Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Baxter Langley , J . W . ; J . S . Sweasey , S . D . ; W . C Devereux ( R . N . ) J . D . ; E . W . Devereux , I . G :, B . Wright , W . S . and others . The visitors were Bros . W . Hammond , W . M ., 1326 ; T . G . Tagg , 1 , 326 ; W . Mitchell , 1326 ; H . Jones , 1326 ; T . Boyce , 1309 , and others . The W . M .
in a clear , painstaking , correct , and impressive manner ( which was pleasurable to witness and listen to ) initiated Bro . Henry Faija into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The veteran Secretary Bro . F . Walters took the chair , and in a slow dignified style crafted no less
than seven , which included one visitor F . Boyce , 1309 . He then raised Bro . J . G . Tagg , 131 , 6 , to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The W . M ., Bro . H . A . Dubois , having returned , ( being compelled to be absent for a short time on urgent private business ) he took the chair and
presided over the lodge for the remainder of the evening . On motions duly made by the Secretary , and which were seconded , Bros . R . * Limpus , for " Boys" and J . Sweasey , for " Girls , " were unanimously elected as Stewards to represent the lodge at the forthcoming festivals in 187 *; .. Bro .
J . C Parkinson , D . P . G . M ., Middlesex , and E . W . Mackney , P . M . 1345 , were unanimously elected as honorary members . The initiation was raised to ten and joining fee to five guineas , when the lodge numbered fifty subscribing
members . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation . The lodge was unanimous in their wish to solicit the P . G . M . to hold the next Provincial Grand Lodge , Middlesex , under its auspices . The lodge was closed . Banquet and dessert followed .
KENNINGTON LODGE ( No . 1381 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , 7 th inst ., at the Surrey Club House , Kennington Oval . The lodge was opened by the Bros . Koch , W . M . ; Higgins , S . W . ; Gardner , J . W . ; Hales , S . D . ; Arnold , J . D . ( W . M . of No . 4 * *;); Reeves , I . G .
Stuart , P . M ., Secretary ; Page , P . M ., Treasurer . The minutes of the previous lodge having been confirmed , the W . M ., assisted by the officers , proceeded to raise Bros . B . H . Phillpott , T . C . Walls , and J . H . Byfield to the sublime degree of M . M ., the impressive ceremony being well
rendered . Bro . Bates was then passed as a F . C . A committee consisting ofthe W . M ., the P . M . ' s of the lodge , and the S . W . and J . W ., was appointed to draw up a code of rules for the establishment of a benevolent fund in connection with this lodge , and to submit the same at the
meeting in October , It was also resolved that a lodge of emergency should be called to raise Bro . Bates , and to carry out any oflier business that might arise , early in May next . The lodge being closed in due form the brethren partook of supper , which was well catered for by the host
Bro . Pope , P . M . This not being a lodge banquet the only toast given by the W . M . was " The Queen and Craft" which was well responded to , snd the National Anthem sung . The remainder of the evening was devoted to harmony by Bros . Glover and Phillpott .
INSTRUCTION . CONFIDENCE LODG * INSTRUCTION ( NO . I 93 ) - —Upwards of ei ghty brethren assembled , and owing to want of room , a great number had to be refused admission , at Bro . Chard ' s , White Hart Tavern , Abchurch-lane , E . G ., on Wednesday , the 16 th inst . The special inducement of
this extraordinary gathering at a Lodge of Instruction was the announcement that Bro . Jas . Brett , P . G . P ., would rehearse the ceremony of consecration . That name is always sufficient to secure a strong muster . The ever increasing popularity of Bio . Brett is , however , well
deserved , and the prevailing opinion as to his Masonic abilities was never better exemplified than upon this occasion . The beautiful ceremony was admirably rendered . The oration especially was exceedingly appropriate , and delivered with an earnestness and impress ! veness , which elicited loud and hearty approbation . Bro .
