Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article THEATRICAL. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was no opposition on the part of the City brethren to the other fund ; but that one evening , amongst a few friends , £$ 0 was collected , ancl other sums had since been subscribed , but whether they would start a boat he could not say . He did not see why they should not have two , —( hear , hea"r)—and supposing the other fund should not succeed in getting enough money for the purpose , then
the City Fuiftl Committee would come over to them , and , at any rate , fey would secure one lifeboat . —Other toasts were given , and a pleasant evening was spent . Manchester Lodge , No . 179 . —The regular meeting of this old lodge took place on Thursday , the 16 th inst , at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . The lodge was opened by Bro . Kew , W . M ., who presided , and in his usual
faultle ' ss , admirable manner , passed Bro . J . Hawes , raised Bros . D . Witt aiftl Shaw , and initiated Mr . D . J . Brewer . The lodge was closed , and banquet followed . Present : Bros . W . Hopekirk , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Hughes , P . M . Sec . ; H . Ash , P . M . ; W . Stuart , P . M ., as J . W . ; Heywood . fJ . W . ; Morton , S . D ; Munro , J . D . ; Sullivan , I . G . ; & c , The visitors were : Bros . F . Walters , P . M . 73 ,
W . M . 871 ; E . Page , 141 ; Ganett , S . W . 704 ; D . Fitzpatrick , 704 ; H . P . Lyon , 25 ( S . C ) , & c . New Concord Lodge , No . 813 . —The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , on Friday , the 17 th inst . Bro . J . Bartlett , W . M ., presided . He raised Bro . Tiggell , and initiated Mr . John Grabham . Bro . J . Emmens , P . G . P .,
installed M . vJ . Atkins , S . W ., as W . M . The officers appointed were Bros . Salisbury , S . W .,- Denny , J . W . ; J . J . Wilson , P . M ., Treas . ; W . H . Main , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Hill , S . D . ; Mountford , J . D . ; C . Hill , I . G . ; Sinclair , D . C . ; Faucquez , Steward . The work , as usual here , was rendered in an admirable manner . Bro . J . Bartlett , I . P . M ., had a handsome P . M . ' s jewel presented to him from the lodge funds . The lodge was closed , and
an admirable banquet , served up under the superintendence of the host , Bro . Gabb , followed , and he was indefatigable in his exertions in seeing to every one's comfort . The visitors were : Bros . J . Terry , P . G . S . B . Herts , P . M . 228 ; G . F . Cook , W . M . 65 ; F . Walters , P . M . 73 , W . M . 1309 ; \ T . Maidwell , 73 ; E . Jones , 192 ; R . Senecal , J . D . 860 ; Forbes , 805 ; J . Storey , I . G . 1107 ; D . Davis , 1257 ; G . T . Limn , 871 , & c .
PROVINCIAL . SUFFOLK . —Albert Victor Lodge , No . 70 . —This lodge held its usual quarterly meeting on the evening of the 2 ist inst ., at Ipswich , when the following brethren were advanced , viz . : Bros . William Warren , Lieut , of H . M . 60 th Rifles ; James Mortimer Vernon Cotton , Capt . H . M . 27 th Regt ., both of the British Union Lodge , Ipswich ;
Charles Sumner Pinwell , -Lieut of H . M . 27 th Regt ., of the Pentangle Lodge , Chatham . The ceremony was ably performed by the W . M ., Rev . R . N . Sanderson , P . G . Chaplain , assisted by a set of efficient ofiicers . LIVERPOOL . —Lodge of Sincerity , No . 292 . The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 131 I 1 inst : at the Temple , 22 , Hope-street , the W . M ., Bro . Pelham ,
presiding , assisted by Bros . R . S . Williams , I . P . M . ; Thos . Wylie , P . G . R ., P . M . ; Robt . Wylie , P . G . D . C , P . M .: Hamer , P . G . T ., P . M . ; Hess , P . G . — ., P . M . and Treas . ; Wilson , S . W . ; I lust wick , J . W . ; Elliott , Sec ; Evans , S . D . ; Russell , J . D . ; Hughes , I . G . ; and a fair proportion of brethren . The visitors present were Bros . Major Leslie , 1205 ; C . II . Hill , W . M . 724 ; and
Jones , J . XV . 12 J 0 . Considerable interest was attached to this meeting on account of its being the first occasion on which the new W . M . and officers would undertake the ceremonial work . After the usual confirmation of minutes , a ballot was taken for two candidates , and proved unanimous . Being in attendance , they were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M .,
