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Reports Of Masonic Meetings
nean , P . M . 54 ' ; R - Wightman , Sec . 541 ; W . Smith , in I-42 - I-Kidsdale , P . M . 406 , P . G . J . W . Northumberland ; J . Wood , S . W . 48 i J- G . Smith , J . W . 48 ; B . P . 0 rd , W . M . r 427 , P . G . O . ; and J . Page , W . M . o !> . Bros . Grant and Walklet were passed to the Second Degree , and Bros . Lowes , Robinson , and Nicholson raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . by the W . M ., who also explained
the working tools . In a suitable and feeling manner the ytj M . referred to the lamented death of the Treasurer , Bro . G Thompson , P . M ., and proposed that the following resolution should be recorded on the minutes of the lodge » That the deep regret of the brethren be recorded in the minutes at the death of our esteemed Bro . G . Thompson , p M ., who was for many years Treasurer of this lodge . " and unanimousl
This was seconded by Bro . Sewell , P . M ., y ip-reed to . Bro . R . L . Armstrong , P . M ., nominated Bro . V Spearman , P . M ., as Treasurer for the ensuing year , and tlie W . M . nominated Bro . G . S . Sims as Tyler for the ensuing year . In accordance with notice of motion , the \ V . M . moved , that the sum of ten pounds be given to the widow of a lately deceased brother . Bro . Sewell , P . M .,
seconded the motion , which was carried . Several Past Masters of various lodges tendered expressions of sympathy and regret at the loss sustained by the lodge and the Craft generally by the death of Bro . G . Thompson , P . M . There being no further business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren quietly dispersed , without refreshment and the usual social gathering after the lodge is closed .
SALISBURY . —Elias de Derham Lodge ( No . 3 86 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , New Canal , on Thursday , the 8 th inst ., when the following were present : —Bros . A . Pucker , W . M ., in the chair ; F . J . Russell , P . M ., as I . P . M . ; C . H . Card , S . W . ; T . S . Futcher , P . M . and Treas ., as l . W . ; J . Rumbold , P . M ., Sec . ; F . J . Hannan , S . D . ; E . E .
Bartlett , J . D . ; A . Ayhvard , Org . ; H . Silverthorn , Tyler ; G . W . Wiltshire , R . Dear , J . Folliott , T . Harwood , E . I laic , G . Wilkes , H . Crawford , G . J . Mannings , J . T . Calkin , and W . B . Haskell . Visitor : Bro . Jefferics , 1478 . The minutes of the last regular lodge having been read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the Second Degree , when Bro . G . Wilkes was examined as to the progress he
had made in Masonry , which proving satisfactory , he was entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , and on Bro . Wilkes being re-admitted he was duly raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . by the W . M . The lodge having been lowered to the Second and also to the First Degree , Mr . H . W . Larkam and Mr . G . J . M . Main ( who had been previously balloted for and elected ) were separately admitted , and impressively
initiated into the mysteries and secrets of ancient Freemasonry by the W . M . The name of a brother having been proposed and seconded for joining , the lodge was closed at 9 . 10 in ancient and solemn form . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent supper , presided over by the W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , the brethren separating at 11 o ' clock , having spent a very enjoyable evening .
GUILDFORD . —Royal Alfred Lodge ( No . 777 ) . —The anniversary of this loelge was held at the Angel Hotel , on Thursday , the 15 th inst . The lodge having been opened in First Degree , and the minutes of last regular lodge read anel confirmed , letters of apology were read from the R . W . Prov . G . Master , Major-General Brownrigg , C . B . ; the Past D . P . G . Master , Bro . Harrison ;
Bros . Earl of Onslow ; Earl Percy , M . P . ; Col . Thomas Martin , the W . M . of Surrey Lodge , Reigate , and other brethren , regretting their inability to attend the meeting . Mr . Robert Pink was initiated into the First Degree of Ancient Freemasonry by ihe W . M ,, Bro . Edgar Drewctt , P . P . G . W . of Surrey . The Teputy Grand Master of Surrey , Bro . C . W . Arnold , P . G . Chap ., then took the
chair , and duly installed Bro . Denzil Roberts Onslow , M . P ., as W . M . for the ensuing year . The claims of the various Masonic Charities having been disposed of , the lodge was duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall , where the rest of the evening was spent in peace and social harmony . The W . M . was ably
supported by his two Wardens , Bros . De La Fargus and H . F . Day . Amongst the company present were Bros . Dr . Spence , P . G . W . of Surrey ; Loveless , W . M . 1046 ; Dawes , S . W . 1046 , P . P . G . Org . of Surrey ; Andrews , J . W . 104 C ; W . Vine , P . M . 1046 ; Charles Anderson , P . M . 1046 ; Asher > ' 395 ; LV . Piper ; E . Grissbrook , P . M . 771 , P . P . G . D . Btrks and Bucks ; and Andrews , 1329 .
