Article Knights Templar. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article BRO. H.R.H. THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT AND THE ROSE CROIX. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
that a sword be presented to E . Sir Knight Rowe for hi « t services , which was seconded and carried by acclamation E . Sir Knight Rowe then expressed his thanks for the ereat honour which the Preceptory had resolved to conf r oh him , and assured the members that the sword Id be valued by him more highly than anything else he possessed connected with the Order . He hoped he might
I e spared to wear it for many years to come , and whenever his services could be of any use he would be always found ready , and at his post , and endeavour i ng to do his best . E . Sir Knight McKenzie then invested his officers as follows : —Sir Knights H . W . Barrow , C . ; B . Robinson , M . ; P- Belleli , P . ; H . Stead , S . M . ; Ems . W . C Rowe , Reg . ; Frater Seager , G . The following Sir
Knights were elected to serve on the committee : —Sir Knts . Belleli , R . G . Walton , and H . Stead . The ballot was then taken for Comp . J . Luhe , residing at Byculla , engineer , G . I . P . R . C , of Chap . Keystone , No . 757 , E . C , as a candidate for installation , and the ballot proved clear , a letter was read from the Vice Chancellor of the Order rcfering to the mode of depositing the arms ; also a letter and circular regarding the new statutes . It was then resolved
that the terms of the petition already sent home in support of the changes which have been made in the statutes be adhered to , which was approved . Read a letter from Sir Knight Seabrook , requesting to be placed on the absent list , which was recorded . The Registrar reported that K . T . and K . M . certificates had been delivered to the following Sir Knights : —viz ., Barrow , Robinson , Turner , Stead , and Dr . De Tatham . The Registrar applied for instructions as to what should be done with nineteen
unclaimed certificates , and it was ordered that the certificates in question be placed before the committee , with a request that those of which the owners cannot be found be returned to the V . C . of the Order with an explanation . Those Sir Knights who are residents arc to be written to and requested to claim their certificates . The Very E . Pro Prior requested that he might be favoured with a complete list
of the members of the preceptory at an early date . The Priory of the Knights of Malta was then opened , and the new E . P . was installed by the retiring E . P ., Sir Knight Rowe , and the officers of the priory were invested for the ensuing year . The Sir Knights sat down to a banquet , and a very pleasant evening was spent , many good songs being sung .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
SHEFFIELD . —Talbot Chapter of Rose Croix . —The Talbot Chapter ( No . 13 on the roll of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England , Wales and the Colonies ) held its quarterly chapter in Sheffield on Friday , the 17 th inst ., under the presidency of the Most Wise Sovereign , 111 . Bro . Henry Scebohm ( 30 ; , who was very ably assisted by the Immediate Past M . W . S ., 111 . Bro . Collinand by
soi ^ supported III . Bros . William I lenry Brittain , ( 31 ) , William Roddewig ( 30 ° ) , Robert Arnison ( 30 ) , and Henry John Garnett , all Past Most Wise Sovereigns of the Talbot Chapter . There were also present 111 . Bros . Alexander Hay , First General ; Samuel Kelley , 30 ; G . W . Hawksley , S . B . Ellis , John Nixon , Geo . Edward Bennett , Henry Ecroyd , Francis Griffith , M . D ., Simeon Hayes ,
William Jervis , T . B . Edwards , John Francis Moss , Walter Charles Smith , W . R . Thomas , M . D ., and others . The ballot was taken for Bros . Captain Edward Mills , Adjutant ol volunteers , and Hugh Nevill , of Her Majesty ' s Civil Service , Ceylon , who were accepted as candidates and afterwards peifected according to the peculiarly impressive rites of this most beautiful degree . Apologies for
unavoidable absence were received from 111 . Bios . Rev . V Vernon Bussell , Prelate ; Henri Emil Voigt ( 30 ° ) , John Denton , Clement Hamil Perrott , and others . A letter was read by the M . W . S . from III . Bro . Bentlcy Shaw ( P « t M . W . S . of the Talbot Chapter ) , thanking those of the brethren who went over from Sheffield on Thursday , the 9 th inst ., to assist at the consecration of the new Rose Croix
