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District Grand Lodge Of Bombay.
The half-yearly communication of the District Grand Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 2 nd November , at the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon , at 6 p . m . The proceedings were of a very interesting nature . In the absence of the District
Grand Master , R . W . Bro . the Hon . J . Gibbs , who was prevented by illness from attending , the chair was occupied by R . W . Bro . G . Taylor , Past District Grand Master , supported by W . Bros . Dr . T . Diver , Deputy D . G . Master ; J . Dixon ,
D . S . G . W ., C . E . Mitchell , DJ . G . W . ; W . H
Hussey , D . G . Sec . ; Bro . J . J . Winton , D . G . Treas . ; W . Bro . Col . L . W . Penn , C . B ., D . S . G . Deacon ; Bros . H . Prescott , as D . J . G . D . ; L . Morcom , as D . G . Org . ; W . Bro . C . Beard , D . G . Sword-Bearer ; Bros . T . Crawford , as D . G . Pur . ; J . W . Seager , D . G . Tyler . Members : W . Bros .
J . P . Cornforth , P . D . G . Warden ; A . C . Gumper , P . D . G . Warden ; J . P . Leith , P . D . G . Chaplain ; H . H . Avron , P . D . G . Registrar ; Capt . B . H . Mathew , P . D . G . W . ; Bro . G . Bease , P . D . G . Dir . of Cer ., & c , & c . Lodges " St . George , " " Concord , " " Star of
India , " "Emulation , " "Truth , " and "Eastern Star" were represented . The District Grand Lodge was opened with prayer . The minutes of the last three communications ( having been printed and furnished to members ) were taken as read and confirmed .
The District Grand Secretary reported that communications had been received from the D . G . Lodges of Bengal , Madras , and Punjaub , on the subject of jurisdiction . The latter concurred with the proposal of the D . G . L . of Bombay , but the two former could not agree . Read
also a communication from the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of England , in reply to a memorial from the District Grand Lodge of Bombay , praying that lodges at outstations may be permitted to appoint representatives to attend on their behalf at the quarterly communications
of D . G . Lodge . The Grand Master regretted that in the present state of the law he could not comply with the prayer of the petition , nor did he think it expedient to alter the law to meet the wishes © f the petitioners ; but that the District Grand Lodge could follow the example of
the Provincial Grand Lodges in England , by paying periodical visits to the lodges under its jurisdiction . The District Grand Master offered a few remarks on this matter . He thought that the Grand Master was not aware of the
inconvenience that the members of the D . G . Lodge would be put to in visiting Mofussil lodges , which were scattered so far apart , and the impossibility of members leaving their business to go on these excursions , without incurring great expense . It was not as in England , where there was a
network of railways , and the lodges in each province were within a few hours' communication with each other . He had no doubt that , when these points were fully explained to the Grand Master , the prayer of the petition would be complied with . The Deputy District Grand Master then rose , and said he had a very pleasing duty to perform .
He regretted that the District Grand Master was prevented by indisposition and absence from Bombay from being present to invest the Past District Grand Master with the apron , collar , and jewel voted to him by the District Giand Lodge , as a slight mark of the eminent services he had rendered to the Craft as a ruler during the last nine years .
The P . D . G . M . having handed the hiram to the Deputy D . G . M ., the latter read the resolution proposed by the District Grand Lodge , and invested the P . D . G . M . with the clothing , amidst the plaudits of the assembled brethren .
Then followed the addresses from individual lodges , which were read and delivered to the P . D . G . M . by the representatives of lodges , all breathing the affectionate esteem and regard in which he was held by the brethren over whom
he ruled . Some of the addresses were not quite completed in the style the donors hoped to have presented them ; but those that were finished displayed the excellent workmanship of the Bombay Education Society ' s Press , and were greatly admired .
District Grand Lodge Of Bombay.
The Past D . G . M ., who was deeply affected , rose and thanked the brethren in eloquent and feeling terms for this fresh proof of their kindness and approbation of the manner in which he had
discharged his duties as D . G . M . during the last nine years . He would carefully treasure up these souvenirs of ths happy years he had spent among the brethren , and hand them down as a heirloom to his children .
