Article PRECEDENCE OF PROVINCIAL GRAND OFFICERS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Amusements. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Precedence Of Provincial Grand Officers.
press power , by the Constitutions , to take precedence of , and even to supersede , a Prov . Grand Alaster . Very truly and fraternally yours , GEO . FRED . NEWMARCH . The V . W . thc Grand Registrar .
4 . —Bro . Newmarch to the Grand Registrar . Cirencester , 7 th June , 1 SS 1 . Dear Sir and V . W . Brother , — A fortnight has elapsed since I wrote my second letter to you , and I have received no reply to it . If it was your intention to refer me to Sir Albert Woods , I would
remind you that , fully admitting his authority on matters of precedence within his cognizance as Garter King-at-Arms , the question at issue between us is not one of them , but is a question to be decided , and to be decided only , by the established laws which govern our Fraternity and all matters connected with it , and by which every Mason and even Grand Lodge itself is bound .
No usage or rules of precedence applicable to other Orders , or prevailing in other cases , can abrogate or control our Constitutions , and they declare , in the words quoted in my first letter to you , that Provincial Grand Officers shall possess , within their own districts , the rank and privileges of Grand Officers . To say , then , that a Prov . Grand Warden , possessing , by express law , within his own district , the rank and
privileges of a Grand Officer , is to yield precedence there to any one of lower rank than a Grand Warden , is to say that the former shall not possess his rank as a Grand Officer , whicii our Constitutions say he shall . Surely , such an argument or assertion is untenable . Yours truly and fraternally , * GEO . FRED . NEWMARCH . The V . W . the Grand Registrar .
5 . —The Grand Registrar to Bro . Newmarch . 1 , Park-square West , Regent's Park , N . W . Sth June , 1 SS 1 . Dear Sir and Worshipful Brother , — I have received your letter this morning . I referred to Sir Albert Woods , not only as Garter King-at-Arms , and , therefore , intimately acquainted with questions
of precedence , but also as Grand Director of Ceremonies , of more than twenty years' standing , the colleague , and afterwards the successor , of Bro . R . VV . Jennings , whose knowledge of Alasonic precedence was unrivalled . Bro . Sir Albert Woods is , in my opinion , more likely to have correct views of precedence than any man I know . His father , Sir William Woods , was for many years Grand
Director of Ceremonies in our Grand Lodge , as well as holding the office of Garter King-at-Arms . Thus , from his earliest youth , Sir Albert has been accustomed to settle points as to precedence . Aly view is , that officers appointed by the Grand Alastertakeprecedenceof all officers appointed by Provincial Grand Alasters . I think that in their
respective provinces Provincial Grand Officers bear the same position , with respect to thc provincial brethren , that the Grand Officers of England bear to all members of lodges in England who are not Grand Officers of England . 1 remain , yours faithfully , / ENEAS J . AICINTYRE . G . F . Newmarch , Esq .
G . —Bro . Newmarch to the Grand Registrar . Cirencester , 9 th June , 1 SS 1 . Dear Sir and V . W . Brother , I am obliged to you for your letter , which puts the argument from your point of view very clearly ; but I fail to see how that view is justified by our Constitutions . 1
find in them nothing , expressed or implied , to restrict the rank and privileges , which they distinctl y confer upon Provincial Grand Officers , in the way in which you would restrict them ; and you cannot , as it seems to me , import into a written and established law a restrictive clause , which , if admitted , would go so far to abrogate thc plain meaning of that law . The Constitutions , as they stand , declare that Provincial Grand Officers " shall possess ,
within their districts , the rank and privileges of Grand Officers ; " but , assuredly , they would not possess such rank and privileges if cut down to a mere precedence with respect to Provincial brethren . Yours truly and fraternally , GEO . FRED . NEWMARCH . The V . W . The Grand Registrar . I think it right to add that , as the subject is engaging some attention in the Craft , especially within my own province , I purpose printing our correspondence .
Amusements .
