Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF HERTFORDSHIRE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF HERTFORDSHIRE. Page 2 of 2 Article Masonic Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Multum in Parbo, or Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article Multum in Parbo, or Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC BIBLIOGRAPHY. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hertfordshire.
taken a great stride —( hear , hear)—since even in the short time that I can remember , many new lodges have formed , and I hear rumours of more new lodges still . ( Hear , hear . ) I am called upon to preside over eight lodges , and I can only say that I trust as long as I have
the honour to preside over the province those eight lodges will go on and progress , and even where there is room , and I think in some parts of the province there is still room for lodges , for there are places where they might be well established .
without , as far as I can see , any injury to existing lodges . I hope it will be my lot to consecrate lodges in those places . It will be my endeavour to conduct the business of this province with impartiality and fairness . You must remember that it is not a very easy province to
preside over . You know yourselves better than I can tell you what the communications are between different parts , and consequently you will understand lhat it is very difficult , as the western side of the country and the eastern are almost like two separate districts altogether , to obtain
the knowledge which it is desirable for us to have , and to find out the wants of all the brethren all over the country . Therefore I feel that at any rate for some years to come , until I get more experience than I have got now , there must be , do what I will , shortcomings and
mistakes on my part . ( No , no . ) But , I can only say that those mistakes I will make as few as I can , I will endeavour to promote Freemasonry in every part of the province with impartiality and energy . ( Hear , hear . ) Butafteralll can do nothing , my deputy can do nothing , and the
officers can do nothing , without the support of the brethren , and therefore , I say , I look to the brethren of the province to support me , as long as I hold thc offite to which I have been appointed , ancl I feel sure from the reception I have met with this evening , and on other similar
and important occasions on which I have happened to be in Masonry in my province since my formal appointment there , that you will support me . I derive from to-day ' s reception great encouragement in the path on which I have entered . I will say no more for myself , except that I trust
that any shortcomings of mine you will pass over , and give me credit for best intentions . You know there is an old saying " That it is impossible to please everybody , " and therefore there may be occasionally some little temporary dissatisfaction ; but I am sure that if there
should be any at any time , those who feel it , on reflection will see it was perfectly unintentional on my part that any cause was given for it , and that it ever will be so . I trust in you to support me and to meet me in the spirit in which I shall endeavour to discharge the duties
of Grand Master in this province . ( Hear , hear . ) Before I sit down I have to perform another duty which devolves upon me , and it is one which I perforn with the greatest pleasure . I have this day been installed in the chair of this province , and 1
think you will all agree that you have had a great Masonic treat . ( Hear , hear ) . You have in the first place had a ceremony which is not one of very frequent occurrence , and which , therefore , must give satisfaction to every brother to be present as from the
way in which that ceremony was conducted nothing more impressive could have taken place in any assemblage of Masons . ( Hear , hear ) . I shall , therefore , ask you to give all honour to the Grand Secretary , and to show your approbation ofthe manner in which
the ceretnony was performed , of its impressiveness and solemnity , by drinking "The Health of Bro . John Hervey , " who came down to day on purpose to perform the ceremony . ( Great applause ) . The Prov . G . Master then proposed " The Health ofthe Past Provincial Grand Master , the
Deputy P . G . M ., and thercstof the Prov . Grand Officers past and present . Bro . Wilson , Prov . G . J . W . responded . The toast of " The Masonic Charities , " which was given in very happy terms by the Prov . G . Master , was responded to by Bro . F . Binckes , on behalf of the Boys' School , and by Bro . James Terry , on behalf of the Roval Masonic Benevo-
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hertfordshire.
lent Institution , tne latter brother taking occasion to thank the Prov . G . Lodge for their liberal donation just voted to that institution . In giving the toast of "The Visitors , " the Prov . Grand Master remarked that the brother
whom he would call upon lo tespond to it , Bro . Edis , W . M . ofthe Westminster and Keystone Lodge No . io , was the first brother he ever initiated . " The Lodges of the Province , " coupled with the name of liro . Wagner , W . M . No . 403 , having been given and responded to , a song brought
the proceedings of a most successful day , which reflected the hi g hest credit on all the brethren engaged in making the arrangements , to a close . The dinner was admirably supplied by Bro . Andrews , ofthe Salisbury Arms , and gave unmixed satisfaction .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
The fifteen sections will be worked on Monday evening next , the 27 th inst ., by members of the Strong Man Lodge of Instruction ( No . 4 , **;) at St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , at 7 p . m .. The following brethren will work the sections , Bros . Pulsford , Rogers , Constable , Talmie , Defriez , Morrison , etc ., etc .
