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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Yorkshire, (North And East).
At the conclusion of the service , the procession was reformed in the same order as it had been at first marshalled , and thus returned to the Guildhall , where the brethren unclothed themselves of their Masonic regalia . The Craft clothing and jewels were much admired by all
who obtained a near inspection of them , a crowd of persons being collected near the west end of the Minster , and along the route to the Guildhall . After the service at the Minster , the Grand Master , Provincial Grand Master , and brethren
proceeded to the Festival Concert Room , where a very excellent cold collation had been provided . To this fully 300 brethren sat down , under the presidency of the Earl of Zetland , who was supported on his right by the Marquess of Ripon . The galleries were filled by ladies and gentlemen ,
friends of the brethren , and the music was supplied by the band of the 9 th Lancers , who played during the dinner and at intervals afterwards . Upon the withdrawal of the cloth , The Earl of Zetland gave the first toast , " The Queen and the Craft , " which was drunk with the customary honours . He next gave " Their
Royal Hi g hnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales and other members of the Royal Famil y' ' —in the course of which he alluded to the deep interest taken by the Prince of Wales in Freemasonry , and the fact that Prince Arthur is about to enter its ranks . The toast was drunk with honours .
Next followed from the chair " The Army and Navy , with the Auxiliary and Reserve Forces . "
Colonel Nason responded . The noble Chairman said he rose with very great pleasure to propose " The Health of the Most Worthy Grand Master of all England , the Marquess of Ripon , " ( loud and repeated cheering . ) As his Lordship was anxious to catch the
train he would couple with the toast the Provincial Deputy Grand Master , and the Provincial Grand Officers . ( Applause . ) He passed a high eulogium upon the Grand Master for the way in which he discharged the high duties of his oflice . ( Drunk with three times three and loud
applause . ) The Marquess of Ripon ( who was greeted with reiterated plaudits on rising ) returned his warmest thanks for the very cordial reception which they had been pleased to accord to the toast which hatl been proposed in terms so flattering by his
Right Worshipful friend , the Earl of Zetland . It had given him great pleasure to be able to be present on that occasion , and to instal his Right Worshipful friend in the chair of that province . It was the first occasion since he had held the office of Grand Master on which he had installed
any of his Provincial Grand Officers . Of course , he could not always undertake to discharge that duty , however agreeable it may have been to him to do so ; and it was never easy to make a selection whilst all from whom that selection was to be made were so worthy of the highest honours .
He thought he might , however , depart from his rule on this occasion , for it was but natural that one Yorkshireman should desire to do honour to another . ( Applause . ) Officiall y connected as he was with the North Riding , it was not unnatural that he should take a principal part on that
occasion , an occasion on which was to be bestowed the hi ghest honours of that great province upon one who bore the honoured name of Zetland . ( Applause . ) He need not tell the brethren the great claims which the late Earl had upon the affections and reverence of Freemasons ;
nor need he say that the late Earl ' s name would live honoured in the memories of English Freemasons , so long as thc Craft should last . ( Applause . ) He ( the Grand Master ) had some difficulty in persuading his noble friend to accept the post ; for , with a diffidence that did him
honour , he shrank from it . But the way in which his lordship had discharged the duties of the high office that day , proved that he was not only entitled to the name of Zetland , but that he will merit , by his own abilities and his own merits
the affection of the entire province of North and East Yorkshire . ( Loud applause ) . The Earl of Zetland was loudly cheered on rising to respond . When silence had been restored he begged to return his most sincere thanks for the "warmth with which the toast hacl
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Yorkshire, (North And East).
been received , and the cordiality of its reception . He hoped that the long-continued tie which had existed between his family might be kept unbroken , and without any loss of dignity or usefulness in his hands . ( A pplause ) .
