Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Births ,Marriages and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article TO OUR FOREIGN SUBSCRIBERS. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE RESTORATION OF WORCESTER CATHEDRAL. Page 1 of 2 Article THE RESTORATION OF WORCESTER CATHEDRAL. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I „ bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . 11 ., ditto is . t » d . Vol . s III ., IV .. V . and VI each 15 s . od .
Reading Cases to hold 52 . lumbers ... 2 s . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . fid . United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Frocmasun ia liubli ^ Uud on Saturday Mornings in time for
the early trains . Thc price ol" the I ' rciiiri'Asori is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , ios . ( payable in advance . ) All communications , lelters , & c , to bc addressed to the Ediur , j , 8 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to mm , nut cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied hy postage stamns .
Births ,Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
DEATHS . MOTT , CAPT . —On the lSlhinst ., at "The Fearns , " Litherland , near Liverpool . CARPENTEII . —On the 21 ft inst ., at 5 p . m ., Bro . William Carpenter , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , after along and painful illness . MINNIS—On the 17 th ult ., Bro . George Minnis , of the Old Concord Lodge .
H . MISON . —April 16 , at 109 , HusMsson-street , Liverpool , Mary Madelenc , infant daughter of 13 ro . Edward Ramson , S ., Afariners' Lodge , No . 240 . BARIIETT . —On the 17 th inst ., at 7 , Augusta-place , Lower-road , Rotherhithe , Bro . John Woodward Barrett , j 8 ° , P . M ., P . Prov . G-S . B . Middlesex , in the 64 th year of his age . —[ Obituary notices will be given next week ] .
To Our Foreign Subscribers.
The Publisher will be glad to receive remittances from ' . he following , and begs to remind his friends that thc subscrintiou to THE FRUEMASON is payable in advance . tS . J . C s . < l . K . W . S ., Timaru ... 1 40 W . II ., Nevndo 013 o | . \ V ., Trinidad 1 4 ° ' - '' . Colcshcrg , New It . It ., Mauritius ... 2 ? 4 South Wales 1 40 \ V . S . A . M ., Doinhay ... 0 in 8 A . H ., New Hampshire 1 4 0 | . II . A ., U . S . A . ... 140 St . ( ieorge's Lodge ,
Yic-S . II ., The Cape 1 ill ° iona 2 13 o A . S ., NewClrlenns ... 1 4 o Jas . Williamson , tiibral-| . C . 11 ., New Orleans ... o 13 o tar 1 4 " J . H . C , Albany 100 T . J , Auckland 1 4 •**> V . C , I ' oona " 0174 A . H . ! £ ., Forliestown 0130 A . I * , do . A ., Kio de . 1 . U . P ., Troy . ... 140 janvrin o 12 o K . J . I .., Norwich , M . | ., Timarii 012 o U . S . A t 40 C . | ., Timaru o 12 o II . '•' ., Timaru 0130
l . odne 01 ' Victoria ... 017 4 \ V . H . W ., Timaru ... o is o A . S ., V . S . A 0120 W . S ., Perth , Australia 1 4 « Frecinantle Lodge ... 1 40 C . K ., Jamaica 2 \ K \ o It . It . S ., Alton 0120 I'liu-nix Lodge , llerbice 1 4 o A . !•' . S ., Suez 1 08 | . II . D ., 1 ' iirtlaml ... 1 10 o S . P ., llomhav 1 14 H It . W ., Hrijjlrt , Victoria 1 17 0 I . II . I ) ., U . S . A . ,. 012 o A . It ., Salonica 238 " li . I ) . U „ Wcllinijtun ... 012 o | . I " . C , Timaru 40 St . Andrew ' s . Auckland o 12 o w . W ., N . 7 . 1 4 11
