Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 4 of 4 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
School this year , and that the sum of £ 10 10 s . from the lodge , in compliance with the bye-law 22 , should head his list . The brethren adjourned to an excellent collation . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Stebbing , 26 ; Corben , 172 ; Wix , 735 ; Edwards , St . Mark ' s ; Maskell 1236 . Upon the removal of the cloth , the W . M . stated that as the hour was so far advanced , he was necessarily
compelled to be very brief in introducing the various toasts , but he felt sure that , notwithstanding this brevity , they would be received by the brethren with none the less enthusiasm . He then gave " The Queen and Craft , and the M . W . G . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . " These tsasts were duly honoured , and Bros . Wall and Saunders contributed verses of the " National Anthem , " and "God
Bless the Prince of Wales . " " The Health of the Pro G . M ., and the D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present" followed , and was heartily drank . In proposing " The Health of R . W . the P . G . M . of Middlesex " the W . M . mentioned the great interest which Bro . Colonel Burdett manifested in the welfare of every lodge within his jurisdiction , and he felt sure that there was not a more
zealous , popular , and energetic Provincial Grand Master in England than their worthy and esteemed R . W . This toast was most enthusically drank . " The Health of the other Officers of the Province " was proposed and acknowledged by Bro . Horsley , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., who immediately gave the toast of " The W . M . " in well set terms , in which he paid a great compliment to the ability and
attention of Bro . Wigginton , which had been manifested , he saiJ , to a remarkable degree throughout the whole career of the Francis Burdett Lodge , and concluded by stating that the more the brethren saw of him the better they liked him . It is needless to say that this toast was most warmly received . The W . M . having briefly replied to this c ompliment , proposed " The Health of the Initiate , Bro .
Corben , " which was duly honoured , and previously to its being acknowledged by the newly made brother , P . M . Horsley contributed the E . A . ' s song . In giving "The Health of the Visitors , " the W . M . expressed the pleasure he expeiienced that evening at being ir . a position to entertain , amongst others , two brethren from New Zealand , namely , Bros . Vix and Maskell , and he was sorry that time
prevented him from doing more justice to the toast , but he hoped that this first visit of these brethren in particular to the Francis Burdett Lodge had been in every ivay agreeable to them . This toast having been duly honoured , was responded to by Bros . Vix and Maskell , in which they expressed how gratified they felt at the kind manner in which they had been received , and how impressed they were with
Ihe excellent working of the W . M . and bis officers , and that they should carry hack with them to New Zealand a very pleasant recollection of their first visit to the Francis Burdett Lodge . The W . M . then proposed " The Health of the Officers of the Lodge , " coupled with the names of Bros . Saunders , Tomlinson , and Knaggs . In his speech he particularly mentioned the names and services of the first
mentioned brother , who , he said , notwithstanding he had been resident in France some time , never missed an opportunity of being present at their meetings . Bros . Saunders , Tomlinson and Knaggs briefly replied , and the former said that although crossing the Channel at this time of year was not particularly pleasant , yet as long as he occupied any position in Masonry he should consider he was
only discharging his duty by making every personal sacrifice in order to be in his place . Between the toasts Bros . Saunders , Knaggs , Sugg , Wix and Walls vocally and i'lstrumentally amused the brethren . LEICESTER . —Albert Edward Lodge ( No . 1360 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Tuesday , the 14 th
inst ., when there were present , amongst others , R . W . Bros . W . Kelly , P . Prov . G . M . ; G . Toller , jun ., I . P . M ., as W . M . ; Clement Stretton , P . M ., as LP . VI . ; S . S . Partridge ; P . M ., as S . W . ; Dr . Hunt , J . W .: C . Stretton , as S . D . ; Capt . Goodchild , as J . D . ; Dr . Buck , I . G . ; J . M . M'Allister , W . M . 279 ; E . Mason , S . W . 1391 ; and several others . Bro . the Rev . C . f I . Wood was passed to the Degree of
