Article BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE TALBOT LODGE, No. 2231. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Gibraltar. Page 1 of 1 Article The Craft Abroad. Page 1 of 1
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Board Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of the Board of Benevo ' ence was held on Wednesday evening at the Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Robert Grey , P . G . D ., President , took the President ' s Chair . Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., Senior Vice-President , and Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., Junior Vice-President , occupying their respective chairs . There were also present , Bros . A . A . Pendlebury , Assistant G . Secretary ; W . H .
Lee , W . Dodd , F . R . Spaull , Chatles Dairy , David D . Mercer , G . P . Britten , Henry Garrod , William P . Brown , W . R . Woodman , M . D . ; Raynham W . Stewart , W . H . Perryman , R . J . Taylor , A . C . Woodward , Thomas Mead , Walter Hopekink , J . A . Farnfield , Thomas Cull , Richard Crovdon , John Oliver , Charles M . Free , John V . Surtees , F . Silvester , J . G . W . Guyer , John Paul , J . T . Rowe ,
Edward White , George R . Langley , H . Massey , Windsor Berry , Arthur E . Gladwell , J . B . Grieve , J . H . Wood , B . Kauffmann , E . J . Rawle , R . VV . Roberts , J . Corbett , Thomas M . Deane , German Fehrenbach , W . H . Wingfield , T . Adams , J . Bird , Thomas Alcock , C . VV . Frommholz , Edward VV . Braine , R . La Feuillade , R . C . Leveridge , H . Bertram , VV . J . Forscutt , Thomas Stopher ,
William Prodi , Charles Castell , Charles P . Bellerby , G . Coop , Alfred Sweed , Charles Kempton , and H . Sadler , G . T . The Board first confirmed recommendations to the amount of £ 305 , made at the last meeting in November . There were 56 new cases on the list coming from brethren belonging to lodges at London , South Shields , Gibraltar , Pes ' hawur , Newchurch , Liverpool , Birkenhead , Guernsey ,
Goole , Wakefield , Spilsby , Coventry , Wincanton , Manchester , Uxbridge , Meerut , Melbourne , Winchester , Lostwithiel , Tredegar , Halstead , Northwich , Bocking , Lowestoft , Newport ( Mon ) , Salford , Oxford , Stoke-on-Trent , Feltham , Chester , Keighley , Exmouth , Battle , Exeter , Birmingham , and New York . Four of the cases were deferred , being incompete , and
two were dismissed . The remainder were relieved with a total of £ 1172 . There were two recommendations to Grand Lodge for £ ico each , and four for £ 50 each ; four recommendations to the Grand Master for £ 40 each , and five for £ 30 each ; and thirteen grants of £ 20 each ; three of £ 15 each ; thirteen of £ 10 each ; five of £ 5 each ; and one grant of £ 2 . The Board sat for over four hours .
Consecration Of The Talbot Lodge, No. 2231.
On Saturday an addition was made to the roll of Masonic lodges under the English Constitution , when the Talbot Lodge , No . 2231 , was consecrated at Talbot House School , Talbot-road , OldTrafford . The ceremony was performed , in the absence of the Provincial Grand Master of West
Lancashire , the Earl of Lathom , by Bro . W . Goodacre , P . G . S . B . England , and P . G . Secretary of West Lancashire , assisted by Bros . T . Forrester , P . G . Std . Br . of England ; Marshall , P . P . G . D . ; J . J . Lambert , P . G . Registrar ; J . D . Murray , P . G . D . C ; E . L . Littler , P . G . Pursuivant , and others , there being about sixty brethren present ,
amongst whom were Bros . VV . Goodacre , P . G . Swd . Br ., Prov . G . Sec . ; T . Forrester , P . G . Std . Br . ; H . Marshall , P . M . 13 S 7 , P . P . J . G . D . ; J . J . Lambert , P . M . 13 S 7 , P . G . Reg . ; W . H . Wakefield , P . M . 158 S , P . P . G . Swd . Br . ; J . D . Murray , P . P . G . D . C ; E . L . Littler , P . M . 1730 , Prov . G . Purst . ; R . Davies , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ;
J . Walker , P . M . 37 , P . P . J . G . W . East Lancashire ; W . VV . Dawson , P . M . 1219 , P . P . A . G . D . C . East Lancashire ; J . Bladon , P . M . 317 , P . P . G . D . C . East Lancashire ; N . Dumville , P . M . 2156 , Prov . G . Stwd . East Lancashire ; R . R . Lisenden , P . M . 317 , Prov . G . Stwd . East Lancashire ; H . Miller , P . M . 1357 , P . P . G . Org . Cheshire ; A . Griffith ,
P . M . 1357 , P . P . G . Org . Cheshire ; Chas . Cooper , P . M , 1588 ; ] . Wood , P . M . 1140 ; C . Heywood , P . M ., D . C , 1387 ; " F . S . Bedlord , 1387 ; E . Ehlinger , J . W . 1161 ; R . G . Walker , P . M . 1126 ; J . E . Boden , P . M . 1588 ; G . Enticknap , I . P . M . 1009 ; C . W . Davies , 15 S 8 ; R . S . Turton , 15 S 8 ; J . Slyman , W . M . 1730 ; M . Preston , 2100 j
Martin Thomas , W . M . 204 , P . M . 350 ; Jas . Blair , W . M . 13 S 7 ; Ralph Bettey , P . M . 1335 ; John H . Marsh , 1730 ; G . A . Myers , S . D . 1730 ; VV . Dumville , P . M . 1011 , and 2156 ; Alfred Lewtas , W . M . 1588 ; Richard Ackley , 2144 ; Israel Binns , 815 and 158 S ; J . W . Rattray , S . W . 1993 ; R . W . Baker , W . M . 1126 ; J . Baker , P . M . 163 ; W . Evans , J . D . 1009 ; Walter Beggs , W . M . 1496 ; R
Swindells , 1730 ; John Evans , 1 S 8 S ; Charles Martyne , 1387 ; Geo . Barber , P . M . 1588 and 1730 ; W . F . Brownrigg , S . W . 1126 ; J . Wilson , 13 S 7 ; J . Bowers , I . G . 1730 ; George R . Lloyd , Sec . 1730 ; C . S . Allott , Sec . 1009 ; John Coxon , 152 ; Fred Batty , A . Shirley , J . VV . Leathley , Rev . W . Milner , M . A ., Fredk . G . Goodacre , and Rev . H .