Brett ; still suffering from recent indisposition , was obliged to leave at the conclusion of this part ofthe evening ' s programme . The next business was the rehearsal of the ceremony of Installation . This task had previously been allotted to Bro . John Constable , W . M . i 8 , * J . It was a first attempt on the part of that brother , but a
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
marked success . With the confidence of an old stager and unsurpassed fluency , the rather difficult work was accomplished , Bro . Constable is one of those who throw heart and soul in all they attempt . Any one who has watched his Masonic career cannot fail to be struck with the varied
abilities he progressively displays . The brethren showed their appreciation by repeated acclamations . A great number of visitors were present , among whom not a few were W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s and so delighted were they with the proceed ings , that they immediately enrolled themselves
members of the lodge . It was cheering to note the harmony and hearty good fellowshi p subsisting amongst this large number of brethren , some of whom are known to entertain diversified opinions on points of Masonic practice and lodge government . Difference of opinion , however ,
did not prevent the mutual truly loyal Masouic grasp , nor the expression on all sides of earnest re-union . The more prominent brethren present were , Bros . Jas . Stevens , P . M ., W . M . 1426 ; C . J . Dilley , P . M . 115 *; , W . M . 147 ; T . Poore , W . M . 720 ; E . Gottheil , P . M . 141 ; A . H . Lilley ,
P . M . 12 ; Rev . P . M . Holden , J . D . ; and Chap-Iain 907 ; W . F . Rogers , P . M . 193 ; S . Moss , P . M . 185 ; N . Moss , P . M . J 85 ; Bloomfield , P . M . 18 5 ; Pinder , J . W . 15 , etc . The vocal and musical part was conducted by Bro . Billey , P . M ., assisted by Bro . Miller , P . M ., John Ross , S . W . 18 * t , and others .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
WIGTON—St . Joluis Cha / sler ( No . 327 ) . — A convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday evening , the 14 th inst ., in the lodge room , Comps . Lemon , M . E . Z . ; J . Porter , H . ; J . Gate , J . ; and several other companions being present . After all companions below Installed
Principal had retired , the chapter was duly opened in solemn form by Companion lesse Banning , M . E . Z ., 823 , who , at the request of the Principals , acted as Z . on this occasion . The minutes of the last convocation were read and confi rmed . The ballot was then taken separately , and proved
in their favour for Bros . Lazonbyatid McMechan . Both being in attendance were properly prepared , admitted , and duly exalted , M . E . Z . Banning giving the historic , symbolic , and mystic lectures , in a very finished and deeply impressive manner ; after which a candidate was proposed
for exaltation , and a vote of thanks ordered to be recorded on the minutes to M . E . Companion Jesse Banning for his valuable services . Comp . J . Tickell officiated as P . S . in his usual perfect style . The following companions were elected officers for the ensuing year : —James Porter ,
M . E . Z . ; John Gate , H . ; H . Bewes , J . ; Dr . Shannon , E . ; James Gardner , N . ; John Tickle , P . S . ; T . McMehan , first A . S . ; Joseph Lazonby , second A . S . ; T . Richardson , T . ; Joseph Maitin , Janitor . Nothing further appearing for the good of R . A . M ., the chapter was closed in due form .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
RAMSGATE . —Holmesdale Lodge ( No . 129 ) . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Hotel , Ramsgate , on Thursday , March 26 th . The brethren assembled at 4 . 30 , and soon after that time , the lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . J . H . Grove Snowden , D . Prov .
G . M . M . The minutes ofthe last meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Snowden vacated the chair in favour of Bro , James Stevens , P . G . J . W ., Prov . G . M . Sec . for Middlesex and Surrey , & c , & c , who had come down expressly to perform the Installation ceremony , as
he had previously done for several successive years . This was purposely the only work left for the day , a special meeting of the lodge having been held a fortnight before for the purpose of advancing two candidates , viz ., Bros . J . J .
Cooper Wylde , and Walter Searles . Bro . Snowden presented the W . M . elect , Bro . John Lamy Ellerm , to Bro . Stevens , to receive at his hands the benefit of Installation , and the customary declaration having been made , all brethren below the rank of Installed Mark Master retired . A
Mark Masonry.