Chapter in Huddcrsfield ( the Prince of Wales ) . This being the time to elect a M . W . S . for the ensuing year , Bco . Alexander Hay , First General , was duly proposed , seconded , and ballotted for—the ballot being unanimous . Bro . Hay returned thanks for the honour conferred on him , after which the chapter was duly closed . Owing to the alterations going forward at the Masonic Hall , the usual banquet
was dispensed with . A cold collation was , hotvever , provided , which was presided over by the M . W . S . It was announced that the Charity Steward , Bro . Arnison , had received a cheque from III . Bro . Seebohm for thirty guineas as a donation from the Most Wise Sovereign of the Talbot Chapter to the funds of the Masonic School for Girls . The
toast of "The M . P . S . G . G ., the Earl of Carnarvon , and the Members of the 33 rd , 32 nd , and 31 st Degrees " was proposed from the chair , and responded to by 111 . Bro . Wm . Henry Brittain , 31 ° . "The Health of the Most Wise Soverei gn of the Talbot Chapter" was proposed by III . Bro . Collinson , and responded by 111 . Bro . Seebohm in his usual ori ginal and instructive manner .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
WEYMOUTH . —Aubrey Conclave ( No . 1 ) . ¦ — Hie inauguration of this conclave took place on Monday , the 13 th inst ., at the Queen's Hotel , We ) mouth . The following brethren were duly installed as knights companions of the Order : —Henry Cook , Edward Hardine , Charles Palmer Jec , William Butt , Charles Williams aamuel Gerrard , William Holloway , Thomas Searle Warren , Richard Cole , Archibald Robert Millar . 'Ihe
ceremony was ably and impressively performed b y the M . P . S . Captain Barnes , assisted by E . V . E . John Penny . Afterwards the ceremony of consecration was duly and solemnly performed by M . P . S . Captain Barnes , assisted by
Red Cross Of Constantine.
E . V . lCr John Penny ; when the following Sir Knights were appointed to various offices : —Harding , S . G . ; Gee , J . G . ; Cook , R . and Treas . ; Butt , II . P . ; Williams , P . ; ' Gerrard , O . ; Holloway , Std . Bearer ; Warren , II . ; Cole , S . The conclave having been closed in imperial form , the knights adjourned to an excellent banquet provided by Sir Kt . Cook .
Reviews .
"MASONIC MUSIC , & c . " By BRO . F . C . ATKINSON , P . P . G . O . West Yorkshire . Weekes & Co ., London . We have received this volume with much pleasure . We have long been of opinion that more use may be made of music in Our lodge ceremonies than has been hitherto the
case . We therefore gladly welcome all such efforts on the part of our musical brethren to supply us with the " de quoi . " Bro . Atkinson seems to have entirely succeeded in his laudable effort , and we heartily commend his musical contribution to the notice of the brethren and the lodges .
"DEIIRKTT ' s PEEIlAlil-:, BAHONKTAUI :, AMI KSICHTAGE nut 1876 . " Dean & Son . Very useful and very well arranged is this annual work of reference and information . These are subjects which , if a " fellar " can't understand , he ought to , and we are of opinion that in our body politic , such easily understood facts arc both needful anil important . Nothing is so unfortunate
in itscli as ignorance of others , who they are , and what thCy have done , and nothing often so embarrasses us in conversation , and leads to many a regrettable contretemp , as this inexcusable ignorance of the " upperten thousand . " It is needless almost to piaise this work , as it is admirably illustrated and printed , and is so indispensibly necessary to all who have much correspondence , that we can most cordially commend it to the notice of all our readers .
"DEBRETT ' S HOUSE OF COMMONS , " and the "J uniciAi . BENCH" for 1 S 7 6 . Equally important for us is the knowledge of those who form our great " Wittenamegot , " or "Talking Mouse , " and of those who administer laws often peculiar in their construction and difficult to understand . All Englishmen are proud of their Judicial Bench , as we all still properly believe in the " unsullied purity of the ermine . " Despite
some most mistaken and unjustifiable attacks recently on a very eminent judge , and his patient confreres , both judges of high repute , attacks which every patriotic Englishman must deplore and resent , the judges of England merit , as they possess , the confidence of all classes , and we all feel equally that to the impartial administration of just laws this country owes no little of its happiness arid prosperity , and all of its peace and privilege . Deo et Lege is an axiom full of meaning and power for us all still .
