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GEORGE KENNING , LATE J MOTT THEARLE . 198 , Fleet Street , E . C . WATCH & CLOCK MANUFACTURER , GOLDSMITH AID JEWELLER . 2 tn x ^^ , *""' MffS-. / HT £ N N'INCi X ^» pi jv > WB f LON aofi \ W £ fl £ s . cl Strong * Silver Watches from i o Q Silver English Levers ( own make ) from 3 10 o Ladics'Gold English Levers „ from 990 Gent ' s Gold English Levers ,, from 12 12 o Gold Watches from 2 12 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , in neat cases from 010 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , vvith alarum from o 15 o Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Medals , and Jewels , suitable for Presentation , & . C ., made to order with dispatch . All kinds of repairs done on the premises , at moderate prices , by experienced workmen . George Keimiiigs' Ladies' Gold English Levers unequalled £ 10 ios . Masonic Signet Rings , Scarf Pins , Lockets . Studs and Links . Masonic Charms for every degree in 9 ct ., 1 5 < rt . and iSct . Gold . Watch Glasses 6 d . ami 1 / - Watch Keys Od . Ladies' Ears pierced 1 / - Mauufactory : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain ,
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , and South Coast Railways , 'PHIS Hotel has great facilities for Meetings , Charitable Institutions , Wedding Hreakfasts , Public Dinners , Balls , . Soirees , anil is allowed lo be in real domestic coli-fo . 't , one of the Uest in the Metropolis , ihe tarilV on application to JOSEPH H . SPKXCER . City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . " ^/ "ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Aninteiir Dramatic Entcrlainir . ents , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable ot scaling np \ vanl . soi Twelve Hundred people . SYDNEY SI ' ENCKR , Proprietor .
Masons' Hall Tavern , MASONS * AVENUE , BASINGHAU .-STKKIiT , CITY . r PHE above okl-establiyhed Tavern is NOW A OPEN , newly decorated , by Uro . CIIARLRS fiOSDIiN , late Manager of tbe I ' rcemasons' Tavern Company . Rvcry accoin-. modation vvill be foil ml for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and oilier degrees , for llieir Meetinrrs , IJitiners , Suppers , Sec , and every atlenlion vvill be paid to their comfort and enioymuut by die new rroi * ric * . or . The Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private Dininj ; Room ? . I * 'ivst-class Cookine ; and Wines . Open for Suppers alter lhc Theatres . Uro . I * * . IllLno : icn , Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROHIiRT STKIUiT , ADin . 1 * 111 TKKRACI * :, STRAND •Q-ENTLEMEN nml Families visiting London will liiul every nccom . v * n * l : ivii- * n , combined wilh comfort and moderate charges , at lhc nhove Hotel . lieds Irom 2 s . ; Siuim *; Rooms Irom 3 s . ; Breakfasts from 2 S . Talile il'lImc 6 . 30 , 3 s . ( nl . Kvery . 'iccoininodation for Masonic Mcetinjrs and llamjiicls for the Crait , Arch and IU __ U tirades . A Spttchius and Chc . rful CnJJ' ic Rinini oz-i'ilotiking the I ' lctoria Eint . tiitiiuii ! . URO . (; i- ; OR <; i * r STATUS , M . ln . i * . cr .
