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f ur years the lodge has continued to prosper , and at the ' resent time stands second to none . This year the work has commenced well , and I am sure , with the present ffice-bearers working as they are harmoniously together , that it must end well . I will , therefore , conclude , wishing all may enjoy yourselves , and I am delighted , ladies , to " so many of your happy faces amongst us , and hope
may ' to meet on many similar occasions . The fol-1 nving toasts then followed : — " The Queen and the Royal Family , " "Three Grand Lodges , England , Ireland , and Scotland , " and " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Patron of Scottish Freemasonry , " all of which were most enthusiastically received and drank . The toast of " The Provincial Grand Lodge ot Glasgow" was proposed by Bro .
McFarlane , and responded to by Bro . J . Gillies , P . G . T . Other toasts followed , enlivened with some most excellent songs . After the last toast the company adjourned for a short time , when an assembly followed , and dancing was kept up with great spirit for a few hours . PARTICK — St . Mary ' s Lodge ( No . it ;) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in
their own hall , Partick , on Wednesday evening , 15 th inst . Over 160 signed the signature book . The W . M ., Bro . W . Wylie , in the chair , with the following office-bearers present : —Bros . Brunton , I . P . M . ; Bain , D . M . ; Donaldson , S . M . ; Peacock , S . W . ; Agnew , J . W . ; Wylie , Treas . ; Lawrence , Sec . ; McSwan , S . D . ; Wallace , J . D . The minutes were read and confirmed , anil a motion brought
forward , and unanimously carried , raising the initiation fees to a level with other lodges in the province . Messrs . G . Barker , D . Stewart , and J . Laing were initiated by Bro . Bain , D . M . ; Bros . A . McDonald and A . McLean were passed by Bro . Boreland ; and Bros . T . Alexander and T . Barclay were raised by Bro . Bain , D . M . GLASGOW . —Lodge Shamrock and Thistle
( No . 275 ) . —This lodge held their 59 th annual soiree and concert in { the Masonic flail , Struthers-street , on Friday evening , 3 rd inst . In the unavoidable absence , through indisposition , of Bro . D . Ronald , W . M ., Bro . J . Paterson , D . M ., occupied the chair , supported on the platform by Bros . G . C . II . McNaught , P . M . ; W . Phillips , P . M . and W . M . e ; 6 ; Rev . R . Thomson , W . Findlay , S . W . ; T .
Neilson , J . W . ; H . Matheson , S . M . ; J . Horn , Sec . ; I iutcheson , Treas . ; J . Singleton , W . M . 1 78 ; J . Campbell , I . P . M . 128 ; and others . The hall was tastefully decorated with banners and other emblems , the most prominent being the " Shamrock and Thistle , " immediately behind the chairman . About 220 brethren with their wives , partners , and friends sat down to tea , and after
partaking thereof the Chairman rose , and said : Ladies , gentlemen , and brethren—We have now arrived at that part of our programme called the Chairman ' s address . It is with sirrcere and heartfelt regret that I have to announce to you the unavoidable absence of our worthy and respected Master through severe indisposition . We fondly hoped that he would be sufficiently recovered to occupy
his place of honour at this our 59 th festival . From the short notice I received of having to occupy the position of chairman to night , I am encouraged to ask and expect your kind forbearance in my attempt to discharge the duties of the chair on this auspicious occasion . Since our last annual festival we , as alodge , have made considerable accession to our numbers , and , 1 am proud to say , of aclass
of gentlemen who will reflect credit , not only on the lodge in which they have been initiated , but on the Order in general . It gives me great pleasure , and it must be a source of gratification to all , that the past year has been as prosperous as any of its predecessors , and I think I am safe in saying that the Lodge Shamrock and Thistle was never in a more healthy , prosperous , and harmonious condition .