A meeting of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will be held on Friday , 15 th May , at Freemasons' Hall , for the election of ten annuitants on the Freemason Widows' Fund from a list of thirty-one candidates . Full particulars will be duly advertised . We understand that the under mentioned will
in all probability be included in the list of Grand Officers for this year : —S . G . W ., Bro . Lord H . Thynne ; J . G . W ., Bro . Percy Leith ; Deacons , Bros . Rucker , Parkinson , and ex-Sheriff Hutton :
A . G . D . C , Bro . Hadley ; A . G . P ., Bro . Wright . NEW BARONET . —Bro . George Elliot , late M . P . for North Durham , has received the dignity of Baronet . By profession a mining engineer , he became President of the Mininrr Institute
some years ago , and is now said to be the largest colliery owner in the world . He has also taken a large share in the direction of telegraphic enterprises , notably the first Atlantic cable . Mr . Disraeli , in acquainting Bro . Elliot with the distinction conferred upon him , wrote : — " In
laying the matter before her Majesty I wished to show my sense of jour great services to the Conservative cause , and of the enterprise and energy of your useful and * honoured life . " [ Bro . Elliot is W . M . of the Bard of Avon Lodge , ancl father-in-law of Bro . J . C . Parkinson ]
A National Great Priory , ofthe United Religious , and Military Orders ofthe Temple will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Friday , May Sth , 1874 , at . 3 .. 3 o . A Priory of the Order of Malta will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Friday . May 8 , 1874 .
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
THE "MASONIC STUDENT" . BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . All those i nte . * ested in the discussion respecting Masons Marks cannot do better than look through the Freemason for the last few months , and then in view of all the facts , thev should
read the last letter from Bro . Paton in the Freemason of the nth inst ., and tha communication from the "Masonic Student" ofthe 18 th inst . Our able and distinguished Brother " Masonic Student" has so well and so fully answered Bro .
Paton , and is so thoroughly capable of proving all he has said on the subject , that we have no intention of continuing the correspondence unless brethren bring facts to support their statements , and are ready to consider the question from other standpoints than their own .
We should state that this Masonic Student has no equal that we know of in this country as an authority on Masons' Marks , their aichselogical and masonic bearings , and their general characteristics , either under the operative or speculative periods of Freemasonry , therefore
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Bro . Patou ' s ipse dixit when opposed to the former ' s well considered assertions and facts are simply worthless , W . f . HUGHAN .
Masonic Bibliography.
ANOTHER IMPORTANT WORK ON FREEMASONRY . " ' The Library Committee of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , U . S . A ., has been authorized by the Grand Master ancl officers to prepare a memorial volume , commemorative of the Dedication of the new Masonic Temple , Philadelphia ,
September 26 th , 1873 . Full particulars will be afforded therein of the dedicatory ceremonies and procession , iu which 12 , 000 brethren took part , and all matters of interest respecting the laying of the corner-stone , the halls of the several lodges , chapters , ancl commanderies ,
The addresses and orations will be carefull y noted , and receive due attention . The work will be embellished with views of the various halls of the lodges , Chapters , & c ., to assemble in the splendid building , and the volume will be prepared in the highest state of
typographic art , bound in cloth , and will be furnished to subscribers only . The names of subscribers will be inserted in the work up to July 12 next , and the book will be ready for delivery about September , 18 74 . We strongly advise intending subscribers to
apply at once to our good friend and brother Charles E . Meyer , 722 Second-st . Philadelphia , Penn . a , ( U . S . A . ) for copies . The price will be five dollars ( £ 1 ) exclusive of carriage , and P . O . orders may be made payable to Charles Eugene Mever , of Philadelphia . W . J . HUGHAN .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
Grand Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Clabon , President ; Bro . Joshua Nunn , S . V . P . ; and James Brett , J . V . P . There was a large muster of brethren , who voted , £ 405 to deserving cases , in sums varying from £$ to .- £ 40 . There were ten widows cases , one orphan ' s case , ancl nine brethren .
