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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports at Sfasatrit ; llfesthrp .
—«—THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Enoch Lodge , No , ri . —The second meeting of this Indrrp wnq held at Hip Frppinnsnns' Hall nn Wednpsdnv .
- —1 > .. — - — — .. - —_ ,, the 14 th inst . Bro . Edward John Lewis , W . M ., presided , and opened the lodge , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . W . II . Stallard , of Lodge No . 463 , was ballotted for and unanimously
elected a joining member . The brethren present were H . Potter , Chas . Watson , P . Matthews , J . Dale , J . B . Ciabatta , W . Honey , and C . Montrie , P . M . ' s ; Medcalf , Young , Brown , Webb , McQueen , Taylor , Whittaker , and Palmer , S . W . The visitors were Bros . Kershaw , I . P . M . Confidence Lodge , No . 23 ; S . Stallard , Job * of Gaunt Lodge , Leicester ; and Keene . Bro . Palmer , S . W .,
was unanimously elected the W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Charles Watson , P . M ., Treasurer ; the Tyler was also elected . The brethren adjourned to a most excellent banquet . On the removal of the cloth , the W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , & c , the Tyler's toast concluding a delightful evening . Lodge of Justice , No . 147 . —This old lodge met on
Wednesday , the 14 th inst ., at the White Swan Tavern , 217 , High-street , Deptford , Bro . J . Percival , W . M ., supported by his officers , P . M . ' s , and a large number of members presided . The second degree was given in an efficient manner ; the election for W . M . resulted in favour of J . Whiffen , S . W . The Treas . J . Lightfoot , P . M ., was re-elected . The lodge was closed , refreshment followed
labour . St . James ' s Union Lodge , No . 180 . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 13 thinst ., at Freemasons ' Hall . Bro . J . R . Stacey , W . M ., presided , and the work was giving Bro . Hayes the 3 rd degree , Bros . Henson and Francatelli the 2 nd , and Messrs . W . C . Strickland and J . A . Runciman the 1 st . Bros . A . Nish and C . H . May were
admitted as joining members . The ballot for W . M . was declared to be in favour of Bro . Herf , S . W . ; Bro . Robinson was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . J . Gilbert , Tyler . The usual P . M . 's jewel was voted to the retiring W . M . A banquet followed , served under the direction of Bro . Francatelli , which gave general satisfaction . The custom , ary loyal and Masonic toasts were heartily honoured , and
some good vocal and instrumental music were blended with them . " The Initiates" was responded to by all the newly-admitted brethren , and each of the visitors also returned thanks . " The health of the W . M ., " was given by Bro . Cameron , P . M ., in a capital speech , and elicited a telling reply . Other toasts followed , and a most agreeable evening was spent . Bro . Hart presided at the piano .
The visitors were Bros . Kench ( P . M . 538 ) , Ascott ( W . M . 733 ) , Reed ( P . M . and W . M .-elect 733 ) , Powell ( I . G . 22 ) , Davis ( S . W . 753 ) , M . Richards ( J . W . 733 ) , R . G . Batt ( P . M . 147 ) , F . Walters ( W . M . 1309 ) , Wheeler , Lane , H . Melberg ( W . M . 32 , Holland ) , & c . Confidence Lodge , No . 193 . —On Monday , the 12 th inst ., the installation meeting of this lodge was held at
Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . Bro . R . Lee , W . M ., occupied the chair , and was supported by Bros . Williams , S . W . ; W . Thomas , J . W ., W . M . elect ; G . F . S . Warne , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Rogers , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Cutting , S . D . ; J . Shackell , J . D . ; J . King , I . G . ; B . D . Kershaw , S . Webb , and J . W . Bentlcy , P . M . ' s ; C . G . Hill , A . A . Well , T . Sweetland , E . W . Fitica , A . Bishop , G . Brett ,
H . L . Miles , R . Scott , F . Bonney , G . Banks , C . W . Ansell , A . S . Godfrey , R . Howland , S . Hill , II . W . Thompson , J . Robert , T . Heath , W . B . Pringle , J . J . Griffith , and many others . A large number of visiting brethren were also present . The W . M ., in his usual able manner , raised Bros . Sweetland and Wells to the 3 rd
degree , passed Bros . Ansell , Thompson , S . Hill , Howland , and Godfrey to the 2 nd degree , and initiated Mr . E . J . Barker . Bro . S . Webb , P . M ., having taken the chair , installed Bro . W . Thomas as W . M . for the ensuing year . The usual routine business closed the lodge , and banquet followed .
