Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 4 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 4 of 4 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . T . B . Whytehead , P . M ., proposed " The Visitors , " and briefly showed that York , from the very earliest times , must necessarily have been thc goal to which visiting Masons would gather . Referring- to thc late British Association gathering , he said every visitor then present must have taken away with him the most gratifying recollections of the hospitality of York Masons . Bro . ' Wood , P . M .
( Wakefield ) responded in a neat speech . The W . M . proposed "The Sister Lodges , " and Bro . J . T . Seller , I . P . M . Eboracum Lodge , ion , responded , and the proceedings soon afterwards terminated . The evening was enlivened by a series of excellent songs and glees by Bros . J . Todd , J . S . Cumberland , G . Kirby , J . B . Sampson , T . G . Hodgson , G . C . Lee , and others , Bro . T . Tuke presiding at the pianoforte .
SOUTH SHIELDS . —St . Hilda Lodge ( No . 240 ) . —On Monday night , the 12 th inst ., the brethren of the above lodge met at the Masonic Hall , Fowler-street , for the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . G . S . Shotton , S . W ., as W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . J . T . Wilson , W . M ., occupied ihe chair , and there was a numerous attendance of brethren belonging to various other lodgi-s ,
amongst those present being Bro . VV . M . Bell , P . M . 1357 , P . G . A : D .. of C . Northumberland ; J . Harcuss , P . AI . 431 , P . P . J . G . D . Northumberland ; J . Hmdie , P . P . S . G . D . ; J . S . Wilson , P . P . G . S . of W . ; G . Place , W . M . 431 ; M . H . Dodd , I . P . M . 1119 ; T . G . Mabane , P . P . S . G . D . ; J . H . Morton , I . P . M . ; G . Lawson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; j . Roddam , P . M ., P . P . G . P . ; W . Potter ,
P . M . ; J . J . Athey , P . M . ; and T . Coulson , P . M . After the transaction of the usual business , the VV . M . requested Bro . Roddam lo undertake thc duty of installing his successor . The chair having been taken by Bro . Roddam , the retiring VV . M ., presented the W . M . elect to Bro . Roddam to receive at his hands thc-benefit of installation . Bro . Shotton having been duly installed in the chair
of K . S . invested his oflicers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . J . T . Wilson , I . P . M . ; J . H . Thompson , S . W . ; Thomas Binks . J . W . ; John Hinde , PM . Treas . ; J . S . Wilson , P . M . Sec ; George Davison , J . D . ; George Robson . J . D . ; A . E . Cowling , I . G , ; G . VVilson , Org . ;
W . Harwood and John Hunter , Stewards ; J . Brown , Tyler . Bro . J . Roddam , P . M ., was subsequently invested as D . of C . The charges to the Wardens and brethren were given in a very impressive manner by the installing ofiicer . The lodge was afterwards closed in due form by the W . M .
STOWMARKET . —Phcenix Lodge ( No . 516 ) . — On Friday evening , the lGth inst ., the regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Fox Hotel . Bro . Frederick Long , 30 , P . P . G . D . C , Suffolk , was installed W . M . for the ensuing twelve months , the ceremony being performed bv Bro . N . Tracy , P . P . I . W ., Suffolk . After taking the chair
the new Master appointed his officers as follows : Bros . Robert Woodman , S . W . ; Christopher Hayward , J . W . ; J . Simmons , S . D . ; Chas . Hector Woods , J . D . ; John ' Mills , I . G . ; Mackney , P . M ., D . C . ; and Saml . Henry Wright , Secretary . Bro . Spencer Freeman was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . After concluding business tbe brethren adjourned to refreshment .