who quite fulfilled all the expectations that had been formed of his abilities , r * oing through the ceremony in a most efficient and self-possessed manner , showing that he has thrown his energies into the work , and is determined to succeed . The J . W . gave the working tools , and the S . W . the charge , the latter in such a manner as to show that he is completely master of his subject ;
indeed all the officers did their work remarkably well , considering that with most of them this was the first time they appeared in office . We feel convinced that if future Masters will prove as earnest , and officers as painstaking as those they now have , the lodge will ultimately regain its position as the premier lodge of the province of West Lancashire . Nothing more than formal business remained
to be transacted and the lodge was duly closed , the brethren remainiri ' g to supper ; after which , toasts and songs were tlflfc order of the evening , till the hour of separation arriVed , and the brethren took their departure , well pleased with all that had transpired . LEICESTER . — John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . —A monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons '
Hall , on Thursday , the 16 th inst ., the W . M ., Bro . Buzzard , presiding . There were also present : Bros . Toller , P . M . ; Sculthorpe , S . W . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , J . W . ; Baines , Sec . ; Partridge , S . D . ; Atkins , Ross , Thorp , Dr . Clifton , Barrow , Lange , and C . Bcmbridge , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . Stretton , W . M . ; Palmer , S . D . ; Stanley , P . M . ; Capt Goodchild , Halford , Atwood , and Cleaver , of No .
279 . Bros . Dr . Clifton and Barrow , after due examination , were passed to the second degree , the lecture on the tracing-board being subsequently given by Bro . Toller , P . M . On the lodge being lowered to thc first degree , a letter was read from Bro . W . J . Hughan , of Truro , P . G . Sec . Cornwall , stating that "he was really
proud of the honour the lodge had done him in electing him an honorary member , as none of the members knew him personally , and therefore it could only be in consequence of a real desire to do him honour . " After expressing his intention of periodically sending donations to the "Masonie Hall Library , " through the P . G . M ., Bro . Hughan added , " Wc seem to be fast approaching a time
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
when Masonic literature is to be exalted , and mere attendance at banquets , to the neglect of the lodge duties , no longer the rule . I believe the movement in Leicester , in founding the Masonic Library , will materially aid in so desirable a result . " The letter having been ordered to be entered on the minutes , the lodge was shortly afterwards closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge , No . 1051 . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Friday evening , the 17 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Atheno _ um . The throne of K . S . was occupied ( in consequence of the indisposition ofthe W . M . ) by Bro . J . Daniel Moore , P . M ., W . M . 281 , P . P . G . S . of W . ; who was supported by Bros . John Hatch , P . M . 281 , as I . P . M . ; W . Hall , S . W . ; W .
Barker , J . W . ; W . J . Sly , S . D . ; H . Sumner , J . D . ; R . Taylor , I . G . ; Watson , Tyler ; Edmund Simpson , P . M . 281 ; G . Kelland , P . M . 281 ; B . Mills , J . Bailie , W . Fleming , J . W . 281 ; & c . The lodge was opened , the usual business transacted , and the ballot taken , which proved to be unanimous in favour of three candidates for initiation . Mr . James Taylor ( a lewis ) was then duly
initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M ., and the same ceremony ably undertaken by Bro . John Hatch , P . M ., in favour ofMr . Robert Harger , and afterwards by Bro . Moore for Mr . James Bolton , the working tools being delivered by Bro . Past Master Hatch . The W . M . gave notice of some alteration in the by-laws , to
be proposed at the next meeting , and announced that a meeting of the Prov . G . Lodge ( Committee of the Fund of Benevolence ) will be held at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on Tuesday , nth April . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form .
BUXTON . —Phcenix Lodge of St . Ann , No . 1235 . —A meeting of this most prosperous lodge recently took place , when the whole of the proceedings were of the most satisfactory and enjoyable character . The ordinary business of the lodge , which included two ceremonies , being ended , the W . M ., Bro . Reginald Darwin , P . G . J . W ., proceeded with the installation of his successor , Bro . R .
