Article WHAT GOOD IS FREEMASONRY? ← Page 2 of 2 Article Rosicrucian Society. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEETINGS IN WEST LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
What Good Is Freemasonry?
Charity never faileth him who is constituted aright . The e ng lishman ' s idea of good fellowship is bound up with , , osp itality , and who would begrudge the generous heart the opportunity of exercising it ? Freemasonry is the most compete a nd popular institution of its kind ever organised , and ] ts success is due to the grand principles on which it is
founded , and the self-denying motives which influence its members . There are black sheep in every flock . What community is without them ? What court , kingdom , religion or class is free from those who cast a dark shade on their surroundings ? But would it be fair to condemn all for a few black spots ?
Rosicrucian Society.
Rosicrucian Society .
YORKSHIRE COLLEGE . — The quarterly meeting of this college was held on Saturday week in the Surrey-street Masonic Hall , Sheffield . Present : Fratres s . B . Ellis , VIII ., R . W . C . A . ; A . Scargill , VII ., Suffr . ; W . R- Thomas , M . D ., V ., Prov . Treas . Genl . ; 'T . Blair , V „ Prov . Sec . Genl . ; T . B . Whytehead , V ., Abb . ; J . S . Cumberland , III , Secundus ; J . Clark , II ., Tertius ; j . E .
Reaney , IL , C . of N . ; J . 1 \ Thompson , G . of T . ; Rev . \ V . C . Lukis , M . A . ; Walter Rowley , C . E . ; T . L-ighton , Acolyte . The following aspirants were admitted into the Jf . C .: Bros . T . M . Richey ( Lieut . R . A ., York ); L . Murphy ( Captain 4 th Dragoon Guards , York ); ' E . Pearson Peterson , F . S . A . ( Leeds ); W . P . Husband ( York ) ; W . Watson ( Leeds ) ; J . N . Pickering ( Sheffield ) . A
congratulatory telegram was received from the Lancashire College , then in session at Wigan , and suitably responded to by wire . It had been anticipated that Fra . John Yarkcr would have been present , and read a paper on "The Origin , Aim , and Object of the Society of Rosy Cross , "
but he vvas preventeel by illness , and his paper was lead to the College by Fra . A . Scargill , and ordered to be printed for the members . It was resolved that the next meeting of the college should be held at Scarborough . on the 9 th July The fratres subsequently met at refreshment , and passed a social evening .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
The consecration of the St . Ethelbert Lodge of Mark Master Masons will take place at Hereford , on Thursday next , the 29 th of May . W . Bro . J . C . Gregg , is the W . M . designate , and the consecration ceremony will be performed by the Grand Secretary , R . W . Bro . F . Binckes , P . G . W ., Grand Secretary , assisted by V . W . Bro . D . M . Devvar , P . G . O ., G . Asst . Secretary , and other Grand Officers .
Bro . G . S . Graham will give a dramatic and musical entertainment at the Surrey Masonic Hall , on Wednesday , the 28 th inst ., on which occasion he will be assisted by Miss Susan Howard , and the Victoria Dramatic Club . The performance will include Mr . Tom Taylor ' s comedy Still Waters Ran Deep , and Mr . John Oxenford ' s
farce Retained for the Defence . The performance will commence at 7 . 30 . The Masonic Magazine gives an official list of the lodges of the last century , which will doubtless be consulted with interest by many readers . Mr . Sutherland , in
treating of Insanity and Freemasonry , gives some curious facts which may well puzzle the uninitiated , and a short paper on Speeches contains some excellent suggestions , which not a few speech-makers might study with aeivantage . —City Press , May 14 th , 1879 . THE BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL . —This
establishment has passed into the hands of Bros . H . J . and W . I . Roberts , who are makiug extensive improvements in it , ami will carry on the business in a spirited manner . THE SHIPWRIGHTS' COMPANY . —It is intended b y the court of this company to entertain Bro . Sheriff Burt and Mr . Sheriff Bevan at a banquet to be held on or