HULME . —Blair Lodge ( No . 815 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge vvas held at the Town Hall , on Friday , the 9 th inst . There were present Bros . John Vertegans , P . M ., acting W . M . ; Henry Louis Rocca , S . W . ; W . R . Sowtar , J . W . ; A . E . Gaskell , Hon . Sec ; S . Hildcsheimcr , S . D . ; E . Harris , I . G . ; H . It . G . Bayley , P . M ., D . C ; J . F . Anderson , Organist ; John Shcldrick ,
J- St . Patrick Riley , J . R . Straus , C . Oldham , A . Bickley , W . Renshaw , W . Fell , J . ] . Newton , P . M . Visitors : Bros . '• R . Williams , P . M ., Ellis Jones , P . M ., Thomas Elliott , '• M ., andW . Iladdon , J . W ., 1147 ; J . W . Almond , 1773 ; Henry Briggs , P . M . 320 ; A . Chendon , 1730 ; John Looper Virtue , 152 ; John Church , Sec , W . Nichol ) , J . W ., ? i R . R . Liscnden ( Freemason ) , 317 . This lodge , which js a very prosperous one , has this vcar had to mourn the loss
of ihtir yf . M the late Bro . J . ' o . Moore , who was installed in October , 1878 , and who was only permitted by ., "" . A . O . T . U . to preside as the head of the lodge some wee or four times . The late Bro . J . O . Moore died Feb-,, ^ ry 8 th , of the present year , and was interred al the * "lorel Cemetery , on February 13 th , and followed lo his Mild 8 I ! 'aCC Uy BroS' Uocca > SowU ; r ' Vertegans , Gaskell , ucshcimer , Harris , Bayley , and others . His presence is S > eatl y missed and deeply mourned by all who knew him .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings
As a man he vvas the very personification of truth and honour , of kindness and goodwill towards men . As a Mason he was one of the truest and the best , and in his death Masonry in general , and the Blair Lodge in particular , lost a sincere and an earnest member . He served in all the offices except Secretary . The lodge was opened in the First Degree , anel the minutes of previous meeting read
and confirmed . I here being no business the lodge was " worked " up to the Third Degree , and after an interval , down again to the First . A proposition was put forward by Bro . H . R . G . Bayley , P . M ., D . C , and seconded by Bro . Henry Louis Rocca , S . W ., that the lodge meetings be adjourned from June 13 th until Friday , September the 12 th , for the summer vacation , which was carried .
" Hearty gooel wishes" having been expressed by the visiting brethren , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer . The visitors having been kindly invited to stay to supper , afterwards assembled , with the officers and members of the lodge , around the festive board . A substantial supper was prepared , of which some thirty brethren partook . On the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and
Masonic toasts were given and responded to , with good Masonic " fire , " the brethren being led by Bro . Bayley , who makes an indefatigable D . C . The toast of " The Visitors " was received with warm applause , and responded to by each in turn , the W . M . exercising his prerogative by
insisting on each one saying something for himself , which caused some little diversion and amusement . Other toasts followed , and the ; intervals were enlivened with some songs , one of the most enjoyable meetings it has been . our privilege to be present at being brought to a close shortly after eleven o ' clock .
PLUMSTEAD . —Pattison Lodge ( No . 913 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of the above lodge took place on Thursday , the 1 st inst ., at the Lord Raglan , Bro . T . D . Hayes , W . M ., in the chair , assisted by the following officers . —Bros . C . Coupland , P . M ., and P . P . G . J . W Kent ; T . Hastings , P . M ., and P . P . G . P . Kent ; W . T . Vincent , P . M . ; A . Penfold , P . M . ; H . Butter , I . P . M . ;
W . B . Lloyd , S . W . ; ) amcs Chapman , J . W . ; E . Denton , P . M . and Sec ; R . Cook , S . D . ; H . Mason , J . D . ; C . Cooke , Organist ; H . Pryce , D . C , and Thos . Read , W . S . Among the visitors and brethren were Bros . f . Warren , S . W . 700 ; R . Hanson , S . D . 927 ; W . J . Harris , 700 ; W . Weiss , 706 ; D . Baker , 30 ( S . C . ) ; C . Jolly ( Freemason . ); and others . The lodge having been opened in due form ,
and the minutes read , Mr . John Gould and Mr . Richard Taylor were , after ballot and approval , initiated into the mysteries of the Craft ; Bros . A . Flagg and H . Towns were passed ; and Bro . Messcr ( as Tyler ) was raised to the Sublime Degree . The whole of the ceremonies were admirably rendered by the W . M ., who worthily sustains the prestige of this important lodge for its good working .