V . W . M „ lluenos Avres > ro o ' . !• ., Lauos ... ... ... 1 40 It . (* .., lierhice , British ti . H . ( I ., Trinidad ... 1 40 Guiana 1 lO o ( I . I ) ., San l ' crnando ... 1 40 11 . II ., Port Kli / abelh ... l 4 o Win . I .. (' ,. | , Trinidad ¦ 4 0 S . ) ., Hli / nlieim ... — 3 H ) 0 It . (" ., Ilcni ; : il 2 13 0 It . It . P ., Wood ' s I ' niiit i o o S . II ., Pun Kli / . iheth 1 4 u I * . V . ; Svdncv , N , S . \ V . 1 4 o W . A . K ., San I ' criiando 1 4 0 1 . I ) ., Isiand ' ol Cava tin 1 lO o T . I ) . 11 ., Ottawa ... 1 rS 0 1 * 1 . V . , Christiana ... 3 5 o . St . John ' s Lodi ^ e ,
Mai-| . E ., Tacna , Pern ... 3 12 o nieshurv 1 rO o 1 * . 11 ., Montcgo Hay ... 1 16 o P . K ., I ape ol' ( JOOI ! J . A ., Sydney , N . S . W . 1 4 o Hope 1 lb 0 A . F ., iJinapore ... ... 2120 K . I ' ., Itangoun r 14 o Loil ge 'l ' ruc lliolheis , I ) . IL , San Fernando ... I 4 o Dinapore 2 12 o A . V ., San Fernando ... 1 40 11 . A . I-.. M ., l ape Lwasl 1 IU o l > . A ., San Fernando ... 1 40 t * . t * . H ., C ' ape Coast ... 1 16 o F . W ., Savanna Grande I 4 o 1 ) . M ., San Fernando 1 16 o C . P ., Newfoundland ... 1 40
W . C , Waikow 2 S 0 It . C . II ., Halifax , No a W . II ., Port Hli / . abctli 1 4 o Scotia 1 16 0 (' . It . \\' ., Porl Flizahelll 1 4 o WesternSlar Lodge , Ma-J . II . \ V ., Nassau , dras — 1 14 8 Bahamas 1 16 o It . \\\ , Timaru , N . Z . ... 1 4 8 G . It . N ., Cape Coast J . ii . I . e II ., Montreal 2 8 8 Castle 1 16 o * S . !•' ., Ma / . a ^ on ... ... o 17 4 S . I ) ., Cane Coast Castle 1 16 o W . W ., Alexandriiio ... o 12 a | . I . M ., Mint Kivcr , P . O 1 4 o W . M ., Ottawa , Canada o 12 0
M . T . It ., Cape Town r 4 o J . II . M ., Dalhousie Si * ., S . M ., Wagg . i Wn . nga 1 10 o Calcutta o 17 4 S . A ., Colesbcrg , N . S . P . II ., Montcijo Hay , Ja-Walcs j ^ o luaica ... " 1 16 8 H . J . K ., Colcsherfi , New \ V . !¦ :., Mount , Ida , N . Z . I rO 0 South Wales 1 4 o Cap . W ,, Hasseuterre , Si . T . W ., Montreal 140 Kilts I 16 0 , | . C . II ., Jul'itmlcr ... 1 14 8 S . S . [ ., Monivgn Hay It . C . IL , HalifaxN . S . 1 16 o Jamaica r 16 o
, A . II . C , Nova-Scotia 1 16 0 W . II , I .., „ „ 1 16 0 Western star Lodge , W . ( 1 . 1 .., „ „ 1 16 o Madras . " „ 1 14 S W . II . S ., „ „ 140 J . It ., Colesberg , N . S . F . M .. Huenos Acres ... 1 4 o Wales t 40 | as . Wicks , Monis , Co . R . A ., Quansah , Cape Port Oram , U . S . A . ... 140 Coast 1 40 J . H ., Portland , Victoria 1 17 o Hon Accord LodgeSonth A . H . CHalifaxN . S . 1 1 ( 1 o
, , , Africa 1 to o ** .., * . S ., George Town 1 17 6 It . C , Lagos , Africa ... 140 I . AL , Cosia Itica 1 16 o It . M . P ., Timaru ... 1 40 1 . 1 ! ., Jamaica 1 4 9 K . C . K ., Colesliurg , New [ . M . \\ l „ | amaica ... 1 16 0 South Wale 140 (• T . P ., Montc-go Hay 280 G . H . C , Idaho , U . S . A . 1 4 o II . L . 0 ., Montcgo Hav 2 8 0 . 1 . S „ Albury , N . S . W . 1 o o | . G ., Montego 1 ' ar ... 2 8 o It . W ., 'ilmaru 1 4 a * T . C , Curacoa ... ... 1 16 o
1 . 1 . O ., Colesberg , New G . It . N ., Cape Coast ... 2 8 o South Wales 140 S . D ., Cape Coast / 16 o G . W „ Timaru 012 o ] . H . \ V „ lialiainas ... 1 iu o D . C , Timaru 012 0 J . T . M ., Jamaica 1 10 o ti . I ) . H ., Cape Coast 1 16 o Post Ollice orders to be made pa ) able to George Kenning , Chief Office , London . It is very necessary for our friends to advise us of all money orders they remit , more
especially those from the United States of America ; otherwise we cannot tell where to credit them . Several remain uncredited at the present time owing to no advice having been received .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
