Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Kent , claimed admission , and sthc W . M . deputed several P . M . ' s to conduct Bro . Eastes into the lodge with due honour . The procession of P . M . ' s with the Dep . P . G . M . then entered , the brethren standing to order , and a voluntary being played on the organ by Bro . Aubrey . The W . M . placed his gavel in thc hands of the Dep . P . G . M ., who graciously returned it . Thc Dep . P . G . M . was saluted
with five . Bro . Mayncr was then passed to the degree of F . C . The W . M . Elect ., Bro . Alfred Wootton , was presented by Bro . Ellerm to thc W . M ., to receive the benefit of installation , and , having assented to the ancient charges and regulations , took the " O . B . of a W . M . Elect . The lodge was resumed in thc third degree , and all the brethren below the rank of I . M . having retired , and a Board of
I . M . ' s formed , Bro . Wootton was installed in the chair of K . S . with the customary ceremonial . He invested Bro . Call with the P . M . ' s collar , and declared thc board of I . M . ' s closed . Thc M . M . ' s , F . C . ' s and E . A . ' s were successively re-admitted , the lodge being closed in thc third and second degrees , and the W . M . saluted in each of the throe degrees . Tlic following ofiicers were appointed
and invested , viz .: Bros . Geo . Page , S . W . ; James W . Smith , J . W . ; Lewis Finch , P . M . Treas . ; B . N . Hiscocks , P . M . Sec . ; The Rev . G . W . Sicklemore , Chaplain ; Wm . Winch , P . M . 429 , S . D . ; W . II . Howard , J . . ; J . L Ellerm , P . M ., D . C ; E . Buss , I . G . ; W . Larkin , Organist ; G . Hill and J . O . Eve , Stewards ; and R . T . Rolfe , P . M . 420 , Tyler . Bro . Call delivered the usual charges ,
perfcrming the whole ceremony of installation in such a manner as could not fail to command thc admiration of the brethren , and their hearty applause at its completion . A candidate was proposed and seconded for initiation at the next meeting , and the lodge was closed . Thc brethren adjourned to the banquet-hall , and enjoyed an excellent dinner , served by Bro . Hiscocks in the usual good style ,
which is rarely surpassed elsewhere . The W . M . proposed thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were duly responded to . One of the most important toasts was , of course , that of" The Health of the Dep . Prov . G . M ., " who , in returning thanks , most strongly advocated thc cause of the Masonic Charities , and urged the brethren to increased
efforts in their behalf . Bros . Aubrey , Copland , Curtis , James W . Smith , Terry , and Ayton contributed to thc cnlivcnmcnt of the evening by some capital vocal and instrumental mu ^ ic . Thc success of thc meeting was unmistakcable ; and that every one enjoyed it was evinced by the reluctance of the brethren to depart , even when the last strokes of thc closing hour had died away .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LION- AND LAMB CIIAPTEH . —The April meeting of the above chapter was held on Wednesday last at the City Terminus Hotel , present , Comp . E . Roberts , M . E . Z . ; G . Newman , 11 . ; F . D . R . Copcstick , J . ; Jones , P . S . ; Fellowes , 1 st A . S . ; II . Birdseye , S . N . ; S . Muggeridge , S . E . ; G . Kenning , P . Z ., Treasurer ; 11 . Muggeridge , P . G . S . B . ; Phythian , Storr , Ridley , Marks , Cheese , Copcstick , Chapman ,
Kent , Bartholomew , Cann , \ eoman , Barker , Dunn ; visitors , Comps . H . Wentworth Little , P . Z ., and J . G . Maish , Bro . F . Barker , of Lodge Lion and Lamb ( 192 ) , and J . Dunn , were duly exalted . It was proposed by Comp . Roberts , M . E . Z ., and duly seconded , that thc July meeting of thc chapter be discontinued . The consideration of this proposition was defered . The chapter duly the companions retired to the banquet .
Mark Masonry.
ll ' arfv Masonti .