£ 10 was voted to Bro . Weston ' s list for the Boys' School , he having agreed to take office as Steward at the forthcoming festival . The loelge was then closed , and the brethren assembled round the table . The preliminary toasts were drunk with that aplomb and heartiness that characterise Masons ; and then in reply to the toast of " Bro . Eastes and the rest of the Grand Officers of Kent , " Bro .
Coupland said he always felt proud of responding to such a noble toast , although it was a difficulty to say anything fresh about it . The care and intirest of the Grand Officers in the Craft in the province spoke for itself , anel the time was shortly coming when every member of that lodge would have an opportunity of seeing the whole of the Provincial Officers together , and those who took it woulel , he
felt sure , agree with him that both Bro . Lord Holmesdale anel Bro . Eastes were worthy of all the great esteem they were held in throughout the whole of the province , particularly by the Pattison Lodge . ( Loud cheers . ) The I . P . M ., Bro . Butter , then rose to propose the toast of " The W . M . " He said it was always a difficult toast to propose satisfactorily by an I . P . M ., because , after the first
time or so , all the eloquence necessary to give it due effect had been used up . Upon this occasion he should try and say something new about him , and if he did not rise to the dignity of the occasion , it woulel be because he had to say it to his face instead of behind his back . If one had to speak of one who was not present one could Butter one up as much as one liked , but it was a difficult thing to do
where one so modest as their W . M . was looking at him , anel perhaps laughing at him in his sleeve all the time . However , he would say one thing about him—and he had said a good many in his time—but he woulel say that he was an honest man and an hor . est Mason , and Robert Burns had said , and rightly , that " an honest man was the noblest work of God . " He did not know whether he had
ever called him that before . They had confided to him the Mastership of the lodge , and he had . faithfully and honestly done his duty to that trust , and so an honest Mason was an honest man , and an honest man was the " noblest work of God . " Unfortunately for himself , he could not attend that evening in time to see the ceremonies , but he stood outside the door and listened , and to his ears
came murmurs and music , like to those who , it was said , just before entering it , hear the divine melodies of Heaven , and so it was with him , and he longed to be within those sacred walls , and see and hear their Master carry out , as he could , the beautiful ceremonies entrusted to his hand . He asked them to drink the toast as it deserved . 'Die W . M . said in the LP . Master they had always a good stock of Butler , always pure , fresh , and good , and much
more acceptable than a little dry Hay , which , however , he hoped would never get musty . So far as the beautiful rituals were concerned , he thought that a Master should give them as solemnly and as impressively as he possibly could , and he had done his best , and done it honestly , and he trusted to their satisfaction , fie threw his whole heart and soul into the work , and il was most satisfactory to him to hear their expressions of praise anil confidence . As an Englishman and a Mason , he felt that anything that
Reports Of Masonic Meetings
vvas undertaken with spirit anel determination was sure to succeed ; for when he first took office he felt as if he should have liked to give it up at once , but he had persevered , and worked with a will , and he was not ashamed of the result . The toasts of the " The Initiates , " " Past Masters , " and " The Officers " followed , and a most enjoyable evening was passed .
