Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article THE FUTURE OF FREEMASONRY IN IREIAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Master , Bro . Kelso , installed , in admirable style , Bro . John Diprose in the chair . Bro . Diprose then appointed the following brethren as his officers : —C . Wootton , S . W . ; Nixosi , J . W . M . Edersheim , Treasurer and W . S . ; C . A . Cottebrune , Secretary ; Cobham , S . D . ; Arthur
Wootton , j . D . ; Schoeltensaek , I . G ; and Woodstock , T . Afterwards the brethren sat down tc banquet , at which the W . M . was snpported by the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P G . C . ; John Hervey , G . S . ; Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . D . ; Bros . W . Hilton , John Smith , Geo . Pymm , and many
others . The W . M ., in giving tire various toasts , did so with commendable brevity , expressing nevertheless the greatest warmth and heartiness in the subject of his respective addresses . The Grand Alaster and the Prince of Wales hc eulogised in terms of honest [¦ raise , artel spake < i [ the great
exertions they had made for the good ol Alasonry . The death of the Earl of Zetland he alluded to with feelings of sorrow , and desired that the toast of " The Past Grand Master " mig ht be drunk in silence . The toast of " The Deputy Grand Master and the rest of the Gram !
Officers , Present and Past , drew from him his thanks to the . many Grand Officers who had honoured him with their company , all of whom he named individually , the services each had rendered to the Craft , and the peculiar
gratification it was to him to entertain them . The Rev . R . J . Simpson , responding fur Lord Carnarvon and himself , congratulated the lodge on having a brother in it who could work the installation ceremony so perfectly as Bro . Kelso , and he trusted that manv brethren would emulate the
excellent example he had set . it w . rs a pleasure to hiin to see a W . M . instal his successor , and it was a thing that ought always to be done . Eig hteen years ago he attempted the same feat himself , and he should have been most happy if he
had done it as well as Bro . Kelso . He then toivrhingly alluded to the death of Lord Zetland , who had presided for a quarter of a century over the Craft . He also took occasion to draw the attention of the brethren to the shortness of their
days , and advised them to exhibit lhat truest sense , a preparation for their end whenever it might come . Bro . John Hervr-y also responded , and was followed by Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , who informed the brethren of the great success of the Masonic charitable festivals this
year , each of which bad collected over £ j , ( wo . Bro . Cottebrune also replied . Bro . Kelso proposed " The Health of the W . M . " The W . M ., in reply , said it was such an exalted position he was occupying for the first time that he felt rather nervous , but he could not allow the
opportunity to pass without thanking the brethren for having p laced him in that position , and without assuring them that he should do his best to deserve the confidence they had shown . He then proposeel " The Health ofthe I . P . M ., " and presented Hro . Kelso with a magnificent P . M .
jewel , which he said had been most fairly earned , as Bro . Kelso had always performed his duties to the satisfaction of every one of his brethren . Bro . Kelso responded \ ery briellv , and thanked thc brethren most for their magnificent recognition of his services . The . other toasts
were then given , and the brethren shortly afterwards separated . Some lovely music was performed by Bros . Edersheini , Creswiek , and other brethren , and an evening which any visitor must have been proud of was spent by the company ; the greatest cordiality and hospitality was
bestowed on the visitors , and the Leigh Lodge proved itself not inferior lu any other on the roll of Grand Lodge of England . WARRINOTON * . *—The Gilt-crl ( Ayr , 'in !/ Loi / iri . ( No . 12 * 50 ) . — The regular . meeting of this flourishing young Lodge was held on Tuesday