The Grand Master , in order to catch his train , here left the meeting , ancl was loudl y cheered on his departure . The remaining toasts were " The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Bell ; " "The newly-appointed Provincial Grand Officers : "
" The York Lodge No . 236 , and the various lodges of the province ; " "The Visiting Brethren , - " and "The Ladies . " Thc banquet , which was of a first-class character , was provided b y Mr . Abbott , of
Scawin ' s Hotel , York . In the front of the orchestra were displayed portraits of the Right Hon . Lawrence , Lord Dundas , formerly Deputy Grand Master of England - , and of the Ri ght Hon . the Earl of Zetland , K . T ., M . W . Grand Master 18 43 to 1870 .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of South Wales (Western Division).
The annual Provincial Grand Lod ge was held on the 9 th instant , at Haverfordwest , under the banner of the Cambrian Lodge No . 464 , by the members of which the Provincial Grand Lodge was enthusiastically received on the occasion of the installation of Major John Allen Lloyd Philipps ( of Mabws ) as Provincial Grand Master ; who has had the honour to receive this
appointment owing to the regretted retirement of Bro . Sir Pryse-Pryse , Bart . We are glad to know that the present Provincial Grand Master is an able successor to so worthy a Mason . Haverfordwest was chosen for the scene for
two reasons—one being that Major Lloyd Philipps is a Pembrokeshire man , the other that the Cambrian Lodge No . 4 6 4 is , owing to the exertions of a few of its principal members , in possession ot a Masonic Hall , the ground upon which it is built being freehold , and which is
capable of accommodating with comfort as many persons as can bc expected . On the occasion now being referred to , about two hundred brethren were present , seated in and around the spacious building , and yet ample room was left for the ceremonies of the day . The hall was
decorated in chaste style . Banners depended from the capitals of pillars supporting the roof . On the walls were Masonic emblems and devices wrought in proper colours b y Bro . Thomas Rule Owen , and in the recesses of windows , & c , were hot-house and other flowers arranged ( as
only ladies can arrange ) in perfection of harmony of colour and desi gn . The exertions of these dides-de-camji of the Local Committee cannot be too highly praised , they contributed greatly to the pleasure ofthe meeting , and their services were specially referred to by the R . W . Prov G . M .
The brethren having taken their seats , the members of Provincial Grand Lodge , and visitors of distinction having been duly marshalled by Bro . Pell , 10 7 2 , P . Prov . G . D . C . ' , entered the hall in procession , and the chair was taken by the R . W . Theodore Mansel Talbot , Grand Master
for South Wales , East Division , who as Install-Master opened this Provincial Grand Lodge , being supported by his able Deputy , Edward J . Morris , Capt . S . G . Homfray , ' D . Prov . G . M ., Monmouthshire , together with the Grand Wardens of this province , lko . George T . Smith ,
G . S . W ., P . Prov . G . Sec , P . M . W . M . 1072 ; and Bro . W . J . Morgan , G . J . W ., P . M . 476 . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of the meeting held at Carmarthen on the 25 th July , 1873 , were read and confirmed .
Announcement having been made that Bro . Major J . A . Lloyd Philipps , Prov . Grand Master , was in attendance , Brothers George Parry , P . P . G . S . W . ; Thomas Phillips , P . P . G . W . ; J . W . Szlumper , P . P . G . J . W . ; Dr . G . Griffiths
P . P . G . S . W . ; F . Rule Owen , P . P . G . R . ; John James , P . P . G . S . D . ; and David Davies , P . P . G . J . W . ; being seven Senior P . M . ' s and members of Provincial Grand Lodge , were deputed to escort the R . W . Prov . G . M . into
Provincial Grand Lodge Of South Wales (Western Division).
the Masonic Hall . This having beeii"duly performed , Bro . Geo . Parry , P . Prov . G . S . W ., presented the R . W . Brother for the benefit of installation , and he , having been obligated , was placed on the throne by the R . W . Prov . G . M . for South Wales , Eastern Division , in his usual
style ( i . e . perfection ) . The R . W . Prov . G . M . was then saluted in ancient form under the direction of Bro . Geo . Parry , P . Prov . G . S . W . Report having been given that the D . Prov . G . M . was waiting to be admitted , Bros . W . Huggey , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; F . Rule Owen ,
P . P . G . R . ; M . Nicholson , P . P . G . S . D ; S . J . White , P . M ., and John James , P . P . G . S . D ., were deputed to escort the Worshipful Brother for the benefit of installation . Having been received in due form and obligated , he took his proper place in the Provincial Grand Lodge .
