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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Hall , which was a beautiful building , Adapted av , d furnished in every respect for Freemasonry , being now theii home , the brethren would introduce their friends to the United Pilgrims' Lodge , and the first impressions of Freemasonry they would receive , which were always the most important , would be favourable . Properly
conducted , in a proper building , the ceremonies impressed candidates with the dignity and importance of Freemasonry , and they felt their own responsibility in taking upon themselves its principles . Bros . E . N . Levy , Jonas Duckett , Lee , and Haddock also replied , as did also Bros . Hicklin , Duckett , and Watts for ' •The Officers , " after which the brethren separated , a delightful evening having been spent .
MARQUIS OF DALHOUSIE LODGE ( No . 11 5 ° ) - —The ordinary meeting of this lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall on Monday , when Bro . Chcpsi . n was raised and Bro . Wintlc passed . The accounts of the lodge for the past year were audited . Bru . P . L . Simmonds , P . M . 141 and 554 , was unanimously elected W . M . foi the ensuing year . Bro . H . T . Wood was elected
Treasurer in the place of Bro . Bcsant , resigned , and a Past Master ' s jewel voted to Bro . Wood , the retiring Master , for his efficient services to the lodge during his year of office . GRANITE LODGE ( No . 1328 ) . —The members of this lodge assembled at the Freemasons' Hall on Saturday , the 12 th inst ., at five o ' clock , when , in consequence of the absence of Bro . W . H . Muggeridge , W . M ., from
illness , Bro . Jno . Oliver , I . P . M ., assumed the responsibilities of the chair . The officers present were Bros . F . West , jun ., S . W . ; R . C . Mount , J . W . ; Geo . Hackford , Treas . ;• James Lewis Thomas , Sec ; R . Payne , S . D . ; Frederick Kirk , D . C . ; and J . Oswald Gardner , Steward . There were also present about forty of the brethren , and six visitors only . The business consisted of raising to the
Sublime Degree of M . M . Bro . A . C . Shelley , which ceremony was performed by the I . P . M . in most solemn and eloquent terms , and with an impressiveness which apparently rivetted the close attention of one and all present . After performing the most solemn obligation of his office , Bro . Oliver's eloquence was again called into requisition in passing Bros . E . Jenkiu Jones , J . B . Lee , Egerton J .
Pain , and George Henry Chapman , and here again this ceremony was of a p ' ece with the former in its solemnity . But it might as well be mentioned at once that Bro . Oliver performs other offices besides that of P . W . M . He is a perfect masculine Ceres , if such a term can be innocently applied to him , for he is constantly sowing the seeds of Masonic poverty , which fructify in a marvellously short time ,
and in return for his labours , a rich golden harvest rewards his benevolent efforts . Bj his exertions alieady the coffers of the Boys' and Girls' School have been augmented , and on Saturday it was announced , amidst applause , that Bro . Oliver would represent the lodge as Steward for the Boy ' s School at the festival in June ; whereupon , the lodge , with true Masonic spontaneosity voted the sum of twentv
guineas to be placed on his list . It was likewise announced that the W . M ., Bro . Muggeridge , would represent the lodge at the approaching festival of the Girls' School , and notice was given that the lodge would be asked to vote a similar amount for his list . The names of the visitors were Bros . M . S . Larlham , W . M . Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge ; Albert Martin , Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge ; I .