F . C . by the acting W . M ., and the Lecture on the T racing Board was given by Bro . Partridge . After the discussion of some matters of business , the lodge was closed in harmony . MORECAMBE . — Morecambe Lodge ( No . 1561 ) . —This lodge , which has hitherto met in a temporary lodge-room at the North Western Hotel , has now
secured permanent accommodation in the board-room belonging to the Morecambe Board of Health , and where in future its meetings will be held . The first meeting in the new lodge-room took place on the 4 th inst , the chair of K . S . being occupied by Bro . J . D . Moore , P . G . S B . England , the W . M ., Bro . H . Longman ( W . M . 1031 ) , occupying the l . P . M . ' s chair . There were several of the
brethren present from Lancaster , including Bros . J . L . Bradshaw ( P . M . 1031 ) , W . Warbrick , J . J . Crosbcll , R . Stanton . and J . Atkinson ( 281 ) , F . Dale ( J . W . ) , R . Wolfenden ( Sec ) , R . Hartley and D . Greenwood ( 1353 ) , and Capt . Chenoweth . The lodge was opened with solemn prayer in the First Degree , and afterwards raised to the Second and Third , when Bros . Poole and
Bingham , having given proficiency as Fellow Craftsmen , were raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M ., the working in the degree being efficiently performed by the W . M . and Bro . H . Longman . The lodge was then closed down to the First Degree , when Mr . William Stephenson was initiated into the mysteries of Masonry . Four candidates were proposed for initiation , and hearty good wishes
having been tendered by the visitors , and acknowledged from the chair , the lodge was closed in solemn form . The brethren and visitors then adjourned to the house of Bro . T . Longmire , the West View Hotel , and sat down to an excellent supper . Bio . J . D . Moore ( P . G . S . B . England ) presiding , supported by Bro . N . Duff ( S . W . ) . On the conclusion of the repast a few toasts were given and responded to , the Chairman
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in the course of his remarks congratulating the brethren on the evident progress which the lodge was making in point of numbers , and urged upon the officers the desirability of attending lodges of instruction , with a view to their attaining proficiency in their duties and in the working of the lodge . A very pleasant evening was spent , the brethren separating at a reasonable hour .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
NORWICH . —Royal George Chapter ( No . 52 ) . —After having been in abeyance for a quarter of a century the Royal George Chapter , connected with Union Lodge , No . 32 , which was established at the beginning- of this century , was re-opened on Friday 10 th inst ., the Grand Chapter having given it ? sanction to the proceeding . The chairs were filled by Comps . Col .
LEstrange , Z . ; . [ . Duneford , 11 . ; ami A . M . I * . Morgan , Dep . Prov . G . M .. J . ; M . Mason , was P . S . ; J . Hotblack , E . ; ami Shepheaul Smith , N . Among those present were Comps . Lieut .-Col . Daff , E . Baldwin , P . Z . 40 ; Dudley Stacey , Drinkivater , J . Stanley , J . Stanley , jun ., J . Marshall , and others . The following candidates were exalted to the Supreme Degree of the Holy Royal Arch of
Israel : —Bros . H . Barwell , Prov . G . Sec . ; G . B . Kennett , W . M . ; Col . Bignold , E . M . B . Lacon , Rev . Walde Cholmeley , R . Kerrison , G . Buxton , E . P . Youell , 100 ; J . B . Aldis , and A . II . Santy . On the close of the chapter the companions sat down to refreshment , when the lojsts were given . The Bcp . l ' rov . G . M . in the course of the evening congratulated the members of
the Union Lodge present on tha re-opening of the chapter . During the time that he was the Master of the lodge he made a strong effort to bring this about , and subsequently several limes urged it upon the late Prov . G . M ., but without success . It had , however , fallen to the lot of Comp . Kcnnett to see this accomplished , and he trusted that in future the chapter woul i periodically he held .
WARRINGTON . —Chapter of Elias Ashmole ( No . 148 ) . —The annual convocation of this chapter took place at the chapter-rooms on Monday , 13 th inst ., at four o ' clock in the afternoon . Tile chapter was opened by the Principals , M . E . Comps . W . S . Hawkins , Z . ; W . Sharp , II . j P . G . Edelsten , J ., assisted by E . Comps . J . Bowes , P . Z ., & c . ; U . W . Finney , P . Z ., * & c . ; and W . " Mossop ,
P . Z ., cVc . ; when the rest of the companions were admitted , amongst whom were Comp .-. C . Crosier , K . ; Auckland , N . j Brierly , P . S . ; J . W . Thorp , Sec ; Wilson , W . Woods , Thos . Tunstall , J . 1 \ . Young , W . Galloway , Jas . Jackson , Rose , Chas . Sutton , T . l'ieipoint , and a visitor from South Australia . The minutes were read and confirmed , a . id the Auditor ' s report presented and passed . The M . E . Z .
