Article ROBBERY AND MYSTERY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROBBERY AND MYSTERY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROBBERY AND MYSTERY. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Robbery And Mystery.
Soon after entering the capital of the so-called Mexican Republic , as was my usual custom while sojourning in a foreign city 1 hired for my servant a man capable of acting as my cicerone about the town . At this time I had in my possession a bill of exchange
upon a wealthy house ; but not caring to have it honoured before my departure , I thought it . best to retain it till the last moment , as the care of a large sum of money would be troublesome to one whose desire was to be free from standing guard over his own effects .
For this reason I did not even call upon the drawees of the bill ; and as I was a stranger to them personally , I thus exposed myself to a total loss , in the event of the same falling into the possession of some dishonest individual , who might represent himself as the proper payee . That I committed a groat error in thus
neglecting to secure myself agajnst false representation—an error by which my money and life might have been forfeited—the peruser of this transcript from my notebook will clearly perceive . ' I had been some three or four days in the city , promenading through its principal thoroughfares and
drives , glancing modestly at the dark , lustrous-eyed beauties whom I continually met and passed , when I said to my man , Pablo , that he must now take me in hand and show me everything that could possibly interest a foreign traveller . Pablo , I may remark , by the way , was one of the keenest rogues that ever
dodged the police and kept his worthy neck outside of a halter—though this I learned too late to save myself some trouble—and he bad the reputation of having once been an indifferent actor , which i \ ill account for his mode of putting his questions . " Does your worship wish to go behind the scenes ?"
he quietly inquired . " Even into the ' green-room ' of the town , Pablo , " laughed J , " and observe , if possible , the •make-up ' ofthe actors . " " The best time for that , then , scnor , is at night , while the dramatic corps are preparing for their parts . "
" We will begin to-night , Pablo . " AVe did begin that night ; and before the bell tolled the hour of twelve I fancied I had seen the city of nobles and beggars turned inside out . At least I had seen enough to content inc ; and as we issued from a splendid gambling saloon , where a beautiful and
fascinating senorita was dealing monte for the benefit of herself and numerous admirers , I said" Now then , for onr hotel , Pablo . " " One adventure more , scnor , and your worship shall retire with the wisdom of Solomon . " One adventure more , " I assented .
With this Pablo began to lead the way through a dark , narrow street ; when suddenly , as I turned a sharp corner , a heavy mantle was thrown over my head , and my person at the same moment seized by two powerful ruffians , one of whom forced a gag into my mouth , while the other pinioned my arms .
"Scnor , " said a calm , quiet voice , " it were easier for us to kill than to take you alive ; but . your life wc do not seek ; so be governed by policy , and make no resistance , and you shall not . be harmed . We will tell you presently what we require of you . Pray follow ns wo . load . "
I did so—for I was in their power , and could do nothing bettei—and in the course of a couple of minutes I found myself alongside of a carriage , with a request that I would enter it . I still obeyed—not with the best grace and most pleasant feelings—but quiescently and without disturbance . My kidnappers entered with me ,
still keeping inc pinioned and gagged , and away we whirled . Fifteen minutes — or less time it , mi ght have been—brought us to a halt beneath somedaik archway . " Scnor , " said the spokesman , "have the goodness to alight , and suffer me to conduct vour worshi p into
a private apartment . " I got out of the carriage , and was led down some ten or a dozen steps , into what I fancied , from the change of atmosphere , to be a damp stone vault , beneath the surface of the earth . The cloak was still over mv eyes ; but presently I could see the reflection
of a light , and immediately after this the mantle was removed , and two masked men , dressed in black , one of them holding a sort of dark-lantern , were revealed to my view . 1 glanced quickly around the apartment , and saw that it was . small , having rough stone walls , and onlv one outlet- the door through which * -we had
entered . Save two or three rough benches , it . was empty also ; and pointing me to one of these , the same person who had before addressed inc . said" Tray bo seated , scnor , and we will give you liberty to speak . " I complied with his request , and he at once stepped forward and removed the gag . As soon as I found I
could use my voice , I sternly demanded the meaning of such treatment . " Be calm , scnor , do not get excited , and we will inform you , " was the . cool reply , spoken in an ordinary business tone . " The fiict is , scnor , " he went on , " you are a stranger in Mexico , with more means at J'our command than strangers generally have , or any loncsl man may have immediate use for ; and we ,
Robbery And Mystery.
