Article THE THEATRES. Page 1 of 1 Article MUSIC Page 1 of 1 Article MUSIC Page 1 of 1 Article MUSIC Page 1 of 1 Article SCIENCE AND ART. Page 1 of 1
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The Theatres.
On Wednesday evening last M . Jules Sandeau ' s comedy " Alademoiselle de Ia Seiglers , " was produced at the Gaiety by the members of the Comedic Franchise now performing there . Thc plot is very slight but it is made entertaining by the skilful characterisation and by the adroitness with which the author makes his personages say , not witty orclever things , but the sortof things that they might be expected to say when placed in exceptional
situations . There are but half a dozen characters in the piece , and AL Coquelin chooses for himself the part of the lawyer Dcstottrnelles , leaving the Marquis for his brother . That there is remarkable ability in the representation of the part is a matter of course . Al . Coquelin conies to England for a fortnight , and during that short time he would not be likely to appear in parts which suited him indifferently . Almost every sentence he utters is greeted with laughter ;
his manner is quaint , and the character of the lawyer , anxious to serve himself and enjoy revenge on a certain Baronne de Vaubcrt who has used him for her own purpose , is consistently carried out and very ingeniously elaborated . Nevertheless . after the rich humour of Coquelin ' s DonAnnibal " L'Aventuriere , " his Dcstournellcs seems , not weak , but rather slight . Madame Barretta plays very prettily as the heroine , and there is at times much quiet power about
her performance , as for example , when with a whispered word she checks the irritation which her undeclared lover would vent upon her father ' s impertinence—a check which the Marquis takes as a tribute to his own powers of wit and argument , and , indeed , his placid commentary " Je l'ai reduit au silence , " is one of the many clever touches in the comedy . Aladame Amel makes capital out of the part of the scheming Baronne ; but the other three personages of
the simple comedy are not represented in a manner which can be described as strikingly successful . AL Febvre , more than clever as he always is , has scarcely the calm repose and at the same time the fervour which are necessary for the interpretation of Bernard , a veritable hero as he is drawn , eager to avenge the insolent indifference with which the Marquis treats his benefactor—Bernard ' s father—and
at the same time ready to surrender all to the voice of love . M . Boucher makes comparatively little of Raoul , the scientific youth who loves Helene slightly and his collection of insects more ; apart which , without caricature , might be well and divertingly marked . Finally , as the Alarquis , M . Coquelin-cadet , is always rather the comedian than the nobleman—amusing but not convincing .
At the Royal Italian Opera , on Thursday last " I Puritan ! " was substituted for " Fra Diavolo , " and experienced a very enthusiastic reception from a crowded house . Aladame Albani sang and played the part of Elvira admirably , and was twice pressed by the audience to give a repetition , on the first occasion of "Son vergin vezzosa , "
and the second time of " Qui la voce . " However , it was only in respect of the first that she complied with the invitation . She was successfully supported by Signor de Reszke as Giorgio , while Signori Alarini and Pandolfini , as Art uro and Riccardo , respectively , did fairly in the parts assigned to them . Signor Bevignani conducted .
Rossini ' s opera of " Semiramide " was performed on Friday , with Aladame Adelina Patti as the heroine , Madame Tremelli as Arsace , and AL Gailhard as Assur . It goes without saying that the first-named lady sang Rossini's melodious music exquisitely , while Mdlle . Tremelli , who has a fine voice and sang with much taste and fluency , did very well , though she necessarily suffered by comparison with Aladame Patti . Al . Gailhard made a commendable Assur .
The great treat of the week , however , was the performance on Saturday of " Le Nozze di Figaro , " when the characters of La Contessa , Susanna , and Cherubino were taken b y Alesdames Albani , Valleria , and Pauline Lucca respectively , AL Dufriche , as // Conte , Signor Cotogni , as Figaro , with Signori Corsi and Scolara , and Al .
Dauphin in the minor parts making up an usually strong cast . As regards Aladame Pauline Lucca it is simply marvellous that one and the same artist should be able to present as perfect an idealisation of thc merry page boy Cherubino as of the passionate Se / iha in " L'Africane , " of which we spoke last week . She was , moreover ,
extremely fortunate in having as Susanna so good an actress and vocalist as Aladame Valleria , who , like Aladame Lucca , seems equally at home and equally efficient in all that she essays . Aladame Albani gave a most brilliant impersonation of La Contessa , and Signor Cotogni's Figaro was , as usual , a most welcome performance ; M . Dufriche , who has a good voice , giving general satisfaction as II Conte .
