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Royal Masonic INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , ST . J ' S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . Office : 5 , FREEMASONS' HALL , GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C . Patrons : His Royal Highness the PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , & c , M . W . P . G . M . The Right Hon . the Earl of ZETLAND , A " . 7 ' ., M . W . P . G . M . A SPECIAL GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held . it FREEMASONS' HALL , Great Queen Street , Lincoln's Inn Fields , London , on THURSDAY , the 29 th JUNE , at Half-past Three o ' clock in the Afternoon precisely , to consider the following Notice of Motion by Bro . J OSHUA NUN > , P . G . S . B ., recommended by the General Committee : — " To take into consideration the desirability of removing the Infirmary from the mam building and build at the bottom of the grounds , or other part of the premises ; and that the members of the House Committee be appointed as a . Committee for carrying out the same . "
GRAND MASONIC FESTIVAL AT FOUNTAIN'S ABBEY , On Wednesday , the 12 tli July , 1871 . GRAND BANQUET IN THE CLOISTERS . Ladies and the friends of Brethren admitted through introduction by members of the Craft . The BANDS of the LEEDS ENGINEERS and the S 7 TII W . Y . RIFLE VOLUNTEERS have been engaged . Admission to Banquet and Grounds : Gentlemen 5 s . 6 d ., Ladies 5 s . To the Grounds only , One Shilling . Banquet Tickets to be had on or before 1 st July of W . HARRISON , Sec .
H ^ A- iR M O N" I XT M S , SALE OR HIRE , For Lodges , Chapels , Schools and Families , PRICES from £ 4 to £$ o . G . CAMP , 215 , ST \ NHOI ' ST ., MORNINGTON CRESCENT , N . W .
GEORGE CARR AND COMPANY , Manufacturers and Importers of HARMONIUMS AND PIANOFORTES , AND INVENTORS or THE TRANSPOSING PIANOFORTES , Enabling Performers to TRANSPOSE music into any ' :. ' }' . PIANOFORTES with PATENT MOLINEUX ACTION and the PATENT ESCAPEMENT ACTION , from 25 Guineas . PIANOFORTES with CARR'S PATENT TRANSPOSING KEYBOARD , from 45 Guine . is . PARIS GRAND MODEL OBLIQUE PIANOS , front 35 to 6 5 Guineas . HARMONIUMS with or without Percussion action and Transposing Keyboard , from 5 10 65 Guineas . HARMONIUMS for Extreme Climates , to order . HARMONIUMS with two row * of Keys and Pedals . 10 order . To be sold for half its co .-, t . the CELEBRATED HARMONIUM made by KELLY for the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION , 1802 , With i 3 rows of Vibrators , a manuals and pedals , 20 Stops on the great , 15 on the swell , and 6011 the pedals . ' Ill's Instrument is suitable for Church , Chapel , Lodge or Hall . " MUSICAL STANDARD , " published at 43 , Bread-sirect , 27 , Cannon-street , City , every Saturil . y , price 2 d . 4 » , BREAD ST ., 27 , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C .
M RS . SHEPHERD ( Wife of the Provincial Grand Chaplain of Essex ) has a VACANCY for ONE 1 UPIL—a little Girl under uvelvc years of age-to he educated With her own daughters under a j ; oud ( Inverness . For terms and particulars apply to Mrs . Shepherd , The Rectory , Margaret Roding , lJuninow , Essex .
VyANTED , the OLD LECTURES previous 1 i-. l . " '"' !• M a » v fragment of ihem : also the " HEMMING I-I ' . CIURES . " Address , Office of this paper .
U RGENTLY WANTED , by a iii-othcr am ! „ , Companion ( late Artillery Officer ) in very n-daccj rheum Mauces . EMPLOYMENT in any respectable capacilv .- '' Free"'¦ is ,,,, , " Messrs . King and Co ., , Pall-mall .