EHA LODGE or MARK MASTERS ( NO . 17 O ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Friday , April 1 Oth , at thc Bridge House Hotel , Borough High-street , Southwark . Bro . John Thomas Moss , W . M , opened the lodge . There were present—Bros . 11 . A . Dubois , S . W . ; | . Baxter Langley , J . W . ; T . II . Miller , Treas . ; F . Walters , P . G . R , P . M ., Sec ; H . J . Green , M . O .: T . Horton , S . O . ;
W . Hammond , J . O . ; J . Johnson , I . G . ; W . Munday , J . Wallis , and many others . There were no visitors . The minutes were read and unanimously confirmed . Apologies were received from absent candidates . The ballot for advancements were unanimous in favour of all the
candidatcs . I he results of the ballots were unanimous in favour of Bros . H . A . Dubois , S . W ., being W . M . ; and T . II . Miller , being re-elected Treasurer . Thc T yler , Bro . W . Y . Laing , was re-elected Tyler . Several propositions for candidates for advancements were made . Thc lodge was closed . A good banquet followed .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —LODGE KILWINNING ( NO . 4 . )—The annual visitation of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Glasgow was made to this lodge on 7 II 1 inst . There was a good attendance oi members aud visiting brethren , the R . W . M ., Bro . A . Thorburn , presiding , and the deputation of the 7 . G . L . were received with due honour . After the preliminary formalities , Bro . McTaggart , Prov . Grand Secretary ,
said that his report was a short one , and was to the effect that the lodge books were in excellent condition , and that the lodge was working , as heretofore , in strict harmony with Grand Lodge laws . As regarded funds , he found that they had at the end of the working year to their credit nsnrnof ^; iiji - . id . During the year they had only
had one emergency meeting , a fact which he did not altogether regret . Numbers alone was not the only criterion of the good condition of a lodge ; and they ( Glasgow Kilwinning ) were able a I thc end of the year to present a very healthy statement of their affairs . The R . W . M . having expressed thepleasure the lodge must have felt at the flat-
tering nature of thc P . G . Secretary ' s report , and given explanation of a little matter touched upon therein , Bro . McTaggart said he had made a special note of said explanation , and added that the deputation had not within the province found any set of books better kept or more free from flaw . The deputation then retired , and the lodge was thereafter closed in due form .
LEITH . —LODGE CANONGATE ( No . 5 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this most ancient lodge was held in their lodge-room , 86 , Constitution-street , Leith , on Tuesday , Oth inst ., Bro . E . Drummond , R . W . M ., in the chair , and the office-bearers in their respective places . On thc minutes of last meeting being read and confirmed , an application was read from Mr . A . Kennedy for admittance into the Order .
There being no objection , thc candidate received the E . A . degree , Bro . Drummond , R . W . M ., officiating . Bro . Laird , S . W ., read a communication from Bro . J . F . Lincoln , of Magnolia Lodge , No . 20 , Columbia , with a present of two volumes neatly bound of proceedings of Grand Lodge ol Ohio from 1 S 08 to 1857 , which was received with acclamation by the brethren . The R . W . M . proposed a vote of
thanks to Bro . Lincoln for his handsome gift , and that it be recorded in the minutes , which was agreed upon , thc Secretary to communicate the same to Bro . Lincoln . The lodge was called to refreshment , and in the course of the evening some excellent songs , glees , and music were given by Bros . G . Davidson , Buchanan , Murdoch , Johnson , and Lawrie . Altogether , a most enjoyable evening was spent .
GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . MUNGO ( NO . 27 ) . The bi-monthly meeting of this old and prosperous lodge was held in St . Mark's Hall , 21 3 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow , on Thursday , the 15 th inst ., the R . W . M ., Bro . Dugald Butler , presiding , supported by Bros . Dr . Mclnnes , S . W . G . ; McComb , J . W . ; and the other office-bearers in their respective places . The lodge was opened by Bro . Dugald
Butler , R . W . M ., and the minutes of previous meetings read and approved of . Applications were then read from Mr . A . McKay and Mr Symc for admission into the Order which were approved of . The candidates entered aud re- ' ceived the E . A . degree , Bro . A . Bain , S . M ., Union and Crown , 103 , officiating in his usual effective style . Bro . Butler then intimated to the lodge that Bro . W .