Aliss EDITH GOI . DESBRO gave a delightful concert on Tuesday , the 21 st inst ., at ' Willis ' s Rooms , which was largely attended by a fashionable audience . This rising young artist displayed great talent in thc pianoforte solos of Chopin , whicii she faithfully rendered , as also in the ducts she performed with Herr Strauss and Air . John Thomas , harpist to Her Alajesty . The lady vocalists , Misses Friedlaudcr , Parkyn , andCoem , also deserve credit .
Mr . Radcliffe ' s admirable solo on thc flute and Aliss Dora Young ' s recitation all tended to make the concert what it must be universally considered , a great success . BRO . KUIIE ' S annual concert , which has long been one of the specialities of the London season , took jilace at the Koyal Albert Hall on Saturday afternoon . Aladame Albani sang , with brilliant effect , " Casta Diva , " and with charming grace " With verdure clad . " Madame
Scmbrich ' s exceptional range of voice and executive power were displayed in the scena , " Che pur aspro " ( from " 11 Seraglio" ) and Prodi ' s Variations . Madame Trebclli gave Cluck ' s aria ( with recitative ) , "Che far , " with admirable expression , and the " Habanera" ( from "Carmen" ) in appreciative style ; the duet " Canla la Serenata" ( from Boito's " Alefistofele " ) , charmingly sung by Alcsdames Albani and Trebclli , having also been one of the specialities
of the day . Other vocal pieces were effectively rendered by Mdlles . Vallcria and Vvarnots , Alisses Robertson and F . Robertson , Signori Alierzwinsky , De Reszktr , and Foli , and MAI . Laa . inlle and Gailhard . ' An orchestra , military band , and chorus also contributed to the attractions of thc programme , which included instrumenfal solos skilfull y executed by Air . Kuhd and AL Alusin . Signor Bcvignani , Mr . Kuhe , and Al . Dupont were thc conductors .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft ilasonrg .
CITADEL LODGE ( No . 1 S 97 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Harrow Station , on ' Saturday , the iSth inst ., and there were present Bros . E . Somers , W . M . ; H . VV . Mayes , S . W . ; T . J . Bird , J . W . ; W . Hurran , Treas . ; W . H . Lee , Sec ; John Osborn , S . D . ; IT . VV . Gregory , J . D . ; G . H . Gilham , Wm . Stephens , P . M . ; O . J . Von Holtorp , H . VV . Carter , IT . J . Osborn , E . Woodman , J . Trotman ,
J . Crippa , and Wm . Wright . Visitors : Bios . J . Ball , 15 G 7 ; N . W . Fenner , W . AL 1227 ; John Noble , VV . AI . 975 ,- H . Von Holtorp , La Constance , Courronee , France ; J . VV . Davis , 467 , New York ; C . H . Lediard , 2 G 9 , New York ; and VV . Lake , P . M . 131 ( Freemason ) . _ After thc reading and confirmation of the minutes , Bro . Edwin Woodman , Duke of Connaught Lodge , No . 1524 ,
was elected a joining member , and invested as Inner Guard . Bros . Osborn , Von Holtorp , Carter , and Cole were passed to the Second Degree , and Messrs . Crippa , Wright , and Trotman were balloted for , and initiated by Bro . Osborn ( W . AI . 1 G 02 ) , S . D ., the VV . AI . having vacated the chair in his favour , one of the candidates being a near relative . The lodge was then closed .
It is an evidence of the spirit and zeal manifested by the members of the Citadel Lodge that in its short existence of about three months it has exhibited three phases of Alasonic life , viz ., the consecrating ceremony , a lodge of emergency , and last , but not least , a regular meeting with work in each of the three Degrees , followed by a banquet , at which the ladies were invited to be present . During the
interval between the lodge and the evening ' s entertainment , the pretty grounds of the hotel were made available for lawn tennis , croquet , & c , and if , as felt by many , that a complete line of separation should be drawn between lodge work and the enjoyment of the ladies' company at the banquet , nothing could have conduced more to that end than the outdoor recreation indulged in between the
closing of the lodge and the dinner hour by those present , many of whom , to make up for a little haziness as to the strict game , entered into tbe sport with a thoroughness which would probably have astonished the more fastidious devotee of " outdoor billiards . " At length dinner being announced , the brethren joined the ladies , ' and thc party sat down to an excellent repast ,
whicii had nothing of a Alasonic or formal character , the only toasts'being those of "The Queen" and "The Ladies , " the latter being responded To by an American brother in a very humorous and telling speech . The necessity for leaving by train caused the party to break up at an early hour , but the proceedings , it short , were sweet , would
and all separated with the hope that another year see a repetition of the pleasant gathering . The ladies present were Airs . S . J . Ball , Airs . T . | . Bird , Miss E . Bird , Miss F . Bird , Airs . J . Crippa , Airs . IT . VV . Gregory , Airs . O . J . Von Holtorp , Mrs . VV . Hurran , Airs . VV . IT . Lee , Airs . IT . VV . Mayes , Mrs . E . Somers and Miss Somers , Mrs . VV . Stephens . Mrs . I . Trotman , and Airs . E .