Board of I . M . M . was then formed , and the W . M . elect , and Bro . the Rev . G . W . Sicklemore , Prov . G . M . for Kent , took the O . B . The latter , through inadvertence , had not been entrusted with the secrets of the chair at the time of his installation , and this was the first
convenient opportunity which had occurred to him for having the omission supplied . The secrets having been communicated , and the Board of I . M . M . closed , the brethren were re-admitted , and they saluted the new W . M . He was then proclaimed in due form , and presented with the Workinrr
Tools , the Lodge Warrant , the Bock of Constitutions , and the Book of Bye-Laws . The following brethren were then appointed to office , and invested , viz ., lames W . Smith , S . W . ; George Page , J . W . ; W . J . C . Harrison . M . O . ; R . J . Emrcerson , S . O . ; Walter B . Wallace , J . O . ;
The Rev . G . W . Sicklemore , Chaplain ; Lewis Finch , ( elected ) Treasurer ; Horace Friend , Regr . of Marks and Secretary ; Wm . Crawford , S . D . ; John Finch , J . D . j Wm . Larkin , Org . ; Walter Searles , I . G . ; George Meager , ( elected ) Tyler . The respective exhortations to the W . M .,
Warden , Overseers , and brethren were delivered in an impressive manner by Bro . Stevens , and the ceremony of installation was complete . The W . M . rose and expressed his regret that he would be obliged to leave for London immediately after the closing of the lodge , on account
of the death of a relative ; and he hoped that the brethren would excuse that which , except under these painful circumstances , might be considered a mark of disrespect to them . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . Stevens , and a candidate having been proposed for
advancement , the lodge was closed . A banquet was then held under the presidency of Bro , Snowden , I . P . M ., and we need not tell those who have ever been at the Royal Hotel on such an occasion as this , that the viands were well served and the wines excellent .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmoreland.
The usual half-yearly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumberland and Westmoreland was held on Wednesday , the bth inst ., at the Crown Hotel , Penrith . The following officers and past officers of the province were present : Bro . Col . Whitwell ,
M . P ., Deputy Grand Master , Past Grand Junior Warden of England , Kendal ; Bro . Greaves , Past Deputy Grand Master , Penrith ; J . Holme , P . G . S . W ., acting as S . W ., Kirkby Lonsdale ; H . Cook , Past Grand Superintendent Works , acting as Junior Warden , Barrow ; W .
B . Gibson , Grand Secretary , Whitehaven ; J Lemon , Grand Treasurer , Wigton ; W . Tatter sail , Past Grand Senior Warden , Kendal ; E Hughes , Grand Senior Deacon , Whitehaven ; C J . Smith , Grand Junior Deacon , Penrith ; J Porter , Past Senior Grand Deacon . Wigton ; J
Pearson , Past Senior Grand Deacon , Cockermouth ; J . Talbot , Grand Registrar , Kendal ; W . Kirkbride , Past Grand Secretary , Penrith ; J . Matthews , Past Grand Assistant Secretary , Penrith ; E . Fearon , Past Grand Director of Ceremonies , Whitehaven ; H . Rauthtnell , Past Grand
Director of Ceremonies , Kendal ; G . Brooker , Past Grand Pursuivant , Workington ; T . B . Arnison , Past Grand Sword Bearer , ; J . Mills , Past Grand Sword Bearer , Millom ; Jesse Banning , Grand Organist , Carlisle ; S . Rowland , Past Grand Organist , Penrith ; D . Crosthwaite ,
Grand Steward , W . M . 107 . 3 , Keswick ; W . Armstrong , Grand Steward , Maryport . There were also present : —From Skiddaw Lodge , Cockermouth , Bros . W . H . Lewthwaite , W . M . ; W . F . Lamonby , S . W . ; Josiah Raine , I . G . ; J . Robinson ( Keswick ) . From the Lodge of
Perseverance , Maryport , B . ro . W . Banks . From the Whitwell Lodge , Millom , Bros . Dodgson , P . M . ; J . Hartley , Sec . 99 $ , and W . Whiteside , I . G . and W . M . 1398 ( Dalton ) . Deputations likewise attended from Lodges Sun , Square , and
Compasses , Whitehaven ; Lewis , Whitehaven ; Union , Kendal ; Union , Carlisle ; St . John ' s , Wigton j Underley , Kirkby Lonsdale . The remaining lodges , comprising the seventeen in the province , were not represented , viz .: —Holy
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Baxter Langley , J . W . ; J . S . Sweasey , S . D . ; W . C Devereux ( R . N . ) J . D . ; E . W . Devereux , I . G :, B . Wright , W . S . and others . The visitors were Bros . W . Hammond , W . M ., 1326 ; T . G . Tagg , 1 , 326 ; W . Mitchell , 1326 ; H . Jones , 1326 ; T . Boyce , 1309 , and others . The W . M .