THE ROBT . WENTWORTH LITTLE TESTIMONIAL . CHAIRMAN . BROTHER COLONEL FRANCIS BURDETT , Prov . G . M . for Middlesex , <&"< :., cVc . TREASURER . BROTHER JOHN HERVEY , GRAND SECRETARY , Freemasons Hall LIST OF COMMITTEE . Bro . Colonel FRANCIS BURDETT , P . G . M . for Middlesex , Cliairmail . „ The Right Honourable EARL BECTIVE , Undcrley , Kirkby Lonsdale . „ The Right Honourable the EARL OF JERSEY , Middlcton Park , Bicester , „ Sir FREDERICK M . WILLIAMS , Bart ., M . P ., Goonvrca . „ Sir GILBERT CAMPBELL , Bart ., 18 , Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , S . W . „ JOHN HERVEY , Grand Secretary , Freemasons' Hall . „ Rev . C . J . MARTYN , Grand Chaplain , Long Mclford Rectory , Suffolk . ,, Rev . G . R . PORTAL , Albtiry Rectory , Guildford . „ Major FINNEY , Woburn Chambers , Henrietta-street , Covcnt Garden . „ JAMES BRETT , Jcwin-crcsccnt , Cripplcgatc . „ JOHN BOYD , 9 3 , Buckingham Palace Road , rimlico . „ W . J . HUGHAN , Truro , Cornwall . „ ANGELO LEWIS , 36 , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . „ MAGNUS OIIREN , Lower Sydenham , S . E . „ V . ' . R . WOODMAN , Vittoria Villa , Stoke Newington . „ EDWARD SISSON , 353 , New Cross Road . „ JAMES WILLING , J ., 3 C 6 , Grav ' s Inn Road . „ EDWARD CLARK , 19 , Buckingham-street , Strand . ,, T . BURDETT YEOMAN , . < 6 , Colvcston-cresccnt , St . Mariin's-MUiarc , West Hackney . „ JOHN W . BARRETT , Ramsfort-placc , Plough-bridge , Rotherhithc . „ CHARLES GOSDEN , Masons' Hall , Basinghall-strcct . ,. W . ROEBUCK , 21 , Ellington-street , Arundel-.-quare . ,, JAMES WEAVER , 45 , IIowland-:, trcet , Fitzroy-sijuare . „ S . ROSENTHAL , = , Red Lion Square . ,, J . L . THOMAS , 26 , Gloucester-street , Warwick-square . „ EDWIN SILL 1 FANT , n . Old Jewry . „ JAMES STEVENS , Clapham Common . „ GEORGE KENNING , Upper Sydcndam . With power to add to their number . The form of the Testimonial , which must in sonic measure depend on the amount subscribed , will be carefully considered and made known to the Subscribers , together with due notice of the day of presentation . All Subscriptions will be acknowledged in Tun FREEMASON . In order to ensure success it is hoped that every Brother wil personally interest himself in the movement . JOHN THOS . MOSS , W . M . 1356 , P . M . 160 , - ) 3 !! , ( jracechurch-strcct , London , f Hon . II . C . LEVANUKR , P . M . 507 , P . M . 6 „ , 1 Secys 370 , Wandsworth-roaJ . S . W . I
Auction and Estate Offices . T Have REMOVED from my Offices , 5 , PENTONA VII . I . K R , » . \ i » . ISLINGTON , 10 a more central position . No . 54 , LONDON WALL , MOOKGATE STREET . CITY . YV . llliNKY BETTS .
MUSIC FOR THE CEREMONY OF ADVANCEMENT To the Degree of a MARK MASTER MASON , Composed by Brother EDWIN J . CROW . F . C . O ., P . G . O . Leicestershire . Published with the approval of THE M . W . G . M . BRO . Rev . G . R . PORTAL , M . A ., to whom it is , by his permission , dedicated . POST FREE , 1 / 7 . London : GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 and 4 , Little Britain .
Now READY . PRICE THREE SHILLINGS . New Masonic Lyric . "THE FINAL TOAST , " Written by Ero . D . L . RICHARDSON . Arranged , with Pianoforte Accompaniment , by Bro . EDWIN J CROW , Fellow of the College of Organists , J . W . 279 , P . G . O . Lcic . and Rutland . GEORGE KENNING , London and Liverpool ; Post-free 19 stamps .