KNUTSFORD . —De Tabley Lodge ( No . 941 ) —The brethren of this lodge held their monthly meeting on Monday , the 12 th inst ., when there were present Bros , the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Lord De Tabley , the W . M ., officers , and brethren of the lodge . The minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . The business of the lodge being ended , the W . M ., Bro . Leigh , said : R . W . Provincial Grand
Master , officers , and brethren , I rise to perform a most pleasant and agreeable duty , and one which I am quite sure every member of this lodge will feel most deeply interested in . I have the honour and very great pleasure , on behalf of myself and the officers of this lodge , to present our very worthy and much esteemed Bro . Nicholls , P . M ., with this very handsome Past Master ' s jewel , for the valuable
services rendered to this lodge , and I only hope ( and I am sure I am expressing the sentiments of every member of this lodge ) that the Great Architect of the Universe will long spare you to continue your valuable services to this lodge , and wear this jewel upon your breast for many years to come , as a memento of the high esteem in which you are held by every member of this lodge , and hand it
down to your posterity as a heirloom in the family . The R . W . Prov . G . M ., in rising , said : Worshipful Master and brethren , it gives me the greatest possible pleasure to be present on this occasion and witness the presentation to our worthy and much esteemed Bro . Nicholls , P . M . The very efficient manner in which he performed the duty of installing at vour installation reflected the highest credit
upon himself and the lodge , and I can only reciprocate the wish you have expressed , " that the Great Architect of the Universe will long spare him to wear the jewel you have presented him with , in token of his valuable services and the high estimation he is held in by every member of this lodge . " Bro . Nicholls , in response , said : R . W . Provincial Grand Master , Worshipful Master , and officers , words are
inadequate to convey to you how deeply and sincerely I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this very handsome present of a Past Master's jewel , and the beautiful inscription engraved upon it . Valuable as the jewel may be of itself , the kind expressions of fraternal friendship which accompanied the presentation enhances its intrinsic value a thousand fold , and , as you have so feelingly
expressed it , I hope the Great Architect of the Universe will spare me for many years to come to devote my best energies for the good of Masonry in general , and of this lodge in particular , and may the [ crest of our lodge , with the word "Teneto , " shine with greater lustre and more Masonic brilliancy . I'he jewel is a very chaste piece of
workmanship in gold , and bears the following inscription on the cross bars : " Palmam qui meruit ferat" ( in English "The palm which he merits let him bear ); and on the square , " Presented to Bro . W . Nicholls , P . M . of the De Tabley Loelge , 941 , by the officers , in recognition of valuable services rendered . 12 th May , 1879 . "
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1031 ) . — The duties ^ of Masonry in this lodge were resumed on the 5 th inst ., at the regular meeting held in the Masonic Rooms , Athena ; um . Bro . N . W . Helme , W . M ., presided , and was supported by his respective officers , there being also a good attendance of members and visitors . The lodge having been opened in the First Degree , the minutes
of preceding meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Cutts being a candidate for being raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M ., was examined , entrusted , and retired . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , the chair of K . S . being occupied by Bro . Longman , P . M . and Sec . Bro . Cutts was then re-admitted and raised to the Sublime
Degree of a Master Mason , the working being very impressively and efficiently gone through by Bro . Longman , who also gave the working tools . Bro . Helene then reoccupied the chair , and by the . powers vested in him resumed business in the First Degree , when the ballot was taken for the Rev . William Taylor Newbold , M . A ., and proveel unanimous . The candidate was then admitted
into lodge with the formalities of the Craft , and duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by the W . M . in a very effective manner , the worling tools being presented by Bro . J . T . Jackson , J . W . The usual proclamations were then made , which elicited "Hearty good wishes" from members of 89 , 281 , 1353 , and 1561 , and the lodge was closed in peace , love , and harmony , and with solemn prayer .
LIVERPOOL . —Hamer Lodge ( No . 1393 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge ( changed from the fourth Friday to the third Thursday in the month ) was held in the Old Lodge Room of the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , the 15 th inst ., when there was a very large gathering of members and visitors . Bro . J . McCarthy , P . M ., was in the W . M . ' s chair , and among others of the
"Hamentes" present were Bros . H . Jackson , P . P . G . A . D . C ., P . M . ; B . Leason , S . W . ; W . C . Eiwin , J . W . ; H . B . Evans , P . G . S ., Treasurer ; T . Sammons , P . M ., D . C . ; M . Callaghan , S . D . ; R . Kynaston , J . D . ; W . H . Jewitt , I . G . ; T . Pierrpoint , Org . ; J . J . Smith , A . S . ; F . Pentin , J . S . j M . Williamson , Tyler ; F . Aldler , F . Lomeria , H .