CHESTER . —Lodge of Independence ( No . 721 ) . —The last meeting of this lodge for this year took place on Monday , the 12 th inst . There was a larger muster of the brethren than at any time since the installation . There were the Three Degrees to work , which were done in the usual workmanlike manner which has characterised this lodge during the whole of this very busy year . After which
the W . M . proposed in a neat speech Bro . I . E . Nabb as W . M . for the ensuing year , which being properl y seconded , was carried unanimously ; and the W . M . elect , in thanking the lodge for the honour they had done bim , declared his intention to do his best for the welfare of the lodge and the comfort of the brethren . The W . M . then , after expressing his regret that the loss of their late Treasurer had rendered
necessary a new selection for that office , proposed Bro . VV . M . Finchett as Treasurer , expressing his conviction that Bro . Finchett would bc a worthy successor to the late Bro . T . J . Mason . The Audit Committee was then appointed , and after the usual friendly greetings from the visitors , the lodge was closed in ancient form . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet-room , where
they found the result of the caterer s work in a very clean , neat , and well-cooked dinner . After the cloth was drawn and "Non Nobis Domini''had been sung , and the usual Masonic and loyal toasts had been honoured , the W . M . said the toast of the evening had now come , that was "The Health and Prosperity of their well-beloved Organist , Bro . John Humphreys , " to whom he ( the Worshipful
Master ) now took the opportunity ot presenting a joint present from the members of the lodge , consisting of a most magnificent marble clock , with a suitable inscription , on a pair of beautiful bronze mounted figures , also a handsome ebony work box and lea caddy , inlaid with mother-of-pearl , for Mrs . Humphries , to whom the W . M . in the name of the lodge sent a kind
message . Bro . Humphries in responding , said how pleased he was at such a splendid mark ot the good feeling " of the brethren , and assured them he should always be glad to do anything for the enjoyment or comfort of thc members of good old 721 . Past Master Johnson then proposed "The Health of the W . M . " Bro . H . J . Lloyd , referring to all Bro . Lloyd had done in improving both the lodge room and
the banqueting room , hoped the coming officers would leave as good an impression behind them as Bro . Lloyd would . Amongst the visiting brethren were Bros . Lightfoot , W . M . 425 ; Sellers , 425 ; Salmon , 425 ; Carris , Hall , Hayward and Mitchell . Bro . Lightfoot , in responding to " The Visitors , " referred to the style in which Bro . Lloyd had performed his work , and had to express his
thanks for the great courtesy shewn to him by Bro . Lloyd throughout all their dealings during the year . " The VV . M . elect , the Past Masters and Officers" toast were then given , and a most enjoyable evening brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast . The room was very nicely
decorated with plants Sc , lent by the Almoner and Bro . Rush , and the music was arranged by the organist , who , with some of the cathedral singers and Bro . Knowles , S . D ., sang some very fine quartets , & c ; indeed , the musical portion of the evening was one of the special treats .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
' ST . HELEN'S . —Lodgeof Loyalty ( No . 897 ) The annual installation meeting of the members of this lodge took place at the Masonic Rooms , Hall-street , on Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., when Bro . Charles C . Wilson , the VV . M . elect , was duly placed in the chair of honour . The retiring VV . M ., Bro . T . Morris , presided , and efficiently installed his successor . After the usual Masonic honours ,
the following officers were appointed and invested for the ensuing year : Bros . T . Morn ' s , I . P . M . ; J . S . White , P . M ., M . C . ; . E . Beilby , S . W- ; R . B . Woodward , J . W . ; Joseph Robinson , Treasurer ( by prox }); D . M . F . Gaskill , " Secretary ; I . Smith , S . D . ; W . Brooker , J . D . ; J . L . Wolfenden , Organist ; F . J . Brown , I . G . ; J . J . Tickle , S . S . ; James Dec , J . S . ; " and John Taylor , Tyler ( reelected ) .
The banquet which followed was held at the Fleece Hotel , and was very numerously attended by members of the lodge and many distinguished Usiting brethren . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and during the evening a handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented to the I . P . M . on behalf of the lodge by the W . M . Ihe musical brethren contributed greatly to thc enjoyment of the evening by their efficient rendering of a choice selection ot glees , Sc .
BATTLE . —Abbey Lodge ( No . 11 S 4 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Drill Hall , on Thursday , the 15 th inst . The lodge was opened shortly after seven p . m . by the W . M ., Bro . J . B . Sargent , assisted by the following officers .- Bros . H . G . F . Wells , lion . Treas . P . M ., acting S . W . ; A . D . Womersley , J . W . ; C . R . Chandler , Sec , P . P . G . Stwd .-, J . Fieldimr . Onr
B . H . Thorpe , P . P . G . S . D . P . M . acting S . D . ; j . Foord , acting J . D . ; Henry Kimm , acting I . G . ( Freemason ); Jesson , Tyler . The following members and visitors were present : Bros . VV . C . Till , Charles Martin , George Farley , John Bray , 40 ; Richard VVilson , 40 ; and others . After the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . J . B . Fosterproposed
, at the last regular meeting , and he was declared duly elected . The lodge was then closed in due form , after which the brethren adjourned , to the hotel for refreshments . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The VV . M . proposed " The Health of the Visitors , " and spoke of the pleasure it gave him to see thc brethren
amongst them . Bro . Bray returned thanks for the visitors and himself ; hesincerely thanked them forthe very hospitable reception they had received , and spoke of the great pleasure they always derived in visiting the Battle Lodge . Several other toasts were given and responded to , the proceedings closing at a seasonable hour , tlie brethren having spent a most enjoyable evening .
