Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 243 Royal Arch 345 Mark Masonry , 243 I ' rov . G . Lodge of Cumberland and Westmoreland ... 245
Prov . G . Lodge of Hertfordshire 246 Masonic Bibliography 247 Notes and Queries 247 Restoration of Worcester Cathedral 24 S Father Cuffe 24 c
CORRESPONDENCE : — Early Grand Encampmenr of Scotland 249 Father Cuffe 249 Masons' Marks 249 Masonic Boys School 25 °
I ' rov . G . Lodge of Yorkshire , North and East 250 Domatie Lodge Ball 250 Prov . G . Lodge of South Wales , Eastern Division 252 Obituary 25 . **; Lodge Meetings for next week 25 . 1 Advertisements " 241 242 24 S 254 255 25 O
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
49- toft ITasonvLn
BEDTORD LODGK ( NO . 157 ) . —This excellent lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Friday week , at Freemasons' Hall , when there was a good attendance of members , including the W . M ., Bros . Briggs , L . Drew , S . W .: W . Folleit ,
J . W . ; J . Lavender , P . M . Treasurer ; J . Hills , P . M . Secretary ; T . Walton , S . D . R . A . Kelly , J . D . ; A . G . Creak , I . G . The working of this old established lodge was exceedingly well carried out , the W . M . in particular discharging the duties of the chair with considerable tact and
talent , his rendering of the traditional history to the candidate in the third degree was received with much approval . We are glad to . note that Grand Lodge has conferred the honour of the centenary jewel on this lodge . Much sympathy was evinced by the brethren at the sudden and
deeply lamented death of the respected Bro . G . A . Brown , P . M ., many years a member of the lodge . Among the P . M . ' s present were Bros . T . Cubitt . officer of Grand Lodge ; J . Brander , S . Willis , J . Smith , the visiting brethren being Bros . G . Ayres , P . M ., a <; and J . R . Stacey ,
P . M . 180 . After lodge the brethren sat clown to an excellent banquet , served in Bro . Francatelli ' s best style . ETONIAN LODGE ( NO . 209 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this ancient lodge was held on the 7 th inst ., at the Masonic Temple , St .
Alban ' s-street , Windsor . This was a red letter day , as the members for thc first time met at the above named temple , where the business of thc lodge will hereafter be transacted , instead of the Royal Adelaide Hotel . To those unacquainted with the beautiful temple it may be as well to
state that it is owing to the noble enterprise of afe * . v members of the Windsor Castle Lodge , that this handsome edifice was , a few years ago , at a considerable cost , raised . On entering the temple the carved stalls for the use of the brethren , the beautiful mosaic flooring , the
handsome roof as well as the organ ( from one of tlie metropolitan churches ) reminds one of being in a cathedral chapel , whilst every surrounding tends to impress , and commands that awe and reverence which the beau iful ceremonies require . It is perhaps strange that the Etonian Lodge
should not have long age : made overtures to the Windsor Castle Lodge tc be allowed to meet at the temple , but it must be said , the first advance from the Etonian a few months ago met with the cordial and brotherly consideration of the members of thc other Ixlge , ancl without the least difficulty the neces . ary arrangements were
made . The W . M ., Bro . G . W . Dixon , was , as may be supposed , well supported by the brethren of his lodge , and likewise a large attendance of the members of the Windsor Castle Lodge 771 . Amongst the brethren present were : Bros . I . II . S . Reid , I . P . M . ; Bladon , S . W . J . O . Carter , J . W . ; Strange , P . M ., See . ;
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Macllhvham , P . M . ; Bryett , Nicholls , Barkshire , Hiscock , Duffield , Emanuel , and others . Visitors : Bros , Biggs , Prov . G . Sec . Berks and Bucks ; Stedwell , P . P . J . G . W . Middlesex ; Bingham , W . M . 771 ; Tolley , P . M . 771 ; Cantrell , 771 ; Cave , 771 ; Whitchouse , 771 ; Churchill ,
and others . The lodge was opened at five p . m ., by the W . M ., and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Hawker , after the usual interrogation , was entrusted with the pass , grip , and word leading from ist to and degree , and after the lodge had been opened
in the 2 nd degree , re-admitted and passed to the degree of Fellow Craft by the W . M . On the lodge being closed to the ist degree , the ballot was taken for Messrs . Clay and 7 " erry , and being unanimous in their favour they were initiated to the lig ht of Freemasonry . A handsome P . M . ' s
jewel , with a suitable inscription , was then presented to Bro . Reid , I . P . M ., for his services in the chair during the past year . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Castle Hotel to partake of supper , and so closed one of the most pleasant and enjoyable
meetings ever known by the members oi" the lodge . ROCURSTI ' . R . —Giim ! u ! j >! i Loilge ( No . lojo . ) —On Wednesday , April 15 th , the installation of Bro . Thomas VV . Newton , as W . M . of this lodge , took place in the presence of a great number of principal officers , thus showing the great
interest taken for the welfare of the lodge , and the benefit ofthe Craft in general . There were present : Bros . Captain George Watson , P . M ., P . G . R ., who acted as Master of the Ceremonies in his usual able and efficient manner ; Spencer , P . G . Sec ; W . Page , P . P . G . S . D . ; J . S . Warne , P . P . G . A . Sec . ; Owen J . Carter , P . P . G . S . D .
