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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Pullen , P . M ., Treas . ; Stacey , P . M ., Org . ; Crowhurst , J . D . ; Schiemann , S . ; J . Wilson , P . M . ; received with acclamation . Bro . Dr . Cronin being reluctantly compelled to resign his office of Treasurer , the choice of the brethren was unanimously made in favour of Captain A . Styan ,
who in very gracious terms accepted the appointment . Notice of motion was given later in the evening by Bro . Stevens , P . M ., to the effect " that a Past Treasurer ' s jewel be voted to Bro . Dr . Cronin for his emineMt services during the past rive years . " Bro . Grant was re-elected
Tyler , Bros . Gray and Bradley were elected on the Audit Committee . On the proposition ot Bro . Waterall , P . M ., the lodge unanimously voted the Past Master ' s jewel to the retiring Master , Bro . Bridges . Propositions for several initiations having been taken , and a few matters
of ordinary business disposed of the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the usual frugal supper , and the customary toasts and Masonic compliments having been duly honoured and exchanged , the evening ' s proceedings terminated with charitable remembrances of absent friends and less fortunate members of the Order .
ST . J OHN OF WAPPING LODGE ( NO . 1306 ) . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Gun Hotel , High-street , Wapping . on Wednesday , April Sth . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., J . W . Dawson . The ceremony of installation was proceeded with , Bro . W . Mann ,
P . M . 186 , and Treasurer , presented to Bro . J . W . Dawson , W . M ., the W . M . elect , Bro . Wm . Beck , the first member intiated in the St . John of Wapping Lodge , to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . He appointed and invested as his officers , Bros . Maud , S . W . ; 1 . W .
Jack--o » , J . W ; Wm Mann , P . M . ( the father of the lu . u ,. ) , "l t » usurer , re-invested for the fourth time j T . Pallett , S . D . ; Poore , J . D . ; F . Boutts , I . G . ; Fortc-scue , W . S . ; Longstaff , Tyler . The addresses were well given , and applauded , and the remainder of the business was quickly
despatched . The usual number of candidates for initiation were proposed . The lodge was then closed , and a splendid banquet followed , served up under the personal supervision of Bro . Hayward ( who as usual was ever ready to please
everyone ) , and he succeeded in giving satisfaction to all . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . The agreeable evening was brought to a pleasant termination , thc brethren separating to enjoy " Tired nature ' s sweet repose , balmy sleep . "
ALDERSHOT . —stldershot Cum /) Lodge ( No . 1 , 331 ) . —1 ' regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place at the Royal Hotel , Aldershot , at six o ' clock p . m ., on the 2 nd instant . In consequence of the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., the chair of K . S . was taken by Bro .
Captain Richardson , I . P . M . and Treasurer , who was supported by the following officers , viz . : — Bros . Anderson , S . W . ; Smith , J . W . ; Harker , W . M * 723 , as P . M . ; Williams , S . D . ; McKinney , J . D . ; Munro , I . G . ; Burns , Tyler ; Austin , Secretary . There was also a good attendance of
the brethren , among whom were several visitors . 1 he lodge having been opened in form in the first degree , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was then taken separately for two candidates for initiation , which proved favourable in each case . Brother
Culinan being a candidate for the second degree , after having given proof of his proficiency in the first degree , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and on his rcadmission he was duly passed as a F . C . Bros . Newman and Field having proved
themselves proficient in the second degree , were entrusted with a test of merit preparatory to their admission to the third degree . The lodge was then resumed to the second and third degrees , and one ot the candidates , Mr . Stayley , being present , was duly initiated and instructed in the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry ,
at the conclusion of which the lodge was opened in the second and third degrees , and Bros . Newnv . n and Field were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M ., Bro . McKenzie , having now arrived , the lodge was resumed to the second and third degrees , and Bro . Captain Richardson , to whom at a later period of the evening the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
brethren passed a vote of thanks for the admirable and impressive manner in which the ceremonies of three degrees had been rendered and conducted , retired from the chair . The W . M . then read a letter from the W . M . of Panmure
Lodge , No . 723 , inviting a committee of 1 , 331 to co-operate with , a committee of the former in the necessary arrangements for the reception of the P . G . Lodge here in August next , which was cordially acceded to , the W . M . and Wardens being duly nominated and approved . The votes
of the lodge , with those of Bros . Brown , and Coleman , who have become Life Subscribers to the Boys' School , by payment into the Charitable Association in connection with 1331 , were then given in favour of a military candidate , the late Bro . Wellington ' s son , whose name stood
39 th on the list of candidates , but whose election proved successful . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . P . M . J . Balfour Cockburn , M . D ., 30 , for his kindness in representing the lodge as a Steward , at the recent festival of the Boys' School , and a vote of condolence with Bro .
