Jessep , I . G . ; W . G . Chickman , Chaplain : Thos . W . Lister , and John Dunn , Stewards ; James Elgey , Treas ; James Bordass , Sec . ; Richd . Davison , S . D . ; Robt * Gait , j . D . Rob . Potts , Tyler . Mr . John Wilkin-
Yorkshire (North And East).
son was then innitiated by the W . M . and his officers . Hearty good wishes having been expressed , and the thanks of the lodge conveyed to Bro . King , for the impressive and correct manner in which he had performed the ceremony of installation the lodge was closed in the usual
form . The annual banquet 111 celebration of the instalhnion of the W . M . Mas held the same evening at the Bell Hotel . The usual loyal and masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the W . M . then presented a beautiful Past Master ' s jewel , as a fraternal token of regard and esteem
to the I . P . M ., Bro . Thomas Hornby , on his retirement from the chair ( for the second time ) of the Sykes Lodge , and congratulated that worthy brother on being the means of raising the lodge to its present harmonious and prosperous condition .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
PAXMURE CHAPTER ( NO . 720 ) . —This chapter held its election meeting at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , on Monday , the 12 th inst ., when there Mere present : E . Companions , Joseph Ntinn , M . E . Z . ; R . H . Harvey , H ; S . Davison , J .: | ames Stevens , P . Z . ; Scribe , E . ; H . C .
Levander , P . Z ., Treas . : John Thomas , P . Z . ; John Reed , P . Z . ; Rev . W . B . Church , N . ; C . Hammerton , P . S . ; G . H . N . Bridges , 1 st . A . S . ; G . Waterell , 2 nd . A . S . ; W . Worrell , Organist ; H . Smith •, H . F . Hodges •, M . S . Larlham ; E .
H . Pulsford ; W . J . Messenger ; and visitors , li . Companion ; H . \ i . Frances . Bros . John Rexworthy , of Israel Lodge , No . 205 , Mas exalted into the Supreme Degree of the Royal Arch . The election of officers for the ensiiinc year resulted
as follows , viz . —li . Companions Harvey , Al . E . Z : Davison , H ; H . Smith , J : J . Stevens , P . Z , Scribe E ; H . C . Levander , P . Z , Treasurer ; C . Hammerton , N . ; Bridges , P . S , ; and Bradley , Janitor . On proposition to vote a presentation to the retiring M . E . Z . on" his
leaving the Chair of First Principal , for the second time , the M . E . Z . expressed his desire to honour the memory of the late E . Companion , J . H . Gates , who , if he had been spared , would have been the present First Principal , by appropriating the value of ( he customary P . Z . jewel , with an additional contribution he would be willing to
make himself towards securing the election of the deceased's son , Frederick Charles Yates , into the Royal . Masonic Institution for Boys , at the ensuing election in April . This honourable and liberal suggestion was cordially received by the
Chapter , and evoked a general expression of esteem for the M . E . Z ; and the amount Mas unanimously voted to be placed at his disposal . The Chapter was then closed , and after a brief period of refreshment , the Companions separated .
Red Cross Of Constantine Scotland.
Red Cross of Constantine SCOTLAND .
EniMH . ROii . —F . dineiirgh Conclave ( No . 4 ) . — The third quarterly meeting of this conclave was held at the Albert Hotel , Hanover-street , on Tuesday evening , J an . 23 rd . Present Em . Sir Kls . J . B . Mercer , M . P . S . R . S . ; Brown , Hon . Sov ., ' E . V . E . : | . Tavlor , Hon . Soy ., H . P . ;
Alex . Henry , Hon . Sov .: and F . L . Law , Hon V ., Prefect ; Sir Kts . Dr . J . T . Loth , Charles G . C . Christie , G . Watson , and Thomas Sim . The conclave having been duly opened , the . following brethren Mere proposed for installation viz . —W . Anderson and C . J . Kerr , M . M . ' s
of St . Andrew ' s Lodge , No . 48 ; R . Irlam , M . M . of St . Stephen ' s , 145 ; and W . Hawley , M . M . of St . David ' s 36 ; and having been approved of , they were duly installed Knights Companions of the order . The next business
was the election of office bearers , for 1872-3 , and Sir Knight Brown , E . V . E ., having declined the Chair of C , Sir Kt . Dr . J . T . Loth , R . W . M ., of St . Andrew ' s Lodge , No . 4 8 , was elected to that office , and Sir Kt . Charles G . C . Christie , R . W . M . of St . David , No . 36 . as E . O . E . ; Em .