A donation of 100 rupees was unanimously voted to the widow of a deceased brother . A donation of 500 rupees was voted to the Fund for the Relief of the Sick and Wounded during the war . W . Bro . Gumpert alluded to the death of
R . W . Bro . A . J . Greenlaw , District G . Master of British Burmah , and the eminent services rendered by him to the Craft in general . It was proposed and unanimously resolved that a letter of condolence be forwarded to the D . G . Lodge of Britisli Burmah , sympathising with them in
the great loss they have sustained . W . Bro . Percy Leith brought to the notice of the D . G . Lodge that a project was on foot to construct a Masonic Hall in Bombay . He suggested that a meeting should be called , and that
representatives from all lodges , & c . ( English and Scotch ) , attend to discuss the matter . There was every hope of success attending their present attempt to give Bombay a commodious hall calculated for all Masonic purposes .
There being no further business , the D . G . Lodge was closed with prayer . —Masonic Record of Western India .
District Grand Lodge Of South Australia.
The District Grand Lodge of South Australia held its Quarterly Communication at the Freemasons' Hall , Flinders-street , Adelaide , on the 5 th October last . Tlie R . W . Bro . Arthur Hardy , jf-P ., D . G . M ., occupied the chair , supported by the W . Bros . Henry Edward Downer , SJI ,
D . D . G . M . ; Macaulay , P . M ., as S . D . G . W . ; and the W . D . G . Secretary , as J . D . G . W . ; Bro . the Rev . Canon Farr , MA ., D . G . Chaplain ; W . Bros . Wicksteed , P . D . S . G . W ., as D . G . Sec . ; Letchford , D . G . S . D . ; and Galley , as D . G . J . D . ; Bros . J ohn Cox Bray , D . G . Pursuivant ; H . E .
Bright , D . G . Steward ; Magraith , P . M . 598 ; Senior Wardens of 583 and 59 S ; Cox , W . M . S 42 ; and the Junior Warden of 842 . Visitors Bros . Pudney , 59 S ; Cunningham , 5 S 3 ; Stratton and Wilson , S 42 . W . Bros , tlie S . D . G . W .,
J . D . G . W ., D . G . Treas ., S . D . G . D ., D . G . Supt . Works , D . G . Dir ., Cers . D . G . Swordbearer , D . G . Organist , and D . G . Steward , were excused attendance . W . Bros , the D . G . Registrar , D . G . Asst . Dir . Cers ., and Bro . Paltridge , D . G . Steward , were fined for non-attendance .
J he District Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and tlie minules of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The R . W . District Grand Master then proceeded to appoint the officers for the ensuing year : —
D . G . S . W . — His Honour Edward Caslrcss Gwynne , Primary Indye in Equity , P . D . G . SAV . D . G . J . W . —J . F . " Botting , P . D . G . Treas . D . G . Chaplain—The Rev . George Henry Farr , M . A ., Canon of the Dean nnd Chapter of tlie Diocese of Adelaide , P . D . G . Chaplain . Scotch
Constitution . Lodge of Friendship , No . 423 . D . G . Registrar—John R . Giirner , P . D . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers ., P . G . D . Registrar . D . G . Secretary—Ralph Evernd Lucv , P . D . G . Sec . and P . M . MacDonnell Hodge , No . " 842 . D . G . S . D . —Aulay Macaulay , P . D . G . S . D . and
P . M . Lodge of Truth , 6 49 . D . G . J . . — John Rudall , P . M . Lotlgc of Fidelity , No . 5 S 4 . D . G . Supt . of Works —The lion . Thomas English , M . L . C ., P . D . G . Dir . of Cers . D . G . Dir . of Ceremonies—William Hill , P . M .
Lodge of Harmony , No . 505 , and P . D . G . Org . D . G . Asst , Dir . of Ceremonies—William Henry Bean , P . M . United Tradesmen ' s Lodge , No . 5 S 3 . D . G . Swordbearer—Augustus E . Davics , P . M . Clave Lodge , No . 874 . D . G . Organist—Henry Louis Diiiicu , P . D . G . J . Deacon .
D . G . Pursuivant—John Cox Bray , P . G . D Pursuivant . D . G . Stewards — William Martin Letchford , W . M . Lodge of Harmony , No . 505 ; Henry Edward
District Grand Lodge Of South Australia.