Lodge La Tolerance , No . 53 8 . —A meeting of this distinguished lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , on the 1 st inst . There were present Bros . Jas , Kench , W . M ., in the chair ; T . E . Hardy , S . W . ; Lindus , J . W . ; Sly , Sec ; Hart , S . D . ; Steward , J . D . ; Thicke , I . G . ; and the following brethren : —E . Wilson and Burmcister , P . M . 's : W . L . Morrison , Funk , Leech , Flowers , A . C .
Thicke , Watson , and Wick . Among the visitors were Bros . Luckie ( Villiers Lodge ) , and Ellis ( Stanhope Lodge , No . 1269 ) . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last lodge having been read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . W . L . Morrison , a candidate for raising , having passed a satisfactory examination , was entrusted
and retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bro . Morrison was duly raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by the W . M . in a very effective and masterly manner . The lodge then proceeded to the election of W . M . and Treasurer , when the S . W . ( Bro . T . E . Hardy ) was unanimously elected to fill the chair of K . S . for the ensuing year . The choice of the brethren
for the office of Treasurer fell on the W . M ., Bro . Kench , who was at once elected to that position . Bro . Woodstock was unanimously re-elected Tyler The W . M .-elect briefly returned thanks for his election , and the W . M . acknowledged the honour conferred upon him by
the lodge in electing him to the office of Treasurer . The W . M .-elect then , in a highly flattering speech , proposed that a P . M . 's jewel , of the value of ^ 7 7 s . should be presented to the W . M ., as a slight testimony of his worth suul the appreciation in which he was held by the lodge . This havint' been seconded by the J . W ., was carried by
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
acclamation . The W . M ., in response , referred to his exertions in the interests of Freemasonry and of this lodge , and promised that whenever his services might be required they would at all times be at the command of the brethren . The Audit Committee having been appointed , ancl there being no further business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . After the cloth
was removed , the W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts in his happiest vein . In submitting the first toast , " The Queen and the Craft , " he said it was one that all Englishmen were proul to drink , for it reminded them , when in distant climes , of home and its kindred ties . We ourselves did not simply invest it with all its happiest attributes , but endeavoured to honour it still
further by coupling it with the Craft . —This toast having been received with the utmost cordiality , the W . M . proposed the next toast , "The Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , M . W . G . M ., " in an effective speech , in the course of which he said one of the chief characteristics of an Englishman was obedience to lawfully-constituted authority . It was that quality which in no small degree
had helped to raise England to the high position she held among nations . That quality pervaded all classes of society , but especially was it manifested among Freemasons . To it he was indebted for the harmony with which he had been permitted to discharge his duties to the lodge ; and judging great things by small , he thought his lordship might be congratulated upon holding the
high position of ruler of the Craft ; and as he worthily filled that position , and was at all times zealous to promote the prosperity of the Craft , so the brethren were happy to render him that obedience which was his due . — This toast having been drunk with the usual honours , the W . M . then proposed " The Health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , P . G . M ., and of the Right Hon . the Earl of
Carnarvon , D . G . M ., " in very felicitous terms , thetoastbeing most cordially received . —The next toast , "The Health of the W . M ., was proposed by Bro . Burmcister in an effective manner , and having been received with loud acclamations , the W . M . responded in a very eloquent and exhaustive speech , in the course of which he reviewed the progress of the lodge for the past year , and predicted a
happy and successful future . —To the toast of the P . M . ' s , Bro . Burmeister replied in a characteristic speech . —The toast of the visitors having been proposed by the W . M ., Bro Luckie responded for himself and brother visitor . — The W . M . then proposed " The Health of the W . M .-elect ( Bro . T . E . Hardy ) , and in doing so , paid a deserved tribute to his merits and his great qualifications for the
office to which he had that evening been unanimously elected . —When the cheering with which this toast was received had subsided , Bro . Hardy , in reply , said : W . M ., permit me to offer you my heartfelt thanks for the kind , but , I fear , too flattering , maimer in which you have submitted to the brethten the toast of my health in connection with my having been elected to fill the
office you now occupy . It is with mingled feelings of gratitude , happiness , pride , and fear that I acknowledge the great honour you have done me in electing me Master of this lodge for the ensuing year . It is the highest honour which you , my brethren , have it in your power to bestow , and for having conferred it upon me , I beg you to accept my sincerest thanks . I trust , W . M .