Davidson , W . Clark , J . C . Menkes , A . E . Richardson , W . J . Henelerson , T . Sharp , It . L . Stockton , E . Williams , A , Henderson , J . Tatloek , G . W . Barn , and others . The visitors' list included the names of Bros . T . McCracken , Sec . 292 and 1620 ; J . Boyle , 823 ; J . Casey , 1086 ; F . J , Pentin , W . M . of Wilbrahani Lodge ; the Rev . —Leslie , J . W , of the Wilbraham Lodge ; Councillor W . J . Lunt , P . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings
nean , P . M . 54 ' ; R - Wightman , Sec . 541 ; W . Smith , in I-42 - I-Kidsdale , P . M . 406 , P . G . J . W . Northumberland ; J . Wood , S . W . 48 i J- G . Smith , J . W . 48 ; B . P . 0 rd , W . M . r 427 , P . G . O . ; and J . Page , W . M . o !> . Bros . Grant and Walklet were passed to the Second Degree , and Bros . Lowes , Robinson , and Nicholson raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . by the W . M ., who also explained
the working tools . In a suitable and feeling manner the ytj M . referred to the lamented death of the Treasurer , Bro . G Thompson , P . M ., and proposed that the following resolution should be recorded on the minutes of the lodge » That the deep regret of the brethren be recorded in the minutes at the death of our esteemed Bro . G . Thompson , p M ., who was for many years Treasurer of this lodge . " and unanimousl
This was seconded by Bro . Sewell , P . M ., y ip-reed to . Bro . R . L . Armstrong , P . M ., nominated Bro . V Spearman , P . M ., as Treasurer for the ensuing year , and tlie W . M . nominated Bro . G . S . Sims as Tyler for the ensuing year . In accordance with notice of motion , the \ V . M . moved , that the sum of ten pounds be given to the widow of a lately deceased brother . Bro . Sewell , P . M .,
seconded the motion , which was carried . Several Past Masters of various lodges tendered expressions of sympathy and regret at the loss sustained by the lodge and the Craft generally by the death of Bro . G . Thompson , P . M . There being no further business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren quietly dispersed , without refreshment and the usual social gathering after the lodge is closed .
SALISBURY . —Elias de Derham Lodge ( No . 3 86 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , New Canal , on Thursday , the 8 th inst ., when the following were present : —Bros . A . Pucker , W . M ., in the chair ; F . J . Russell , P . M ., as I . P . M . ; C . H . Card , S . W . ; T . S . Futcher , P . M . and Treas ., as l . W . ; J . Rumbold , P . M ., Sec . ; F . J . Hannan , S . D . ; E . E .
Bartlett , J . D . ; A . Ayhvard , Org . ; H . Silverthorn , Tyler ; G . W . Wiltshire , R . Dear , J . Folliott , T . Harwood , E . I laic , G . Wilkes , H . Crawford , G . J . Mannings , J . T . Calkin , and W . B . Haskell . Visitor : Bro . Jefferics , 1478 . The minutes of the last regular lodge having been read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the Second Degree , when Bro . G . Wilkes was examined as to the progress he
had made in Masonry , which proving satisfactory , he was entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , and on Bro . Wilkes being re-admitted he was duly raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . by the W . M . The lodge having been lowered to the Second and also to the First Degree , Mr . H . W . Larkam and Mr . G . J . M . Main ( who had been previously balloted for and elected ) were separately admitted , and impressively
initiated into the mysteries and secrets of ancient Freemasonry by the W . M . The name of a brother having been proposed and seconded for joining , the lodge was closed at 9 . 10 in ancient and solemn form . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent supper , presided over by the W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , the brethren separating at 11 o ' clock , having spent a very enjoyable evening .
GUILDFORD . —Royal Alfred Lodge ( No . 777 ) . —The anniversary of this loelge was held at the Angel Hotel , on Thursday , the 15 th inst . The lodge having been opened in First Degree , and the minutes of last regular lodge read anel confirmed , letters of apology were read from the R . W . Prov . G . Master , Major-General Brownrigg , C . B . ; the Past D . P . G . Master , Bro . Harrison ;
Bros . Earl of Onslow ; Earl Percy , M . P . ; Col . Thomas Martin , the W . M . of Surrey Lodge , Reigate , and other brethren , regretting their inability to attend the meeting . Mr . Robert Pink was initiated into the First Degree of Ancient Freemasonry by ihe W . M ,, Bro . Edgar Drewctt , P . P . G . W . of Surrey . The Teputy Grand Master of Surrey , Bro . C . W . Arnold , P . G . Chap ., then took the
chair , and duly installed Bro . Denzil Roberts Onslow , M . P ., as W . M . for the ensuing year . The claims of the various Masonic Charities having been disposed of , the lodge was duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall , where the rest of the evening was spent in peace and social harmony . The W . M . was ably
supported by his two Wardens , Bros . De La Fargus and H . F . Day . Amongst the company present were Bros . Dr . Spence , P . G . W . of Surrey ; Loveless , W . M . 1046 ; Dawes , S . W . 1046 , P . P . G . Org . of Surrey ; Andrews , J . W . 104 C ; W . Vine , P . M . 1046 ; Charles Anderson , P . M . 1046 ; Asher > ' 395 ; LV . Piper ; E . Grissbrook , P . M . 771 , P . P . G . D . Btrks and Bucks ; and Andrews , 1329 .