about the 6 th of June . The R . W . Bro . the Earl of Rosslyn , her Majesty's Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly nf the Church of Scotland , which met on Thursday « st , in Edinburgh , was waited upon the previous night at Holyrood Palace by the Lord Provost , Magistrates , anel
Council , and formally presented with the keys of the city , which the noble Earl returned to the keeping of the Lord Provost . A large and distinguished party aiterwards dined *» li the Earl and Countess of Rosslyn . FREEING THE THAMES BRIDGES . —The Prince ° f Wales has accepted the invitation of the Metropolitan
Board of Works to open Lambeth , Vauxhall , Chelsea , ¦ J"wt , and Battersea bridges free from toll , this day ( Satur-° ay , ) the Queen ' s birthday . The Prince will be accom-Panieil by the Princess of Wales and the Crown Piince of Denmark . After the ceremony the Metropolitan Board of , "Mks and the other visitors are to be invited to a
'Wicheon at the Chelsea Vestry Hall , under the presidency of farl Codogan . Bro . David James has consented to preside at ** anniversary dinner of the Royal General Theatrical ' "" don Thursday , June 26 th . THE CHELSMFORD MAGISTRATES AND THE
t , * soNs . —The Chelmsford magistrates refused , on ' 'fob , inst ., to allow the use of the assembly rooms and , * f rooms , at the county Shire Hall , for July 2 nd , when j ' Carnarvon , as representing the Prince of Wales , is to st * l | Lord Tenterden as Provincial Grand Master of
Free-. sons for Essex , the refusal being attributed to the kc U ° of a B ° man Catholic magistrate . The atrl i Cemasons apP'aled to the Essex Quarter Sessions t , . 'msford , and the Court , after hearing Mr . Croome , ( , [ lster ' ! n support of the renewed application for the use accJ ' re Hall on the occasion in question , at once
Masonic And General Tidings.
TUB WILLIAM PRESTO \ CHAPTER , NO . 66 . — The installation meeting of this chapter took place at the City Terminus Hotel , on Thursday , the 22 nd inst ., when Comps . Dr . W . H . Kempster , was installed as M . E . Z . ; J . T . Gibson , as IT . ; and Dr . C . R . Cutmore , as J . Their Royal Hi ghnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales , accompanied by her Royal Highness
Princess Mary , Duchess of Teck , will open the new school building of the Alexandra Orphanage , Hornsey-rise , on Tuesday , June 24 th . Bro . Sheriff Burt was one of the guests at the annual dinner of the Aitists' General Benevolent
Institution , held under the presidency of tfce Bishop of Peterborough , at Willis ' s Rooms , on Saturday last . Bro . Henry Marston ' s benefit is to take place at the Lyceum on Thursday , May , 29 th , Mr . Irving having kindly granted the use of the theatre , and many of the leading artistes have generously given their services .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending Friday , May 30 , 1879 . SATURDAY , MAY 24 . Lodge 1297 , West Kent , Forest Hill Hot ., Forest Hill , „ 1341 , Alexandra Palace , Alexandra Palace , N . ,, 1679 , Henry Muggeridge . Prince George , Park-rd ., E . Chap . IJ ( I , Caveac , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Manchester , 77 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd . Eccleston , King's Head , Ebury Bridge , Pimlico . Percy , 113 , Southgate-rd ., N .
MONDAY , MAY 26 . Lodge 4 , Royal Somerset House and Inverness , F . M . H . „ 183 , Unity , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 902 , Burgoyne , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . ,, 905 , Be Grey and Ripon , F . M . H . „ 1613 , Bayard , a , Gofden-sq . „ 1745 Farringdon Without , Holborn Viaduct Hot .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . WeVington , White Swan Hot ., High-st , Deptford . St . John , Gun Hot ., Wapping , 8 till 10 . Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tav ., Kingsland . Strong Man , Old Rodney ' s Head , Old-st ., E . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station . Camden , 174 , High-st ., Camden Town , at 8 . Tredegar , Royal Hot ., Mile-end-rd .