and brethren , I may , without exposing myself to a charge of egotism , be permitted to assure you that my gratitude is equalled only by the happiness I experience in entertaining the belief that I have been made the object of your favours from a firm and honest conviction in your minds that I am qualified for the important , honourable , and at the same time responsible , position to which , by
your votes , I have this evening been elected . The desire to occupy such a position in not only a pardonable but a laudable position ; provided he who seeks it is actuated by no unworthy motive , but by a sincere and honest desire to render himself more extensively serviceable , and by firm resolve to uphold the dignity of the chair and to maintain and promulgate , in their integrity , the
grand principles of the Order . Elected to occupy an office of which men enjoying the highest ranks in society have considered themselves honoured in having been made the recipients , it may be permitted to me to confess with how much pride I accept at your hands the great honour you have conferred upon me . Still , W . M . I cannot escape from the fear which possesses me that I may
disappoint the expectations which some of the brethren at least are kind enough to indulge respecting my qualifications . And I fear too , brethren , 1 may fall far short of the excellent working it has been our privilege to witness here during the past year . I am encouraged , however , by the consciousness that I shall have the support and assistance of a very able and efficient P . M ., and
inspired by the hope that any failings of my own will meet with your kind and fraternal indulgence , I accept the trust you have reposed in me with a firm determination to maintain the dignity of the chair and to promote the interests of the lodge by discharging , lo the best of my ability ,- the duties of the honourable and dignified
office of which you have chosen me to become the possessor . —The next toast , "The Officers , " was responded to by Bro . Lindus , J . W . —The Tyler's toast brought the banquet to an end , and the brethren separated at an early hour , after having spent a very enjoyable evening , which was enlivened by a selection of vocal and instrumental
music . Dalhousie Lodge , No . 860 . —A meeting was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , on Thursday , the Sth inst . Present : J . W . Williams , W . M . ; T . Hardy , S . W . ; R . Thomson , J . C . ; W . Bristo , P . M ., Treas . ; F . St . John Ingram ,
Sec . ; II . Dalwood , t . D . ; S . F . Littell , P . M . ; F . Allen , R . Burr , M . Hermann , W . II . Wallington , C . F . Reed , W . II . Simpson , and others . Visitor , F . Walters , W . M . 1309 . The work done was raising Bro . Allen to 3 rd degree , and passing Bro . Guctt to the second degree . The ballot taken for Bro . Dr . John Campbell White ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Westminster Hospital , was unanimous in favour of his admission . He will be initiated at the next meeting . The lodge was closed ; no banquet , the brethren separated when the business was ended .
MIDDLESEX . Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 . —This young lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 14 th inst ., at the Railway Hotel , { Potter ' s Bar . Bro . Frederick . Walters , W . M ., presided . He was supported by Bros . E . Sillifant , P . M ., Treasurer , as S . W . ; G . Cattel , P . M ., Sec , as J . W . ; West , as S . D . ; C . F . Hall , I . G ., as J . D . ; J . R .
Tustin , P . G . S . of Herts , D . C , as I . G . ; and several other brethren , including , as visitors , Bros . Selby ( 157 ) , S . Homewood , S . W . 749 ) , and G . Johnston ( 5 , I . C . ) . The minutes relating to the removal of the lodge to Potter ' s Bar were read and confirmed . Mr . Arthur Ovenden was initiated , and Bro . T . Dilkes passed to the second degree ,
both ceremonies being rendered in a very impressive manner . An appeal from the Steward , Bro . E . Sillifant , P . M ., Treas ., for the Royal Benevolent Institution , met with a handsome response . Some propositions for initiation were received , and the lodge was closed . 'Refreshment followed labour .
PROVINCIAL . SUNDERLAND . —Palatine Lodge , No . 97 . —The annual installation meeting of this lodge was held in the New Masonic Hall , Park-terrace , Sunderland , on Thursday , the Sth inst . Bro . B . Levy , P . P . J . G . W ., ably officiated as Installing Master . The following is a full list of the officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Bros . W . Skelton , W . M . ; M . Allison , I . P . M . ; J . J . Clay , S . W ., R .