HULME . —Blair Lodge ( No . 815 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge vvas held at the Town Hall , on Friday , the 9 th inst . There were present Bros . John Vertegans , P . M ., acting W . M . ; Henry Louis Rocca , S . W . ; W . R . Sowtar , J . W . ; A . E . Gaskell , Hon . Sec ; S . Hildcsheimcr , S . D . ; E . Harris , I . G . ; H . It . G . Bayley , P . M ., D . C ; J . F . Anderson , Organist ; John Shcldrick ,
J- St . Patrick Riley , J . R . Straus , C . Oldham , A . Bickley , W . Renshaw , W . Fell , J . ] . Newton , P . M . Visitors : Bros . '• R . Williams , P . M ., Ellis Jones , P . M ., Thomas Elliott , '• M ., andW . Iladdon , J . W ., 1147 ; J . W . Almond , 1773 ; Henry Briggs , P . M . 320 ; A . Chendon , 1730 ; John Looper Virtue , 152 ; John Church , Sec , W . Nichol ) , J . W ., ? i R . R . Liscnden ( Freemason ) , 317 . This lodge , which js a very prosperous one , has this vcar had to mourn the loss
of ihtir yf . M the late Bro . J . ' o . Moore , who was installed in October , 1878 , and who was only permitted by ., "" . A . O . T . U . to preside as the head of the lodge some wee or four times . The late Bro . J . O . Moore died Feb-,, ^ ry 8 th , of the present year , and was interred al the * "lorel Cemetery , on February 13 th , and followed lo his Mild 8 I ! 'aCC Uy BroS' Uocca > SowU ; r ' Vertegans , Gaskell , ucshcimer , Harris , Bayley , and others . His presence is S > eatl y missed and deeply mourned by all who knew him .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings
As a man he vvas the very personification of truth and honour , of kindness and goodwill towards men . As a Mason he was one of the truest and the best , and in his death Masonry in general , and the Blair Lodge in particular , lost a sincere and an earnest member . He served in all the offices except Secretary . The lodge was opened in the First Degree , anel the minutes of previous meeting read
and confirmed . I here being no business the lodge was " worked " up to the Third Degree , and after an interval , down again to the First . A proposition was put forward by Bro . H . R . G . Bayley , P . M ., D . C , and seconded by Bro . Henry Louis Rocca , S . W ., that the lodge meetings be adjourned from June 13 th until Friday , September the 12 th , for the summer vacation , which was carried .
" Hearty gooel wishes" having been expressed by the visiting brethren , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer . The visitors having been kindly invited to stay to supper , afterwards assembled , with the officers and members of the lodge , around the festive board . A substantial supper was prepared , of which some thirty brethren partook . On the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and
Masonic toasts were given and responded to , with good Masonic " fire , " the brethren being led by Bro . Bayley , who makes an indefatigable D . C . The toast of " The Visitors " was received with warm applause , and responded to by each in turn , the W . M . exercising his prerogative by
insisting on each one saying something for himself , which caused some little diversion and amusement . Other toasts followed , and the ; intervals were enlivened with some songs , one of the most enjoyable meetings it has been . our privilege to be present at being brought to a close shortly after eleven o ' clock .
PLUMSTEAD . —Pattison Lodge ( No . 913 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of the above lodge took place on Thursday , the 1 st inst ., at the Lord Raglan , Bro . T . D . Hayes , W . M ., in the chair , assisted by the following officers . —Bros . C . Coupland , P . M ., and P . P . G . J . W Kent ; T . Hastings , P . M ., and P . P . G . P . Kent ; W . T . Vincent , P . M . ; A . Penfold , P . M . ; H . Butter , I . P . M . ;
W . B . Lloyd , S . W . ; ) amcs Chapman , J . W . ; E . Denton , P . M . and Sec ; R . Cook , S . D . ; H . Mason , J . D . ; C . Cooke , Organist ; H . Pryce , D . C , and Thos . Read , W . S . Among the visitors and brethren were Bros . f . Warren , S . W . 700 ; R . Hanson , S . D . 927 ; W . J . Harris , 700 ; W . Weiss , 706 ; D . Baker , 30 ( S . C . ) ; C . Jolly ( Freemason . ); and others . The lodge having been opened in due form ,
and the minutes read , Mr . John Gould and Mr . Richard Taylor were , after ballot and approval , initiated into the mysteries of the Craft ; Bros . A . Flagg and H . Towns were passed ; and Bro . Messcr ( as Tyler ) was raised to the Sublime Degree . The whole of the ceremonies were admirably rendered by the W . M ., who worthily sustains the prestige of this important lodge for its good working .