R . Duke , in which he was ably assisted by Bros . Bragge , Ready , and others , Past Masters of other lodges , visitors on the occasion . The ceremony of installation ended , the W . M . proceeded to appoint his officers as follows : — Bros . F . Turner , S . W . ; J . Taylor , J . W . ; A . A . Bagshawe , M . A ., P . G . C , Chaplain ; W . Millward , S . D . ; Smith , J . D . ; Clayton , Treasurer ; E . Milligan ,
Secretary ; Klitz , P . M ., P . P . G . O ., Organist ; Le Gros and J . C . Bates , Stewards ; Lawson , D . ofC . ; Sykes , I . G . ; Bennett , Tyler . The business of the lodge being concluded , the brethren , about forty in number , adjourned to St . Ann's Hotel , where a splendid banquet reflected the highest credit on Bro . Le Gros and his well-known establishment . Dinner , wines , and attendance were admirable ,
and elicited the unqualified praise of all present . The usual loyal and and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the W . M ., in proposing "The Health of the Immediate Past Master , " which he did in most complimentary terms , concluded by presenting him , in the name of the brethren , with a Past Master ' s jewel . The jewel , which is of solid gold , and ofthe most costly and elegant
design , bears the following inscription : — " From the brethren ofthe Phcenix Lodge of St . Ann , 1235 , to Bro . R . Darwin , P . M ., P . G . J . W ., on the expiration of his year of office , in grateful recognition of his services to the lodge , and his unvaried courtesy and urbanity to the brethren . " —On expressing his gratitude for this most splendid testimony of his services to the lodge , the P . M .
took occasion to refer to the unavoidable absence , through illness , of the first Master ofthe lodge , their most distinguished brother , and the senior Mason in the province , Bro . J . Millward , P . P . G . J . D ., and most heartily was the toast of his speedy restoration received . The festivities ofthe day concluded with a grand Masonic hall at the Assembly Room , Crescent Hotel . —Thc ball was in every
way a brilliant success , and we trust it is but a forerunner of many similar reunions . There were about 140 ladies and gentlemen present , and the decorations , music , and refreshments reflected credit on all concerned in the arrangements , and left nothing to be desired . We understand that Captain Arkwright , M . P ., sent a message at the last moment that he could not be present .
MIDDLESEX . —Enfield Lodge , No . liyj . —The above lodge met on Monday , the 6 th inst ., at the Court House , Enfield Town , the VV . M ., Bro . Purday , in the chair ; C . Tye , S . W . ; R . Matthison , J . W . ; J . J . Wilson , I . P . M . ; Cornwall , Smith , & c . The lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Ingersoll , Gray , and Cottier having answered the necessary questions , were
passed to the second degree ; and Messrs . Brown and Hall were initiated into the Order . A very elegant solid gold Past Master ' s jewel was then presented by private subscription to thc retiring W . M ., Bro . J . J . Wilson , who was the founder of the lodge , and had been for two successive years W . M ., for his zeal and assiduity in
promoting the interests of the lodge , which he acknowledged in a powerful and telling speech . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated , there being no banquet . The visitors were Bros . T . Bartlett , W . M . 813 ; W . H . Main , P . M . and Hon . Sec . 813 ; Roberts , P . M . 754 ; and Mailer , J . D . 754 .
Royal Arch.
Mount Zion Chapter , A o . 22 . —This flourishing Chapter was held at Radley's Hotel , on the 13 th inst . The chapter was opened ' y Comps . Taylor , as Z . ; Bryant , II . ; Sillifanr , as J . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , some formal business disposed of ., and the chapter was closed ; banquet followed . Present : Comps . H . Muggeridge , P . Z ., S . E . ; Partridge , P . Z . ; R . Wright , II . ; Spooner , P . Z ., & c ., and F . Walters , P . Z . 73 , as a visitor ,
Royal Arch.
LANCASTER . —Rmoley Chapter , No . 1051 . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonie Rooms , AthenD-um , on Monday , the 20 th Marcli , under the presidency of E . Comp . J . Daniel Moore , P . Z ., & c , who officiated as Installing Officer . There were also present : E . Comps . Bowes , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . B . ; Bagnall , M . E . Z . ; T . Mason , H . ; and Hall , J . ; Comps .
