Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Yorkshire, (North And East).
West Yorkshire , & c . The total number of oflicers and brethren present exceeded 400 . The Grand Lodge having been opened in solemn form by the Grand Master , who was duly saluted , The Marquess of Ripon returned his hearty
thanks for the reception which the brethren had g iven him , and said it afforded him the utmost p leasure to be present on that most interesting occasion , namely , that of undertaking the most agreeable duty of elevating to the proud position of Grand Master of the Province of North and
East Yorkshire , their noble brother the Earl of Zetland . It was a very great satisfaction to have it in his power to continue the connection between this province and the honoured name of Zetland . That was the object which had specially called them together that clay ; and without further remark he would proceed to the discharge
of that duty . The Earl of Zetland was then introduced and installed Grand Master of the Province , with the customary ceremonial , and having been duly invested , ascended the throne , from which he proceeded to designate and invest the following brethren as his Provincial Grand Officers : —
Dr . John Pearson Bell D . P . G . M . J . Marsh P . S . G . W . Dr . Bennett P . J . G . W . Rev . W . Valentine Chaplain . C . H . Priestley P . G . Registrar .
W . C . Peck P . G . Secretary J . Fearne Holden P . G . S . D . F . Dickenson P . G . J . D . John Hudson ...., P . G . Supt of W . J . W . Teal ; M . A . ' ' . ; * . P . G . D . C .
W . Petchell ...:. . ::. * .. P . G . S . Bearer Thomas Oats Organist . J . Ward P . G . Pursuivant Thomas Crier P . G . Tyler Major R . W . Hollon Treasurer
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( D . Bell ) then presented to the Earl of Zetland the following address , which had been beautifully engrossed on vellum as follows : — " To the Rig ht Honourable the Earl of Zetland , Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of
the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire . " May it please your Lordship , " We , the Grand Officers , Past Grand Oflicers , and Members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ancient Free , and Accepted Masons of the North
and East Ridings of Yorkshire , and others being Brethren of the Order within the Province , beg to offer to your Lordship our heartfelt congratulations on your appointment as Provincial Grand Master , and to hail you with universal acclamation as our Chief .
"The Most Worship ful Grand Master of England , in selecting your Lordship to occupy the vacancy caused by the lamented decease of your deeply revered predecessor , conferred upon us a high honour , and we feel proud in the continued alliance between the Province and the
illustrious house of Dundas . In your Lordship ' s person we have the pleasure of seeing the third Earl Zetland in succession occupying the Masonic Throne of this Province , and we are confident that with such examples you will emulate their virtues and equally reign in the hearts of the brethren .
" Long , very long , may your Lordship preside over us ! May you be preserved in health and strength to be a blessing to your family and the country at large and when your course in this world shall have been run , may you enter the Grand Lodge above , and receive from the Supreme Grand Master of the Universe a crown of joy and rejoicing which shall never fade
away . " Given at York on the day of your Lordship ' s installation , this ninth day of April , \ . n . 1874 . " The Grand Master , who was loudly applauded on rising , expressed the intense pleasure and gratification he had experienced in listening to the very flattering address which they had just
presented to him . He felt very much touched by the terms of that address , as it bore pleasing references to those who had gone before him in discharging the duties of the office which he had now the honour to hold . He felt that he had been appointed to a very high and very honourable oflice , and one of very grave responsibility .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Yorkshire, (North And East).
He felt that responsibility all the more because he followed one who had won the praise and good-will of the entire province , and the testimonials to whose worth , coming from so many quarters , were a matter of which they could readily understand he was justly proud . Those
tokens of their affectionate regard for his predecessor would , he hoped , ever be an incentive to greater exertions on his own part to follow , however humbly , in the footsteps of one whose memory was so revered . He thanked the brethren very heartily for the kind reception which
they had given him , as well as for the flattering address which they had presented ; and he hoped and believed that he might rely upon the whole of the officers of the provinces for the best possible assistance in promoting the welfare of Freemasonry , not in the province only , but throughout England .
After some business had been transacted , a cordial vote of thanks to the Dean and Chapter , for granting the use of the Minster to the Prov . Grand Lodge , was passed unanimously , and then the lodge was closed . The following was thc order of the procession .