last , at the Alasonic Rooms , Sankcv-strccl , Warrington , when the W . M . ( liro . Hawkins ) presided , and was supported by the S . W . ( B : o . Pollitt ) , the J . W . ( tho . Bricrly ) , and the rest ol the officers . There were also present—Bros . Woods , P . M . ; Richardson , P . M . ; Mossop , P . AL ; Finney , P . M . ( Hun . Sec ); and a goodly
number ol other brethren . After the ordinary routine and other business ., thebrethren proeeetled to the election of a W . M . i ' 01 tlic ensuing twelve months . ' Tbe ballot was taken in the usual form , and proved in favour of 15 m . Pollilt , S . W . Wc congratulate . i ;_ u . pi . H . tt on his elevurriuii to so distinguish *; d a position .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
UPTON . —Upton Lodge ( No . 1227 ) . —On Thursday , the 15 th inst ., was held a thorough business evening at this active and prosperous lodge . Present : —Bros . English , W . M . ; Bratton . S . W . ; Chidlev , J . W . ; Wayland , Treas . ; Goddard , P . M . Sec . : Leveck , S . D . ; Holtham ,
] . D . ; Slee , I . G . ; Pickering , P . M . ; Bolton , P . M . ; Mather , P . AI . Bellerby , P . M . ; Posener , Cohen , Smith , Brown , Gtindelfruger , Owen , Kirby , Grovcr , and numerous other brethren . Visitors * . Bros . Stevens , P . M . and Sec . Doric ; Walton , Doric ; Johnstone , 1000 . Air . F . Holl
was initiated ; Bros . Kinnear , Isaacs , 1 remlett , and Walton , passed ; Bro . Witherstone raised ; Bro . Bellerb y resigned , and elected honorary member . A more impressive speech than that delivered by Bro . Bellerby on his being compelled by Government appointment to retire from this , his beloved Iodge ( of which he was
the leading founder , ) could scarcely be made . Excellent orations followed , by Bros . Bolton , Mather , and Owen . The proceedings terminated in the usual Masonic manner , saving that there were no festivities , owing to the recent death of the late Earl of Zetland , P . G . AI . of England , whose memorv was recalled and rrreat virtues
affectionately extolled by Bro . English , tne Worshipful Master . Rim HILL . —Royal Albeit Edward Lodge ( Ka . 1 . 562 ) . —This lodge met at the Town Hall on thc ioth instant . There were present Bros . E . E . Meakin . W . M . ; William Finlay , S . W . ; A .
Kelsey , J . W . ; J . Clement , J . D . ; J . Adam Acton , J . ' D . ; William Kemp , I . G . ; F . J . Beslev , P . M . Secretary ; Cha-. les Joseph Smith , P . M . and W . M . 416 , P . M . ; J . H . Drinkwater , Organist ; Henry Gee , P . M . 1003 ; J . Wood , P . M . 1149 ; R . W . Morrison , S . W . 416 ; with
members and visitors , were present . Ihe minutes being read and confirmed . Bro . \ V . B . Waterlow , J . P ., having shewn cfliicieney in the F . C . degree , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . A ballot was then taken for Bro . Wheatley , P . M .,
as joining member , and Henry Bull as a candidate fur the AL and P . of the Alasonic Order , which was unanimous . Mr . Bull then passed through theordeal , and was congratulated on being made an E . A . Other formalities being attended to , bronght the meeting to a close .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
BRADFORD . —Chapter if Charili / ( No . 302 ) . —The regular monthly meeting oi" this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Godwin-street , on Monday , the 19 th inst ., Comp . W . Beanland , M . E . Z ., presiding . Bro . Saml . P . Firth , of the Pentalpha , 974 , was exalted . The officers for the
ensuing year were invested , namely , Comps . W in . Beanland , M . E . Z . ; Sugden , H . ; Evans , J . ; Hutchinson , N ., Broughton , S . E . ; Andrews , P . S . ; Farrar , Treas . ; Proctor and Best , Assist . S . After business , the Al . E . Z . invited all present to favour him with their presence in the
refreshment-room , where they were entertained by him to . 1 most sumptuous dinner . Comp . W . Berinl . 'ind , M . E Z ., was supported by a large muster of companions , including the following distinguished visitors : —Comps . Ahrens , Al . E . Z . Sincerity , 600 ; Dewhirst , F . C . Uniia , J .
Beanland , Althorpe , Monckman , and Aletcalf . The evening proved one of the most agreeable and interesting ones that this chapter has had , and ihe enjoyment was greatly increased by the excellent harmony volunteered by Comps . Unna , Jer , Rhodes , and others .