Woodman . MARYPORT . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 371 ) . —This flourishing lodge celebrated thc feast of St . | ohn the Baptist on Tuesday afternoon , the 14 th inst ,, in the " Freemasons' Hall , Eagleslield-strect . Bro . G . VV . Thompson , W . AL , presided , supported by Bros . VV . Stoddart , S . VV ., VV . M . elect ; T . Waite , J . VV . ; A . Walter , P . AL ;
T . Alandle , P . M . ; J . Gardiner , P . AL ; J . VV . Robinson , P . AL ; J . R . Banks , P . AL ; F . Harrison , Sec ; and a number of others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . G . VV . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 , P . G . Treas . ; W . B . Gibson , P . AL 119 , P . G . Sec ; G . T . Archibald , P . AI . 9 G 2 ; T . Dixon , P . AL 9 G 2 and 1400 ; T . C . Robinson , W . AI . 1002 ; II . Peacock , S . VV . 1002 ; VV . F . Lamonby , P . AL 1002 ;
and-others . The minutes having been confirmed , Bro . W . Stoddart was presented for installation , and was regularly placed in the chair of K . S . by Bro . Kenworthy , assisted by Bro . Gibson . The following officers were invested : Bros . T . Weatherston , S . VV . ; F . Harrison , J . VV . ; J oseph Nicholson , P . AL , Treasurer ( for the sGth time ); . ) . C . Nicholson ,
Sec ; VV . Skelton , S . D . ; J . Newton , J . D . ; J . Smith , Org . ; J . Cuthbertson , LG . ; J . Alesscngcr , Tyler . A circular was read from the P . G . Secretary , appealing for subscriptions to the list of Bro . G . J . AIcKay , P . AI . 129 , who represents the province at the forthcoming festival of the Boys' School , in which institution there are at present five boys from Cumberland and Westmorland . After
considerable discussion , the sum of ten guineas was voted to Bro . AlcKay ' s list from the lodge funds , and subsequently an individual subscription was entered into , the result being that over another ten guineas was added . 'The lodge was then closed , and subsequently tbe brethren partook of an elegant rcjiast , prepared by Bro . Dixon , Trevelyan Temperance Hotel . The customary loyal and Alasonic toasts were duly honoured .