Two Tylers with drawn swords . Rough Ashlar , borne by an E . A . Working Tools and Tracing Board of the ist Degree , borne by two E . A . ' s . Perfect Ashlar , borne by a F . C . Working Tools and Tracing Board of the 2 nd
Degree , borne by two F . C s . Brethren not members of a Lodge , two and two . The W . M . ' s Officers , and Brethren of the No . 1416 , Falcon Lodge , Thirsk . » l 337 > Anchor Lodge , Northallerton . „ 1248 , Denison Lodge , Scarborough .
» 244 , Marwood Lodge , Redcar . ,, 10 4 , Sykes Lodge , Driffield . „ 1010 , Kingston Lodge , Hull . „ 734 , Londesborough Lodge , Bridlington Quay .
„ 660 , Camalodunum Lodge , Malton . „ 64 . 3 , Royal Lodge , Filey . „ 630 , St . Cuthbert ' s , Howden . „ 602 , North York Lodge , Middlesborough „ 5 66 , St . Germain ' s Lodge , Selby . „ 561 , Zetland Lodge , Guisborough .
„ , 543 , Cleveland Lodge , Stokesley . „ 312 , Lion Lodge , Whitby . „ 294 , Constitutional Lodge , Beverley . „ 2 , 50 , Minerva Lodge , Hull . „ 236 , York Lodge , York . „ 200 , Old Globe Lodge , Scarborough . „ J 23 , Lennox Lodge , Richmond . „ , 57 , Humber Lodge , Hull .
Visiting Brethren . Working Tools and Tracing Board of the 3 rd borne by two M . M ' s . Thc Prov . G . Tyler . The Prov . G . Pursuivant . P . Prov . G . Organists . The Prov . G . Organist .
P . Prov . G . Sword Bearers . P . Prov . G . Directors of Ceremonies . P . Prov . G . Superintendents of Works . The Prov . G . Superintendent of Works . P . Prov . G . Deacons .
The Prov . G . Deacons . The Prov . G . Sec , with Book of Constitutions . P . Prov . G . Registrars . The Prov . G . Registrar with Great Seal . The Prov . G . Treasurer . Bible , Square , and Compass , borne by a P . M .
P . Prov . G . Chaplains . The Prov . G . Chaplain . Past Junior Prov- G . Wardens . The Jnnior Prov . G . Warden . Past Senior Prov . G . Wardens . The Senior Prov . G . Warden .
Junior Prov . G . Deacon . Banner of Prov . Grand Lodge . Six Prov . Grand Stewards with wands . The W . DEP . PROV . GRAND MASTER . GRAND OFF 1 CKRS , Past and Present ; The R . W . PROV . G . MASTER . Senior Prov . G . Deacon .
Banner of the Grand Lodge of England . Prov . G . Sword Bearer . The M . W . G . MASTER OF ENGLAND . Two Tylers . Police . In the above order the procession left the Guildhall , en route for the Cathedral , by way of
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Yorkshire, (North And East).
St . Helen ' s-square , Blake-street , and Duncombe , street . A large crowd had been patiently awaiting their arrival and various , as , no doubt , the expectations of the onlookers had been , there was only one opinion , and that a most flattering one , as to the neatness , appropriateness , and
beautiful workmanship ofthe regalia , and other emblems and symbols of the Craft . During the time of the procession the sun shone bri ghtly , the Minster bells rang merrily , the pavements were thronged with interested crowds , the windows of the houses with beaming faces , and thus
without a hitch to mar its progress , the western doors of the Cathedral were reached by a procession thoroughly representative of the truehearted Englishman , the generous philanthropist , the cordial friend , and the sympathy which is ever displayed in any deserving case by the
" Free and Accepted Mason . " At half-past two o ' clock there was a special service at the Cathedral , which was very largely attended , the choir being crowded . Admission prior to the arrival of the procession was b y ticket , and so liberal had the local committee of
management been in the distribution of these tickets , which were most eagerly coveted , that nearly the whole ofthe East end ofthe choir was filled , principally with ladies , one result being that when the Masons arrived , the seats in the body ofthe choir were not capable of
accommodating the large gathering of Freemasons , many of whom had to stand , and others to occupy the side galleries . No sooner were the great West doors thrown open , than a voluntary on the magnificent choir organ was played by Dr . Monk , P . Prov . G . O ., the Organist " of the Cathedral .