Livnui'ooi .. — Walton Chapter ( No . J 086 ) . — This chapter held its usual monthly meeting at the . Alasonic Hall , Kirkdale , on Thursday , thc 24 th April . There were present : —Comps . T . Chesworth , M . E . Z , ; J . C . Lunt , H . ; Geo . de la
Perrelle . J . ; Wm . Archer , P . Z ., Treas . ; P . Armstrong , S . E . ; John Lunt , P . Z ., and a large attendance ol companions . The visitors were Comps . Banning J 1 . ( -la- , ; and K . T . Jones , 220 The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Rev
C . R . Hyde , LL . D ., and Bro . W . T . Warhurst , for errnltation , and Comp . Curtis , Chajiter 220 . for * joining , who were duly elected . Bros . Rev . Dr . Hyde and Warhurst being present , were duly " . ¦ ••railed < 1 ilie decree of iioii- •_ fcfsvf . il Arch
fi- oemy , b y \ Joi *;** . Lunl , PA , Comp . Arch-r
Royal Arch.
acting as P . Soj . and Comp . Banning as S . N : The Historic , Symbolic and Mystical lectures were given by Comps . Lunt , P . Z . ; J . C . Lunt , H . ; and Geo . de la Perrelle , J ., each lecture being
given in a perfect and impressive manner . Bro . Raw was proposed for exaltation , Comp . Jones for joining . There being no other business , the chapter was closed , and the companions retired for refreshment .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —St . Andrews Chapter \\\ o . 69 ) held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., Comp . T . D . Humphries , Ph . D ., M . A . Z ., presiding , assisted by Comps . J . Crabb , Z . of 50 , P . G . S . N . as H . ; H . Park , Z . of 122 , as J . ; J . Campbell , Scribe E . ; and G . W . Wheeler ,
H . 73 , acting as P . S . A Alark Lodge having been opened , Bro . Charles A . Goldsmith , M . D . was regularly advanced to that degree . A lodge of Most Excellent Alasters was then opened , when the same gentleman was initiated into its mysteries , and subsequently , with Bro . Gumming ,
exalted into the Holy Royal Arch . Comp . Crabb at thc request of the Al . E . Z ., acting as ist Principal , the Chapter was duly closed . At refreshment , Com ]) . Goldsmith , who is an American Alason , and has visited numerous
lodges in both hemispheres , expressed himself highly gratified at the impressive manner in which all the ceremonies had been rendered , as well as the fraternal feeling exhibited by Scotch Arch Masons in coming forward so readily to assist each other in wnikino *
GLASGOW . —Caledonian Chapter Until / ( No . 73 ) held an emergency meeting to exalt Bro . Robert Ross , of Lodge 73 , who was about toproceed to Japan . Comp . G . McDonald , Al . E . Z . presided , assisted by G . W . Wheeler , H ., John Donaldson acting as J . andJ . Hanbrigeas S . E , A Mark Lodge
was opened with J . Bannerman , AI . S . W . and T . Stewart Develin . The chapter having been opened in consequence of the absence of the three Sojourners , Comp . Wheeler left the chair of H ., to act as ist S ., and the degree of Excellent
Master , was given previous to the exaltation of Comp . Ross . Though this was only the second time of the Al . E . Z . giving the whole three degreesthe companions were hi ghly pleased with his very efficient working .
The Future Of Freemasonry In Ireiand.
( Continued from page 2 ^ 6 , V ' . l . 5 . ) FIFTH ARTICLE . THK BOUU ) OL ' . NKKAL PURPOSES . The future constitution of the Board of General Purposes is a subject that requires very careful and dispassionate consideration .
As at present existing , the Board consists of a Past Alaster from each of the Dublin lodges , now numbering upwards of thirty ; and of certain of the Grand and Provincial Grand Officers , the latter , however , being , to a certain extent , only permitted to attend and vote at the sittings .
In the proposed new laws , it is contemplated , in the first instance , to change the permissive character of Provincial representation by arranging that " One representative from each of the Provincial Grand Lodges , suck representative being any one of its four principal officers , " shall form an integral portion of the Board .
It is also intended to reduce the representation of the Dublin lodges by about one-half , the metropolitan contingent being , on the proposed new board , composed of fifteen Past Masters , elected , by an internal ballot , from the total number sent forward by the lodges of the " Dublin district "—one for each such lodge .