announced that the next business WHS the installation of the Principals elect for the ensuing year , and he had pleasure in calling upon their senior member , as well as Senior P . Z ., E . Comp . John Bowes , P . Z ., P . Prov . G . S . B ., to perform the ceremony . The companions below the rank oi Installed First Principals then wuhdr- 'sv , find a conclave was opened , and the newly-elected Principals duly installed
and invested in their respective offices . 1 he conclave being closed , the companions were re-admitted , and the new Principals were greeted and proclaimed . The other officers were then invested , and after a cordial vote of thanks to the Installing Principal and a proposition , the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to refreshment , under the presidency of the M . E . Z ., Comp . W . Sharp , and a very
enjoyable evening was spent . BARNSTAPLE . —Chapter of Loyally and Virtue ( No . 231 ) . —A quarterly meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Barnsiaple , on Wednesday , 13 th inst . The Principals were J . Hancok , Z j W . Britton , 11 . j and J . T . Shapland , J . A goodly number of companions attended , and Bro . Robert Paul Morrison , of Lodge
251 , was exalted . The Treasurer presented his last year s accounts , which showed that this old chapter was in a very flourishing state , and it was closed at nine o'clock . BEDFORD . —Stuart Chapter ( No . 540 ) . —The first meeting ( since the consecration ) of the above chapter was held on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., when there were present , ( with the exception of Captain I ' . C . Polhill Turner ,
M . P ., absent on his parliamentary duties ) all the officers of the chapter—Comps . Col . Smart , M . t . Z . j J . R . Bull , II . j and Cotikson , J . ; Rev . Win . Tebbs , Chaplain ; Captain Colbburn , K . ; Trapp , Treasurer ; Cuthbcrt , P . Z . ; Captain Green , and Fisher , A . S . ; and many companions . Visiting companions were Barfield , P . Z ., and Read , P . Z . of Mount Sinai , and Campion , of Northampton . A great ileal
of work was done , including the exaltation of five companions—Nash , Capt . G . P . Nash , Billson , Kichaidson , and Reynolds ( janitor ) . Sir John Montague Butgoync , Bart ., of Sutton Park , was balloted for , but not exalted , bcabsent . from illness . The working elicited expressions of admiration from those companions who , having been present at the consecration , and coming from town to assist
( if necessary ) the officers of the young chapter , found to their astonishment that so great had been the diligence displayed during their brief term of office , that their services were well-nigh unneeded . It is , however , hardly necessary to say that their intention of helping if need had been was as gratefully accepted as gracefully tendered . After refreshment the M . E . Z ., having given the usual toasts ,
proposed "The Health of the Newly Exalted Companions , " remarking that it had never before happened in his experience , that father and son ( Comps . Nash and G . P . Nash ) should have been exalted at the same time . " The Health of the Visitors" was then heartily drunk , and feelingly
responded to . The brethren then separated delighted with their evening ' s work , no less than with the promise mai ' e that the chapter will be as well worked and rapidly become as important as the Stuart Lodge , to which it is attached . MANCHESTER . —Derby Chapter ( No . 1035 ) . —This chapter held its installation meeting at the
Royal Arch.
Knowsley Hotel , Chcetham , on Tuesday , the r 4 th inst ., about thirty members and visitors were present . The chapter was opened by Comp . J . West , Z ., who , after the minutes had been passed , exalted Bro . J . Brown to the Supreme Degree of a Royal Arch Mason . Comp . James Hall , P . Z ., P . G . P . S ., then proceeded to instal Comp . Ernest Link , as Z . ; Comp . T . 1-1 . Glcndinning was installed as
H . by Comp . J . H . Sillitoe , P . Z . 317 , and Comp . E . Ratcliffe , as J ., by Comp . Hall . The following officers were duly invested by Comp . Sillitoe : —Comps . Caulder , S . E . ; Poflitl , S . N . ; " F .. Pike , P . S . ; Romer , 1 st A . S . ; Steffor , 2 nd A . S . ; Turner , Treas . ; and J . Sly , Janitor . Comp . Hopkins , P . Z ., P . G . D . C , acted as Director of Ceremonies throughout the evening . Before closing the chapter the
balance sheet was read and passed , and a vote of thanks was proposed , and heartily accorded to Comps . Hall , Sillitoe and Hopkins fdr their services during the evening . After the chapter was closed , the companions sat down to a very substantial repast , and the evening was most agreeably spent . The loyal and Masonic toasts were duly