INSTRUCTION . EGYPTIAN LODG ~ E ~ ( No . 2 ) .--The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 15 th inst ., at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules 'Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C . Present : Bros . Johnson , VV . M . ; Paton , S . W . ; Gartley , J . W . ; II . Phillips , Deacon ; Anderson , I . G . ; C . H . Webb , P . M . Preceptor ; L . No .-den , ' P . M . Hon . Sec . ; Huntley , Stephens , and others . After due formalities Bro . Webb
was entrusted , and lodge was advanced , and Bro . Webb raised . Lodge was resumed and Bro . L . Norden worked the Second Section of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Stephens worked the Fourth Section , assisted by Bro . P . M . Webb . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Johnson in recognition of his services as Worshipful Master for the first- time in the lod "* e . Ihe
W . M . responded and promised a regular attendance to profit by the teaching of Bro . Webb . ° An Audit Ccmmitlee was elected , consisting of Bros . Phillips , Da Silva and Gartley . Bro . Phillips , W . M . 205 , was unanimously elected VV . M . for the ensuing Thursday evening , and lodge was duly closed . As Bro . Philli ps intends to work the Three Ceremonies we trust he will have a -rood attendance of brethren . ** " *
STRONG MAN LODGE ( No . 45 ) . —A regular meeting of the above lodge was held on the 19 th inst ., at thc Excise Tavern , Old Broad-street , E . C . Bro . Pardon was W . M . Bros . Pelikan , assisted as S . W . ; Morris , J . W . ; Fox , Hon . Sec , S . D . ; Gush , Preceptor ; Vizzard , I . G . ; Collinson , Tate , Wing , Stephens and others . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous lodge meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge
was opened up , and the ceremony of raising was capitally worked by Bro . Gush acting as candidate . Bro . Fox worked the First Second and Third Sections of the Lecture with the assistance of the brethren . Lod ge was closed in the Third and Second Degrees , and Bro . Pelikan was unanimously elected W . M . for the first Monday in the new year , as there will not bc a meeting on the 2 Gth inst . Lodge was closed in due form and adjourned .
ISRAEL LODGE ( No . 205 ) . —At the last meeting of this lodge , held ai the Rising Sun , Globe-road , the chair was occupied by Bro . T . W . Jones , P . M ., who was assisted by Bros . Hnghes , S . W . ; D . Moss , J . VV . ; 1 R Shingfield , S . D . ; J . P . Cohen , P . M ., I . G . ; W . Musto , P . M ., Preceptor ; G . II . Stephens , . Hon . Sec ; J . T . K . Job , Nathan , Yetton , and others . After due formalities
lodge was advanced , and Bro . Nathan , having rehearsed the questions he would have to answer at the next meetin- *** of the mother lodge , thc lodge was resumed in the Firs ? Degree , and Bro . Nathan was interrogated and entrusted . On lodge being resumed the ceremony of passing was ably worked by Bro . Jones . Bro . Cohen , P . M .,. worked the
First , Second , Third , Fourth , and Fifth Sections of the Lecture , assisted by thc brethren . Lodge was then duly adjourned until after the Christmas festivities , and Bro . Hughes was elected VV . M . for the first meeting night in the new year . " Hearty and seasonable good wishes " were exchanged , and lodge was solemnly closed .
DORIC LOfiGE ( No . 933 ) . —A successful gathering of the brethren of this lodge met at the Duke ' s Head , 79 , Wliitechapel-road , li ., on the 16 th inst . Bro . Tate occupied the chair , and the following brethren filled the various offices : Bros . D . Moss , S , W . ; J . West , J VV J . R . Shingfield , S . D . ; Jas . Taylor , J . D . ; \ V . Richardson , I . G . ; B . Cundick , P . JM ., Preceptor ; W . Musto , P . M ., Secretary ; E . Nathan , L . Nathan , Denjamin , H .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Forss , Macdonald , J . P . Cohen , P . M . ; J . Gaskell , P . M . ; Job , and others . After due performance of all prelim i naries lodge was opened up , and thc necessary questions having been answered , lodge was advanced , and the ceremony of raising was worked , Bro . H . Forss candidate . Lodge was resumed in the Second Degree , and Br , i . Cohen , P . M ., worked the First , Second , and Third Sections of the .
Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was closed down , and Bro . Moss was unanimously elected W . M . for the next lodge meeting , and lodge was closed in due form . The conveniences of tliis comfortable lodge seem to be well appreciated by the brethnn , a large attendance being always secured . A better opportunity of gaining Masonic knowledge can scarcely offer to brethren seeking instruction . The lodge meets every Friday evening , at eight o ' clock . — ——
CORINTHIAN LOD JE ( No . 1382 ) . —A highly successful gathering of brethren took place at this lodge 011 the 20 th . inst . The occasion was the working of the Fifteen Sections by the brethren of the Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 , who came from the city to perform that agreeable duty . Lodge was opened promptly at tj . 30 bv Rro . C . 1 . Fnv . S . D . - > ni W . M •R P T = lo I P VI
S 62 , S . W . ; W . H . Marston ; P . M . 55 , 1549 '' , J . W . ; ' H . G . Gush , J . W . 1541 , I . P . M . ; Limn , P . M . ; " Smith , Stapleton , Dooring , Clark , Morrison , Secretary ; Marten , Smith , Hammond , P . M . Breden , Britton , J . T . K . Job , Dorton , Stewart , C . Searell , P M . ; J . Carnaby , P . M . ; Viners , Huntley , R . Brown , and others . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , the Fifteen Sections were worked as follows :
FIRST LECTURE . ist Section Bro . Morris , 193 . 2 nd .,, „ H . G . Gush , J . W . 1541 . 3 rd -, „ Gates , J . W . 1599 . 4 th „ „ Abell , P . M . 1599 . 5 th •»„ Pelikan , I . C . 1602 . Gth „ ... ... ,, Larchin , W . M . 1541 . 7 th „ „ R . P . Tate , P . M . SG 2 .