in a clear , painstaking , correct , and impressive manner ( which was pleasurable to witness and listen to ) initiated Bro . Henry Faija into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The veteran Secretary Bro . F . Walters took the chair , and in a slow dignified style crafted no less
than seven , which included one visitor F . Boyce , 1309 . He then raised Bro . J . G . Tagg , 131 , 6 , to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The W . M ., Bro . H . A . Dubois , having returned , ( being compelled to be absent for a short time on urgent private business ) he took the chair and
presided over the lodge for the remainder of the evening . On motions duly made by the Secretary , and which were seconded , Bros . R . * Limpus , for " Boys" and J . Sweasey , for " Girls , " were unanimously elected as Stewards to represent the lodge at the forthcoming festivals in 187 *; .. Bro .
J . C Parkinson , D . P . G . M ., Middlesex , and E . W . Mackney , P . M . 1345 , were unanimously elected as honorary members . The initiation was raised to ten and joining fee to five guineas , when the lodge numbered fifty subscribing
members . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation . The lodge was unanimous in their wish to solicit the P . G . M . to hold the next Provincial Grand Lodge , Middlesex , under its auspices . The lodge was closed . Banquet and dessert followed .
KENNINGTON LODGE ( No . 1381 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , 7 th inst ., at the Surrey Club House , Kennington Oval . The lodge was opened by the Bros . Koch , W . M . ; Higgins , S . W . ; Gardner , J . W . ; Hales , S . D . ; Arnold , J . D . ( W . M . of No . 4 * *;); Reeves , I . G .
Stuart , P . M ., Secretary ; Page , P . M ., Treasurer . The minutes of the previous lodge having been confirmed , the W . M ., assisted by the officers , proceeded to raise Bros . B . H . Phillpott , T . C . Walls , and J . H . Byfield to the sublime degree of M . M ., the impressive ceremony being well
rendered . Bro . Bates was then passed as a F . C . A committee consisting ofthe W . M ., the P . M . ' s of the lodge , and the S . W . and J . W ., was appointed to draw up a code of rules for the establishment of a benevolent fund in connection with this lodge , and to submit the same at the
meeting in October , It was also resolved that a lodge of emergency should be called to raise Bro . Bates , and to carry out any oflier business that might arise , early in May next . The lodge being closed in due form the brethren partook of supper , which was well catered for by the host
Bro . Pope , P . M . This not being a lodge banquet the only toast given by the W . M . was " The Queen and Craft" which was well responded to , snd the National Anthem sung . The remainder of the evening was devoted to harmony by Bros . Glover and Phillpott .
INSTRUCTION . CONFIDENCE LODG * INSTRUCTION ( NO . I 93 ) - —Upwards of ei ghty brethren assembled , and owing to want of room , a great number had to be refused admission , at Bro . Chard ' s , White Hart Tavern , Abchurch-lane , E . G ., on Wednesday , the 16 th inst . The special inducement of
this extraordinary gathering at a Lodge of Instruction was the announcement that Bro . Jas . Brett , P . G . P ., would rehearse the ceremony of consecration . That name is always sufficient to secure a strong muster . The ever increasing popularity of Bio . Brett is , however , well
deserved , and the prevailing opinion as to his Masonic abilities was never better exemplified than upon this occasion . The beautiful ceremony was admirably rendered . The oration especially was exceedingly appropriate , and delivered with an earnestness and impress ! veness , which elicited loud and hearty approbation . Bro .