being less blessed in this respect than your worthy self , have taken the liberty of inviting you hither to negotiate a loan . " " In other v . 'ordsJ , to rob me , " said I . ' * That is a harsh word , senor , which we seldom make use of—we call our mode of acquiring means a
new way of borrowing ; and for this reason ; that , instead of giving the person from whom we borrow security of our own , we leave him safely housed for the security of ourselves . In short , scnor , not to waste words , let me inform you in brief that we want all your weapons , jewellery , and ready funds , with the
exception of sufficient to support you till you can raise more ; and , once possessed of these , we will quietly depart , and leave you here for such time as will be necessary to make our escape certain — say till to-morrow night — when you will be set at liberty in
a very harmless way . You see at once , senor , you have providentally fallen into honest bands , for which you should thank the saints—for had you fallen into the hands of villains , your life might have been the torfeit , "
"Oh , I am deeply and profoundly thankful , of course ! " returned I , ironically . And then I quickly added : " By your accent and mode of speaking , I judge you are no Mexican . " " So much the better for our purpose , " replied the
villian ; " for you have a bill of exchange on a house here which you have never visited ; and if I can personate a respectable foreigner say yourself , for instance—I can get it honoured as well as .-mother . "
I saw that I was really caught by robbers at last — that it would be useless to waste words — that perhaps it would be best to yield with a good grace to what I had not the power to avert—and so I informed the gentleman that he was at liberty to do what he thought proper , only I would pray him to give
meniy liberty in a reasonable time , and not leave me entirel y destitute . " By San Marco ! " he rejoined ; " your worshi p is the most sensible gentleman I have had dealings with for years . ' and I assure you I am one not unacquainted with the customs ofthe road . We will deal as gently
by you as by an infant , and ever remember you gratefully in our prayers . " With this he coolly proceeded to rifle my pockets and person , taking from me . my revolvers , knife , jewellery , purse , and pocket-book , in the latter of which he found the afore-mentioned bill of exchange ,
the amount of which caused his eyes to glisten , as 1 could see even through the mask . " Pray tell me , " said I , " how you knew I had that draft , and had not presented it . " "Pardon me , senor ! that would be exposing tho secrets of our profession , which we never do to the
uninitiated . " . " By treachery , " said I . " My servant must have made the . discovery , and you are his accomplices . " " Suspect whom you please , senor , " he replied ; " every gentleman is entitled to his thoughts ; but in order to show your worship the possibility of vour
being m error , permit me to observe , confidentially , that a watch has been upon you ever since the moment you set foot in this glorious city . Ah , senor , I perceive your purse is heavy and will suffice for your present wants—accept it back , sir ; your jewellery also may bo of more value to you than us . and so wo
restore it—wc only desire to do the fair- thing ; and this bill of exchange , being even larger than we supposed , shall satisfy ns for the present . " "With this he returned the articles mentioned ; and then cooly remarking he did not think it safe to unbind me till the moment for restoring me to liberty
he . turned on his heel , made me a polite bow , and with his companion , walked out , closing and lo-king the door behind him . I was thus left , alone iu my prison in total darkness , with my arms so pinioned as to be both useless and painful . My feelings during the long hours which followed , the reader can bettcrimngine than T express
but though I suffered much , physically and mentally , I did not at first despair , because I believed I should eventually be set at liberty in some mysterious manner . As hour after hour , however , passed away in that dark and silent dungeon , 1 began at last to grow more and more uneasy . What , if , after all , 1 should be left
to perish iu my prison V The thought was too horrible to lie entertained , and 1 strove to banish it , and , aided by a strong will , 1 so far succeeded as to keep in tolerably fair spirits . At last , to my great joy , I heard the key of my door turn , and was surprised to see a female mask
standing in the grey light of the opening—for it was already day without , though not a ray of light had reached tho vault . " Senor , " she said , in a clear , stern voice , " will you be kind enough lo present yourself to my view '/"
I advanced to the door where she was standing . " Yon are still bound , I perceive , " she said . " Unfortunately , lady , " I replied , " and have , suffered much . " " You wish your liberty ? " " I certainly am not overjoyed at remaining where lam . " " Will you answer me one question , upon your oath
Robbery And Mystery.
as a Christian , and upon your honour as a gentleman ?" " If within mv power , and it does not affect unsafely . " ' * It afiects your release , senor ; and if favourably answered , may restore you immediately to liberty . " ' •Speak on then !"