Middlemas , Leigh Lodge ; F . Binckes , Grand Stewards ' Lodge ; F . J . Harvey , Royal Jubilee Lodge , and W . Mann , Industry Lodge . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in peace anil harmony , and the brethren adjourned to the Fremasons' Tavern , where a quasibanquet awaited the coming of the hungry ones , after doing justice to which a most pleasing evening , sper . t with
usual Masonic conviviality , closed the proceedings . METROPOLITAN LODGE ( No . 1507 ) . —This lodge met on the iCth inst ., at its usual quarters , 259 , Pcntonvillc Road . As usual the lodge was very fully attended , theie being altogether present eleven officerr-, eleven visitors , and foity-six lay members . Bro . J . J . Michael , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . J . Willing , I . P . M . ;
Williams , S . W . ; Kingham , J . W . ; Rose , Ireas . ; urns , P . M . Sec . ; Douglas S . D . ; Scales , J . D . ; Side , I . G . ; and Stiles , Assist . Sec . The ceremonies , which were most impressively rendered , were raising Bros . Baddeley , Ovens , Morgan , Raney , G . Clark , and Grcenshade ; and passing Bros . Hcwison , E . Van Camp , Brooker , Iriuth , and Bosshart . For the first time in the history of
the lodge there was no initiation this evening , and the brethren immediately proceeded lo the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . T . Williams , S . W ., was unanimously chosen ; Bro . Rose was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Daly , Tyler . The W . M ., Officers and Bros . Saintsbury , Child and Cheek were appointed Auditors . The lodge agreed to have a summer festival , ladies
to be invited . Windsrr or some other equally pleasant river-side place was suggested , but left to a committee of officers , with Bros . Cheek , Clarke , Rapkin , etc , to select place and make arrangements . A jewel of the value ol £ 10 10 s . was voted to the W . M ., Bro . Michael , for zeal and ability displayed during his year of office . The lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
The usual loyal toasts having been duly given and cordially received , Bro . Willing , I . P . M ., said a pleasing duty devolved upon him for the last time ( the next regular meeting being the installation ) of proposing "The Health of the W . M . " He congratulated the brethren ujon the prosperity and good woiking of the lodge as dmli ped by the retiring W . M ., who had spared no pains to make himself
thoroughly master nt ihe winking and alimony of ihe lodge , lie had ever been constant in attendance , | rofuse in liberality , kind and cor . rterus to his office is and brethren , and second lo none in mricavouring to promote the happiness of the brethren and welfare of the lodge-. He was now about to pass from them as Mastir , but would ever be remembered by every brother with affection tiid esteem , and no Mason leaving the chair as Bro . Michael was now
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
about lo do , he having endeared himself to all , could help feeling what a glorious institution Freemasonry was , how the kindly feelings of human nature were aroused , and what a proud position it was to be W . M . of such a happy lodge . The toast was enthusiastically received , and the W . M ., in a short but most effective reply , said the brethren
paid him more honour than he felt be deserved ( no , no ) , but his best services were always at their disposal , as well as any information that he might possess . He certainly had had a laborious year of office , having had so many new members enter the lodge , but the knowledge that what he was doing was making them better citizens , and promulgating glorious principles , rendered his labour sweet . He could not leave the chair without expressing
his gratitude to the I . P . M ., Bro . Willing , for his able assistance ; to his officers for the hearty suppoit he had received from them ; and to the brethren generally for their attendance , attention , and interest taken in the lodge . He left them in love and peace with every brother , and a . hope to meet them many , many years to come under as happy auspices . The toasts of " The I . P . M ., Bro . Willing , "
" W . M . elect , Bro . Williams , " " The Visitors , " " Officers , " and " Tyler " were respectively given before the brethren separated . The following visitors were present : —Bros . W . Cainock , 1216 ; J . Millis , P . M . 157 ; H . Lewis , 1425 ; VV . Yeats , 907 ; T . Walton , S . W . 157 ; E . Warnngton , W . M . 890 ; L . Vnmburger , 1366 ; W . Snelling , 180 ; A . W . Fcnner , 1227 ; J . Whaiton , Sec 1366 ; and H .
Levy , 18 S . NEW CROSS LODGE ( No . 1559 ) . —On Thursday , March 16 th , this recently consecrated lodge held its first emergency meeting at the New Cross Hall , Lewisham High Road . There was a full muster of the brethren . At request of the W . M ., Bro . H . Kecble , P . M . 127 s , Sec , opened the lodge , and passed Bros . Solomon
Jewell , Hiram Henton , William Smurthwaite , James Moss , and Samuel Husbands Becklcs to the Second Degree , and it is needless to say the work was done in a most efficient manner . The W . M ., Bro . W . B . Woodman , then assumed the chair , and Mr . Ernest Edward Smith , a candidate for Freemasonry ( proposed by Bro . Keeble , P . M ., Sec , and seconded by Bro . F . Walters , P . P . G . P . Middlesex , Treas . ) ,
being 111 attendance , was initiated into the mysteries of the Craft by the W . M . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to with Masonic honours , the W . M . replying at some length . The toast of "The Initiate , " given by the W . M ., was duly replied to by Bro . Ernest Smith ; the toast of " The Officers
of the Lodge" being responded to individually . The visitor , Bro . McDonald , S . W . 1158 , made a capital reply , which was well received , the Tyler's toast closing the proceedings . Several songs by the brethren added considerably to the enjoyment of the meeting . ST . DUNSTAN'S LODGE ( No . 1589 ) . — This new lodge held its first regular meeting at Anderton's
Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 17 th inst . Present : Bros . Dwarber , W . M . ; Wellsman , S . W . ; Dalweod , f . W . ; Titlcy , Sec . ; J . H . Dodson , S . D . ; II . Turner , J . D . ; Woodbridge , I . G . ; Williams , and II . Green ; Bros . G . II . Mason , of 65 ; II . Turner , of < 55 ; and H . W . Foster , of 11 , were unanimously elected joining members . Messrs . G . Manners , J . J . Bull , G . M . Low , H . J . Shurgond and W . H .