• tf * f --ts Mr . W , . G . Cusins ' s concert of chamber music on Wednesday last at St . James's Hall was signalised by the performance of several of his own compositions , the most important being a grand trio in C minor for piano , violin , and violoncello , which was played on the occasion for the first time , and in which Mr . C ' usins was associated with Herr Strauss ( violin ) and Air . E . Howell ( cello ) .
The work experienced a very favourable reception , and the author was honoured by a recall to the platform . He also played with Air . Howell I 3 eethoven ' s sonata in D for pianoforte and violoncello , while among his solos were included his own Grande Valse Brillante . The principal vocalists were Aladame Patey and Bro . Santley , Alessrs . F . King andMaas , Aliss Carlotta Elliott , and Aladame Rose Hersee lending also valuable assistance . The attendance was numerous .
There was but a limited attendance at the meeting convened on Thursday last at Chester in aid ofthe fund being raised towards establishing a Royal College of Alusic , but it was resolved to open a subscription list , the mayor heading it with a contribution of £ 20 .
w * w A musical festival was held on Thursday last in the parish church of Chelmsford , the choirs of that portion of the county being present , and Air . G . Alartin , Sub-Organist of St . Paul ' s , conducting . & & % Mr . George Watts ' s concert in St . James ' s Hall , on Thursday last , was well patronised , notwithstanding the disadvantage he laboured under in not being
able to carry out the full programme . Aladame Sembnch , Aladame Sophie Alenter , and Air . E . Lloyd had been announced to attend , but they were prevented by indisposition , and Mdlle . Eisller , a promising violinist , and Air . VV . Coenen , pianist , took their places . Aladame Christine Nilsson was encored in the mad scene from " Lucia , " and gave a Swedish song by way of response ; a similar
compliment being paid her for her rendering of Air . L . Engel ' s song of " Lost , " with which she complied by singing another of that gentleman's songs . Gounod's "Ave ' Maria , " by Aladame Alarie Roze , with Mdlle . Eisller , violin , and Air . Engel , harmonium , produced a great effect on the audience ; indeed , the whole of the concert proved very enjoyable .
Saturday last witnessed , as we said would be the case , the presentation of a purse of seven hundred guineas , accompanied by an album containing the names of the subscribers , to Mr . Manns , who has won such well-deserved popularity as the musical director of the Crystal Palace . Air . Alann ' s connection with the Palace dates back as far as the year 1 S 54 , when he was appointed sub-conductor ,
but he resigned the post in the autumn of the same year , and it was not till October , 1 S 55 , that he was re-engaged as conductor of the Company ' s Orchestra . He at once set to work to make his band as effective as possible , and , slowly but surely , achieved a brilliant success , as all will readily testify who have attended the many and various concerts given under his auspices , and in which his now
for a long time famous orchestra have taken part . At the ceremony of presentation , which took place in the opera room , shortly after the termination of the classical concert , the chair was taken by Dr . G . A . Alacfarren , who was supported by Air . Grove , Air . F . H . Cowen , Mr . Flood Page , Dr . Oscar Beringer , Air . and Airs . Aleadows White , and
others . Dr . Alacfarren having opened the proceedings in an effective speech , invited Airs . Aleadows White to present the purse and album . This having been done , and supplemented by the gift of two baskets of flowers by the ladies of the Crystal Palace Choir , Air . Alanns , in due course , made his acknowledgments . A hearty vote of thanks to the chairman was passed unanimously .
The concert which preceded the above presentation was the last of this season's classical concerts , and was given for the benefit of Air . A , Alanns , who was heartily received by the numerous audience , both at the opening and close of thc proceedings . The orchestral part of the concert included the " Choral Symphony " and Dr .
Alacfarren s " Festival ( Liverpool ) Overture , both orchestra and choir exerting themselves to the utmost to make the occasion a success , while the principal solo vocalists , Aladame Peschka-Leutner , Aliss Hope Glenn , Bro . Barton AIcGluckin , and Air . F . King acquitted themselves most satisfactorily . »; * *
On Tuesday , Bro . the Lord Mayor presided at the opening ceremony at the Royal Albert Hali , South Kensington , cf the French Alusical Festival , in which some 2000 Orpheonists took part . The proceedings were of an imposing character , and caused a considerable amount of interest
on the part of those present . 'Then followed the various competitions , which were continued on Wednesday . In the afternoon of the latter day a grand concert was given , and in the evening the prizes were distributed . VVe must reserve further particulars till next week .