3 r . James ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe . Upper Norwood , White Hart Hot ., Church-rd . Marquis of Ripon , Pembury Tav ., Amherst-rd ., Hackney . Loughborough , Warrior Hot ., Brixton . West Smithfield , New Market Hot ., West Smithfield . St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Greenwich . Doric Chapter , 148 , Globe-rd ., Mile End-rd ., at 8 . John Hervey , Albion Hall , London Wall , at 7 . 30 .
TUESDAY , MAY 27 . Com . St . Alban ' s Cathedral Masonic Restoration Fund at 4 . 30 . F . M . H . Lodge 14 , Tuscan , F . M . H . „ 1441 , Ivy , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell . ,, 1719 , Evening Star , F . M . H . Chap . 21 , Cyrus , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . Rose Croix Palestine , 33 , Golden-sq .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Metropolitan , 269 , Pentonville-rd . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Domatic , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road . Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st . Prince Fredk . Wm ., Lord's Hot ., St . John ' s Wood . ProsperityHercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st .
, Dalhousie , The Sisters' Tav ., Pownall-rd ., Dalston , E Florence Nightingale , F . M . H ., William-st ., Woolwich . Constitutional , Bedford Hot ., Southampton Bdgs ., at 7 . Israel , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe Road . Wandsworth , Spread Eagle Hot ., Wandsworth . Royal Arthur , Prince ' s Head , York-road , tiattcrsea . Beacontrce , Red Lion , Leytonstone .
Excelsior , Commercial Dock Tav ., Rotherhithe . St . John of Wapping , Gun Hot ., High-st ., Wapping . Islington , Three Bucks , 23 , Gresham-st ., at 7 p . m . Leopold , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-rd ., Bermondsey . Mount Edgcumbe , 19 , Jermyn-st ., St . James ' s . Sir Hugh Myddelton , 162 , St . John's-st .-rd . Metropolitan Chapter , Jamaica Coffee Ho ., Cornhi ' . l . Clapton Chapter , White Hart Tav ., Upper Clapton .
WEDNESDAY , MAY 28 . Lodge 2 , Antiquity , F . M . H . „ 307 , United Pilgrims , S . M . H ., Camberwell . „ 753 , Prince Fdk . Wm ., Lord ' s Hot ., St . John ' sWood . „ 898 , Tcmperar . ce-in-the-East ,, Newby-pl ., Poplar . „ 1017 , Montefiore , Regent M . H . Chap . 435 , Mount Lebnaon , Ship and Turtle .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Confidence , Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-st ., at 7 till 9 . Urban , 23 , Gresham-street , City , E . C , at 6 . 30 . New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-rd ., N . Mt . Lebanon , Horse Shoe Tav ., Stones-End , E . Pythagorean , Portland Hot ., London-st ., Greenwich . La Tolerance , 2 , Maddox-st ., W ., at 7 . 45 . Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-rd ., Peckham .
Stanhope , Thicket Hot ., Anerley . Finsbury Park , Earl Russell , Isledon-rd , Holloway , at 8 . Southwark , Southwark Park Tav ., Southwark Park . Duke of Connaught , Sutherland Chapel , Walworth Road . Duke of Connaught , Havclock Tav ., Albioii-rd ., N . United Strength , Hope and Anchor , Crowndale-rd , N . W . Whittington , Red Lion , Poppin ' s-court , Fleet-st ., at 8 . Lewis , King ' s Arms Hot ., Wood Green .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
Royal Jubilee , 81 , Long Acre . Langthorne , Swan Hot ., Stratford . Temperance in theEast . George the 4 th , Ida-st ., Poplar , 1 . 30 . Thistle , M . M . M ., The Harp Tavern ! at R
THURSDAY , MAY 2 o . Gen . Com . Girls' School , at 4 . Lodge 1324 , Duke of Connaught , Havelock Tav ., E . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Union Waterloo , Chatham Arms , Thomas-st ., Woolwich . Egyptian , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st . W .