Humphrey , J . W . ; B . Levy , P . M ., Treas ; T . Younger , Sec ; S . P . Austin , S . D . ; J . Crosby , J . D . ; J . J . Saville , I . G . ; W . M . Laws , Tyler ; Denton , D . C ; Johnson and Chambers , Stewards ; Coulson and Allan , Auditors . The attendance of members and visitors was large , among whom were Bros . R . Dixon , W . M ; 80 ; T . Henderson , W . M . 94 ; White , W . M . 240 ; R . Hudson , W . M . 949 ; W . II . Crookes , P . G . S . ; J . Potts , P . P . G . J . G . ; P . G . Hoistendalh , P . G . P . ; & c .
RINGWOOD . —Lodge Unity , No . 132 . —The election of W . M . for the ensuing year took place on the evening of the Sth inst ., Bro . Fletcher , P . M . 622 , acting as W . M . The choice of the brethren fell on Bro . Brouncker , whose zeal in promoting the resuscitation of this old lodge during the past year has been very praiseworthy . The treasurership was allotted to Bro . E . Low . Two votes , one for
each of the Schools , were unanimously ordered to be procured , and the balance of funds in hand was found to be satisfactory . When it is added , that at the beginning of the year the number of members was only sufficient to work the lodge , and now it has 16 members , with every sign of numerous additions , it will be seen there is matter for congratulation .
LEICESTER . —St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 . —A meeting of this lodge took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Halford " street , Leicester , on Wednesday se ' nnight , and was well attended . On the lodge being opened apologies were received for the unavoidable absence of Bro . Stretton , S . W . ( who arrived at a later hour ) , and of Dr . Pearce , Sec . A ballot took place for Messrs . W . Pye and W .
Beeton . who were duly elected and initiated into the Order . Bros . Shuttlewood and Statham were raised to the degree of M . M . During the ceremonies Bro . C . Johnson , P . P . G . O ., presided at the organ , and , assisted by several of the brethren , added greatly to their eflect by conducting the musical chants originally arranged by himself . A ballot was taken for the election of W . M . for the ensuing
year , which resulted in favour of the S . W ., Bro . Clement Stretton , P . P . G . Reg . It was resolved ( as had been done at the previous meeting of the John of Gaunt Lodge ) that a Masonic Ball should take place in Leicester in the course of the winter , and a committee of this lodge was appointed to act with a similar committee of the sister lodge in carrying out the arrangements . The annual festival of
the lodge was fixed to be held on Tuesday the 27 th inst ., and the Prov . G . M . announced that the member of the Knights of Malta Lodge , No . 50 , Hinckley , had arranged to celebrate their installation festival on the following day by a Masonic ball at the Town Hall . There being no further business the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LANCASTER . — Lodge of Fortitude , No . 281 . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the 141 I 1 inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athenajum . The W . M ., 15 ro . John Hatch , presided , and was supported by W . Bro . Edward Storey , I . P . M . ; Bros . Christopher Hartley , S . W . ; John Barrow , J . W . ; Edmund Simpson , P . M . and Sec . ; James Hatch , Treasurer ; W .
Heald , S . D . ; W . Fleming , J . D . ; W . Hall , I . G . There were also present Past Masters Bagnall , Kelland , Fcnton , Moore , Stanton , King , and Whimpray ; Bros . W . Hall ( W . M . 1051 ) , Merrier ( W . M .-elect 1051 ) , and about 30 other brethren . The lodge was opened , minutes of last regular lodge and of a lodge of emergency were read and confirmed , and other business transacted . Bro . William
Hayes was passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M ., the working tools being presented by the S . W . The next business was the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , for which office there were not less than 29 brethren eligible . The ballot resulted in the election of Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., P . M ., P . P . G . S . of Wks ., and the installation and subsequent banquet were fixed for Thursday , 29 th inst . The election of Treasurer and Tyler
was next proceeded with , and resulted in the re-election of Bro . James Hatch , P . M ., as Treasurer , and Bro . John Watson as Tyler . The Secretary reported that the Committee appointed to decide upon the votes for the Royal Albert Asylum had given them to a son of a member of the Craft at Southport , and to the local candidates . A committee was appointed to audit the accounts of the lodge , and there being no other business before the lodge it was closed in due form .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports at Sfasatrit ; llfesthrp .