MASONIC SONG . As brethren we meet one another with joy , And tender each other the hand , That should ne ' er proffered be whene ' er aught of alloy Intertwines thoughts so noble , so grand ,
That we ne ' er give the right hand of fellowship when hi onr bosom dwells aught but regard . Thus one for another shall have hearty cheer , And shall none wish for other reward .
What pleasure it gives us united to he , And to feel that in lodge all is pure , Where aided by sympathies gen ' rous and free Our shortcomings are thought of no more . Since life in this world is but frailty ' s scheme ,
We must try and do more than bestow Our " hearty good wishes" on him who by deed , Helps those whom misfortune lay low . Then joyful we'll be whilst on earth we
re-, There ' s plenty of work to be done ; If we stand by each other we always shall gain , Those kind words which so sweet are when
won . 'Mid the battle of life may true brethren e ' er feel , In the warmth of sincerity dear ; That the " word , " " sign , " or "token " willalwavs
reveal , Those fraternal points Masons revere . S . W . D .
HOI . LOWAY ' S PILLS . — " Dismiss your doubts . "—Let no one bc longer oppressed with thc notion that his malady is incurable , till these purifying pills have been used with the most marked success . A course of this admirable medicine clears the blood from all impurities , and improves its qualities . Thc whole syttem is thus benefitted
through thc usual channels without the reduction of strength , shock to thc nerves , or any other inconvenience ; in fact health is renewed by natural means . Kor curing * diseases of the throat , windpipe , and chest , these pills have established pre-eminently a world-wide fame , and in complaints of the stomach , liver , and kidneys , they are equally efficacious , — ADVT .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hertfordshire.
taken a great stride —( hear , hear)—since even in the short time that I can remember , many new lodges have formed , and I hear rumours of more new lodges still . ( Hear , hear . ) I am called upon to preside over eight lodges , and I can only say that I trust as long as I have
the honour to preside over the province those eight lodges will go on and progress , and even where there is room , and I think in some parts of the province there is still room for lodges , for there are places where they might be well established .
without , as far as I can see , any injury to existing lodges . I hope it will be my lot to consecrate lodges in those places . It will be my endeavour to conduct the business of this province with impartiality and fairness . You must remember that it is not a very easy province to
preside over . You know yourselves better than I can tell you what the communications are between different parts , and consequently you will understand lhat it is very difficult , as the western side of the country and the eastern are almost like two separate districts altogether , to obtain
the knowledge which it is desirable for us to have , and to find out the wants of all the brethren all over the country . Therefore I feel that at any rate for some years to come , until I get more experience than I have got now , there must be , do what I will , shortcomings and
mistakes on my part . ( No , no . ) But , I can only say that those mistakes I will make as few as I can , I will endeavour to promote Freemasonry in every part of the province with impartiality and energy . ( Hear , hear . ) Butafteralll can do nothing , my deputy can do nothing , and the
officers can do nothing , without the support of the brethren , and therefore , I say , I look to the brethren of the province to support me , as long as I hold thc offite to which I have been appointed , ancl I feel sure from the reception I have met with this evening , and on other similar
and important occasions on which I have happened to be in Masonry in my province since my formal appointment there , that you will support me . I derive from to-day ' s reception great encouragement in the path on which I have entered . I will say no more for myself , except that I trust
that any shortcomings of mine you will pass over , and give me credit for best intentions . You know there is an old saying " That it is impossible to please everybody , " and therefore there may be occasionally some little temporary dissatisfaction ; but I am sure that if there