£ 10 was voted to Bro . Weston ' s list for the Boys' School , he having agreed to take office as Steward at the forthcoming festival . The loelge was then closed , and the brethren assembled round the table . The preliminary toasts were drunk with that aplomb and heartiness that characterise Masons ; and then in reply to the toast of " Bro . Eastes and the rest of the Grand Officers of Kent , " Bro .
Coupland said he always felt proud of responding to such a noble toast , although it was a difficulty to say anything fresh about it . The care and intirest of the Grand Officers in the Craft in the province spoke for itself , anel the time was shortly coming when every member of that lodge would have an opportunity of seeing the whole of the Provincial Officers together , and those who took it woulel , he
felt sure , agree with him that both Bro . Lord Holmesdale anel Bro . Eastes were worthy of all the great esteem they were held in throughout the whole of the province , particularly by the Pattison Lodge . ( Loud cheers . ) The I . P . M ., Bro . Butter , then rose to propose the toast of " The W . M . " He said it was always a difficult toast to propose satisfactorily by an I . P . M ., because , after the first
time or so , all the eloquence necessary to give it due effect had been used up . Upon this occasion he should try and say something new about him , and if he did not rise to the dignity of the occasion , it woulel be because he had to say it to his face instead of behind his back . If one had to speak of one who was not present one could Butter one up as much as one liked , but it was a difficult thing to do
where one so modest as their W . M . was looking at him , anel perhaps laughing at him in his sleeve all the time . However , he would say one thing about him—and he had said a good many in his time—but he woulel say that he was an honest man and an hor . est Mason , and Robert Burns had said , and rightly , that " an honest man was the noblest work of God . " He did not know whether he had
ever called him that before . They had confided to him the Mastership of the lodge , and he had . faithfully and honestly done his duty to that trust , and so an honest Mason was an honest man , and an honest man was the " noblest work of God . " Unfortunately for himself , he could not attend that evening in time to see the ceremonies , but he stood outside the door and listened , and to his ears
came murmurs and music , like to those who , it was said , just before entering it , hear the divine melodies of Heaven , and so it was with him , and he longed to be within those sacred walls , and see and hear their Master carry out , as he could , the beautiful ceremonies entrusted to his hand . He asked them to drink the toast as it deserved . 'Die W . M . said in the LP . Master they had always a good stock of Butler , always pure , fresh , and good , and much
more acceptable than a little dry Hay , which , however , he hoped would never get musty . So far as the beautiful rituals were concerned , he thought that a Master should give them as solemnly and as impressively as he possibly could , and he had done his best , and done it honestly , and he trusted to their satisfaction , fie threw his whole heart and soul into the work , and il was most satisfactory to him to hear their expressions of praise anil confidence . As an Englishman and a Mason , he felt that anything that
Reports Of Masonic Meetings
vvas undertaken with spirit anel determination was sure to succeed ; for when he first took office he felt as if he should have liked to give it up at once , but he had persevered , and worked with a will , and he was not ashamed of the result . The toasts of the " The Initiates , " " Past Masters , " and " The Officers " followed , and a most enjoyable evening was passed .