Brett ; still suffering from recent indisposition , was obliged to leave at the conclusion of this part ofthe evening ' s programme . The next business was the rehearsal of the ceremony of Installation . This task had previously been allotted to Bro . John Constable , W . M . i 8 , * J . It was a first attempt on the part of that brother , but a
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
marked success . With the confidence of an old stager and unsurpassed fluency , the rather difficult work was accomplished , Bro . Constable is one of those who throw heart and soul in all they attempt . Any one who has watched his Masonic career cannot fail to be struck with the varied
abilities he progressively displays . The brethren showed their appreciation by repeated acclamations . A great number of visitors were present , among whom not a few were W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s and so delighted were they with the proceed ings , that they immediately enrolled themselves
members of the lodge . It was cheering to note the harmony and hearty good fellowshi p subsisting amongst this large number of brethren , some of whom are known to entertain diversified opinions on points of Masonic practice and lodge government . Difference of opinion , however ,
did not prevent the mutual truly loyal Masouic grasp , nor the expression on all sides of earnest re-union . The more prominent brethren present were , Bros . Jas . Stevens , P . M ., W . M . 1426 ; C . J . Dilley , P . M . 115 *; , W . M . 147 ; T . Poore , W . M . 720 ; E . Gottheil , P . M . 141 ; A . H . Lilley ,
P . M . 12 ; Rev . P . M . Holden , J . D . ; and Chap-Iain 907 ; W . F . Rogers , P . M . 193 ; S . Moss , P . M . 185 ; N . Moss , P . M . J 85 ; Bloomfield , P . M . 18 5 ; Pinder , J . W . 15 , etc . The vocal and musical part was conducted by Bro . Billey , P . M ., assisted by Bro . Miller , P . M ., John Ross , S . W . 18 * t , and others .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
WIGTON—St . Joluis Cha / sler ( No . 327 ) . — A convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday evening , the 14 th inst ., in the lodge room , Comps . Lemon , M . E . Z . ; J . Porter , H . ; J . Gate , J . ; and several other companions being present . After all companions below Installed
Principal had retired , the chapter was duly opened in solemn form by Companion lesse Banning , M . E . Z ., 823 , who , at the request of the Principals , acted as Z . on this occasion . The minutes of the last convocation were read and confi rmed . The ballot was then taken separately , and proved
in their favour for Bros . Lazonbyatid McMechan . Both being in attendance were properly prepared , admitted , and duly exalted , M . E . Z . Banning giving the historic , symbolic , and mystic lectures , in a very finished and deeply impressive manner ; after which a candidate was proposed
for exaltation , and a vote of thanks ordered to be recorded on the minutes to M . E . Companion Jesse Banning for his valuable services . Comp . J . Tickell officiated as P . S . in his usual perfect style . The following companions were elected officers for the ensuing year : —James Porter ,
M . E . Z . ; John Gate , H . ; H . Bewes , J . ; Dr . Shannon , E . ; James Gardner , N . ; John Tickle , P . S . ; T . McMehan , first A . S . ; Joseph Lazonby , second A . S . ; T . Richardson , T . ; Joseph Maitin , Janitor . Nothing further appearing for the good of R . A . M ., the chapter was closed in due form .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
RAMSGATE . —Holmesdale Lodge ( No . 129 ) . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Hotel , Ramsgate , on Thursday , March 26 th . The brethren assembled at 4 . 30 , and soon after that time , the lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . J . H . Grove Snowden , D . Prov .
G . M . M . The minutes ofthe last meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Snowden vacated the chair in favour of Bro , James Stevens , P . G . J . W ., Prov . G . M . Sec . for Middlesex and Surrey , & c , & c , who had come down expressly to perform the Installation ceremony , as
he had previously done for several successive years . This was purposely the only work left for the day , a special meeting of the lodge having been held a fortnight before for the purpose of advancing two candidates , viz ., Bros . J . J .
Cooper Wylde , and Walter Searles . Bro . Snowden presented the W . M . elect , Bro . John Lamy Ellerm , to Bro . Stevens , to receive at his hands the benefit of Installation , and the customary declaration having been made , all brethren below the rank of Installed Mark Master retired . A
Mark Masonry.