should be any at any time , those who feel it , on reflection will see it was perfectly unintentional on my part that any cause was given for it , and that it ever will be so . I trust in you to support me and to meet me in the spirit in which I shall endeavour to discharge the duties
of Grand Master in this province . ( Hear , hear . ) Before I sit down I have to perform another duty which devolves upon me , and it is one which I perforn with the greatest pleasure . I have this day been installed in the chair of this province , and 1
think you will all agree that you have had a great Masonic treat . ( Hear , hear ) . You have in the first place had a ceremony which is not one of very frequent occurrence , and which , therefore , must give satisfaction to every brother to be present as from the
way in which that ceremony was conducted nothing more impressive could have taken place in any assemblage of Masons . ( Hear , hear ) . I shall , therefore , ask you to give all honour to the Grand Secretary , and to show your approbation ofthe manner in which
the ceretnony was performed , of its impressiveness and solemnity , by drinking "The Health of Bro . John Hervey , " who came down to day on purpose to perform the ceremony . ( Great applause ) . The Prov . G . Master then proposed " The Health ofthe Past Provincial Grand Master , the
Deputy P . G . M ., and thercstof the Prov . Grand Officers past and present . Bro . Wilson , Prov . G . J . W . responded . The toast of " The Masonic Charities , " which was given in very happy terms by the Prov . G . Master , was responded to by Bro . F . Binckes , on behalf of the Boys' School , and by Bro . James Terry , on behalf of the Roval Masonic Benevo-
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hertfordshire.
lent Institution , tne latter brother taking occasion to thank the Prov . G . Lodge for their liberal donation just voted to that institution . In giving the toast of "The Visitors , " the Prov . Grand Master remarked that the brother
whom he would call upon lo tespond to it , Bro . Edis , W . M . ofthe Westminster and Keystone Lodge No . io , was the first brother he ever initiated . " The Lodges of the Province , " coupled with the name of liro . Wagner , W . M . No . 403 , having been given and responded to , a song brought
the proceedings of a most successful day , which reflected the hi g hest credit on all the brethren engaged in making the arrangements , to a close . The dinner was admirably supplied by Bro . Andrews , ofthe Salisbury Arms , and gave unmixed satisfaction .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
The fifteen sections will be worked on Monday evening next , the 27 th inst ., by members of the Strong Man Lodge of Instruction ( No . 4 , **;) at St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , at 7 p . m .. The following brethren will work the sections , Bros . Pulsford , Rogers , Constable , Talmie , Defriez , Morrison , etc ., etc .
A meeting of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will be held on Friday , 15 th May , at Freemasons' Hall , for the election of ten annuitants on the Freemason Widows' Fund from a list of thirty-one candidates . Full particulars will be duly advertised . We understand that the under mentioned will
in all probability be included in the list of Grand Officers for this year : —S . G . W ., Bro . Lord H . Thynne ; J . G . W ., Bro . Percy Leith ; Deacons , Bros . Rucker , Parkinson , and ex-Sheriff Hutton :
A . G . D . C , Bro . Hadley ; A . G . P ., Bro . Wright . NEW BARONET . —Bro . George Elliot , late M . P . for North Durham , has received the dignity of Baronet . By profession a mining engineer , he became President of the Mininrr Institute
some years ago , and is now said to be the largest colliery owner in the world . He has also taken a large share in the direction of telegraphic enterprises , notably the first Atlantic cable . Mr . Disraeli , in acquainting Bro . Elliot with the distinction conferred upon him , wrote : — " In
laying the matter before her Majesty I wished to show my sense of jour great services to the Conservative cause , and of the enterprise and energy of your useful and * honoured life . " [ Bro . Elliot is W . M . of the Bard of Avon Lodge , ancl father-in-law of Bro . J . C . Parkinson ]
A National Great Priory , ofthe United Religious , and Military Orders ofthe Temple will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Friday , May Sth , 1874 , at . 3 .. 3 o . A Priory of the Order of Malta will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Friday . May 8 , 1874 .