Entering by the West doors , the procession , which was met by the clergy of the Cathedral , passed along the nave , which was thronged with spectators , who obtained a capital view of the Masons as they passed at a slow and measured pace . The sight was
most imposing , the glittering and varied hue of the regalia of the Craft , and the splendid architectural vista obtained of ( he choir from the centre of the nave , constituting a beautiful sight , and one rarely witnessed . On arriving at the entrance to the choir the procession halted , and
the brethren divided , facing inwards , and forming an avenue through which the Grand Master , the Provincial Grand Master , and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , preceded by the Standard and Sword Bearers , passed to their seats . The first to enter thc choir were the choristers and songmen , with the Rev . W . A . Wightman , the
Rev . W . Haworth ( vicars choral ) , the Rev . T . Falkner ( sub-chanter ) , the Rev . Canon Residentiary Thorold , the Venerable Archdeacon Jones , and the Hon . and Very Rev . the Dean of York . Then followed the Masons in the order in which they had been in the procession , who branched off on each side of the choir , and took up the seats allotted to them . It was observed that the
Right Hon . John March ( Lord Mayor of York ) occupied the stall which is appropriated to the head of the York Corporation . On the Masons taking up their respective positions an agreeably diversified array of regalia was to be seen on every hand—blue and gold or silver , light green
and white , and purple and gold , with an occasional stuff gown or scarlet sash , all with aprons and sashes , and many with cuffs . The order for evening prayer was intoned by the Rev . T . Falkner , the responses being by Tallis . The Psalms , Nos . 127 and 128 , were according to the Anglican Psalter Chants . The
Magnificat and Nunc Dimiltis were chanted in A ., by E . G . Monk , P . P . G . O . The first lesson was read by the Rev . Canon Thorold , and the second by the Pion . and Very Rev . the Dean of York . The anthem was " Great is thc Lord , " by the Rev . Sir F . A . G . Otisely , Bart ., P . M ., P . G . Chaplain of England , the words being taken from the 48 th Psalm .
The sermon was preached by Bro . the Rev . H . W . Kemp , B . A ., P . P . G . Chaplain , taking for his text the words , " Our holy and beautiful house , " Isaiah 6 4 , 11 . The concluding voluntary was Handel ' s
" Hallelujah Chorus . " Tbe collection was in aid of one of the admirable local charities—the York Dispensary , which does a most useful work in a remarkably quiet , unostentatious way , - ; .,-..
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Yorkshire, (North And East).
West Yorkshire , & c . The total number of oflicers and brethren present exceeded 400 . The Grand Lodge having been opened in solemn form by the Grand Master , who was duly saluted , The Marquess of Ripon returned his hearty
thanks for the reception which the brethren had g iven him , and said it afforded him the utmost p leasure to be present on that most interesting occasion , namely , that of undertaking the most agreeable duty of elevating to the proud position of Grand Master of the Province of North and
East Yorkshire , their noble brother the Earl of Zetland . It was a very great satisfaction to have it in his power to continue the connection between this province and the honoured name of Zetland . That was the object which had specially called them together that clay ; and without further remark he would proceed to the discharge
of that duty . The Earl of Zetland was then introduced and installed Grand Master of the Province , with the customary ceremonial , and having been duly invested , ascended the throne , from which he proceeded to designate and invest the following brethren as his Provincial Grand Officers : —
Dr . John Pearson Bell D . P . G . M . J . Marsh P . S . G . W . Dr . Bennett P . J . G . W . Rev . W . Valentine Chaplain . C . H . Priestley P . G . Registrar .
W . C . Peck P . G . Secretary J . Fearne Holden P . G . S . D . F . Dickenson P . G . J . D . John Hudson ...., P . G . Supt of W . J . W . Teal ; M . A . ' ' . ; * . P . G . D . C .
W . Petchell ...:. . ::. * .. P . G . S . Bearer Thomas Oats Organist . J . Ward P . G . Pursuivant Thomas Crier P . G . Tyler Major R . W . Hollon Treasurer
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( D . Bell ) then presented to the Earl of Zetland the following address , which had been beautifully engrossed on vellum as follows : — " To the Rig ht Honourable the Earl of Zetland , Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of
the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire . " May it please your Lordship , " We , the Grand Officers , Past Grand Oflicers , and Members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ancient Free , and Accepted Masons of the North
and East Ridings of Yorkshire , and others being Brethren of the Order within the Province , beg to offer to your Lordship our heartfelt congratulations on your appointment as Provincial Grand Master , and to hail you with universal acclamation as our Chief .