Montgomerie Neilson , P . G . M . of Glasgow , would lay the foundation stone of the New Public Halls , Kent-road , Glasgow , on Saturday , the 22 nd May next , and he hoped that as many as possible of the members of Lodge St . Mungo ( that could attend ) would be present to celebrate that occasion . The lodge was raised to F . C . degree , when Bro . J . MeCuaigh was duly passed to that degree , Bro . A . Bain
again officiating . There being no further business the lodge was closed in ancient form . LOCHMABEN . —LODGE ST . MAGDALENE ( NO . 100 ) . — A meeting of this lodge was held in the Town Hall , Lochmaben , on Saturday , 3 rd inst ., Bro . A . Smith , in thc absence of thc R . W . M ., presiding ; present , J . _ Smith , S . W . ; M . Wells , I . W . ; R . Emery , Treasurer ; D . McCall , Sec ,
and a goodly number of brethren . An application having been read for admission , and there being no objection , the candidate entered and received the E . A . degree . The lodge was raised when Bro . Glendinning and Bro . J . Smith received the F . C . degree , Bro . Andrew Smith , D . M . officiating . The lodge was then closed in due form . An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on the gth
inst ., Bro . A . Smith , D . M ., presiding . Bro . Smith read a letter from thc R . W . M ., tendering his resignation of his office , on account of his inability to attend thc meetings as he would wish . Thc resignation was accepted by the lodge , and Bro . M . Wells , J . W ., was elected as Proxy Master to thc 30 th November , and Bro . Walter Wells was elected J . W . Four brethren were then raised to the
sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . M . Wells , assisted by Bro . John Smith , S . W . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in due form . RUTHERGLEN . —ROYAL Alien LODGE ( No . 116 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Council Hall , on Friday , the 2 nd inst ., Bro . W . Ferguson , R . W . M ., presiding . There was a large attendance of members and
visiting brethren , among whom were Bros . Bailie Kiimoii , P . M . ; Councillor Lang , P . M . ; W . Kirkwood , P . M . ; W . G . Graveney , S . W . ; D . Gilmour , J . W . ; D . Colquhoun , I . G . ; G . I-ove , S . D . ; John Hamilton , Secretary : G . Don , Treasurer . The lodge being opened by the R . W . M ., Bro . W . Ferguson , thc minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved of , also an application lor admission into the Order from M . Edmund Bellenive , who was received and regularly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . After some business connected with the lodge had been discussed , the lodge was closed in due form .
GLASGOW . —LODGE STAR ( NO . 219 ) . —The regular bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 12 , Trongate , Glasgow , on Monday , the 12 th inst . ; Bro . Wilson , P . M ., in the unavoidable absence of the R . W . M ., Bro . John Morgan , opened the lodge . There were present on this occasion Bros . Garth , S . W . ; Horn , J . W . ; Jasper Martin , D . M . j B . Smart , Treas . ; J . Crawford , Sec ; J .
Shaw , R . W . M . 354 ; Ferguson , R . W . M . 116 ; W . H . Bickerton { Freemason ); and a goodly number of members and visitingbiethren . The minutes of last meeting were read , and , with a few corrections , were appr . ovcd of . Bro . Morgan , R . W . M ., then entered , and Bro . Wilson , P . M ., handed over to him the insignia of his office , and raised the lodge to the F . C . degree , when Bro . G . Finlay , A . Robertson , J . Charles , J . Taylor and J . Ilutcheson were duly passed to
the F . C . degree , Bro . W . II . Patterson officiating in a very able manner . A deserving case of charily , also a proposition for testimonial to Bro . Wilson , I . P . M ., having been brought forward , both cases were received with acclamation . The R . W . M . intimated to thc lodge that there would be an emergency meeting on Friday , lOth inst . There being no further businsss , thc lodge was closed in due form . RUTHERGLEN . —ST . J ' S OPERATIVE ( NO . 347 ) . — An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Wed-
nesday , 7 th inst ., Bro . John Cunningham , R . W . M ., presiding . J . Murdoch , S . W . ; T . Ashton , J . W . ; there were also present Bro . Gardener , I . M . ; Bro . Abbott , D . M . ; Bro . Smart , S . M . ; and a goodly number of brethren . The R . W . M . opened the lodge and read applications for
admission from two gentlemen ; there being no objection thc candidates received thc E . A . degree , Bro . D . Smart , S . M ., officiating in a most impressive and careful manner . There being no further business the Jodge was closed in due form .