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
THE "MASONIC STUDENT" . BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . All those i nte . * ested in the discussion respecting Masons Marks cannot do better than look through the Freemason for the last few months , and then in view of all the facts , thev should
read the last letter from Bro . Paton in the Freemason of the nth inst ., and tha communication from the "Masonic Student" ofthe 18 th inst . Our able and distinguished Brother " Masonic Student" has so well and so fully answered Bro .
Paton , and is so thoroughly capable of proving all he has said on the subject , that we have no intention of continuing the correspondence unless brethren bring facts to support their statements , and are ready to consider the question from other standpoints than their own .
We should state that this Masonic Student has no equal that we know of in this country as an authority on Masons' Marks , their aichselogical and masonic bearings , and their general characteristics , either under the operative or speculative periods of Freemasonry , therefore
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Bro . Patou ' s ipse dixit when opposed to the former ' s well considered assertions and facts are simply worthless , W . f . HUGHAN .
Masonic Bibliography.
ANOTHER IMPORTANT WORK ON FREEMASONRY . " ' The Library Committee of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , U . S . A ., has been authorized by the Grand Master ancl officers to prepare a memorial volume , commemorative of the Dedication of the new Masonic Temple , Philadelphia ,
September 26 th , 1873 . Full particulars will be afforded therein of the dedicatory ceremonies and procession , iu which 12 , 000 brethren took part , and all matters of interest respecting the laying of the corner-stone , the halls of the several lodges , chapters , ancl commanderies ,
The addresses and orations will be carefull y noted , and receive due attention . The work will be embellished with views of the various halls of the lodges , Chapters , & c ., to assemble in the splendid building , and the volume will be prepared in the highest state of
typographic art , bound in cloth , and will be furnished to subscribers only . The names of subscribers will be inserted in the work up to July 12 next , and the book will be ready for delivery about September , 18 74 . We strongly advise intending subscribers to
apply at once to our good friend and brother Charles E . Meyer , 722 Second-st . Philadelphia , Penn . a , ( U . S . A . ) for copies . The price will be five dollars ( £ 1 ) exclusive of carriage , and P . O . orders may be made payable to Charles Eugene Mever , of Philadelphia . W . J . HUGHAN .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
Grand Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Clabon , President ; Bro . Joshua Nunn , S . V . P . ; and James Brett , J . V . P . There was a large muster of brethren , who voted , £ 405 to deserving cases , in sums varying from £$ to .- £ 40 . There were ten widows cases , one orphan ' s case , ancl nine brethren .
MASONIC SONG . As brethren we meet one another with joy , And tender each other the hand , That should ne ' er proffered be whene ' er aught of alloy Intertwines thoughts so noble , so grand ,
That we ne ' er give the right hand of fellowship when hi onr bosom dwells aught but regard . Thus one for another shall have hearty cheer , And shall none wish for other reward .
What pleasure it gives us united to he , And to feel that in lodge all is pure , Where aided by sympathies gen ' rous and free Our shortcomings are thought of no more . Since life in this world is but frailty ' s scheme ,
We must try and do more than bestow Our " hearty good wishes" on him who by deed , Helps those whom misfortune lay low . Then joyful we'll be whilst on earth we
re-, There ' s plenty of work to be done ; If we stand by each other we always shall gain , Those kind words which so sweet are when
won . 'Mid the battle of life may true brethren e ' er feel , In the warmth of sincerity dear ; That the " word , " " sign , " or "token " willalwavs
reveal , Those fraternal points Masons revere . S . W . D .
HOI . LOWAY ' S PILLS . — " Dismiss your doubts . "—Let no one bc longer oppressed with thc notion that his malady is incurable , till these purifying pills have been used with the most marked success . A course of this admirable medicine clears the blood from all impurities , and improves its qualities . Thc whole syttem is thus benefitted
through thc usual channels without the reduction of strength , shock to thc nerves , or any other inconvenience ; in fact health is renewed by natural means . Kor curing * diseases of the throat , windpipe , and chest , these pills have established pre-eminently a world-wide fame , and in complaints of the stomach , liver , and kidneys , they are equally efficacious , — ADVT .