LOUTH . —Lindsey Lodge ( No . 712 ) . —The brethren of this lodge assembled on Tuesday last , the 21 st inst ., to pay their lasl sad tribute of respect to the memory of their esteemed Bro . Past AIaster William Bartholomew Oliver , of this town , who died on the 17 th inst ., after a long and painful illness . Among those present were VV . Bros . VV . It . Smyth , R . W . P . G . M . ; ] . G . Tupholmc , W . AI . the senior of the
7 l- >; Jas . Fowler , P . P . G . S . W ., P . M . lotlge ; S- Cartwright , S . VV . ; C . A . Kirby , J . VV . ; F . D . Alarsden , P . G . Sec ; G . IL Porter , P . P . G . Org . ; Brps . Rev . Gilbert IT . F . Vane , Chap . ; T . Richardson , Treas . ; F . Adlard , S . D . ; VV . G . Smyth , J . D . ; J . F . Shepherd , I . G . ; T . IT . Spry , Wm . Somerton , J . Curtis , VV . Shot-rocks , C . Parker , | . VV . Dennis , Pritchett , Alark SmithVV . I ) . Ditchett , and R . P . Hodgson , Tyler . Thc
, lodge having been opened thc brethren proceeded to thc parish church of St . James , to await the arrival of _ the body , drawn up in two lines within thc west porch . The funeral service was taken by the Rev . Canon Wilde , assisted by Bro . the Rev . G . IT . F . Vane , curate . A numerous gathering of the tradesmen and people of thc town assembled at the cemetery to witness the ceremony . Wreaths of flowers were the only pall which covercil the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
coffin , one especially handsome being sent by Airs . G . IT . Porter , on behalf of the choir of St . James's Church , of which body the deceased brother was a member , and a vcry beautiful floral cross , worked by the wife of the W . AL of the Lindsey Lodge . Thc last sprig of acacia having been deposited in the tomb , the brethren returned to the lodge room , when a vote of condolence was ordered to be sent to the widow of Bro . Oliver , the samo to be recorded on the minutes . A short address was then given by the Chaplain
ot the lodge , Bro . Kev . G . IT . F . vane , in a very impressive manner , on the importance of the recognition of the Supreme Being _ by all Freemasons , and the ' eonnection of Freemasonry with religion . The lodge was then finally closed . Bro . VV . B . Oliver was initiated in the Lindsey Lodge in 1 S 69 , and installed W . AL in 1 S 77 . His genial presence there will long be missed by the brethren , by whom hc waj universally respected .
STAFFORD . —Staffordshire Knot Lodge ( No . 72 G ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the 15 th ' inst ., at the North-Western Hotel . There were present VV . Bro . T . Wood , Prov . G . Reg ., VV . AI . ; Bros . J . Senior , S . VV . ; J . Baker , J . W . ; VV . ' Bro . Rev . E . C . Perry , ALA ., P . M ., Chap . ; Bros . F . Woolley , Sec ; J . Alottram , S . D . ; E . J . Afousley , J . D . ; Inglis Bervon , Org . ; Capt . Hunt , R . A ., LG . ; T . Rigby and
J Wooldridge , Stewards ; R . Tomlinson , Tyler ; G Spilsbury , P . P . G . J . W ., P . AL ; J . Bodenham , Prov . G Treas ., P . AL ; T . E . Fowke , Prov . G . D . C , P . AL ; W D . Balkin , J . L . White , VV . IT . Frith . ] . T . Evans , P . Bot trill , S . S . Plant , T . B . Mottram , G . Griffiths , N . Joyce , I Taylor , W . P . Duncalfe , VV . G . Bagnall , H . Newton , J . B AlcCallum , H . Thorn , A . Joyes , and J . Nutt . Visitors VV . Bros . Foster Gough , D . P . G . AI . ; T " . F . Cooper , I . P . M
1350 ; A . G . Collins , S . VV . 1375 ; and J , VV . C . Warmington , 12 S 4 . The lodge having been properly opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , the R . W . Bro . Foster Gough , Dejiuty Prov . Grand Alaster , was announced , and the brethren received him in due form . The ballot was taken for Mr . Charles Addison Ash , and he was unanimously elected . Bros . Evans ( Alaycr of Stafford ) and Firth were then
raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . by the W . AL , in his usual able and impressive manner . The W . AL , on rising to propose a vote of thanks to the Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster , said they were very much indebted to him for his visit that evening , but he was sorry to say that hc was obliged to leave . He ( the W . AL ) was sure they would all feel proud of the boncur cf his visit ; and before he left he ( the W . AL ) begged to propose a vote of thanks to him for
honouring them with his presence that evening . VV . Bro . Rev . E . C . Perry , ALA ., P . AL , sccontled the proposition , which was carried unanimously . The Deputy Prov . Grantl Alaster , in reply , said that attending thc lodge that night was not only a matter of duty , but it was also one of pleasure , and , although the brethren well knew thai he was not addicted to paying compliments , he could not help complimenting the W . AL and his officers for thc way in which
they had performed their work during thc time he had been in the lodge , and he noted particularly the punctuality in opening the lodge , and the order and regularity with which the whole ceremonies were conducted , especially noting that the steps were properly given , lie thought the W . AI . was the right man in the right place ; and he congratulated him ujnon the discretion hc had shown in thc choice of his officers . The Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster
then retired , thc brethren standing to order on his dejiarturc . Air . Richard Booker , having bren duly elected on the preceding night , was initiated into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . VV . Bro . Rev . E . C . Perry , ALA ., P . AL , was called ujion by the VV . M . to present , on behalf of the lodge , a Secretary's jewel to Bro . J . Lloyd White ; and , in addressing Bro . White , said he was about to perform an act whicii was a pleasure to him , and which was
highly honourable to the recipient , viz ., to present him ( Bro . White ) with a Secretary's jewel , in recognition of the services rendered by him to the lodge , lie ( Bro . Perry ) said that on occasions like the present one had sometimes to be careful in the language he used , because all the hearers would be judges of his words , but he felt certain that the brethren present would agree with him when he said that it was impossible for any one to have watched
his ( Bro . White s ) attitude and diligence in Alasonic duties for the last twelve months without great regard and admiration . He ( Bro . Perry ) regarded him as peculiarly adapted to further the ends of Alasonry , and hoped he would be long spared to wear the jewel he was about to present to him ; and that it might be handed down as unsullied as he then received it . He ( Bro . Perry ) then said he had very great pleasure in presenting him with thc
jewel , and could only say further that if he practised the same self denial in his different pursuits in life as he did . in Alasonry , he would have perfect happiness hereafter . Bro . White said that considering the Staffordshire Knot Lodge had existed for about a quarter of a century , and that such a presentation had never before been made to any of its members , it gave him great trouble to thank them in the way he should like . He was not gifted with a rapid flow
of speech , nor was he an orator ; so , in brief , he would thank the W . AL , Bro . Perry , and the other brethren very warmly for their handsome gift . Bro . White said his sojourn in Stafford was one of the happiest periods of his life , and that the fulfilment of his duties as Secretary to this lodge was one of the brightest episodes of that happy time . He should wear the jewel with great pride , as it would at all times remind linn of the kindness of the
brethren of the Staffordshire Knot Lodge , and would be a further incentive to promote the interests of _ Freemasonry in general and of their lodge in particular . The W . M ., in rising to ask the brethren to accept , as a present from himself , the three lodge rolls and a sketch ofthe History of Freemasonry in Stafford , said that although the presentation was made in his own name , yet the greater jiortion of the credit belonged to a brother well known amongst them , although not now a member of the lodge , viz ., Bro . T . VV .
Chalmers , who had executed thc work , as they could all see , in a most excellent manner . The VV . M . said he bad received a letter from Bro . Chalmers , in which he said that the work had been a labour of love to him , and that he heped they would accept it as a token of his undiminished regard for his mother lodge . VV . Bro . Rev . 1 *" . C . Verry , ALA ., P . AL , proposed that a vote of thanks be passed to the W . AL for his very handsome gift , whicii was seconded by Bro . Joyce , who said that it was not only a handsome
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Precedence Of Provincial Grand Officers.
press power , by the Constitutions , to take precedence of , and even to supersede , a Prov . Grand Alaster . Very truly and fraternally yours , GEO . FRED . NEWMARCH . The V . W . thc Grand Registrar .
4 . —Bro . Newmarch to the Grand Registrar . Cirencester , 7 th June , 1 SS 1 . Dear Sir and V . W . Brother , — A fortnight has elapsed since I wrote my second letter to you , and I have received no reply to it . If it was your intention to refer me to Sir Albert Woods , I would
remind you that , fully admitting his authority on matters of precedence within his cognizance as Garter King-at-Arms , the question at issue between us is not one of them , but is a question to be decided , and to be decided only , by the established laws which govern our Fraternity and all matters connected with it , and by which every Mason and even Grand Lodge itself is bound .
No usage or rules of precedence applicable to other Orders , or prevailing in other cases , can abrogate or control our Constitutions , and they declare , in the words quoted in my first letter to you , that Provincial Grand Officers shall possess , within their own districts , the rank and privileges of Grand Officers . To say , then , that a Prov . Grand Warden , possessing , by express law , within his own district , the rank and
privileges of a Grand Officer , is to yield precedence there to any one of lower rank than a Grand Warden , is to say that the former shall not possess his rank as a Grand Officer , whicii our Constitutions say he shall . Surely , such an argument or assertion is untenable . Yours truly and fraternally , * GEO . FRED . NEWMARCH . The V . W . the Grand Registrar .