—«—THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Enoch Lodge , No , ri . —The second meeting of this Indrrp wnq held at Hip Frppinnsnns' Hall nn Wednpsdnv .
- —1 > .. — - — — .. - —_ ,, the 14 th inst . Bro . Edward John Lewis , W . M ., presided , and opened the lodge , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . W . II . Stallard , of Lodge No . 463 , was ballotted for and unanimously
elected a joining member . The brethren present were H . Potter , Chas . Watson , P . Matthews , J . Dale , J . B . Ciabatta , W . Honey , and C . Montrie , P . M . ' s ; Medcalf , Young , Brown , Webb , McQueen , Taylor , Whittaker , and Palmer , S . W . The visitors were Bros . Kershaw , I . P . M . Confidence Lodge , No . 23 ; S . Stallard , Job * of Gaunt Lodge , Leicester ; and Keene . Bro . Palmer , S . W .,
was unanimously elected the W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Charles Watson , P . M ., Treasurer ; the Tyler was also elected . The brethren adjourned to a most excellent banquet . On the removal of the cloth , the W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , & c , the Tyler's toast concluding a delightful evening . Lodge of Justice , No . 147 . —This old lodge met on
Wednesday , the 14 th inst ., at the White Swan Tavern , 217 , High-street , Deptford , Bro . J . Percival , W . M ., supported by his officers , P . M . ' s , and a large number of members presided . The second degree was given in an efficient manner ; the election for W . M . resulted in favour of J . Whiffen , S . W . The Treas . J . Lightfoot , P . M ., was re-elected . The lodge was closed , refreshment followed
labour . St . James ' s Union Lodge , No . 180 . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 13 thinst ., at Freemasons ' Hall . Bro . J . R . Stacey , W . M ., presided , and the work was giving Bro . Hayes the 3 rd degree , Bros . Henson and Francatelli the 2 nd , and Messrs . W . C . Strickland and J . A . Runciman the 1 st . Bros . A . Nish and C . H . May were
admitted as joining members . The ballot for W . M . was declared to be in favour of Bro . Herf , S . W . ; Bro . Robinson was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . J . Gilbert , Tyler . The usual P . M . 's jewel was voted to the retiring W . M . A banquet followed , served under the direction of Bro . Francatelli , which gave general satisfaction . The custom , ary loyal and Masonic toasts were heartily honoured , and
some good vocal and instrumental music were blended with them . " The Initiates" was responded to by all the newly-admitted brethren , and each of the visitors also returned thanks . " The health of the W . M ., " was given by Bro . Cameron , P . M ., in a capital speech , and elicited a telling reply . Other toasts followed , and a most agreeable evening was spent . Bro . Hart presided at the piano .
The visitors were Bros . Kench ( P . M . 538 ) , Ascott ( W . M . 733 ) , Reed ( P . M . and W . M .-elect 733 ) , Powell ( I . G . 22 ) , Davis ( S . W . 753 ) , M . Richards ( J . W . 733 ) , R . G . Batt ( P . M . 147 ) , F . Walters ( W . M . 1309 ) , Wheeler , Lane , H . Melberg ( W . M . 32 , Holland ) , & c . Confidence Lodge , No . 193 . —On Monday , the 12 th inst ., the installation meeting of this lodge was held at
Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . Bro . R . Lee , W . M ., occupied the chair , and was supported by Bros . Williams , S . W . ; W . Thomas , J . W ., W . M . elect ; G . F . S . Warne , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Rogers , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Cutting , S . D . ; J . Shackell , J . D . ; J . King , I . G . ; B . D . Kershaw , S . Webb , and J . W . Bentlcy , P . M . ' s ; C . G . Hill , A . A . Well , T . Sweetland , E . W . Fitica , A . Bishop , G . Brett ,
H . L . Miles , R . Scott , F . Bonney , G . Banks , C . W . Ansell , A . S . Godfrey , R . Howland , S . Hill , II . W . Thompson , J . Robert , T . Heath , W . B . Pringle , J . J . Griffith , and many others . A large number of visiting brethren were also present . The W . M ., in his usual able manner , raised Bros . Sweetland and Wells to the 3 rd
degree , passed Bros . Ansell , Thompson , S . Hill , Howland , and Godfrey to the 2 nd degree , and initiated Mr . E . J . Barker . Bro . S . Webb , P . M ., having taken the chair , installed Bro . W . Thomas as W . M . for the ensuing year . The usual routine business closed the lodge , and banquet followed .