As you all know , the great work of Freemasonry is benevolence , and I am proud to tell you that this work goes on amongst us , and I trust as years go on it will increase . I do not intend to make a long speech . I will therefore conclude by saying I am delighted to see the ladies among us to-night , and 1 can assure them that no class of men are more delighted to see the ladies amongst them
than Freemasons . I therefore wish you may all enjoy a pleasant evening . Bro . the Rev . R . Thomson in the course of the evening gave a most instructive address , and called upon the Scottish Freemasons to establish Benevolent Institutions similar to those in England for the benefit of old Masons , their widows and orphans . During the evening a conceit was well sustained by the excellent
singing of Misses Stanley and McLean , Bros . Houston and Gray , and Messrs . Thomson and Campbell . After a vote of thanks to the chairman , for the able mariner in which he discharged the duties of the chair , by Bro . J . Horn , Sec , and suitably acknowledged by Bro . Paterson , the company sung " Auld Lang Syne . " An assembly immediately followed . The music was supplied by Bro . T . Brown , and
Bro . R . Hardie was Master of Ceremonies . GLASGOW . —Lodge Caledonian Railway ( No - 354 ) - —The members of this lodge celebrated their annual festival in Bro . Thornton's , Caledonion Cafe , 251 , Argyle-strect , on Wednesday , 8 th inst ., Bro . A . B . Ferguson , W . M ., in the chair ; Bros . J . Harley , S . W ., and C . McKenzie , J . W ., acted as Croupiers . About 60 brethren
sat down to supper . Amongst those present were Bros . D . Buchanan , D . M . ; R . S . McLean , Sec . ; D . T . Colquhoun , Ireas . ; Harley , J . D . ; J . Reid , Jeweller ; Douglas , B . B . ; Coutts , D . C . ; Dunn , P . S . Speirs , S . S . ; J . Gillies , P . M . « j > 3 , P . G . T . ; W . Harper , W . M . 408 ; Rankin , 3 J j Reid , jU-i 1 . A . Mann , 27 ; G . S . Hendry , 27 ; T . Sinclair , 46 ; K . Munro , D . M . 103 ; J . Martin , D . M . 219 ; Howie , 27 s ; Baird
J . , P . M . 306 ; Stewart , 3 60 ; Adams , 3 60 ; Fy ' fe , 46 . V , T . Burrett , 553 ; J . Waggett , 553 ; and Ferguson I . l-reemason" ) . After supper the brethren adjourned to the Commercial Masonic Hall , 30 , Hope-street , and the Jodge opened by the W . M ., and transferred to refreshment . ., ? Chalrmaifi gave the following toasts in succession : Thc Queen and the Craft ; " " The Piince of Wales , and the other Members of the Royal Family ; " and " The Three
Grand Lodges . " "The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow " was proposed by Bro . McKenzie , J . W ., in a neat Masonic speech , coupled with the name of 8 ro . Gillies , P . G . Treas ., who , in reply , said it gave him great pleasure to occupy the position by replying to the toast of the Prov . G . L . of Glasgow , which is in a most satisfactory position . The office-bearers paid strict attention to their . duties ,
which is no small amount , considering that no less than twenty-nine lodges are now in the province . " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers " was proposed by Bro . W . Lean , Sec , and replied to by Bro . Speirs . Bro . Gillies then rose , and said he had much pleasure in proposing the toast of the evening , " The Prosperity of Lodge Caledonian Railway , No . 354 . " She is the only lodge in Scotland who
has a floating charter granted by the Grand Lodge , and is entitled to work in any part of Scotland where the Caledonian Railway Company has running powers . I am glad to find she is in a very healthy position , and under the able guidance of Bro . Ferguson , W . M ., she is bound to prosper . Bro . Ferguson , W . M ., replied . " The Visiting Brethren " was proposed by Bro . Harley , S . W ., and replied
to by Bro . Mann , 27 ; " The Press , " by Bro . Spiers . Bros . Stewart and Ferguson ( " Freemason " ) replied . Other toasts followed . GLASGOW . —Lodge Glasgow ( No . 441 ) . —The annual soiree of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , Struthers-street , on Friday evening , the 17 th inst ., Bro . J . Wood , W . M .. in the chair , supported on the platform by
Bros . Tulloch , I . P . M . ; Jackson , P . M . ; Swan , S . M . ; A . Bain , P . M . 103 , P . G . B . B . ; J . Morgan , W . M . 219 ; Martjn , Treas . ; and the other office-bearers . About 150 sat down to tea , and after singing thc 100 th Psalm the Chairman rose and said : Ladies and brethren , it is with the greatest feelings of pleasure that I now rise to welcome you to our annual festival . It is with gratitude that I am
enabled to announce that during the past year Masonry has flourished more in the United Kingdom than it ever did in any one year in the recollection of the oldest Freemason . It makes me look forward to the day when the Freemasons of Scotland will unite like our brethren in England , and follow their example . Indeed , so great has been our progress lately , that I sincerely hope that thc brother who