N . G . Mercer , E . ; W . J . Sly , as N . ; W . Barker , Treas . ; Edmund Simpson , P . M ., as P . S . ; E . Airey , and R . Taylor . The Principals-elect were presented to the Presiding Officer by the M . E . Z ., Comp . Bagnall , and were installed in due form by Comp . Moore , assisted by Comp . Bowes , by whom the Scripture readings and invocations were very effectively rendered . The officers of the
chapter for the ensuing year were invested as follows : Comps . T . Mason , M . E . Z . ; W . H . Bagnall , P . Z . ; WiUiam Hall , H . ; N . G . Mercer , M . D ., J . ; J . L . Whimpray , N . ; James M . Moore , E . ; W . Barker , Treas . ; Edmund Simpson , P . M ., P . S . ; E . Airey , Asst . Soj . ; and R . Taylor , Janitor . Bros . Richard Ray and William Burrow Ray , of the Lodge of Fortitude , No . 281 , were exalted to the degree of Royal Arch by Comp .
Moore , the important duties of P . S . being undertaken by the newly-appointed P . S ., Comp . Simpson , and the lecture delivered by Comp . Bowes , P . Z . ; Comp . Hall , H . ; and Comp . Mason , M . E . Z . A cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Bowes for his attendance and services was passed , and the chapter was closed in due form , when the companions adjourned to the house ol Bro . Sly , where a banquet was served under the presidency of Comp . Mason , M . E . Z .
Mark Masonry.
Southwark Lodge , No . 22 . —On Saturday , 18 th inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , this lodge met . Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , W . M ., opened the lodge , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read . The new by-laws having been made , and some formal business gone through , the lodge was closed . There were present Bros . F . Walters , P . M . ; T . J . Sabine , P . M . ; M . A . Loewenstark , P . M . and Sec . ; T . Bulmer , T . D . Barnard , & c .
Orders Of Chivalry.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . Mount Calvary or Early Grand Encampment of England . —This encampment celebrated the anniversary of the martyrdom of Jacques de Molai , on Saturday , the nth instant , at Freemasons' Tavern , and amongst the knights present were the E . C . Sir Kt . W . Stone ; F . Binckes , P . E . C . Reg . ; W . Paas , P . E . C . Treas . ; J . Stohwasser , P . E . C . ; S . Rosenthal ( P . E . C ) , 1 st Capt . ;
D . M . Dewar , 2 nd Capt . ; W . Roebuck , C . of L . ; F . H . Ebsworth , S . B . ; E . Baxter , S . B . : J . Hervey , 2 nd H . ; F . A . Philbrick , R . W . Little , and Major E . I-I . Finney . Visitors : Sir Kts . Capt . N . G . Philips , P . G . C . Cambs . and Suffolk ; W . H . Pullen , P . E . C . ; D . C . M . Gordon , R . H . Thrupps , and Dumas . Ballots were taken for several candidates and joining members ,
and Comps . E . H . Finney , jun ., and Capt . W . T . Kinnersley , being in attendance , were duly installed as Knights Templar . The encampment was then closed , and a Priory of the Order of Malta was opened , Sir Kt . Binckes as E . Prior . Sir Kts . Philbrick , Finney , jun ., and Kinnersley were then admitted to the Mediterranean Pass ,
and dubbed as Knights Hospitaller of Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta . The Priory having been closed , the Kts . Comps . adjourned to banquet under the genial presidency of Sir Kt . Stone , E . C , by whom the various toasts were given with great fervour , their reception by the fratres being equally enthusiastic . After a most enjoyable evening , thc knights separated .
HOLBORN . —The Holborn hasrevived , with great care , Douglas Jerrold ' s popular nautical drama of " Black Eyed Susan , " after which follows the "Streets of London . " Mr . Sefton Parry has abolished all fees , and we trust others may follow his good example . These revivals have
attracted large audiences to this popular house . STRAND . — "The Idle Apprentice" has been revived , and "Cceur de Lion" is withdrawn . "In Three Volumes , " and " Up in the World , " still continue to delight the large houses which are gathered nightly to witness these excellent pieces .
HAVMARKET . —The friends of Bro . J . B . Buckstone will be pleased to hear that he has just renewed the lease of the house he has so well managed for the last eighteen years , his original term commencing on March 22 nd , 1852 . We wish him most cordially a continuance of his success and prosperity .