LOMBARD ' EXCHANGE , LoMiiAito STIIKKT , LONDON , h . C , TKK . VS . /; s . d . luilrnnce V * ee ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 o Annual Subscription .,, ... ... ... ,., j 3 o Members re-Odin *; ami earn in ;; on br . rJuess al a dLl . inre of lilly miles ami upwards ( nun London , Merchant-C ; iptains , ami Clerks to Subscribers ( no enhance fee ) 1 1 0 The loom is well supplied . sivh ncw .- }\ . ie ] sl leleur . iios , aim hooks ot" veU-veiu ' e . It includes a 1 ' i > --i-i , | lkc , I'oMe KeManU > Tek- ); t'ai > li-mlite , Heading and \ Vriling Kooin , Re * -iniii ; int , Lav . ' ttorics , &<\ j . 'ils" cop vim ; machine :-, for tlie u-e of SubrMiiliers , y . ri ' t . ions 11 . vijn . V ( iiM ; siu \ i > -, P . M ., V / ., I \ K . C ,, IML . HLW ., * S ; e ., Manager . QAS CONSERVATORY APPARATUSES , tlas Ovens , tlas IJaths , Cl , i ; -. oil . ( 10 per cent , . iiiv . ' ince . Ornamental toils lor Oilices ( Patentee ) . ( J . Shrewsbury , Lower Norwood and 51 ; , Old Uaile )' .
THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES , Ionic , Doric and Corinthian , Emblematically Arranged foi Worshipful Master , Senior and Junior Wardens . 6 s . per set of 3 one-pound Candles . Packing Cases 6 d . each BRO . GEORGE KENNING S MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND 198 , FLEET STREET E . C .
BRO . KENNING'S NEW TRACING BOARDS , Mounted on Cloth for thc pocket , Price * " /(> . JAMES BALFOUR , Clothier , 45 , SAUCHIEHALL-ST . GLASGOW , MASONIC CLOTHING .
CAUTION . G ENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISH - MENT ( Established upwards of 3 S vears . ; _ Bros . SINCLAIR & SON , Jjj ^ / BV FURVISIUXG UNmiRTAKEKS AND l ' * UNEKAl . J §^ \ 2 f . I ' EATIIKKMK . V , - ^^ fe * * ,, N * ' Koad , Finsbury Square , op | iosite the Finshury . "Schools , E . C , and 2 . * , Soitlhgalc-rand , Dowidiani-road , near tlic Rosemary llr .-ineh Bridge , N . ( No connection with any other establishment } f the same name . ) Only at the above addresses . Every Funeral il stated charges—Sec Illustrated Prospectus .
m LEA & PERRINS' SAUCE . JM TIIE "VVOKCESTEUSHIKK . " [ j-jM Pronounced by Connoisseurs " THE ONLY GOOD J AM SAUCE . " Its use improves appetite and rligesrA i ' rwik tlon * Unrivalled Ior piquancy and flavour . sgwASK FOR LEA & PERRINS SAUCE . 'f'SlSSS BEWARK OF IMITATIONS , b ::. rS :: Jto avoid which , sec tile names , KlSSI LEA < S : PERRINS , A ' MSA [! on all bottles and labels . -Ai'Slfll ! Aqcnts—CROSSE & BL .-XKWKLL , London , and sold by Al'IIIJIP all Dealers in Sauces throughout tlic world .
BALL FAVOURS , NEWEST DESIGNS . MASONIC DEPOTS 2 , 3 , & 4 . LITTLE BRITAIN , ( 198 , Fleet-street , London . BRANCHES : < 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . ( . it ) , Sauchiehall-strect , Oasg-oiv .
KENNING'S NEW BALLOT BOX' \ J ^^ - ^ - } ,- ^ J ^ f ^^ l % A Price Thirty Shillings . a'T'BE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS The Largest Masonic Monthly in thc World . Published St . I-otjis , Mo . t ' by George l'Yank ( Jmiley , Grand Secretary and Recorder of the ( our Grand JJodies of I \ li ^>() iiri . The I reemns (> n contains tidings from every ( juarter of tlie worJd and will be fount ! of sreat ;\ tlv ; vula \; v : Xu all Mas « w < , t ^ »\ : ciaUy lliose interested in American niVairs . Terms % 2 jicr annum , and to those wbo sv \ ti ^ cribc I ' or ihe London rreemason . the price will be $ 1 . 50 currency . Postage free , Stihscriiit / orie received nt the Oflice of the Loudon " Freemason * , JQS , Tleet-street . TESSELATED CARPETING . FOR Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . four Feet wide , 4 / 3 per Yard . MASONIC DKl'OTS , 2 , 3 & 4 , LITI'LK BRITAIN AND 1 9 , FLIiKT STHKKJ' K . C .