will address you as Chairman at our next festival will be able to tell yuu that the Freemasons of Scotland have begun with a determination to m ike Freemasonry more than a name . Ladies and brethren , I will not inflict a long address upon you to-night , but conclude by simply saying that nothing speaks better of our progress as a lodge than to see such a large meeting here to-night , and
I welcome you all , and particularly the ladies , and I trust you will enjoy a happy evening . During the evening Bros . Tulloch , I . P . M ., and A . Bain , P . G . B . B ., addressed the meeting . A concert was ably sustained by the excellent singing of Bros . Lawson , Wagget , Barrett , and Bain . At the close , Bro . J . Morgan , W . M . 219 , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Wood for the able manner he filled the
duties of thc chair , and after singing " Auld Lang Syne " the company broke up . An assembly followed to the strains of an efficient " . quadrille band , led by Bro . Wilson . Bro . Goldie , M . of C . THORNLIEBANK . — Thorntree Lodge ( No . 512 ) . —The annual dinner of the Thorntree was held in their lodge-room , Thornliebank , on Friday evening , 10 th
March , Bro . R . Scobie , W . M ., presiding , Bros . A . Nicholson and A . G . Home fulfilling the duties of Croupiers . Supporting the W . M . were Bros . Rev . G . Campbell , Chaplain of tin lodge ; W . M . Z . H . Ileys , 307 ; P . M . J . Millar , 87 ; P . M . j . Horner , 5 r 2 ; D . M . L . McKellan , 512 . The dinner was well attended both by members of the lodge and by visiting brethren , upwards of sixty gentlemen sitting
down . Amongst thc brethren present from other lodges were Bros . Bums Thompson , 153 ; W . Patterson , 153 ; J . Anderson , 507 ; J . McGregor , 117 , J . Smith , 38 ; J . Shaud , 33 ; J . M . Neilson , tqs , ; W . T . Smellie , 307 ; and others . The lodge having been opened by Bro . Scobie , W . M ., with Bro . Fletcher , as S . W ., and Bro . McEwan , as J . W ., anil a blessing having been asked by the Chaplain ,
the brethren partook cf an excellent repast , provided by Bro . McKellan , D . M ., which was heartily enjoyed by the brethren . Af'er disposing of the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . R . Scobie , W . M ., gave " The Prosperity of the Thornttee , " and in doing so presented P . M . John Horner , founder of the Thorntree , with a Past Master ' s jewel , as a mark of the respect felt for him by the members of 512 , to
which Bro . Horner , in a few chosen sentences , replied . The Rev . G . Campbell , Chaplain of 512 , in a short , eloquent reply to the toast of his health , spoke of the great advance Masonry has made within these last few years , and on the Christian and charitable feelings that bind the brethren one to another . A number of other toasts were given during the evening by Bro . Nicholson and Bro . Home .
altogether a very happy evening was spent under the shadow of the Thorntree till the time came to close the lodg ; GLASGOW . —Lodge Dramatic ( No . 571 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Wednesday , March 15 th , at three o ' clock p . m ., the W . M ., Bro . W . J . E . Dobson , in the chair of K . S ., who was supported by
Bros . J . Winton , P . M . 333 ; J . Balfour , P . M . ; Campbell , P . M . ; G . W . Wheeler , Chaplain 73 ; Wilson , P . Chaplain 27 ; Bro . Jackman , S . W ., being unwell , the S . W . chair was ably filled by Bro . J . Mclnnes , S . M . of 408 ; Barbour , Treas . ; G . Weir , acting Sec . ; W . Sivewright , J . W . ; R . S . Smith , S . D . ; L . R . Mitchell , J . D . ; and the other officebearers in their respective places . There was a very large
number of visiting brethren , amongst whom we ncticed , Bros . J . M . Oliver , S . W . 360 ; Brownlie , J . W . 3 J •and B . Fraser , 27 . The brethren being assembled , the W . M . proceeded to open the lodge in the E . A . Degree . Minutes of previous meeting were read and duly confirmed . Messrs . Gill and Muir were initiated . GLASGOW . —Lodge Plantation ( No . 581 ) . — The inauguration of this lodge took place on Monday
evening , 13 th inst ., under very favourable circumstances , in the New Masonic Hall , Craigiehall-strect . The hall is the lesser of three , just newly erected at the corner of McLean and Craigiehall streets , by Bro . Stobo , the extensive builder in that locality , who is the R . W . M . elect of the ltxlge . As already reported in our columns , the charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of Scotland on 7 th Feb .
last , and the brethren met on Monday evening , as above stated , to constitute the lodge , instal the W . M . and the other office-bearers . At seven p . m ., Bro . A . McTaggart , P . G . Sec , formally handed over the charter to Bro . Stobo , the Master elect , at whose request Bro . McTaggart occupied the chair , and proceeded to the business of the evening ; Bro . D . M . Nelson , W . M . aj , acting S . W . ; and
Bro . J . Monro , W . M . 3 60 , acting J . W . Bro . McTaggart called upon Bro . W . Ferguson to read the charter , which was accordingly done , and other business of minor importance proceeded with . The hall comfortably holds about 120 , but over that number were present on this occasion . Amongst those present we noticed Bros . W . Bell , I . P . M . 3 k ; J . S . Allen , D . M . 28 ; J . W . Burns , I . P . M . 87 ; R .