CIcmow were initiated into the Order . After the conclusion of business , the brethren adjrurned to the banqueting hall , where an excellent repast was provided . The following brethren honoured the lodge by visiting it : —Bros . S . Poynter , P . M . 902 and 1491 ; G . J . Palmer , P . M ., I . G . 11 ; A . F . Littell , P . M . 160 ; Johnson , 1423 ; F . H . Fowler , 207 ; Owen Low , 237 ; Dr . Dunn , 34 ; H . F . Cox , 1319 ;
E . Swanborough , 1319 ; A . Swanborough , 1319 ; and C . H . Stephenson , 1319 . WOOLWICH . —Union Waterloo Lodge ( No . 13 ) . —The monthly mci-liug of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 8 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Woolwich , the W . M ., Bro . T . J . Carwelley , in the chair , supported by the following officers : —Bros . G . B . Davies , P . M . ; B .
Picking , P . M . ; F . G . Pownall , S . W . ; G . W . Reed , J . W . ; j . Hendersen , P . M . and Treas . ; H . S . Syer , Sec ; J . P . Moore , S . D . ; T . Mutton , J . D . ; N . Brown , I . G . ; B . Norman , Tyler . Among the visitors were Dr . J . Baxter Langley , W . M . 1423 ; C . Beaid , 700 ; II . Shaw , 700 ; C . Sweeny , 700 ; T . McKnight , 700 and 1536 ; H . J . Weston , 133 ( 1 ; and T . Cavey , 1472 . The minutes and
accounts having been duly read and passed , Messrs . II . Wells , D . T . Morlcy , W . Macdaniel , and G . H . Baker were unanimously elected . All being present , were duly initiated , and Bro . H . Robus , of the Upton Lodge , No . 1227 , was passed to the Second Degree ; and Bro . W . W . Prophet was raised to the Third Degree , the whole of the ceremonies being most efficiently worked by the W . M . The
lodge was closed , and the brethren and visitors ( excepting Dr . J . Baxter Langley , W . M . 1423 , who had to leave for London ) adjourned for refreshment . The W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and the brethren responded most heartily . His own health , proposed by P . M . Davies , was drunk most enthusiastically . On that of "The Visitors" being proposed , Bros . McKnight , of the
Nelson and United Military , and C . Beard , of the Nelson , with whose names the toast was coupled , thanked the W . M . and brethren for the kind reception the visitors received upon all occasions , and thi manner the degrees had been worked by the W . M . and the officers generally made Ihe \ isit a real pleasure * ; " The Initiates " were next toasted , and Bro . Macdaniel made a very pleasing reply .
The Past Masters' toast was very suitably replied to by Bro . G . ti . Dawes . The next toast was that of " The Officers of the Lodge , " and was very ably replied to by Bro . !•' . G . Pownall , S . W ., and the Tyler's trast concluded the pleasures of the evening . NORWICH .-Union Ledge ( No . 52 ) . —The Pro \ iiicial Grand Lodge of Norfolk , with the Right Worshipful the Grand Master , Col . the Hon . J . Walpole , M . P .,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
attended the monthly meeting of the oldest lodge in the province—the Union—on Tuesday evening , the 7 th inst . There was a very numerous attendance , the lodge-room ( Norfolk Hotel ) being filled . The W . M ., Bro . G . B . Kennett , presided , with Bros . Major Penrice , S . W . ( acting for Rro . W . A . Tvssen-Amhersl ' L and F .. M . R T . nrnn .