ELSTOB'S CELEBRATED Riding , Hunting ancl Lumbago Belts . Ni ^ e ol wair-l and P . O . O . for 20 s . to be sent wilh nvdi-v . The best litlini ; Kidini ; Tiou > eis and Dieeches . Mal . crin l . opdon or e !> e \ vliete . N . IS . — -Moiniii !; Trousers of I ' . esl West of Kin-land Wool . Kslabli .-lieil lX . ; o . KT . STOU , 44 , MAl ^ DOX-S'JllElCT , uoN'ii . sTRinrr . Royal Polytechnic . Mr . ( ieoi-. te Ibuklaud ' s New I- ' aiv \ l . iuellainuwiu , 't Uc * i : \ CHA . \ TI-. il ( il . i :. \| or , The lll . W . A , 'il ,.- CAKir . nd ihe CONSEIJUENCKS . Wiiiu-n bv llr . lr ,, ll , Voi-nHlln .-Hntioii ~ b > . Mr . Oeoria * Iiu , *! . Jand , ; i .-.-i * . ted ' l ) i- . Mi .--, lovepliiiit * I ' ulliaiii , . lli > s TiniK-i and Miv-sl . ilieT . ailUlt . -Sl'KlNC , 1 ' irilS : a 1 . venire lor ihe litneol u * . * n-, bv . Mr , | . I .. Kin ,:. HOW I ,,, el io X'lE . WA ; a Des . ripliie Lecture , lee . Mr . I ! . . \| ,, l , [ eli -NEW PEA l \ S ol'f . El 1 EKlH-r . MAlX , bvlhe Aliieen (' onin' -or , Alev . m . leV * . ! . man . I ' lole- , iv Oardner ' a Leeture on Fuel ; WI I VTSIIAI . ! . WE IlLKN r - -jl / .-j ,, , iilhei enieriaiuiueul ^ . Admission , la . Open iw ice dai ' y , u to ;' . and 7 . te 10 .
Novv Ready , Post _ FreeJi /; r . ' ; THE MARK MASONS' SONG S ™ Dedicated by permission to the Right Hon . the"Earl Percy , M . l ' ., 30 ° , Rig ht Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Northumberland . Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master Mason of England . Words by Bro . F . Burdett . Yeoman , ^ Original Mark Lodge No . 1 ., composed by Bro . Henry ^ Parker , Original Mark Lodge No . London , George Kenning , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , and /<) 8 , rlect-st . Liverpool , 2 , Monument Place . Glasgow ig , Sauchichall-st .
DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND AIR-VESSELS , CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR . A ' Opiates , Narcotics , and Squillsare too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Cold _ 5 , and all Pulmonary diseases . Instead of sweh fallacious remedies , vvliich yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling thc digestive organs , and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the maladv , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr , Rooke " , Scarboro . 'gli . autlior ofthe "Anti-Lancet , '" says : " / have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and irritation ofthe chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , wbich is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens thc constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Intiuen / . a , Night Sweats of Consumption , Qui nsey , and al ) a-Tec tions ofthe throat and chest . Sold , in bottles at is . gd ., 4 s . 6 d ., and us . each , by all respectable Chemists , and wholesale by Jas . ft I , Crosby , Chemist , ) Scarborough . * jt * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on "Diseases the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a coyy of which can bc had Gratis ot all Chemists .