honoured , and the toast of the evening , " The Newly Installed Principals" was most enthusiastically drunk , and was ably responded to by Comps . Link , Glendinning and R-ttcliffe . The toast of " The Visitors " was as usual most heartily received , and was responded to by Comp . Sillitoe . The last toast was given at 10 o ' clock .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
BOMBAY . —Mount Zion Preceptory . —This preceptory was held on January 7 th , at which there were present Em . Sir Knts . W . C . Rowe , E . P . ; P . Bclleli , C . j A . McKenzie , M . ; T . Burdett , A . S . M . ; Mitchell , Treas . ; II . W . Barrow , Reg . ; Barrett , C . of G . ; Bro . Scager , G . ; Em . Sir Kut . Irvine , lion , member , Members : Sir Kilts . B . Robinson , Stead , and others . Visitors : Very Em . Sir Knt . G . S . Judge , P . P ., with his
P . G . Officers , were admitted under the Arch of Steel . The muster roll having been called , the summons convening the meeting was read . The niinui « of the preceptory meeting held on the 5 th of November , 1873 , were read ami confirmed . The minutes of the meeting of the Permanent Committee , held this day , were read and adopted . The Treasurer ' s accounts up to the ^ tst December , 1875 ,
had been audited and found correct . The patent of Em . Sir Knt . Judge ' s appointment as a Knight Commander cl the Order ol the Temple was read by the Registrar . Em . Sir Knt . Rowe then addressed the preceptory as follows : Sir Knights , before I deliver over the charge of this precep < lory to my worthy and esteemed successor , Sir Knt . Alexander McKenzic , E . P . elect , I think it is nothing- but my
duty to give an account of my stewardship during the two years I have held the offices of E . P . of Mount Zion Preceptory Knights Templar , and E . P . of Mount Moria . li Piiory of the Knights of Malta . During the time I have had the honour to rule over this preceptory there have been thirteen meetings of the preceptory and eight worthy companions installed as Knights Templar , viz ., Sir Knt . Edward
Hewett , manager of the Land and Mortgage Bank , Bombay ; Alfred King , chief storekeeper G . I . P . Railway ; H . W Barrow , secretary Town Council , and clerk to the Corporation of the City of Bombay ; A . W . Seabrook , Esq ., H . M . Bombay Marine ; B . Robinson , officer in the Locomotive Department G . I . P . Railway ; II . Stead , official liquidator London and Mediterranean Bank ; Dr . De Tactiam ,
surgeon H . M . Indian Army ; and I ' . Turner , government cotton inspector . Wc have also had five meetings of the Priory , and all these worthy Knights have been installed Knights of Malta , and I am pleased to say all have signed and received their diplomas for both degrees . I have also during my term of office made the necessary alteration to the jewels , clothing , and property of the preceptory , in
accordance with new statutes , and paid off all debts and fees that were rluc or ow ' ng fium this pm-eplnry when I took over the charge . Although , Sir Knights , our progress has not been rapid , 1 must certainly congratulate the preceptory on those members who have been added to their number during my term of office , as they are all good staunch members , and will prove worthy of our good old Order . I
must , before I proceed to install your E . P . elect , thank those officers who have served under me during the two years I have had the pleasure to rule over this preceptory for the very punctual way they have attended to their duties and the excellent way they have gone through their work when we have been installing members into the degrees , both in the preceptory and piiory , which I have had
the pleasure to rule for the last two years . With this short account of my stewardship , Sir Knights , I shall now proceed to install your E . P . elect . The Very Em . the Prov . Prior said he must be allowed to state , in justice to the very admirable way in which the preceptory had been conducted during the past two years , that he never saw any preceptory better worked than Mount Zion had been by Em . Sir
Knt . Rowe . Not only had he ruled the preceptory within , but he had by his good management relieved it of a load of debt with which it had been oppressed when he took charge of its affairs . He ( Very Em . Sir Knt . Judge ) begged to propose a vote of thanks to Em . frir Knt . Rowe for his valuable services to Mr . unt Zion Preceptory . Em . Sir Knt . Mitchell seconded the motion , which was carried
Ii . Sir Knight Rowe , in acknowledging the compliment , said he had only endeavoured to do his duty while ruling over the preceptory . He certainly felt regret in having to give over charge , but he knew that the worthy Sir Knight who was about to succeed to the command would do at least as well as he Sir Knight Rowe had done . E . Sir