Leathley . A lodge was formed in the schoolroom—the future meeting place of the new lodge—shortly after two o'clock , and the elaborate ceremony of consecration was proceeded with . An oration on the principles of Freemasonry was delivered by Bro . the Rev . H . MILNER , and an anthem , " Behold
how good and joyful a thing it is , " was sung by Bros . W . Dumville , N . Dumville , and A . Lewtas , Bro . H . C . Miller , P . P . G . Org . Cheshire , presiding at the harmonium . The consecration being concluded , Bro . Goodacre installed Bro . J . E . Boden , P . M ., as the first Master of the lodge . Bro . Boden invested the following as his officers for the
ensuing year : Bros . C . S . Allott , P . M . ioog , I . P . M . ; Rev . H . Leathley , S . W . ; F . G . Goodacre , J . W . ; Rev . H . Milner , Chap . ; J . VV . Leathley , Treas . ; A . Shirley , Sec ; C . Martyne , S . D . ; F . Batty , J . D . ; J . Coxon , I . G . ; and W . Riddeil , P . M ., Tyler . Hearty vote of thanks were passed to Bro . Goodacre
and the brethren who had assisted him in the consecration ceremony . Piior to the lodge closing the names of six candidates were handed to the Secretary for initiation . On the motion of the W . M ., Bro . John E . Boden , the Provincial Officers who had taken part in the ceremony were elected honorary members .
The lodge was then closed , and subsequently refreshments were served at the Dog and Partridge Hotel , the newly-installed Master presiding . The jewels , collars , working tools , & c , were manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , 47 , Bridge-street , Manchester .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
LIVERPOOL . —Rose Croix Chapter ( No . 19 ) , —This chapter was held on Friday , the i 6 ih inst ., at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street . In consequence of the absence of the M . W . S ., Bro . Patrick Muiray Hunter , the chapter was opened by III . Bro . VV . Tyrer , 30 , P . M . W . S ., assisted by 111 . Bro . T . C . Thorburn , 30 , P . M . W . S ., as
Prelate ; E . and P . Bros . R . VV . Bourne , ist General ; and Thompson , 2 nd General ; III . Bro . B . W . Rowson , 30 , P . M . W . S ., as G . M . and Raphael ; E . and P . Bro . S . Jude , Captain of Guard ; III . Bro . Edward Pierpoint , 32 , P . M . W . S ., Treas . and Recorder . III . Bro . Charles James Banister , 33 , P . M . W . S ., S . G . I . G . North Easiern District , was received under an arch of steel and saluted .
The minutes of the last chapter were read and confirmed . Bro . Hinton Spalding , of Lodge No . 292 , being a candidate , was perfected by the acting M . W . S ., assisted by 111 . Bro . C . j . Banister , S . G . I . G ., 33 ? , and duly proclaimed . F . and P . Bro . R . W . Bourne , ist General , was unanimously elected M . W . S . III . Bro . Edward Pierpoint , 32 , was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . Several letters ol
apology were received from brethren who could not attend . The annual report from the Supreme Council was read , also the alms collected ; and . the business of the chapter concluded , it was closed . The brethren left for the Adelphi Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet awaited them . The chair was taken by the acting M . W . S ., III . Bro . W . Tyrer , 30 , P . M . W . S .,
and the vice-chair by E . and P . Bro . R . W . Bourne , ist General . The Chairman had upon his right 111 . Bros . C . J . Banister , S . G . I . G ., 33 ; Edward Pierpoint , 33 ° ; T . C . Thorburn , 30 ° ; and others ; and on his left 111 . Bro . B . W . Rowson , 30 , P . M . W . S . ; E . and P . Bros . Spalding , S . Jude , Robt . Pruddah , Thompson , and others . The Chairman , in suitable terms , proposed "The Health
of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , " "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " which were received right loyally . "The Supreme Council" was also duly proposed , and with that toast the Chairman proposed "The Health of their old and valued Friend and dear Bro . Banister , " hoping that now he had come to reside again in the
district they should always have the pleasure of seeing him amongst them . 111 . Bro . T . C . Thorburn also supported _ the acting M . W . S ., paying a very high compliment to their old friend , and he was pleased , and he was quite sure that all shared that pleasure with him , in seeing Bro . Banister in much better health and amongst them again .