5 . —The Grand Registrar to Bro . Newmarch . 1 , Park-square West , Regent's Park , N . W . Sth June , 1 SS 1 . Dear Sir and Worshipful Brother , — I have received your letter this morning . I referred to Sir Albert Woods , not only as Garter King-at-Arms , and , therefore , intimately acquainted with questions
of precedence , but also as Grand Director of Ceremonies , of more than twenty years' standing , the colleague , and afterwards the successor , of Bro . R . VV . Jennings , whose knowledge of Alasonic precedence was unrivalled . Bro . Sir Albert Woods is , in my opinion , more likely to have correct views of precedence than any man I know . His father , Sir William Woods , was for many years Grand
Director of Ceremonies in our Grand Lodge , as well as holding the office of Garter King-at-Arms . Thus , from his earliest youth , Sir Albert has been accustomed to settle points as to precedence . Aly view is , that officers appointed by the Grand Alastertakeprecedenceof all officers appointed by Provincial Grand Alasters . I think that in their
respective provinces Provincial Grand Officers bear the same position , with respect to thc provincial brethren , that the Grand Officers of England bear to all members of lodges in England who are not Grand Officers of England . 1 remain , yours faithfully , / ENEAS J . AICINTYRE . G . F . Newmarch , Esq .
G . —Bro . Newmarch to the Grand Registrar . Cirencester , 9 th June , 1 SS 1 . Dear Sir and V . W . Brother , I am obliged to you for your letter , which puts the argument from your point of view very clearly ; but I fail to see how that view is justified by our Constitutions . 1
find in them nothing , expressed or implied , to restrict the rank and privileges , which they distinctl y confer upon Provincial Grand Officers , in the way in which you would restrict them ; and you cannot , as it seems to me , import into a written and established law a restrictive clause , which , if admitted , would go so far to abrogate thc plain meaning of that law . The Constitutions , as they stand , declare that Provincial Grand Officers " shall possess ,
within their districts , the rank and privileges of Grand Officers ; " but , assuredly , they would not possess such rank and privileges if cut down to a mere precedence with respect to Provincial brethren . Yours truly and fraternally , GEO . FRED . NEWMARCH . The V . W . The Grand Registrar . I think it right to add that , as the subject is engaging some attention in the Craft , especially within my own province , I purpose printing our correspondence .
Amusements .
Aliss EDITH GOI . DESBRO gave a delightful concert on Tuesday , the 21 st inst ., at ' Willis ' s Rooms , which was largely attended by a fashionable audience . This rising young artist displayed great talent in thc pianoforte solos of Chopin , whicii she faithfully rendered , as also in the ducts she performed with Herr Strauss and Air . John Thomas , harpist to Her Alajesty . The lady vocalists , Misses Friedlaudcr , Parkyn , andCoem , also deserve credit .
Mr . Radcliffe ' s admirable solo on thc flute and Aliss Dora Young ' s recitation all tended to make the concert what it must be universally considered , a great success . BRO . KUIIE ' S annual concert , which has long been one of the specialities of the London season , took jilace at the Koyal Albert Hall on Saturday afternoon . Aladame Albani sang , with brilliant effect , " Casta Diva , " and with charming grace " With verdure clad . " Madame
Scmbrich ' s exceptional range of voice and executive power were displayed in the scena , " Che pur aspro " ( from " 11 Seraglio" ) and Prodi ' s Variations . Madame Trebclli gave Cluck ' s aria ( with recitative ) , "Che far , " with admirable expression , and the " Habanera" ( from "Carmen" ) in appreciative style ; the duet " Canla la Serenata" ( from Boito's " Alefistofele " ) , charmingly sung by Alcsdames Albani and Trebclli , having also been one of the specialities
of the day . Other vocal pieces were effectively rendered by Mdlles . Vallcria and Vvarnots , Alisses Robertson and F . Robertson , Signori Alierzwinsky , De Reszktr , and Foli , and MAI . Laa . inlle and Gailhard . ' An orchestra , military band , and chorus also contributed to the attractions of thc programme , which included instrumenfal solos skilfull y executed by Air . Kuhd and AL Alusin . Signor Bcvignani , Mr . Kuhe , and Al . Dupont were thc conductors .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft ilasonrg .