P . M . Samuel Cole , expressive of the regret of the brethren at the sad loss sustained by the death of his daughter , was also rtnanirnovisly adopted and received . Propositions for joining members and candidates for initiation having
been made and duly seconded , and hearty good wishes given by Bro- Harker , W . M . 723 , the " Aldershot Camp Lodge" was closed with solemn prayer about half past nine o ' clock , and adjourned until thc first Thursday in May .
ANDOVER . —St . Hubert ' s Loilge ( No . 1373 ) . — The annual festival of this lodge , held on the 13 th inst ., was an event long to be remembered in the annals of Freemasonry in this province . It is now only two years ago since we had the pleasure to report the opening of a lodge
for the purposes of the Craft in Andover , and at that time there appeared only a handful of brethren to start the undertaking ; since then , however , several of the principal inhabitants of the neighbourhood have joined , and the number of members now nearly reaches forty . The
meetings up to the present time have been held in the Foresters' Hall , but great inconvenience in many respects having keen found in continuing there , it was determined to accept the ofter of Bro . Stride to build a lodge room suitable to the
Craft . This has been done , and one of the most handsome and convenient lodges in the province will be found in the rear of the White Hart Hotel . We refer to its interior , for of its exterior such adjectives would be somewhat out of place . The room is fitted with oak furniture . The
ceilings are coloured blue and salmon , and the room is lighted with a handsome sun light , the various accessories of the Craft are all of the best description , the chairs for the Masters and his officers were the costly gift of live of the members , and indeed almost every brother has
contributed something towards the furniture of the lodge , either in money or the purchase of what was needed for the due performance of the ancient ceremonies . During the past year the chair has been most ably filled by Ero . E . Y . Nepean , Provincial Grand Chaplain , Vicar of
Appleshaw , and to his good government and hearty manner in the general conduct of the business of the lodge , must be attributed the success of St . Hubert Lodge and the unanimity with which everything connected with it has been carried out . The brethren assembled on the
1 , 3 th inst . at noon , ancl after the ordinary business of the meeting had been conducted , which we may add consisted of an initiation and the passing of one brother , to whom Bro . Lear , Basingstoke , delivered an excellent charge . The Provincial Grand Master , Bro . W . W . 13 . Beach ,
ALP ., was then received in the usual manner , and immediately proceeded to instal Bro . T . Best , P . M ., as Master of this lodge . The ancient ceremony was performed in his usual able manner by the P . G . M ., aud Bro . Best was received by the members most cordially , the musical portion of the ceremony being given by Bro . Taylor ,
P . M ., late of Salisbury Cathedral , and who we may add has just leceived the vacant appointment at the Foundling Hospital . The ceremony of installation having concluded , the W . M . proceeded to appoint his oflicers , which are as follows . —Bros . Rev . E . Y . Nepean , I . P . M . ; C . V . Iklsc ' o SW . ; W . C Powuing , J . W .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Rev . E . F . Randolph , Chaplain ; T . Butt , Treas . ; Burgiss-Brown , Sec . ; H . Hammans , S . D . ; Pike , J . D . ; Farr , I . G . ; T . Lamb , M . C ; W . Fowle and F . Pern , Stewards ; C Tredgold , Tyler . The P . G . Master then invested the foregoing brethren with their collars and addressed a
few words of congratulation to Bro . Best and the Officers , which were received with marked approbation by all present . The lodge was then closed in the usual manner The following is a list of the brethren present : — The Right Worshipful the P . G . M ., Bro . W . W .