( The patents of Prov . G . M ., and of D . Prov . G . M ., were read , and ordered to be enteied on the minutes ) . The W . D . Prov . G . M . was duly saluted , Bro . Geo . Parry again leading . The accounts of thc Provincial Grand
Treasurer were received and adopted . The R . W . Prov . G . M . then proposed , in able and complimentary terms , the re-election of Bro . Capt . Henry Williams , P . M . No . 3 66 , as
Provincial Grand Treasurer , which , having been seconded by Bro . George Parry , P . P . G . W ., was carried by acclamation . The R . W . P . G . M ., then appointed and invested his Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuinsr
year , . : — Bros . T . J . White , P . M . 4 6 4 , Prov . G . S . W . ; J . Beavan Phillips , W . M . 670 , Prov . G . J . W . the Rev . W . L . Stradling , W . M . 366 , Prov . G . C . Capt . Henry Williams , P . M . 366 ( re-elected ) , Prov . G . Treas . ; T . Rule Owen , P . M . 464 , G . R . ; Stanley J . Balcombe , S . W . 1072 , G . Sec ; H .
D . Reynolds , G . S . D . ; W . Milligan Phillips , W . M . 4 6 4 , G . J . Wm . Davies , P . M . 47 ^ G . S . W . ; David Rees , P . M . 671 , G . D . C : A , J . Hughes , LD . 1072 , G . S . B . ; W . L . Harding , P . M . 4 6 4 , G . Org . ; Joseph Gregory , 1177 . G . P . ; Thomas Baker , 464 , A . Daysh , 3 G 6 , C . W . R . Stokes , 117 7 , T . Cousins , 990 , Prov . G . Stewards .
The R . W . Prov . G . M . proposed that a vote of thanks should be recorded on the minutes of this Provincial Grand Lodge to Theodore Mansel Talbot , Esq ., the R . W . Prov . G . M . for South Wales ( Eastern Division ) for his kindness in attending on this occasion , and for performing the ceremony of Installation .
The motion having been carried by " acclamation , " the R . W . Prov . G . M . ( Eastern Division ) , returned thanks in a most cordial manner , saying it was not the first time he had had the pleasure of meeting the brethren of the Western Division . In fact he looked upon South Wales as one
Province , but with two Commanders-in-Chief , so well did they always pull together . . The P . G . M . for South Wales ( Eastern Division ) concluded by thanking his Prov . G . Oflicers , and members of different lodges in his Province for their support on this occasion . It was resolved that Bro . J . Beavan Phillips ,
G . J . W ., P . G . R ., W . M . 67 f , be appointed to represent this Province at the anniversary of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys in 1875 , an"i that £ 21 be voted towards his list . Bro . J . Beavan Phillips was also appointed " Charity
Commissioner , " to receive and exchange votes for either ofthe Institutions . ^ 5 5 s . was voted to the Haverfordwest Infirmary , on the motion of Bro . Thos . Phillips , P . G . W ., seconded by Bro . Geo . T . Smith , P . G . W .
Bro . F . Binckes , P . M ., P . G . Steward of England , returned thanks on behalf of the Charities , and specially thanked Bro . J . Beavan Phillips , for proposing , and this Provincial Grand Lodge for voting the grant to the Boys' School , concluding an able speech by urging the brethren to contribute to the list of the G . J . W .
The Provincial Grand Lodge being closed , the brethren were formed into procession by Bro . J . Pell ( who throughout the day performed his arduous duties in a most satisfactory manner ) , and proceeded to St . Mary ' s Church , when the G . C , Bro . the Rev . W . S . Stradling , preached an excellent , ' sermon , taking as his text the 4 th verse , 2 chap ., Song
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Yorkshire, (North And East).