Knight Mitchell then presented the E . Preceptor elect , Sir Knight A . McKenzic , for installation . The ceremony of installation was then proceeded with , the Installing Officer being ( E . Sir Knight Rowe ) . Sir Knight A . Mc-Kenzic was then duly installed as Preceptor for the ensuing year , and in conclusion Sir Knight McKenzic proposed
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
School this year , and that the sum of £ 10 10 s . from the lodge , in compliance with the bye-law 22 , should head his list . The brethren adjourned to an excellent collation . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Stebbing , 26 ; Corben , 172 ; Wix , 735 ; Edwards , St . Mark ' s ; Maskell 1236 . Upon the removal of the cloth , the W . M . stated that as the hour was so far advanced , he was necessarily
compelled to be very brief in introducing the various toasts , but he felt sure that , notwithstanding this brevity , they would be received by the brethren with none the less enthusiasm . He then gave " The Queen and Craft , and the M . W . G . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . " These tsasts were duly honoured , and Bros . Wall and Saunders contributed verses of the " National Anthem , " and "God
Bless the Prince of Wales . " " The Health of the Pro G . M ., and the D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present" followed , and was heartily drank . In proposing " The Health of R . W . the P . G . M . of Middlesex " the W . M . mentioned the great interest which Bro . Colonel Burdett manifested in the welfare of every lodge within his jurisdiction , and he felt sure that there was not a more
zealous , popular , and energetic Provincial Grand Master in England than their worthy and esteemed R . W . This toast was most enthusically drank . " The Health of the other Officers of the Province " was proposed and acknowledged by Bro . Horsley , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., who immediately gave the toast of " The W . M . " in well set terms , in which he paid a great compliment to the ability and
attention of Bro . Wigginton , which had been manifested , he saiJ , to a remarkable degree throughout the whole career of the Francis Burdett Lodge , and concluded by stating that the more the brethren saw of him the better they liked him . It is needless to say that this toast was most warmly received . The W . M . having briefly replied to this c ompliment , proposed " The Health of the Initiate , Bro .
Corben , " which was duly honoured , and previously to its being acknowledged by the newly made brother , P . M . Horsley contributed the E . A . ' s song . In giving "The Health of the Visitors , " the W . M . expressed the pleasure he expeiienced that evening at being ir . a position to entertain , amongst others , two brethren from New Zealand , namely , Bros . Vix and Maskell , and he was sorry that time
prevented him from doing more justice to the toast , but he hoped that this first visit of these brethren in particular to the Francis Burdett Lodge had been in every ivay agreeable to them . This toast having been duly honoured , was responded to by Bros . Vix and Maskell , in which they expressed how gratified they felt at the kind manner in which they had been received , and how impressed they were with
Ihe excellent working of the W . M . and bis officers , and that they should carry hack with them to New Zealand a very pleasant recollection of their first visit to the Francis Burdett Lodge . The W . M . then proposed " The Health of the Officers of the Lodge , " coupled with the names of Bros . Saunders , Tomlinson , and Knaggs . In his speech he particularly mentioned the names and services of the first
mentioned brother , who , he said , notwithstanding he had been resident in France some time , never missed an opportunity of being present at their meetings . Bros . Saunders , Tomlinson and Knaggs briefly replied , and the former said that although crossing the Channel at this time of year was not particularly pleasant , yet as long as he occupied any position in Masonry he should consider he was
only discharging his duty by making every personal sacrifice in order to be in his place . Between the toasts Bros . Saunders , Knaggs , Sugg , Wix and Walls vocally and i'lstrumentally amused the brethren . LEICESTER . —Albert Edward Lodge ( No . 1360 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Tuesday , the 14 th
inst ., when there were present , amongst others , R . W . Bros . W . Kelly , P . Prov . G . M . ; G . Toller , jun ., I . P . M ., as W . M . ; Clement Stretton , P . M ., as LP . VI . ; S . S . Partridge ; P . M ., as S . W . ; Dr . Hunt , J . W .: C . Stretton , as S . D . ; Capt . Goodchild , as J . D . ; Dr . Buck , I . G . ; J . M . M'Allister , W . M . 279 ; E . Mason , S . W . 1391 ; and several others . Bro . the Rev . C . f I . Wood was passed to the Degree of