Bro. H.R.H. The Duke Of Connaught And The Rose Croix.
It may be as well to remind our readers that our Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught was installed a member of the Rose Croix Degree at a special convocation of the Europa Chapter , held at the Masonic Hall a few davs ago .
All the members were present on the occasion except two , who were unavoidably prevented from attending by illness . The ceremony was impressively performed by the M . W . S .. Captain Gilbard . 31 ° , ably aided by the officers of the chapter , Bros . Morgan , I laynes , Elmes , Preston , Patterson , Hepper , Trcncrry , anil Henry .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening at f lecninsons' Hall . Brn . James Brett , P . G . P .. was in the President ' s chair , Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., in the Senior Vice-President's , and Bro . J . Wiig ht , G . P ., in the Junior Vice-President ' s . The following brethren were also present : —Bros . John Hervey ,
G . S . ; H . G . Buss and A . A . Pendlebury ; also Bros . S . Rawson , P . D . G . M . China ; Hyde Pullen , P . G . S . B . ; James Mason , P . G . S . B . ; J . Symonds , P . A . G . D . C . ; John Boyd , P . G . P . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; Thos . Cubitt , P . G . P . ; W . Clifton Crick , W . II . Myers , H . Banlett , S . Poynter , Herbert Dieketts , P . G . Steward ; W . Hilton , W . Wigginton , W . Maun , M . Suffield , E .
Harris , J . Cox , T . Cohu , J . Deboe , Wm . Stephens , J . T . Berry , J . A . Barnard . C . F . Hogard , P . Wagner , S . Millis , Griffiths Smith , E . Budden , M . Chubb , B . Clegg , C . Burmrister , E . H . Stansfield , M . Higgs , J . Carnaby , R . Griggs , ' K . H . Hongman , E . King , ) . ) . Barnes , J . Ward , J . Green , C . W . Kent . C . Martin . A .
Vanderlyn , C . Palmer , G . Lambert , T . Burt , | . Watts , W . T . Howe , E . P . Albert , A . G . P ., W . Levy , and H . Massey ( " Freemason " ) There were 34 new cases , to which a total grant of £ 53 6 was made , after grants of £ 235 made at former lodge had been confirmed ; and after a long sitting the lodge was closed and adjourned .
Notice is given from the Lord Chamberlain ' s office that her Majesty's birthday will be kept on Saturday , the 27 th of May . HOLLOWAV ' S OINTMENT AND 1 'iu . s . —Chest Preservatives . —At all seasons of the year ihe rate of mortality from diseases of tire lungs is very great . if olloway ' s Ointment , well rubbed upon lire cliesr , aided by the Pills , arrests all mischief . These clcantiug
niedicnmenis exercise the most silutary and restorative influence over the entire contents of the pectoral cavity . Air lubes , nerves , blood vessels , and all other tissues feel their wholesomely potent power , more particularly in their thorough y purifying both venous and arterial blood , by promoting the free circulationof air . Neither Ointment and Pills contain anv noxious ingredient whatever , but their balsamic nature nourishes rather than irritates the system , and kindly subdues all untoward symptoms till all is well once more . —A DVT .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOK GIRLS . —We understand that the subject of extending the accommodation of the Girls' School will be again brought up for discussion at the meeting of the General Committee on Thursday , the 30 th inst ., at 4 p . m . Bro . Sir John Bennett presided at a Spelling Bee on Tuesday , at the South Norwood Congregational Church , and on Friday evening week at the Camden
Road Athenaeum . We regret to hear that Mr . Clifford , of the firm of Messrs . Ritter and Clifford , met with a slight carnage accident a few days since , but which might , however , have been attended with serious consequences . His horse stumbled on the asphalte in King-street , and he was thrown from the carriage . Mr . Clifford has been confined to his house for several days . — " City Press . "
BAPTIST TRANSLATORS AND THE PRINCE OV Wales . —During the late visit of the Prince of Wales to Calcutta a presentation of specimens of the Scriptures translated by the Baptist Missionaries , under- the auspices of the Bible Translation Society , was made to His Royal Highness . The translations occupied eight volumes , handsomely bound in morocco . The rule having been laid down that the . Prince could receive no addresses
or deputations in person , except the addresses of municipalities of capital towns , the books were sent through Sir Bartle Frere , who , by command of the Prince , sent a reply , in which he said : — " 1 am commanded to tell you that they aie much appreciated by His Royal Highness , who has desired me to convey to you . his very best wishes for the success of the admirable work in which your society has already made so great a progress . "
Since her visit to East London the Queen has heard with pleasure that no accident resulting from the crowd was carried to the hospital , that the patients had not suffered from the excitement , and that the little girl to whom Her Majesty spoke was progressing favourably . On
Tuesday the boys from Christ ' s Hospital exhibited their drawings and charts to Her Majesty . The Queen was accompanied by the Princess of Wales , Princess Beatrice , and the young Princes and Princesses of Wales , and the drawings were laid before Her Majesty by each boy separately . The Queen leaves for Germany on the 27 th inst .