" Will you , then , solemnly swear , and if all your effects are restored to you , even to your weapons , you will suffer yourself to enter a carriage blindfold , and thus remain till driven beyond si g ht of this dwelling ; and then leave and depart without asking any questions , or seeking in any manner , or by any means , to
pry into the mysterious occurrences which have surrounded you within the last twelve hours ?" "Yes , " said-1 , ' -for a complete restoration of all my effects , and my person to liberty , T will solemnly swear , by all that I hold sacred and holy , to conduct myself according to the conditions named . "
" Then , senor , within an hour you shall have your freedom 1 " was the . reply , us the masked lady stepped back , and closed and locked the iron door , leaving me again alone , a prisoner still . A few minutes later , as I remained standing by the door , pondering this singular mystery , I fancied I
heard the rumble of carriage wheels ; and shortly after the door was again unlocked , and a masked figure entered , who said ' he had orders to blindfold and conduct me hence , and restore me to liberty . All this might be treachery , I thought ; but 1 knew , if mv life was really sought , I was in the power of
my enemies , and could not escape ; and by assenting quietly to every proposition made me , my condition would certainl y not be rendered worse than by rejecting them . I therefore suffered him to bandage my eyes and lead me to the carriage , which he entered with me , my arms still remaining pinioned .
A few moments later we were whirling through the streets of the city , which we continued to do for some half an hour , when the carriage stopped suddenly , the bandage was removed from my eves , and 1 was solemnly charged by my masked companion to remember my oath , or else no power on earth could
save me . I looked from the window , and , to my astonishment , saw wc were in a fashionable part of the city ; and , to my still greater astonishment , my strange conductor now proceeded to cut loose my bonds , and restore me my weapons and pocket-book , which latter he opened , and showed niethesame bill of
exchange which had been taken from me . " Now , senor , " he said , as he tiling ; back the door of the carriage , " please mingle with those , people yonder , and take no notice which way wc drive . Adios . " The iloov closed as I desended ihe steps , and the carriage , whirled away , I never knew whither .
This whole matter , a mystery from beginning to end , has remained so to this day . I could not believe I was not robbed until I searched everything , and received my money on my draft ; after which , I pondered the matter deeply , but , of course , venturing to question no person , because forbidden by my oath .
At first I thought it a case of conscience , merely : then a practical joke , perhaps ; but , subsequently , on looking through my pocket-book , and finding in it a small silver symbol ofthe Masonic Order , I was led to conjecture that that had saved me from robbery if not from death , and that one or more of those
who had me in chargo were members of tins fraternal band . This , of course , was , and is , mere , conjecture : but it is the only reasonable solution ot the mystery I have ever been able lo obtain ; for Pablo , who might havo thrown some lig ht , upon the matter , I never set eyes upon since . — lloskin's Monthly Journal .
% Qutxti $ tmtnts . ~ BR 07 HIOMA 1 PS MASONIC BOUQUET ^ GRHATLY ADMIUKD FOR ITS RICHNESS AND PKIIMANUNCY OF FUAGltANCG . Sold in Stoppered Bottles , at 2 a . 6 d . each , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL At the MASONIC DEPOT , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London
Price Five Shillings , LIFE OF CONSTANTINE , 11 Y EUSEBIUS . Masonic Depot , 3 & _ 4 , Little Britain . MASONIC " NOTE AND LETTER PAPER . " Sanctioned by The Most Worshipful Tho Grand Master of tho Grand Lodge of England IT is impressed with Masonic Die , and has also Mnsonic Kmtilciiis incorporated with its texture , us Witii-r Marks , while being manufactured . Sold , in Quarto and Octavo rackets of S Quires , Wholesale and lietai ) , at the MASONIC l ) KPOT 3 & 4 , 1 . ITTI . JC Hlt'TAlN , K . C . Masonic Envelopes can also be obtained at the Depot . MASONIC LODGE FURNITURE . \ Superior Complete Suite ( second-hand ) to be SOLI ); a great bargain . Apply by letter to l' . M ., ca'c of KKYUKK & Co ., Statiaiers , Friday Street , Cheajiside .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Robbery And Mystery.