Mitchell , P . M . 332 ; D . Smart , W . M . 347 ; J . Cunningham , I . P . M . 347 ; J . Harley , S . W . 354 ; J . Gray , 362 ; W . Galbraith , S . D . 3 62 ; W . Ferguson , P . M . 543 ( "Freemason " ) ; W . Phillips , W . M . 556 ; J . McKechn ' ie , Treas . 55 6 . Deputations were also present from lodges Nos . o , Mother Kilwinning , 3 I , 28 , 69 , 87 , 103 , 117 , 173 , 175 , 3 + 7 . 334 r 360 . 3 > 2 . 413 . 4 " ) , 543 . and c 6 . The '
installation of office-bearers was then proceeded with , Bro . McTaggart performing the ceremony in his usual able and impressive manner . The following are the officebearers : —Bros . T . Stobo , W . M . ; W . Ferguson , D . M . ; Alex . Gow , S . M . ; D . Peacock , S . W . •, J . Henry , J . W . ; W . Taylor , Treas . ; R . Allan , Sec . •, A . Imrie , S . D .: J . Halley , J . D . ; W . Mcintosh , Chaplain ; J . Campbell , S . S . ; J .
Dowell , J . S . ; M . McLean , I . G . ; and J . Cumming , Tyler . Bro . McTaggart at some length then addressed the brethren , and congratulated them upon the happy auspices under which their lodge had been inaugurated . He trusted that they would in their conduct of business show an example to other lodges in the province , and demonstrate that though they were the youngest lodge their aspirations
were high , and that their resolution was to maintain unsullied the principles of thc Craft . He concluded by calling for three cheers for the success of " Lodge Plantation , " No . 581 , which were given with a will . The W . M . then proposed a . hearty vote of thinks to Bro . McTaggart , for his service on that and other occasions , which was seconded by Bro . Gow , S . W ., and carried with universal
acclamation . The lodge then proceeded to the business of inition , thc following being thc " first laid stones " of Lodge 581 •- —Messrs . J * . Nisli , R . II . White , Neil Thomson , and E . S . Garrawa ) , who received the first degree at the hands of Bro . W . Bell , I . P . M . 3 k , in that brother ' s well known able style . Bros . A . McTaggart , P . G . S . ; D . M . Nelson , R . W . M . 3 V ; W . Bill , I . P . M . 3 * •, W . Bell , I . P . M .
3 . I ; R . Mitchell , P . M . 332 ; and J . Monro , R . W . M . 360 ; were obligated honorary members of the lodge by Bro . Ferguson , D . M ., and Bros . J . W . Burns , I . P . M . 87 , and J . Robertson , J . D . 347 , as joining members . The lodge was then transferred to refreshment , Bro . Stobo in the chair , who proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and also "The P . G . L . of Glasgow . " Bro . McTaggart
replied . Bro . Gow , S . M ,, proposed " The Visiting Brethren , " coupled with the name of Uro . Neilson , R . W . M , 3 } -, who replied . " Prosperity to Lodge Plantation and the R . W . M ., " was proposcil by Bro . McTaggart . Bro . Stobo replied in suitable terms . " The New Laid Stones , " proposed by Bro . Ferguson , D . M ., and replied to by Bros . Thomson and White . During the evening Bros . Nelson
and Dowell sang some excellent songs . PAISLEY . —Paisley Chapter ( No . 112 ) . —The regular meeting of this chapter was held in St . Mirren ' s , M . H ., Moss-street , Paisley , on Friday evening , 3 rd inst ., at 8 p . m . The chair was occupied by Comp . A . McLeod , M . E . Z ., and supported by Comp . W . Gemrnell , H ., and Comp . J . Carswell , J . There were also present Comps . A .
McPhcrson , Scribe E . j G , Fisher , acting Scribe , N . ; W . Brown , acting P . S . ; M . Rodger , Asst . Soj . ; J . Spence , acting Asst . Soj . ; and others . The chapter svas opened , . and the minutes of last meeting read and approved of . Two candidates , Bros . Ex . Baillie Jas . Caldwell , P . G . S . M ., Renfrewshire ( East ) , and Jas . Tannahill , both of Lodge St .
Mirrens , No . 129 , were duly proposed and elected , and both brethren being in attendance were received and exalted to the degree of R . A ., by Comp . McLeod , M . E . Z . There being no other business before the chapter it was thereafter closed . This chapter has only just been resuscitated after having been almost dormant for nearly three
years . PARTICK . —Partick Chapter ( No . 113 ) . —The ninth anniversary of this chapter was celebrated by a festival held in thc old Masonic Hall , Dumbarton Road . The chair was occupied by Comp . J . Halkett , Comp . G . Ward , acting as Croupier . There were also present Comps . Brunton , Barr , J . White , Boag ,
William White , W . Wylhe , Commissioner Trotter , Rose , Stewart , Lyon , Duncan , J . J . Cook , J . Peden , R . Clydesdale , A . Macdonald , G . Russell , J . Graham , W . McFalrane , and others . After supper the Chairman gave thc usual loyal and Masonic Toasts , which were responded to with the usual enthusiasm . Some excellent songs were sung , and the meeting was closed about twelve o'clock .
PRINTERS' ART UNION . —We are asked to state that the fifth annual drawing of this Art Union for 462 prizes will take place at the London Tavern this day ( Saturday ) .