There has undoubtedl y been , for some considerable time past , a feeling existing—and , I think , strengthening—among our Provincial brethren , that the members of Dublin lodges enjoyed too much preponderance in the government of the Order : and , as a fact , the entire
working ot the Board rested in the hands of the Dublin members , the presence of any Provincial ! representative being almost , if not quite , an unknown phenomenon . At tlie same time , it should be borne in mind that Dublin , being " th'J stat of government , " naturally moiwrjulis ' cS
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Master , Bro . Kelso , installed , in admirable style , Bro . John Diprose in the chair . Bro . Diprose then appointed the following brethren as his officers : —C . Wootton , S . W . ; Nixosi , J . W . M . Edersheim , Treasurer and W . S . ; C . A . Cottebrune , Secretary ; Cobham , S . D . ; Arthur
Wootton , j . D . ; Schoeltensaek , I . G ; and Woodstock , T . Afterwards the brethren sat down tc banquet , at which the W . M . was snpported by the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P G . C . ; John Hervey , G . S . ; Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . D . ; Bros . W . Hilton , John Smith , Geo . Pymm , and many
others . The W . M ., in giving tire various toasts , did so with commendable brevity , expressing nevertheless the greatest warmth and heartiness in the subject of his respective addresses . The Grand Alaster and the Prince of Wales hc eulogised in terms of honest [¦ raise , artel spake < i [ the great
exertions they had made for the good ol Alasonry . The death of the Earl of Zetland he alluded to with feelings of sorrow , and desired that the toast of " The Past Grand Master " mig ht be drunk in silence . The toast of " The Deputy Grand Master and the rest of the Gram !
Officers , Present and Past , drew from him his thanks to the . many Grand Officers who had honoured him with their company , all of whom he named individually , the services each had rendered to the Craft , and the peculiar
gratification it was to him to entertain them . The Rev . R . J . Simpson , responding fur Lord Carnarvon and himself , congratulated the lodge on having a brother in it who could work the installation ceremony so perfectly as Bro . Kelso , and he trusted that manv brethren would emulate the
excellent example he had set . it w . rs a pleasure to hiin to see a W . M . instal his successor , and it was a thing that ought always to be done . Eig hteen years ago he attempted the same feat himself , and he should have been most happy if he
had done it as well as Bro . Kelso . He then toivrhingly alluded to the death of Lord Zetland , who had presided for a quarter of a century over the Craft . He also took occasion to draw the attention of the brethren to the shortness of their
days , and advised them to exhibit lhat truest sense , a preparation for their end whenever it might come . Bro . John Hervr-y also responded , and was followed by Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , who informed the brethren of the great success of the Masonic charitable festivals this
year , each of which bad collected over £ j , ( wo . Bro . Cottebrune also replied . Bro . Kelso proposed " The Health of the W . M . " The W . M ., in reply , said it was such an exalted position he was occupying for the first time that he felt rather nervous , but he could not allow the
opportunity to pass without thanking the brethren for having p laced him in that position , and without assuring them that he should do his best to deserve the confidence they had shown . He then proposeel " The Health ofthe I . P . M ., " and presented Hro . Kelso with a magnificent P . M .
jewel , which he said had been most fairly earned , as Bro . Kelso had always performed his duties to the satisfaction of every one of his brethren . Bro . Kelso responded \ ery briellv , and thanked thc brethren most for their magnificent recognition of his services . The . other toasts
were then given , and the brethren shortly afterwards separated . Some lovely music was performed by Bros . Edersheini , Creswiek , and other brethren , and an evening which any visitor must have been proud of was spent by the company ; the greatest cordiality and hospitality was
bestowed on the visitors , and the Leigh Lodge proved itself not inferior lu any other on the roll of Grand Lodge of England . WARRINOTON * . *—The Gilt-crl ( Ayr , 'in !/ Loi / iri . ( No . 12 * 50 ) . — The regular . meeting of this flourishing young Lodge was held on Tuesday