B . Beach , ALP . ; Bros . T . Best , P . M . 3 ^ , and W . M . 1373 , and P . P . G . R . for Oxon ; Dew , P . M . ; G . Best , P . M . ; Rev . E . Y . Nepean , P . M . ; Lear , W . M ., Oakley Lodge ; Pern , P . M .-, Taylor , P . M . and P . G . Organist , Wilts * Rev . Randolph , Chaplain ; Portsmouth , P . P . G . J . D .:
Thatcher , P . G . S . ; Thomas , W . M . Gloster Lodge ; Rev . W . W . Pearin , Southampton ; Helsdon , S . W . - , Powning , J . W . ; Hammans , S . D . ; Pike , J . D . ; Lamb , M . C ; Farr , I . G . ; Hickman , junr ., and Phillips , ( Southampton ) ; S . H . Allen , Morgan , Beale , Bloxham ,
Norwood , Hawkins . Fisher , Osborne , H . Barnes , Daniels , S . W . Oakley Lodge , R . A . Routh , Pritchard , W . Lush , Fowle , Stride , W . Tasker , R . Tasker , T . Butt ( Treasurer ) , B . Brown , ( Secretary ) , Tredgold and Hall , Tylers , and others . The banquet was provided at the White
Hart Hotel , Bro . Best occupying the chair , supported on the right by thei P . G . M ., and on the left by the I . P . M ., Bro . Nepean . The room ancl hall were nicel y decorated with plants , and everything possible was done for the comfort of the guests , the viands were of the best description ,
and the wines , we believe supplied by Bro . Pern , of first-class quality , and indeed every possible care was taken b y Mrs . Turner , the hostess , to provide a banquet worthy of the occasion , and in this she was indeed successful , everyone present expressing themselves in the hi ghest terms
of her catering on that occasion . The cloth having been cleared , the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to , each with musical honours , Bro . Taylor kindly presiding at the piano . The P . G . M . ' s health was proposed from the chair by Bro . Best , who alluded to their
early days as brethren in Freemasonry . Bro . Beach responded , and spoke at length on the principles of the Ancient Order , alluding to the Masonic charities as a proper channel for the exercise of one of the great princi ples of the Craft , and he thought there was no province in
England which exerted itself more than this for the charities of which they might well be proud to boast . It was a very great pleasure to him to witness the prosperity of the St . Hubert Lodge , which he had the pleasure of consecrating only two years ago , and he wished it much
prosperity for the future . The P . G . M . proposed the health of the W . M ., Bro . Best , and spoke of their connection with Freemasonry in the Apollo University Lodge at Oxford , and of his having installed him W . M . of that Lodge twenty-one years ago . He said no one was
better qualified to fill the chair , and it had been a great pleasure to him to have installed htm tint day . The W . M ., in responding , was received most heartily . A toast highly appreciated amon ^ * Masons was given by the worthy Chaplain , Bro . Randolph , " All poor and distressed Masons . "
The health of the Past Master of the Lodge , Bro . Nepean , was drunk , who returned thanks in an eloquent speech . The health of the Officers of the St . Hubert Lodge , the Visitors , and others , followed . The pleasure of thc
evening was greatly enhanced by some excellent songs by Bros . Taylor , Peru , G . Best , B . Brown , Fisher , Helsdon , Beale , and others , and the company dispersed soon after eight o ' clock , after one of the most successful meetings yet held .
HAMPTON COURT . — Era Lodge ( No . 142 , 3 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the King ' s Arms Hotel . Hampton Court , on Saturday , April 1 ith . Bro . Henry Arthur Dubois , P . G . Steward Middlesex , W . M ., presided .