DAYLIGHT reflected in dark rooms . Gas superseded in day time . Health , comfort , and economy promoted by adopting Chappuis' Patent Daylight Reflectors . — Manufactory , 69 , Fleet-street , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
f ur years the lodge has continued to prosper , and at the ' resent time stands second to none . This year the work has commenced well , and I am sure , with the present ffice-bearers working as they are harmoniously together , that it must end well . I will , therefore , conclude , wishing all may enjoy yourselves , and I am delighted , ladies , to " so many of your happy faces amongst us , and hope
may ' to meet on many similar occasions . The fol-1 nving toasts then followed : — " The Queen and the Royal Family , " "Three Grand Lodges , England , Ireland , and Scotland , " and " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Patron of Scottish Freemasonry , " all of which were most enthusiastically received and drank . The toast of " The Provincial Grand Lodge ot Glasgow" was proposed by Bro .
McFarlane , and responded to by Bro . J . Gillies , P . G . T . Other toasts followed , enlivened with some most excellent songs . After the last toast the company adjourned for a short time , when an assembly followed , and dancing was kept up with great spirit for a few hours . PARTICK — St . Mary ' s Lodge ( No . it ;) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in
their own hall , Partick , on Wednesday evening , 15 th inst . Over 160 signed the signature book . The W . M ., Bro . W . Wylie , in the chair , with the following office-bearers present : —Bros . Brunton , I . P . M . ; Bain , D . M . ; Donaldson , S . M . ; Peacock , S . W . ; Agnew , J . W . ; Wylie , Treas . ; Lawrence , Sec . ; McSwan , S . D . ; Wallace , J . D . The minutes were read and confirmed , anil a motion brought
forward , and unanimously carried , raising the initiation fees to a level with other lodges in the province . Messrs . G . Barker , D . Stewart , and J . Laing were initiated by Bro . Bain , D . M . ; Bros . A . McDonald and A . McLean were passed by Bro . Boreland ; and Bros . T . Alexander and T . Barclay were raised by Bro . Bain , D . M . GLASGOW . —Lodge Shamrock and Thistle
( No . 275 ) . —This lodge held their 59 th annual soiree and concert in { the Masonic flail , Struthers-street , on Friday evening , 3 rd inst . In the unavoidable absence , through indisposition , of Bro . D . Ronald , W . M ., Bro . J . Paterson , D . M ., occupied the chair , supported on the platform by Bros . G . C . II . McNaught , P . M . ; W . Phillips , P . M . and W . M . e ; 6 ; Rev . R . Thomson , W . Findlay , S . W . ; T .
Neilson , J . W . ; H . Matheson , S . M . ; J . Horn , Sec . ; I iutcheson , Treas . ; J . Singleton , W . M . 1 78 ; J . Campbell , I . P . M . 128 ; and others . The hall was tastefully decorated with banners and other emblems , the most prominent being the " Shamrock and Thistle , " immediately behind the chairman . About 220 brethren with their wives , partners , and friends sat down to tea , and after
partaking thereof the Chairman rose , and said : Ladies , gentlemen , and brethren—We have now arrived at that part of our programme called the Chairman ' s address . It is with sirrcere and heartfelt regret that I have to announce to you the unavoidable absence of our worthy and respected Master through severe indisposition . We fondly hoped that he would be sufficiently recovered to occupy
his place of honour at this our 59 th festival . From the short notice I received of having to occupy the position of chairman to night , I am encouraged to ask and expect your kind forbearance in my attempt to discharge the duties of the chair on this auspicious occasion . Since our last annual festival we , as alodge , have made considerable accession to our numbers , and , 1 am proud to say , of aclass
of gentlemen who will reflect credit , not only on the lodge in which they have been initiated , but on the Order in general . It gives me great pleasure , and it must be a source of gratification to all , that the past year has been as prosperous as any of its predecessors , and I think I am safe in saying that the Lodge Shamrock and Thistle was never in a more healthy , prosperous , and harmonious condition .