C . Relph , P . G . S . D . ; J . Wyles , P . P . G . S . D . ; Rei Fry , P . P . G . J . D . ; Penfold , P . P . G . O . ; Knight , P . P . G . D . C ; Blakey , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; W . Mac-Kenzie , from Zetland Lodge of Grangemouth , and the Worshipful Masters from lodges 108 9 , 1174 , 77 , 188 , 1063 , 1089 , 91 , 3 , 184 , and a very good attendance of Past Masters , besides a large
number of brethren from all parts ofthe province . The outgoing W . M ., Bro . John Nicholls , in the most praiseworthy manner installed his successor , and it is a gratifying fact that Bros . Nicholls and Newton have made themselves so thoroughly efficient under the able tuition of Bro . Captain
Watson , P . M ., as to merit the approbation of many Past Masters , who expressed their opinion that the working of ihe lodge was second to none in the province of Kent . The Worshipful Master appointed the following brethren his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . John Michell , I . P . M . ;
George H . Curcl , S . W .-Thomas Watson , J . W . ; Thomas Wyles , P . M ., Treasurer ; George Watson , P . M ., Secretary ; John P . Griffin , S . D . ; Mark Baines , J . D . ; George Elliot , I . G . ; H . Bryant , Organist ; J . Glaister ,
M . C ; Henderson , Lennox , Stewards . The Senior Past Master Bro . G . Ashdown , P . P . G . P ., rose and proposed that a vote of thanks be recorded in the minutes of the lodge to Bro . John Michell for thc manner in which he had
conducted the allairs of the lodge during the past year and for his kind and courteous manner in attending to the requirements of the brethren , as also the able way in which he had initiated the new W . M ., and at the same time handed a very handsome jewel , which had been subscribed for
by the members ofthe lodge , to the new W . M . for presentation , which wns accordingly done , amid the approbation and hearty good wishes of the brethren . When the lodge was closed the brethren , to the number of lifty , sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Mrs . Flicker , of
the Kings Head Hotel , in her usual style , and many of the brethren expressing their delight in which it was served . We must not . omit to mention that by the kind consent oi the Mayor , who is Constable of Rochester Castle , the
usual privilege was granted to Gundnlph by having a large St . George ' s Ensign hoisted on th :: tower of the castle in commemoration of Bishop Gundulph , who was devoted to Freemasonry , and from whose name the lodge is called .