The Great American . Masonic Poem . Now ready 1 Price Tw- 'f > cnec , or sent post-free to any part of Great Britain or hclandon receipt of three Penny Postage Stamps , "KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE , " A MASONIC FOSM , By Ero . AUGUSTINE J . H . DUGANNE , of New York City . llros . TwrcmjHLL and SONS , Cleveland Printing- and Publishing Offices and Masonic Depot , 87 , Limhorpc-road , Middlesbrough . London : G : ORGE KENNING .
NOW READY , Price One Shilling , Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , BY URO . CHALMERS I . PATON . THIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Members of the Craft wishing copies should order them from London : GKOKGK KIJSNING , 2 , 3 and . j , Little IVitain . Liverpool : ,, 2 , Monument-place . Edinburgh J MHNZIKS , 2 , Hanover-street . Dublin : CHAKLBS Hr : ix ; i £ LONU , 26 , Grafton-strcct . And may be had of any Bookseller throughout the Kingdom .
NOW READY , REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : OR , The « Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With un Emblematical Frontispiece . A Hand-Hook of the Principles of Freemasonry , 'i » ' Pocket Vrule Mcctim and ( Jmde to the various Ceremonies connected wiib Craft Masonry , : > o far as the same arc allowed to he cinnnumicablc , iu accordance with the principles of the Order . Price One Shilling Post-free for Fourteen Stamp Sold by Uro . Giso . KISNNING , 2 , 3 ft -f , Little IWitnin , London , E . C .
ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF LIFE . ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OE TIME . ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF MONEY . Provide against Accidents of all kinds lly Insuring with the Railway Passengers' Assurance Company , An Annual Payment of / i 10 £ f > 5 / insures / i . oco at Death , or an Allowance at the rale uf £ t \ per wee ., for injury . . C ' A ') ' ) , OIK . ) '' AVE BEEN PAID AS COMPENSATION , One oat of every 12 Annual P . ilicy Holders becoming a claimant < M < ! i yt-ar . For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Kailway Stations , to the Local Agents , "r at the ( > : 7 kvs , 64 , CORNIIIU ., ami 10 , KI ' . OUXT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM I . VIAN , Sccictary .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , ST . J ' S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . Office : 5 , FREEMASONS' HALL , GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C . Patrons : His Royal Highness the PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , & c , M . W . P . G . M . The Right Hon . the Earl of ZETLAND , A " . 7 ' ., M . W . P . G . M . A SPECIAL GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held . it FREEMASONS' HALL , Great Queen Street , Lincoln's Inn Fields , London , on THURSDAY , the 29 th JUNE , at Half-past Three o ' clock in the Afternoon precisely , to consider the following Notice of Motion by Bro . J OSHUA NUN > , P . G . S . B ., recommended by the General Committee : — " To take into consideration the desirability of removing the Infirmary from the mam building and build at the bottom of the grounds , or other part of the premises ; and that the members of the House Committee be appointed as a . Committee for carrying out the same . "
GRAND MASONIC FESTIVAL AT FOUNTAIN'S ABBEY , On Wednesday , the 12 tli July , 1871 . GRAND BANQUET IN THE CLOISTERS . Ladies and the friends of Brethren admitted through introduction by members of the Craft . The BANDS of the LEEDS ENGINEERS and the S 7 TII W . Y . RIFLE VOLUNTEERS have been engaged . Admission to Banquet and Grounds : Gentlemen 5 s . 6 d ., Ladies 5 s . To the Grounds only , One Shilling . Banquet Tickets to be had on or before 1 st July of W . HARRISON , Sec .
H ^ A- iR M O N" I XT M S , SALE OR HIRE , For Lodges , Chapels , Schools and Families , PRICES from £ 4 to £$ o . G . CAMP , 215 , ST \ NHOI ' ST ., MORNINGTON CRESCENT , N . W .