last , at the Alasonic Rooms , Sankcv-strccl , Warrington , when the W . M . ( liro . Hawkins ) presided , and was supported by the S . W . ( B : o . Pollitt ) , the J . W . ( tho . Bricrly ) , and the rest ol the officers . There were also present—Bros . Woods , P . M . ; Richardson , P . M . ; Mossop , P . AL ; Finney , P . M . ( Hun . Sec ); and a goodly
number ol other brethren . After the ordinary routine and other business ., thebrethren proeeetled to the election of a W . M . i ' 01 tlic ensuing twelve months . ' Tbe ballot was taken in the usual form , and proved in favour of 15 m . Pollilt , S . W . Wc congratulate . i ;_ u . pi . H . tt on his elevurriuii to so distinguish *; d a position .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
UPTON . —Upton Lodge ( No . 1227 ) . —On Thursday , the 15 th inst ., was held a thorough business evening at this active and prosperous lodge . Present : —Bros . English , W . M . ; Bratton . S . W . ; Chidlev , J . W . ; Wayland , Treas . ; Goddard , P . M . Sec . : Leveck , S . D . ; Holtham ,
] . D . ; Slee , I . G . ; Pickering , P . M . ; Bolton , P . M . ; Mather , P . AI . Bellerby , P . M . ; Posener , Cohen , Smith , Brown , Gtindelfruger , Owen , Kirby , Grovcr , and numerous other brethren . Visitors * . Bros . Stevens , P . M . and Sec . Doric ; Walton , Doric ; Johnstone , 1000 . Air . F . Holl
was initiated ; Bros . Kinnear , Isaacs , 1 remlett , and Walton , passed ; Bro . Witherstone raised ; Bro . Bellerb y resigned , and elected honorary member . A more impressive speech than that delivered by Bro . Bellerby on his being compelled by Government appointment to retire from this , his beloved Iodge ( of which he was
the leading founder , ) could scarcely be made . Excellent orations followed , by Bros . Bolton , Mather , and Owen . The proceedings terminated in the usual Masonic manner , saving that there were no festivities , owing to the recent death of the late Earl of Zetland , P . G . AI . of England , whose memorv was recalled and rrreat virtues
affectionately extolled by Bro . English , tne Worshipful Master . Rim HILL . —Royal Albeit Edward Lodge ( Ka . 1 . 562 ) . —This lodge met at the Town Hall on thc ioth instant . There were present Bros . E . E . Meakin . W . M . ; William Finlay , S . W . ; A .
Kelsey , J . W . ; J . Clement , J . D . ; J . Adam Acton , J . ' D . ; William Kemp , I . G . ; F . J . Beslev , P . M . Secretary ; Cha-. les Joseph Smith , P . M . and W . M . 416 , P . M . ; J . H . Drinkwater , Organist ; Henry Gee , P . M . 1003 ; J . Wood , P . M . 1149 ; R . W . Morrison , S . W . 416 ; with
members and visitors , were present . Ihe minutes being read and confirmed . Bro . \ V . B . Waterlow , J . P ., having shewn cfliicieney in the F . C . degree , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . A ballot was then taken for Bro . Wheatley , P . M .,
as joining member , and Henry Bull as a candidate fur the AL and P . of the Alasonic Order , which was unanimous . Mr . Bull then passed through theordeal , and was congratulated on being made an E . A . Other formalities being attended to , bronght the meeting to a close .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
BRADFORD . —Chapter if Charili / ( No . 302 ) . —The regular monthly meeting oi" this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Godwin-street , on Monday , the 19 th inst ., Comp . W . Beanland , M . E . Z ., presiding . Bro . Saml . P . Firth , of the Pentalpha , 974 , was exalted . The officers for the
ensuing year were invested , namely , Comps . W in . Beanland , M . E . Z . ; Sugden , H . ; Evans , J . ; Hutchinson , N ., Broughton , S . E . ; Andrews , P . S . ; Farrar , Treas . ; Proctor and Best , Assist . S . After business , the Al . E . Z . invited all present to favour him with their presence in the
refreshment-room , where they were entertained by him to . 1 most sumptuous dinner . Comp . W . Berinl . 'ind , M . E Z ., was supported by a large muster of companions , including the following distinguished visitors : —Comps . Ahrens , Al . E . Z . Sincerity , 600 ; Dewhirst , F . C . Uniia , J .
Beanland , Althorpe , Monckman , and Aletcalf . The evening proved one of the most agreeable and interesting ones that this chapter has had , and ihe enjoyment was greatly increased by the excellent harmony volunteered by Comps . Unna , Jer , Rhodes , and others .