I ' ERFFCT ASHLAR LODGE ( NO . 1 IJS ) held ils regular meeting on Thursday , April 2 , at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , 9 6 , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey , 13 < o . John Henry Uavnisworth , W . M .,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
assisted by Bro . Frederick Walters , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M . Sec ; W . Batchelor , M . C ; J . W . Dudley , I . P . M . ; G . F . Grace , P . M . ; A . Goodman , F . Garbett , J . Stock , W . May , ) . J . Morse , J . Phillips , W . T . Loover , T . Jones " , and others . The visitors were Bros . Whitaker , 73 ,
and W . Cockle 871 . The minutes were read , and unanimously confirmed . Bros . J . Stock , F . Garbett , and W . Cockle , 871 , were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . Bro . J . W . Dudley , I . P . M ., in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., opened the lodge , and did the
ceremony of raising , the work being well done . Agreeable to notice of motion previously given , five guineas were nnanimously voted from the lodge funds to the Boys' School , in thc name of the W . M . for thc time being . Bro . J . H . Harmsworth , W . M .. previous to the lodge being closed ,
took the chair , and presided over the meeting for the remainder of tlie evening . All business being ended , the lodge was closed . In consequence of the regular meeting beiiia : due in the Derby week , it was agreed io postpone that meeting for one week . A splendid banqnet and
dessert followed after the lodge business was completed . Some hours spent in an agreeable m ¦ . inner , terminated this pleasant evening . KAMSC-ATH . —Lewises Lmlge ( Xo . I 20 y . ) — Tho installation meeting of this promising lodge was held on Wednesday , April Sth , at the Royal
Hotel . The lodge was opened by Bro . Bedford Now * bold Hiscock , W . M . The minutes of last lodge were read and confirmed , ballot was taken for Bro . William Henry Howard , Witham Lodge , No . 297 , Lincoln , as a joining member , which was decided to be unanimous . A board
of Installed Masters was then formed and Bro . William Call , the W . M . elect , was duly installed in the chair of K . S ., by Bro , W . Winch , P . M . 429 , P . P . J . G . D ., the beautiful ceremony being performed in a very impressive and masterly style . Tlie W . M . then appointed
as his officers for the ensuing year the following brethren : —Bros . A . Wootton , P . G . S ., S . W . ; G . Page , I . W . ; L . Kuich , P . P . G . D . C , Treasurer : 13 . N . Hiscocks , I . P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; Rev . G . W . Sickling , P . P . S . G . W ., Chaplain ; J . W . Smith . S . D . ; E . Crux , J . D . ; W . Barrett , I . G . ; J . Fuich , D . C ; J . Cassingham , S . ; W . L . irkin ,
Organist ; G . Meager , Tyler . Thc lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall , when ample justice was done to the good things placed before them ; after the cloth was drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and enthusiastically received , and tire brethren separated after having spent a very enjoyable evening .
M . u : noxALD Loi )( , * i : ( No . 1216)—A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Head Quarters ofthe First Surrey Ri / les . it Camberwell on Thursday , the 9 th instant , wheu there were present . —Bros . G . II . Newington Bridges , W . M . ; Edward Baxter , Grand Steward , as S . W . ; A . Woodcock , J . W . ; J . J . Curtis , Secretary ; M . S . Larlham , S . D . ; H . Hammond
J . D . jF . W . Carncll , D . C ; F . Cozens , Org . ; George Waterall , P . M . ; fames Stevens , P . M . ; C Ii . Neville , R . 13 . joy , A . C . Bindley , Capt . A . Styan , F . Wilkins , W . P . Collins , W . J *; . Stride , M . Elliot , F . A . Harper , P . Clay , A . I ,
Style , A . "" lonngman , E . Bower , E . Eldridge , anil several other members , and thc following visitors , viz . : —Bros . I . P . Probert , and W . i \ . Cooke , of No . 8 ; W . M . Young , No . 116 ; J . Vincent , No . 1076 ; E . Baxter , and J . If . Vockins , S . W . i , J 2 y . The lodge hiving been
opened indue form and the minutes of the previous regular meeting and sub .-vquenl emergency having beeu confirmed , Bros . W . ¦ E . Stride , J . 1 ) . Ch . illcner , and A . J . Style severally proved their proficiency as F . C ' s , and were in due course raised to the degri e of W . M ., with all .