GLASGOW . —LODGE CLYDE ( NO . 408 ) . —A special meeting of this lodge was held within the hall , 170 , Buchanan Street , Glasgow , on Thursday , thc 15 th inst . The lodge was opened by thc R . W . M ., Bro . Wm . Harper , in ancient form , and immediately after the brethren were called to refreshment , when about thirty sat down to an excellent supper , Bro . Wm . Harper , R . W . M ., presidine ,
supported by Bros . Downie and Buchanan ^ Past Masters of the lodge . Bro . Black officiated as Croupier , supported by Bro . Mclnnes , S . W . ; and Bro . ' John Cunningham , R . W . M ., Lodge St . John's Operative , Rutherglen , 347 . After thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given and duly honoured , the chairman proposed thc toast of the evening , which on this occasion was " Health and
Prosperity to Bro . Duncan Downie , I . P . M . " In doing so he presented him on thc behalf ofthe lodge , and in acknowledgment of their appreciation of his services to the lodge , and thc high estimation they held of him as their I . P . M ., with a handsome gold watch and appendages . Bro . Downie , in a few well-chosen remarks , expressed his gratification of the high compliment that had been
conferred upon him that evening , one that he should always value , esteem , and hold dear . With toasts and songs , thc brethren enjoyed a most pleasant evening , and [ with the last toast thc brethren were recalled and the lodge closed in due form . GLASGOW . —LonoE ATHOLE ( No . 413 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in St . Mark ' s Hall ,
213 , Buchanan Street , Glasgow , on Tuesday , 13 th inst ., Bro . James Wallace , R . W . M ., presiding . There were also present Bros . Colin McKenzie , S . W . ; D . Leeds , J . W . ; Bro . James Loutitt , D . M ; Bro . A . Bain , P . M . 103 ; Bro . W . H . Bickerton { Freemason ) , and others . The R . W . M . opened the lodge , when thc minutes of the last meeting were raid and approved of . Bro . Wallace then intimated
that the lodge would be visited by the Provincial Grand Lodge , on Monday , 20 th inst ., when he hoped there would be a good attendance of members on that occasion . The lodge was raised to the degree of F . C , when Bro . W . Lockie , George Robertson , and James Crichton received that degree , Bro . James Loutitt , D . M ., officiating , There being no other business , the lodge was closed .
GLASGOW . —LODGE MARIE STUART ( NO . 541 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held in the lodge room , Crosshill , on Monday , thc 12 th inst . Present : Bro . Julius Brode , R . W . M . ; S . Findlatcr , acting S . W . ; A . Buchanan , acting J . W . ; and a good attendance of members and brethren . The lodge was opened by Bro . Brode , R . W . M ., and thc minutes read and approved of . Bio . D . Lamb ,
D . M ., Lodge Commercial , in consideration of his most valuable services rendered to this lodge , was then affiliated an honorary member , and Bro . Robert Walker was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . A letter was then read from Bro . J . D . Porteous , I . P . M . of Lodge Marie Stuart , now residing at Bolton , Lancashire , conveying valuable suggestions upon lodge affairs , which were highly
approved of . Progress of the sale of tickets for Mrs . Skinner ' s Aquarium was reported , which was most satisfactory , after which the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . DREGHORN . —ST . MATTHEW LODGE ( NO . 549 ) , met in the lodge room , Crown Hotel , on Monday , thc 5 th inst ., Bro . Nisbet , R . W . M ., presiding , and thc remaining officers in their respective places . On the lodge being opened by
the R . W . M ., the Secretary read the minutes of the preceding meeting , which were confirmed . Phc lodge ' was then raised , and Bro . Hastings received thc degree of F . C , and afterwards thc sublime degree of Master Mason , thc ceremony being performed in a very able and impressive manner . The Treasurer then submitted his financial report , which was very satisfactory , after which the lodge was closed .
LEITH . —PERSEVERANCE CHAPTER ( No . 152 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this chapter was held at 80 , Constitution Street , Leith , on Friday , 2 nd inst .: present , Comps . J . Laurie , Z . ; G . Hudson , H . ; J . S . Mathcson , P . Z . ; D . Laird , S . E . ; IL Jupp , S . N . ; E . Drummond , Treasurer ; E . Milner , Scribe , and a goodly number of companions . A lodge of Mark Masters having been
opened , petitions were read from Bros . J . T . Saxby and William George , M . Masons of Lodge St . Margaret ' s , No . . 548 , also from Bro . C . M . Gardner , M . Mason of Lodge Canongate and Leith , No . 5 . There being no objection , the candidates entered , and were advanced to the degrees
of Mark Master and Excellent Master , and on a R . A . Chapter being opened , were exalted to that degree by Comp J . Laurie , M . E . Z ., in a most sublime manner . After a few discussions connected with the chapter , and there being 110 further business , the chapter was closed in due form .