, Fmsbury , Jolly Anglers' Tav ., Bath-st ., City-rd . Ebury , 12 , Ponsonhy-st ., Millbank . Highgate , Bull and Gate , Kentish-town . The Great City , M . H ., Masons' Avenue . High Cross , Coach & Horses , High-rd ., Tottenham . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Southern Star
, Crown Hot ., Blackfriars-rd . Great Northern , Berwick Arms , Berners-st ., Oxford-st . Rose , Walmer Castle Hot ., Peckham-rd ., at 8 . Covent Garden , Ashley ' s Hot ., Covent Garden , at 8 . Crusaders , St . John's Gate , Clerkenwell , at 9 . Prince Frederick William Chapter , St . John ' s Wood .
FRIDAY , MAY 30 . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . London Masonic Club , 101 , Queen Victoria-st ., E . C . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Belgrave , Harp Tav ., Jermyn-st ., W . Unions Emulation ( for 'M . M . 's ) , F . M . H . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-rd ., Deptford .
Metropolitan , Portugal Hot ., Fleet-st ., at 7 . St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John ' s Wood . Westbourne , Lord ' s Hotel , St . John's Wood . United Pilgrims , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-rd . St . James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-rd ., S . E . Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Doric , 79 , Whitechapel-rd ., at 8 . Burgoyne , The Red Cap , Camden Town , N . W .
St . Luke ' s , White Hart , King ' s-rd ., Chelsea . Chigwell , Prince ' s Hall , Buckhurst-hill . Royal Standard , The Alwyne Castle , St . Paul ' s-rd ., N . Ranelagh , Bell and Anchor , Hammersmith-rd . Finsbury Park , Earl Russell , Isledon-rd ., Holloway , at 8 . William Preston , FeathersTav ., Up . George-st ., Edgware-rd . Earl of Carnarvon , Mitre Hot ., Goulbourne-rd ., Notting-hill Pythagorean Chapter , Portland Hot . London-st ., Greenwich
Masonic Meetings In West Lancashire And Cheshire
For the "Week ending Saturday , May 31 , 1879 . MONDAY , MAY 26 . Lodge 148 , Lights , M . K ., Warrington . Chap . 241 , Friendship , M . H ., Liverpool . Derby L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
TUESDAY , MAY 27 . Lodge 1609 , Dramatic , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1675 , Ancient Briton , M . H ., Liverpool . Chap . 1094 , Temple , M . H ., Liverpool . Merchants L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Prince Arthur L . of L , 80 , N . Hill-st ., Liverpool .
WEDNESDAY , MAY 28 . Lodge 220 , Harmony , Wellington Hot ., Liverpool . „ 724 , Derby , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1756 , Kirkdale , Skelmersdale Hall , Liverpool . Chap . 605 , De Tabley , Seacombe Hot ., Seacombe . „ 10 5 , Callender , Public Hot ., Rusholme . Neptune L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
THURSDAY , MAY 29 . Lodge 950 , Hesketh , Royal Hot ., Fleetwood . „ 1032 , Townley Parker , Howard ' s Arms , Whittle-\ e-W 00 ds . „ 1070 , Starkie , Black Horse Hot ., Kirkham . „ 1313 , Fcrmor , M . H ., Soulhport . ,, 1576 , Dee , Union Hot ., Parkgate . Mariners L . of 1 ., M . H ., Liverpool . SATURDAY , MAY 31 . Chap . 178 , Harmony , Royal Hot ., Wigan .
< p H E KNOCKABOUT BAG . Price ios . Gd . Light , Handsome , and Roomy . Can only be obtained direct from the Manufacturer , HARRON , THE TOURIST'S CO-OPERATIVE STORE , 2 fir , HIGH HOLBORN .
A / TONEY . —LOANS GRANTED Immediately , from £ 100 to £ 2000 at 3 per cent ., repayable over Three , Four , or Five Years , on Personal Sureties and Life policy effected with the WEST OF ENGLAND INSURANCE Co . ( Established 1807 ) . Apply to the Supeiintendent of Agents , J . CROCKER , Neville-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne . —Agents Wanted .