that orderly and earnest ceremonial for which the lodge isjusllv celebrated , and in respect of which the several visitors expressed high commendation . The lodge having b . en closed in the first degree , the brethren proceeded to the
eleeti'iii ol * W . M . for the ensuing year , when liro . W . J . Messenger , ( he present S . W . ( whose engagements ou circuit presented liis attendance on this occasion ) was unanimously elected to that high ollice , ihe result oi' the ballot being
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 243 Royal Arch 345 Mark Masonry , 243 I ' rov . G . Lodge of Cumberland and Westmoreland ... 245
Prov . G . Lodge of Hertfordshire 246 Masonic Bibliography 247 Notes and Queries 247 Restoration of Worcester Cathedral 24 S Father Cuffe 24 c
CORRESPONDENCE : — Early Grand Encampmenr of Scotland 249 Father Cuffe 249 Masons' Marks 249 Masonic Boys School 25 °
I ' rov . G . Lodge of Yorkshire , North and East 250 Domatie Lodge Ball 250 Prov . G . Lodge of South Wales , Eastern Division 252 Obituary 25 . **; Lodge Meetings for next week 25 . 1 Advertisements " 241 242 24 S 254 255 25 O
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
49- toft ITasonvLn
BEDTORD LODGK ( NO . 157 ) . —This excellent lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Friday week , at Freemasons' Hall , when there was a good attendance of members , including the W . M ., Bros . Briggs , L . Drew , S . W .: W . Folleit ,
J . W . ; J . Lavender , P . M . Treasurer ; J . Hills , P . M . Secretary ; T . Walton , S . D . R . A . Kelly , J . D . ; A . G . Creak , I . G . The working of this old established lodge was exceedingly well carried out , the W . M . in particular discharging the duties of the chair with considerable tact and
talent , his rendering of the traditional history to the candidate in the third degree was received with much approval . We are glad to . note that Grand Lodge has conferred the honour of the centenary jewel on this lodge . Much sympathy was evinced by the brethren at the sudden and
deeply lamented death of the respected Bro . G . A . Brown , P . M ., many years a member of the lodge . Among the P . M . ' s present were Bros . T . Cubitt . officer of Grand Lodge ; J . Brander , S . Willis , J . Smith , the visiting brethren being Bros . G . Ayres , P . M ., a <; and J . R . Stacey ,
P . M . 180 . After lodge the brethren sat clown to an excellent banquet , served in Bro . Francatelli ' s best style . ETONIAN LODGE ( NO . 209 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this ancient lodge was held on the 7 th inst ., at the Masonic Temple , St .
Alban ' s-street , Windsor . This was a red letter day , as the members for thc first time met at the above named temple , where the business of thc lodge will hereafter be transacted , instead of the Royal Adelaide Hotel . To those unacquainted with the beautiful temple it may be as well to
state that it is owing to the noble enterprise of afe * . v members of the Windsor Castle Lodge , that this handsome edifice was , a few years ago , at a considerable cost , raised . On entering the temple the carved stalls for the use of the brethren , the beautiful mosaic flooring , the
handsome roof as well as the organ ( from one of tlie metropolitan churches ) reminds one of being in a cathedral chapel , whilst every surrounding tends to impress , and commands that awe and reverence which the beau iful ceremonies require . It is perhaps strange that the Etonian Lodge
should not have long age : made overtures to the Windsor Castle Lodge tc be allowed to meet at the temple , but it must be said , the first advance from the Etonian a few months ago met with the cordial and brotherly consideration of the members of thc other Ixlge , ancl without the least difficulty the neces . ary arrangements were
made . The W . M ., Bro . G . W . Dixon , was , as may be supposed , well supported by the brethren of his lodge , and likewise a large attendance of the members of the Windsor Castle Lodge 771 . Amongst the brethren present were : Bros . I . II . S . Reid , I . P . M . ; Bladon , S . W . J . O . Carter , J . W . ; Strange , P . M ., See . ;
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Macllhvham , P . M . ; Bryett , Nicholls , Barkshire , Hiscock , Duffield , Emanuel , and others . Visitors : Bros , Biggs , Prov . G . Sec . Berks and Bucks ; Stedwell , P . P . J . G . W . Middlesex ; Bingham , W . M . 771 ; Tolley , P . M . 771 ; Cantrell , 771 ; Cave , 771 ; Whitchouse , 771 ; Churchill ,
and others . The lodge was opened at five p . m ., by the W . M ., and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Hawker , after the usual interrogation , was entrusted with the pass , grip , and word leading from ist to and degree , and after the lodge had been opened
in the 2 nd degree , re-admitted and passed to the degree of Fellow Craft by the W . M . On the lodge being closed to the ist degree , the ballot was taken for Messrs . Clay and 7 " erry , and being unanimous in their favour they were initiated to the lig ht of Freemasonry . A handsome P . M . ' s
jewel , with a suitable inscription , was then presented to Bro . Reid , I . P . M ., for his services in the chair during the past year . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Castle Hotel to partake of supper , and so closed one of the most pleasant and enjoyable
meetings ever known by the members oi" the lodge . ROCURSTI ' . R . —Giim ! u ! j >! i Loilge ( No . lojo . ) —On Wednesday , April 15 th , the installation of Bro . Thomas VV . Newton , as W . M . of this lodge , took place in the presence of a great number of principal officers , thus showing the great
interest taken for the welfare of the lodge , and the benefit ofthe Craft in general . There were present : Bros . Captain George Watson , P . M ., P . G . R ., who acted as Master of the Ceremonies in his usual able and efficient manner ; Spencer , P . G . Sec ; W . Page , P . P . G . S . D . ; J . S . Warne , P . P . G . A . Sec . ; Owen J . Carter , P . P . G . S . D .
