Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Original Correspondence. Page 2 of 2 Article THE DOMATIC LODGE BALL. Page 1 of 1 Article THE DOMATIC LODGE BALL. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF YORKSHIRE, (NORTH AND EAST). Page 1 of 3 →
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Original Correspondence.
¦ *» - hundred and fifty years . " Now , I deny that , and challenge him to bring forward the slightest substantial evidence of the existence of any Mark Degree so early as one hundred and fifty years ago ? Above one hundred and fifty years takes us
back to before A . D . 1724 , but my study of the subject leads me to consider that the Mark Degree never existed until long after 1724 . Bro . Paton also asserts , on page 221 , that my letter on page 174 , " throws no light upon the subject , " but I feel inclined to say that that is scarcely
true , because although my remarks at page 174 are short , yet I referred the reader who wished further information upon the subject to certain back numbers of The Freemason , where that information could be got . Inter alia , I referred to page 550 of The Freemason , for September 2 nd ,
187 1 , where the very important information is given , that the Entered Apprentice , when being entered , got his mark on payment of one mark piece for his Mason Mark . It was generally thought that no one got his mark until he was a Fellow Craft , but the
publication of the old statute above referred to showed that modern idea to be wrong . Whether I was the first to publish such a rule , or to call attention to it , I know not , only the fact remains that the rule was published and the bearing it has upon the mark Degree , and the bearing of Masons '
Marks , is certainly great . In fact it was the reading of such old statutes as this that led me , some years ago to make the assertion that Speculative Masonry , in certain of its features was the renaissance in a new dress of some of the old forms in Pagan mysticism . Bro . Paton
wished to uphold the custom , in vogue for some time back in Scotland , of insisting upon those getting the Mark Degree choosing their marks with an odd number of points , and he finds fault with Bro . Hughan for allowing his candidates to take either an even or an odd number
of points , just as they please . Now while Bro . Hughan can certainly point to old pre-eighteenth century customs in support of his practice , 1 am not sure that Bro . Paton can bring forward any better foundation or origin for the views he supports that what is contained in the old song , when he says : —
" There s luck in odd numbers , Says Rory O'More . " I am , yours fraternally , W . ' P . BUCHAN * .
MASONIC BOYS' SCHOOL . To the Editor of Ihe Freemason . Dear Sir and Brothor , — I was much surprised to see in your last issue , in reporting the proceedings of the General Committee ofthe Boys' School , a notice of motion by Bro . Symonds for the General Committee on the 2 nd May next , to raise the
salary of Bro . Binckes , the Secretary , i £ ^ o per annum on account of length of service and his ability . The services I believe do not extend over 12 years , his ability and energy no one can doubt , and there have been many additions made to his salarj , which I believe commenced at sSi ^ o per annum . For some brethren who do not look at the
annual balance sheets of our institutions this may seem a disposition to keep pace with the Secretaries of our Girls' School and Annuity Fund , whose salaries have lately been advanced £$ 0 per annum , making their salaries £ 3 -jo . Those brethren perhaps are not aware that previous to
the advance made to Bros . Terry and Little , Bro . Binckes ' s salary exceeded theirs by £ 1 r ; o per annum , he having been in receipt for some years of £ 4 . 50 per annum , besides a laige amount for travelling expenses . I think , as a governor of the Masonic Charities ,
there ought to be a limit to this sort of thing . Why it is onl y nine months ago we were startled by the announcement that at the summer fete in July last , at Wood Green , Bro . Sherill * Perkins , who presided , presented Bro . Binckes with a
purse containing 1 , 000 guineas on a massive siVver salver . This testimonial , raised by subscription , no one can object to indeed we are glad to see our officers so highly appreciated , but as to the expenditure of our Institutions , we ought to "keep the thing within a proper limit , and I think
Original Correspondence.
£ 45 0 per annum and the usual present from the Board of Festival Stewards , generally about £$ 0 , sometimes more , is quite ample remuneration for the services rendered . Our Bros . Terry and Little accepted their offices cheerfully at a salary of £ 300 but I think with such a discrepancy where the duties are so
nearly akin , it was only just to them that an increase should be made in their case . I think it was a stipulation also in their case they should not hold any other paid office , wherein our Bro . Binckes holds a very lucrative apointment as Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England , which must of necessity occupy a great deal of his time .