The toast was drunk with enthusiasm , and Bro . Banister , on rising to respond , was received by long and hearty cheers . He thanked them most cordially for the toast of the Supreme Council , each member of the same being most favourably disposed to the Liverpool Chapter and for its success . With regard to himself , he thanked them for their great kindness to him at all times , and being the first
M . W . S . of the chapter , he was most desirous that itshould prosper . He did hope that he might be spared to come amongst them a lew years longer ; but when he told them that it was 30 years ( within a few months ) since he had the 30 conferred upon him , they would be assured that he could not expect many more years of active service in his labour of love in that beautiful Christian Degree . He
welcomed Bro . Spalding amongst them , and hoped when in London he would call at head-quarters , where he would meet one or two of the illustrious brethren of the Supreme Council , who would gladly show him the rare and valuable Masonic relics in the museum and library . In conclusion , Bro . Banister proposed " The Health of the Acting M . W . S ., III . Bro . Tyrer , 30 , " who , at such short notice ,
took the responsible office , and conducted the ceremony to the satisfaction of all present . The toast was received and responded to in truly Lancashire fashion . The acting M . W . S . proposed "The Health of the Candidate , " who responded in very suitable terms . 111 . Bro . Rowson , 30 , proposed , in a truly Masonic
speech , "The Health of the M . W . S . Elect , Bro . R . W . Bourne , ist General , " feeling quite sure that the chapter would be well supported , and the ceremonies impressively given by him when he was installed into that high office . The toast was responded to by Bro . Bourne most feelingly , and elicited a hearty reception from the brethren .
III . Bro . T . C . Thorburn , 30 , P . M . W . S ., proposed "The Health of their very old friend and 111 . Bro . E , Pierpoint , 32 , " who had so kindly taken the office of Treasurer and Recorder ever since the death of their revered and lamented Bro . H . S . Alpass , and he hoped that they might long have his valuable assistance in the chapter . The toast was drunk with all honours .
On 111 . Bro . Pierpoint rising to respond , he was received with great cheers . After thanking the brethren most heartily , he spoke in most kind and feeling terms of his old and valued friend , Brc . Banister , who had initiated him into Freemasonry , and perfected him into that beautiful Degree . He also gave the brethren most excellent advice , and this being his mother chapter , he did hope that it
would go on increasing ; but it was not numbers that they wanted , but the right calibre of Masons , such as they had heretofore received into that Degree , which they alt knew from the fine ritual and exalted ceremonies it bore should be highly prized and looked forward to for acceptance by
all their friends . Again thanking them all most sincerely for their kindness , he resumed his seat . Other toasts were proposed and responded to , and one of the happiest evenings was spent in perfect harmony ; in fact , these meetings are looked forward to with great pleasure by all the members .
We are glad to hear since Bro . Sir Morell Mackenzie has seen the Imperial Crown Prince of Germany at San Remo , that the reports of the illustrious patient ' s condition are somewhat re-assuring , and tnat the alarmist rumours of last week were greatly exaggerated .
A marriage has been arranged between Mr . Alison , eldest son of Lieut-General Sir . A . Alison , Bart ., G . C . B ., in command at Aldershot , and Georgine , the youngest daughter of Bro . J . Bond-Cabbell , and consequently grand-daughter of the late Bro . Bond-Cabbell , a P . J . G . Warden of England , and for many years Prov . G . Master of Norfolk .
Gibraltar .
ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE , ROYAL EUROPA CHAPTER ( No . 14 ) . — This distinguished and popular chapter held its regular convocation on Saturday , 3 rd instant . The chapter was opened , the following officers being present ' : 111 . Bro . Sir Henry Burford-Hancock , 31 , M . W . S . ; E . and P . Bros . Bryant , Prelate ; Col . Sir Norman Pringle , Bart ., ist General ; Major O'Malley , and General ; Major
Cottrell , P . M . W . S ., Recorder and Treasurer ; Roberts , P . M . W . S ., acting Grand Marshal ; Glassfurd , P . M . W . S ., acting Raphael ; Crtsswell D . of C . ; Jerome , Captain of Guard ; Col . Morgan Crofton , Major Owen , Capt . Davenport , and Capt . Frank Hushes . The ballot was then taken for E . and P . Bro . Surgeon-Major Thomsett , M . S ., as a joining member , which
proved unanimous . The ballot was then tak ^ r . for Bros . Rev . Statham , Captains Broadwood and Rowe , Lieut . Lowe , and W . H . Cottrell , jun ., which also proved unanimous . The candidates being present , were duly presented , and advanced to the 18 ° in a most impressive manner by the M . W . S ., while the music of this beautiful ceremony was done full justice by E . and P . Bro . Thomsett , who
presided at the new organ which has recently been added to the Masonic Temple . The M . W . S . read a communi .-cation from Sir Francis Knollys , K . C . M . G ., announcing H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ' s permission to add the word "Royal" tothe title of the chapter in honour of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , K . G ., and H . R H . Prince Albert Victor , having been perfected therein . A letter was also
read from the Supreme Grand Council authorising the chapter being styled the " Royal Europa , " and granting permission for all members to assume a special approved badge in commemoration . The M . W . S . remarked that this had been an exceptionally good year of office—no less than 12 candidates having been perfected in that period , including H . R . H . Prince Albert Victor of Wales . The
completeness of all the details in the ceremony which added so much to the excellent working of the chapter was entirely due to P . M . W . S . Bro . Major Cottrell , who had worked so assiduously in the interests of the chapter during the past ten years , and he hoped it wOuId long continue to enjoy the benefit of his well-known Masonic experience and useful cooperation . It gave him very great pleasure to present Bro . Cottrell with a P . M . W . S . jewel , which bore the following inscription : " To the Ex . and Perfect Bro . VV . 0
Foulkes Cottrell , 18 , P . M . W . S ., Recorder and Treas . of the Royal Europa Chapter Rose Croix , in testimony of sincere regard and grateful recognition of his zealous services to the chapter . From 111 . Bro . Sir Henry Burford-Hancock , 31 , M . W . S . Nov ., 1 SS 7 . " Communications from the Supreme Grand Council having been read , the ceremony of advancement was completed , and the chapter closed .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
GRAND COMMANDERY OF KENTUCKY . The following is a list of the Grand Officers of this Grand Commandery for the year now current , viz .: Sir Knights Henry G . Sandifer , G . Commander ; Horace January , D . G . C . ; John G . Montgomery , G . Gen . ; VV . II . Meffert ,
G . Capt . Gen . ; John W . Pruett , G . Prelate ; C . H . Fisk , S . G . W .: T . J . tlourney , J . G . W . ; David P . Robb , G . Treas . ; Lorenzo D . Croninger , G . Recorder ; James D . Lewis , C . Std . Br . ; Samuel H . Stone , G . Swd . Br . ; C . F . Hill , G . Warder ; and Eugene A . Robinson , G . Capt . of Guards .
GRAND COMMANDERY OF IOWA . The 24 th annual conclave was held at Uscaloosa on the 6 th October last , when the following were elected G . Officers for the year , namely : Sir Knights Clark Varnum , G . Commander ; A . L . Beardslee , D . G . C . ; A . T . Drinkle , G . Gen . ; C . H . Lull , G . Capt . Gen . ; J . C . VV . Coxe ,
G . Prelate ; A . B . Cox , S . G . W . ; O . P . Worsley , S . GW . ; R . P . Smith , G . Treas . ; J . C . Parish , Emeritus G . Rec . ; A . Wingate , G . Rec . ; S . C . Osborn , G . Std . Br . ; F . B . Gore , G . Swd . Br . ; J . B . Eyerley , G . Warder ; and T . Schreiner , G . Capt . of Guards . The next annual conclave will be held at Cedar Rapids on the 18 th October , iSSS .
GRAND COMMANDERY OF OHIO . The 45 th annual conclave was held in Columbia , on the nth October last , under the presidency of Sir Knight Lafayette Little , there being a strong muster of Grand Officers and representatives of Subordinate Commanderies . The address of the Grand Commander was of great length
and dealt principally with matters of local interest . The following are the principal Grand Officers for the new year , viz .: Sir Knights Frederick H . Rehwinkle , G . Commander ; Will T . Walker , Deputy G . C ; O . A . B . Senter , G . Gen . ; H . Perkins , G . C . G . ; L . Van Clein , G . Prelate :
C . Halladay , S . G . W . ; Huntington Brown , J . G . W . ; J . B . Parsons , G . Treasurer ; John W . Bell , G . Recorder ; W , B . Melish , G . Std . Br . ; VV . M . Meek , G Swd Br . ; E . M . Clover , G . Warder ; Jacob Randall , G . C . of G . The next annual conclave was arranged to be held at Clevedon , on the 28 th of August .
GRAND LODGE OF KENTUCKY . The annual communication was held in the Masonic Hall , Louisville , under the presidency of the M . W . G . M ., on the iSih October last and two following days , ihe number present being very considerable . The attraction of the meeting was the Grand Master ' s address , while the various reports presented were of a very favourable character ,
Bro . Bassett declined to re-occupy the post of Grand Secretary on account of his advanced age , but an able substitute was found in the person of Bro . Henry B . Grant . The following is a list of the Grand Officers for the year , viz .: Bros . | . S . Smith , M . W . G . M . ; Jas . Dixon Black , DeputyG . M . ; W . W . Clarke , S G . W . ; Chas . H . Fi , k ,
J . G . W . ; John H . Leathers , G . Treas . ; H . B . Grant , G . Sec . ; Rev . W . R . Coleman , G . Chap . ; John McDyer , S . G . D . ; M . C . Petes , J . G . I ) . ; D . B . Faulkner , G . Marshal ; K . S . Friend , G . Swd . Br . ; W . S . Howe , G . Purst . ; and Joseph T . Davidson , G . Tyler . Bro . S . S . Williams , G . M . Ohio , was a visitor , and was received with the customary honours .