YOUNG'S ARNICATED CORN AND I 1 UNION PLAISTERS are the best ever invented for giving immediate case , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d . and is . uer box . May be had of most chemists . Observe the trade marl ; . —IIY—without which none are genuine be sure and ask for YOUNG'S . WHITMORE'S STOMACHIC DINNER * HLI . S . No Pill is so eflreacious in promoVmi ; di *__ estion , stveui _ , U \ i'VUi * . sthc Stomach , correcting acidity , preventing or removing Headache Giddiness fse . Arising Irom ' a Costive Habit , Debilitated Stomach or Torpid Liver , Tbey require no change of diet , and those of Ihe most delicate constitution can take them with safety . Taken as an adjunct witii Wilkinson ' s Sarsaparilla with the greatest success . " SARSTrPARrLlX WILKINSON'S ESSENCE , OR FLUID KXTKACT OF RKD JAMAICA SARSAPARILLA , prescribed by the Faculty for PUKIKYI \ C THK HU * O ]> , DKHILITY , LIVKR CO . MI'K AINTS , ami freeiui ; the system from elVects of Mercury , lixclusively used iu India and the Colonies as a prevention to Tropical diseases . "Superior preparations that may alwavs be relied upon , "—Sir Astley Cooper . " " \\* e are in every respect satisfied with it . "—Lancet . "We recommend yours as the best . "—Medical Review . In Ouarier * , Hall , and Pint Dottles . CAUTION . —Spurious anti injurious preparations arc ollered to the public . See that Hot tie and Labc . have the name and Ad dress , "T . Wilkinson , late WilkiuMin , Hrid & e , and Co ., No . 270-Kcgent-Micet , London . " QUJXTESCJi : ^ and CAMOMiLL , WILKINSON'S rrep . iration of ( linger and Camomile has long been t ^ e ^ er \ 'cdly known as an excellent domestic medicine . It is A moi-tcMieient Stomachic Tunic , and the hci remedy for I- ' Iatulency and dismdcTs ari * -iu ^ i ' ,-,, m impaired digestion , and is not Affected by climate , Xo Kuropean in Indiaortropieal climates should be without it . In one-eJ ^ bih , i { nnrter and half-pint )> utt ) cs .
PL LVKK * MACIIKK'S Improved latent GALVANIC CHAIN LAXfJS , lU-lI . TS , UA'n'KK / IiS , and ACCKSSOKIICS . Trice from 2 s . and upwards . Reliable evidence in proof of the unrivalled cD ' icncv nt tbcr-e appliances in Rbeumatir-m , t unit . Neuralgia , Deafncr-s , Head and Tooth Ache , I ' iinihsi- ; , Liver Complaints-, Cramps , Spasm-,, Xcnuur-. lh bility , /¦' uiu'tinna / / Ji _ , oniers , & C , is given in the i ' ainphlcl , " CALVAMRM NATVKE ' Cima- i-ii . ^ roRi . R m lMi ' . s ( Ki . n \'' . r . \ i . I *" . M , KI ; Y . , # Applv at I ' l'i . vi . i ; :. ; \ i nvi ;' - ( ialvanie h ' . > tabli * -limenl , IOS Kegeni ' Sireel , Londou , \ V . ; v . ' -R-re I ' . nnplilet anil fii I ' rifi .- List IVIII ) 'c i >)* tn ' mc >} , j » osi tree .
| ust pnUir-hed , l- ' vec K . lilion , flUlDKTO HEALTH ; or ADVICE AND ^ ixsTKLvnaxs t . > v TUI- ; C \ 'KI-: m NERVOUS , . \ iji . \ - TAL , and i'UVSM ' AL JJK 111 LITV , Indi ^ e-tion , ami all di-c-a ^ -s of ihu Ncrv OUS Sv-li'in , ic-ullinri from f \ hau > ij ' oi 5 ol Ner \ e I ' ower , f ! v UR . / H ;\ RS " S . \ KT (( , lil \ 'l ' . S IXSn-U-VTlO . NS h , v « . U ,: Il-L-VflupmemjinilStrenjrilieniug \\ w Human ) ind \ , liou in AI ' ; HJIL- Health and Sirctvah , Seciirr Long Life , and ' Avoid th- - I iinrmiiic .- ot Hid Age . lllu ~ .-tr . iled uitli Te-limnuiaH , with UUMII- of t " mv u-ed in each c . i-e . 7 'he pamphlet will IICM-IU dec In \ nn > t M any a <( dress on receipt of tw o pennv -lamp-. AUdre--. , i > r . H . SMITH , s , livuiou-civ-. c , r ., London , W . C .