I hope the Governors , who are anxious for the welfare of our Masonic Institutions , will come forward on the 2 nd May next at Freemasons ' Hall , at 4 o ' clock in the afternoon ( all governors are members of the Committee ) and put a stop to such extravagant expenditure , or there is no knowinsr where it will end .
.... I remain , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , A LIFE GOVERNOR .
The Domatic Lodge Ball.
This ball , which took place under the auspices of Bro . Frederick Kent , the W . M . of the lodge ( and a member ofthe Court of Common Council ) at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on the 9 th instant , was in every respect a most brilliant and triumphant success . The idea of
giving the ball originated with the W . M ., who on assuming oflice expressed his intention of having some such entertainment and taking upon himself individually the pecuniary responsibility of success or failure . By his influence the patronage ofthe Lord Mayor and Sheriffs and Sir Sidney
Waterlow , Bart , and other influential personages , was secured , and a dispensation obtained from the M . W . G . Master . As the result has proved , the ball not only has been successful , but has defrayed the cost attendant thereon , so that no loss will accrue to the lodge . Dancing commenced
at about 9 o ' clock , to the admirable band of Bro . Adams , a P . M . of the lodge . Bro . Foulger ( also a P . M . of the lodge ) was the Master of the Ceremonies , assisted by Bros . Treadwell , Foxcroft , Scard , and other brethren , as Stewards , who each wore most elegant badges , which had been
expressly prepared for the occasion by Bro . Kenning . The W . M . wore the full dress uniform of a Lieutenant ofthe 9 th Essex Rifles V . C ., Bro . Captain Clifton Browne , Major Weil , and several other brethren wore the uniform of their different regiments in addition to their
Masonic jewels , which latter were by them worn on the right breast . Shortly after eleven o ' clock intimation was conveyed to Bro . Frederick Kent of the arrival of the Right Pion . the Lord and Lady Mayoress , and he at once proceeded to the staircase to meet them , escortinsr Mrs . Loftus
( the sister of Mrs . Kent , who was absent by reason of a recent interesting event ) . The Lady Mayoress then took the arm of Bro . Kent , the W . M ., and the Lord Mayor escorted Mrs . Loftus to their private room , when the following presentations took place , Bro . Walford , P . M . ; Bro . Foulger , P . M . ; and Bro . Treadwell , and
the other oflicers of the lodge and their ladies . A procession was then formed , headed by Bro . F . Kent and the Lady Mayoress , the Lord Mayor and Mrs . I . oftus , Mr . ancl Mrs . Walford , Bro . Foulger and Mrs . Archer , Bro . Mead , P . M ., and Miss Mead , Master S . Kent , and Miss Hannah .
A quadrille party was then formed , and the W . M . ( wearing his sword as an officer ) , danced with the Lad y Mayoress , and his Lordship had for his partner Mrs . Loftus . Several other dances followed , in almost all of which his Lordship most heartily joined , and he eventually honoured the lodge , by accepting at
the hands of Bro . Kent , the W . M ., the " Steward ' s insignia" of oflice , which he good humouredly invited Bro . Kent to affix to his coat , and the Lad y Mayoress was also pleased to accept of the like " insignia , " which she aflixed to her dress , and wore during the evening . Bro . Monckton ( Town Clerk of the City of London ) P . M ., P . G . D . C , & c , joined the company late in
The Domatic Lodge Ball.
the evening , and had the honour of dancing with the Lady Mayoress . His Lordshi p ' s many engagements requiring his attendance elsewhere , he was reluctantly compelled to leave before supper , and the W . M ., Bro . Kent , and Bro . Monckton politely escorted his lordship and the Lady
Mayoress to their carriage , both remarking to Bro . Kent as they left , that they had enjoyed themselves immensely . At the supper table Bro . Kent occupied the chair , and was well supported by several distinguished brethren , and their ladies .
After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been dul y honoured , Bro . Monckton rose , and responded to the latter toasts , taking occasion also to propose ( in concluding ) the health of " The W . M . and Chairman " that evening . He said that it was a great pleasure to him to see
the W . M . in so honourable a position ; he had presided with admirable tact in the ball room , and he was equally at home in the chair that evening . The success which had attended his efforts to make the brethren happy would , he hoped , be some reward to
him for the anxiety and patience he had bestowed in the discharge of his duties . He hoped the company would drink to his good health and receive the toast with " Kentish Fire . " This was most heartily given , and the W . M ., on . rising to respond was received with most enthusiastic cheerin-r .