"The Most Worship ful Grand Master of England , in selecting your Lordship to occupy the vacancy caused by the lamented decease of your deeply revered predecessor , conferred upon us a high honour , and we feel proud in the continued alliance between the Province and the
illustrious house of Dundas . In your Lordship ' s person we have the pleasure of seeing the third Earl Zetland in succession occupying the Masonic Throne of this Province , and we are confident that with such examples you will emulate their virtues and equally reign in the hearts of the brethren .
" Long , very long , may your Lordship preside over us ! May you be preserved in health and strength to be a blessing to your family and the country at large and when your course in this world shall have been run , may you enter the Grand Lodge above , and receive from the Supreme Grand Master of the Universe a crown of joy and rejoicing which shall never fade
away . " Given at York on the day of your Lordship ' s installation , this ninth day of April , \ . n . 1874 . " The Grand Master , who was loudly applauded on rising , expressed the intense pleasure and gratification he had experienced in listening to the very flattering address which they had just
presented to him . He felt very much touched by the terms of that address , as it bore pleasing references to those who had gone before him in discharging the duties of the office which he had now the honour to hold . He felt that he had been appointed to a very high and very honourable oflice , and one of very grave responsibility .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Yorkshire, (North And East).
He felt that responsibility all the more because he followed one who had won the praise and good-will of the entire province , and the testimonials to whose worth , coming from so many quarters , were a matter of which they could readily understand he was justly proud . Those
tokens of their affectionate regard for his predecessor would , he hoped , ever be an incentive to greater exertions on his own part to follow , however humbly , in the footsteps of one whose memory was so revered . He thanked the brethren very heartily for the kind reception which
they had given him , as well as for the flattering address which they had presented ; and he hoped and believed that he might rely upon the whole of the officers of the provinces for the best possible assistance in promoting the welfare of Freemasonry , not in the province only , but throughout England .
After some business had been transacted , a cordial vote of thanks to the Dean and Chapter , for granting the use of the Minster to the Prov . Grand Lodge , was passed unanimously , and then the lodge was closed . The following was thc order of the procession .
Two Tylers with drawn swords . Rough Ashlar , borne by an E . A . Working Tools and Tracing Board of the ist Degree , borne by two E . A . ' s . Perfect Ashlar , borne by a F . C . Working Tools and Tracing Board of the 2 nd
Degree , borne by two F . C s . Brethren not members of a Lodge , two and two . The W . M . ' s Officers , and Brethren of the No . 1416 , Falcon Lodge , Thirsk . » l 337 > Anchor Lodge , Northallerton . „ 1248 , Denison Lodge , Scarborough .
» 244 , Marwood Lodge , Redcar . ,, 10 4 , Sykes Lodge , Driffield . „ 1010 , Kingston Lodge , Hull . „ 734 , Londesborough Lodge , Bridlington Quay .
„ 660 , Camalodunum Lodge , Malton . „ 64 . 3 , Royal Lodge , Filey . „ 630 , St . Cuthbert ' s , Howden . „ 602 , North York Lodge , Middlesborough „ 5 66 , St . Germain ' s Lodge , Selby . „ 561 , Zetland Lodge , Guisborough .
„ , 543 , Cleveland Lodge , Stokesley . „ 312 , Lion Lodge , Whitby . „ 294 , Constitutional Lodge , Beverley . „ 2 , 50 , Minerva Lodge , Hull . „ 236 , York Lodge , York . „ 200 , Old Globe Lodge , Scarborough . „ J 23 , Lennox Lodge , Richmond . „ , 57 , Humber Lodge , Hull .
Visiting Brethren . Working Tools and Tracing Board of the 3 rd borne by two M . M ' s . Thc Prov . G . Tyler . The Prov . G . Pursuivant . P . Prov . G . Organists . The Prov . G . Organist .
P . Prov . G . Sword Bearers . P . Prov . G . Directors of Ceremonies . P . Prov . G . Superintendents of Works . The Prov . G . Superintendent of Works . P . Prov . G . Deacons .
The Prov . G . Deacons . The Prov . G . Sec , with Book of Constitutions . P . Prov . G . Registrars . The Prov . G . Registrar with Great Seal . The Prov . G . Treasurer . Bible , Square , and Compass , borne by a P . M .
P . Prov . G . Chaplains . The Prov . G . Chaplain . Past Junior Prov- G . Wardens . The Jnnior Prov . G . Warden . Past Senior Prov . G . Wardens . The Senior Prov . G . Warden .