Livnui'ooi .. — Walton Chapter ( No . J 086 ) . — This chapter held its usual monthly meeting at the . Alasonic Hall , Kirkdale , on Thursday , thc 24 th April . There were present : —Comps . T . Chesworth , M . E . Z , ; J . C . Lunt , H . ; Geo . de la
Perrelle . J . ; Wm . Archer , P . Z ., Treas . ; P . Armstrong , S . E . ; John Lunt , P . Z ., and a large attendance ol companions . The visitors were Comps . Banning J 1 . ( -la- , ; and K . T . Jones , 220 The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Rev
C . R . Hyde , LL . D ., and Bro . W . T . Warhurst , for errnltation , and Comp . Curtis , Chajiter 220 . for * joining , who were duly elected . Bros . Rev . Dr . Hyde and Warhurst being present , were duly " . ¦ ••railed < 1 ilie decree of iioii- •_ fcfsvf . il Arch
fi- oemy , b y \ Joi *;** . Lunl , PA , Comp . Arch-r
Royal Arch.
acting as P . Soj . and Comp . Banning as S . N : The Historic , Symbolic and Mystical lectures were given by Comps . Lunt , P . Z . ; J . C . Lunt , H . ; and Geo . de la Perrelle , J ., each lecture being
given in a perfect and impressive manner . Bro . Raw was proposed for exaltation , Comp . Jones for joining . There being no other business , the chapter was closed , and the companions retired for refreshment .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —St . Andrews Chapter \\\ o . 69 ) held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., Comp . T . D . Humphries , Ph . D ., M . A . Z ., presiding , assisted by Comps . J . Crabb , Z . of 50 , P . G . S . N . as H . ; H . Park , Z . of 122 , as J . ; J . Campbell , Scribe E . ; and G . W . Wheeler ,
H . 73 , acting as P . S . A Alark Lodge having been opened , Bro . Charles A . Goldsmith , M . D . was regularly advanced to that degree . A lodge of Most Excellent Alasters was then opened , when the same gentleman was initiated into its mysteries , and subsequently , with Bro . Gumming ,
exalted into the Holy Royal Arch . Comp . Crabb at thc request of the Al . E . Z ., acting as ist Principal , the Chapter was duly closed . At refreshment , Com ]) . Goldsmith , who is an American Alason , and has visited numerous
lodges in both hemispheres , expressed himself highly gratified at the impressive manner in which all the ceremonies had been rendered , as well as the fraternal feeling exhibited by Scotch Arch Masons in coming forward so readily to assist each other in wnikino *
GLASGOW . —Caledonian Chapter Until / ( No . 73 ) held an emergency meeting to exalt Bro . Robert Ross , of Lodge 73 , who was about toproceed to Japan . Comp . G . McDonald , Al . E . Z . presided , assisted by G . W . Wheeler , H ., John Donaldson acting as J . andJ . Hanbrigeas S . E , A Mark Lodge
was opened with J . Bannerman , AI . S . W . and T . Stewart Develin . The chapter having been opened in consequence of the absence of the three Sojourners , Comp . Wheeler left the chair of H ., to act as ist S ., and the degree of Excellent
Master , was given previous to the exaltation of Comp . Ross . Though this was only the second time of the Al . E . Z . giving the whole three degreesthe companions were hi ghly pleased with his very efficient working .
The Future Of Freemasonry In Ireiand.
( Continued from page 2 ^ 6 , V ' . l . 5 . ) FIFTH ARTICLE . THK BOUU ) OL ' . NKKAL PURPOSES . The future constitution of the Board of General Purposes is a subject that requires very careful and dispassionate consideration .
As at present existing , the Board consists of a Past Alaster from each of the Dublin lodges , now numbering upwards of thirty ; and of certain of the Grand and Provincial Grand Officers , the latter , however , being , to a certain extent , only permitted to attend and vote at the sittings .
In the proposed new laws , it is contemplated , in the first instance , to change the permissive character of Provincial representation by arranging that " One representative from each of the Provincial Grand Lodges , suck representative being any one of its four principal officers , " shall form an integral portion of the Board .
It is also intended to reduce the representation of the Dublin lodges by about one-half , the metropolitan contingent being , on the proposed new board , composed of fifteen Past Masters , elected , by an internal ballot , from the total number sent forward by the lodges of the " Dublin district "—one for each such lodge .
There has undoubtedl y been , for some considerable time past , a feeling existing—and , I think , strengthening—among our Provincial brethren , that the members of Dublin lodges enjoyed too much preponderance in the government of the Order : and , as a fact , the entire
working ot the Board rested in the hands of the Dublin members , the presence of any Provincial ! representative being almost , if not quite , an unknown phenomenon . At tlie same time , it should be borne in mind that Dublin , being " th'J stat of government , " naturally moiwrjulis ' cS