Lodge La Tolerance , No . 53 8 . —A meeting of this distinguished lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , on the 1 st inst . There were present Bros . Jas , Kench , W . M ., in the chair ; T . E . Hardy , S . W . ; Lindus , J . W . ; Sly , Sec ; Hart , S . D . ; Steward , J . D . ; Thicke , I . G . ; and the following brethren : —E . Wilson and Burmcister , P . M . 's : W . L . Morrison , Funk , Leech , Flowers , A . C .
Thicke , Watson , and Wick . Among the visitors were Bros . Luckie ( Villiers Lodge ) , and Ellis ( Stanhope Lodge , No . 1269 ) . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last lodge having been read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . W . L . Morrison , a candidate for raising , having passed a satisfactory examination , was entrusted
and retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bro . Morrison was duly raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by the W . M . in a very effective and masterly manner . The lodge then proceeded to the election of W . M . and Treasurer , when the S . W . ( Bro . T . E . Hardy ) was unanimously elected to fill the chair of K . S . for the ensuing year . The choice of the brethren
for the office of Treasurer fell on the W . M ., Bro . Kench , who was at once elected to that position . Bro . Woodstock was unanimously re-elected Tyler The W . M .-elect briefly returned thanks for his election , and the W . M . acknowledged the honour conferred upon him by
the lodge in electing him to the office of Treasurer . The W . M .-elect then , in a highly flattering speech , proposed that a P . M . 's jewel , of the value of ^ 7 7 s . should be presented to the W . M ., as a slight testimony of his worth suul the appreciation in which he was held by the lodge . This havint' been seconded by the J . W ., was carried by
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
acclamation . The W . M ., in response , referred to his exertions in the interests of Freemasonry and of this lodge , and promised that whenever his services might be required they would at all times be at the command of the brethren . The Audit Committee having been appointed , ancl there being no further business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . After the cloth
was removed , the W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts in his happiest vein . In submitting the first toast , " The Queen and the Craft , " he said it was one that all Englishmen were proul to drink , for it reminded them , when in distant climes , of home and its kindred ties . We ourselves did not simply invest it with all its happiest attributes , but endeavoured to honour it still
further by coupling it with the Craft . —This toast having been received with the utmost cordiality , the W . M . proposed the next toast , "The Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , M . W . G . M ., " in an effective speech , in the course of which he said one of the chief characteristics of an Englishman was obedience to lawfully-constituted authority . It was that quality which in no small degree
had helped to raise England to the high position she held among nations . That quality pervaded all classes of society , but especially was it manifested among Freemasons . To it he was indebted for the harmony with which he had been permitted to discharge his duties to the lodge ; and judging great things by small , he thought his lordship might be congratulated upon holding the
high position of ruler of the Craft ; and as he worthily filled that position , and was at all times zealous to promote the prosperity of the Craft , so the brethren were happy to render him that obedience which was his due . — This toast having been drunk with the usual honours , the W . M . then proposed " The Health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , P . G . M ., and of the Right Hon . the Earl of
Carnarvon , D . G . M ., " in very felicitous terms , thetoastbeing most cordially received . —The next toast , "The Health of the W . M ., was proposed by Bro . Burmcister in an effective manner , and having been received with loud acclamations , the W . M . responded in a very eloquent and exhaustive speech , in the course of which he reviewed the progress of the lodge for the past year , and predicted a
happy and successful future . —To the toast of the P . M . ' s , Bro . Burmeister replied in a characteristic speech . —The toast of the visitors having been proposed by the W . M ., Bro Luckie responded for himself and brother visitor . — The W . M . then proposed " The Health of the W . M .-elect ( Bro . T . E . Hardy ) , and in doing so , paid a deserved tribute to his merits and his great qualifications for the
office to which he had that evening been unanimously elected . —When the cheering with which this toast was received had subsided , Bro . Hardy , in reply , said : W . M ., permit me to offer you my heartfelt thanks for the kind , but , I fear , too flattering , maimer in which you have submitted to the brethten the toast of my health in connection with my having been elected to fill the
office you now occupy . It is with mingled feelings of gratitude , happiness , pride , and fear that I acknowledge the great honour you have done me in electing me Master of this lodge for the ensuing year . It is the highest honour which you , my brethren , have it in your power to bestow , and for having conferred it upon me , I beg you to accept my sincerest thanks . I trust , W . M .