WANTED , Copies of the " Rosicrucian , " current series , Nos . 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , and 9 , to complete sets . —Apply Freemason Office , 198 , Fleet-street , London . HottoIVAV ' OINTMENT AND PILLS , —When the spring sviccieds the winter , countless cau . ses are at work to lower the tune of the nen-oeis s ) stem , which will be followed by ill-health unless proper means be employed to avert that evil . Hollow ay ' s far-fameid preparations supply a faul'less remedy fur both external and internal complaints connected with change of seasons . All affections of the skin , roughness , blotches , pimple ! ' , superficial and deeper seated inflammations , erysipelas , rheumatic pains , and gouty pangs , alike succumb to the exalted virtues of Holloway ' d Ointment and rills . The maladies most prevalent in sprint . ' , tn wit , chest complaints and stomachic ailments , daily li : ar wilness to the potential influence of this treatment , which saves snlTering and spares disaster , —[ Aovr ] . .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
What Good Is Freemasonry?
Charity never faileth him who is constituted aright . The e ng lishman ' s idea of good fellowship is bound up with , , osp itality , and who would begrudge the generous heart the opportunity of exercising it ? Freemasonry is the most compete a nd popular institution of its kind ever organised , and ] ts success is due to the grand principles on which it is
founded , and the self-denying motives which influence its members . There are black sheep in every flock . What community is without them ? What court , kingdom , religion or class is free from those who cast a dark shade on their surroundings ? But would it be fair to condemn all for a few black spots ?
Rosicrucian Society.
Rosicrucian Society .
YORKSHIRE COLLEGE . — The quarterly meeting of this college was held on Saturday week in the Surrey-street Masonic Hall , Sheffield . Present : Fratres s . B . Ellis , VIII ., R . W . C . A . ; A . Scargill , VII ., Suffr . ; W . R- Thomas , M . D ., V ., Prov . Treas . Genl . ; 'T . Blair , V „ Prov . Sec . Genl . ; T . B . Whytehead , V ., Abb . ; J . S . Cumberland , III , Secundus ; J . Clark , II ., Tertius ; j . E .
Reaney , IL , C . of N . ; J . 1 \ Thompson , G . of T . ; Rev . \ V . C . Lukis , M . A . ; Walter Rowley , C . E . ; T . L-ighton , Acolyte . The following aspirants were admitted into the Jf . C .: Bros . T . M . Richey ( Lieut . R . A ., York ); L . Murphy ( Captain 4 th Dragoon Guards , York ); ' E . Pearson Peterson , F . S . A . ( Leeds ); W . P . Husband ( York ) ; W . Watson ( Leeds ) ; J . N . Pickering ( Sheffield ) . A
congratulatory telegram was received from the Lancashire College , then in session at Wigan , and suitably responded to by wire . It had been anticipated that Fra . John Yarkcr would have been present , and read a paper on "The Origin , Aim , and Object of the Society of Rosy Cross , "
but he vvas preventeel by illness , and his paper was lead to the College by Fra . A . Scargill , and ordered to be printed for the members . It was resolved that the next meeting of the college should be held at Scarborough . on the 9 th July The fratres subsequently met at refreshment , and passed a social evening .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
The consecration of the St . Ethelbert Lodge of Mark Master Masons will take place at Hereford , on Thursday next , the 29 th of May . W . Bro . J . C . Gregg , is the W . M . designate , and the consecration ceremony will be performed by the Grand Secretary , R . W . Bro . F . Binckes , P . G . W ., Grand Secretary , assisted by V . W . Bro . D . M . Devvar , P . G . O ., G . Asst . Secretary , and other Grand Officers .