* * * Wagner ' s romantic musical drama of " Tristan und Isolde , " which completes the engagements announced by Alessrs . Franke and Pollini , was produced on Tuesday at the German Opera , Drury-lane , and experienced a very
favourable reception . Herr VVinkelmann , though in good voice , did his utmost as Tristan , and Frau Sachar made an admirable Isolde , the other characters finding admirableexponents in Frau Brandt and Herren Landau , Kraus , Wolff , and Gura .
* s * The hulf-yearly local examinations in elementary musical knowledge by Trinity College , London , were held on Friday last at upwards of 130 local centres in the United Kingdom , at which the number of candidates that presented themselves was 2 ( 183 , lo say nothing of the foreign centres , from which as yet no returns have been received .
' . ? w w The fifth Symphony Concert took place at St . James ' s Hall on Thursday last , when the programme included Beethoven ' s " Leonora" overture , Mendelssohn ' s Concerto for the vioiin , Mozart ' s " Hoffner" Serenade , and Berlioz ' s Symphony , with obligato , " Harold en Italic . " Aladame Norman-Neruda , in the concerto , and Herr Ludwig Strauss , in Berlioz ' s Symphony , played admirably .
The closing concert of this series was fixed for Thursday , the principal features of the programme that was announced being Beethoven ' s Alass in D , with Aladame Albani , Aliss Orridge , Air . Shakespeare , and Air . F King as principal vocalists , and the same master ' s Symphony in C minor , which will precede the mass .
# * * The last of the Orchestral Concerts given this season by Bro . W . Ganz , P . G . O ., came off on Saturday . No novelty was presented , but the programme contained many numbers of interest , the principal being Schubert's " Rosamunde" overture , Beethoven ' s pianoforte Concerto
in G . Alendelssohn ' s Scotch Symphony , and the Duet by Alendelssohn and Aloscheles for two pianofortes . Beethoven ' s'Concerto was . admirably playedby M . de Pachmann , who also shared with Bro . Ganz the honours of the duet . Madame Rose Hersee was the vocalist .
In his speech at the Mansion House on Saturday evening , at the banquet given by Bro . the Lord Alayor and Lady Alayoress to the Alayors of provincial cities and boroughs , His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , in acknowledging the toast of his health and the other members of the Royal Family , took the opportunity of referring
to his scheme for a Royal College of Music . 'The reference was led up to by some remarks of the Lord Alayor , and the Prince of Wales seeing so many provosts and Alayors expressed his convictions that following the example set by his Lordship , they would do their utmost in co-operating with him in promoting the success of the movement .
Science And Art.
A meeting was held on Wednesday last in the Egyptian Hall , Alansion House , for the purpose of promoting the scheme for establishing a School of Dramatic Art . The Lord Alayor presided , and among those present were Bro . the Earl of Wharncliffe , Sir Heron Maxwell , Bart ., Air . Alderman Cotton , ALP ., Airs . Stirling , Mrs . Chippendale , Air . Ryder , & c Thc Earl of Wharncliffe
explained that it was proposed to open the School on 4 th October next , and all that was needed was a subscription of £ 1500 , in order to meet the first year's expenses , as it was believed that after that the School would be self-supporting . Air . John Ryder , who claimed to have had some experience in placing ladies on the stage , among them being the late Aliss Neilson , expressed his belief that the scheme would probably turn out a failure , as acting could not be
taught , while , on the other hand , Airs . Chippendale , while agreeing with ACr . Ryder that acting could not be learnt by those who had no special gift in that direction , was of opinion the School would be able to render good service in matters elocutionary . Air . Routledge spoke in favour of the proposal ; and the Lord Alayor , in acknowledging the vote of thanks passed to him for presiding , likewise said he thought that , though genius could not be manufactured , it might be helped and brought forward .
* * * - Amongst those present at the annual conversazione , on Wednesday last , at the Royal College of Physicians , Pall Mall East , were His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , who was attended by Lieut-Gen . Sir Dighton
Probyn , and conducted over the rooms of the College by Sir William Jenner , the President , and the censors , fellows , and librarian . H . R . H . the Duke of Albany , who arrived later , also spent some time in examining the treasures with which the College abounds .