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Board Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of the Board of Benevo ' ence was held on Wednesday evening at the Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Robert Grey , P . G . D ., President , took the President ' s Chair . Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., Senior Vice-President , and Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., Junior Vice-President , occupying their respective chairs . There were also present , Bros . A . A . Pendlebury , Assistant G . Secretary ; W . H .
Lee , W . Dodd , F . R . Spaull , Chatles Dairy , David D . Mercer , G . P . Britten , Henry Garrod , William P . Brown , W . R . Woodman , M . D . ; Raynham W . Stewart , W . H . Perryman , R . J . Taylor , A . C . Woodward , Thomas Mead , Walter Hopekink , J . A . Farnfield , Thomas Cull , Richard Crovdon , John Oliver , Charles M . Free , John V . Surtees , F . Silvester , J . G . W . Guyer , John Paul , J . T . Rowe ,
Edward White , George R . Langley , H . Massey , Windsor Berry , Arthur E . Gladwell , J . B . Grieve , J . H . Wood , B . Kauffmann , E . J . Rawle , R . VV . Roberts , J . Corbett , Thomas M . Deane , German Fehrenbach , W . H . Wingfield , T . Adams , J . Bird , Thomas Alcock , C . VV . Frommholz , Edward VV . Braine , R . La Feuillade , R . C . Leveridge , H . Bertram , VV . J . Forscutt , Thomas Stopher ,
William Prodi , Charles Castell , Charles P . Bellerby , G . Coop , Alfred Sweed , Charles Kempton , and H . Sadler , G . T . The Board first confirmed recommendations to the amount of £ 305 , made at the last meeting in November . There were 56 new cases on the list coming from brethren belonging to lodges at London , South Shields , Gibraltar , Pes ' hawur , Newchurch , Liverpool , Birkenhead , Guernsey ,
Goole , Wakefield , Spilsby , Coventry , Wincanton , Manchester , Uxbridge , Meerut , Melbourne , Winchester , Lostwithiel , Tredegar , Halstead , Northwich , Bocking , Lowestoft , Newport ( Mon ) , Salford , Oxford , Stoke-on-Trent , Feltham , Chester , Keighley , Exmouth , Battle , Exeter , Birmingham , and New York . Four of the cases were deferred , being incompete , and
two were dismissed . The remainder were relieved with a total of £ 1172 . There were two recommendations to Grand Lodge for £ ico each , and four for £ 50 each ; four recommendations to the Grand Master for £ 40 each , and five for £ 30 each ; and thirteen grants of £ 20 each ; three of £ 15 each ; thirteen of £ 10 each ; five of £ 5 each ; and one grant of £ 2 . The Board sat for over four hours .
Consecration Of The Talbot Lodge, No. 2231.
On Saturday an addition was made to the roll of Masonic lodges under the English Constitution , when the Talbot Lodge , No . 2231 , was consecrated at Talbot House School , Talbot-road , OldTrafford . The ceremony was performed , in the absence of the Provincial Grand Master of West
Lancashire , the Earl of Lathom , by Bro . W . Goodacre , P . G . S . B . England , and P . G . Secretary of West Lancashire , assisted by Bros . T . Forrester , P . G . Std . Br . of England ; Marshall , P . P . G . D . ; J . J . Lambert , P . G . Registrar ; J . D . Murray , P . G . D . C ; E . L . Littler , P . G . Pursuivant , and others , there being about sixty brethren present ,
amongst whom were Bros . VV . Goodacre , P . G . Swd . Br ., Prov . G . Sec . ; T . Forrester , P . G . Std . Br . ; H . Marshall , P . M . 13 S 7 , P . P . J . G . D . ; J . J . Lambert , P . M . 13 S 7 , P . G . Reg . ; W . H . Wakefield , P . M . 158 S , P . P . G . Swd . Br . ; J . D . Murray , P . P . G . D . C ; E . L . Littler , P . M . 1730 , Prov . G . Purst . ; R . Davies , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ;
J . Walker , P . M . 37 , P . P . J . G . W . East Lancashire ; W . VV . Dawson , P . M . 1219 , P . P . A . G . D . C . East Lancashire ; J . Bladon , P . M . 317 , P . P . G . D . C . East Lancashire ; N . Dumville , P . M . 2156 , Prov . G . Stwd . East Lancashire ; R . R . Lisenden , P . M . 317 , Prov . G . Stwd . East Lancashire ; H . Miller , P . M . 1357 , P . P . G . Org . Cheshire ; A . Griffith ,
P . M . 1357 , P . P . G . Org . Cheshire ; Chas . Cooper , P . M , 1588 ; ] . Wood , P . M . 1140 ; C . Heywood , P . M ., D . C , 1387 ; " F . S . Bedlord , 1387 ; E . Ehlinger , J . W . 1161 ; R . G . Walker , P . M . 1126 ; J . E . Boden , P . M . 1588 ; G . Enticknap , I . P . M . 1009 ; C . W . Davies , 15 S 8 ; R . S . Turton , 15 S 8 ; J . Slyman , W . M . 1730 ; M . Preston , 2100 j
Martin Thomas , W . M . 204 , P . M . 350 ; Jas . Blair , W . M . 13 S 7 ; Ralph Bettey , P . M . 1335 ; John H . Marsh , 1730 ; G . A . Myers , S . D . 1730 ; VV . Dumville , P . M . 1011 , and 2156 ; Alfred Lewtas , W . M . 1588 ; Richard Ackley , 2144 ; Israel Binns , 815 and 158 S ; J . W . Rattray , S . W . 1993 ; R . W . Baker , W . M . 1126 ; J . Baker , P . M . 163 ; W . Evans , J . D . 1009 ; Walter Beggs , W . M . 1496 ; R
Swindells , 1730 ; John Evans , 1 S 8 S ; Charles Martyne , 1387 ; Geo . Barber , P . M . 1588 and 1730 ; W . F . Brownrigg , S . W . 1126 ; J . Wilson , 13 S 7 ; J . Bowers , I . G . 1730 ; George R . Lloyd , Sec . 1730 ; C . S . Allott , Sec . 1009 ; John Coxon , 152 ; Fred Batty , A . Shirley , J . VV . Leathley , Rev . W . Milner , M . A ., Fredk . G . Goodacre , and Rev . H .