1 lie following comma-nications . stand ovett : — Prov . G . Lodge , of Wssu Yorkshire ; St John ' s Chapter , Gibraltar ; Chapter 32 , Liverpool ; . several reports of Glasgow lodges ; Soc . Rosic : in A * ng ) ia ; letter from S . R . P . S . Dyke ' s Conclave , Red Cross o 5 Constantine ; West Lancashire : and Mark Masonry * .
Second Edition , Now Readyv - *•/<) . A MASONIC MUSICAL SX . RYIGE . I In thc key of C . for A ., T ., T ., B " Opening and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony . Grace before and after Meat . COMPOSED BY DR . J . C . BAKER , NO . 241 . LONDON . —Geo . Kenning , 198 , Fleet-street ; and 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain . „ R . Spencer , 26 , Great Queen-street . LIVERPOOL . —Geo . Kenning , 2 , Monument-place . MANCIIESTEII . —E . Henry & Co ., 59 , Deansgate . DUBLIN . —C . Hedgelong , 26 , Grafton-street . GLASGOW . —Geo . Kenning , 145 , Argyle-street .
MADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION , BAKER STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS of SIR GARNET WOLSELEY , thc Three Judges in the Tichborne Trial , Cockburn , Mellor , and Lush ; the Shah of Persia , Marshaf MacMahon , M . Thiers , and the late Mr . Charles Dickens . Admission is . Children under ten , Od . Extra Rooms , 6 tl . Open from ten a . m . to ten p . m
The Freemason , _ SATURDAY , APRIL 2 j , 1874 .
The Restoration Of Worcester Cathedral.
We have received the account of the elaborate services and successful gathering by which the the opening and restoration of Worcester Cathedral on April Sth , were duly celebrated and
completed . To use ^ the words of a local paper , " after a period of nearly twenty years' restoration , nnd an expenditure of some £ So , ooo ., Worcester
Cathedral was at last reopened with great ceremonial , and much festivity and rejoicing , which have not been surpassed in " the Faithful City , " within the recollection of " the oldest
inhabitant . All classes and all authorities seem to have combined in this great day of rejoicing , when the " Domus Dei , " " the holy and beautiful house "
of thoir fathers , was restored , after years of apathy and neglect to all of becoming reverence , and chaste ornamentation for the honour and worship of Almighty God .
Our Masonic brethren in Worcestershire seem to have taken a laudable interest in this good and needed work , and to have contributed , alike by their generous presence , ** nd fraternal offering
to promote the success ofthe day ' s festivity , and to show their interest in the result of long labours so munificently supported and so successfully achieved .
And it is very interesting for our speculative Order to day to know and to believe , that , our Free and Accepted Brotherhood is the lineal descendant of the operative lodges and the
Craft Guilds , which in days gone by raised those mighty structures , which we admire to day , which adom our own and many other lands , and which raise in us all , we believe , emotions of piety and sympathy and of admiration .
The Restoration Of Worcester Cathedral.
No one we think , can traverse the noble aisles of our great Minsters and Cathedrals , and look at their noble proportions or majestic pillars , or cunning tracery , or gaze * up at the fretted roof , or
admire the coloured shadows of the storied glass , without feeling how great , how divine an art is architecture , alike in its softening , its refining , and its elevating influences on mankind .