The statue to the memory of the late Sir Rowland Hill , which has been erected close to the South-east corner of the Royal Exchange , and was on Saturday unveiled by the Prince of Wales , is the work of Air . Onslow Ford . It is life-size , in bronze , and stands on a granite pedestal . The artist has been successful in obtaining a good likeness of the great postal reformer , while the attitude of the figure , which stands erect , is both easy and natural .
# ¦ » « The Society of Arts could not well have done better than award the Albert Aledal for the current year to Al . Louis Pasteur , member of the Institute of France and foreign member of the Royal Society . AL Pasteur has
done much in the cause of science , and this medal has been awarded to him " for his researches in connection with fermentation , the preservation of wines , and the propagation of zymotic diseases in silkworms and domestic animals , whereby the arts of wine making , silk production , and agriculture , have been greatly benefited . "
* * * According to the Illustrated London News the will of the late Air . Charles Darwin , of Down , near Beckenham , Kent , has been proved by the executors , William Erasmus Darwin and George Howard Darwin , two of the sons , the value of the personal estate being upwards of £ 146 , 000 .
* « * Electric li ghts are said to have been erected along a portion of the Surrey Canal , and , in the opinion of the Electrician , it is not improbable that the whole length of the canal , which runs through the south-east district of London to the docks , will be similarly lighted .
* ¦ * » Mr . Bright , M . P ., has just given the final sittings for his portrait , which is being painted for the Birmingham line Art Gallery by Mr . VV . T . Roden , and will be a companion picture of Air . Gladstone , already placed in the gallery , by the same artist .
* * * An important meeting was held on Thursday last at the Westminster Palace Hotel , for the purpose of devising means for urging on the Governmentthe necessity of passing this session , if possible , a measure for higher
and intermediate education in Wales . Lord Aberdeen pre sided , and the result was that it was arranged a deputation should wait on Lord Carlingford and Air . Alundella on the subject . Among those present were Bros , the Earl of Jersey , P . G . W . ; Sir VV . VV . Wynn , Bart ., ALP ., P . G . AL North Wales and Salop ; and Lord Kensington , M . P .,
* * if W On Monday the deputation in question waited on Mr . Alundella , ALP . Lord Carlingford being unavoidably absent , when the various points connected with Welch education were laid before the right honourable gentleman , to whom thanks were accorded for the courtesy of his reception .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Theatres.
On Wednesday evening last M . Jules Sandeau ' s comedy " Alademoiselle de Ia Seiglers , " was produced at the Gaiety by the members of the Comedic Franchise now performing there . Thc plot is very slight but it is made entertaining by the skilful characterisation and by the adroitness with which the author makes his personages say , not witty orclever things , but the sortof things that they might be expected to say when placed in exceptional
situations . There are but half a dozen characters in the piece , and AL Coquelin chooses for himself the part of the lawyer Dcstottrnelles , leaving the Marquis for his brother . That there is remarkable ability in the representation of the part is a matter of course . Al . Coquelin conies to England for a fortnight , and during that short time he would not be likely to appear in parts which suited him indifferently . Almost every sentence he utters is greeted with laughter ;
his manner is quaint , and the character of the lawyer , anxious to serve himself and enjoy revenge on a certain Baronne de Vaubcrt who has used him for her own purpose , is consistently carried out and very ingeniously elaborated . Nevertheless . after the rich humour of Coquelin ' s DonAnnibal " L'Aventuriere , " his Dcstournellcs seems , not weak , but rather slight . Madame Barretta plays very prettily as the heroine , and there is at times much quiet power about
her performance , as for example , when with a whispered word she checks the irritation which her undeclared lover would vent upon her father ' s impertinence—a check which the Marquis takes as a tribute to his own powers of wit and argument , and , indeed , his placid commentary " Je l'ai reduit au silence , " is one of the many clever touches in the comedy . Aladame Amel makes capital out of the part of the scheming Baronne ; but the other three personages of
the simple comedy are not represented in a manner which can be described as strikingly successful . AL Febvre , more than clever as he always is , has scarcely the calm repose and at the same time the fervour which are necessary for the interpretation of Bernard , a veritable hero as he is drawn , eager to avenge the insolent indifference with which the Marquis treats his benefactor—Bernard ' s father—and
at the same time ready to surrender all to the voice of love . M . Boucher makes comparatively little of Raoul , the scientific youth who loves Helene slightly and his collection of insects more ; apart which , without caricature , might be well and divertingly marked . Finally , as the Alarquis , M . Coquelin-cadet , is always rather the comedian than the nobleman—amusing but not convincing .