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , " & c , & c ., on Mayar ' s Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , thesamples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them to be perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of
nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary Wheat Flour , or any of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR HILL HASSALL , M . D ., London . " --Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar ' s Semolina .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was no opposition on the part of the City brethren to the other fund ; but that one evening , amongst a few friends , £$ 0 was collected , ancl other sums had since been subscribed , but whether they would start a boat he could not say . He did not see why they should not have two , —( hear , hea"r)—and supposing the other fund should not succeed in getting enough money for the purpose , then
the City Fuiftl Committee would come over to them , and , at any rate , fey would secure one lifeboat . —Other toasts were given , and a pleasant evening was spent . Manchester Lodge , No . 179 . —The regular meeting of this old lodge took place on Thursday , the 16 th inst , at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . The lodge was opened by Bro . Kew , W . M ., who presided , and in his usual
faultle ' ss , admirable manner , passed Bro . J . Hawes , raised Bros . D . Witt aiftl Shaw , and initiated Mr . D . J . Brewer . The lodge was closed , and banquet followed . Present : Bros . W . Hopekirk , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Hughes , P . M . Sec . ; H . Ash , P . M . ; W . Stuart , P . M ., as J . W . ; Heywood . fJ . W . ; Morton , S . D ; Munro , J . D . ; Sullivan , I . G . ; & c , The visitors were : Bros . F . Walters , P . M . 73 ,
W . M . 871 ; E . Page , 141 ; Ganett , S . W . 704 ; D . Fitzpatrick , 704 ; H . P . Lyon , 25 ( S . C ) , & c . New Concord Lodge , No . 813 . —The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , on Friday , the 17 th inst . Bro . J . Bartlett , W . M ., presided . He raised Bro . Tiggell , and initiated Mr . John Grabham . Bro . J . Emmens , P . G . P .,
installed M . vJ . Atkins , S . W ., as W . M . The officers appointed were Bros . Salisbury , S . W .,- Denny , J . W . ; J . J . Wilson , P . M ., Treas . ; W . H . Main , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Hill , S . D . ; Mountford , J . D . ; C . Hill , I . G . ; Sinclair , D . C . ; Faucquez , Steward . The work , as usual here , was rendered in an admirable manner . Bro . J . Bartlett , I . P . M ., had a handsome P . M . ' s jewel presented to him from the lodge funds . The lodge was closed , and
an admirable banquet , served up under the superintendence of the host , Bro . Gabb , followed , and he was indefatigable in his exertions in seeing to every one's comfort . The visitors were : Bros . J . Terry , P . G . S . B . Herts , P . M . 228 ; G . F . Cook , W . M . 65 ; F . Walters , P . M . 73 , W . M . 1309 ; \ T . Maidwell , 73 ; E . Jones , 192 ; R . Senecal , J . D . 860 ; Forbes , 805 ; J . Storey , I . G . 1107 ; D . Davis , 1257 ; G . T . Limn , 871 , & c .
PROVINCIAL . SUFFOLK . —Albert Victor Lodge , No . 70 . —This lodge held its usual quarterly meeting on the evening of the 2 ist inst ., at Ipswich , when the following brethren were advanced , viz . : Bros . William Warren , Lieut , of H . M . 60 th Rifles ; James Mortimer Vernon Cotton , Capt . H . M . 27 th Regt ., both of the British Union Lodge , Ipswich ;
Charles Sumner Pinwell , -Lieut of H . M . 27 th Regt ., of the Pentangle Lodge , Chatham . The ceremony was ably performed by the W . M ., Rev . R . N . Sanderson , P . G . Chaplain , assisted by a set of efficient ofiicers . LIVERPOOL . —Lodge of Sincerity , No . 292 . The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 131 I 1 inst : at the Temple , 22 , Hope-street , the W . M ., Bro . Pelham ,
presiding , assisted by Bros . R . S . Williams , I . P . M . ; Thos . Wylie , P . G . R ., P . M . ; Robt . Wylie , P . G . D . C , P . M .: Hamer , P . G . T ., P . M . ; Hess , P . G . — ., P . M . and Treas . ; Wilson , S . W . ; I lust wick , J . W . ; Elliott , Sec ; Evans , S . D . ; Russell , J . D . ; Hughes , I . G . ; and a fair proportion of brethren . The visitors present were Bros . Major Leslie , 1205 ; C . II . Hill , W . M . 724 ; and
Jones , J . XV . 12 J 0 . Considerable interest was attached to this meeting on account of its being the first occasion on which the new W . M . and officers would undertake the ceremonial work . After the usual confirmation of minutes , a ballot was taken for two candidates , and proved unanimous . Being in attendance , they were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M .,