The great Erasmus is credited of old with this fine passage in respect of some such great building of religious worship . Tanta magistate sesie erigit in coelum ut etiam
intuentibus religionem incutiat , And few of us , we believe there are , who have ever loitered amid the sacred walls of these great evidences ofthe piety and munificence of our
fathers , but must have felt the like sentiments of reverential regard , and must rejoice to think that we have still architects and Masons competent to mend and restore what the devouring hand of
tune has touched and marred , and to give back to us , and for the use of future generations , many a glorious and holy house of God in our land .
But the question has often arisen , who raised these great and superb edifices , and how is it that we see so much unity of design and similarity of treatment ?
Ihe answer , in our humble opinion , to both these questions , is that these buildings were always erected and designed by the guilds or lodges of the operative Masons .
All these cathedral bodies had a lod ge attached to them of "Freemasons" or "Latomi , " like Christchurch Canterbury , with its Master ,
Wardens , and members , and the more famous Master Masons went from county to county , often with their lodge , after their local and immediate work
was over . We find in the old fabric rolls , mention of the same Master , working now North of the Trent .
and now South of the Trent , now down the Eastern Counties , now in the Western portion of our land .
"When a great work was to be undertaken , ( there were no contracts in those days as we understand contracts ) , a Master Mason was appointed
who brought as many Masons as were required , who all received so much per day , under the supervision of a "Magister operis , " until the work was concluded .
Wc find , indeed , contracts to build Catterick Church , and Fotheringay Chapel , and others no doubt may be adduced where the Master Mason undertakes to complete the whole work at certain prices , or at a given sum .
But as a general rule , the work was carried on by day work , under the architectural direction of the Master Mason , and under the personal supervision of a Controller or Surveyor of the
work , generally a member of the Cathedral body ! It is much to be desired that , all the fabric rolls of our Cathedrals were accessible to students or carefully edited as in the case
of York , as we should find in them , many items of the deepest interest , still , to us as Freemasons . Let us hope that a better day is dawning , on
the study of Masonic Archaeology , and let us rejoice to think and to remember that though our operative character has departed from us never to return , our speculative brotherhood is an
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I „ bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . 11 ., ditto is . t » d . Vol . s III ., IV .. V . and VI each 15 s . od .
Reading Cases to hold 52 . lumbers ... 2 s . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . fid . United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Frocmasun ia liubli ^ Uud on Saturday Mornings in time for
the early trains . Thc price ol" the I ' rciiiri'Asori is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , ios . ( payable in advance . ) All communications , lelters , & c , to bc addressed to the Ediur , j , 8 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to mm , nut cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied hy postage stamns .
Births ,Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
DEATHS . MOTT , CAPT . —On the lSlhinst ., at "The Fearns , " Litherland , near Liverpool . CARPENTEII . —On the 21 ft inst ., at 5 p . m ., Bro . William Carpenter , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , after along and painful illness . MINNIS—On the 17 th ult ., Bro . George Minnis , of the Old Concord Lodge .
H . MISON . —April 16 , at 109 , HusMsson-street , Liverpool , Mary Madelenc , infant daughter of 13 ro . Edward Ramson , S ., Afariners' Lodge , No . 240 . BARIIETT . —On the 17 th inst ., at 7 , Augusta-place , Lower-road , Rotherhithe , Bro . John Woodward Barrett , j 8 ° , P . M ., P . Prov . G-S . B . Middlesex , in the 64 th year of his age . —[ Obituary notices will be given next week ] .
To Our Foreign Subscribers.