J . W . The W . M . initiated C . R . Gilman , Esq ., and T . Watson , Esq ., and also passed Bro . F . A . R . Pemberton . Lodge having been opened in the Third Degree , Major Penrice then took the chair , and raised Bros . Kingston Stracey , Wm . Shacklady , and Dawson Paul to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons , pcrfoiming this important duty in the most impressive manner . The W . M . then resumed the chair , and the lodge was closed down tu
the First Degree , when the Worshipful Prov . G . Master feelingly alluded to the loss the province has sustained by the death of the Prov . Grand Treasurer , Bro . J . Barwell , who for very many years had occupied that position , and throughout a long and honourable life had evinced the warmest interest in the welfare and prosperity of the Craft . He concluded by proposing , in suitable terms , the
following resolution of condolence : — " That this lodge desires to express to Mrs . Barwell its heartfelt sympathy with her and her family on the death of Bro . the late Very Worshipful the Provincial Grand Treasurer , who was initiated 23 th January , 1820 ; was Worshipful Master of this lodge in 1829 and 1834 ; took the degree of Royal Arch , June , 1820 ; Knight Templar , September , 1820 ; Mark
Mason , 1821 ; was Provincial Grand Secretary for several years ; and was elected Provincial Grand Treasurer in 1836 , and held that office until his death ; and to record its deep sense of the valuable services rendered to the Craft by that worthy brother , whose whole life was devoted to objects of benevolence and promoting the welfare of his fellow creatures . " This was appropriately seconded by
the D . P . G . M ., Bro . A . M . F . Morgan , and duly carried . On the closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned for refreshment , and two or three most enjoyable hours were passed . There were , of course , the customary Masonic toasts . In proposing " The Prov . Grand Master , " the W . M . congratulated Bro . Walpole on having received his appointment from Royal hands , and said that the choice of
H . R . H . the Grand Master of All England was extremely gratifying to the Masons of Norfolk . Bro . Walpole had been a most zealous Mason , and had used his utmost exertions to promote the success of the Craft in the province , and Lodge 52 felt it to be a very great honour to be favoured with the first visit of the newly-appointed Grand Master and his officers . The visits of the Grand Master
and the Grand Lodge were at all times beneficial to Fretmasonry , as it kept them well up to their work . Jls a proof of the popularity which had attended , the accession of Bro . Walpole to the Prov . Grand Chair , he need only refer to the work they had done that evening , and the cry was , " Still they come . " But as the lodge was now full a line would have to be drawn . The
toast having been drunk with honours , the Prov . Grand Master responded in one of his characteristic speeches . Having congratulated the W . M . on the working of the lodge , he referred to the statement that the lodge was now full , and jocosely remarked that what was wanted in Freemasonry was quality , and not quantity , and this the lodge had . He next made
some suitable observations on the present condition of the Craft in the province , and assured the brethren that his efforts would always be directed to the promotion of its welfare , which he had so greatly at heart . He valued everything that tended to that end , and , therefore , congratulated the lodge on the proposed re-opening of the Royal George Chapter , at which he intended to be
present . In the course of the evening the W . M . proposed " The Initiates , " remarking that they were always pleased to see a new stone laid in the fabric of Freemasonry , and It was an additional pleasure to him to initiate Bro . Gilman because he would henceforth be not only a brother-in-law , but a brother in Masonry . Bro . Tom Watson was also the son of an old and worthy citizen , and it
was such men particularly they were glad to see come amongst them to strengthen their ranks . Bro . Gilman briefly responded . LIVERPOOL . —Ancient Union Lodge ( No . 203 ) . —This venerable lodge , which numbers amongst its P . M . ' s many worthy names , had another brother placed in its chair for the ensuing year who is likely to add lustre to
the roll . The members met on Thursday evening , the 16 th inst ., for the purpose of assisting at the installation of Bro . J . Winsor , the W . M . elect . The gathering was perhaps the largest seen at any private lodge for many a day , there being about 150 present , and in this large muster there was an evidence of the popularity of the lodge and of its retiring and incoming Masters . The lodge was opened by
Bro . E . Johnston , W . M . I he minutes having beer , read and confirmed , Bro . Dr . T . W . Sargeant , P . M ., took the chair , and installed Bro . J . Winsor as W . M . in a masterly style . The W . M . subsequently invested the following as his officers : —Bros . E . Johnston , I . P . M . ; Julius Frank , S . W . ; J . Alston , J . W . ; C . Bromley , P . M ., Treas . ( reelected ); J . Thomas , Sec ; J . Hilton , S . D . ; C . Birch
J . D . ; J . R . Japha , I . G . ; T . W . Sargeant , D . C ; J . P . Bryan , Org . ; T . Hatton , S . S . ; E . Cattrall , J . S . ; and P . Ball , Tyler . During the pleasant after-dinner proceedings a handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . E . Johnston , I . P . M ., as a maik of esteem of the brethren of the lodge . The usual toasts were given during the evening , and the manner of their proposal by the W . M . and
others was of the most satisfactory kind . A beautifully executed " photo " of the W . M . adorned the menu and toast list , the portrait being the work of Bro . R . Brown , anil the card itself the work of Bro . S . Jacobs , 1502 . No finer specimen of the combined results of photography and lithography has been seen for a lorg time . The proceedings were greatly enhanced by the musical efforts of Bros . Queen , Jones , Child , Hobart , Bryan , R . Brown , and others .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Hall , which was a beautiful building , Adapted av , d furnished in every respect for Freemasonry , being now theii home , the brethren would introduce their friends to the United Pilgrims' Lodge , and the first impressions of Freemasonry they would receive , which were always the most important , would be favourable . Properly
conducted , in a proper building , the ceremonies impressed candidates with the dignity and importance of Freemasonry , and they felt their own responsibility in taking upon themselves its principles . Bros . E . N . Levy , Jonas Duckett , Lee , and Haddock also replied , as did also Bros . Hicklin , Duckett , and Watts for ' •The Officers , " after which the brethren separated , a delightful evening having been spent .