At the conclusion of the service , the procession was reformed in the same order as it had been at first marshalled , and thus returned to the Guildhall , where the brethren unclothed themselves of their Masonic regalia . The Craft clothing and jewels were much admired by all
who obtained a near inspection of them , a crowd of persons being collected near the west end of the Minster , and along the route to the Guildhall . After the service at the Minster , the Grand Master , Provincial Grand Master , and brethren
proceeded to the Festival Concert Room , where a very excellent cold collation had been provided . To this fully 300 brethren sat down , under the presidency of the Earl of Zetland , who was supported on his right by the Marquess of Ripon . The galleries were filled by ladies and gentlemen ,
friends of the brethren , and the music was supplied by the band of the 9 th Lancers , who played during the dinner and at intervals afterwards . Upon the withdrawal of the cloth , The Earl of Zetland gave the first toast , " The Queen and the Craft , " which was drunk with the customary honours . He next gave " Their
Royal Hi g hnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales and other members of the Royal Famil y' ' —in the course of which he alluded to the deep interest taken by the Prince of Wales in Freemasonry , and the fact that Prince Arthur is about to enter its ranks . The toast was drunk with honours .
Next followed from the chair " The Army and Navy , with the Auxiliary and Reserve Forces . "
Colonel Nason responded . The noble Chairman said he rose with very great pleasure to propose " The Health of the Most Worthy Grand Master of all England , the Marquess of Ripon , " ( loud and repeated cheering . ) As his Lordship was anxious to catch the
train he would couple with the toast the Provincial Deputy Grand Master , and the Provincial Grand Officers . ( Applause . ) He passed a high eulogium upon the Grand Master for the way in which he discharged the high duties of his oflice . ( Drunk with three times three and loud
applause . ) The Marquess of Ripon ( who was greeted with reiterated plaudits on rising ) returned his warmest thanks for the very cordial reception which they had been pleased to accord to the toast which hatl been proposed in terms so flattering by his
Right Worshipful friend , the Earl of Zetland . It had given him great pleasure to be able to be present on that occasion , and to instal his Right Worshipful friend in the chair of that province . It was the first occasion since he had held the office of Grand Master on which he had installed
any of his Provincial Grand Officers . Of course , he could not always undertake to discharge that duty , however agreeable it may have been to him to do so ; and it was never easy to make a selection whilst all from whom that selection was to be made were so worthy of the highest honours .
He thought he might , however , depart from his rule on this occasion , for it was but natural that one Yorkshireman should desire to do honour to another . ( Applause . ) Officiall y connected as he was with the North Riding , it was not unnatural that he should take a principal part on that
occasion , an occasion on which was to be bestowed the hi ghest honours of that great province upon one who bore the honoured name of Zetland . ( Applause . ) He need not tell the brethren the great claims which the late Earl had upon the affections and reverence of Freemasons ;
nor need he say that the late Earl ' s name would live honoured in the memories of English Freemasons , so long as thc Craft should last . ( Applause . ) He ( the Grand Master ) had some difficulty in persuading his noble friend to accept the post ; for , with a diffidence that did him
honour , he shrank from it . But the way in which his lordship had discharged the duties of the high office that day , proved that he was not only entitled to the name of Zetland , but that he will merit , by his own abilities and his own merits
the affection of the entire province of North and East Yorkshire . ( Loud applause ) . The Earl of Zetland was loudly cheered on rising to respond . When silence had been restored he begged to return his most sincere thanks for the "warmth with which the toast hacl
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Yorkshire, (North And East).
been received , and the cordiality of its reception . He hoped that the long-continued tie which had existed between his family might be kept unbroken , and without any loss of dignity or usefulness in his hands . ( A pplause ) .