GEORGE CARR AND COMPANY , Manufacturers and Importers of HARMONIUMS AND PIANOFORTES , AND INVENTORS or THE TRANSPOSING PIANOFORTES , Enabling Performers to TRANSPOSE music into any ' :. ' }' . PIANOFORTES with PATENT MOLINEUX ACTION and the PATENT ESCAPEMENT ACTION , from 25 Guineas . PIANOFORTES with CARR'S PATENT TRANSPOSING KEYBOARD , from 45 Guine . is . PARIS GRAND MODEL OBLIQUE PIANOS , front 35 to 6 5 Guineas . HARMONIUMS with or without Percussion action and Transposing Keyboard , from 5 10 65 Guineas . HARMONIUMS for Extreme Climates , to order . HARMONIUMS with two row * of Keys and Pedals . 10 order . To be sold for half its co .-, t . the CELEBRATED HARMONIUM made by KELLY for the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION , 1802 , With i 3 rows of Vibrators , a manuals and pedals , 20 Stops on the great , 15 on the swell , and 6011 the pedals . ' Ill's Instrument is suitable for Church , Chapel , Lodge or Hall . " MUSICAL STANDARD , " published at 43 , Bread-sirect , 27 , Cannon-street , City , every Saturil . y , price 2 d . 4 » , BREAD ST ., 27 , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C .
M RS . SHEPHERD ( Wife of the Provincial Grand Chaplain of Essex ) has a VACANCY for ONE 1 UPIL—a little Girl under uvelvc years of age-to he educated With her own daughters under a j ; oud ( Inverness . For terms and particulars apply to Mrs . Shepherd , The Rectory , Margaret Roding , lJuninow , Essex .
VyANTED , the OLD LECTURES previous 1 i-. l . " '"' !• M a » v fragment of ihem : also the " HEMMING I-I ' . CIURES . " Address , Office of this paper .
U RGENTLY WANTED , by a iii-othcr am ! „ , Companion ( late Artillery Officer ) in very n-daccj rheum Mauces . EMPLOYMENT in any respectable capacilv .- '' Free"'¦ is ,,,, , " Messrs . King and Co ., , Pall-mall .
THE ROBT . WENTWORTH LITTLE TESTIMONIAL . CHAIRMAN . BROTHER COLONEL FRANCIS BURDETT , Prov . G . M . for Middlesex , <&"< :., cVc . TREASURER . BROTHER JOHN HERVEY , GRAND SECRETARY , Freemasons Hall LIST OF COMMITTEE . Bro . Colonel FRANCIS BURDETT , P . G . M . for Middlesex , Cliairmail . „ The Right Honourable EARL BECTIVE , Undcrley , Kirkby Lonsdale . „ The Right Honourable the EARL OF JERSEY , Middlcton Park , Bicester , „ Sir FREDERICK M . WILLIAMS , Bart ., M . P ., Goonvrca . „ Sir GILBERT CAMPBELL , Bart ., 18 , Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , S . W . „ JOHN HERVEY , Grand Secretary , Freemasons' Hall . „ Rev . C . J . MARTYN , Grand Chaplain , Long Mclford Rectory , Suffolk . ,, Rev . G . R . PORTAL , Albtiry Rectory , Guildford . „ Major FINNEY , Woburn Chambers , Henrietta-street , Covcnt Garden . „ JAMES BRETT , Jcwin-crcsccnt , Cripplcgatc . „ JOHN BOYD , 9 3 , Buckingham Palace Road , rimlico . „ W . J . HUGHAN , Truro , Cornwall . „ ANGELO LEWIS , 36 , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields . „ MAGNUS OIIREN , Lower Sydenham , S . E . „ V . ' . R . WOODMAN , Vittoria Villa , Stoke Newington . „ EDWARD SISSON , 353 , New Cross Road . „ JAMES WILLING , J ., 3 C 6 , Grav ' s Inn Road . „ EDWARD CLARK , 19 , Buckingham-street , Strand . ,, T . BURDETT YEOMAN , . < 6 , Colvcston-cresccnt , St . Mariin's-MUiarc , West Hackney . „ JOHN W . BARRETT , Ramsfort-placc , Plough-bridge , Rotherhithc . „ CHARLES GOSDEN , Masons' Hall , Basinghall-strcct . ,. W . ROEBUCK , 21 , Ellington-street , Arundel-.-quare . ,, JAMES WEAVER , 45 , IIowland-:, trcet , Fitzroy-sijuare . „ S . ROSENTHAL , = , Red Lion Square . ,, J . L . THOMAS , 26 , Gloucester-street , Warwick-square . „ EDWIN SILL 1 FANT , n . Old Jewry . „ JAMES STEVENS , Clapham Common . „ GEORGE KENNING , Upper Sydcndam . With power to add to their number . The form of the Testimonial , which must in sonic measure depend on the amount subscribed , will be carefully considered and made known to the Subscribers , together with due notice of the day of presentation . All Subscriptions will be acknowledged in Tun FREEMASON . In order to ensure success it is hoped that every Brother wil personally interest himself in the movement . JOHN THOS . MOSS , W . M . 1356 , P . M . 160 , - ) 3 !! , ( jracechurch-strcct , London , f Hon . II . C . LEVANUKR , P . M . 507 , P . M . 6 „ , 1 Secys 370 , Wandsworth-roaJ . S . W . I
Auction and Estate Offices . T Have REMOVED from my Offices , 5 , PENTONA VII . I . K R , » . \ i » . ISLINGTON , 10 a more central position . No . 54 , LONDON WALL , MOOKGATE STREET . CITY . YV . llliNKY BETTS .