Bro . Alderman Hadley will preside at the 5 r . l 1 annual festival of the Railway Officers' and Servants' Association , to be held at the City Terminus Hotel on Thursday , the 30 th inst . Bro . Frederick Kent , C . C ., has been unanimously elected solicitor to the Municipal Bank . The Skelmersdale Lodge , 1 •¦ joo , will bs
consecrated at Masons' Hall Tavern on April 7 th . Bros . John Bingemann , W . M . designate ; Wm . Henry Marston , S . W . designate ; Laker , J . W . designate . The Ivy Lodge , No . 144 1 , has , under the sanction of Grand Lodge , been removed to the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New Road . The installation meeting will , we understand , be held on Tuesday next ,
on which occasion Bro . Chas . Smith , P . M . and founder , will act as Installing Officer . The fifth report of the Royal Commission on Histoiical Manuscripts has just been published . It is a bulky folio of 03 d pages . The work of inspection during the past year has been carried on by Mr . Alfred Horwood , Mr . H . J . Riley , and Mr . J . C . Jeaffreson for England , by
Dr . Stuart and Mr . Fraser for Scotland , and by Mr . Gilbert for Ireland . In addition to these , Professor Brewer has continued his examination of the Cecil documents in possession of the Marquis of Salisbury , and Canon Robertson has furnished a report on the MSS . in Canterbury Cathedral . During the year 70 additional collections have been examined , and 60 reports prepared , and since the
issue of the Royal warrant in 186 9 more than 420 collections of MSS . have been examined . Some of the collections are very rich in historical interest . Among the most so is the Duke of Sutheiland ' s , which he has sent from Trcntham to London in order to be examined , and which deals largely with the civilwar . The Duke of Marlborough's is said to be of priceless value , but has yet to be reported
on . The Marquis of Lansdowne ' s MSS . are made large use of by his brother , Lord Edmund Fitzmaurice , in his " Life cf Lord Shelburne . " Mr . Pine Cotton's , at Portledge , North Devon , contain much information about the Duke of Monmouth ' s rebellion and the bloody assize . The Marquis of Bute's deal with Scotch affairs , early in the 18 th century . Some of the small old towi . s like Dartmouth
Hartland , High Wycombe , New Romney , Rye , and Sandwich possess some interesting documents , so also do some of . the colleges . The report is signed by Sir George Jessel , the Marquis of Salisbury , the Earl of Airlie , Lord Edmund Fitzmaurice , the Bishop of Limerick , Lords Talbot de Malahide , Houghton , and Acton , Sir W . S . Maxwell , Sir T . D . Hardy , Lord C . Russell , aad Dr . Dasent .