At the Royal Italian Opera , on Thursday last " I Puritan ! " was substituted for " Fra Diavolo , " and experienced a very enthusiastic reception from a crowded house . Aladame Albani sang and played the part of Elvira admirably , and was twice pressed by the audience to give a repetition , on the first occasion of "Son vergin vezzosa , "
and the second time of " Qui la voce . " However , it was only in respect of the first that she complied with the invitation . She was successfully supported by Signor de Reszke as Giorgio , while Signori Alarini and Pandolfini , as Art uro and Riccardo , respectively , did fairly in the parts assigned to them . Signor Bevignani conducted .
Rossini ' s opera of " Semiramide " was performed on Friday , with Aladame Adelina Patti as the heroine , Madame Tremelli as Arsace , and AL Gailhard as Assur . It goes without saying that the first-named lady sang Rossini's melodious music exquisitely , while Mdlle . Tremelli , who has a fine voice and sang with much taste and fluency , did very well , though she necessarily suffered by comparison with Aladame Patti . Al . Gailhard made a commendable Assur .
The great treat of the week , however , was the performance on Saturday of " Le Nozze di Figaro , " when the characters of La Contessa , Susanna , and Cherubino were taken b y Alesdames Albani , Valleria , and Pauline Lucca respectively , AL Dufriche , as // Conte , Signor Cotogni , as Figaro , with Signori Corsi and Scolara , and Al .
Dauphin in the minor parts making up an usually strong cast . As regards Aladame Pauline Lucca it is simply marvellous that one and the same artist should be able to present as perfect an idealisation of thc merry page boy Cherubino as of the passionate Se / iha in " L'Africane , " of which we spoke last week . She was , moreover ,
extremely fortunate in having as Susanna so good an actress and vocalist as Aladame Valleria , who , like Aladame Lucca , seems equally at home and equally efficient in all that she essays . Aladame Albani gave a most brilliant impersonation of La Contessa , and Signor Cotogni's Figaro was , as usual , a most welcome performance ; M . Dufriche , who has a good voice , giving general satisfaction as II Conte .
• tf * f --ts Mr . W , . G . Cusins ' s concert of chamber music on Wednesday last at St . James's Hall was signalised by the performance of several of his own compositions , the most important being a grand trio in C minor for piano , violin , and violoncello , which was played on the occasion for the first time , and in which Mr . C ' usins was associated with Herr Strauss ( violin ) and Air . E . Howell ( cello ) .
The work experienced a very favourable reception , and the author was honoured by a recall to the platform . He also played with Air . Howell I 3 eethoven ' s sonata in D for pianoforte and violoncello , while among his solos were included his own Grande Valse Brillante . The principal vocalists were Aladame Patey and Bro . Santley , Alessrs . F . King andMaas , Aliss Carlotta Elliott , and Aladame Rose Hersee lending also valuable assistance . The attendance was numerous .
There was but a limited attendance at the meeting convened on Thursday last at Chester in aid ofthe fund being raised towards establishing a Royal College of Alusic , but it was resolved to open a subscription list , the mayor heading it with a contribution of £ 20 .
w * w A musical festival was held on Thursday last in the parish church of Chelmsford , the choirs of that portion of the county being present , and Air . G . Alartin , Sub-Organist of St . Paul ' s , conducting . & & % Mr . George Watts ' s concert in St . James ' s Hall , on Thursday last , was well patronised , notwithstanding the disadvantage he laboured under in not being
able to carry out the full programme . Aladame Sembnch , Aladame Sophie Alenter , and Air . E . Lloyd had been announced to attend , but they were prevented by indisposition , and Mdlle . Eisller , a promising violinist , and Air . VV . Coenen , pianist , took their places . Aladame Christine Nilsson was encored in the mad scene from " Lucia , " and gave a Swedish song by way of response ; a similar
compliment being paid her for her rendering of Air . L . Engel ' s song of " Lost , " with which she complied by singing another of that gentleman's songs . Gounod's "Ave ' Maria , " by Aladame Alarie Roze , with Mdlle . Eisller , violin , and Air . Engel , harmonium , produced a great effect on the audience ; indeed , the whole of the concert proved very enjoyable .