Bright , M . P ., Lodge of Fidelity , No . 584 ; Thomas Paltridge , W . M . Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 1172 ; Charles Francis Godfrey Ash win , P . M . Lodge of Truth , No . 649 ; and Henry Hill , Lodge of Harmony , No . 505 . Bro . Mclntyre , P . M . 5 S 3 , was elected D . G . Treasurer , and Bro . John Monck , Tyler .
Report of General Committee . " To the R . W . the D . G . Master and " District Grand Lodge of South Australia . " Your Committee report : — - " That they have ascertained that , £ 45 was paid by the District Grand Lodge for furniture on the
14 th day of August , 1 S 66 . They are , therefore , of opinion that the giving it up to the trustees of the Freemason ' s Hall ought to be a sufficient equivalent for the use of the hall to the end of the year , at which time they hope to be free from debt . " They recommend that afterwards a reasonable
rent be paid for the use of the hall , and that a liberal subscription be made annually towards paying off the principal for which the hall is mortgaged , provided that they are shown a reasonable prospect of the liquidation thereof in the course of a few years , and that a remainder is insured to the
Benevolent Fund . "They regret that the trustees have not put them into a position to make any more definite recommendation ; but , if supplied with the requisite information , will endeavour in a supplementary report , to supply the deficiency . " They report that during the past quarter ,
dispensations have been granted to the Duke of Edinburgh Lodge to walk in procession for the purpose of presenting an address to Bro . His Excellency Sir Jas . Fergusson , Bart . ; and the United Tradesmen ' s Lodge to pass and raise Bro . Hyman at intervals less than four weeks . " They regret to say that a very heavy list of brothers have had their names erased from the
lodge , chiefly for non-payment of dues : —From the United Tradesmen ' s Lodge—Reuben Mills , Alex McKenzie , B . C . De Lissa , Wm . Fowler , Richard Stephens , Samuel Lazar , Alex . Wearing , Carl Henning , Chas . White , and Robt . Symes . From the Lodge of St . John—George Lambert , Stephen
Hall , George Knight , Hugh Mattlusen , Charles Dean , James McDonald , W . Burlcy , James Perry , Donald McLean , Thomas Taylor , and William Rogers . " They have satisfaction in reporting that the returns to June , 1870 , show the addition of the
names of thirty-six brothers as initiated into Masonry . They are also p leased to report that the returns were made very regularly , and dues paid , only one exception having been made ; and that all dues to Grand Lodge have been remitted by August mail .
" As the October Quarterly Communication is the time for the R . W . the D . G . M . to appoint officers for the ensuing year , it will be your duty to elect Treasurer and Tyler . " Also , to elect ten members of the General Committee . The following brothers have consented to act if elected : —W . Bros . Whittell , Wicksteed ,
Gurner , Hamlin , Mclntyre , Hill , A . E . Davies , Crank , Macaulay , ancl Tuxford . " Also , four members of the Board of Management of the Masonic Benevolent Fund , and three Auditors . Bros . Whittell , Botting , Gurner , and Hausscn have consented to act , if elected , on the Board .
" F . J . BOTTING , Chairman . FREDERIC WICKSTEED , Secretary . " Adelaide , September 20 th , 1 S 70 . " The consideration of the report was postponed until next meeting A new General Committee and a Committee of the Masonic Benevolent Fund for the ensuing year were appointed ; as also the Auditors .
I he balance-sheet and return of tlie trustees of the Masonic Hall was then read , and it was decided that the whole matter be left in the hands of the General Committee , and that they be requested to prepare a report for submission to D . G . Lodge
The balance of the South Australian Masonic Benevolent Fund is ^ 116 is . 2 d . There being no further business before the lodge , it was closed with solemn prayer .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has kindly staled that it will afford him great satisfaction to preside at the Anniversary Festival of the Earlswood Asylum for Idiots in the ensuing year . WE have great pleasure in stating that Bro . Jesse
Owen , the Hon . Secretary to the "Tedder Fund , " will be happy to receive subscriptions , and will gladly forward circulars with the names of the committee and the objects of the fund . Applications can be addressed to the editor .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
District Grand Lodge Of Bombay.