ISLINGTON LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . —The ceremony of consecration and installation will be worked by Bro . James Terry , P . G . D . C . Herts , Secretary to the Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , in this lodge on Wednesday , the 12 th April , at 6 . 30 . Brethren to appear in Craft Masonic costume . This young but useful Lodge of Instruction meets every Wednesday evening , ( commencing at seven , and closing at nine ) , at
the Crown and Cushion Hotel , coiner of Winchester-street , London Wall , where the ceremonies are worked only , affording an excellent opportunity to those brethren seeking offices in their lodges . A letter from the Prince of Wales to Loid Northbrook has been officially published at Calcutta , expressing in cordial terms the sincere pleasure which his Royal Highness has derived from his visit to India .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
that a sword be presented to E . Sir Knight Rowe for hi « t services , which was seconded and carried by acclamation E . Sir Knight Rowe then expressed his thanks for the ereat honour which the Preceptory had resolved to conf r oh him , and assured the members that the sword Id be valued by him more highly than anything else he possessed connected with the Order . He hoped he might
I e spared to wear it for many years to come , and whenever his services could be of any use he would be always found ready , and at his post , and endeavour i ng to do his best . E . Sir Knight McKenzie then invested his officers as follows : —Sir Knights H . W . Barrow , C . ; B . Robinson , M . ; P- Belleli , P . ; H . Stead , S . M . ; Ems . W . C Rowe , Reg . ; Frater Seager , G . The following Sir
Knights were elected to serve on the committee : —Sir Knts . Belleli , R . G . Walton , and H . Stead . The ballot was then taken for Comp . J . Luhe , residing at Byculla , engineer , G . I . P . R . C , of Chap . Keystone , No . 757 , E . C , as a candidate for installation , and the ballot proved clear , a letter was read from the Vice Chancellor of the Order rcfering to the mode of depositing the arms ; also a letter and circular regarding the new statutes . It was then resolved
that the terms of the petition already sent home in support of the changes which have been made in the statutes be adhered to , which was approved . Read a letter from Sir Knight Seabrook , requesting to be placed on the absent list , which was recorded . The Registrar reported that K . T . and K . M . certificates had been delivered to the following Sir Knights : —viz ., Barrow , Robinson , Turner , Stead , and Dr . De Tatham . The Registrar applied for instructions as to what should be done with nineteen
unclaimed certificates , and it was ordered that the certificates in question be placed before the committee , with a request that those of which the owners cannot be found be returned to the V . C . of the Order with an explanation . Those Sir Knights who are residents arc to be written to and requested to claim their certificates . The Very E . Pro Prior requested that he might be favoured with a complete list
of the members of the preceptory at an early date . The Priory of the Knights of Malta was then opened , and the new E . P . was installed by the retiring E . P ., Sir Knight Rowe , and the officers of the priory were invested for the ensuing year . The Sir Knights sat down to a banquet , and a very pleasant evening was spent , many good songs being sung .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
SHEFFIELD . —Talbot Chapter of Rose Croix . —The Talbot Chapter ( No . 13 on the roll of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England , Wales and the Colonies ) held its quarterly chapter in Sheffield on Friday , the 17 th inst ., under the presidency of the Most Wise Sovereign , 111 . Bro . Henry Scebohm ( 30 ; , who was very ably assisted by the Immediate Past M . W . S ., 111 . Bro . Collinand by
soi ^ supported III . Bros . William I lenry Brittain , ( 31 ) , William Roddewig ( 30 ° ) , Robert Arnison ( 30 ) , and Henry John Garnett , all Past Most Wise Sovereigns of the Talbot Chapter . There were also present 111 . Bros . Alexander Hay , First General ; Samuel Kelley , 30 ; G . W . Hawksley , S . B . Ellis , John Nixon , Geo . Edward Bennett , Henry Ecroyd , Francis Griffith , M . D ., Simeon Hayes ,
William Jervis , T . B . Edwards , John Francis Moss , Walter Charles Smith , W . R . Thomas , M . D ., and others . The ballot was taken for Bros . Captain Edward Mills , Adjutant ol volunteers , and Hugh Nevill , of Her Majesty ' s Civil Service , Ceylon , who were accepted as candidates and afterwards peifected according to the peculiarly impressive rites of this most beautiful degree . Apologies for