As you all know , the great work of Freemasonry is benevolence , and I am proud to tell you that this work goes on amongst us , and I trust as years go on it will increase . I do not intend to make a long speech . I will therefore conclude by saying I am delighted to see the ladies among us to-night , and 1 can assure them that no class of men are more delighted to see the ladies amongst them
than Freemasons . I therefore wish you may all enjoy a pleasant evening . Bro . the Rev . R . Thomson in the course of the evening gave a most instructive address , and called upon the Scottish Freemasons to establish Benevolent Institutions similar to those in England for the benefit of old Masons , their widows and orphans . During the evening a conceit was well sustained by the excellent
singing of Misses Stanley and McLean , Bros . Houston and Gray , and Messrs . Thomson and Campbell . After a vote of thanks to the chairman , for the able mariner in which he discharged the duties of the chair , by Bro . J . Horn , Sec , and suitably acknowledged by Bro . Paterson , the company sung " Auld Lang Syne . " An assembly immediately followed . The music was supplied by Bro . T . Brown , and
Bro . R . Hardie was Master of Ceremonies . GLASGOW . —Lodge Caledonian Railway ( No - 354 ) - —The members of this lodge celebrated their annual festival in Bro . Thornton's , Caledonion Cafe , 251 , Argyle-strect , on Wednesday , 8 th inst ., Bro . A . B . Ferguson , W . M ., in the chair ; Bros . J . Harley , S . W ., and C . McKenzie , J . W ., acted as Croupiers . About 60 brethren
sat down to supper . Amongst those present were Bros . D . Buchanan , D . M . ; R . S . McLean , Sec . ; D . T . Colquhoun , Ireas . ; Harley , J . D . ; J . Reid , Jeweller ; Douglas , B . B . ; Coutts , D . C . ; Dunn , P . S . Speirs , S . S . ; J . Gillies , P . M . « j > 3 , P . G . T . ; W . Harper , W . M . 408 ; Rankin , 3 J j Reid , jU-i 1 . A . Mann , 27 ; G . S . Hendry , 27 ; T . Sinclair , 46 ; K . Munro , D . M . 103 ; J . Martin , D . M . 219 ; Howie , 27 s ; Baird
J . , P . M . 306 ; Stewart , 3 60 ; Adams , 3 60 ; Fy ' fe , 46 . V , T . Burrett , 553 ; J . Waggett , 553 ; and Ferguson I . l-reemason" ) . After supper the brethren adjourned to the Commercial Masonic Hall , 30 , Hope-street , and the Jodge opened by the W . M ., and transferred to refreshment . ., ? Chalrmaifi gave the following toasts in succession : Thc Queen and the Craft ; " " The Piince of Wales , and the other Members of the Royal Family ; " and " The Three
Grand Lodges . " "The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow " was proposed by Bro . McKenzie , J . W ., in a neat Masonic speech , coupled with the name of 8 ro . Gillies , P . G . Treas ., who , in reply , said it gave him great pleasure to occupy the position by replying to the toast of the Prov . G . L . of Glasgow , which is in a most satisfactory position . The office-bearers paid strict attention to their . duties ,
which is no small amount , considering that no less than twenty-nine lodges are now in the province . " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers " was proposed by Bro . W . Lean , Sec , and replied to by Bro . Speirs . Bro . Gillies then rose , and said he had much pleasure in proposing the toast of the evening , " The Prosperity of Lodge Caledonian Railway , No . 354 . " She is the only lodge in Scotland who
has a floating charter granted by the Grand Lodge , and is entitled to work in any part of Scotland where the Caledonian Railway Company has running powers . I am glad to find she is in a very healthy position , and under the able guidance of Bro . Ferguson , W . M ., she is bound to prosper . Bro . Ferguson , W . M ., replied . " The Visiting Brethren " was proposed by Bro . Harley , S . W ., and replied
to by Bro . Mann , 27 ; " The Press , " by Bro . Spiers . Bros . Stewart and Ferguson ( " Freemason " ) replied . Other toasts followed . GLASGOW . —Lodge Glasgow ( No . 441 ) . —The annual soiree of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , Struthers-street , on Friday evening , the 17 th inst ., Bro . J . Wood , W . M .. in the chair , supported on the platform by
Bros . Tulloch , I . P . M . ; Jackson , P . M . ; Swan , S . M . ; A . Bain , P . M . 103 , P . G . B . B . ; J . Morgan , W . M . 219 ; Martjn , Treas . ; and the other office-bearers . About 150 sat down to tea , and after singing thc 100 th Psalm the Chairman rose and said : Ladies and brethren , it is with the greatest feelings of pleasure that I now rise to welcome you to our annual festival . It is with gratitude that I am
enabled to announce that during the past year Masonry has flourished more in the United Kingdom than it ever did in any one year in the recollection of the oldest Freemason . It makes me look forward to the day when the Freemasons of Scotland will unite like our brethren in England , and follow their example . Indeed , so great has been our progress lately , that I sincerely hope that thc brother who