MARQUIS OF DALHOUSIE LODGE ( No . 11 5 ° ) - —The ordinary meeting of this lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall on Monday , when Bro . Chcpsi . n was raised and Bro . Wintlc passed . The accounts of the lodge for the past year were audited . Bru . P . L . Simmonds , P . M . 141 and 554 , was unanimously elected W . M . foi the ensuing year . Bro . H . T . Wood was elected
Treasurer in the place of Bro . Bcsant , resigned , and a Past Master ' s jewel voted to Bro . Wood , the retiring Master , for his efficient services to the lodge during his year of office . GRANITE LODGE ( No . 1328 ) . —The members of this lodge assembled at the Freemasons' Hall on Saturday , the 12 th inst ., at five o ' clock , when , in consequence of the absence of Bro . W . H . Muggeridge , W . M ., from
illness , Bro . Jno . Oliver , I . P . M ., assumed the responsibilities of the chair . The officers present were Bros . F . West , jun ., S . W . ; R . C . Mount , J . W . ; Geo . Hackford , Treas . ;• James Lewis Thomas , Sec ; R . Payne , S . D . ; Frederick Kirk , D . C . ; and J . Oswald Gardner , Steward . There were also present about forty of the brethren , and six visitors only . The business consisted of raising to the
Sublime Degree of M . M . Bro . A . C . Shelley , which ceremony was performed by the I . P . M . in most solemn and eloquent terms , and with an impressiveness which apparently rivetted the close attention of one and all present . After performing the most solemn obligation of his office , Bro . Oliver's eloquence was again called into requisition in passing Bros . E . Jenkiu Jones , J . B . Lee , Egerton J .
Pain , and George Henry Chapman , and here again this ceremony was of a p ' ece with the former in its solemnity . But it might as well be mentioned at once that Bro . Oliver performs other offices besides that of P . W . M . He is a perfect masculine Ceres , if such a term can be innocently applied to him , for he is constantly sowing the seeds of Masonic poverty , which fructify in a marvellously short time ,
and in return for his labours , a rich golden harvest rewards his benevolent efforts . Bj his exertions alieady the coffers of the Boys' and Girls' School have been augmented , and on Saturday it was announced , amidst applause , that Bro . Oliver would represent the lodge as Steward for the Boy ' s School at the festival in June ; whereupon , the lodge , with true Masonic spontaneosity voted the sum of twentv
guineas to be placed on his list . It was likewise announced that the W . M ., Bro . Muggeridge , would represent the lodge at the approaching festival of the Girls' School , and notice was given that the lodge would be asked to vote a similar amount for his list . The names of the visitors were Bros . M . S . Larlham , W . M . Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge ; Albert Martin , Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge ; I .