In reply , Bro . Kent said : —Bro . Monckton , ladies , and gentlemen , the splendid sight I see before me , the " bright eyes " which I see around me beaming with happiness , because you are happy , and your hearty cheers , convince me that I made no mistake when I proposed this ball .
Long may we all live , and may this scene at no distant date be repeated but , brethren , I have to speak now of charity , the noblest gem in our Masonic diadem , I tell the ladies advisedly that their husbands are doing a wise thing when
they bjcome Masons , liable as they are to have large families , and on this point I can speak with authority , it is indeed a comfort to know that after an honourable career , and when the icy hand of death overtakes them , their brethren will not forget their wives and children .
The W . M . associated with the toast of " The Charities " Bro . R . W . Little , P . M ., P . Z ., and the Secretary of the Girls' School . Bro . Little in reply made a most telling and effective speech .
The remaining toasts were " The Stewards , " which was responded to by Bro . Wallford , P . lVf ., " The Visitors , " and " The Ladies , " the latter being responded to by Bro . Ferguson ,, another
P . M . of the lodge , who in the course of a humorous reply referred to the 41 I 1 degree which they were enjoying , and the 5 th , i . e . dancing , in which the ladies were most proficient , which was then to be renewed .
Over 250 persons attended the ball , and a letter was received from Sir Sydney Waterlow , Bart ., M . P ., expressing his great regret at his inability to be present . We understand that Bro . Kent is preparing a summer excursion , or what he calls the " Ladies' Day . " { We wish him success .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Yorkshire, (North And East).
The brethren of the Province of North and East Yorkshire assembled in the Guildhall , York , which had been fitted up as a lodge , under the banner of the York Lodge , 2315 , on the 9 th inst ., and at half-past twelve the M . W . the Grand Master of England , the Most Hon .
the Marquess of Ripon , K . G ., together with the Past Provincial Grand Officers , entered the hall in procession from the Mansion House , where they had previously assembled by invitation of the Lord Mayor . The Grand and Provincial Grand Oflicers were numerous , and represented
some of the highest offices in the Craft . Among those present , besides the M . W . the Grand Master of England , we observed the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master Designate of North and East Yorkshire ¦ Geo . Marwood , Esq ., P . D . Prov . G . M . of the North and East Ridings j Bentley Shaw , Esq ., D . P . G . M , of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
¦ *» - hundred and fifty years . " Now , I deny that , and challenge him to bring forward the slightest substantial evidence of the existence of any Mark Degree so early as one hundred and fifty years ago ? Above one hundred and fifty years takes us
back to before A . D . 1724 , but my study of the subject leads me to consider that the Mark Degree never existed until long after 1724 . Bro . Paton also asserts , on page 221 , that my letter on page 174 , " throws no light upon the subject , " but I feel inclined to say that that is scarcely
true , because although my remarks at page 174 are short , yet I referred the reader who wished further information upon the subject to certain back numbers of The Freemason , where that information could be got . Inter alia , I referred to page 550 of The Freemason , for September 2 nd ,
187 1 , where the very important information is given , that the Entered Apprentice , when being entered , got his mark on payment of one mark piece for his Mason Mark . It was generally thought that no one got his mark until he was a Fellow Craft , but the
publication of the old statute above referred to showed that modern idea to be wrong . Whether I was the first to publish such a rule , or to call attention to it , I know not , only the fact remains that the rule was published and the bearing it has upon the mark Degree , and the bearing of Masons '
Marks , is certainly great . In fact it was the reading of such old statutes as this that led me , some years ago to make the assertion that Speculative Masonry , in certain of its features was the renaissance in a new dress of some of the old forms in Pagan mysticism . Bro . Paton
wished to uphold the custom , in vogue for some time back in Scotland , of insisting upon those getting the Mark Degree choosing their marks with an odd number of points , and he finds fault with Bro . Hughan for allowing his candidates to take either an even or an odd number
of points , just as they please . Now while Bro . Hughan can certainly point to old pre-eighteenth century customs in support of his practice , 1 am not sure that Bro . Paton can bring forward any better foundation or origin for the views he supports that what is contained in the old song , when he says : —
" There s luck in odd numbers , Says Rory O'More . " I am , yours fraternally , W . ' P . BUCHAN * .