j & j . «—T > T- _ - » c _ - — - v ^ jnwFjff Tih- »* r ; -irrit » E » MK 3 «
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GEORGE KENNING , LATE J MOTT THEARLE . 198 , Fleet Street , E . C . WATCH & CLOCK MANUFACTURER , GOLDSMITH AID JEWELLER . 2 tn x ^^ , *""' MffS-. / HT £ N N'INCi X ^» pi jv > WB f LON aofi \ W £ fl £ s . cl Strong * Silver Watches from i o Q Silver English Levers ( own make ) from 3 10 o Ladics'Gold English Levers „ from 990 Gent ' s Gold English Levers ,, from 12 12 o Gold Watches from 2 12 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , in neat cases from 010 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , vvith alarum from o 15 o Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Medals , and Jewels , suitable for Presentation , & . C ., made to order with dispatch . All kinds of repairs done on the premises , at moderate prices , by experienced workmen . George Keimiiigs' Ladies' Gold English Levers unequalled £ 10 ios . Masonic Signet Rings , Scarf Pins , Lockets . Studs and Links . Masonic Charms for every degree in 9 ct ., 1 5 < rt . and iSct . Gold . Watch Glasses 6 d . ami 1 / - Watch Keys Od . Ladies' Ears pierced 1 / - Mauufactory : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain ,
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , and South Coast Railways , 'PHIS Hotel has great facilities for Meetings , Charitable Institutions , Wedding Hreakfasts , Public Dinners , Balls , . Soirees , anil is allowed lo be in real domestic coli-fo . 't , one of the Uest in the Metropolis , ihe tarilV on application to JOSEPH H . SPKXCER . City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . " ^/ "ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Aninteiir Dramatic Entcrlainir . ents , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable ot scaling np \ vanl . soi Twelve Hundred people . SYDNEY SI ' ENCKR , Proprietor .
Masons' Hall Tavern , MASONS * AVENUE , BASINGHAU .-STKKIiT , CITY . r PHE above okl-establiyhed Tavern is NOW A OPEN , newly decorated , by Uro . CIIARLRS fiOSDIiN , late Manager of tbe I ' rcemasons' Tavern Company . Rvcry accoin-. modation vvill be foil ml for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and oilier degrees , for llieir Meetinrrs , IJitiners , Suppers , Sec , and every atlenlion vvill be paid to their comfort and enioymuut by die new rroi * ric * . or . The Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Private Dininj ; Room ? . I * 'ivst-class Cookine ; and Wines . Open for Suppers alter lhc Theatres . Uro . I * * . IllLno : icn , Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROHIiRT STKIUiT , ADin . 1 * 111 TKKRACI * :, STRAND •Q-ENTLEMEN nml Families visiting London will liiul every nccom . v * n * l : ivii- * n , combined wilh comfort and moderate charges , at lhc nhove Hotel . lieds Irom 2 s . ; Siuim *; Rooms Irom 3 s . ; Breakfasts from 2 S . Talile il'lImc 6 . 30 , 3 s . ( nl . Kvery . 'iccoininodation for Masonic Mcetinjrs and llamjiicls for the Crait , Arch and IU __ U tirades . A Spttchius and Chc . rful CnJJ' ic Rinini oz-i'ilotiking the I ' lctoria Eint . tiitiiuii ! . URO . (; i- ; OR <; i * r STATUS , M . ln . i * . cr .