who quite fulfilled all the expectations that had been formed of his abilities , r * oing through the ceremony in a most efficient and self-possessed manner , showing that he has thrown his energies into the work , and is determined to succeed . The J . W . gave the working tools , and the S . W . the charge , the latter in such a manner as to show that he is completely master of his subject ;
indeed all the officers did their work remarkably well , considering that with most of them this was the first time they appeared in office . We feel convinced that if future Masters will prove as earnest , and officers as painstaking as those they now have , the lodge will ultimately regain its position as the premier lodge of the province of West Lancashire . Nothing more than formal business remained
to be transacted and the lodge was duly closed , the brethren remainiri ' g to supper ; after which , toasts and songs were tlflfc order of the evening , till the hour of separation arriVed , and the brethren took their departure , well pleased with all that had transpired . LEICESTER . — John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . —A monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons '
Hall , on Thursday , the 16 th inst ., the W . M ., Bro . Buzzard , presiding . There were also present : Bros . Toller , P . M . ; Sculthorpe , S . W . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , J . W . ; Baines , Sec . ; Partridge , S . D . ; Atkins , Ross , Thorp , Dr . Clifton , Barrow , Lange , and C . Bcmbridge , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . Stretton , W . M . ; Palmer , S . D . ; Stanley , P . M . ; Capt Goodchild , Halford , Atwood , and Cleaver , of No .
279 . Bros . Dr . Clifton and Barrow , after due examination , were passed to the second degree , the lecture on the tracing-board being subsequently given by Bro . Toller , P . M . On the lodge being lowered to thc first degree , a letter was read from Bro . W . J . Hughan , of Truro , P . G . Sec . Cornwall , stating that "he was really
proud of the honour the lodge had done him in electing him an honorary member , as none of the members knew him personally , and therefore it could only be in consequence of a real desire to do him honour . " After expressing his intention of periodically sending donations to the "Masonie Hall Library , " through the P . G . M ., Bro . Hughan added , " Wc seem to be fast approaching a time
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
when Masonic literature is to be exalted , and mere attendance at banquets , to the neglect of the lodge duties , no longer the rule . I believe the movement in Leicester , in founding the Masonic Library , will materially aid in so desirable a result . " The letter having been ordered to be entered on the minutes , the lodge was shortly afterwards closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge , No . 1051 . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Friday evening , the 17 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Atheno _ um . The throne of K . S . was occupied ( in consequence of the indisposition ofthe W . M . ) by Bro . J . Daniel Moore , P . M ., W . M . 281 , P . P . G . S . of W . ; who was supported by Bros . John Hatch , P . M . 281 , as I . P . M . ; W . Hall , S . W . ; W .
Barker , J . W . ; W . J . Sly , S . D . ; H . Sumner , J . D . ; R . Taylor , I . G . ; Watson , Tyler ; Edmund Simpson , P . M . 281 ; G . Kelland , P . M . 281 ; B . Mills , J . Bailie , W . Fleming , J . W . 281 ; & c . The lodge was opened , the usual business transacted , and the ballot taken , which proved to be unanimous in favour of three candidates for initiation . Mr . James Taylor ( a lewis ) was then duly
initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M ., and the same ceremony ably undertaken by Bro . John Hatch , P . M ., in favour ofMr . Robert Harger , and afterwards by Bro . Moore for Mr . James Bolton , the working tools being delivered by Bro . Past Master Hatch . The W . M . gave notice of some alteration in the by-laws , to
be proposed at the next meeting , and announced that a meeting of the Prov . G . Lodge ( Committee of the Fund of Benevolence ) will be held at the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on Tuesday , nth April . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form .
BUXTON . —Phcenix Lodge of St . Ann , No . 1235 . —A meeting of this most prosperous lodge recently took place , when the whole of the proceedings were of the most satisfactory and enjoyable character . The ordinary business of the lodge , which included two ceremonies , being ended , the W . M ., Bro . Reginald Darwin , P . G . J . W ., proceeded with the installation of his successor , Bro . R .