The half-yearly communication of the District Grand Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 2 nd November , at the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon , at 6 p . m . The proceedings were of a very interesting nature . In the absence of the District
Grand Master , R . W . Bro . the Hon . J . Gibbs , who was prevented by illness from attending , the chair was occupied by R . W . Bro . G . Taylor , Past District Grand Master , supported by W . Bros . Dr . T . Diver , Deputy D . G . Master ; J . Dixon ,
D . S . G . W ., C . E . Mitchell , DJ . G . W . ; W . H
Hussey , D . G . Sec . ; Bro . J . J . Winton , D . G . Treas . ; W . Bro . Col . L . W . Penn , C . B ., D . S . G . Deacon ; Bros . H . Prescott , as D . J . G . D . ; L . Morcom , as D . G . Org . ; W . Bro . C . Beard , D . G . Sword-Bearer ; Bros . T . Crawford , as D . G . Pur . ; J . W . Seager , D . G . Tyler . Members : W . Bros .
J . P . Cornforth , P . D . G . Warden ; A . C . Gumper , P . D . G . Warden ; J . P . Leith , P . D . G . Chaplain ; H . H . Avron , P . D . G . Registrar ; Capt . B . H . Mathew , P . D . G . W . ; Bro . G . Bease , P . D . G . Dir . of Cer ., & c , & c . Lodges " St . George , " " Concord , " " Star of
India , " "Emulation , " "Truth , " and "Eastern Star" were represented . The District Grand Lodge was opened with prayer . The minutes of the last three communications ( having been printed and furnished to members ) were taken as read and confirmed .
The District Grand Secretary reported that communications had been received from the D . G . Lodges of Bengal , Madras , and Punjaub , on the subject of jurisdiction . The latter concurred with the proposal of the D . G . L . of Bombay , but the two former could not agree . Read
also a communication from the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of England , in reply to a memorial from the District Grand Lodge of Bombay , praying that lodges at outstations may be permitted to appoint representatives to attend on their behalf at the quarterly communications
of D . G . Lodge . The Grand Master regretted that in the present state of the law he could not comply with the prayer of the petition , nor did he think it expedient to alter the law to meet the wishes © f the petitioners ; but that the District Grand Lodge could follow the example of
the Provincial Grand Lodges in England , by paying periodical visits to the lodges under its jurisdiction . The District Grand Master offered a few remarks on this matter . He thought that the Grand Master was not aware of the
inconvenience that the members of the D . G . Lodge would be put to in visiting Mofussil lodges , which were scattered so far apart , and the impossibility of members leaving their business to go on these excursions , without incurring great expense . It was not as in England , where there was a
network of railways , and the lodges in each province were within a few hours' communication with each other . He had no doubt that , when these points were fully explained to the Grand Master , the prayer of the petition would be complied with . The Deputy District Grand Master then rose , and said he had a very pleasing duty to perform .
He regretted that the District Grand Master was prevented by indisposition and absence from Bombay from being present to invest the Past District Grand Master with the apron , collar , and jewel voted to him by the District Giand Lodge , as a slight mark of the eminent services he had rendered to the Craft as a ruler during the last nine years .
The P . D . G . M . having handed the hiram to the Deputy D . G . M ., the latter read the resolution proposed by the District Grand Lodge , and invested the P . D . G . M . with the clothing , amidst the plaudits of the assembled brethren .
Then followed the addresses from individual lodges , which were read and delivered to the P . D . G . M . by the representatives of lodges , all breathing the affectionate esteem and regard in which he was held by the brethren over whom
he ruled . Some of the addresses were not quite completed in the style the donors hoped to have presented them ; but those that were finished displayed the excellent workmanship of the Bombay Education Society ' s Press , and were greatly admired .
District Grand Lodge Of Bombay.
The Past D . G . M ., who was deeply affected , rose and thanked the brethren in eloquent and feeling terms for this fresh proof of their kindness and approbation of the manner in which he had
discharged his duties as D . G . M . during the last nine years . He would carefully treasure up these souvenirs of ths happy years he had spent among the brethren , and hand them down as a heirloom to his children .