HOLLOWAY S OINTMKNT . —Had less , wounds , and all description of sores are immediately cured by the power ami diligent use osf Ihose inestimable preparations . To attempt to cure bad legs by plastering the edges of the wound together is a I ' ollv ; for , should the skin unite , a baggy , diseased condition remains underneath .
to break out ' . villi terrlold fury irr a lew dais . The only rational and perfect treatment is to reduce the inflammation in and about the wound , to soothe the neighbouring nerves , to cool lire healed blood as it courses along its vessels , and to render the thin , watery , ichorous discharge consistent and healthy . Happily for sull ' ering humanity , llollowav's Ointment , assisted by judicious doses of his Pills ' , accomplishes these ends with unfailing cerlaintv .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Kent , claimed admission , and sthc W . M . deputed several P . M . ' s to conduct Bro . Eastes into the lodge with due honour . The procession of P . M . ' s with the Dep . P . G . M . then entered , the brethren standing to order , and a voluntary being played on the organ by Bro . Aubrey . The W . M . placed his gavel in thc hands of the Dep . P . G . M ., who graciously returned it . Thc Dep . P . G . M . was saluted
with five . Bro . Mayncr was then passed to the degree of F . C . The W . M . Elect ., Bro . Alfred Wootton , was presented by Bro . Ellerm to thc W . M ., to receive the benefit of installation , and , having assented to the ancient charges and regulations , took the " O . B . of a W . M . Elect . The lodge was resumed in thc third degree , and all the brethren below the rank of I . M . having retired , and a Board of
I . M . ' s formed , Bro . Wootton was installed in the chair of K . S . with the customary ceremonial . He invested Bro . Call with the P . M . ' s collar , and declared thc board of I . M . ' s closed . Thc M . M . ' s , F . C . ' s and E . A . ' s were successively re-admitted , the lodge being closed in thc third and second degrees , and the W . M . saluted in each of the throe degrees . Tlic following ofiicers were appointed
and invested , viz .: Bros . Geo . Page , S . W . ; James W . Smith , J . W . ; Lewis Finch , P . M . Treas . ; B . N . Hiscocks , P . M . Sec . ; The Rev . G . W . Sicklemore , Chaplain ; Wm . Winch , P . M . 429 , S . D . ; W . II . Howard , J . . ; J . L Ellerm , P . M ., D . C ; E . Buss , I . G . ; W . Larkin , Organist ; G . Hill and J . O . Eve , Stewards ; and R . T . Rolfe , P . M . 420 , Tyler . Bro . Call delivered the usual charges ,
perfcrming the whole ceremony of installation in such a manner as could not fail to command thc admiration of the brethren , and their hearty applause at its completion . A candidate was proposed and seconded for initiation at the next meeting , and the lodge was closed . Thc brethren adjourned to the banquet-hall , and enjoyed an excellent dinner , served by Bro . Hiscocks in the usual good style ,
which is rarely surpassed elsewhere . The W . M . proposed thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were duly responded to . One of the most important toasts was , of course , that of" The Health of the Dep . Prov . G . M ., " who , in returning thanks , most strongly advocated thc cause of the Masonic Charities , and urged the brethren to increased
efforts in their behalf . Bros . Aubrey , Copland , Curtis , James W . Smith , Terry , and Ayton contributed to thc cnlivcnmcnt of the evening by some capital vocal and instrumental mu ^ ic . Thc success of thc meeting was unmistakcable ; and that every one enjoyed it was evinced by the reluctance of the brethren to depart , even when the last strokes of thc closing hour had died away .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LION- AND LAMB CIIAPTEH . —The April meeting of the above chapter was held on Wednesday last at the City Terminus Hotel , present , Comp . E . Roberts , M . E . Z . ; G . Newman , 11 . ; F . D . R . Copcstick , J . ; Jones , P . S . ; Fellowes , 1 st A . S . ; II . Birdseye , S . N . ; S . Muggeridge , S . E . ; G . Kenning , P . Z ., Treasurer ; 11 . Muggeridge , P . G . S . B . ; Phythian , Storr , Ridley , Marks , Cheese , Copcstick , Chapman ,
Kent , Bartholomew , Cann , \ eoman , Barker , Dunn ; visitors , Comps . H . Wentworth Little , P . Z ., and J . G . Maish , Bro . F . Barker , of Lodge Lion and Lamb ( 192 ) , and J . Dunn , were duly exalted . It was proposed by Comp . Roberts , M . E . Z ., and duly seconded , that thc July meeting of thc chapter be discontinued . The consideration of this proposition was defered . The chapter duly the companions retired to the banquet .
Mark Masonry.
ll ' arfv Masonti .