R . Duke , in which he was ably assisted by Bros . Bragge , Ready , and others , Past Masters of other lodges , visitors on the occasion . The ceremony of installation ended , the W . M . proceeded to appoint his officers as follows : — Bros . F . Turner , S . W . ; J . Taylor , J . W . ; A . A . Bagshawe , M . A ., P . G . C , Chaplain ; W . Millward , S . D . ; Smith , J . D . ; Clayton , Treasurer ; E . Milligan ,
Secretary ; Klitz , P . M ., P . P . G . O ., Organist ; Le Gros and J . C . Bates , Stewards ; Lawson , D . ofC . ; Sykes , I . G . ; Bennett , Tyler . The business of the lodge being concluded , the brethren , about forty in number , adjourned to St . Ann's Hotel , where a splendid banquet reflected the highest credit on Bro . Le Gros and his well-known establishment . Dinner , wines , and attendance were admirable ,
and elicited the unqualified praise of all present . The usual loyal and and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the W . M ., in proposing "The Health of the Immediate Past Master , " which he did in most complimentary terms , concluded by presenting him , in the name of the brethren , with a Past Master ' s jewel . The jewel , which is of solid gold , and ofthe most costly and elegant
design , bears the following inscription : — " From the brethren ofthe Phcenix Lodge of St . Ann , 1235 , to Bro . R . Darwin , P . M ., P . G . J . W ., on the expiration of his year of office , in grateful recognition of his services to the lodge , and his unvaried courtesy and urbanity to the brethren . " —On expressing his gratitude for this most splendid testimony of his services to the lodge , the P . M .
took occasion to refer to the unavoidable absence , through illness , of the first Master ofthe lodge , their most distinguished brother , and the senior Mason in the province , Bro . J . Millward , P . P . G . J . D ., and most heartily was the toast of his speedy restoration received . The festivities ofthe day concluded with a grand Masonic hall at the Assembly Room , Crescent Hotel . —Thc ball was in every
way a brilliant success , and we trust it is but a forerunner of many similar reunions . There were about 140 ladies and gentlemen present , and the decorations , music , and refreshments reflected credit on all concerned in the arrangements , and left nothing to be desired . We understand that Captain Arkwright , M . P ., sent a message at the last moment that he could not be present .
MIDDLESEX . —Enfield Lodge , No . liyj . —The above lodge met on Monday , the 6 th inst ., at the Court House , Enfield Town , the VV . M ., Bro . Purday , in the chair ; C . Tye , S . W . ; R . Matthison , J . W . ; J . J . Wilson , I . P . M . ; Cornwall , Smith , & c . The lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Ingersoll , Gray , and Cottier having answered the necessary questions , were
passed to the second degree ; and Messrs . Brown and Hall were initiated into the Order . A very elegant solid gold Past Master ' s jewel was then presented by private subscription to thc retiring W . M ., Bro . J . J . Wilson , who was the founder of the lodge , and had been for two successive years W . M ., for his zeal and assiduity in
promoting the interests of the lodge , which he acknowledged in a powerful and telling speech . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated , there being no banquet . The visitors were Bros . T . Bartlett , W . M . 813 ; W . H . Main , P . M . and Hon . Sec . 813 ; Roberts , P . M . 754 ; and Mailer , J . D . 754 .
Royal Arch.
Mount Zion Chapter , A o . 22 . —This flourishing Chapter was held at Radley's Hotel , on the 13 th inst . The chapter was opened ' y Comps . Taylor , as Z . ; Bryant , II . ; Sillifanr , as J . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , some formal business disposed of ., and the chapter was closed ; banquet followed . Present : Comps . H . Muggeridge , P . Z ., S . E . ; Partridge , P . Z . ; R . Wright , II . ; Spooner , P . Z ., & c ., and F . Walters , P . Z . 73 , as a visitor ,
Royal Arch.
LANCASTER . —Rmoley Chapter , No . 1051 . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonie Rooms , AthenD-um , on Monday , the 20 th Marcli , under the presidency of E . Comp . J . Daniel Moore , P . Z ., & c , who officiated as Installing Officer . There were also present : E . Comps . Bowes , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . B . ; Bagnall , M . E . Z . ; T . Mason , H . ; and Hall , J . ; Comps .