. SECOND LECTURE . ist Section Bro . W . Vizzard , 1472 . 2 nd „ „ Marston , P . M . 55 . 3 rd „ ... ... ,, Johnson , 1541 . 4 th '„ „ H . G . Gush , J . W . 1541 . 5 th „ „ Pate , P . M . 1 599 .
THIRD LECTURE . ist Section Bro . Pardon , , 1541 . 2 nd „ ,, G . H . Stephens , S . D . 1 G 23 3 rd „ „ Hyde , 1341 . The whole of the -working was listened to with great attention , and evidently afforded the highest gratification to the brethren . Several brethren were elected members , but having to hurry to catch the last train to town , the speeches of the joining members and those proposing votes of thanks were necessarily cut very short .
LANGTON LODGE ( No . 16 73 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 14 th inst ., at the Mansion House Station Restaurant , Oueen Victoria-street . Present : Bros . Besant , W . M . ; A . ~ C . Tanqueray , S . W . ; Johnston , J . W . ; Sudlow , Preceptor ; Hallowes , acting ' Secretary ; Marshall , S . D . ; Pocock , J . D . ; Shaw , I . G . ; Allhausen , and J . Tanqueray , and others . Bro . Terderberg was a visitor . The lodge was opened in the First Degree , and the minutes of the last meeting having been
read and confirmed , the lodge then opened up to the Third Degree , and resumed in the First Degree , when Bio . Tanqueray , acting as candidate for the Second Degree , answered the usual questions . The lodge then resumed in the Second Degree , Bro . Tanqueray being passed , to thc Degree of F . C . After a " call off , " and the W . M . resuming the lodge in the First Degree , Bro . Sudlow , assisted by the brethren , worked the first Three Sections of the First Lecture , and the W . M . rose for the first time . Bro .
Tanqueray was unanimously elected W . M . for the following Thursday , when the W . M . rose for the second and third times , and the lodge was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( No . 1 S 5 ) . —This old and exceedingly prosperous chapter held a convocation on the 13 th inst ., when there were present Comps . T . C . Walls , P . P . G . D . C . Middx ., M . E . Z . ; Moss , H . ; Davis , J . ; Davage , P . Z ., S . E . ; Harfeld , P . Z . Treas . ; P . Robinson , P . Z ., acting S . N . ; Eliborn , . P . S . ; Mander , I . P . Z . ; Holbrook , P . Z . ; Parkinson , Janitor . Comp .
Rogers , 1024 , was a visitor . The minutes of fhe previous convocation having been read and confirmed , the ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed . Tbe M . E . Z . having given a notice as to voting a sum from the funds of the chapter towards the funds of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to the banquet which was
excellentl y well ordered . Upon the removal of the cloth thc usual routine of toasts were duly proposed and honoured . "The Ileal th of the M . E . Z . " was given by Comp . Holbrook , and dul y responded to . The toast of "The Second and Third Principals " followed , and was acknowledged by Comps . Moss and Davis . "The Health of the Visitor" came next in order , and this
pledge having been warmly received , Comp . Rogers in his replylpassed some very complimentary remarks upon the cere , mony of exaltation which had been rehearsed that evening . "The Treasurer and S . E . " was next proposed , and in response Comps . Harfeld and Davage modestly , expressed their acknowledgments , " The Past Principals " and " The i Officers" toast brought the proceedings to a conclusion .
BATH—Royal Cumberland Chapter ( No- 41 ) . — The members of this old established chapter held their annual installation meeting in the Masonic Hall , Old Orchard-street , on Tuesday evening last , at six o ' clock , when the following companions were present : Comps . VV . Williamson , M . E . Z . ; Lawson Howes , II . ; J . Stuckey , j . ;
C . Radway , Scribe N ., acting E . ; Hearn , P . Z ., acting Scribe N . ; T . B . Moutrie , P . Z . Treas . ; E . Mercer , P . S . ; T . Glover , A . S . ; N . Peach , J . A . S . ; J . Bigwood , Janitor . Comps . T . Graham , F . Goldney , E .. L . Hill , P . Z . ; C . Peckett , P . Z . •J . Banks , and others . The chapter having been opened in due form , and the , Treasurer ' s account for the year having been passed , a
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . T . B . Whytehead , P . M ., proposed " The Visitors , " and briefly showed that York , from the very earliest times , must necessarily have been thc goal to which visiting Masons would gather . Referring- to thc late British Association gathering , he said every visitor then present must have taken away with him the most gratifying recollections of the hospitality of York Masons . Bro . ' Wood , P . M .