The Grand Master , in order to catch his train , here left the meeting , ancl was loudl y cheered on his departure . The remaining toasts were " The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Bell ; " "The newly-appointed Provincial Grand Officers : "
" The York Lodge No . 236 , and the various lodges of the province ; " "The Visiting Brethren , - " and "The Ladies . " Thc banquet , which was of a first-class character , was provided b y Mr . Abbott , of
Scawin ' s Hotel , York . In the front of the orchestra were displayed portraits of the Right Hon . Lawrence , Lord Dundas , formerly Deputy Grand Master of England - , and of the Ri ght Hon . the Earl of Zetland , K . T ., M . W . Grand Master 18 43 to 1870 .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of South Wales (Western Division).
The annual Provincial Grand Lod ge was held on the 9 th instant , at Haverfordwest , under the banner of the Cambrian Lodge No . 464 , by the members of which the Provincial Grand Lodge was enthusiastically received on the occasion of the installation of Major John Allen Lloyd Philipps ( of Mabws ) as Provincial Grand Master ; who has had the honour to receive this
appointment owing to the regretted retirement of Bro . Sir Pryse-Pryse , Bart . We are glad to know that the present Provincial Grand Master is an able successor to so worthy a Mason . Haverfordwest was chosen for the scene for
two reasons—one being that Major Lloyd Philipps is a Pembrokeshire man , the other that the Cambrian Lodge No . 4 6 4 is , owing to the exertions of a few of its principal members , in possession ot a Masonic Hall , the ground upon which it is built being freehold , and which is
capable of accommodating with comfort as many persons as can bc expected . On the occasion now being referred to , about two hundred brethren were present , seated in and around the spacious building , and yet ample room was left for the ceremonies of the day . The hall was
decorated in chaste style . Banners depended from the capitals of pillars supporting the roof . On the walls were Masonic emblems and devices wrought in proper colours b y Bro . Thomas Rule Owen , and in the recesses of windows , & c , were hot-house and other flowers arranged ( as
only ladies can arrange ) in perfection of harmony of colour and desi gn . The exertions of these dides-de-camji of the Local Committee cannot be too highly praised , they contributed greatly to the pleasure ofthe meeting , and their services were specially referred to by the R . W . Prov G . M .
The brethren having taken their seats , the members of Provincial Grand Lodge , and visitors of distinction having been duly marshalled by Bro . Pell , 10 7 2 , P . Prov . G . D . C . ' , entered the hall in procession , and the chair was taken by the R . W . Theodore Mansel Talbot , Grand Master
for South Wales , East Division , who as Install-Master opened this Provincial Grand Lodge , being supported by his able Deputy , Edward J . Morris , Capt . S . G . Homfray , ' D . Prov . G . M ., Monmouthshire , together with the Grand Wardens of this province , lko . George T . Smith ,
G . S . W ., P . Prov . G . Sec , P . M . W . M . 1072 ; and Bro . W . J . Morgan , G . J . W ., P . M . 476 . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of the meeting held at Carmarthen on the 25 th July , 1873 , were read and confirmed .
Announcement having been made that Bro . Major J . A . Lloyd Philipps , Prov . Grand Master , was in attendance , Brothers George Parry , P . P . G . S . W . ; Thomas Phillips , P . P . G . W . ; J . W . Szlumper , P . P . G . J . W . ; Dr . G . Griffiths
P . P . G . S . W . ; F . Rule Owen , P . P . G . R . ; John James , P . P . G . S . D . ; and David Davies , P . P . G . J . W . ; being seven Senior P . M . ' s and members of Provincial Grand Lodge , were deputed to escort the R . W . Prov . G . M . into
Provincial Grand Lodge Of South Wales (Western Division).
the Masonic Hall . This having beeii"duly performed , Bro . Geo . Parry , P . Prov . G . S . W ., presented the R . W . Brother for the benefit of installation , and he , having been obligated , was placed on the throne by the R . W . Prov . G . M . for South Wales , Eastern Division , in his usual
style ( i . e . perfection ) . The R . W . Prov . G . M . was then saluted in ancient form under the direction of Bro . Geo . Parry , P . Prov . G . S . W . Report having been given that the D . Prov . G . M . was waiting to be admitted , Bros . W . Huggey , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; F . Rule Owen ,
P . P . G . R . ; M . Nicholson , P . P . G . S . D ; S . J . White , P . M ., and John James , P . P . G . S . D ., were deputed to escort the Worshipful Brother for the benefit of installation . Having been received in due form and obligated , he took his proper place in the Provincial Grand Lodge .