N . G . Mercer , E . ; W . J . Sly , as N . ; W . Barker , Treas . ; Edmund Simpson , P . M ., as P . S . ; E . Airey , and R . Taylor . The Principals-elect were presented to the Presiding Officer by the M . E . Z ., Comp . Bagnall , and were installed in due form by Comp . Moore , assisted by Comp . Bowes , by whom the Scripture readings and invocations were very effectively rendered . The officers of the
chapter for the ensuing year were invested as follows : Comps . T . Mason , M . E . Z . ; W . H . Bagnall , P . Z . ; WiUiam Hall , H . ; N . G . Mercer , M . D ., J . ; J . L . Whimpray , N . ; James M . Moore , E . ; W . Barker , Treas . ; Edmund Simpson , P . M ., P . S . ; E . Airey , Asst . Soj . ; and R . Taylor , Janitor . Bros . Richard Ray and William Burrow Ray , of the Lodge of Fortitude , No . 281 , were exalted to the degree of Royal Arch by Comp .
Moore , the important duties of P . S . being undertaken by the newly-appointed P . S ., Comp . Simpson , and the lecture delivered by Comp . Bowes , P . Z . ; Comp . Hall , H . ; and Comp . Mason , M . E . Z . A cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Bowes for his attendance and services was passed , and the chapter was closed in due form , when the companions adjourned to the house ol Bro . Sly , where a banquet was served under the presidency of Comp . Mason , M . E . Z .
Mark Masonry.
Southwark Lodge , No . 22 . —On Saturday , 18 th inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , this lodge met . Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , W . M ., opened the lodge , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read . The new by-laws having been made , and some formal business gone through , the lodge was closed . There were present Bros . F . Walters , P . M . ; T . J . Sabine , P . M . ; M . A . Loewenstark , P . M . and Sec . ; T . Bulmer , T . D . Barnard , & c .
Orders Of Chivalry.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . Mount Calvary or Early Grand Encampment of England . —This encampment celebrated the anniversary of the martyrdom of Jacques de Molai , on Saturday , the nth instant , at Freemasons' Tavern , and amongst the knights present were the E . C . Sir Kt . W . Stone ; F . Binckes , P . E . C . Reg . ; W . Paas , P . E . C . Treas . ; J . Stohwasser , P . E . C . ; S . Rosenthal ( P . E . C ) , 1 st Capt . ;
D . M . Dewar , 2 nd Capt . ; W . Roebuck , C . of L . ; F . H . Ebsworth , S . B . ; E . Baxter , S . B . : J . Hervey , 2 nd H . ; F . A . Philbrick , R . W . Little , and Major E . I-I . Finney . Visitors : Sir Kts . Capt . N . G . Philips , P . G . C . Cambs . and Suffolk ; W . H . Pullen , P . E . C . ; D . C . M . Gordon , R . H . Thrupps , and Dumas . Ballots were taken for several candidates and joining members ,
and Comps . E . H . Finney , jun ., and Capt . W . T . Kinnersley , being in attendance , were duly installed as Knights Templar . The encampment was then closed , and a Priory of the Order of Malta was opened , Sir Kt . Binckes as E . Prior . Sir Kts . Philbrick , Finney , jun ., and Kinnersley were then admitted to the Mediterranean Pass ,
and dubbed as Knights Hospitaller of Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta . The Priory having been closed , the Kts . Comps . adjourned to banquet under the genial presidency of Sir Kt . Stone , E . C , by whom the various toasts were given with great fervour , their reception by the fratres being equally enthusiastic . After a most enjoyable evening , thc knights separated .
HOLBORN . —The Holborn hasrevived , with great care , Douglas Jerrold ' s popular nautical drama of " Black Eyed Susan , " after which follows the "Streets of London . " Mr . Sefton Parry has abolished all fees , and we trust others may follow his good example . These revivals have
attracted large audiences to this popular house . STRAND . — "The Idle Apprentice" has been revived , and "Cceur de Lion" is withdrawn . "In Three Volumes , " and " Up in the World , " still continue to delight the large houses which are gathered nightly to witness these excellent pieces .
HAVMARKET . —The friends of Bro . J . B . Buckstone will be pleased to hear that he has just renewed the lease of the house he has so well managed for the last eighteen years , his original term commencing on March 22 nd , 1852 . We wish him most cordially a continuance of his success and prosperity .
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , " & c , & c ., on Mayar ' s Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , thesamples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them to be perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of
nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary Wheat Flour , or any of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR HILL HASSALL , M . D ., London . " --Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar ' s Semolina .