( Wakefield ) responded in a neat speech . The W . M . proposed "The Sister Lodges , " and Bro . J . T . Seller , I . P . M . Eboracum Lodge , ion , responded , and the proceedings soon afterwards terminated . The evening was enlivened by a series of excellent songs and glees by Bros . J . Todd , J . S . Cumberland , G . Kirby , J . B . Sampson , T . G . Hodgson , G . C . Lee , and others , Bro . T . Tuke presiding at the pianoforte .
SOUTH SHIELDS . —St . Hilda Lodge ( No . 240 ) . —On Monday night , the 12 th inst ., the brethren of the above lodge met at the Masonic Hall , Fowler-street , for the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . G . S . Shotton , S . W ., as W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . J . T . Wilson , W . M ., occupied ihe chair , and there was a numerous attendance of brethren belonging to various other lodgi-s ,
amongst those present being Bro . VV . M . Bell , P . M . 1357 , P . G . A : D .. of C . Northumberland ; J . Harcuss , P . AI . 431 , P . P . J . G . D . Northumberland ; J . Hmdie , P . P . S . G . D . ; J . S . Wilson , P . P . G . S . of W . ; G . Place , W . M . 431 ; M . H . Dodd , I . P . M . 1119 ; T . G . Mabane , P . P . S . G . D . ; J . H . Morton , I . P . M . ; G . Lawson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; j . Roddam , P . M ., P . P . G . P . ; W . Potter ,
P . M . ; J . J . Athey , P . M . ; and T . Coulson , P . M . After the transaction of the usual business , the VV . M . requested Bro . Roddam lo undertake thc duty of installing his successor . The chair having been taken by Bro . Roddam , the retiring VV . M ., presented the W . M . elect to Bro . Roddam to receive at his hands thc-benefit of installation . Bro . Shotton having been duly installed in the chair
of K . S . invested his oflicers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . J . T . Wilson , I . P . M . ; J . H . Thompson , S . W . ; Thomas Binks . J . W . ; John Hinde , PM . Treas . ; J . S . Wilson , P . M . Sec ; George Davison , J . D . ; George Robson . J . D . ; A . E . Cowling , I . G , ; G . VVilson , Org . ;
W . Harwood and John Hunter , Stewards ; J . Brown , Tyler . Bro . J . Roddam , P . M ., was subsequently invested as D . of C . The charges to the Wardens and brethren were given in a very impressive manner by the installing ofiicer . The lodge was afterwards closed in due form by the W . M .
STOWMARKET . —Phcenix Lodge ( No . 516 ) . — On Friday evening , the lGth inst ., the regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Fox Hotel . Bro . Frederick Long , 30 , P . P . G . D . C , Suffolk , was installed W . M . for the ensuing twelve months , the ceremony being performed bv Bro . N . Tracy , P . P . I . W ., Suffolk . After taking the chair
the new Master appointed his officers as follows : Bros . Robert Woodman , S . W . ; Christopher Hayward , J . W . ; J . Simmons , S . D . ; Chas . Hector Woods , J . D . ; John ' Mills , I . G . ; Mackney , P . M ., D . C . ; and Saml . Henry Wright , Secretary . Bro . Spencer Freeman was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . After concluding business tbe brethren adjourned to refreshment .