MASONIC BOYS' SCHOOL . To the Editor of Ihe Freemason . Dear Sir and Brothor , — I was much surprised to see in your last issue , in reporting the proceedings of the General Committee ofthe Boys' School , a notice of motion by Bro . Symonds for the General Committee on the 2 nd May next , to raise the
salary of Bro . Binckes , the Secretary , i £ ^ o per annum on account of length of service and his ability . The services I believe do not extend over 12 years , his ability and energy no one can doubt , and there have been many additions made to his salarj , which I believe commenced at sSi ^ o per annum . For some brethren who do not look at the
annual balance sheets of our institutions this may seem a disposition to keep pace with the Secretaries of our Girls' School and Annuity Fund , whose salaries have lately been advanced £$ 0 per annum , making their salaries £ 3 -jo . Those brethren perhaps are not aware that previous to
the advance made to Bros . Terry and Little , Bro . Binckes ' s salary exceeded theirs by £ 1 r ; o per annum , he having been in receipt for some years of £ 4 . 50 per annum , besides a laige amount for travelling expenses . I think , as a governor of the Masonic Charities ,
there ought to be a limit to this sort of thing . Why it is onl y nine months ago we were startled by the announcement that at the summer fete in July last , at Wood Green , Bro . Sherill * Perkins , who presided , presented Bro . Binckes with a
purse containing 1 , 000 guineas on a massive siVver salver . This testimonial , raised by subscription , no one can object to indeed we are glad to see our officers so highly appreciated , but as to the expenditure of our Institutions , we ought to "keep the thing within a proper limit , and I think
Original Correspondence.
£ 45 0 per annum and the usual present from the Board of Festival Stewards , generally about £$ 0 , sometimes more , is quite ample remuneration for the services rendered . Our Bros . Terry and Little accepted their offices cheerfully at a salary of £ 300 but I think with such a discrepancy where the duties are so
nearly akin , it was only just to them that an increase should be made in their case . I think it was a stipulation also in their case they should not hold any other paid office , wherein our Bro . Binckes holds a very lucrative apointment as Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England , which must of necessity occupy a great deal of his time .
I hope the Governors , who are anxious for the welfare of our Masonic Institutions , will come forward on the 2 nd May next at Freemasons ' Hall , at 4 o ' clock in the afternoon ( all governors are members of the Committee ) and put a stop to such extravagant expenditure , or there is no knowinsr where it will end .
.... I remain , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , A LIFE GOVERNOR .
The Domatic Lodge Ball.
This ball , which took place under the auspices of Bro . Frederick Kent , the W . M . of the lodge ( and a member ofthe Court of Common Council ) at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on the 9 th instant , was in every respect a most brilliant and triumphant success . The idea of
giving the ball originated with the W . M ., who on assuming oflice expressed his intention of having some such entertainment and taking upon himself individually the pecuniary responsibility of success or failure . By his influence the patronage ofthe Lord Mayor and Sheriffs and Sir Sidney
Waterlow , Bart , and other influential personages , was secured , and a dispensation obtained from the M . W . G . Master . As the result has proved , the ball not only has been successful , but has defrayed the cost attendant thereon , so that no loss will accrue to the lodge . Dancing commenced
at about 9 o ' clock , to the admirable band of Bro . Adams , a P . M . of the lodge . Bro . Foulger ( also a P . M . of the lodge ) was the Master of the Ceremonies , assisted by Bros . Treadwell , Foxcroft , Scard , and other brethren , as Stewards , who each wore most elegant badges , which had been
expressly prepared for the occasion by Bro . Kenning . The W . M . wore the full dress uniform of a Lieutenant ofthe 9 th Essex Rifles V . C ., Bro . Captain Clifton Browne , Major Weil , and several other brethren wore the uniform of their different regiments in addition to their
Masonic jewels , which latter were by them worn on the right breast . Shortly after eleven o ' clock intimation was conveyed to Bro . Frederick Kent of the arrival of the Right Pion . the Lord and Lady Mayoress , and he at once proceeded to the staircase to meet them , escortinsr Mrs . Loftus
( the sister of Mrs . Kent , who was absent by reason of a recent interesting event ) . The Lady Mayoress then took the arm of Bro . Kent , the W . M ., and the Lord Mayor escorted Mrs . Loftus to their private room , when the following presentations took place , Bro . Walford , P . M . ; Bro . Foulger , P . M . ; and Bro . Treadwell , and
the other oflicers of the lodge and their ladies . A procession was then formed , headed by Bro . F . Kent and the Lady Mayoress , the Lord Mayor and Mrs . I . oftus , Mr . ancl Mrs . Walford , Bro . Foulger and Mrs . Archer , Bro . Mead , P . M ., and Miss Mead , Master S . Kent , and Miss Hannah .