There were present Bros . John Thomas Moss , P . Prov . G . S . D . Middlesex , P . M . ; R . Limpus , P . G . Organist Middlesex ; Rev . J . W . Vaughan P . G . Chaplain , Middlesex ; F . Walters , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M . Sec . ; I . W . Baldwin S . W . ; R . Limpus , P . G . O . as Organist ; J .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Pullen , P . M ., Treas . ; Stacey , P . M ., Org . ; Crowhurst , J . D . ; Schiemann , S . ; J . Wilson , P . M . ; received with acclamation . Bro . Dr . Cronin being reluctantly compelled to resign his office of Treasurer , the choice of the brethren was unanimously made in favour of Captain A . Styan ,
who in very gracious terms accepted the appointment . Notice of motion was given later in the evening by Bro . Stevens , P . M ., to the effect " that a Past Treasurer ' s jewel be voted to Bro . Dr . Cronin for his emineMt services during the past rive years . " Bro . Grant was re-elected
Tyler , Bros . Gray and Bradley were elected on the Audit Committee . On the proposition ot Bro . Waterall , P . M ., the lodge unanimously voted the Past Master ' s jewel to the retiring Master , Bro . Bridges . Propositions for several initiations having been taken , and a few matters
of ordinary business disposed of the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the usual frugal supper , and the customary toasts and Masonic compliments having been duly honoured and exchanged , the evening ' s proceedings terminated with charitable remembrances of absent friends and less fortunate members of the Order .
ST . J OHN OF WAPPING LODGE ( NO . 1306 ) . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Gun Hotel , High-street , Wapping . on Wednesday , April Sth . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., J . W . Dawson . The ceremony of installation was proceeded with , Bro . W . Mann ,
P . M . 186 , and Treasurer , presented to Bro . J . W . Dawson , W . M ., the W . M . elect , Bro . Wm . Beck , the first member intiated in the St . John of Wapping Lodge , to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . He appointed and invested as his officers , Bros . Maud , S . W . ; 1 . W .
Jack--o » , J . W ; Wm Mann , P . M . ( the father of the lu . u ,. ) , "l t » usurer , re-invested for the fourth time j T . Pallett , S . D . ; Poore , J . D . ; F . Boutts , I . G . ; Fortc-scue , W . S . ; Longstaff , Tyler . The addresses were well given , and applauded , and the remainder of the business was quickly
despatched . The usual number of candidates for initiation were proposed . The lodge was then closed , and a splendid banquet followed , served up under the personal supervision of Bro . Hayward ( who as usual was ever ready to please
everyone ) , and he succeeded in giving satisfaction to all . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . The agreeable evening was brought to a pleasant termination , thc brethren separating to enjoy " Tired nature ' s sweet repose , balmy sleep . "
ALDERSHOT . —stldershot Cum /) Lodge ( No . 1 , 331 ) . —1 ' regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place at the Royal Hotel , Aldershot , at six o ' clock p . m ., on the 2 nd instant . In consequence of the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., the chair of K . S . was taken by Bro .
Captain Richardson , I . P . M . and Treasurer , who was supported by the following officers , viz . : — Bros . Anderson , S . W . ; Smith , J . W . ; Harker , W . M * 723 , as P . M . ; Williams , S . D . ; McKinney , J . D . ; Munro , I . G . ; Burns , Tyler ; Austin , Secretary . There was also a good attendance of
the brethren , among whom were several visitors . 1 he lodge having been opened in form in the first degree , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was then taken separately for two candidates for initiation , which proved favourable in each case . Brother
Culinan being a candidate for the second degree , after having given proof of his proficiency in the first degree , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and on his rcadmission he was duly passed as a F . C . Bros . Newman and Field having proved
themselves proficient in the second degree , were entrusted with a test of merit preparatory to their admission to the third degree . The lodge was then resumed to the second and third degrees , and one ot the candidates , Mr . Stayley , being present , was duly initiated and instructed in the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry ,
at the conclusion of which the lodge was opened in the second and third degrees , and Bros . Newnv . n and Field were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M ., Bro . McKenzie , having now arrived , the lodge was resumed to the second and third degrees , and Bro . Captain Richardson , to whom at a later period of the evening the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
brethren passed a vote of thanks for the admirable and impressive manner in which the ceremonies of three degrees had been rendered and conducted , retired from the chair . The W . M . then read a letter from the W . M . of Panmure
Lodge , No . 723 , inviting a committee of 1 , 331 to co-operate with , a committee of the former in the necessary arrangements for the reception of the P . G . Lodge here in August next , which was cordially acceded to , the W . M . and Wardens being duly nominated and approved . The votes
of the lodge , with those of Bros . Brown , and Coleman , who have become Life Subscribers to the Boys' School , by payment into the Charitable Association in connection with 1331 , were then given in favour of a military candidate , the late Bro . Wellington ' s son , whose name stood
39 th on the list of candidates , but whose election proved successful . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . P . M . J . Balfour Cockburn , M . D ., 30 , for his kindness in representing the lodge as a Steward , at the recent festival of the Boys' School , and a vote of condolence with Bro .