will address you as Chairman at our next festival will be able to tell yuu that the Freemasons of Scotland have begun with a determination to m ike Freemasonry more than a name . Ladies and brethren , I will not inflict a long address upon you to-night , but conclude by simply saying that nothing speaks better of our progress as a lodge than to see such a large meeting here to-night , and
I welcome you all , and particularly the ladies , and I trust you will enjoy a happy evening . During the evening Bros . Tulloch , I . P . M ., and A . Bain , P . G . B . B ., addressed the meeting . A concert was ably sustained by the excellent singing of Bros . Lawson , Wagget , Barrett , and Bain . At the close , Bro . J . Morgan , W . M . 219 , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Wood for the able manner he filled the
duties of thc chair , and after singing " Auld Lang Syne " the company broke up . An assembly followed to the strains of an efficient " . quadrille band , led by Bro . Wilson . Bro . Goldie , M . of C . THORNLIEBANK . — Thorntree Lodge ( No . 512 ) . —The annual dinner of the Thorntree was held in their lodge-room , Thornliebank , on Friday evening , 10 th
March , Bro . R . Scobie , W . M ., presiding , Bros . A . Nicholson and A . G . Home fulfilling the duties of Croupiers . Supporting the W . M . were Bros . Rev . G . Campbell , Chaplain of tin lodge ; W . M . Z . H . Ileys , 307 ; P . M . J . Millar , 87 ; P . M . j . Horner , 5 r 2 ; D . M . L . McKellan , 512 . The dinner was well attended both by members of the lodge and by visiting brethren , upwards of sixty gentlemen sitting
down . Amongst thc brethren present from other lodges were Bros . Bums Thompson , 153 ; W . Patterson , 153 ; J . Anderson , 507 ; J . McGregor , 117 , J . Smith , 38 ; J . Shaud , 33 ; J . M . Neilson , tqs , ; W . T . Smellie , 307 ; and others . The lodge having been opened by Bro . Scobie , W . M ., with Bro . Fletcher , as S . W ., and Bro . McEwan , as J . W ., anil a blessing having been asked by the Chaplain ,
the brethren partook cf an excellent repast , provided by Bro . McKellan , D . M ., which was heartily enjoyed by the brethren . Af'er disposing of the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . R . Scobie , W . M ., gave " The Prosperity of the Thornttee , " and in doing so presented P . M . John Horner , founder of the Thorntree , with a Past Master ' s jewel , as a mark of the respect felt for him by the members of 512 , to
which Bro . Horner , in a few chosen sentences , replied . The Rev . G . Campbell , Chaplain of 512 , in a short , eloquent reply to the toast of his health , spoke of the great advance Masonry has made within these last few years , and on the Christian and charitable feelings that bind the brethren one to another . A number of other toasts were given during the evening by Bro . Nicholson and Bro . Home .
altogether a very happy evening was spent under the shadow of the Thorntree till the time came to close the lodg ; GLASGOW . —Lodge Dramatic ( No . 571 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Wednesday , March 15 th , at three o ' clock p . m ., the W . M ., Bro . W . J . E . Dobson , in the chair of K . S ., who was supported by
Bros . J . Winton , P . M . 333 ; J . Balfour , P . M . ; Campbell , P . M . ; G . W . Wheeler , Chaplain 73 ; Wilson , P . Chaplain 27 ; Bro . Jackman , S . W ., being unwell , the S . W . chair was ably filled by Bro . J . Mclnnes , S . M . of 408 ; Barbour , Treas . ; G . Weir , acting Sec . ; W . Sivewright , J . W . ; R . S . Smith , S . D . ; L . R . Mitchell , J . D . ; and the other officebearers in their respective places . There was a very large
number of visiting brethren , amongst whom we ncticed , Bros . J . M . Oliver , S . W . 360 ; Brownlie , J . W . 3 J •and B . Fraser , 27 . The brethren being assembled , the W . M . proceeded to open the lodge in the E . A . Degree . Minutes of previous meeting were read and duly confirmed . Messrs . Gill and Muir were initiated . GLASGOW . —Lodge Plantation ( No . 581 ) . — The inauguration of this lodge took place on Monday
evening , 13 th inst ., under very favourable circumstances , in the New Masonic Hall , Craigiehall-strect . The hall is the lesser of three , just newly erected at the corner of McLean and Craigiehall streets , by Bro . Stobo , the extensive builder in that locality , who is the R . W . M . elect of the ltxlge . As already reported in our columns , the charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of Scotland on 7 th Feb .
last , and the brethren met on Monday evening , as above stated , to constitute the lodge , instal the W . M . and the other office-bearers . At seven p . m ., Bro . A . McTaggart , P . G . Sec , formally handed over the charter to Bro . Stobo , the Master elect , at whose request Bro . McTaggart occupied the chair , and proceeded to the business of the evening ; Bro . D . M . Nelson , W . M . aj , acting S . W . ; and
Bro . J . Monro , W . M . 3 60 , acting J . W . Bro . McTaggart called upon Bro . W . Ferguson to read the charter , which was accordingly done , and other business of minor importance proceeded with . The hall comfortably holds about 120 , but over that number were present on this occasion . Amongst those present we noticed Bros . W . Bell , I . P . M . 3 k ; J . S . Allen , D . M . 28 ; J . W . Burns , I . P . M . 87 ; R .