unavoidable absence were received from 111 . Bios . Rev . V Vernon Bussell , Prelate ; Henri Emil Voigt ( 30 ° ) , John Denton , Clement Hamil Perrott , and others . A letter was read by the M . W . S . from III . Bro . Bentlcy Shaw ( P « t M . W . S . of the Talbot Chapter ) , thanking those of the brethren who went over from Sheffield on Thursday , the 9 th inst ., to assist at the consecration of the new Rose Croix
Chapter in Huddcrsfield ( the Prince of Wales ) . This being the time to elect a M . W . S . for the ensuing year , Bco . Alexander Hay , First General , was duly proposed , seconded , and ballotted for—the ballot being unanimous . Bro . Hay returned thanks for the honour conferred on him , after which the chapter was duly closed . Owing to the alterations going forward at the Masonic Hall , the usual banquet
was dispensed with . A cold collation was , hotvever , provided , which was presided over by the M . W . S . It was announced that the Charity Steward , Bro . Arnison , had received a cheque from III . Bro . Seebohm for thirty guineas as a donation from the Most Wise Sovereign of the Talbot Chapter to the funds of the Masonic School for Girls . The
toast of "The M . P . S . G . G ., the Earl of Carnarvon , and the Members of the 33 rd , 32 nd , and 31 st Degrees " was proposed from the chair , and responded to by 111 . Bro . Wm . Henry Brittain , 31 ° . "The Health of the Most Wise Soverei gn of the Talbot Chapter" was proposed by III . Bro . Collinson , and responded by 111 . Bro . Seebohm in his usual ori ginal and instructive manner .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
WEYMOUTH . —Aubrey Conclave ( No . 1 ) . ¦ — Hie inauguration of this conclave took place on Monday , the 13 th inst ., at the Queen's Hotel , We ) mouth . The following brethren were duly installed as knights companions of the Order : —Henry Cook , Edward Hardine , Charles Palmer Jec , William Butt , Charles Williams aamuel Gerrard , William Holloway , Thomas Searle Warren , Richard Cole , Archibald Robert Millar . 'Ihe
ceremony was ably and impressively performed b y the M . P . S . Captain Barnes , assisted by E . V . E . John Penny . Afterwards the ceremony of consecration was duly and solemnly performed by M . P . S . Captain Barnes , assisted by
Red Cross Of Constantine.
E . V . lCr John Penny ; when the following Sir Knights were appointed to various offices : —Harding , S . G . ; Gee , J . G . ; Cook , R . and Treas . ; Butt , II . P . ; Williams , P . ; ' Gerrard , O . ; Holloway , Std . Bearer ; Warren , II . ; Cole , S . The conclave having been closed in imperial form , the knights adjourned to an excellent banquet provided by Sir Kt . Cook .
Reviews .
"MASONIC MUSIC , & c . " By BRO . F . C . ATKINSON , P . P . G . O . West Yorkshire . Weekes & Co ., London . We have received this volume with much pleasure . We have long been of opinion that more use may be made of music in Our lodge ceremonies than has been hitherto the
case . We therefore gladly welcome all such efforts on the part of our musical brethren to supply us with the " de quoi . " Bro . Atkinson seems to have entirely succeeded in his laudable effort , and we heartily commend his musical contribution to the notice of the brethren and the lodges .
"DEIIRKTT ' s PEEIlAlil-:, BAHONKTAUI :, AMI KSICHTAGE nut 1876 . " Dean & Son . Very useful and very well arranged is this annual work of reference and information . These are subjects which , if a " fellar " can't understand , he ought to , and we are of opinion that in our body politic , such easily understood facts arc both needful anil important . Nothing is so unfortunate
in itscli as ignorance of others , who they are , and what thCy have done , and nothing often so embarrasses us in conversation , and leads to many a regrettable contretemp , as this inexcusable ignorance of the " upperten thousand . " It is needless almost to piaise this work , as it is admirably illustrated and printed , and is so indispensibly necessary to all who have much correspondence , that we can most cordially commend it to the notice of all our readers .
"DEBRETT ' S HOUSE OF COMMONS , " and the "J uniciAi . BENCH" for 1 S 7 6 . Equally important for us is the knowledge of those who form our great " Wittenamegot , " or "Talking Mouse , " and of those who administer laws often peculiar in their construction and difficult to understand . All Englishmen are proud of their Judicial Bench , as we all still properly believe in the " unsullied purity of the ermine . " Despite
some most mistaken and unjustifiable attacks recently on a very eminent judge , and his patient confreres , both judges of high repute , attacks which every patriotic Englishman must deplore and resent , the judges of England merit , as they possess , the confidence of all classes , and we all feel equally that to the impartial administration of just laws this country owes no little of its happiness arid prosperity , and all of its peace and privilege . Deo et Lege is an axiom full of meaning and power for us all still .