LOMBARD ' EXCHANGE , LoMiiAito STIIKKT , LONDON , h . C , TKK . VS . /; s . d . luilrnnce V * ee ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 o Annual Subscription .,, ... ... ... ,., j 3 o Members re-Odin *; ami earn in ;; on br . rJuess al a dLl . inre of lilly miles ami upwards ( nun London , Merchant-C ; iptains , ami Clerks to Subscribers ( no enhance fee ) 1 1 0 The loom is well supplied . sivh ncw .- }\ . ie ] sl leleur . iios , aim hooks ot" veU-veiu ' e . It includes a 1 ' i > --i-i , | lkc , I'oMe KeManU > Tek- ); t'ai > li-mlite , Heading and \ Vriling Kooin , Re * -iniii ; int , Lav . ' ttorics , &<\ j . 'ils" cop vim ; machine :-, for tlie u-e of SubrMiiliers , y . ri ' t . ions 11 . vijn . V ( iiM ; siu \ i > -, P . M ., V / ., I \ K . C ,, IML . HLW ., * S ; e ., Manager . QAS CONSERVATORY APPARATUSES , tlas Ovens , tlas IJaths , Cl , i ; -. oil . ( 10 per cent , . iiiv . ' ince . Ornamental toils lor Oilices ( Patentee ) . ( J . Shrewsbury , Lower Norwood and 51 ; , Old Uaile )' .
THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES , Ionic , Doric and Corinthian , Emblematically Arranged foi Worshipful Master , Senior and Junior Wardens . 6 s . per set of 3 one-pound Candles . Packing Cases 6 d . each BRO . GEORGE KENNING S MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND 198 , FLEET STREET E . C .
BRO . KENNING'S NEW TRACING BOARDS , Mounted on Cloth for thc pocket , Price * " /(> . JAMES BALFOUR , Clothier , 45 , SAUCHIEHALL-ST . GLASGOW , MASONIC CLOTHING .
CAUTION . G ENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISH - MENT ( Established upwards of 3 S vears . ; _ Bros . SINCLAIR & SON , Jjj ^ / BV FURVISIUXG UNmiRTAKEKS AND l ' * UNEKAl . J §^ \ 2 f . I ' EATIIKKMK . V , - ^^ fe * * ,, N * ' Koad , Finsbury Square , op | iosite the Finshury . "Schools , E . C , and 2 . * , Soitlhgalc-rand , Dowidiani-road , near tlic Rosemary llr .-ineh Bridge , N . ( No connection with any other establishment } f the same name . ) Only at the above addresses . Every Funeral il stated charges—Sec Illustrated Prospectus .
m LEA & PERRINS' SAUCE . JM TIIE "VVOKCESTEUSHIKK . " [ j-jM Pronounced by Connoisseurs " THE ONLY GOOD J AM SAUCE . " Its use improves appetite and rligesrA i ' rwik tlon * Unrivalled Ior piquancy and flavour . sgwASK FOR LEA & PERRINS SAUCE . 'f'SlSSS BEWARK OF IMITATIONS , b ::. rS :: Jto avoid which , sec tile names , KlSSI LEA < S : PERRINS , A ' MSA [! on all bottles and labels . -Ai'Slfll ! Aqcnts—CROSSE & BL .-XKWKLL , London , and sold by Al'IIIJIP all Dealers in Sauces throughout tlic world .
BALL FAVOURS , NEWEST DESIGNS . MASONIC DEPOTS 2 , 3 , & 4 . LITTLE BRITAIN , ( 198 , Fleet-street , London . BRANCHES : < 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . ( . it ) , Sauchiehall-strect , Oasg-oiv .