Middlemas , Leigh Lodge ; F . Binckes , Grand Stewards ' Lodge ; F . J . Harvey , Royal Jubilee Lodge , and W . Mann , Industry Lodge . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in peace anil harmony , and the brethren adjourned to the Fremasons' Tavern , where a quasibanquet awaited the coming of the hungry ones , after doing justice to which a most pleasing evening , sper . t with
usual Masonic conviviality , closed the proceedings . METROPOLITAN LODGE ( No . 1507 ) . —This lodge met on the iCth inst ., at its usual quarters , 259 , Pcntonvillc Road . As usual the lodge was very fully attended , theie being altogether present eleven officerr-, eleven visitors , and foity-six lay members . Bro . J . J . Michael , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . J . Willing , I . P . M . ;
Williams , S . W . ; Kingham , J . W . ; Rose , Ireas . ; urns , P . M . Sec . ; Douglas S . D . ; Scales , J . D . ; Side , I . G . ; and Stiles , Assist . Sec . The ceremonies , which were most impressively rendered , were raising Bros . Baddeley , Ovens , Morgan , Raney , G . Clark , and Grcenshade ; and passing Bros . Hcwison , E . Van Camp , Brooker , Iriuth , and Bosshart . For the first time in the history of
the lodge there was no initiation this evening , and the brethren immediately proceeded lo the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . T . Williams , S . W ., was unanimously chosen ; Bro . Rose was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Daly , Tyler . The W . M ., Officers and Bros . Saintsbury , Child and Cheek were appointed Auditors . The lodge agreed to have a summer festival , ladies
to be invited . Windsrr or some other equally pleasant river-side place was suggested , but left to a committee of officers , with Bros . Cheek , Clarke , Rapkin , etc , to select place and make arrangements . A jewel of the value ol £ 10 10 s . was voted to the W . M ., Bro . Michael , for zeal and ability displayed during his year of office . The lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
The usual loyal toasts having been duly given and cordially received , Bro . Willing , I . P . M ., said a pleasing duty devolved upon him for the last time ( the next regular meeting being the installation ) of proposing "The Health of the W . M . " He congratulated the brethren ujon the prosperity and good woiking of the lodge as dmli ped by the retiring W . M ., who had spared no pains to make himself
thoroughly master nt ihe winking and alimony of ihe lodge , lie had ever been constant in attendance , | rofuse in liberality , kind and cor . rterus to his office is and brethren , and second lo none in mricavouring to promote the happiness of the brethren and welfare of the lodge-. He was now about to pass from them as Mastir , but would ever be remembered by every brother with affection tiid esteem , and no Mason leaving the chair as Bro . Michael was now
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
about lo do , he having endeared himself to all , could help feeling what a glorious institution Freemasonry was , how the kindly feelings of human nature were aroused , and what a proud position it was to be W . M . of such a happy lodge . The toast was enthusiastically received , and the W . M ., in a short but most effective reply , said the brethren
paid him more honour than he felt be deserved ( no , no ) , but his best services were always at their disposal , as well as any information that he might possess . He certainly had had a laborious year of office , having had so many new members enter the lodge , but the knowledge that what he was doing was making them better citizens , and promulgating glorious principles , rendered his labour sweet . He could not leave the chair without expressing
his gratitude to the I . P . M ., Bro . Willing , for his able assistance ; to his officers for the hearty suppoit he had received from them ; and to the brethren generally for their attendance , attention , and interest taken in the lodge . He left them in love and peace with every brother , and a . hope to meet them many , many years to come under as happy auspices . The toasts of " The I . P . M ., Bro . Willing , "
" W . M . elect , Bro . Williams , " " The Visitors , " " Officers , " and " Tyler " were respectively given before the brethren separated . The following visitors were present : —Bros . W . Cainock , 1216 ; J . Millis , P . M . 157 ; H . Lewis , 1425 ; VV . Yeats , 907 ; T . Walton , S . W . 157 ; E . Warnngton , W . M . 890 ; L . Vnmburger , 1366 ; W . Snelling , 180 ; A . W . Fcnner , 1227 ; J . Whaiton , Sec 1366 ; and H .
Levy , 18 S . NEW CROSS LODGE ( No . 1559 ) . —On Thursday , March 16 th , this recently consecrated lodge held its first emergency meeting at the New Cross Hall , Lewisham High Road . There was a full muster of the brethren . At request of the W . M ., Bro . H . Kecble , P . M . 127 s , Sec , opened the lodge , and passed Bros . Solomon
Jewell , Hiram Henton , William Smurthwaite , James Moss , and Samuel Husbands Becklcs to the Second Degree , and it is needless to say the work was done in a most efficient manner . The W . M ., Bro . W . B . Woodman , then assumed the chair , and Mr . Ernest Edward Smith , a candidate for Freemasonry ( proposed by Bro . Keeble , P . M ., Sec , and seconded by Bro . F . Walters , P . P . G . P . Middlesex , Treas . ) ,
being 111 attendance , was initiated into the mysteries of the Craft by the W . M . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to with Masonic honours , the W . M . replying at some length . The toast of "The Initiate , " given by the W . M ., was duly replied to by Bro . Ernest Smith ; the toast of " The Officers
of the Lodge" being responded to individually . The visitor , Bro . McDonald , S . W . 1158 , made a capital reply , which was well received , the Tyler's toast closing the proceedings . Several songs by the brethren added considerably to the enjoyment of the meeting . ST . DUNSTAN'S LODGE ( No . 1589 ) . — This new lodge held its first regular meeting at Anderton's
Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 17 th inst . Present : Bros . Dwarber , W . M . ; Wellsman , S . W . ; Dalweod , f . W . ; Titlcy , Sec . ; J . H . Dodson , S . D . ; II . Turner , J . D . ; Woodbridge , I . G . ; Williams , and II . Green ; Bros . G . II . Mason , of 65 ; II . Turner , of < 55 ; and H . W . Foster , of 11 , were unanimously elected joining members . Messrs . G . Manners , J . J . Bull , G . M . Low , H . J . Shurgond and W . H .