C . Relph , P . G . S . D . ; J . Wyles , P . P . G . S . D . ; Rei Fry , P . P . G . J . D . ; Penfold , P . P . G . O . ; Knight , P . P . G . D . C ; Blakey , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; W . Mac-Kenzie , from Zetland Lodge of Grangemouth , and the Worshipful Masters from lodges 108 9 , 1174 , 77 , 188 , 1063 , 1089 , 91 , 3 , 184 , and a very good attendance of Past Masters , besides a large
number of brethren from all parts ofthe province . The outgoing W . M ., Bro . John Nicholls , in the most praiseworthy manner installed his successor , and it is a gratifying fact that Bros . Nicholls and Newton have made themselves so thoroughly efficient under the able tuition of Bro . Captain
Watson , P . M ., as to merit the approbation of many Past Masters , who expressed their opinion that the working of ihe lodge was second to none in the province of Kent . The Worshipful Master appointed the following brethren his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . John Michell , I . P . M . ;
George H . Curcl , S . W .-Thomas Watson , J . W . ; Thomas Wyles , P . M ., Treasurer ; George Watson , P . M ., Secretary ; John P . Griffin , S . D . ; Mark Baines , J . D . ; George Elliot , I . G . ; H . Bryant , Organist ; J . Glaister ,
M . C ; Henderson , Lennox , Stewards . The Senior Past Master Bro . G . Ashdown , P . P . G . P ., rose and proposed that a vote of thanks be recorded in the minutes of the lodge to Bro . John Michell for thc manner in which he had
conducted the allairs of the lodge during the past year and for his kind and courteous manner in attending to the requirements of the brethren , as also the able way in which he had initiated the new W . M ., and at the same time handed a very handsome jewel , which had been subscribed for
by the members ofthe lodge , to the new W . M . for presentation , which wns accordingly done , amid the approbation and hearty good wishes of the brethren . When the lodge was closed the brethren , to the number of lifty , sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Mrs . Flicker , of
the Kings Head Hotel , in her usual style , and many of the brethren expressing their delight in which it was served . We must not . omit to mention that by the kind consent oi the Mayor , who is Constable of Rochester Castle , the
usual privilege was granted to Gundnlph by having a large St . George ' s Ensign hoisted on th :: tower of the castle in commemoration of Bishop Gundulph , who was devoted to Freemasonry , and from whose name the lodge is called .