Mitchell , P . M . 332 ; D . Smart , W . M . 347 ; J . Cunningham , I . P . M . 347 ; J . Harley , S . W . 354 ; J . Gray , 362 ; W . Galbraith , S . D . 3 62 ; W . Ferguson , P . M . 543 ( "Freemason " ) ; W . Phillips , W . M . 556 ; J . McKechn ' ie , Treas . 55 6 . Deputations were also present from lodges Nos . o , Mother Kilwinning , 3 I , 28 , 69 , 87 , 103 , 117 , 173 , 175 , 3 + 7 . 334 r 360 . 3 > 2 . 413 . 4 " ) , 543 . and c 6 . The '
installation of office-bearers was then proceeded with , Bro . McTaggart performing the ceremony in his usual able and impressive manner . The following are the officebearers : —Bros . T . Stobo , W . M . ; W . Ferguson , D . M . ; Alex . Gow , S . M . ; D . Peacock , S . W . •, J . Henry , J . W . ; W . Taylor , Treas . ; R . Allan , Sec . •, A . Imrie , S . D .: J . Halley , J . D . ; W . Mcintosh , Chaplain ; J . Campbell , S . S . ; J .
Dowell , J . S . ; M . McLean , I . G . ; and J . Cumming , Tyler . Bro . McTaggart at some length then addressed the brethren , and congratulated them upon the happy auspices under which their lodge had been inaugurated . He trusted that they would in their conduct of business show an example to other lodges in the province , and demonstrate that though they were the youngest lodge their aspirations
were high , and that their resolution was to maintain unsullied the principles of thc Craft . He concluded by calling for three cheers for the success of " Lodge Plantation , " No . 581 , which were given with a will . The W . M . then proposed a . hearty vote of thinks to Bro . McTaggart , for his service on that and other occasions , which was seconded by Bro . Gow , S . W ., and carried with universal
acclamation . The lodge then proceeded to the business of inition , thc following being thc " first laid stones " of Lodge 581 •- —Messrs . J * . Nisli , R . II . White , Neil Thomson , and E . S . Garrawa ) , who received the first degree at the hands of Bro . W . Bell , I . P . M . 3 k , in that brother ' s well known able style . Bros . A . McTaggart , P . G . S . ; D . M . Nelson , R . W . M . 3 V ; W . Bill , I . P . M . 3 * •, W . Bell , I . P . M .
3 . I ; R . Mitchell , P . M . 332 ; and J . Monro , R . W . M . 360 ; were obligated honorary members of the lodge by Bro . Ferguson , D . M ., and Bros . J . W . Burns , I . P . M . 87 , and J . Robertson , J . D . 347 , as joining members . The lodge was then transferred to refreshment , Bro . Stobo in the chair , who proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and also "The P . G . L . of Glasgow . " Bro . McTaggart
replied . Bro . Gow , S . M ,, proposed " The Visiting Brethren , " coupled with the name of Uro . Neilson , R . W . M , 3 } -, who replied . " Prosperity to Lodge Plantation and the R . W . M ., " was proposcil by Bro . McTaggart . Bro . Stobo replied in suitable terms . " The New Laid Stones , " proposed by Bro . Ferguson , D . M ., and replied to by Bros . Thomson and White . During the evening Bros . Nelson
and Dowell sang some excellent songs . PAISLEY . —Paisley Chapter ( No . 112 ) . —The regular meeting of this chapter was held in St . Mirren ' s , M . H ., Moss-street , Paisley , on Friday evening , 3 rd inst ., at 8 p . m . The chair was occupied by Comp . A . McLeod , M . E . Z ., and supported by Comp . W . Gemrnell , H ., and Comp . J . Carswell , J . There were also present Comps . A .
McPhcrson , Scribe E . j G , Fisher , acting Scribe , N . ; W . Brown , acting P . S . ; M . Rodger , Asst . Soj . ; J . Spence , acting Asst . Soj . ; and others . The chapter svas opened , . and the minutes of last meeting read and approved of . Two candidates , Bros . Ex . Baillie Jas . Caldwell , P . G . S . M ., Renfrewshire ( East ) , and Jas . Tannahill , both of Lodge St .
Mirrens , No . 129 , were duly proposed and elected , and both brethren being in attendance were received and exalted to the degree of R . A ., by Comp . McLeod , M . E . Z . There being no other business before the chapter it was thereafter closed . This chapter has only just been resuscitated after having been almost dormant for nearly three
years . PARTICK . —Partick Chapter ( No . 113 ) . —The ninth anniversary of this chapter was celebrated by a festival held in thc old Masonic Hall , Dumbarton Road . The chair was occupied by Comp . J . Halkett , Comp . G . Ward , acting as Croupier . There were also present Comps . Brunton , Barr , J . White , Boag ,
William White , W . Wylhe , Commissioner Trotter , Rose , Stewart , Lyon , Duncan , J . J . Cook , J . Peden , R . Clydesdale , A . Macdonald , G . Russell , J . Graham , W . McFalrane , and others . After supper the Chairman gave thc usual loyal and Masonic Toasts , which were responded to with the usual enthusiasm . Some excellent songs were sung , and the meeting was closed about twelve o'clock .
PRINTERS' ART UNION . —We are asked to state that the fifth annual drawing of this Art Union for 462 prizes will take place at the London Tavern this day ( Saturday ) .
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