CIcmow were initiated into the Order . After the conclusion of business , the brethren adjrurned to the banqueting hall , where an excellent repast was provided . The following brethren honoured the lodge by visiting it : —Bros . S . Poynter , P . M . 902 and 1491 ; G . J . Palmer , P . M ., I . G . 11 ; A . F . Littell , P . M . 160 ; Johnson , 1423 ; F . H . Fowler , 207 ; Owen Low , 237 ; Dr . Dunn , 34 ; H . F . Cox , 1319 ;
E . Swanborough , 1319 ; A . Swanborough , 1319 ; and C . H . Stephenson , 1319 . WOOLWICH . —Union Waterloo Lodge ( No . 13 ) . —The monthly mci-liug of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 8 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Woolwich , the W . M ., Bro . T . J . Carwelley , in the chair , supported by the following officers : —Bros . G . B . Davies , P . M . ; B .
Picking , P . M . ; F . G . Pownall , S . W . ; G . W . Reed , J . W . ; j . Hendersen , P . M . and Treas . ; H . S . Syer , Sec ; J . P . Moore , S . D . ; T . Mutton , J . D . ; N . Brown , I . G . ; B . Norman , Tyler . Among the visitors were Dr . J . Baxter Langley , W . M . 1423 ; C . Beaid , 700 ; II . Shaw , 700 ; C . Sweeny , 700 ; T . McKnight , 700 and 1536 ; H . J . Weston , 133 ( 1 ; and T . Cavey , 1472 . The minutes and
accounts having been duly read and passed , Messrs . II . Wells , D . T . Morlcy , W . Macdaniel , and G . H . Baker were unanimously elected . All being present , were duly initiated , and Bro . H . Robus , of the Upton Lodge , No . 1227 , was passed to the Second Degree ; and Bro . W . W . Prophet was raised to the Third Degree , the whole of the ceremonies being most efficiently worked by the W . M . The
lodge was closed , and the brethren and visitors ( excepting Dr . J . Baxter Langley , W . M . 1423 , who had to leave for London ) adjourned for refreshment . The W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and the brethren responded most heartily . His own health , proposed by P . M . Davies , was drunk most enthusiastically . On that of "The Visitors" being proposed , Bros . McKnight , of the
Nelson and United Military , and C . Beard , of the Nelson , with whose names the toast was coupled , thanked the W . M . and brethren for the kind reception the visitors received upon all occasions , and thi manner the degrees had been worked by the W . M . and the officers generally made Ihe \ isit a real pleasure * ; " The Initiates " were next toasted , and Bro . Macdaniel made a very pleasing reply .
The Past Masters' toast was very suitably replied to by Bro . G . ti . Dawes . The next toast was that of " The Officers of the Lodge , " and was very ably replied to by Bro . !•' . G . Pownall , S . W ., and the Tyler's trast concluded the pleasures of the evening . NORWICH .-Union Ledge ( No . 52 ) . —The Pro \ iiicial Grand Lodge of Norfolk , with the Right Worshipful the Grand Master , Col . the Hon . J . Walpole , M . P .,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
attended the monthly meeting of the oldest lodge in the province—the Union—on Tuesday evening , the 7 th inst . There was a very numerous attendance , the lodge-room ( Norfolk Hotel ) being filled . The W . M ., Bro . G . B . Kennett , presided , with Bros . Major Penrice , S . W . ( acting for Rro . W . A . Tvssen-Amhersl ' L and F .. M . R T . nrnn .