Bro . G . S . Graham will give a dramatic and musical entertainment at the Surrey Masonic Hall , on Wednesday , the 28 th inst ., on which occasion he will be assisted by Miss Susan Howard , and the Victoria Dramatic Club . The performance will include Mr . Tom Taylor ' s comedy Still Waters Ran Deep , and Mr . John Oxenford ' s
farce Retained for the Defence . The performance will commence at 7 . 30 . The Masonic Magazine gives an official list of the lodges of the last century , which will doubtless be consulted with interest by many readers . Mr . Sutherland , in
treating of Insanity and Freemasonry , gives some curious facts which may well puzzle the uninitiated , and a short paper on Speeches contains some excellent suggestions , which not a few speech-makers might study with aeivantage . —City Press , May 14 th , 1879 . THE BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL . —This
establishment has passed into the hands of Bros . H . J . and W . I . Roberts , who are makiug extensive improvements in it , ami will carry on the business in a spirited manner . THE SHIPWRIGHTS' COMPANY . —It is intended b y the court of this company to entertain Bro . Sheriff Burt and Mr . Sheriff Bevan at a banquet to be held on or
about the 6 th of June . The R . W . Bro . the Earl of Rosslyn , her Majesty's Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly nf the Church of Scotland , which met on Thursday « st , in Edinburgh , was waited upon the previous night at Holyrood Palace by the Lord Provost , Magistrates , anel
Council , and formally presented with the keys of the city , which the noble Earl returned to the keeping of the Lord Provost . A large and distinguished party aiterwards dined *» li the Earl and Countess of Rosslyn . FREEING THE THAMES BRIDGES . —The Prince ° f Wales has accepted the invitation of the Metropolitan
Board of Works to open Lambeth , Vauxhall , Chelsea , ¦ J"wt , and Battersea bridges free from toll , this day ( Satur-° ay , ) the Queen ' s birthday . The Prince will be accom-Panieil by the Princess of Wales and the Crown Piince of Denmark . After the ceremony the Metropolitan Board of , "Mks and the other visitors are to be invited to a
'Wicheon at the Chelsea Vestry Hall , under the presidency of farl Codogan . Bro . David James has consented to preside at ** anniversary dinner of the Royal General Theatrical ' "" don Thursday , June 26 th . THE CHELSMFORD MAGISTRATES AND THE
t , * soNs . —The Chelmsford magistrates refused , on ' 'fob , inst ., to allow the use of the assembly rooms and , * f rooms , at the county Shire Hall , for July 2 nd , when j ' Carnarvon , as representing the Prince of Wales , is to st * l | Lord Tenterden as Provincial Grand Master of
Free-. sons for Essex , the refusal being attributed to the kc U ° of a B ° man Catholic magistrate . The atrl i Cemasons apP'aled to the Essex Quarter Sessions t , . 'msford , and the Court , after hearing Mr . Croome , ( , [ lster ' ! n support of the renewed application for the use accJ ' re Hall on the occasion in question , at once
Masonic And General Tidings.
TUB WILLIAM PRESTO \ CHAPTER , NO . 66 . — The installation meeting of this chapter took place at the City Terminus Hotel , on Thursday , the 22 nd inst ., when Comps . Dr . W . H . Kempster , was installed as M . E . Z . ; J . T . Gibson , as IT . ; and Dr . C . R . Cutmore , as J . Their Royal Hi ghnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales , accompanied by her Royal Highness
Princess Mary , Duchess of Teck , will open the new school building of the Alexandra Orphanage , Hornsey-rise , on Tuesday , June 24 th . Bro . Sheriff Burt was one of the guests at the annual dinner of the Aitists' General Benevolent
Institution , held under the presidency of tfce Bishop of Peterborough , at Willis ' s Rooms , on Saturday last . Bro . Henry Marston ' s benefit is to take place at the Lyceum on Thursday , May , 29 th , Mr . Irving having kindly granted the use of the theatre , and many of the leading artistes have generously given their services .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending Friday , May 30 , 1879 . SATURDAY , MAY 24 . Lodge 1297 , West Kent , Forest Hill Hot ., Forest Hill , „ 1341 , Alexandra Palace , Alexandra Palace , N . ,, 1679 , Henry Muggeridge . Prince George , Park-rd ., E . Chap . IJ ( I , Caveac , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Manchester , 77 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd . Eccleston , King's Head , Ebury Bridge , Pimlico . Percy , 113 , Southgate-rd ., N .