Saturday last witnessed , as we said would be the case , the presentation of a purse of seven hundred guineas , accompanied by an album containing the names of the subscribers , to Mr . Manns , who has won such well-deserved popularity as the musical director of the Crystal Palace . Air . Alann ' s connection with the Palace dates back as far as the year 1 S 54 , when he was appointed sub-conductor ,
but he resigned the post in the autumn of the same year , and it was not till October , 1 S 55 , that he was re-engaged as conductor of the Company ' s Orchestra . He at once set to work to make his band as effective as possible , and , slowly but surely , achieved a brilliant success , as all will readily testify who have attended the many and various concerts given under his auspices , and in which his now
for a long time famous orchestra have taken part . At the ceremony of presentation , which took place in the opera room , shortly after the termination of the classical concert , the chair was taken by Dr . G . A . Alacfarren , who was supported by Air . Grove , Air . F . H . Cowen , Mr . Flood Page , Dr . Oscar Beringer , Air . and Airs . Aleadows White , and
others . Dr . Alacfarren having opened the proceedings in an effective speech , invited Airs . Aleadows White to present the purse and album . This having been done , and supplemented by the gift of two baskets of flowers by the ladies of the Crystal Palace Choir , Air . Alanns , in due course , made his acknowledgments . A hearty vote of thanks to the chairman was passed unanimously .
The concert which preceded the above presentation was the last of this season's classical concerts , and was given for the benefit of Air . A , Alanns , who was heartily received by the numerous audience , both at the opening and close of thc proceedings . The orchestral part of the concert included the " Choral Symphony " and Dr .
Alacfarren s " Festival ( Liverpool ) Overture , both orchestra and choir exerting themselves to the utmost to make the occasion a success , while the principal solo vocalists , Aladame Peschka-Leutner , Aliss Hope Glenn , Bro . Barton AIcGluckin , and Air . F . King acquitted themselves most satisfactorily . »; * *
On Tuesday , Bro . the Lord Mayor presided at the opening ceremony at the Royal Albert Hali , South Kensington , cf the French Alusical Festival , in which some 2000 Orpheonists took part . The proceedings were of an imposing character , and caused a considerable amount of interest
on the part of those present . 'Then followed the various competitions , which were continued on Wednesday . In the afternoon of the latter day a grand concert was given , and in the evening the prizes were distributed . VVe must reserve further particulars till next week .
* * * Wagner ' s romantic musical drama of " Tristan und Isolde , " which completes the engagements announced by Alessrs . Franke and Pollini , was produced on Tuesday at the German Opera , Drury-lane , and experienced a very
favourable reception . Herr VVinkelmann , though in good voice , did his utmost as Tristan , and Frau Sachar made an admirable Isolde , the other characters finding admirableexponents in Frau Brandt and Herren Landau , Kraus , Wolff , and Gura .
* s * The hulf-yearly local examinations in elementary musical knowledge by Trinity College , London , were held on Friday last at upwards of 130 local centres in the United Kingdom , at which the number of candidates that presented themselves was 2 ( 183 , lo say nothing of the foreign centres , from which as yet no returns have been received .
' . ? w w The fifth Symphony Concert took place at St . James ' s Hall on Thursday last , when the programme included Beethoven ' s " Leonora" overture , Mendelssohn ' s Concerto for the vioiin , Mozart ' s " Hoffner" Serenade , and Berlioz ' s Symphony , with obligato , " Harold en Italic . " Aladame Norman-Neruda , in the concerto , and Herr Ludwig Strauss , in Berlioz ' s Symphony , played admirably .
The closing concert of this series was fixed for Thursday , the principal features of the programme that was announced being Beethoven ' s Alass in D , with Aladame Albani , Aliss Orridge , Air . Shakespeare , and Air . F King as principal vocalists , and the same master ' s Symphony in C minor , which will precede the mass .
# * * The last of the Orchestral Concerts given this season by Bro . W . Ganz , P . G . O ., came off on Saturday . No novelty was presented , but the programme contained many numbers of interest , the principal being Schubert's " Rosamunde" overture , Beethoven ' s pianoforte Concerto
in G . Alendelssohn ' s Scotch Symphony , and the Duet by Alendelssohn and Aloscheles for two pianofortes . Beethoven ' s'Concerto was . admirably playedby M . de Pachmann , who also shared with Bro . Ganz the honours of the duet . Madame Rose Hersee was the vocalist .