KENNING'S NEW BALLOT BOX' \ J ^^ - ^ - } ,- ^ J ^ f ^^ l % A Price Thirty Shillings . a'T'BE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS The Largest Masonic Monthly in thc World . Published St . I-otjis , Mo . t ' by George l'Yank ( Jmiley , Grand Secretary and Recorder of the ( our Grand JJodies of I \ li ^>() iiri . The I reemns (> n contains tidings from every ( juarter of tlie worJd and will be fount ! of sreat ;\ tlv ; vula \; v : Xu all Mas « w < , t ^ »\ : ciaUy lliose interested in American niVairs . Terms % 2 jicr annum , and to those wbo sv \ ti ^ cribc I ' or ihe London rreemason . the price will be $ 1 . 50 currency . Postage free , Stihscriiit / orie received nt the Oflice of the Loudon " Freemason * , JQS , Tleet-street . TESSELATED CARPETING . FOR Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . four Feet wide , 4 / 3 per Yard . MASONIC DKl'OTS , 2 , 3 & 4 , LITI'LK BRITAIN AND 1 9 , FLIiKT STHKKJ' K . C .
ELSTOB'S CELEBRATED Riding , Hunting ancl Lumbago Belts . Ni ^ e ol wair-l and P . O . O . for 20 s . to be sent wilh nvdi-v . The best litlini ; Kidini ; Tiou > eis and Dieeches . Mal . crin l . opdon or e !> e \ vliete . N . IS . — -Moiniii !; Trousers of I ' . esl West of Kin-land Wool . Kslabli .-lieil lX . ; o . KT . STOU , 44 , MAl ^ DOX-S'JllElCT , uoN'ii . sTRinrr . Royal Polytechnic . Mr . ( ieoi-. te Ibuklaud ' s New I- ' aiv \ l . iuellainuwiu , 't Uc * i : \ CHA . \ TI-. il ( il . i :. \| or , The lll . W . A , 'il ,.- CAKir . nd ihe CONSEIJUENCKS . Wiiiu-n bv llr . lr ,, ll , Voi-nHlln .-Hntioii ~ b > . Mr . Oeoria * Iiu , *! . Jand , ; i .-.-i * . ted ' l ) i- . Mi .--, lovepliiiit * I ' ulliaiii , . lli > s TiniK-i and Miv-sl . ilieT . ailUlt . -Sl'KlNC , 1 ' irilS : a 1 . venire lor ihe litneol u * . * n-, bv . Mr , | . I .. Kin ,:. HOW I ,,, el io X'lE . WA ; a Des . ripliie Lecture , lee . Mr . I ! . . \| ,, l , [ eli -NEW PEA l \ S ol'f . El 1 EKlH-r . MAlX , bvlhe Aliieen (' onin' -or , Alev . m . leV * . ! . man . I ' lole- , iv Oardner ' a Leeture on Fuel ; WI I VTSIIAI . ! . WE IlLKN r - -jl / .-j ,, , iilhei enieriaiuiueul ^ . Admission , la . Open iw ice dai ' y , u to ;' . and 7 . te 10 .
Novv Ready , Post _ FreeJi /; r . ' ; THE MARK MASONS' SONG S ™ Dedicated by permission to the Right Hon . the"Earl Percy , M . l ' ., 30 ° , Rig ht Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for Northumberland . Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master Mason of England . Words by Bro . F . Burdett . Yeoman , ^ Original Mark Lodge No . 1 ., composed by Bro . Henry ^ Parker , Original Mark Lodge No . London , George Kenning , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , and /<) 8 , rlect-st . Liverpool , 2 , Monument Place . Glasgow ig , Sauchichall-st .
DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND AIR-VESSELS , CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR . A ' Opiates , Narcotics , and Squillsare too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Cold _ 5 , and all Pulmonary diseases . Instead of sweh fallacious remedies , vvliich yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling thc digestive organs , and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the maladv , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr , Rooke " , Scarboro . 'gli . autlior ofthe "Anti-Lancet , '" says : " / have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and irritation ofthe chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , wbich is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens thc constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Intiuen / . a , Night Sweats of Consumption , Qui nsey , and al ) a-Tec tions ofthe throat and chest . Sold , in bottles at is . gd ., 4 s . 6 d ., and us . each , by all respectable Chemists , and wholesale by Jas . ft I , Crosby , Chemist , ) Scarborough . * jt * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on "Diseases the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a coyy of which can bc had Gratis ot all Chemists .