Soon after entering the capital of the so-called Mexican Republic , as was my usual custom while sojourning in a foreign city 1 hired for my servant a man capable of acting as my cicerone about the town . At this time I had in my possession a bill of exchange
upon a wealthy house ; but not caring to have it honoured before my departure , I thought it . best to retain it till the last moment , as the care of a large sum of money would be troublesome to one whose desire was to be free from standing guard over his own effects .
For this reason I did not even call upon the drawees of the bill ; and as I was a stranger to them personally , I thus exposed myself to a total loss , in the event of the same falling into the possession of some dishonest individual , who might represent himself as the proper payee . That I committed a groat error in thus
neglecting to secure myself agajnst false representation—an error by which my money and life might have been forfeited—the peruser of this transcript from my notebook will clearly perceive . ' I had been some three or four days in the city , promenading through its principal thoroughfares and
drives , glancing modestly at the dark , lustrous-eyed beauties whom I continually met and passed , when I said to my man , Pablo , that he must now take me in hand and show me everything that could possibly interest a foreign traveller . Pablo , I may remark , by the way , was one of the keenest rogues that ever
dodged the police and kept his worthy neck outside of a halter—though this I learned too late to save myself some trouble—and he bad the reputation of having once been an indifferent actor , which i \ ill account for his mode of putting his questions . " Does your worship wish to go behind the scenes ?"
he quietly inquired . " Even into the ' green-room ' of the town , Pablo , " laughed J , " and observe , if possible , the •make-up ' ofthe actors . " " The best time for that , then , scnor , is at night , while the dramatic corps are preparing for their parts . "
" We will begin to-night , Pablo . " AVe did begin that night ; and before the bell tolled the hour of twelve I fancied I had seen the city of nobles and beggars turned inside out . At least I had seen enough to content inc ; and as we issued from a splendid gambling saloon , where a beautiful and
fascinating senorita was dealing monte for the benefit of herself and numerous admirers , I said" Now then , for onr hotel , Pablo . " " One adventure more , scnor , and your worship shall retire with the wisdom of Solomon . " One adventure more , " I assented .
With this Pablo began to lead the way through a dark , narrow street ; when suddenly , as I turned a sharp corner , a heavy mantle was thrown over my head , and my person at the same moment seized by two powerful ruffians , one of whom forced a gag into my mouth , while the other pinioned my arms .
"Scnor , " said a calm , quiet voice , " it were easier for us to kill than to take you alive ; but . your life wc do not seek ; so be governed by policy , and make no resistance , and you shall not . be harmed . We will tell you presently what we require of you . Pray follow ns wo . load . "
I did so—for I was in their power , and could do nothing bettei—and in the course of a couple of minutes I found myself alongside of a carriage , with a request that I would enter it . I still obeyed—not with the best grace and most pleasant feelings—but quiescently and without disturbance . My kidnappers entered with me ,
still keeping inc pinioned and gagged , and away we whirled . Fifteen minutes — or less time it , mi ght have been—brought us to a halt beneath somedaik archway . " Scnor , " said the spokesman , "have the goodness to alight , and suffer me to conduct vour worshi p into
a private apartment . " I got out of the carriage , and was led down some ten or a dozen steps , into what I fancied , from the change of atmosphere , to be a damp stone vault , beneath the surface of the earth . The cloak was still over mv eyes ; but presently I could see the reflection
of a light , and immediately after this the mantle was removed , and two masked men , dressed in black , one of them holding a sort of dark-lantern , were revealed to my view . 1 glanced quickly around the apartment , and saw that it was . small , having rough stone walls , and onlv one outlet- the door through which * -we had
entered . Save two or three rough benches , it . was empty also ; and pointing me to one of these , the same person who had before addressed inc . said" Tray bo seated , scnor , and we will give you liberty to speak . " I complied with his request , and he at once stepped forward and removed the gag . As soon as I found I
could use my voice , I sternly demanded the meaning of such treatment . " Be calm , scnor , do not get excited , and we will inform you , " was the . cool reply , spoken in an ordinary business tone . " The fiict is , scnor , " he went on , " you are a stranger in Mexico , with more means at J'our command than strangers generally have , or any loncsl man may have immediate use for ; and we ,
Robbery And Mystery.