A quadrille party was then formed , and the W . M . ( wearing his sword as an officer ) , danced with the Lad y Mayoress , and his Lordship had for his partner Mrs . Loftus . Several other dances followed , in almost all of which his Lordship most heartily joined , and he eventually honoured the lodge , by accepting at
the hands of Bro . Kent , the W . M ., the " Steward ' s insignia" of oflice , which he good humouredly invited Bro . Kent to affix to his coat , and the Lad y Mayoress was also pleased to accept of the like " insignia , " which she aflixed to her dress , and wore during the evening . Bro . Monckton ( Town Clerk of the City of London ) P . M ., P . G . D . C , & c , joined the company late in
The Domatic Lodge Ball.
the evening , and had the honour of dancing with the Lady Mayoress . His Lordshi p ' s many engagements requiring his attendance elsewhere , he was reluctantly compelled to leave before supper , and the W . M ., Bro . Kent , and Bro . Monckton politely escorted his lordship and the Lady
Mayoress to their carriage , both remarking to Bro . Kent as they left , that they had enjoyed themselves immensely . At the supper table Bro . Kent occupied the chair , and was well supported by several distinguished brethren , and their ladies .
After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been dul y honoured , Bro . Monckton rose , and responded to the latter toasts , taking occasion also to propose ( in concluding ) the health of " The W . M . and Chairman " that evening . He said that it was a great pleasure to him to see
the W . M . in so honourable a position ; he had presided with admirable tact in the ball room , and he was equally at home in the chair that evening . The success which had attended his efforts to make the brethren happy would , he hoped , be some reward to
him for the anxiety and patience he had bestowed in the discharge of his duties . He hoped the company would drink to his good health and receive the toast with " Kentish Fire . " This was most heartily given , and the W . M ., on . rising to respond was received with most enthusiastic cheerin-r .
In reply , Bro . Kent said : —Bro . Monckton , ladies , and gentlemen , the splendid sight I see before me , the " bright eyes " which I see around me beaming with happiness , because you are happy , and your hearty cheers , convince me that I made no mistake when I proposed this ball .
Long may we all live , and may this scene at no distant date be repeated but , brethren , I have to speak now of charity , the noblest gem in our Masonic diadem , I tell the ladies advisedly that their husbands are doing a wise thing when
they bjcome Masons , liable as they are to have large families , and on this point I can speak with authority , it is indeed a comfort to know that after an honourable career , and when the icy hand of death overtakes them , their brethren will not forget their wives and children .
The W . M . associated with the toast of " The Charities " Bro . R . W . Little , P . M ., P . Z ., and the Secretary of the Girls' School . Bro . Little in reply made a most telling and effective speech .
The remaining toasts were " The Stewards , " which was responded to by Bro . Wallford , P . lVf ., " The Visitors , " and " The Ladies , " the latter being responded to by Bro . Ferguson ,, another
P . M . of the lodge , who in the course of a humorous reply referred to the 41 I 1 degree which they were enjoying , and the 5 th , i . e . dancing , in which the ladies were most proficient , which was then to be renewed .
Over 250 persons attended the ball , and a letter was received from Sir Sydney Waterlow , Bart ., M . P ., expressing his great regret at his inability to be present . We understand that Bro . Kent is preparing a summer excursion , or what he calls the " Ladies' Day . " { We wish him success .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Yorkshire, (North And East).
The brethren of the Province of North and East Yorkshire assembled in the Guildhall , York , which had been fitted up as a lodge , under the banner of the York Lodge , 2315 , on the 9 th inst ., and at half-past twelve the M . W . the Grand Master of England , the Most Hon .
the Marquess of Ripon , K . G ., together with the Past Provincial Grand Officers , entered the hall in procession from the Mansion House , where they had previously assembled by invitation of the Lord Mayor . The Grand and Provincial Grand Oflicers were numerous , and represented
some of the highest offices in the Craft . Among those present , besides the M . W . the Grand Master of England , we observed the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master Designate of North and East Yorkshire ¦ Geo . Marwood , Esq ., P . D . Prov . G . M . of the North and East Ridings j Bentley Shaw , Esq ., D . P . G . M , of