YOUNG'S ARNICATED CORN AND I 1 UNION PLAISTERS are the best ever invented for giving immediate case , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d . and is . uer box . May be had of most chemists . Observe the trade marl ; . —IIY—without which none are genuine be sure and ask for YOUNG'S . WHITMORE'S STOMACHIC DINNER * HLI . S . No Pill is so eflreacious in promoVmi ; di *__ estion , stveui _ , U \ i'VUi * . sthc Stomach , correcting acidity , preventing or removing Headache Giddiness fse . Arising Irom ' a Costive Habit , Debilitated Stomach or Torpid Liver , Tbey require no change of diet , and those of Ihe most delicate constitution can take them with safety . Taken as an adjunct witii Wilkinson ' s Sarsaparilla with the greatest success . " SARSTrPARrLlX WILKINSON'S ESSENCE , OR FLUID KXTKACT OF RKD JAMAICA SARSAPARILLA , prescribed by the Faculty for PUKIKYI \ C THK HU * O ]> , DKHILITY , LIVKR CO . MI'K AINTS , ami freeiui ; the system from elVects of Mercury , lixclusively used iu India and the Colonies as a prevention to Tropical diseases . "Superior preparations that may alwavs be relied upon , "—Sir Astley Cooper . " " \\* e are in every respect satisfied with it . "—Lancet . "We recommend yours as the best . "—Medical Review . In Ouarier * , Hall , and Pint Dottles . CAUTION . —Spurious anti injurious preparations arc ollered to the public . See that Hot tie and Labc . have the name and Ad dress , "T . Wilkinson , late WilkiuMin , Hrid & e , and Co ., No . 270-Kcgent-Micet , London . " QUJXTESCJi : ^ and CAMOMiLL , WILKINSON'S rrep . iration of ( linger and Camomile has long been t ^ e ^ er \ 'cdly known as an excellent domestic medicine . It is A moi-tcMieient Stomachic Tunic , and the hci remedy for I- ' Iatulency and dismdcTs ari * -iu ^ i ' ,-,, m impaired digestion , and is not Affected by climate , Xo Kuropean in Indiaortropieal climates should be without it . In one-eJ ^ bih , i { nnrter and half-pint )> utt ) cs .
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| ust pnUir-hed , l- ' vec K . lilion , flUlDKTO HEALTH ; or ADVICE AND ^ ixsTKLvnaxs t . > v TUI- ; C \ 'KI-: m NERVOUS , . \ iji . \ - TAL , and i'UVSM ' AL JJK 111 LITV , Indi ^ e-tion , ami all di-c-a ^ -s of ihu Ncrv OUS Sv-li'in , ic-ullinri from f \ hau > ij ' oi 5 ol Ner \ e I ' ower , f ! v UR . / H ;\ RS " S . \ KT (( , lil \ 'l ' . S IXSn-U-VTlO . NS h , v « . U ,: Il-L-VflupmemjinilStrenjrilieniug \\ w Human ) ind \ , liou in AI ' ; HJIL- Health and Sirctvah , Seciirr Long Life , and ' Avoid th- - I iinrmiiic .- ot Hid Age . lllu ~ .-tr . iled uitli Te-limnuiaH , with UUMII- of t " mv u-ed in each c . i-e . 7 'he pamphlet will IICM-IU dec In \ nn > t M any a <( dress on receipt of tw o pennv -lamp-. AUdre--. , i > r . H . SMITH , s , livuiou-civ-. c , r ., London , W . C .
j & j . «—T > T- _ - » c _ - — - v ^ jnwFjff Tih- »* r ; -irrit » E » MK 3 «