J . W . The W . M . initiated C . R . Gilman , Esq ., and T . Watson , Esq ., and also passed Bro . F . A . R . Pemberton . Lodge having been opened in the Third Degree , Major Penrice then took the chair , and raised Bros . Kingston Stracey , Wm . Shacklady , and Dawson Paul to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons , pcrfoiming this important duty in the most impressive manner . The W . M . then resumed the chair , and the lodge was closed down tu
the First Degree , when the Worshipful Prov . G . Master feelingly alluded to the loss the province has sustained by the death of the Prov . Grand Treasurer , Bro . J . Barwell , who for very many years had occupied that position , and throughout a long and honourable life had evinced the warmest interest in the welfare and prosperity of the Craft . He concluded by proposing , in suitable terms , the
following resolution of condolence : — " That this lodge desires to express to Mrs . Barwell its heartfelt sympathy with her and her family on the death of Bro . the late Very Worshipful the Provincial Grand Treasurer , who was initiated 23 th January , 1820 ; was Worshipful Master of this lodge in 1829 and 1834 ; took the degree of Royal Arch , June , 1820 ; Knight Templar , September , 1820 ; Mark
Mason , 1821 ; was Provincial Grand Secretary for several years ; and was elected Provincial Grand Treasurer in 1836 , and held that office until his death ; and to record its deep sense of the valuable services rendered to the Craft by that worthy brother , whose whole life was devoted to objects of benevolence and promoting the welfare of his fellow creatures . " This was appropriately seconded by
the D . P . G . M ., Bro . A . M . F . Morgan , and duly carried . On the closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned for refreshment , and two or three most enjoyable hours were passed . There were , of course , the customary Masonic toasts . In proposing " The Prov . Grand Master , " the W . M . congratulated Bro . Walpole on having received his appointment from Royal hands , and said that the choice of
H . R . H . the Grand Master of All England was extremely gratifying to the Masons of Norfolk . Bro . Walpole had been a most zealous Mason , and had used his utmost exertions to promote the success of the Craft in the province , and Lodge 52 felt it to be a very great honour to be favoured with the first visit of the newly-appointed Grand Master and his officers . The visits of the Grand Master
and the Grand Lodge were at all times beneficial to Fretmasonry , as it kept them well up to their work . Jls a proof of the popularity which had attended , the accession of Bro . Walpole to the Prov . Grand Chair , he need only refer to the work they had done that evening , and the cry was , " Still they come . " But as the lodge was now full a line would have to be drawn . The
toast having been drunk with honours , the Prov . Grand Master responded in one of his characteristic speeches . Having congratulated the W . M . on the working of the lodge , he referred to the statement that the lodge was now full , and jocosely remarked that what was wanted in Freemasonry was quality , and not quantity , and this the lodge had . He next made
some suitable observations on the present condition of the Craft in the province , and assured the brethren that his efforts would always be directed to the promotion of its welfare , which he had so greatly at heart . He valued everything that tended to that end , and , therefore , congratulated the lodge on the proposed re-opening of the Royal George Chapter , at which he intended to be
present . In the course of the evening the W . M . proposed " The Initiates , " remarking that they were always pleased to see a new stone laid in the fabric of Freemasonry , and It was an additional pleasure to him to initiate Bro . Gilman because he would henceforth be not only a brother-in-law , but a brother in Masonry . Bro . Tom Watson was also the son of an old and worthy citizen , and it
was such men particularly they were glad to see come amongst them to strengthen their ranks . Bro . Gilman briefly responded . LIVERPOOL . —Ancient Union Lodge ( No . 203 ) . —This venerable lodge , which numbers amongst its P . M . ' s many worthy names , had another brother placed in its chair for the ensuing year who is likely to add lustre to
the roll . The members met on Thursday evening , the 16 th inst ., for the purpose of assisting at the installation of Bro . J . Winsor , the W . M . elect . The gathering was perhaps the largest seen at any private lodge for many a day , there being about 150 present , and in this large muster there was an evidence of the popularity of the lodge and of its retiring and incoming Masters . The lodge was opened by
Bro . E . Johnston , W . M . I he minutes having beer , read and confirmed , Bro . Dr . T . W . Sargeant , P . M ., took the chair , and installed Bro . J . Winsor as W . M . in a masterly style . The W . M . subsequently invested the following as his officers : —Bros . E . Johnston , I . P . M . ; Julius Frank , S . W . ; J . Alston , J . W . ; C . Bromley , P . M ., Treas . ( reelected ); J . Thomas , Sec ; J . Hilton , S . D . ; C . Birch
J . D . ; J . R . Japha , I . G . ; T . W . Sargeant , D . C ; J . P . Bryan , Org . ; T . Hatton , S . S . ; E . Cattrall , J . S . ; and P . Ball , Tyler . During the pleasant after-dinner proceedings a handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . E . Johnston , I . P . M ., as a maik of esteem of the brethren of the lodge . The usual toasts were given during the evening , and the manner of their proposal by the W . M . and
others was of the most satisfactory kind . A beautifully executed " photo " of the W . M . adorned the menu and toast list , the portrait being the work of Bro . R . Brown , anil the card itself the work of Bro . S . Jacobs , 1502 . No finer specimen of the combined results of photography and lithography has been seen for a lorg time . The proceedings were greatly enhanced by the musical efforts of Bros . Queen , Jones , Child , Hobart , Bryan , R . Brown , and others .