and brethren , I may , without exposing myself to a charge of egotism , be permitted to assure you that my gratitude is equalled only by the happiness I experience in entertaining the belief that I have been made the object of your favours from a firm and honest conviction in your minds that I am qualified for the important , honourable , and at the same time responsible , position to which , by
your votes , I have this evening been elected . The desire to occupy such a position in not only a pardonable but a laudable position ; provided he who seeks it is actuated by no unworthy motive , but by a sincere and honest desire to render himself more extensively serviceable , and by firm resolve to uphold the dignity of the chair and to maintain and promulgate , in their integrity , the
grand principles of the Order . Elected to occupy an office of which men enjoying the highest ranks in society have considered themselves honoured in having been made the recipients , it may be permitted to me to confess with how much pride I accept at your hands the great honour you have conferred upon me . Still , W . M . I cannot escape from the fear which possesses me that I may
disappoint the expectations which some of the brethren at least are kind enough to indulge respecting my qualifications . And I fear too , brethren , 1 may fall far short of the excellent working it has been our privilege to witness here during the past year . I am encouraged , however , by the consciousness that I shall have the support and assistance of a very able and efficient P . M ., and
inspired by the hope that any failings of my own will meet with your kind and fraternal indulgence , I accept the trust you have reposed in me with a firm determination to maintain the dignity of the chair and to promote the interests of the lodge by discharging , lo the best of my ability ,- the duties of the honourable and dignified
office of which you have chosen me to become the possessor . —The next toast , "The Officers , " was responded to by Bro . Lindus , J . W . —The Tyler's toast brought the banquet to an end , and the brethren separated at an early hour , after having spent a very enjoyable evening , which was enlivened by a selection of vocal and instrumental
music . Dalhousie Lodge , No . 860 . —A meeting was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , on Thursday , the Sth inst . Present : J . W . Williams , W . M . ; T . Hardy , S . W . ; R . Thomson , J . C . ; W . Bristo , P . M ., Treas . ; F . St . John Ingram ,
Sec . ; II . Dalwood , t . D . ; S . F . Littell , P . M . ; F . Allen , R . Burr , M . Hermann , W . II . Wallington , C . F . Reed , W . II . Simpson , and others . Visitor , F . Walters , W . M . 1309 . The work done was raising Bro . Allen to 3 rd degree , and passing Bro . Guctt to the second degree . The ballot taken for Bro . Dr . John Campbell White ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Westminster Hospital , was unanimous in favour of his admission . He will be initiated at the next meeting . The lodge was closed ; no banquet , the brethren separated when the business was ended .
MIDDLESEX . Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 . —This young lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 14 th inst ., at the Railway Hotel , { Potter ' s Bar . Bro . Frederick . Walters , W . M ., presided . He was supported by Bros . E . Sillifant , P . M ., Treasurer , as S . W . ; G . Cattel , P . M ., Sec , as J . W . ; West , as S . D . ; C . F . Hall , I . G ., as J . D . ; J . R .
Tustin , P . G . S . of Herts , D . C , as I . G . ; and several other brethren , including , as visitors , Bros . Selby ( 157 ) , S . Homewood , S . W . 749 ) , and G . Johnston ( 5 , I . C . ) . The minutes relating to the removal of the lodge to Potter ' s Bar were read and confirmed . Mr . Arthur Ovenden was initiated , and Bro . T . Dilkes passed to the second degree ,
both ceremonies being rendered in a very impressive manner . An appeal from the Steward , Bro . E . Sillifant , P . M ., Treas ., for the Royal Benevolent Institution , met with a handsome response . Some propositions for initiation were received , and the lodge was closed . 'Refreshment followed labour .
PROVINCIAL . SUNDERLAND . —Palatine Lodge , No . 97 . —The annual installation meeting of this lodge was held in the New Masonic Hall , Park-terrace , Sunderland , on Thursday , the Sth inst . Bro . B . Levy , P . P . J . G . W ., ably officiated as Installing Master . The following is a full list of the officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Bros . W . Skelton , W . M . ; M . Allison , I . P . M . ; J . J . Clay , S . W ., R .