A donation of 100 rupees was unanimously voted to the widow of a deceased brother . A donation of 500 rupees was voted to the Fund for the Relief of the Sick and Wounded during the war . W . Bro . Gumpert alluded to the death of
R . W . Bro . A . J . Greenlaw , District G . Master of British Burmah , and the eminent services rendered by him to the Craft in general . It was proposed and unanimously resolved that a letter of condolence be forwarded to the D . G . Lodge of Britisli Burmah , sympathising with them in
the great loss they have sustained . W . Bro . Percy Leith brought to the notice of the D . G . Lodge that a project was on foot to construct a Masonic Hall in Bombay . He suggested that a meeting should be called , and that
representatives from all lodges , & c . ( English and Scotch ) , attend to discuss the matter . There was every hope of success attending their present attempt to give Bombay a commodious hall calculated for all Masonic purposes .
There being no further business , the D . G . Lodge was closed with prayer . —Masonic Record of Western India .
District Grand Lodge Of South Australia.
The District Grand Lodge of South Australia held its Quarterly Communication at the Freemasons' Hall , Flinders-street , Adelaide , on the 5 th October last . Tlie R . W . Bro . Arthur Hardy , jf-P ., D . G . M ., occupied the chair , supported by the W . Bros . Henry Edward Downer , SJI ,
D . D . G . M . ; Macaulay , P . M ., as S . D . G . W . ; and the W . D . G . Secretary , as J . D . G . W . ; Bro . the Rev . Canon Farr , MA ., D . G . Chaplain ; W . Bros . Wicksteed , P . D . S . G . W ., as D . G . Sec . ; Letchford , D . G . S . D . ; and Galley , as D . G . J . D . ; Bros . J ohn Cox Bray , D . G . Pursuivant ; H . E .
Bright , D . G . Steward ; Magraith , P . M . 598 ; Senior Wardens of 583 and 59 S ; Cox , W . M . S 42 ; and the Junior Warden of 842 . Visitors Bros . Pudney , 59 S ; Cunningham , 5 S 3 ; Stratton and Wilson , S 42 . W . Bros , tlie S . D . G . W .,
J . D . G . W ., D . G . Treas ., S . D . G . D ., D . G . Supt . Works , D . G . Dir ., Cers . D . G . Swordbearer , D . G . Organist , and D . G . Steward , were excused attendance . W . Bros , the D . G . Registrar , D . G . Asst . Dir . Cers ., and Bro . Paltridge , D . G . Steward , were fined for non-attendance .
J he District Grand Lodge was opened in due form , and tlie minules of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The R . W . District Grand Master then proceeded to appoint the officers for the ensuing year : —
D . G . S . W . — His Honour Edward Caslrcss Gwynne , Primary Indye in Equity , P . D . G . SAV . D . G . J . W . —J . F . " Botting , P . D . G . Treas . D . G . Chaplain—The Rev . George Henry Farr , M . A ., Canon of the Dean nnd Chapter of tlie Diocese of Adelaide , P . D . G . Chaplain . Scotch
Constitution . Lodge of Friendship , No . 423 . D . G . Registrar—John R . Giirner , P . D . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers ., P . G . D . Registrar . D . G . Secretary—Ralph Evernd Lucv , P . D . G . Sec . and P . M . MacDonnell Hodge , No . " 842 . D . G . S . D . —Aulay Macaulay , P . D . G . S . D . and
P . M . Lodge of Truth , 6 49 . D . G . J . . — John Rudall , P . M . Lotlgc of Fidelity , No . 5 S 4 . D . G . Supt . of Works —The lion . Thomas English , M . L . C ., P . D . G . Dir . of Cers . D . G . Dir . of Ceremonies—William Hill , P . M .
Lodge of Harmony , No . 505 , and P . D . G . Org . D . G . Asst , Dir . of Ceremonies—William Henry Bean , P . M . United Tradesmen ' s Lodge , No . 5 S 3 . D . G . Swordbearer—Augustus E . Davics , P . M . Clave Lodge , No . 874 . D . G . Organist—Henry Louis Diiiicu , P . D . G . J . Deacon .
D . G . Pursuivant—John Cox Bray , P . G . D Pursuivant . D . G . Stewards — William Martin Letchford , W . M . Lodge of Harmony , No . 505 ; Henry Edward
District Grand Lodge Of South Australia.