I ' ERFFCT ASHLAR LODGE ( NO . 1 IJS ) held ils regular meeting on Thursday , April 2 , at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , 9 6 , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey , 13 < o . John Henry Uavnisworth , W . M .,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
assisted by Bro . Frederick Walters , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M . Sec ; W . Batchelor , M . C ; J . W . Dudley , I . P . M . ; G . F . Grace , P . M . ; A . Goodman , F . Garbett , J . Stock , W . May , ) . J . Morse , J . Phillips , W . T . Loover , T . Jones " , and others . The visitors were Bros . Whitaker , 73 ,
and W . Cockle 871 . The minutes were read , and unanimously confirmed . Bros . J . Stock , F . Garbett , and W . Cockle , 871 , were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . Bro . J . W . Dudley , I . P . M ., in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., opened the lodge , and did the
ceremony of raising , the work being well done . Agreeable to notice of motion previously given , five guineas were nnanimously voted from the lodge funds to the Boys' School , in thc name of the W . M . for thc time being . Bro . J . H . Harmsworth , W . M .. previous to the lodge being closed ,
took the chair , and presided over the meeting for the remainder of tlie evening . All business being ended , the lodge was closed . In consequence of the regular meeting beiiia : due in the Derby week , it was agreed io postpone that meeting for one week . A splendid banqnet and
dessert followed after the lodge business was completed . Some hours spent in an agreeable m ¦ . inner , terminated this pleasant evening . KAMSC-ATH . —Lewises Lmlge ( Xo . I 20 y . ) — Tho installation meeting of this promising lodge was held on Wednesday , April Sth , at the Royal
Hotel . The lodge was opened by Bro . Bedford Now * bold Hiscock , W . M . The minutes of last lodge were read and confirmed , ballot was taken for Bro . William Henry Howard , Witham Lodge , No . 297 , Lincoln , as a joining member , which was decided to be unanimous . A board
of Installed Masters was then formed and Bro . William Call , the W . M . elect , was duly installed in the chair of K . S ., by Bro , W . Winch , P . M . 429 , P . P . J . G . D ., the beautiful ceremony being performed in a very impressive and masterly style . Tlie W . M . then appointed
as his officers for the ensuing year the following brethren : —Bros . A . Wootton , P . G . S ., S . W . ; G . Page , I . W . ; L . Kuich , P . P . G . D . C , Treasurer : 13 . N . Hiscocks , I . P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; Rev . G . W . Sickling , P . P . S . G . W ., Chaplain ; J . W . Smith . S . D . ; E . Crux , J . D . ; W . Barrett , I . G . ; J . Fuich , D . C ; J . Cassingham , S . ; W . L . irkin ,
Organist ; G . Meager , Tyler . Thc lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall , when ample justice was done to the good things placed before them ; after the cloth was drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and enthusiastically received , and tire brethren separated after having spent a very enjoyable evening .
M . u : noxALD Loi )( , * i : ( No . 1216)—A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Head Quarters ofthe First Surrey Ri / les . it Camberwell on Thursday , the 9 th instant , wheu there were present . —Bros . G . II . Newington Bridges , W . M . ; Edward Baxter , Grand Steward , as S . W . ; A . Woodcock , J . W . ; J . J . Curtis , Secretary ; M . S . Larlham , S . D . ; H . Hammond
J . D . jF . W . Carncll , D . C ; F . Cozens , Org . ; George Waterall , P . M . ; fames Stevens , P . M . ; C Ii . Neville , R . 13 . joy , A . C . Bindley , Capt . A . Styan , F . Wilkins , W . P . Collins , W . J *; . Stride , M . Elliot , F . A . Harper , P . Clay , A . I ,
Style , A . "" lonngman , E . Bower , E . Eldridge , anil several other members , and thc following visitors , viz . : —Bros . I . P . Probert , and W . i \ . Cooke , of No . 8 ; W . M . Young , No . 116 ; J . Vincent , No . 1076 ; E . Baxter , and J . If . Vockins , S . W . i , J 2 y . The lodge hiving been
opened indue form and the minutes of the previous regular meeting and sub .-vquenl emergency having beeu confirmed , Bros . W . ¦ E . Stride , J . 1 ) . Ch . illcner , and A . J . Style severally proved their proficiency as F . C ' s , and were in due course raised to the degri e of W . M ., with all .
that orderly and earnest ceremonial for which the lodge isjusllv celebrated , and in respect of which the several visitors expressed high commendation . The lodge having b . en closed in the first degree , the brethren proceeded to the
eleeti'iii ol * W . M . for the ensuing year , when liro . W . J . Messenger , ( he present S . W . ( whose engagements ou circuit presented liis attendance on this occasion ) was unanimously elected to that high ollice , ihe result oi' the ballot being