Bro. H.R.H. The Duke Of Connaught And The Rose Croix.
It may be as well to remind our readers that our Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught was installed a member of the Rose Croix Degree at a special convocation of the Europa Chapter , held at the Masonic Hall a few davs ago .
All the members were present on the occasion except two , who were unavoidably prevented from attending by illness . The ceremony was impressively performed by the M . W . S .. Captain Gilbard . 31 ° , ably aided by the officers of the chapter , Bros . Morgan , I laynes , Elmes , Preston , Patterson , Hepper , Trcncrry , anil Henry .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening at f lecninsons' Hall . Brn . James Brett , P . G . P .. was in the President ' s chair , Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., in the Senior Vice-President's , and Bro . J . Wiig ht , G . P ., in the Junior Vice-President ' s . The following brethren were also present : —Bros . John Hervey ,
G . S . ; H . G . Buss and A . A . Pendlebury ; also Bros . S . Rawson , P . D . G . M . China ; Hyde Pullen , P . G . S . B . ; James Mason , P . G . S . B . ; J . Symonds , P . A . G . D . C . ; John Boyd , P . G . P . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; Thos . Cubitt , P . G . P . ; W . Clifton Crick , W . II . Myers , H . Banlett , S . Poynter , Herbert Dieketts , P . G . Steward ; W . Hilton , W . Wigginton , W . Maun , M . Suffield , E .
Harris , J . Cox , T . Cohu , J . Deboe , Wm . Stephens , J . T . Berry , J . A . Barnard . C . F . Hogard , P . Wagner , S . Millis , Griffiths Smith , E . Budden , M . Chubb , B . Clegg , C . Burmrister , E . H . Stansfield , M . Higgs , J . Carnaby , R . Griggs , ' K . H . Hongman , E . King , ) . ) . Barnes , J . Ward , J . Green , C . W . Kent . C . Martin . A .
Vanderlyn , C . Palmer , G . Lambert , T . Burt , | . Watts , W . T . Howe , E . P . Albert , A . G . P ., W . Levy , and H . Massey ( " Freemason " ) There were 34 new cases , to which a total grant of £ 53 6 was made , after grants of £ 235 made at former lodge had been confirmed ; and after a long sitting the lodge was closed and adjourned .
Notice is given from the Lord Chamberlain ' s office that her Majesty's birthday will be kept on Saturday , the 27 th of May . HOLLOWAV ' S OINTMENT AND 1 'iu . s . —Chest Preservatives . —At all seasons of the year ihe rate of mortality from diseases of tire lungs is very great . if olloway ' s Ointment , well rubbed upon lire cliesr , aided by the Pills , arrests all mischief . These clcantiug
niedicnmenis exercise the most silutary and restorative influence over the entire contents of the pectoral cavity . Air lubes , nerves , blood vessels , and all other tissues feel their wholesomely potent power , more particularly in their thorough y purifying both venous and arterial blood , by promoting the free circulationof air . Neither Ointment and Pills contain anv noxious ingredient whatever , but their balsamic nature nourishes rather than irritates the system , and kindly subdues all untoward symptoms till all is well once more . —A DVT .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOK GIRLS . —We understand that the subject of extending the accommodation of the Girls' School will be again brought up for discussion at the meeting of the General Committee on Thursday , the 30 th inst ., at 4 p . m . Bro . Sir John Bennett presided at a Spelling Bee on Tuesday , at the South Norwood Congregational Church , and on Friday evening week at the Camden
Road Athenaeum . We regret to hear that Mr . Clifford , of the firm of Messrs . Ritter and Clifford , met with a slight carnage accident a few days since , but which might , however , have been attended with serious consequences . His horse stumbled on the asphalte in King-street , and he was thrown from the carriage . Mr . Clifford has been confined to his house for several days . — " City Press . "
BAPTIST TRANSLATORS AND THE PRINCE OV Wales . —During the late visit of the Prince of Wales to Calcutta a presentation of specimens of the Scriptures translated by the Baptist Missionaries , under- the auspices of the Bible Translation Society , was made to His Royal Highness . The translations occupied eight volumes , handsomely bound in morocco . The rule having been laid down that the . Prince could receive no addresses
or deputations in person , except the addresses of municipalities of capital towns , the books were sent through Sir Bartle Frere , who , by command of the Prince , sent a reply , in which he said : — " 1 am commanded to tell you that they aie much appreciated by His Royal Highness , who has desired me to convey to you . his very best wishes for the success of the admirable work in which your society has already made so great a progress . "
Since her visit to East London the Queen has heard with pleasure that no accident resulting from the crowd was carried to the hospital , that the patients had not suffered from the excitement , and that the little girl to whom Her Majesty spoke was progressing favourably . On
Tuesday the boys from Christ ' s Hospital exhibited their drawings and charts to Her Majesty . The Queen was accompanied by the Princess of Wales , Princess Beatrice , and the young Princes and Princesses of Wales , and the drawings were laid before Her Majesty by each boy separately . The Queen leaves for Germany on the 27 th inst .