F . C . by the acting W . M ., and the Lecture on the T racing Board was given by Bro . Partridge . After the discussion of some matters of business , the lodge was closed in harmony . MORECAMBE . — Morecambe Lodge ( No . 1561 ) . —This lodge , which has hitherto met in a temporary lodge-room at the North Western Hotel , has now
secured permanent accommodation in the board-room belonging to the Morecambe Board of Health , and where in future its meetings will be held . The first meeting in the new lodge-room took place on the 4 th inst , the chair of K . S . being occupied by Bro . J . D . Moore , P . G . S B . England , the W . M ., Bro . H . Longman ( W . M . 1031 ) , occupying the l . P . M . ' s chair . There were several of the
brethren present from Lancaster , including Bros . J . L . Bradshaw ( P . M . 1031 ) , W . Warbrick , J . J . Crosbcll , R . Stanton . and J . Atkinson ( 281 ) , F . Dale ( J . W . ) , R . Wolfenden ( Sec ) , R . Hartley and D . Greenwood ( 1353 ) , and Capt . Chenoweth . The lodge was opened with solemn prayer in the First Degree , and afterwards raised to the Second and Third , when Bros . Poole and
Bingham , having given proficiency as Fellow Craftsmen , were raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M ., the working in the degree being efficiently performed by the W . M . and Bro . H . Longman . The lodge was then closed down to the First Degree , when Mr . William Stephenson was initiated into the mysteries of Masonry . Four candidates were proposed for initiation , and hearty good wishes
having been tendered by the visitors , and acknowledged from the chair , the lodge was closed in solemn form . The brethren and visitors then adjourned to the house of Bro . T . Longmire , the West View Hotel , and sat down to an excellent supper . Bio . J . D . Moore ( P . G . S . B . England ) presiding , supported by Bro . N . Duff ( S . W . ) . On the conclusion of the repast a few toasts were given and responded to , the Chairman
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in the course of his remarks congratulating the brethren on the evident progress which the lodge was making in point of numbers , and urged upon the officers the desirability of attending lodges of instruction , with a view to their attaining proficiency in their duties and in the working of the lodge . A very pleasant evening was spent , the brethren separating at a reasonable hour .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
NORWICH . —Royal George Chapter ( No . 52 ) . —After having been in abeyance for a quarter of a century the Royal George Chapter , connected with Union Lodge , No . 32 , which was established at the beginning- of this century , was re-opened on Friday 10 th inst ., the Grand Chapter having given it ? sanction to the proceeding . The chairs were filled by Comps . Col .
LEstrange , Z . ; . [ . Duneford , 11 . ; ami A . M . I * . Morgan , Dep . Prov . G . M .. J . ; M . Mason , was P . S . ; J . Hotblack , E . ; ami Shepheaul Smith , N . Among those present were Comps . Lieut .-Col . Daff , E . Baldwin , P . Z . 40 ; Dudley Stacey , Drinkivater , J . Stanley , J . Stanley , jun ., J . Marshall , and others . The following candidates were exalted to the Supreme Degree of the Holy Royal Arch of
Israel : —Bros . H . Barwell , Prov . G . Sec . ; G . B . Kennett , W . M . ; Col . Bignold , E . M . B . Lacon , Rev . Walde Cholmeley , R . Kerrison , G . Buxton , E . P . Youell , 100 ; J . B . Aldis , and A . II . Santy . On the close of the chapter the companions sat down to refreshment , when the lojsts were given . The Bcp . l ' rov . G . M . in the course of the evening congratulated the members of
the Union Lodge present on tha re-opening of the chapter . During the time that he was the Master of the lodge he made a strong effort to bring this about , and subsequently several limes urged it upon the late Prov . G . M ., but without success . It had , however , fallen to the lot of Comp . Kcnnett to see this accomplished , and he trusted that in future the chapter woul i periodically he held .
WARRINGTON . —Chapter of Elias Ashmole ( No . 148 ) . —The annual convocation of this chapter took place at the chapter-rooms on Monday , 13 th inst ., at four o ' clock in the afternoon . Tile chapter was opened by the Principals , M . E . Comps . W . S . Hawkins , Z . ; W . Sharp , II . j P . G . Edelsten , J ., assisted by E . Comps . J . Bowes , P . Z ., & c . ; U . W . Finney , P . Z ., * & c . ; and W . " Mossop ,
P . Z ., cVc . ; when the rest of the companions were admitted , amongst whom were Comp .-. C . Crosier , K . ; Auckland , N . j Brierly , P . S . ; J . W . Thorp , Sec ; Wilson , W . Woods , Thos . Tunstall , J . 1 \ . Young , W . Galloway , Jas . Jackson , Rose , Chas . Sutton , T . l'ieipoint , and a visitor from South Australia . The minutes were read and confirmed , a . id the Auditor ' s report presented and passed . The M . E . Z .