being less blessed in this respect than your worthy self , have taken the liberty of inviting you hither to negotiate a loan . " " In other v . 'ordsJ , to rob me , " said I . ' * That is a harsh word , senor , which we seldom make use of—we call our mode of acquiring means a
new way of borrowing ; and for this reason ; that , instead of giving the person from whom we borrow security of our own , we leave him safely housed for the security of ourselves . In short , scnor , not to waste words , let me inform you in brief that we want all your weapons , jewellery , and ready funds , with the
exception of sufficient to support you till you can raise more ; and , once possessed of these , we will quietly depart , and leave you here for such time as will be necessary to make our escape certain — say till to-morrow night — when you will be set at liberty in
a very harmless way . You see at once , senor , you have providentally fallen into honest bands , for which you should thank the saints—for had you fallen into the hands of villains , your life might have been the torfeit , "
"Oh , I am deeply and profoundly thankful , of course ! " returned I , ironically . And then I quickly added : " By your accent and mode of speaking , I judge you are no Mexican . " " So much the better for our purpose , " replied the
villian ; " for you have a bill of exchange on a house here which you have never visited ; and if I can personate a respectable foreigner say yourself , for instance—I can get it honoured as well as .-mother . "
I saw that I was really caught by robbers at last — that it would be useless to waste words — that perhaps it would be best to yield with a good grace to what I had not the power to avert—and so I informed the gentleman that he was at liberty to do what he thought proper , only I would pray him to give
meniy liberty in a reasonable time , and not leave me entirel y destitute . " By San Marco ! " he rejoined ; " your worshi p is the most sensible gentleman I have had dealings with for years . ' and I assure you I am one not unacquainted with the customs ofthe road . We will deal as gently
by you as by an infant , and ever remember you gratefully in our prayers . " With this he coolly proceeded to rifle my pockets and person , taking from me . my revolvers , knife , jewellery , purse , and pocket-book , in the latter of which he found the afore-mentioned bill of exchange ,
the amount of which caused his eyes to glisten , as 1 could see even through the mask . " Pray tell me , " said I , " how you knew I had that draft , and had not presented it . " "Pardon me , senor ! that would be exposing tho secrets of our profession , which we never do to the
uninitiated . " . " By treachery , " said I . " My servant must have made the . discovery , and you are his accomplices . " " Suspect whom you please , senor , " he replied ; " every gentleman is entitled to his thoughts ; but in order to show your worship the possibility of vour
being m error , permit me to observe , confidentially , that a watch has been upon you ever since the moment you set foot in this glorious city . Ah , senor , I perceive your purse is heavy and will suffice for your present wants—accept it back , sir ; your jewellery also may bo of more value to you than us . and so wo
restore it—wc only desire to do the fair- thing ; and this bill of exchange , being even larger than we supposed , shall satisfy ns for the present . " "With this he returned the articles mentioned ; and then cooly remarking he did not think it safe to unbind me till the moment for restoring me to liberty
he . turned on his heel , made me a polite bow , and with his companion , walked out , closing and lo-king the door behind him . I was thus left , alone iu my prison in total darkness , with my arms so pinioned as to be both useless and painful . My feelings during the long hours which followed , the reader can bettcrimngine than T express
but though I suffered much , physically and mentally , I did not at first despair , because I believed I should eventually be set at liberty in some mysterious manner . As hour after hour , however , passed away in that dark and silent dungeon , 1 began at last to grow more and more uneasy . What , if , after all , 1 should be left
to perish iu my prison V The thought was too horrible to lie entertained , and 1 strove to banish it , and , aided by a strong will , 1 so far succeeded as to keep in tolerably fair spirits . At last , to my great joy , I heard the key of my door turn , and was surprised to see a female mask
standing in the grey light of the opening—for it was already day without , though not a ray of light had reached tho vault . " Senor , " she said , in a clear , stern voice , " will you be kind enough lo present yourself to my view '/"
I advanced to the door where she was standing . " Yon are still bound , I perceive , " she said . " Unfortunately , lady , " I replied , " and have , suffered much . " " You wish your liberty ? " " I certainly am not overjoyed at remaining where lam . " " Will you answer me one question , upon your oath
Robbery And Mystery.
as a Christian , and upon your honour as a gentleman ?" " If within mv power , and it does not affect unsafely . " ' * It afiects your release , senor ; and if favourably answered , may restore you immediately to liberty . " ' •Speak on then !"