Junior Prov . G . Deacon . Banner of Prov . Grand Lodge . Six Prov . Grand Stewards with wands . The W . DEP . PROV . GRAND MASTER . GRAND OFF 1 CKRS , Past and Present ; The R . W . PROV . G . MASTER . Senior Prov . G . Deacon .
Banner of the Grand Lodge of England . Prov . G . Sword Bearer . The M . W . G . MASTER OF ENGLAND . Two Tylers . Police . In the above order the procession left the Guildhall , en route for the Cathedral , by way of
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Yorkshire, (North And East).
St . Helen ' s-square , Blake-street , and Duncombe , street . A large crowd had been patiently awaiting their arrival and various , as , no doubt , the expectations of the onlookers had been , there was only one opinion , and that a most flattering one , as to the neatness , appropriateness , and
beautiful workmanship ofthe regalia , and other emblems and symbols of the Craft . During the time of the procession the sun shone bri ghtly , the Minster bells rang merrily , the pavements were thronged with interested crowds , the windows of the houses with beaming faces , and thus
without a hitch to mar its progress , the western doors of the Cathedral were reached by a procession thoroughly representative of the truehearted Englishman , the generous philanthropist , the cordial friend , and the sympathy which is ever displayed in any deserving case by the
" Free and Accepted Mason . " At half-past two o ' clock there was a special service at the Cathedral , which was very largely attended , the choir being crowded . Admission prior to the arrival of the procession was b y ticket , and so liberal had the local committee of
management been in the distribution of these tickets , which were most eagerly coveted , that nearly the whole ofthe East end ofthe choir was filled , principally with ladies , one result being that when the Masons arrived , the seats in the body ofthe choir were not capable of
accommodating the large gathering of Freemasons , many of whom had to stand , and others to occupy the side galleries . No sooner were the great West doors thrown open , than a voluntary on the magnificent choir organ was played by Dr . Monk , P . Prov . G . O ., the Organist " of the Cathedral .
Entering by the West doors , the procession , which was met by the clergy of the Cathedral , passed along the nave , which was thronged with spectators , who obtained a capital view of the Masons as they passed at a slow and measured pace . The sight was
most imposing , the glittering and varied hue of the regalia of the Craft , and the splendid architectural vista obtained of ( he choir from the centre of the nave , constituting a beautiful sight , and one rarely witnessed . On arriving at the entrance to the choir the procession halted , and
the brethren divided , facing inwards , and forming an avenue through which the Grand Master , the Provincial Grand Master , and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , preceded by the Standard and Sword Bearers , passed to their seats . The first to enter thc choir were the choristers and songmen , with the Rev . W . A . Wightman , the
Rev . W . Haworth ( vicars choral ) , the Rev . T . Falkner ( sub-chanter ) , the Rev . Canon Residentiary Thorold , the Venerable Archdeacon Jones , and the Hon . and Very Rev . the Dean of York . Then followed the Masons in the order in which they had been in the procession , who branched off on each side of the choir , and took up the seats allotted to them . It was observed that the
Right Hon . John March ( Lord Mayor of York ) occupied the stall which is appropriated to the head of the York Corporation . On the Masons taking up their respective positions an agreeably diversified array of regalia was to be seen on every hand—blue and gold or silver , light green
and white , and purple and gold , with an occasional stuff gown or scarlet sash , all with aprons and sashes , and many with cuffs . The order for evening prayer was intoned by the Rev . T . Falkner , the responses being by Tallis . The Psalms , Nos . 127 and 128 , were according to the Anglican Psalter Chants . The
Magnificat and Nunc Dimiltis were chanted in A ., by E . G . Monk , P . P . G . O . The first lesson was read by the Rev . Canon Thorold , and the second by the Pion . and Very Rev . the Dean of York . The anthem was " Great is thc Lord , " by the Rev . Sir F . A . G . Otisely , Bart ., P . M ., P . G . Chaplain of England , the words being taken from the 48 th Psalm .
The sermon was preached by Bro . the Rev . H . W . Kemp , B . A ., P . P . G . Chaplain , taking for his text the words , " Our holy and beautiful house , " Isaiah 6 4 , 11 . The concluding voluntary was Handel ' s
" Hallelujah Chorus . " Tbe collection was in aid of one of the admirable local charities—the York Dispensary , which does a most useful work in a remarkably quiet , unostentatious way , - ; .,-..