EHA LODGE or MARK MASTERS ( NO . 17 O ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Friday , April 1 Oth , at thc Bridge House Hotel , Borough High-street , Southwark . Bro . John Thomas Moss , W . M , opened the lodge . There were present—Bros . 11 . A . Dubois , S . W . ; | . Baxter Langley , J . W . ; T . II . Miller , Treas . ; F . Walters , P . G . R , P . M ., Sec ; H . J . Green , M . O .: T . Horton , S . O . ;
W . Hammond , J . O . ; J . Johnson , I . G . ; W . Munday , J . Wallis , and many others . There were no visitors . The minutes were read and unanimously confirmed . Apologies were received from absent candidates . The ballot for advancements were unanimous in favour of all the
candidatcs . I he results of the ballots were unanimous in favour of Bros . H . A . Dubois , S . W ., being W . M . ; and T . II . Miller , being re-elected Treasurer . Thc T yler , Bro . W . Y . Laing , was re-elected Tyler . Several propositions for candidates for advancements were made . Thc lodge was closed . A good banquet followed .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —LODGE KILWINNING ( NO . 4 . )—The annual visitation of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Glasgow was made to this lodge on 7 II 1 inst . There was a good attendance oi members aud visiting brethren , the R . W . M ., Bro . A . Thorburn , presiding , and the deputation of the 7 . G . L . were received with due honour . After the preliminary formalities , Bro . McTaggart , Prov . Grand Secretary ,
said that his report was a short one , and was to the effect that the lodge books were in excellent condition , and that the lodge was working , as heretofore , in strict harmony with Grand Lodge laws . As regarded funds , he found that they had at the end of the working year to their credit nsnrnof ^; iiji - . id . During the year they had only
had one emergency meeting , a fact which he did not altogether regret . Numbers alone was not the only criterion of the good condition of a lodge ; and they ( Glasgow Kilwinning ) were able a I thc end of the year to present a very healthy statement of their affairs . The R . W . M . having expressed thepleasure the lodge must have felt at the flat-
tering nature of thc P . G . Secretary ' s report , and given explanation of a little matter touched upon therein , Bro . McTaggart said he had made a special note of said explanation , and added that the deputation had not within the province found any set of books better kept or more free from flaw . The deputation then retired , and the lodge was thereafter closed in due form .
LEITH . —LODGE CANONGATE ( No . 5 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this most ancient lodge was held in their lodge-room , 86 , Constitution-street , Leith , on Tuesday , Oth inst ., Bro . E . Drummond , R . W . M ., in the chair , and the office-bearers in their respective places . On thc minutes of last meeting being read and confirmed , an application was read from Mr . A . Kennedy for admittance into the Order .
There being no objection , thc candidate received the E . A . degree , Bro . Drummond , R . W . M ., officiating . Bro . Laird , S . W ., read a communication from Bro . J . F . Lincoln , of Magnolia Lodge , No . 20 , Columbia , with a present of two volumes neatly bound of proceedings of Grand Lodge ol Ohio from 1 S 08 to 1857 , which was received with acclamation by the brethren . The R . W . M . proposed a vote of
thanks to Bro . Lincoln for his handsome gift , and that it be recorded in the minutes , which was agreed upon , thc Secretary to communicate the same to Bro . Lincoln . The lodge was called to refreshment , and in the course of the evening some excellent songs , glees , and music were given by Bros . G . Davidson , Buchanan , Murdoch , Johnson , and Lawrie . Altogether , a most enjoyable evening was spent .
GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . MUNGO ( NO . 27 ) . The bi-monthly meeting of this old and prosperous lodge was held in St . Mark's Hall , 21 3 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow , on Thursday , the 15 th inst ., the R . W . M ., Bro . Dugald Butler , presiding , supported by Bros . Dr . Mclnnes , S . W . G . ; McComb , J . W . ; and the other office-bearers in their respective places . The lodge was opened by Bro . Dugald
Butler , R . W . M ., and the minutes of previous meetings read and approved of . Applications were then read from Mr . A . McKay and Mr Symc for admission into the Order which were approved of . The candidates entered aud re- ' ceived the E . A . degree , Bro . A . Bain , S . M ., Union and Crown , 103 , officiating in his usual effective style . Bro . Butler then intimated to the lodge that Bro . W .