P . M . Samuel Cole , expressive of the regret of the brethren at the sad loss sustained by the death of his daughter , was also rtnanirnovisly adopted and received . Propositions for joining members and candidates for initiation having
been made and duly seconded , and hearty good wishes given by Bro- Harker , W . M . 723 , the " Aldershot Camp Lodge" was closed with solemn prayer about half past nine o ' clock , and adjourned until thc first Thursday in May .
ANDOVER . —St . Hubert ' s Loilge ( No . 1373 ) . — The annual festival of this lodge , held on the 13 th inst ., was an event long to be remembered in the annals of Freemasonry in this province . It is now only two years ago since we had the pleasure to report the opening of a lodge
for the purposes of the Craft in Andover , and at that time there appeared only a handful of brethren to start the undertaking ; since then , however , several of the principal inhabitants of the neighbourhood have joined , and the number of members now nearly reaches forty . The
meetings up to the present time have been held in the Foresters' Hall , but great inconvenience in many respects having keen found in continuing there , it was determined to accept the ofter of Bro . Stride to build a lodge room suitable to the
Craft . This has been done , and one of the most handsome and convenient lodges in the province will be found in the rear of the White Hart Hotel . We refer to its interior , for of its exterior such adjectives would be somewhat out of place . The room is fitted with oak furniture . The
ceilings are coloured blue and salmon , and the room is lighted with a handsome sun light , the various accessories of the Craft are all of the best description , the chairs for the Masters and his officers were the costly gift of live of the members , and indeed almost every brother has
contributed something towards the furniture of the lodge , either in money or the purchase of what was needed for the due performance of the ancient ceremonies . During the past year the chair has been most ably filled by Ero . E . Y . Nepean , Provincial Grand Chaplain , Vicar of
Appleshaw , and to his good government and hearty manner in the general conduct of the business of the lodge , must be attributed the success of St . Hubert Lodge and the unanimity with which everything connected with it has been carried out . The brethren assembled on the
1 , 3 th inst . at noon , ancl after the ordinary business of the meeting had been conducted , which we may add consisted of an initiation and the passing of one brother , to whom Bro . Lear , Basingstoke , delivered an excellent charge . The Provincial Grand Master , Bro . W . W . 13 . Beach ,
ALP ., was then received in the usual manner , and immediately proceeded to instal Bro . T . Best , P . M ., as Master of this lodge . The ancient ceremony was performed in his usual able manner by the P . G . M ., aud Bro . Best was received by the members most cordially , the musical portion of the ceremony being given by Bro . Taylor ,
P . M ., late of Salisbury Cathedral , and who we may add has just leceived the vacant appointment at the Foundling Hospital . The ceremony of installation having concluded , the W . M . proceeded to appoint his oflicers , which are as follows . —Bros . Rev . E . Y . Nepean , I . P . M . ; C . V . Iklsc ' o SW . ; W . C Powuing , J . W .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Rev . E . F . Randolph , Chaplain ; T . Butt , Treas . ; Burgiss-Brown , Sec . ; H . Hammans , S . D . ; Pike , J . D . ; Farr , I . G . ; T . Lamb , M . C ; W . Fowle and F . Pern , Stewards ; C Tredgold , Tyler . The P . G . Master then invested the foregoing brethren with their collars and addressed a
few words of congratulation to Bro . Best and the Officers , which were received with marked approbation by all present . The lodge was then closed in the usual manner The following is a list of the brethren present : — The Right Worshipful the P . G . M ., Bro . W . W .