CHESTER . —Lodge of Independence ( No . 721 ) . —The last meeting of this lodge for this year took place on Monday , the 12 th inst . There was a larger muster of the brethren than at any time since the installation . There were the Three Degrees to work , which were done in the usual workmanlike manner which has characterised this lodge during the whole of this very busy year . After which
the W . M . proposed in a neat speech Bro . I . E . Nabb as W . M . for the ensuing year , which being properl y seconded , was carried unanimously ; and the W . M . elect , in thanking the lodge for the honour they had done bim , declared his intention to do his best for the welfare of the lodge and the comfort of the brethren . The W . M . then , after expressing his regret that the loss of their late Treasurer had rendered
necessary a new selection for that office , proposed Bro . VV . M . Finchett as Treasurer , expressing his conviction that Bro . Finchett would bc a worthy successor to the late Bro . T . J . Mason . The Audit Committee was then appointed , and after the usual friendly greetings from the visitors , the lodge was closed in ancient form . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet-room , where
they found the result of the caterer s work in a very clean , neat , and well-cooked dinner . After the cloth was drawn and "Non Nobis Domini''had been sung , and the usual Masonic and loyal toasts had been honoured , the W . M . said the toast of the evening had now come , that was "The Health and Prosperity of their well-beloved Organist , Bro . John Humphreys , " to whom he ( the Worshipful
Master ) now took the opportunity ot presenting a joint present from the members of the lodge , consisting of a most magnificent marble clock , with a suitable inscription , on a pair of beautiful bronze mounted figures , also a handsome ebony work box and lea caddy , inlaid with mother-of-pearl , for Mrs . Humphries , to whom the W . M . in the name of the lodge sent a kind
message . Bro . Humphries in responding , said how pleased he was at such a splendid mark ot the good feeling " of the brethren , and assured them he should always be glad to do anything for the enjoyment or comfort of thc members of good old 721 . Past Master Johnson then proposed "The Health of the W . M . " Bro . H . J . Lloyd , referring to all Bro . Lloyd had done in improving both the lodge room and
the banqueting room , hoped the coming officers would leave as good an impression behind them as Bro . Lloyd would . Amongst the visiting brethren were Bros . Lightfoot , W . M . 425 ; Sellers , 425 ; Salmon , 425 ; Carris , Hall , Hayward and Mitchell . Bro . Lightfoot , in responding to " The Visitors , " referred to the style in which Bro . Lloyd had performed his work , and had to express his
thanks for the great courtesy shewn to him by Bro . Lloyd throughout all their dealings during the year . " The VV . M . elect , the Past Masters and Officers" toast were then given , and a most enjoyable evening brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast . The room was very nicely
decorated with plants Sc , lent by the Almoner and Bro . Rush , and the music was arranged by the organist , who , with some of the cathedral singers and Bro . Knowles , S . D ., sang some very fine quartets , & c ; indeed , the musical portion of the evening was one of the special treats .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
' ST . HELEN'S . —Lodgeof Loyalty ( No . 897 ) The annual installation meeting of the members of this lodge took place at the Masonic Rooms , Hall-street , on Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., when Bro . Charles C . Wilson , the VV . M . elect , was duly placed in the chair of honour . The retiring VV . M ., Bro . T . Morris , presided , and efficiently installed his successor . After the usual Masonic honours ,
the following officers were appointed and invested for the ensuing year : Bros . T . Morn ' s , I . P . M . ; J . S . White , P . M ., M . C . ; . E . Beilby , S . W- ; R . B . Woodward , J . W . ; Joseph Robinson , Treasurer ( by prox }); D . M . F . Gaskill , " Secretary ; I . Smith , S . D . ; W . Brooker , J . D . ; J . L . Wolfenden , Organist ; F . J . Brown , I . G . ; J . J . Tickle , S . S . ; James Dec , J . S . ; " and John Taylor , Tyler ( reelected ) .
The banquet which followed was held at the Fleece Hotel , and was very numerously attended by members of the lodge and many distinguished Usiting brethren . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and during the evening a handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented to the I . P . M . on behalf of the lodge by the W . M . Ihe musical brethren contributed greatly to thc enjoyment of the evening by their efficient rendering of a choice selection ot glees , Sc .
BATTLE . —Abbey Lodge ( No . 11 S 4 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Drill Hall , on Thursday , the 15 th inst . The lodge was opened shortly after seven p . m . by the W . M ., Bro . J . B . Sargent , assisted by the following officers .- Bros . H . G . F . Wells , lion . Treas . P . M ., acting S . W . ; A . D . Womersley , J . W . ; C . R . Chandler , Sec , P . P . G . Stwd .-, J . Fieldimr . Onr
B . H . Thorpe , P . P . G . S . D . P . M . acting S . D . ; j . Foord , acting J . D . ; Henry Kimm , acting I . G . ( Freemason ); Jesson , Tyler . The following members and visitors were present : Bros . VV . C . Till , Charles Martin , George Farley , John Bray , 40 ; Richard VVilson , 40 ; and others . After the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . J . B . Fosterproposed
, at the last regular meeting , and he was declared duly elected . The lodge was then closed in due form , after which the brethren adjourned , to the hotel for refreshments . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The VV . M . proposed " The Health of the Visitors , " and spoke of the pleasure it gave him to see thc brethren
amongst them . Bro . Bray returned thanks for the visitors and himself ; hesincerely thanked them forthe very hospitable reception they had received , and spoke of the great pleasure they always derived in visiting the Battle Lodge . Several other toasts were given and responded to , the proceedings closing at a seasonable hour , tlie brethren having spent a most enjoyable evening .