announced that the next business WHS the installation of the Principals elect for the ensuing year , and he had pleasure in calling upon their senior member , as well as Senior P . Z ., E . Comp . John Bowes , P . Z ., P . Prov . G . S . B ., to perform the ceremony . The companions below the rank oi Installed First Principals then wuhdr- 'sv , find a conclave was opened , and the newly-elected Principals duly installed
and invested in their respective offices . 1 he conclave being closed , the companions were re-admitted , and the new Principals were greeted and proclaimed . The other officers were then invested , and after a cordial vote of thanks to the Installing Principal and a proposition , the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to refreshment , under the presidency of the M . E . Z ., Comp . W . Sharp , and a very
enjoyable evening was spent . BARNSTAPLE . —Chapter of Loyally and Virtue ( No . 231 ) . —A quarterly meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Barnsiaple , on Wednesday , 13 th inst . The Principals were J . Hancok , Z j W . Britton , 11 . j and J . T . Shapland , J . A goodly number of companions attended , and Bro . Robert Paul Morrison , of Lodge
251 , was exalted . The Treasurer presented his last year s accounts , which showed that this old chapter was in a very flourishing state , and it was closed at nine o'clock . BEDFORD . —Stuart Chapter ( No . 540 ) . —The first meeting ( since the consecration ) of the above chapter was held on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., when there were present , ( with the exception of Captain I ' . C . Polhill Turner ,
M . P ., absent on his parliamentary duties ) all the officers of the chapter—Comps . Col . Smart , M . t . Z . j J . R . Bull , II . j and Cotikson , J . ; Rev . Win . Tebbs , Chaplain ; Captain Colbburn , K . ; Trapp , Treasurer ; Cuthbcrt , P . Z . ; Captain Green , and Fisher , A . S . ; and many companions . Visiting companions were Barfield , P . Z ., and Read , P . Z . of Mount Sinai , and Campion , of Northampton . A great ileal
of work was done , including the exaltation of five companions—Nash , Capt . G . P . Nash , Billson , Kichaidson , and Reynolds ( janitor ) . Sir John Montague Butgoync , Bart ., of Sutton Park , was balloted for , but not exalted , bcabsent . from illness . The working elicited expressions of admiration from those companions who , having been present at the consecration , and coming from town to assist
( if necessary ) the officers of the young chapter , found to their astonishment that so great had been the diligence displayed during their brief term of office , that their services were well-nigh unneeded . It is , however , hardly necessary to say that their intention of helping if need had been was as gratefully accepted as gracefully tendered . After refreshment the M . E . Z ., having given the usual toasts ,
proposed "The Health of the Newly Exalted Companions , " remarking that it had never before happened in his experience , that father and son ( Comps . Nash and G . P . Nash ) should have been exalted at the same time . " The Health of the Visitors" was then heartily drunk , and feelingly
responded to . The brethren then separated delighted with their evening ' s work , no less than with the promise mai ' e that the chapter will be as well worked and rapidly become as important as the Stuart Lodge , to which it is attached . MANCHESTER . —Derby Chapter ( No . 1035 ) . —This chapter held its installation meeting at the
Royal Arch.
Knowsley Hotel , Chcetham , on Tuesday , the r 4 th inst ., about thirty members and visitors were present . The chapter was opened by Comp . J . West , Z ., who , after the minutes had been passed , exalted Bro . J . Brown to the Supreme Degree of a Royal Arch Mason . Comp . James Hall , P . Z ., P . G . P . S ., then proceeded to instal Comp . Ernest Link , as Z . ; Comp . T . 1-1 . Glcndinning was installed as
H . by Comp . J . H . Sillitoe , P . Z . 317 , and Comp . E . Ratcliffe , as J ., by Comp . Hall . The following officers were duly invested by Comp . Sillitoe : —Comps . Caulder , S . E . ; Poflitl , S . N . ; " F .. Pike , P . S . ; Romer , 1 st A . S . ; Steffor , 2 nd A . S . ; Turner , Treas . ; and J . Sly , Janitor . Comp . Hopkins , P . Z ., P . G . D . C , acted as Director of Ceremonies throughout the evening . Before closing the chapter the
balance sheet was read and passed , and a vote of thanks was proposed , and heartily accorded to Comps . Hall , Sillitoe and Hopkins fdr their services during the evening . After the chapter was closed , the companions sat down to a very substantial repast , and the evening was most agreeably spent . The loyal and Masonic toasts were duly
honoured , and the toast of the evening , " The Newly Installed Principals" was most enthusiastically drunk , and was ably responded to by Comps . Link , Glendinning and R-ttcliffe . The toast of " The Visitors " was as usual most heartily received , and was responded to by Comp . Sillitoe . The last toast was given at 10 o ' clock .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