Humphrey , J . W . ; B . Levy , P . M ., Treas ; T . Younger , Sec ; S . P . Austin , S . D . ; J . Crosby , J . D . ; J . J . Saville , I . G . ; W . M . Laws , Tyler ; Denton , D . C ; Johnson and Chambers , Stewards ; Coulson and Allan , Auditors . The attendance of members and visitors was large , among whom were Bros . R . Dixon , W . M ; 80 ; T . Henderson , W . M . 94 ; White , W . M . 240 ; R . Hudson , W . M . 949 ; W . II . Crookes , P . G . S . ; J . Potts , P . P . G . J . G . ; P . G . Hoistendalh , P . G . P . ; & c .
RINGWOOD . —Lodge Unity , No . 132 . —The election of W . M . for the ensuing year took place on the evening of the Sth inst ., Bro . Fletcher , P . M . 622 , acting as W . M . The choice of the brethren fell on Bro . Brouncker , whose zeal in promoting the resuscitation of this old lodge during the past year has been very praiseworthy . The treasurership was allotted to Bro . E . Low . Two votes , one for
each of the Schools , were unanimously ordered to be procured , and the balance of funds in hand was found to be satisfactory . When it is added , that at the beginning of the year the number of members was only sufficient to work the lodge , and now it has 16 members , with every sign of numerous additions , it will be seen there is matter for congratulation .
LEICESTER . —St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 . —A meeting of this lodge took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Halford " street , Leicester , on Wednesday se ' nnight , and was well attended . On the lodge being opened apologies were received for the unavoidable absence of Bro . Stretton , S . W . ( who arrived at a later hour ) , and of Dr . Pearce , Sec . A ballot took place for Messrs . W . Pye and W .
Beeton . who were duly elected and initiated into the Order . Bros . Shuttlewood and Statham were raised to the degree of M . M . During the ceremonies Bro . C . Johnson , P . P . G . O ., presided at the organ , and , assisted by several of the brethren , added greatly to their eflect by conducting the musical chants originally arranged by himself . A ballot was taken for the election of W . M . for the ensuing
year , which resulted in favour of the S . W ., Bro . Clement Stretton , P . P . G . Reg . It was resolved ( as had been done at the previous meeting of the John of Gaunt Lodge ) that a Masonic Ball should take place in Leicester in the course of the winter , and a committee of this lodge was appointed to act with a similar committee of the sister lodge in carrying out the arrangements . The annual festival of
the lodge was fixed to be held on Tuesday the 27 th inst ., and the Prov . G . M . announced that the member of the Knights of Malta Lodge , No . 50 , Hinckley , had arranged to celebrate their installation festival on the following day by a Masonic ball at the Town Hall . There being no further business the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LANCASTER . — Lodge of Fortitude , No . 281 . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the 141 I 1 inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athenajum . The W . M ., 15 ro . John Hatch , presided , and was supported by W . Bro . Edward Storey , I . P . M . ; Bros . Christopher Hartley , S . W . ; John Barrow , J . W . ; Edmund Simpson , P . M . and Sec . ; James Hatch , Treasurer ; W .
Heald , S . D . ; W . Fleming , J . D . ; W . Hall , I . G . There were also present Past Masters Bagnall , Kelland , Fcnton , Moore , Stanton , King , and Whimpray ; Bros . W . Hall ( W . M . 1051 ) , Merrier ( W . M .-elect 1051 ) , and about 30 other brethren . The lodge was opened , minutes of last regular lodge and of a lodge of emergency were read and confirmed , and other business transacted . Bro . William
Hayes was passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M ., the working tools being presented by the S . W . The next business was the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , for which office there were not less than 29 brethren eligible . The ballot resulted in the election of Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., P . M ., P . P . G . S . of Wks ., and the installation and subsequent banquet were fixed for Thursday , 29 th inst . The election of Treasurer and Tyler
was next proceeded with , and resulted in the re-election of Bro . James Hatch , P . M ., as Treasurer , and Bro . John Watson as Tyler . The Secretary reported that the Committee appointed to decide upon the votes for the Royal Albert Asylum had given them to a son of a member of the Craft at Southport , and to the local candidates . A committee was appointed to audit the accounts of the lodge , and there being no other business before the lodge it was closed in due form .