Leathley . A lodge was formed in the schoolroom—the future meeting place of the new lodge—shortly after two o'clock , and the elaborate ceremony of consecration was proceeded with . An oration on the principles of Freemasonry was delivered by Bro . the Rev . H . MILNER , and an anthem , " Behold
how good and joyful a thing it is , " was sung by Bros . W . Dumville , N . Dumville , and A . Lewtas , Bro . H . C . Miller , P . P . G . Org . Cheshire , presiding at the harmonium . The consecration being concluded , Bro . Goodacre installed Bro . J . E . Boden , P . M ., as the first Master of the lodge . Bro . Boden invested the following as his officers for the
ensuing year : Bros . C . S . Allott , P . M . ioog , I . P . M . ; Rev . H . Leathley , S . W . ; F . G . Goodacre , J . W . ; Rev . H . Milner , Chap . ; J . VV . Leathley , Treas . ; A . Shirley , Sec ; C . Martyne , S . D . ; F . Batty , J . D . ; J . Coxon , I . G . ; and W . Riddeil , P . M ., Tyler . Hearty vote of thanks were passed to Bro . Goodacre
and the brethren who had assisted him in the consecration ceremony . Piior to the lodge closing the names of six candidates were handed to the Secretary for initiation . On the motion of the W . M ., Bro . John E . Boden , the Provincial Officers who had taken part in the ceremony were elected honorary members .
The lodge was then closed , and subsequently refreshments were served at the Dog and Partridge Hotel , the newly-installed Master presiding . The jewels , collars , working tools , & c , were manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , 47 , Bridge-street , Manchester .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
LIVERPOOL . —Rose Croix Chapter ( No . 19 ) , —This chapter was held on Friday , the i 6 ih inst ., at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street . In consequence of the absence of the M . W . S ., Bro . Patrick Muiray Hunter , the chapter was opened by III . Bro . VV . Tyrer , 30 , P . M . W . S ., assisted by 111 . Bro . T . C . Thorburn , 30 , P . M . W . S ., as
Prelate ; E . and P . Bros . R . VV . Bourne , ist General ; and Thompson , 2 nd General ; III . Bro . B . W . Rowson , 30 , P . M . W . S ., as G . M . and Raphael ; E . and P . Bro . S . Jude , Captain of Guard ; III . Bro . Edward Pierpoint , 32 , P . M . W . S ., Treas . and Recorder . III . Bro . Charles James Banister , 33 , P . M . W . S ., S . G . I . G . North Easiern District , was received under an arch of steel and saluted .
The minutes of the last chapter were read and confirmed . Bro . Hinton Spalding , of Lodge No . 292 , being a candidate , was perfected by the acting M . W . S ., assisted by 111 . Bro . C . j . Banister , S . G . I . G ., 33 ? , and duly proclaimed . F . and P . Bro . R . W . Bourne , ist General , was unanimously elected M . W . S . III . Bro . Edward Pierpoint , 32 , was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . Several letters ol
apology were received from brethren who could not attend . The annual report from the Supreme Council was read , also the alms collected ; and . the business of the chapter concluded , it was closed . The brethren left for the Adelphi Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet awaited them . The chair was taken by the acting M . W . S ., III . Bro . W . Tyrer , 30 , P . M . W . S .,
and the vice-chair by E . and P . Bro . R . W . Bourne , ist General . The Chairman had upon his right 111 . Bros . C . J . Banister , S . G . I . G ., 33 ; Edward Pierpoint , 33 ° ; T . C . Thorburn , 30 ° ; and others ; and on his left 111 . Bro . B . W . Rowson , 30 , P . M . W . S . ; E . and P . Bros . Spalding , S . Jude , Robt . Pruddah , Thompson , and others . The Chairman , in suitable terms , proposed "The Health
of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , " "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " which were received right loyally . "The Supreme Council" was also duly proposed , and with that toast the Chairman proposed "The Health of their old and valued Friend and dear Bro . Banister , " hoping that now he had come to reside again in the
district they should always have the pleasure of seeing him amongst them . 111 . Bro . T . C . Thorburn also supported _ the acting M . W . S ., paying a very high compliment to their old friend , and he was pleased , and he was quite sure that all shared that pleasure with him , in seeing Bro . Banister in much better health and amongst them again .