" Will you , then , solemnly swear , and if all your effects are restored to you , even to your weapons , you will suffer yourself to enter a carriage blindfold , and thus remain till driven beyond si g ht of this dwelling ; and then leave and depart without asking any questions , or seeking in any manner , or by any means , to
pry into the mysterious occurrences which have surrounded you within the last twelve hours ?" "Yes , " said-1 , ' -for a complete restoration of all my effects , and my person to liberty , T will solemnly swear , by all that I hold sacred and holy , to conduct myself according to the conditions named . "
" Then , senor , within an hour you shall have your freedom 1 " was the . reply , us the masked lady stepped back , and closed and locked the iron door , leaving me again alone , a prisoner still . A few minutes later , as I remained standing by the door , pondering this singular mystery , I fancied I
heard the rumble of carriage wheels ; and shortly after the door was again unlocked , and a masked figure entered , who said ' he had orders to blindfold and conduct me hence , and restore me to liberty . All this might be treachery , I thought ; but 1 knew , if mv life was really sought , I was in the power of
my enemies , and could not escape ; and by assenting quietly to every proposition made me , my condition would certainl y not be rendered worse than by rejecting them . I therefore suffered him to bandage my eyes and lead me to the carriage , which he entered with me , my arms still remaining pinioned .
A few moments later we were whirling through the streets of the city , which we continued to do for some half an hour , when the carriage stopped suddenly , the bandage was removed from my eves , and 1 was solemnly charged by my masked companion to remember my oath , or else no power on earth could
save me . I looked from the window , and , to my astonishment , saw wc were in a fashionable part of the city ; and , to my still greater astonishment , my strange conductor now proceeded to cut loose my bonds , and restore me my weapons and pocket-book , which latter he opened , and showed niethesame bill of
exchange which had been taken from me . " Now , senor , " he said , as he tiling ; back the door of the carriage , " please mingle with those , people yonder , and take no notice which way wc drive . Adios . " The iloov closed as I desended ihe steps , and the carriage , whirled away , I never knew whither .
This whole matter , a mystery from beginning to end , has remained so to this day . I could not believe I was not robbed until I searched everything , and received my money on my draft ; after which , I pondered the matter deeply , but , of course , venturing to question no person , because forbidden by my oath .
At first I thought it a case of conscience , merely : then a practical joke , perhaps ; but , subsequently , on looking through my pocket-book , and finding in it a small silver symbol ofthe Masonic Order , I was led to conjecture that that had saved me from robbery if not from death , and that one or more of those
who had me in chargo were members of tins fraternal band . This , of course , was , and is , mere , conjecture : but it is the only reasonable solution ot the mystery I have ever been able lo obtain ; for Pablo , who might havo thrown some lig ht , upon the matter , I never set eyes upon since . — lloskin's Monthly Journal .
% Qutxti $ tmtnts . ~ BR 07 HIOMA 1 PS MASONIC BOUQUET ^ GRHATLY ADMIUKD FOR ITS RICHNESS AND PKIIMANUNCY OF FUAGltANCG . Sold in Stoppered Bottles , at 2 a . 6 d . each , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL At the MASONIC DEPOT , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London
Price Five Shillings , LIFE OF CONSTANTINE , 11 Y EUSEBIUS . Masonic Depot , 3 & _ 4 , Little Britain . MASONIC " NOTE AND LETTER PAPER . " Sanctioned by The Most Worshipful Tho Grand Master of tho Grand Lodge of England IT is impressed with Masonic Die , and has also Mnsonic Kmtilciiis incorporated with its texture , us Witii-r Marks , while being manufactured . Sold , in Quarto and Octavo rackets of S Quires , Wholesale and lietai ) , at the MASONIC l ) KPOT 3 & 4 , 1 . ITTI . JC Hlt'TAlN , K . C . Masonic Envelopes can also be obtained at the Depot . MASONIC LODGE FURNITURE . \ Superior Complete Suite ( second-hand ) to be SOLI ); a great bargain . Apply by letter to l' . M ., ca'c of KKYUKK & Co ., Statiaiers , Friday Street , Cheajiside .