Montgomerie Neilson , P . G . M . of Glasgow , would lay the foundation stone of the New Public Halls , Kent-road , Glasgow , on Saturday , the 22 nd May next , and he hoped that as many as possible of the members of Lodge St . Mungo ( that could attend ) would be present to celebrate that occasion . The lodge was raised to F . C . degree , when Bro . J . MeCuaigh was duly passed to that degree , Bro . A . Bain
again officiating . There being no further business the lodge was closed in ancient form . LOCHMABEN . —LODGE ST . MAGDALENE ( NO . 100 ) . — A meeting of this lodge was held in the Town Hall , Lochmaben , on Saturday , 3 rd inst ., Bro . A . Smith , in thc absence of thc R . W . M ., presiding ; present , J . _ Smith , S . W . ; M . Wells , I . W . ; R . Emery , Treasurer ; D . McCall , Sec ,
and a goodly number of brethren . An application having been read for admission , and there being no objection , the candidate entered and received the E . A . degree . The lodge was raised when Bro . Glendinning and Bro . J . Smith received the F . C . degree , Bro . Andrew Smith , D . M . officiating . The lodge was then closed in due form . An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on the gth
inst ., Bro . A . Smith , D . M ., presiding . Bro . Smith read a letter from thc R . W . M ., tendering his resignation of his office , on account of his inability to attend thc meetings as he would wish . Thc resignation was accepted by the lodge , and Bro . M . Wells , J . W ., was elected as Proxy Master to thc 30 th November , and Bro . Walter Wells was elected J . W . Four brethren were then raised to the
sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . M . Wells , assisted by Bro . John Smith , S . W . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in due form . RUTHERGLEN . —ROYAL Alien LODGE ( No . 116 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Council Hall , on Friday , the 2 nd inst ., Bro . W . Ferguson , R . W . M ., presiding . There was a large attendance of members and
visiting brethren , among whom were Bros . Bailie Kiimoii , P . M . ; Councillor Lang , P . M . ; W . Kirkwood , P . M . ; W . G . Graveney , S . W . ; D . Gilmour , J . W . ; D . Colquhoun , I . G . ; G . I-ove , S . D . ; John Hamilton , Secretary : G . Don , Treasurer . The lodge being opened by the R . W . M ., Bro . W . Ferguson , thc minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved of , also an application lor admission into the Order from M . Edmund Bellenive , who was received and regularly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . After some business connected with the lodge had been discussed , the lodge was closed in due form .
GLASGOW . —LODGE STAR ( NO . 219 ) . —The regular bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 12 , Trongate , Glasgow , on Monday , the 12 th inst . ; Bro . Wilson , P . M ., in the unavoidable absence of the R . W . M ., Bro . John Morgan , opened the lodge . There were present on this occasion Bros . Garth , S . W . ; Horn , J . W . ; Jasper Martin , D . M . j B . Smart , Treas . ; J . Crawford , Sec ; J .
Shaw , R . W . M . 354 ; Ferguson , R . W . M . 116 ; W . H . Bickerton { Freemason ); and a goodly number of members and visitingbiethren . The minutes of last meeting were read , and , with a few corrections , were appr . ovcd of . Bro . Morgan , R . W . M ., then entered , and Bro . Wilson , P . M ., handed over to him the insignia of his office , and raised the lodge to the F . C . degree , when Bro . G . Finlay , A . Robertson , J . Charles , J . Taylor and J . Ilutcheson were duly passed to
the F . C . degree , Bro . W . II . Patterson officiating in a very able manner . A deserving case of charily , also a proposition for testimonial to Bro . Wilson , I . P . M ., having been brought forward , both cases were received with acclamation . The R . W . M . intimated to thc lodge that there would be an emergency meeting on Friday , lOth inst . There being no further businsss , thc lodge was closed in due form . RUTHERGLEN . —ST . J ' S OPERATIVE ( NO . 347 ) . — An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Wed-
nesday , 7 th inst ., Bro . John Cunningham , R . W . M ., presiding . J . Murdoch , S . W . ; T . Ashton , J . W . ; there were also present Bro . Gardener , I . M . ; Bro . Abbott , D . M . ; Bro . Smart , S . M . ; and a goodly number of brethren . The R . W . M . opened the lodge and read applications for
admission from two gentlemen ; there being no objection thc candidates received thc E . A . degree , Bro . D . Smart , S . M ., officiating in a most impressive and careful manner . There being no further business the Jodge was closed in due form .