The toast was drunk with enthusiasm , and Bro . Banister , on rising to respond , was received by long and hearty cheers . He thanked them most cordially for the toast of the Supreme Council , each member of the same being most favourably disposed to the Liverpool Chapter and for its success . With regard to himself , he thanked them for their great kindness to him at all times , and being the first
M . W . S . of the chapter , he was most desirous that itshould prosper . He did hope that he might be spared to come amongst them a lew years longer ; but when he told them that it was 30 years ( within a few months ) since he had the 30 conferred upon him , they would be assured that he could not expect many more years of active service in his labour of love in that beautiful Christian Degree . He
welcomed Bro . Spalding amongst them , and hoped when in London he would call at head-quarters , where he would meet one or two of the illustrious brethren of the Supreme Council , who would gladly show him the rare and valuable Masonic relics in the museum and library . In conclusion , Bro . Banister proposed " The Health of the Acting M . W . S ., III . Bro . Tyrer , 30 , " who , at such short notice ,
took the responsible office , and conducted the ceremony to the satisfaction of all present . The toast was received and responded to in truly Lancashire fashion . The acting M . W . S . proposed "The Health of the Candidate , " who responded in very suitable terms . 111 . Bro . Rowson , 30 , proposed , in a truly Masonic
speech , "The Health of the M . W . S . Elect , Bro . R . W . Bourne , ist General , " feeling quite sure that the chapter would be well supported , and the ceremonies impressively given by him when he was installed into that high office . The toast was responded to by Bro . Bourne most feelingly , and elicited a hearty reception from the brethren .
III . Bro . T . C . Thorburn , 30 , P . M . W . S ., proposed "The Health of their very old friend and 111 . Bro . E , Pierpoint , 32 , " who had so kindly taken the office of Treasurer and Recorder ever since the death of their revered and lamented Bro . H . S . Alpass , and he hoped that they might long have his valuable assistance in the chapter . The toast was drunk with all honours .
On 111 . Bro . Pierpoint rising to respond , he was received with great cheers . After thanking the brethren most heartily , he spoke in most kind and feeling terms of his old and valued friend , Brc . Banister , who had initiated him into Freemasonry , and perfected him into that beautiful Degree . He also gave the brethren most excellent advice , and this being his mother chapter , he did hope that it
would go on increasing ; but it was not numbers that they wanted , but the right calibre of Masons , such as they had heretofore received into that Degree , which they alt knew from the fine ritual and exalted ceremonies it bore should be highly prized and looked forward to for acceptance by
all their friends . Again thanking them all most sincerely for their kindness , he resumed his seat . Other toasts were proposed and responded to , and one of the happiest evenings was spent in perfect harmony ; in fact , these meetings are looked forward to with great pleasure by all the members .
We are glad to hear since Bro . Sir Morell Mackenzie has seen the Imperial Crown Prince of Germany at San Remo , that the reports of the illustrious patient ' s condition are somewhat re-assuring , and tnat the alarmist rumours of last week were greatly exaggerated .
A marriage has been arranged between Mr . Alison , eldest son of Lieut-General Sir . A . Alison , Bart ., G . C . B ., in command at Aldershot , and Georgine , the youngest daughter of Bro . J . Bond-Cabbell , and consequently grand-daughter of the late Bro . Bond-Cabbell , a P . J . G . Warden of England , and for many years Prov . G . Master of Norfolk .
Gibraltar .
ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE , ROYAL EUROPA CHAPTER ( No . 14 ) . — This distinguished and popular chapter held its regular convocation on Saturday , 3 rd instant . The chapter was opened , the following officers being present ' : 111 . Bro . Sir Henry Burford-Hancock , 31 , M . W . S . ; E . and P . Bros . Bryant , Prelate ; Col . Sir Norman Pringle , Bart ., ist General ; Major O'Malley , and General ; Major
Cottrell , P . M . W . S ., Recorder and Treasurer ; Roberts , P . M . W . S ., acting Grand Marshal ; Glassfurd , P . M . W . S ., acting Raphael ; Crtsswell D . of C . ; Jerome , Captain of Guard ; Col . Morgan Crofton , Major Owen , Capt . Davenport , and Capt . Frank Hushes . The ballot was then taken for E . and P . Bro . Surgeon-Major Thomsett , M . S ., as a joining member , which
proved unanimous . The ballot was then tak ^ r . for Bros . Rev . Statham , Captains Broadwood and Rowe , Lieut . Lowe , and W . H . Cottrell , jun ., which also proved unanimous . The candidates being present , were duly presented , and advanced to the 18 ° in a most impressive manner by the M . W . S ., while the music of this beautiful ceremony was done full justice by E . and P . Bro . Thomsett , who
presided at the new organ which has recently been added to the Masonic Temple . The M . W . S . read a communi .-cation from Sir Francis Knollys , K . C . M . G ., announcing H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ' s permission to add the word "Royal" tothe title of the chapter in honour of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , K . G ., and H . R H . Prince Albert Victor , having been perfected therein . A letter was also
read from the Supreme Grand Council authorising the chapter being styled the " Royal Europa , " and granting permission for all members to assume a special approved badge in commemoration . The M . W . S . remarked that this had been an exceptionally good year of office—no less than 12 candidates having been perfected in that period , including H . R . H . Prince Albert Victor of Wales . The
completeness of all the details in the ceremony which added so much to the excellent working of the chapter was entirely due to P . M . W . S . Bro . Major Cottrell , who had worked so assiduously in the interests of the chapter during the past ten years , and he hoped it wOuId long continue to enjoy the benefit of his well-known Masonic experience and useful cooperation . It gave him very great pleasure to present Bro . Cottrell with a P . M . W . S . jewel , which bore the following inscription : " To the Ex . and Perfect Bro . VV . 0
Foulkes Cottrell , 18 , P . M . W . S ., Recorder and Treas . of the Royal Europa Chapter Rose Croix , in testimony of sincere regard and grateful recognition of his zealous services to the chapter . From 111 . Bro . Sir Henry Burford-Hancock , 31 , M . W . S . Nov ., 1 SS 7 . " Communications from the Supreme Grand Council having been read , the ceremony of advancement was completed , and the chapter closed .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
GRAND COMMANDERY OF KENTUCKY . The following is a list of the Grand Officers of this Grand Commandery for the year now current , viz .: Sir Knights Henry G . Sandifer , G . Commander ; Horace January , D . G . C . ; John G . Montgomery , G . Gen . ; VV . II . Meffert ,
G . Capt . Gen . ; John W . Pruett , G . Prelate ; C . H . Fisk , S . G . W .: T . J . tlourney , J . G . W . ; David P . Robb , G . Treas . ; Lorenzo D . Croninger , G . Recorder ; James D . Lewis , C . Std . Br . ; Samuel H . Stone , G . Swd . Br . ; C . F . Hill , G . Warder ; and Eugene A . Robinson , G . Capt . of Guards .
GRAND COMMANDERY OF IOWA . The 24 th annual conclave was held at Uscaloosa on the 6 th October last , when the following were elected G . Officers for the year , namely : Sir Knights Clark Varnum , G . Commander ; A . L . Beardslee , D . G . C . ; A . T . Drinkle , G . Gen . ; C . H . Lull , G . Capt . Gen . ; J . C . VV . Coxe ,
G . Prelate ; A . B . Cox , S . G . W . ; O . P . Worsley , S . GW . ; R . P . Smith , G . Treas . ; J . C . Parish , Emeritus G . Rec . ; A . Wingate , G . Rec . ; S . C . Osborn , G . Std . Br . ; F . B . Gore , G . Swd . Br . ; J . B . Eyerley , G . Warder ; and T . Schreiner , G . Capt . of Guards . The next annual conclave will be held at Cedar Rapids on the 18 th October , iSSS .
GRAND COMMANDERY OF OHIO . The 45 th annual conclave was held in Columbia , on the nth October last , under the presidency of Sir Knight Lafayette Little , there being a strong muster of Grand Officers and representatives of Subordinate Commanderies . The address of the Grand Commander was of great length
and dealt principally with matters of local interest . The following are the principal Grand Officers for the new year , viz .: Sir Knights Frederick H . Rehwinkle , G . Commander ; Will T . Walker , Deputy G . C ; O . A . B . Senter , G . Gen . ; H . Perkins , G . C . G . ; L . Van Clein , G . Prelate :
C . Halladay , S . G . W . ; Huntington Brown , J . G . W . ; J . B . Parsons , G . Treasurer ; John W . Bell , G . Recorder ; W , B . Melish , G . Std . Br . ; VV . M . Meek , G Swd Br . ; E . M . Clover , G . Warder ; Jacob Randall , G . C . of G . The next annual conclave was arranged to be held at Clevedon , on the 28 th of August .
GRAND LODGE OF KENTUCKY . The annual communication was held in the Masonic Hall , Louisville , under the presidency of the M . W . G . M ., on the iSih October last and two following days , ihe number present being very considerable . The attraction of the meeting was the Grand Master ' s address , while the various reports presented were of a very favourable character ,
Bro . Bassett declined to re-occupy the post of Grand Secretary on account of his advanced age , but an able substitute was found in the person of Bro . Henry B . Grant . The following is a list of the Grand Officers for the year , viz .: Bros . | . S . Smith , M . W . G . M . ; Jas . Dixon Black , DeputyG . M . ; W . W . Clarke , S G . W . ; Chas . H . Fi , k ,
J . G . W . ; John H . Leathers , G . Treas . ; H . B . Grant , G . Sec . ; Rev . W . R . Coleman , G . Chap . ; John McDyer , S . G . D . ; M . C . Petes , J . G . I ) . ; D . B . Faulkner , G . Marshal ; K . S . Friend , G . Swd . Br . ; W . S . Howe , G . Purst . ; and Joseph T . Davidson , G . Tyler . Bro . S . S . Williams , G . M . Ohio , was a visitor , and was received with the customary honours .