INSTRUCTION . EGYPTIAN LODG ~ E ~ ( No . 2 ) .--The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 15 th inst ., at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules 'Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C . Present : Bros . Johnson , VV . M . ; Paton , S . W . ; Gartley , J . W . ; II . Phillips , Deacon ; Anderson , I . G . ; C . H . Webb , P . M . Preceptor ; L . No .-den , ' P . M . Hon . Sec . ; Huntley , Stephens , and others . After due formalities Bro . Webb
was entrusted , and lodge was advanced , and Bro . Webb raised . Lodge was resumed and Bro . L . Norden worked the Second Section of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Stephens worked the Fourth Section , assisted by Bro . P . M . Webb . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Johnson in recognition of his services as Worshipful Master for the first- time in the lod "* e . Ihe
W . M . responded and promised a regular attendance to profit by the teaching of Bro . Webb . ° An Audit Ccmmitlee was elected , consisting of Bros . Phillips , Da Silva and Gartley . Bro . Phillips , W . M . 205 , was unanimously elected VV . M . for the ensuing Thursday evening , and lodge was duly closed . As Bro . Philli ps intends to work the Three Ceremonies we trust he will have a -rood attendance of brethren . ** " *
STRONG MAN LODGE ( No . 45 ) . —A regular meeting of the above lodge was held on the 19 th inst ., at thc Excise Tavern , Old Broad-street , E . C . Bro . Pardon was W . M . Bros . Pelikan , assisted as S . W . ; Morris , J . W . ; Fox , Hon . Sec , S . D . ; Gush , Preceptor ; Vizzard , I . G . ; Collinson , Tate , Wing , Stephens and others . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous lodge meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge
was opened up , and the ceremony of raising was capitally worked by Bro . Gush acting as candidate . Bro . Fox worked the First Second and Third Sections of the Lecture with the assistance of the brethren . Lod ge was closed in the Third and Second Degrees , and Bro . Pelikan was unanimously elected W . M . for the first Monday in the new year , as there will not bc a meeting on the 2 Gth inst . Lodge was closed in due form and adjourned .
ISRAEL LODGE ( No . 205 ) . —At the last meeting of this lodge , held ai the Rising Sun , Globe-road , the chair was occupied by Bro . T . W . Jones , P . M ., who was assisted by Bros . Hnghes , S . W . ; D . Moss , J . VV . ; 1 R Shingfield , S . D . ; J . P . Cohen , P . M ., I . G . ; W . Musto , P . M ., Preceptor ; G . II . Stephens , . Hon . Sec ; J . T . K . Job , Nathan , Yetton , and others . After due formalities
lodge was advanced , and Bro . Nathan , having rehearsed the questions he would have to answer at the next meetin- *** of the mother lodge , thc lodge was resumed in the Firs ? Degree , and Bro . Nathan was interrogated and entrusted . On lodge being resumed the ceremony of passing was ably worked by Bro . Jones . Bro . Cohen , P . M .,. worked the
First , Second , Third , Fourth , and Fifth Sections of the Lecture , assisted by thc brethren . Lodge was then duly adjourned until after the Christmas festivities , and Bro . Hughes was elected VV . M . for the first meeting night in the new year . " Hearty and seasonable good wishes " were exchanged , and lodge was solemnly closed .
DORIC LOfiGE ( No . 933 ) . —A successful gathering of the brethren of this lodge met at the Duke ' s Head , 79 , Wliitechapel-road , li ., on the 16 th inst . Bro . Tate occupied the chair , and the following brethren filled the various offices : Bros . D . Moss , S , W . ; J . West , J VV J . R . Shingfield , S . D . ; Jas . Taylor , J . D . ; \ V . Richardson , I . G . ; B . Cundick , P . JM ., Preceptor ; W . Musto , P . M ., Secretary ; E . Nathan , L . Nathan , Denjamin , H .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Forss , Macdonald , J . P . Cohen , P . M . ; J . Gaskell , P . M . ; Job , and others . After due performance of all prelim i naries lodge was opened up , and thc necessary questions having been answered , lodge was advanced , and the ceremony of raising was worked , Bro . H . Forss candidate . Lodge was resumed in the Second Degree , and Br , i . Cohen , P . M ., worked the First , Second , and Third Sections of the .
Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was closed down , and Bro . Moss was unanimously elected W . M . for the next lodge meeting , and lodge was closed in due form . The conveniences of tliis comfortable lodge seem to be well appreciated by the brethnn , a large attendance being always secured . A better opportunity of gaining Masonic knowledge can scarcely offer to brethren seeking instruction . The lodge meets every Friday evening , at eight o ' clock . — ——
CORINTHIAN LOD JE ( No . 1382 ) . —A highly successful gathering of brethren took place at this lodge 011 the 20 th . inst . The occasion was the working of the Fifteen Sections by the brethren of the Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 , who came from the city to perform that agreeable duty . Lodge was opened promptly at tj . 30 bv Rro . C . 1 . Fnv . S . D . - > ni W . M •R P T = lo I P VI
S 62 , S . W . ; W . H . Marston ; P . M . 55 , 1549 '' , J . W . ; ' H . G . Gush , J . W . 1541 , I . P . M . ; Limn , P . M . ; " Smith , Stapleton , Dooring , Clark , Morrison , Secretary ; Marten , Smith , Hammond , P . M . Breden , Britton , J . T . K . Job , Dorton , Stewart , C . Searell , P M . ; J . Carnaby , P . M . ; Viners , Huntley , R . Brown , and others . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , the Fifteen Sections were worked as follows :
FIRST LECTURE . ist Section Bro . Morris , 193 . 2 nd .,, „ H . G . Gush , J . W . 1541 . 3 rd -, „ Gates , J . W . 1599 . 4 th „ „ Abell , P . M . 1599 . 5 th •»„ Pelikan , I . C . 1602 . Gth „ ... ... ,, Larchin , W . M . 1541 . 7 th „ „ R . P . Tate , P . M . SG 2 .