( The patents of Prov . G . M ., and of D . Prov . G . M ., were read , and ordered to be enteied on the minutes ) . The W . D . Prov . G . M . was duly saluted , Bro . Geo . Parry again leading . The accounts of thc Provincial Grand
Treasurer were received and adopted . The R . W . Prov . G . M . then proposed , in able and complimentary terms , the re-election of Bro . Capt . Henry Williams , P . M . No . 3 66 , as
Provincial Grand Treasurer , which , having been seconded by Bro . George Parry , P . P . G . W ., was carried by acclamation . The R . W . P . G . M ., then appointed and invested his Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuinsr
year , . : — Bros . T . J . White , P . M . 4 6 4 , Prov . G . S . W . ; J . Beavan Phillips , W . M . 670 , Prov . G . J . W . the Rev . W . L . Stradling , W . M . 366 , Prov . G . C . Capt . Henry Williams , P . M . 366 ( re-elected ) , Prov . G . Treas . ; T . Rule Owen , P . M . 464 , G . R . ; Stanley J . Balcombe , S . W . 1072 , G . Sec ; H .
D . Reynolds , G . S . D . ; W . Milligan Phillips , W . M . 4 6 4 , G . J . Wm . Davies , P . M . 47 ^ G . S . W . ; David Rees , P . M . 671 , G . D . C : A , J . Hughes , LD . 1072 , G . S . B . ; W . L . Harding , P . M . 4 6 4 , G . Org . ; Joseph Gregory , 1177 . G . P . ; Thomas Baker , 464 , A . Daysh , 3 G 6 , C . W . R . Stokes , 117 7 , T . Cousins , 990 , Prov . G . Stewards .
The R . W . Prov . G . M . proposed that a vote of thanks should be recorded on the minutes of this Provincial Grand Lodge to Theodore Mansel Talbot , Esq ., the R . W . Prov . G . M . for South Wales ( Eastern Division ) for his kindness in attending on this occasion , and for performing the ceremony of Installation .
The motion having been carried by " acclamation , " the R . W . Prov . G . M . ( Eastern Division ) , returned thanks in a most cordial manner , saying it was not the first time he had had the pleasure of meeting the brethren of the Western Division . In fact he looked upon South Wales as one
Province , but with two Commanders-in-Chief , so well did they always pull together . . The P . G . M . for South Wales ( Eastern Division ) concluded by thanking his Prov . G . Oflicers , and members of different lodges in his Province for their support on this occasion . It was resolved that Bro . J . Beavan Phillips ,
G . J . W ., P . G . R ., W . M . 67 f , be appointed to represent this Province at the anniversary of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys in 1875 , an"i that £ 21 be voted towards his list . Bro . J . Beavan Phillips was also appointed " Charity
Commissioner , " to receive and exchange votes for either ofthe Institutions . ^ 5 5 s . was voted to the Haverfordwest Infirmary , on the motion of Bro . Thos . Phillips , P . G . W ., seconded by Bro . Geo . T . Smith , P . G . W .
Bro . F . Binckes , P . M ., P . G . Steward of England , returned thanks on behalf of the Charities , and specially thanked Bro . J . Beavan Phillips , for proposing , and this Provincial Grand Lodge for voting the grant to the Boys' School , concluding an able speech by urging the brethren to contribute to the list of the G . J . W .
The Provincial Grand Lodge being closed , the brethren were formed into procession by Bro . J . Pell ( who throughout the day performed his arduous duties in a most satisfactory manner ) , and proceeded to St . Mary ' s Church , when the G . C , Bro . the Rev . W . S . Stradling , preached an excellent , ' sermon , taking as his text the 4 th verse , 2 chap ., Song