Bro . Alderman Hadley will preside at the 5 r . l 1 annual festival of the Railway Officers' and Servants' Association , to be held at the City Terminus Hotel on Thursday , the 30 th inst . Bro . Frederick Kent , C . C ., has been unanimously elected solicitor to the Municipal Bank . The Skelmersdale Lodge , 1 •¦ joo , will bs
consecrated at Masons' Hall Tavern on April 7 th . Bros . John Bingemann , W . M . designate ; Wm . Henry Marston , S . W . designate ; Laker , J . W . designate . The Ivy Lodge , No . 144 1 , has , under the sanction of Grand Lodge , been removed to the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New Road . The installation meeting will , we understand , be held on Tuesday next ,
on which occasion Bro . Chas . Smith , P . M . and founder , will act as Installing Officer . The fifth report of the Royal Commission on Histoiical Manuscripts has just been published . It is a bulky folio of 03 d pages . The work of inspection during the past year has been carried on by Mr . Alfred Horwood , Mr . H . J . Riley , and Mr . J . C . Jeaffreson for England , by
Dr . Stuart and Mr . Fraser for Scotland , and by Mr . Gilbert for Ireland . In addition to these , Professor Brewer has continued his examination of the Cecil documents in possession of the Marquis of Salisbury , and Canon Robertson has furnished a report on the MSS . in Canterbury Cathedral . During the year 70 additional collections have been examined , and 60 reports prepared , and since the
issue of the Royal warrant in 186 9 more than 420 collections of MSS . have been examined . Some of the collections are very rich in historical interest . Among the most so is the Duke of Sutheiland ' s , which he has sent from Trcntham to London in order to be examined , and which deals largely with the civilwar . The Duke of Marlborough's is said to be of priceless value , but has yet to be reported
on . The Marquis of Lansdowne ' s MSS . are made large use of by his brother , Lord Edmund Fitzmaurice , in his " Life cf Lord Shelburne . " Mr . Pine Cotton's , at Portledge , North Devon , contain much information about the Duke of Monmouth ' s rebellion and the bloody assize . The Marquis of Bute's deal with Scotch affairs , early in the 18 th century . Some of the small old towi . s like Dartmouth
Hartland , High Wycombe , New Romney , Rye , and Sandwich possess some interesting documents , so also do some of . the colleges . The report is signed by Sir George Jessel , the Marquis of Salisbury , the Earl of Airlie , Lord Edmund Fitzmaurice , the Bishop of Limerick , Lords Talbot de Malahide , Houghton , and Acton , Sir W . S . Maxwell , Sir T . D . Hardy , Lord C . Russell , aad Dr . Dasent .
ISLINGTON LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . —The ceremony of consecration and installation will be worked by Bro . James Terry , P . G . D . C . Herts , Secretary to the Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , in this lodge on Wednesday , the 12 th April , at 6 . 30 . Brethren to appear in Craft Masonic costume . This young but useful Lodge of Instruction meets every Wednesday evening , ( commencing at seven , and closing at nine ) , at
the Crown and Cushion Hotel , coiner of Winchester-street , London Wall , where the ceremonies are worked only , affording an excellent opportunity to those brethren seeking offices in their lodges . A letter from the Prince of Wales to Loid Northbrook has been officially published at Calcutta , expressing in cordial terms the sincere pleasure which his Royal Highness has derived from his visit to India .