MONDAY , MAY 26 . Lodge 4 , Royal Somerset House and Inverness , F . M . H . „ 183 , Unity , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 902 , Burgoyne , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . ,, 905 , Be Grey and Ripon , F . M . H . „ 1613 , Bayard , a , Gofden-sq . „ 1745 Farringdon Without , Holborn Viaduct Hot .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . WeVington , White Swan Hot ., High-st , Deptford . St . John , Gun Hot ., Wapping , 8 till 10 . Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tav ., Kingsland . Strong Man , Old Rodney ' s Head , Old-st ., E . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station . Camden , 174 , High-st ., Camden Town , at 8 . Tredegar , Royal Hot ., Mile-end-rd .
3 r . James ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe . Upper Norwood , White Hart Hot ., Church-rd . Marquis of Ripon , Pembury Tav ., Amherst-rd ., Hackney . Loughborough , Warrior Hot ., Brixton . West Smithfield , New Market Hot ., West Smithfield . St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Greenwich . Doric Chapter , 148 , Globe-rd ., Mile End-rd ., at 8 . John Hervey , Albion Hall , London Wall , at 7 . 30 .
TUESDAY , MAY 27 . Com . St . Alban ' s Cathedral Masonic Restoration Fund at 4 . 30 . F . M . H . Lodge 14 , Tuscan , F . M . H . „ 1441 , Ivy , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell . ,, 1719 , Evening Star , F . M . H . Chap . 21 , Cyrus , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . Rose Croix Palestine , 33 , Golden-sq .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Metropolitan , 269 , Pentonville-rd . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Domatic , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road . Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st . Prince Fredk . Wm ., Lord's Hot ., St . John ' s Wood . ProsperityHercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st .
, Dalhousie , The Sisters' Tav ., Pownall-rd ., Dalston , E Florence Nightingale , F . M . H ., William-st ., Woolwich . Constitutional , Bedford Hot ., Southampton Bdgs ., at 7 . Israel , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe Road . Wandsworth , Spread Eagle Hot ., Wandsworth . Royal Arthur , Prince ' s Head , York-road , tiattcrsea . Beacontrce , Red Lion , Leytonstone .
Excelsior , Commercial Dock Tav ., Rotherhithe . St . John of Wapping , Gun Hot ., High-st ., Wapping . Islington , Three Bucks , 23 , Gresham-st ., at 7 p . m . Leopold , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-rd ., Bermondsey . Mount Edgcumbe , 19 , Jermyn-st ., St . James ' s . Sir Hugh Myddelton , 162 , St . John's-st .-rd . Metropolitan Chapter , Jamaica Coffee Ho ., Cornhi ' . l . Clapton Chapter , White Hart Tav ., Upper Clapton .
WEDNESDAY , MAY 28 . Lodge 2 , Antiquity , F . M . H . „ 307 , United Pilgrims , S . M . H ., Camberwell . „ 753 , Prince Fdk . Wm ., Lord ' s Hot ., St . John ' sWood . „ 898 , Tcmperar . ce-in-the-East ,, Newby-pl ., Poplar . „ 1017 , Montefiore , Regent M . H . Chap . 435 , Mount Lebnaon , Ship and Turtle .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Confidence , Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-st ., at 7 till 9 . Urban , 23 , Gresham-street , City , E . C , at 6 . 30 . New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-rd ., N . Mt . Lebanon , Horse Shoe Tav ., Stones-End , E . Pythagorean , Portland Hot ., London-st ., Greenwich . La Tolerance , 2 , Maddox-st ., W ., at 7 . 45 . Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-rd ., Peckham .
Stanhope , Thicket Hot ., Anerley . Finsbury Park , Earl Russell , Isledon-rd , Holloway , at 8 . Southwark , Southwark Park Tav ., Southwark Park . Duke of Connaught , Sutherland Chapel , Walworth Road . Duke of Connaught , Havclock Tav ., Albioii-rd ., N . United Strength , Hope and Anchor , Crowndale-rd , N . W . Whittington , Red Lion , Poppin ' s-court , Fleet-st ., at 8 . Lewis , King ' s Arms Hot ., Wood Green .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
Royal Jubilee , 81 , Long Acre . Langthorne , Swan Hot ., Stratford . Temperance in theEast . George the 4 th , Ida-st ., Poplar , 1 . 30 . Thistle , M . M . M ., The Harp Tavern ! at R
THURSDAY , MAY 2 o . Gen . Com . Girls' School , at 4 . Lodge 1324 , Duke of Connaught , Havelock Tav ., E . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Union Waterloo , Chatham Arms , Thomas-st ., Woolwich . Egyptian , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st . W .