GLASGOW . —LODGE CLYDE ( NO . 408 ) . —A special meeting of this lodge was held within the hall , 170 , Buchanan Street , Glasgow , on Thursday , thc 15 th inst . The lodge was opened by thc R . W . M ., Bro . Wm . Harper , in ancient form , and immediately after the brethren were called to refreshment , when about thirty sat down to an excellent supper , Bro . Wm . Harper , R . W . M ., presidine ,
supported by Bros . Downie and Buchanan ^ Past Masters of the lodge . Bro . Black officiated as Croupier , supported by Bro . Mclnnes , S . W . ; and Bro . ' John Cunningham , R . W . M ., Lodge St . John's Operative , Rutherglen , 347 . After thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given and duly honoured , the chairman proposed thc toast of the evening , which on this occasion was " Health and
Prosperity to Bro . Duncan Downie , I . P . M . " In doing so he presented him on thc behalf ofthe lodge , and in acknowledgment of their appreciation of his services to the lodge , and thc high estimation they held of him as their I . P . M ., with a handsome gold watch and appendages . Bro . Downie , in a few well-chosen remarks , expressed his gratification of the high compliment that had been
conferred upon him that evening , one that he should always value , esteem , and hold dear . With toasts and songs , thc brethren enjoyed a most pleasant evening , and [ with the last toast thc brethren were recalled and the lodge closed in due form . GLASGOW . —LonoE ATHOLE ( No . 413 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in St . Mark ' s Hall ,
213 , Buchanan Street , Glasgow , on Tuesday , 13 th inst ., Bro . James Wallace , R . W . M ., presiding . There were also present Bros . Colin McKenzie , S . W . ; D . Leeds , J . W . ; Bro . James Loutitt , D . M ; Bro . A . Bain , P . M . 103 ; Bro . W . H . Bickerton { Freemason ) , and others . The R . W . M . opened the lodge , when thc minutes of the last meeting were raid and approved of . Bro . Wallace then intimated
that the lodge would be visited by the Provincial Grand Lodge , on Monday , 20 th inst ., when he hoped there would be a good attendance of members on that occasion . The lodge was raised to the degree of F . C , when Bro . W . Lockie , George Robertson , and James Crichton received that degree , Bro . James Loutitt , D . M ., officiating , There being no other business , the lodge was closed .
GLASGOW . —LODGE MARIE STUART ( NO . 541 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held in the lodge room , Crosshill , on Monday , thc 12 th inst . Present : Bro . Julius Brode , R . W . M . ; S . Findlatcr , acting S . W . ; A . Buchanan , acting J . W . ; and a good attendance of members and brethren . The lodge was opened by Bro . Brode , R . W . M ., and thc minutes read and approved of . Bio . D . Lamb ,
D . M ., Lodge Commercial , in consideration of his most valuable services rendered to this lodge , was then affiliated an honorary member , and Bro . Robert Walker was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . A letter was then read from Bro . J . D . Porteous , I . P . M . of Lodge Marie Stuart , now residing at Bolton , Lancashire , conveying valuable suggestions upon lodge affairs , which were highly
approved of . Progress of the sale of tickets for Mrs . Skinner ' s Aquarium was reported , which was most satisfactory , after which the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . DREGHORN . —ST . MATTHEW LODGE ( NO . 549 ) , met in the lodge room , Crown Hotel , on Monday , thc 5 th inst ., Bro . Nisbet , R . W . M ., presiding , and thc remaining officers in their respective places . On the lodge being opened by
the R . W . M ., the Secretary read the minutes of the preceding meeting , which were confirmed . Phc lodge ' was then raised , and Bro . Hastings received thc degree of F . C , and afterwards thc sublime degree of Master Mason , thc ceremony being performed in a very able and impressive manner . The Treasurer then submitted his financial report , which was very satisfactory , after which the lodge was closed .
LEITH . —PERSEVERANCE CHAPTER ( No . 152 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this chapter was held at 80 , Constitution Street , Leith , on Friday , 2 nd inst .: present , Comps . J . Laurie , Z . ; G . Hudson , H . ; J . S . Mathcson , P . Z . ; D . Laird , S . E . ; IL Jupp , S . N . ; E . Drummond , Treasurer ; E . Milner , Scribe , and a goodly number of companions . A lodge of Mark Masters having been
opened , petitions were read from Bros . J . T . Saxby and William George , M . Masons of Lodge St . Margaret ' s , No . . 548 , also from Bro . C . M . Gardner , M . Mason of Lodge Canongate and Leith , No . 5 . There being no objection , the candidates entered , and were advanced to the degrees
of Mark Master and Excellent Master , and on a R . A . Chapter being opened , were exalted to that degree by Comp J . Laurie , M . E . Z ., in a most sublime manner . After a few discussions connected with the chapter , and there being 110 further business , the chapter was closed in due form .
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