B . Beach , ALP . ; Bros . T . Best , P . M . 3 ^ , and W . M . 1373 , and P . P . G . R . for Oxon ; Dew , P . M . ; G . Best , P . M . ; Rev . E . Y . Nepean , P . M . ; Lear , W . M ., Oakley Lodge ; Pern , P . M .-, Taylor , P . M . and P . G . Organist , Wilts * Rev . Randolph , Chaplain ; Portsmouth , P . P . G . J . D .:
Thatcher , P . G . S . ; Thomas , W . M . Gloster Lodge ; Rev . W . W . Pearin , Southampton ; Helsdon , S . W . - , Powning , J . W . ; Hammans , S . D . ; Pike , J . D . ; Lamb , M . C ; Farr , I . G . ; Hickman , junr ., and Phillips , ( Southampton ) ; S . H . Allen , Morgan , Beale , Bloxham ,
Norwood , Hawkins . Fisher , Osborne , H . Barnes , Daniels , S . W . Oakley Lodge , R . A . Routh , Pritchard , W . Lush , Fowle , Stride , W . Tasker , R . Tasker , T . Butt ( Treasurer ) , B . Brown , ( Secretary ) , Tredgold and Hall , Tylers , and others . The banquet was provided at the White
Hart Hotel , Bro . Best occupying the chair , supported on the right by thei P . G . M ., and on the left by the I . P . M ., Bro . Nepean . The room ancl hall were nicel y decorated with plants , and everything possible was done for the comfort of the guests , the viands were of the best description ,
and the wines , we believe supplied by Bro . Pern , of first-class quality , and indeed every possible care was taken b y Mrs . Turner , the hostess , to provide a banquet worthy of the occasion , and in this she was indeed successful , everyone present expressing themselves in the hi ghest terms
of her catering on that occasion . The cloth having been cleared , the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to , each with musical honours , Bro . Taylor kindly presiding at the piano . The P . G . M . ' s health was proposed from the chair by Bro . Best , who alluded to their
early days as brethren in Freemasonry . Bro . Beach responded , and spoke at length on the principles of the Ancient Order , alluding to the Masonic charities as a proper channel for the exercise of one of the great princi ples of the Craft , and he thought there was no province in
England which exerted itself more than this for the charities of which they might well be proud to boast . It was a very great pleasure to him to witness the prosperity of the St . Hubert Lodge , which he had the pleasure of consecrating only two years ago , and he wished it much
prosperity for the future . The P . G . M . proposed the health of the W . M ., Bro . Best , and spoke of their connection with Freemasonry in the Apollo University Lodge at Oxford , and of his having installed him W . M . of that Lodge twenty-one years ago . He said no one was
better qualified to fill the chair , and it had been a great pleasure to him to have installed htm tint day . The W . M ., in responding , was received most heartily . A toast highly appreciated amon ^ * Masons was given by the worthy Chaplain , Bro . Randolph , " All poor and distressed Masons . "
The health of the Past Master of the Lodge , Bro . Nepean , was drunk , who returned thanks in an eloquent speech . The health of the Officers of the St . Hubert Lodge , the Visitors , and others , followed . The pleasure of thc
evening was greatly enhanced by some excellent songs by Bros . Taylor , Peru , G . Best , B . Brown , Fisher , Helsdon , Beale , and others , and the company dispersed soon after eight o ' clock , after one of the most successful meetings yet held .
HAMPTON COURT . — Era Lodge ( No . 142 , 3 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the King ' s Arms Hotel . Hampton Court , on Saturday , April 1 ith . Bro . Henry Arthur Dubois , P . G . Steward Middlesex , W . M ., presided .
There were present Bros . John Thomas Moss , P . Prov . G . S . D . Middlesex , P . M . ; R . Limpus , P . G . Organist Middlesex ; Rev . J . W . Vaughan P . G . Chaplain , Middlesex ; F . Walters , P . G . Steward , Middlesex , P . M . Sec . ; I . W . Baldwin S . W . ; R . Limpus , P . G . O . as Organist ; J .