The Publisher will be glad to receive remittances from ' . he following , and begs to remind his friends that thc subscrintiou to THE FRUEMASON is payable in advance . tS . J . C s . < l . K . W . S ., Timaru ... 1 40 W . II ., Nevndo 013 o | . \ V ., Trinidad 1 4 ° ' - '' . Colcshcrg , New It . It ., Mauritius ... 2 ? 4 South Wales 1 40 \ V . S . A . M ., Doinhay ... 0 in 8 A . H ., New Hampshire 1 4 0 | . II . A ., U . S . A . ... 140 St . ( ieorge's Lodge ,
Yic-S . II ., The Cape 1 ill ° iona 2 13 o A . S ., NewClrlenns ... 1 4 o Jas . Williamson , tiibral-| . C . 11 ., New Orleans ... o 13 o tar 1 4 " J . H . C , Albany 100 T . J , Auckland 1 4 •**> V . C , I ' oona " 0174 A . H . ! £ ., Forliestown 0130 A . I * , do . A ., Kio de . 1 . U . P ., Troy . ... 140 janvrin o 12 o K . J . I .., Norwich , M . | ., Timarii 012 o U . S . A t 40 C . | ., Timaru o 12 o II . '•' ., Timaru 0130
l . odne 01 ' Victoria ... 017 4 \ V . H . W ., Timaru ... o is o A . S ., V . S . A 0120 W . S ., Perth , Australia 1 4 « Frecinantle Lodge ... 1 40 C . K ., Jamaica 2 \ K \ o It . It . S ., Alton 0120 I'liu-nix Lodge , llerbice 1 4 o A . !•' . S ., Suez 1 08 | . II . D ., 1 ' iirtlaml ... 1 10 o S . P ., llomhav 1 14 H It . W ., Hrijjlrt , Victoria 1 17 0 I . II . I ) ., U . S . A . ,. 012 o A . It ., Salonica 238 " li . I ) . U „ Wcllinijtun ... 012 o | . I " . C , Timaru 40 St . Andrew ' s . Auckland o 12 o w . W ., N . 7 . 1 4 11
V . W . M „ lluenos Avres > ro o ' . !• ., Lauos ... ... ... 1 40 It . (* .., lierhice , British ti . H . ( I ., Trinidad ... 1 40 Guiana 1 lO o ( I . I ) ., San l ' crnando ... 1 40 11 . II ., Port Kli / abelh ... l 4 o Win . I .. (' ,. | , Trinidad ¦ 4 0 S . ) ., Hli / nlieim ... — 3 H ) 0 It . (" ., Ilcni ; : il 2 13 0 It . It . P ., Wood ' s I ' niiit i o o S . II ., Pun Kli / . iheth 1 4 u I * . V . ; Svdncv , N , S . \ V . 1 4 o W . A . K ., San I ' criiando 1 4 0 1 . I ) ., Isiand ' ol Cava tin 1 lO o T . I ) . 11 ., Ottawa ... 1 rS 0 1 * 1 . V . , Christiana ... 3 5 o . St . John ' s Lodi ^ e ,
Mai-| . E ., Tacna , Pern ... 3 12 o nieshurv 1 rO o 1 * . 11 ., Montcgo Hay ... 1 16 o P . K ., I ape ol' ( JOOI ! J . A ., Sydney , N . S . W . 1 4 o Hope 1 lb 0 A . F ., iJinapore ... ... 2120 K . I ' ., Itangoun r 14 o Loil ge 'l ' ruc lliolheis , I ) . IL , San Fernando ... I 4 o Dinapore 2 12 o A . V ., San Fernando ... 1 40 11 . A . I-.. M ., l ape Lwasl 1 IU o l > . A ., San Fernando ... 1 40 t * . t * . H ., C ' ape Coast ... 1 16 o F . W ., Savanna Grande I 4 o 1 ) . M ., San Fernando 1 16 o C . P ., Newfoundland ... 1 40
W . C , Waikow 2 S 0 It . C . II ., Halifax , No a W . II ., Port Hli / . abctli 1 4 o Scotia 1 16 0 (' . It . \\' ., Porl Flizahelll 1 4 o WesternSlar Lodge , Ma-J . II . \ V ., Nassau , dras — 1 14 8 Bahamas 1 16 o It . \\\ , Timaru , N . Z . ... 1 4 8 G . It . N ., Cape Coast J . ii . I . e II ., Montreal 2 8 8 Castle 1 16 o * S . !•' ., Ma / . a ^ on ... ... o 17 4 S . I ) ., Cane Coast Castle 1 16 o W . W ., Alexandriiio ... o 12 a | . I . M ., Mint Kivcr , P . O 1 4 o W . M ., Ottawa , Canada o 12 0