KNUTSFORD . —De Tabley Lodge ( No . 941 ) —The brethren of this lodge held their monthly meeting on Monday , the 12 th inst ., when there were present Bros , the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Lord De Tabley , the W . M ., officers , and brethren of the lodge . The minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . The business of the lodge being ended , the W . M ., Bro . Leigh , said : R . W . Provincial Grand
Master , officers , and brethren , I rise to perform a most pleasant and agreeable duty , and one which I am quite sure every member of this lodge will feel most deeply interested in . I have the honour and very great pleasure , on behalf of myself and the officers of this lodge , to present our very worthy and much esteemed Bro . Nicholls , P . M ., with this very handsome Past Master ' s jewel , for the valuable
services rendered to this lodge , and I only hope ( and I am sure I am expressing the sentiments of every member of this lodge ) that the Great Architect of the Universe will long spare you to continue your valuable services to this lodge , and wear this jewel upon your breast for many years to come , as a memento of the high esteem in which you are held by every member of this lodge , and hand it
down to your posterity as a heirloom in the family . The R . W . Prov . G . M ., in rising , said : Worshipful Master and brethren , it gives me the greatest possible pleasure to be present on this occasion and witness the presentation to our worthy and much esteemed Bro . Nicholls , P . M . The very efficient manner in which he performed the duty of installing at vour installation reflected the highest credit
upon himself and the lodge , and I can only reciprocate the wish you have expressed , " that the Great Architect of the Universe will long spare him to wear the jewel you have presented him with , in token of his valuable services and the high estimation he is held in by every member of this lodge . " Bro . Nicholls , in response , said : R . W . Provincial Grand Master , Worshipful Master , and officers , words are
inadequate to convey to you how deeply and sincerely I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this very handsome present of a Past Master's jewel , and the beautiful inscription engraved upon it . Valuable as the jewel may be of itself , the kind expressions of fraternal friendship which accompanied the presentation enhances its intrinsic value a thousand fold , and , as you have so feelingly
expressed it , I hope the Great Architect of the Universe will spare me for many years to come to devote my best energies for the good of Masonry in general , and of this lodge in particular , and may the [ crest of our lodge , with the word "Teneto , " shine with greater lustre and more Masonic brilliancy . I'he jewel is a very chaste piece of
workmanship in gold , and bears the following inscription on the cross bars : " Palmam qui meruit ferat" ( in English "The palm which he merits let him bear ); and on the square , " Presented to Bro . W . Nicholls , P . M . of the De Tabley Loelge , 941 , by the officers , in recognition of valuable services rendered . 12 th May , 1879 . "
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1031 ) . — The duties ^ of Masonry in this lodge were resumed on the 5 th inst ., at the regular meeting held in the Masonic Rooms , Athena ; um . Bro . N . W . Helme , W . M ., presided , and was supported by his respective officers , there being also a good attendance of members and visitors . The lodge having been opened in the First Degree , the minutes
of preceding meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Cutts being a candidate for being raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M ., was examined , entrusted , and retired . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , the chair of K . S . being occupied by Bro . Longman , P . M . and Sec . Bro . Cutts was then re-admitted and raised to the Sublime
Degree of a Master Mason , the working being very impressively and efficiently gone through by Bro . Longman , who also gave the working tools . Bro . Helene then reoccupied the chair , and by the . powers vested in him resumed business in the First Degree , when the ballot was taken for the Rev . William Taylor Newbold , M . A ., and proveel unanimous . The candidate was then admitted
into lodge with the formalities of the Craft , and duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by the W . M . in a very effective manner , the worling tools being presented by Bro . J . T . Jackson , J . W . The usual proclamations were then made , which elicited "Hearty good wishes" from members of 89 , 281 , 1353 , and 1561 , and the lodge was closed in peace , love , and harmony , and with solemn prayer .
LIVERPOOL . —Hamer Lodge ( No . 1393 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge ( changed from the fourth Friday to the third Thursday in the month ) was held in the Old Lodge Room of the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , the 15 th inst ., when there was a very large gathering of members and visitors . Bro . J . McCarthy , P . M ., was in the W . M . ' s chair , and among others of the
"Hamentes" present were Bros . H . Jackson , P . P . G . A . D . C ., P . M . ; B . Leason , S . W . ; W . C . Eiwin , J . W . ; H . B . Evans , P . G . S ., Treasurer ; T . Sammons , P . M ., D . C . ; M . Callaghan , S . D . ; R . Kynaston , J . D . ; W . H . Jewitt , I . G . ; T . Pierrpoint , Org . ; J . J . Smith , A . S . ; F . Pentin , J . S . j M . Williamson , Tyler ; F . Aldler , F . Lomeria , H .
Davidson , W . Clark , J . C . Menkes , A . E . Richardson , W . J . Henelerson , T . Sharp , It . L . Stockton , E . Williams , A , Henderson , J . Tatloek , G . W . Barn , and others . The visitors' list included the names of Bros . T . McCracken , Sec . 292 and 1620 ; J . Boyle , 823 ; J . Casey , 1086 ; F . J , Pentin , W . M . of Wilbrahani Lodge ; the Rev . —Leslie , J . W , of the Wilbraham Lodge ; Councillor W . J . Lunt , P . M .