. SECOND LECTURE . ist Section Bro . W . Vizzard , 1472 . 2 nd „ „ Marston , P . M . 55 . 3 rd „ ... ... ,, Johnson , 1541 . 4 th '„ „ H . G . Gush , J . W . 1541 . 5 th „ „ Pate , P . M . 1 599 .
THIRD LECTURE . ist Section Bro . Pardon , , 1541 . 2 nd „ ,, G . H . Stephens , S . D . 1 G 23 3 rd „ „ Hyde , 1341 . The whole of the -working was listened to with great attention , and evidently afforded the highest gratification to the brethren . Several brethren were elected members , but having to hurry to catch the last train to town , the speeches of the joining members and those proposing votes of thanks were necessarily cut very short .
LANGTON LODGE ( No . 16 73 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 14 th inst ., at the Mansion House Station Restaurant , Oueen Victoria-street . Present : Bros . Besant , W . M . ; A . ~ C . Tanqueray , S . W . ; Johnston , J . W . ; Sudlow , Preceptor ; Hallowes , acting ' Secretary ; Marshall , S . D . ; Pocock , J . D . ; Shaw , I . G . ; Allhausen , and J . Tanqueray , and others . Bro . Terderberg was a visitor . The lodge was opened in the First Degree , and the minutes of the last meeting having been
read and confirmed , the lodge then opened up to the Third Degree , and resumed in the First Degree , when Bio . Tanqueray , acting as candidate for the Second Degree , answered the usual questions . The lodge then resumed in the Second Degree , Bro . Tanqueray being passed , to thc Degree of F . C . After a " call off , " and the W . M . resuming the lodge in the First Degree , Bro . Sudlow , assisted by the brethren , worked the first Three Sections of the First Lecture , and the W . M . rose for the first time . Bro .
Tanqueray was unanimously elected W . M . for the following Thursday , when the W . M . rose for the second and third times , and the lodge was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( No . 1 S 5 ) . —This old and exceedingly prosperous chapter held a convocation on the 13 th inst ., when there were present Comps . T . C . Walls , P . P . G . D . C . Middx ., M . E . Z . ; Moss , H . ; Davis , J . ; Davage , P . Z ., S . E . ; Harfeld , P . Z . Treas . ; P . Robinson , P . Z ., acting S . N . ; Eliborn , . P . S . ; Mander , I . P . Z . ; Holbrook , P . Z . ; Parkinson , Janitor . Comp .
Rogers , 1024 , was a visitor . The minutes of fhe previous convocation having been read and confirmed , the ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed . Tbe M . E . Z . having given a notice as to voting a sum from the funds of the chapter towards the funds of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to the banquet which was
excellentl y well ordered . Upon the removal of the cloth thc usual routine of toasts were duly proposed and honoured . "The Ileal th of the M . E . Z . " was given by Comp . Holbrook , and dul y responded to . The toast of "The Second and Third Principals " followed , and was acknowledged by Comps . Moss and Davis . "The Health of the Visitor" came next in order , and this
pledge having been warmly received , Comp . Rogers in his replylpassed some very complimentary remarks upon the cere , mony of exaltation which had been rehearsed that evening . "The Treasurer and S . E . " was next proposed , and in response Comps . Harfeld and Davage modestly , expressed their acknowledgments , " The Past Principals " and " The i Officers" toast brought the proceedings to a conclusion .
BATH—Royal Cumberland Chapter ( No- 41 ) . — The members of this old established chapter held their annual installation meeting in the Masonic Hall , Old Orchard-street , on Tuesday evening last , at six o ' clock , when the following companions were present : Comps . VV . Williamson , M . E . Z . ; Lawson Howes , II . ; J . Stuckey , j . ;
C . Radway , Scribe N ., acting E . ; Hearn , P . Z ., acting Scribe N . ; T . B . Moutrie , P . Z . Treas . ; E . Mercer , P . S . ; T . Glover , A . S . ; N . Peach , J . A . S . ; J . Bigwood , Janitor . Comps . T . Graham , F . Goldney , E .. L . Hill , P . Z . ; C . Peckett , P . Z . •J . Banks , and others . The chapter having been opened in due form , and the , Treasurer ' s account for the year having been passed , a