M . T . It ., Cape Town r 4 o J . II . M ., Dalhousie Si * ., S . M ., Wagg . i Wn . nga 1 10 o Calcutta o 17 4 S . A ., Colesbcrg , N . S . P . II ., Montcijo Hay , Ja-Walcs j ^ o luaica ... " 1 16 8 H . J . K ., Colcsherfi , New \ V . !¦ :., Mount , Ida , N . Z . I rO 0 South Wales 1 4 o Cap . W ,, Hasseuterre , Si . T . W ., Montreal 140 Kilts I 16 0 , | . C . II ., Jul'itmlcr ... 1 14 8 S . S . [ ., Monivgn Hay It . C . IL , HalifaxN . S . 1 16 o Jamaica r 16 o
, A . II . C , Nova-Scotia 1 16 0 W . II , I .., „ „ 1 16 0 Western star Lodge , W . ( 1 . 1 .., „ „ 1 16 o Madras . " „ 1 14 S W . II . S ., „ „ 140 J . It ., Colesberg , N . S . F . M .. Huenos Acres ... 1 4 o Wales t 40 | as . Wicks , Monis , Co . R . A ., Quansah , Cape Port Oram , U . S . A . ... 140 Coast 1 40 J . H ., Portland , Victoria 1 17 o Hon Accord LodgeSonth A . H . CHalifaxN . S . 1 1 ( 1 o
, , , Africa 1 to o ** .., * . S ., George Town 1 17 6 It . C , Lagos , Africa ... 140 I . AL , Cosia Itica 1 16 o It . M . P ., Timaru ... 1 40 1 . 1 ! ., Jamaica 1 4 9 K . C . K ., Colesliurg , New [ . M . \\ l „ | amaica ... 1 16 0 South Wale 140 (• T . P ., Montc-go Hay 280 G . H . C , Idaho , U . S . A . 1 4 o II . L . 0 ., Montcgo Hav 2 8 0 . 1 . S „ Albury , N . S . W . 1 o o | . G ., Montego 1 ' ar ... 2 8 o It . W ., 'ilmaru 1 4 a * T . C , Curacoa ... ... 1 16 o
1 . 1 . O ., Colesberg , New G . It . N ., Cape Coast ... 2 8 o South Wales 140 S . D ., Cape Coast / 16 o G . W „ Timaru 012 o ] . H . \ V „ lialiainas ... 1 iu o D . C , Timaru 012 0 J . T . M ., Jamaica 1 10 o ti . I ) . H ., Cape Coast 1 16 o Post Ollice orders to be made pa ) able to George Kenning , Chief Office , London . It is very necessary for our friends to advise us of all money orders they remit , more
especially those from the United States of America ; otherwise we cannot tell where to credit them . Several remain uncredited at the present time owing to no advice having been received .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
1 lie following comma-nications . stand ovett : — Prov . G . Lodge , of Wssu Yorkshire ; St John ' s Chapter , Gibraltar ; Chapter 32 , Liverpool ; . several reports of Glasgow lodges ; Soc . Rosic : in A * ng ) ia ; letter from S . R . P . S . Dyke ' s Conclave , Red Cross o 5 Constantine ; West Lancashire : and Mark Masonry * .
Second Edition , Now Readyv - *•/<) . A MASONIC MUSICAL SX . RYIGE . I In thc key of C . for A ., T ., T ., B " Opening and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony . Grace before and after Meat . COMPOSED BY DR . J . C . BAKER , NO . 241 . LONDON . —Geo . Kenning , 198 , Fleet-street ; and 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain . „ R . Spencer , 26 , Great Queen-street . LIVERPOOL . —Geo . Kenning , 2 , Monument-place . MANCIIESTEII . —E . Henry & Co ., 59 , Deansgate . DUBLIN . —C . Hedgelong , 26 , Grafton-street . GLASGOW . —Geo . Kenning , 145 , Argyle-street .
MADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION , BAKER STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS of SIR GARNET WOLSELEY , thc Three Judges in the Tichborne Trial , Cockburn , Mellor , and Lush ; the Shah of Persia , Marshaf MacMahon , M . Thiers , and the late Mr . Charles Dickens . Admission is . Children under ten , Od . Extra Rooms , 6 tl . Open from ten a . m . to ten p . m
The Freemason , _ SATURDAY , APRIL 2 j , 1874 .
The Restoration Of Worcester Cathedral.
We have received the account of the elaborate services and successful gathering by which the the opening and restoration of Worcester Cathedral on April Sth , were duly celebrated and
completed . To use ^ the words of a local paper , " after a period of nearly twenty years' restoration , nnd an expenditure of some £ So , ooo ., Worcester
Cathedral was at last reopened with great ceremonial , and much festivity and rejoicing , which have not been surpassed in " the Faithful City , " within the recollection of " the oldest
inhabitant . All classes and all authorities seem to have combined in this great day of rejoicing , when the " Domus Dei , " " the holy and beautiful house "
of thoir fathers , was restored , after years of apathy and neglect to all of becoming reverence , and chaste ornamentation for the honour and worship of Almighty God .
Our Masonic brethren in Worcestershire seem to have taken a laudable interest in this good and needed work , and to have contributed , alike by their generous presence , ** nd fraternal offering
to promote the success ofthe day ' s festivity , and to show their interest in the result of long labours so munificently supported and so successfully achieved .
And it is very interesting for our speculative Order to day to know and to believe , that , our Free and Accepted Brotherhood is the lineal descendant of the operative lodges and the
Craft Guilds , which in days gone by raised those mighty structures , which we admire to day , which adom our own and many other lands , and which raise in us all , we believe , emotions of piety and sympathy and of admiration .
The Restoration Of Worcester Cathedral.
No one we think , can traverse the noble aisles of our great Minsters and Cathedrals , and look at their noble proportions or majestic pillars , or cunning tracery , or gaze * up at the fretted roof , or
admire the coloured shadows of the storied glass , without feeling how great , how divine an art is architecture , alike in its softening , its refining , and its elevating influences on mankind .
The great Erasmus is credited of old with this fine passage in respect of some such great building of religious worship . Tanta magistate sesie erigit in coelum ut etiam
intuentibus religionem incutiat , And few of us , we believe there are , who have ever loitered amid the sacred walls of these great evidences ofthe piety and munificence of our
fathers , but must have felt the like sentiments of reverential regard , and must rejoice to think that we have still architects and Masons competent to mend and restore what the devouring hand of
tune has touched and marred , and to give back to us , and for the use of future generations , many a glorious and holy house of God in our land .
But the question has often arisen , who raised these great and superb edifices , and how is it that we see so much unity of design and similarity of treatment ?
Ihe answer , in our humble opinion , to both these questions , is that these buildings were always erected and designed by the guilds or lodges of the operative Masons .
All these cathedral bodies had a lod ge attached to them of "Freemasons" or "Latomi , " like Christchurch Canterbury , with its Master ,
Wardens , and members , and the more famous Master Masons went from county to county , often with their lodge , after their local and immediate work
was over . We find in the old fabric rolls , mention of the same Master , working now North of the Trent .
and now South of the Trent , now down the Eastern Counties , now in the Western portion of our land .
"When a great work was to be undertaken , ( there were no contracts in those days as we understand contracts ) , a Master Mason was appointed
who brought as many Masons as were required , who all received so much per day , under the supervision of a "Magister operis , " until the work was concluded .
Wc find , indeed , contracts to build Catterick Church , and Fotheringay Chapel , and others no doubt may be adduced where the Master Mason undertakes to complete the whole work at certain prices , or at a given sum .
But as a general rule , the work was carried on by day work , under the architectural direction of the Master Mason , and under the personal supervision of a Controller or Surveyor of the
work , generally a member of the Cathedral body ! It is much to be desired that , all the fabric rolls of our Cathedrals were accessible to students or carefully edited as in the case
of York , as we should find in them , many items of the deepest interest , still , to us as Freemasons . Let us hope that a better day is dawning , on
the study of Masonic Archaeology , and let us rejoice to think and to remember that though our operative character has departed from us never to return , our speculative brotherhood is an