, Fmsbury , Jolly Anglers' Tav ., Bath-st ., City-rd . Ebury , 12 , Ponsonhy-st ., Millbank . Highgate , Bull and Gate , Kentish-town . The Great City , M . H ., Masons' Avenue . High Cross , Coach & Horses , High-rd ., Tottenham . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Southern Star
, Crown Hot ., Blackfriars-rd . Great Northern , Berwick Arms , Berners-st ., Oxford-st . Rose , Walmer Castle Hot ., Peckham-rd ., at 8 . Covent Garden , Ashley ' s Hot ., Covent Garden , at 8 . Crusaders , St . John's Gate , Clerkenwell , at 9 . Prince Frederick William Chapter , St . John ' s Wood .
FRIDAY , MAY 30 . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . London Masonic Club , 101 , Queen Victoria-st ., E . C . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Belgrave , Harp Tav ., Jermyn-st ., W . Unions Emulation ( for 'M . M . 's ) , F . M . H . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-rd ., Deptford .
Metropolitan , Portugal Hot ., Fleet-st ., at 7 . St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John ' s Wood . Westbourne , Lord ' s Hotel , St . John's Wood . United Pilgrims , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-rd . St . James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-rd ., S . E . Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Doric , 79 , Whitechapel-rd ., at 8 . Burgoyne , The Red Cap , Camden Town , N . W .
St . Luke ' s , White Hart , King ' s-rd ., Chelsea . Chigwell , Prince ' s Hall , Buckhurst-hill . Royal Standard , The Alwyne Castle , St . Paul ' s-rd ., N . Ranelagh , Bell and Anchor , Hammersmith-rd . Finsbury Park , Earl Russell , Isledon-rd ., Holloway , at 8 . William Preston , FeathersTav ., Up . George-st ., Edgware-rd . Earl of Carnarvon , Mitre Hot ., Goulbourne-rd ., Notting-hill Pythagorean Chapter , Portland Hot . London-st ., Greenwich
Masonic Meetings In West Lancashire And Cheshire
For the "Week ending Saturday , May 31 , 1879 . MONDAY , MAY 26 . Lodge 148 , Lights , M . K ., Warrington . Chap . 241 , Friendship , M . H ., Liverpool . Derby L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
TUESDAY , MAY 27 . Lodge 1609 , Dramatic , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1675 , Ancient Briton , M . H ., Liverpool . Chap . 1094 , Temple , M . H ., Liverpool . Merchants L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Prince Arthur L . of L , 80 , N . Hill-st ., Liverpool .
WEDNESDAY , MAY 28 . Lodge 220 , Harmony , Wellington Hot ., Liverpool . „ 724 , Derby , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1756 , Kirkdale , Skelmersdale Hall , Liverpool . Chap . 605 , De Tabley , Seacombe Hot ., Seacombe . „ 10 5 , Callender , Public Hot ., Rusholme . Neptune L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
THURSDAY , MAY 29 . Lodge 950 , Hesketh , Royal Hot ., Fleetwood . „ 1032 , Townley Parker , Howard ' s Arms , Whittle-\ e-W 00 ds . „ 1070 , Starkie , Black Horse Hot ., Kirkham . „ 1313 , Fcrmor , M . H ., Soulhport . ,, 1576 , Dee , Union Hot ., Parkgate . Mariners L . of 1 ., M . H ., Liverpool . SATURDAY , MAY 31 . Chap . 178 , Harmony , Royal Hot ., Wigan .
< p H E KNOCKABOUT BAG . Price ios . Gd . Light , Handsome , and Roomy . Can only be obtained direct from the Manufacturer , HARRON , THE TOURIST'S CO-OPERATIVE STORE , 2 fir , HIGH HOLBORN .
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