Board of I . M . M . was then formed , and the W . M . elect , and Bro . the Rev . G . W . Sicklemore , Prov . G . M . for Kent , took the O . B . The latter , through inadvertence , had not been entrusted with the secrets of the chair at the time of his installation , and this was the first
convenient opportunity which had occurred to him for having the omission supplied . The secrets having been communicated , and the Board of I . M . M . closed , the brethren were re-admitted , and they saluted the new W . M . He was then proclaimed in due form , and presented with the Workinrr
Tools , the Lodge Warrant , the Bock of Constitutions , and the Book of Bye-Laws . The following brethren were then appointed to office , and invested , viz ., lames W . Smith , S . W . ; George Page , J . W . ; W . J . C . Harrison . M . O . ; R . J . Emrcerson , S . O . ; Walter B . Wallace , J . O . ;
The Rev . G . W . Sicklemore , Chaplain ; Lewis Finch , ( elected ) Treasurer ; Horace Friend , Regr . of Marks and Secretary ; Wm . Crawford , S . D . ; John Finch , J . D . j Wm . Larkin , Org . ; Walter Searles , I . G . ; George Meager , ( elected ) Tyler . The respective exhortations to the W . M .,
Warden , Overseers , and brethren were delivered in an impressive manner by Bro . Stevens , and the ceremony of installation was complete . The W . M . rose and expressed his regret that he would be obliged to leave for London immediately after the closing of the lodge , on account
of the death of a relative ; and he hoped that the brethren would excuse that which , except under these painful circumstances , might be considered a mark of disrespect to them . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . Stevens , and a candidate having been proposed for
advancement , the lodge was closed . A banquet was then held under the presidency of Bro , Snowden , I . P . M ., and we need not tell those who have ever been at the Royal Hotel on such an occasion as this , that the viands were well served and the wines excellent .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmoreland.
The usual half-yearly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumberland and Westmoreland was held on Wednesday , the bth inst ., at the Crown Hotel , Penrith . The following officers and past officers of the province were present : Bro . Col . Whitwell ,
M . P ., Deputy Grand Master , Past Grand Junior Warden of England , Kendal ; Bro . Greaves , Past Deputy Grand Master , Penrith ; J . Holme , P . G . S . W ., acting as S . W ., Kirkby Lonsdale ; H . Cook , Past Grand Superintendent Works , acting as Junior Warden , Barrow ; W .
B . Gibson , Grand Secretary , Whitehaven ; J Lemon , Grand Treasurer , Wigton ; W . Tatter sail , Past Grand Senior Warden , Kendal ; E Hughes , Grand Senior Deacon , Whitehaven ; C J . Smith , Grand Junior Deacon , Penrith ; J Porter , Past Senior Grand Deacon . Wigton ; J
Pearson , Past Senior Grand Deacon , Cockermouth ; J . Talbot , Grand Registrar , Kendal ; W . Kirkbride , Past Grand Secretary , Penrith ; J . Matthews , Past Grand Assistant Secretary , Penrith ; E . Fearon , Past Grand Director of Ceremonies , Whitehaven ; H . Rauthtnell , Past Grand
Director of Ceremonies , Kendal ; G . Brooker , Past Grand Pursuivant , Workington ; T . B . Arnison , Past Grand Sword Bearer , ; J . Mills , Past Grand Sword Bearer , Millom ; Jesse Banning , Grand Organist , Carlisle ; S . Rowland , Past Grand Organist , Penrith ; D . Crosthwaite ,
Grand Steward , W . M . 107 . 3 , Keswick ; W . Armstrong , Grand Steward , Maryport . There were also present : —From Skiddaw Lodge , Cockermouth , Bros . W . H . Lewthwaite , W . M . ; W . F . Lamonby , S . W . ; Josiah Raine , I . G . ; J . Robinson ( Keswick ) . From the Lodge of
Perseverance , Maryport , B . ro . W . Banks . From the Whitwell Lodge , Millom , Bros . Dodgson , P . M . ; J . Hartley , Sec . 99 $ , and W . Whiteside , I . G . and W . M . 1398 ( Dalton ) . Deputations likewise attended from Lodges Sun , Square , and
Compasses , Whitehaven ; Lewis , Whitehaven ; Union , Kendal ; Union , Carlisle ; St . John ' s , Wigton j Underley , Kirkby Lonsdale . The remaining lodges , comprising the seventeen in the province , were not represented , viz .: —Holy