Bright , M . P ., Lodge of Fidelity , No . 584 ; Thomas Paltridge , W . M . Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 1172 ; Charles Francis Godfrey Ash win , P . M . Lodge of Truth , No . 649 ; and Henry Hill , Lodge of Harmony , No . 505 . Bro . Mclntyre , P . M . 5 S 3 , was elected D . G . Treasurer , and Bro . John Monck , Tyler .
Report of General Committee . " To the R . W . the D . G . Master and " District Grand Lodge of South Australia . " Your Committee report : — - " That they have ascertained that , £ 45 was paid by the District Grand Lodge for furniture on the
14 th day of August , 1 S 66 . They are , therefore , of opinion that the giving it up to the trustees of the Freemason ' s Hall ought to be a sufficient equivalent for the use of the hall to the end of the year , at which time they hope to be free from debt . " They recommend that afterwards a reasonable
rent be paid for the use of the hall , and that a liberal subscription be made annually towards paying off the principal for which the hall is mortgaged , provided that they are shown a reasonable prospect of the liquidation thereof in the course of a few years , and that a remainder is insured to the
Benevolent Fund . "They regret that the trustees have not put them into a position to make any more definite recommendation ; but , if supplied with the requisite information , will endeavour in a supplementary report , to supply the deficiency . " They report that during the past quarter ,
dispensations have been granted to the Duke of Edinburgh Lodge to walk in procession for the purpose of presenting an address to Bro . His Excellency Sir Jas . Fergusson , Bart . ; and the United Tradesmen ' s Lodge to pass and raise Bro . Hyman at intervals less than four weeks . " They regret to say that a very heavy list of brothers have had their names erased from the
lodge , chiefly for non-payment of dues : —From the United Tradesmen ' s Lodge—Reuben Mills , Alex McKenzie , B . C . De Lissa , Wm . Fowler , Richard Stephens , Samuel Lazar , Alex . Wearing , Carl Henning , Chas . White , and Robt . Symes . From the Lodge of St . John—George Lambert , Stephen
Hall , George Knight , Hugh Mattlusen , Charles Dean , James McDonald , W . Burlcy , James Perry , Donald McLean , Thomas Taylor , and William Rogers . " They have satisfaction in reporting that the returns to June , 1870 , show the addition of the
names of thirty-six brothers as initiated into Masonry . They are also p leased to report that the returns were made very regularly , and dues paid , only one exception having been made ; and that all dues to Grand Lodge have been remitted by August mail .
" As the October Quarterly Communication is the time for the R . W . the D . G . M . to appoint officers for the ensuing year , it will be your duty to elect Treasurer and Tyler . " Also , to elect ten members of the General Committee . The following brothers have consented to act if elected : —W . Bros . Whittell , Wicksteed ,
Gurner , Hamlin , Mclntyre , Hill , A . E . Davies , Crank , Macaulay , ancl Tuxford . " Also , four members of the Board of Management of the Masonic Benevolent Fund , and three Auditors . Bros . Whittell , Botting , Gurner , and Hausscn have consented to act , if elected , on the Board .
" F . J . BOTTING , Chairman . FREDERIC WICKSTEED , Secretary . " Adelaide , September 20 th , 1 S 70 . " The consideration of the report was postponed until next meeting A new General Committee and a Committee of the Masonic Benevolent Fund for the ensuing year were appointed ; as also the Auditors .
I he balance-sheet and return of tlie trustees of the Masonic Hall was then read , and it was decided that the whole matter be left in the hands of the General Committee , and that they be requested to prepare a report for submission to D . G . Lodge
The balance of the South Australian Masonic Benevolent Fund is ^ 116 is . 2 d . There being no further business before the lodge , it was closed with solemn prayer .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has kindly staled that it will afford him great satisfaction to preside at the Anniversary Festival of the Earlswood Asylum for Idiots in the ensuing year . WE have great pleasure in stating that Bro . Jesse
Owen , the Hon . Secretary to the "Tedder Fund , " will be happy to receive subscriptions , and will gladly forward circulars with the names of the committee and the objects of the fund . Applications can be addressed to the editor .