MUSIC FOR THE CEREMONY OF ADVANCEMENT To the Degree of a MARK MASTER MASON , Composed by Brother EDWIN J . CROW . F . C . O ., P . G . O . Leicestershire . Published with the approval of THE M . W . G . M . BRO . Rev . G . R . PORTAL , M . A ., to whom it is , by his permission , dedicated . POST FREE , 1 / 7 . London : GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 and 4 , Little Britain .
Now READY . PRICE THREE SHILLINGS . New Masonic Lyric . "THE FINAL TOAST , " Written by Ero . D . L . RICHARDSON . Arranged , with Pianoforte Accompaniment , by Bro . EDWIN J CROW , Fellow of the College of Organists , J . W . 279 , P . G . O . Lcic . and Rutland . GEORGE KENNING , London and Liverpool ; Post-free 19 stamps .
The Great American . Masonic Poem . Now ready 1 Price Tw- 'f > cnec , or sent post-free to any part of Great Britain or hclandon receipt of three Penny Postage Stamps , "KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE , " A MASONIC FOSM , By Ero . AUGUSTINE J . H . DUGANNE , of New York City . llros . TwrcmjHLL and SONS , Cleveland Printing- and Publishing Offices and Masonic Depot , 87 , Limhorpc-road , Middlesbrough . London : G : ORGE KENNING .
NOW READY , Price One Shilling , Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , BY URO . CHALMERS I . PATON . THIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication and support of the Order . Members of the Craft wishing copies should order them from London : GKOKGK KIJSNING , 2 , 3 and . j , Little IVitain . Liverpool : ,, 2 , Monument-place . Edinburgh J MHNZIKS , 2 , Hanover-street . Dublin : CHAKLBS Hr : ix ; i £ LONU , 26 , Grafton-strcct . And may be had of any Bookseller throughout the Kingdom .
NOW READY , REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : OR , The « Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With un Emblematical Frontispiece . A Hand-Hook of the Principles of Freemasonry , 'i » ' Pocket Vrule Mcctim and ( Jmde to the various Ceremonies connected wiib Craft Masonry , : > o far as the same arc allowed to he cinnnumicablc , iu accordance with the principles of the Order . Price One Shilling Post-free for Fourteen Stamp Sold by Uro . Giso . KISNNING , 2 , 3 ft -f , Little IWitnin , London , E . C .
ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF LIFE . ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OE TIME . ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF MONEY . Provide against Accidents of all kinds lly Insuring with the Railway Passengers' Assurance Company , An Annual Payment of / i 10 £ f > 5 / insures / i . oco at Death , or an Allowance at the rale uf £ t \ per wee ., for injury . . C ' A ') ' ) , OIK . ) '' AVE BEEN PAID AS COMPENSATION , One oat of every 12 Annual P . ilicy Holders becoming a claimant < M < ! i yt-ar . For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Kailway Stations , to the Local Agents , "r at the ( > : 7 kvs , 64 , CORNIIIU ., ami 10 , KI ' . OUXT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM I . VIAN , Sccictary .