In his speech at the Mansion House on Saturday evening , at the banquet given by Bro . the Lord Alayor and Lady Alayoress to the Alayors of provincial cities and boroughs , His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , in acknowledging the toast of his health and the other members of the Royal Family , took the opportunity of referring
to his scheme for a Royal College of Music . 'The reference was led up to by some remarks of the Lord Alayor , and the Prince of Wales seeing so many provosts and Alayors expressed his convictions that following the example set by his Lordship , they would do their utmost in co-operating with him in promoting the success of the movement .
Science And Art.
A meeting was held on Wednesday last in the Egyptian Hall , Alansion House , for the purpose of promoting the scheme for establishing a School of Dramatic Art . The Lord Alayor presided , and among those present were Bro . the Earl of Wharncliffe , Sir Heron Maxwell , Bart ., Air . Alderman Cotton , ALP ., Airs . Stirling , Mrs . Chippendale , Air . Ryder , & c Thc Earl of Wharncliffe
explained that it was proposed to open the School on 4 th October next , and all that was needed was a subscription of £ 1500 , in order to meet the first year's expenses , as it was believed that after that the School would be self-supporting . Air . John Ryder , who claimed to have had some experience in placing ladies on the stage , among them being the late Aliss Neilson , expressed his belief that the scheme would probably turn out a failure , as acting could not be
taught , while , on the other hand , Airs . Chippendale , while agreeing with ACr . Ryder that acting could not be learnt by those who had no special gift in that direction , was of opinion the School would be able to render good service in matters elocutionary . Air . Routledge spoke in favour of the proposal ; and the Lord Alayor , in acknowledging the vote of thanks passed to him for presiding , likewise said he thought that , though genius could not be manufactured , it might be helped and brought forward .
* * * - Amongst those present at the annual conversazione , on Wednesday last , at the Royal College of Physicians , Pall Mall East , were His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , who was attended by Lieut-Gen . Sir Dighton
Probyn , and conducted over the rooms of the College by Sir William Jenner , the President , and the censors , fellows , and librarian . H . R . H . the Duke of Albany , who arrived later , also spent some time in examining the treasures with which the College abounds .
The statue to the memory of the late Sir Rowland Hill , which has been erected close to the South-east corner of the Royal Exchange , and was on Saturday unveiled by the Prince of Wales , is the work of Air . Onslow Ford . It is life-size , in bronze , and stands on a granite pedestal . The artist has been successful in obtaining a good likeness of the great postal reformer , while the attitude of the figure , which stands erect , is both easy and natural .
# ¦ » « The Society of Arts could not well have done better than award the Albert Aledal for the current year to Al . Louis Pasteur , member of the Institute of France and foreign member of the Royal Society . AL Pasteur has
done much in the cause of science , and this medal has been awarded to him " for his researches in connection with fermentation , the preservation of wines , and the propagation of zymotic diseases in silkworms and domestic animals , whereby the arts of wine making , silk production , and agriculture , have been greatly benefited . "
* * * According to the Illustrated London News the will of the late Air . Charles Darwin , of Down , near Beckenham , Kent , has been proved by the executors , William Erasmus Darwin and George Howard Darwin , two of the sons , the value of the personal estate being upwards of £ 146 , 000 .
* « * Electric li ghts are said to have been erected along a portion of the Surrey Canal , and , in the opinion of the Electrician , it is not improbable that the whole length of the canal , which runs through the south-east district of London to the docks , will be similarly lighted .
* ¦ * » Mr . Bright , M . P ., has just given the final sittings for his portrait , which is being painted for the Birmingham line Art Gallery by Mr . VV . T . Roden , and will be a companion picture of Air . Gladstone , already placed in the gallery , by the same artist .
* * * An important meeting was held on Thursday last at the Westminster Palace Hotel , for the purpose of devising means for urging on the Governmentthe necessity of passing this session , if possible , a measure for higher
and intermediate education in Wales . Lord Aberdeen pre sided , and the result was that it was arranged a deputation should wait on Lord Carlingford and Air . Alundella on the subject . Among those present were Bros , the Earl of Jersey , P . G . W . ; Sir VV . VV . Wynn , Bart ., ALP ., P . G . AL North Wales and Salop ; and Lord Kensington , M . P .,
* * if W On Monday the deputation in question waited on Mr . Alundella , ALP . Lord Carlingford being unavoidably absent , when the various points connected with Welch education were laid before the right honourable gentleman , to whom thanks were accorded for the courtesy of his reception .