BOMBAY . —Mount Zion Preceptory . —This preceptory was held on January 7 th , at which there were present Em . Sir Knts . W . C . Rowe , E . P . ; P . Bclleli , C . j A . McKenzie , M . ; T . Burdett , A . S . M . ; Mitchell , Treas . ; II . W . Barrow , Reg . ; Barrett , C . of G . ; Bro . Scager , G . ; Em . Sir Kut . Irvine , lion , member , Members : Sir Kilts . B . Robinson , Stead , and others . Visitors : Very Em . Sir Knt . G . S . Judge , P . P ., with his
P . G . Officers , were admitted under the Arch of Steel . The muster roll having been called , the summons convening the meeting was read . The niinui « of the preceptory meeting held on the 5 th of November , 1873 , were read ami confirmed . The minutes of the meeting of the Permanent Committee , held this day , were read and adopted . The Treasurer ' s accounts up to the ^ tst December , 1875 ,
had been audited and found correct . The patent of Em . Sir Knt . Judge ' s appointment as a Knight Commander cl the Order ol the Temple was read by the Registrar . Em . Sir Knt . Rowe then addressed the preceptory as follows : Sir Knights , before I deliver over the charge of this precep < lory to my worthy and esteemed successor , Sir Knt . Alexander McKenzic , E . P . elect , I think it is nothing- but my
duty to give an account of my stewardship during the two years I have held the offices of E . P . of Mount Zion Preceptory Knights Templar , and E . P . of Mount Moria . li Piiory of the Knights of Malta . During the time I have had the honour to rule over this preceptory there have been thirteen meetings of the preceptory and eight worthy companions installed as Knights Templar , viz ., Sir Knt . Edward
Hewett , manager of the Land and Mortgage Bank , Bombay ; Alfred King , chief storekeeper G . I . P . Railway ; H . W Barrow , secretary Town Council , and clerk to the Corporation of the City of Bombay ; A . W . Seabrook , Esq ., H . M . Bombay Marine ; B . Robinson , officer in the Locomotive Department G . I . P . Railway ; II . Stead , official liquidator London and Mediterranean Bank ; Dr . De Tactiam ,
surgeon H . M . Indian Army ; and I ' . Turner , government cotton inspector . Wc have also had five meetings of the Priory , and all these worthy Knights have been installed Knights of Malta , and I am pleased to say all have signed and received their diplomas for both degrees . I have also during my term of office made the necessary alteration to the jewels , clothing , and property of the preceptory , in
accordance with new statutes , and paid off all debts and fees that were rluc or ow ' ng fium this pm-eplnry when I took over the charge . Although , Sir Knights , our progress has not been rapid , 1 must certainly congratulate the preceptory on those members who have been added to their number during my term of office , as they are all good staunch members , and will prove worthy of our good old Order . I
must , before I proceed to install your E . P . elect , thank those officers who have served under me during the two years I have had the pleasure to rule over this preceptory for the very punctual way they have attended to their duties and the excellent way they have gone through their work when we have been installing members into the degrees , both in the preceptory and piiory , which I have had
the pleasure to rule for the last two years . With this short account of my stewardship , Sir Knights , I shall now proceed to install your E . P . elect . The Very Em . the Prov . Prior said he must be allowed to state , in justice to the very admirable way in which the preceptory had been conducted during the past two years , that he never saw any preceptory better worked than Mount Zion had been by Em . Sir
Knt . Rowe . Not only had he ruled the preceptory within , but he had by his good management relieved it of a load of debt with which it had been oppressed when he took charge of its affairs . He ( Very Em . Sir Knt . Judge ) begged to propose a vote of thanks to Em . frir Knt . Rowe for his valuable services to Mr . unt Zion Preceptory . Em . Sir Knt . Mitchell seconded the motion , which was carried
Ii . Sir Knight Rowe , in acknowledging the compliment , said he had only endeavoured to do his duty while ruling over the preceptory . He certainly felt regret in having to give over charge , but he knew that the worthy Sir Knight who was about to succeed to the command would do at least as well as he Sir Knight Rowe had done . E . Sir
Knight Mitchell then presented the E . Preceptor elect , Sir Knight A . McKenzic , for installation . The ceremony of installation was then proceeded with , the Installing Officer being ( E . Sir Knight Rowe ) . Sir Knight A . Mc-Kenzic was then duly installed as Preceptor for the ensuing year , and in conclusion Sir Knight McKenzic proposed