CITADEL LODGE ( No . 1 S 97 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Harrow Station , on ' Saturday , the iSth inst ., and there were present Bros . E . Somers , W . M . ; H . VV . Mayes , S . W . ; T . J . Bird , J . W . ; W . Hurran , Treas . ; W . H . Lee , Sec ; John Osborn , S . D . ; IT . VV . Gregory , J . D . ; G . H . Gilham , Wm . Stephens , P . M . ; O . J . Von Holtorp , H . VV . Carter , IT . J . Osborn , E . Woodman , J . Trotman ,
J . Crippa , and Wm . Wright . Visitors : Bios . J . Ball , 15 G 7 ; N . W . Fenner , W . AL 1227 ; John Noble , VV . AI . 975 ,- H . Von Holtorp , La Constance , Courronee , France ; J . VV . Davis , 467 , New York ; C . H . Lediard , 2 G 9 , New York ; and VV . Lake , P . M . 131 ( Freemason ) . _ After thc reading and confirmation of the minutes , Bro . Edwin Woodman , Duke of Connaught Lodge , No . 1524 ,
was elected a joining member , and invested as Inner Guard . Bros . Osborn , Von Holtorp , Carter , and Cole were passed to the Second Degree , and Messrs . Crippa , Wright , and Trotman were balloted for , and initiated by Bro . Osborn ( W . AI . 1 G 02 ) , S . D ., the VV . AI . having vacated the chair in his favour , one of the candidates being a near relative . The lodge was then closed .
It is an evidence of the spirit and zeal manifested by the members of the Citadel Lodge that in its short existence of about three months it has exhibited three phases of Alasonic life , viz ., the consecrating ceremony , a lodge of emergency , and last , but not least , a regular meeting with work in each of the three Degrees , followed by a banquet , at which the ladies were invited to be present . During the
interval between the lodge and the evening ' s entertainment , the pretty grounds of the hotel were made available for lawn tennis , croquet , & c , and if , as felt by many , that a complete line of separation should be drawn between lodge work and the enjoyment of the ladies' company at the banquet , nothing could have conduced more to that end than the outdoor recreation indulged in between the
closing of the lodge and the dinner hour by those present , many of whom , to make up for a little haziness as to the strict game , entered into tbe sport with a thoroughness which would probably have astonished the more fastidious devotee of " outdoor billiards . " At length dinner being announced , the brethren joined the ladies , ' and thc party sat down to an excellent repast ,
whicii had nothing of a Alasonic or formal character , the only toasts'being those of "The Queen" and "The Ladies , " the latter being responded To by an American brother in a very humorous and telling speech . The necessity for leaving by train caused the party to break up at an early hour , but the proceedings , it short , were sweet , would
and all separated with the hope that another year see a repetition of the pleasant gathering . The ladies present were Airs . S . J . Ball , Airs . T . | . Bird , Miss E . Bird , Miss F . Bird , Airs . J . Crippa , Airs . IT . VV . Gregory , Airs . O . J . Von Holtorp , Mrs . VV . Hurran , Airs . VV . IT . Lee , Airs . IT . VV . Mayes , Mrs . E . Somers and Miss Somers , Mrs . VV . Stephens . Mrs . I . Trotman , and Airs . E .
Woodman . MARYPORT . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 371 ) . —This flourishing lodge celebrated thc feast of St . | ohn the Baptist on Tuesday afternoon , the 14 th inst ,, in the " Freemasons' Hall , Eagleslield-strect . Bro . G . VV . Thompson , W . AL , presided , supported by Bros . VV . Stoddart , S . VV ., VV . M . elect ; T . Waite , J . VV . ; A . Walter , P . AL ;
T . Alandle , P . M . ; J . Gardiner , P . AL ; J . VV . Robinson , P . AL ; J . R . Banks , P . AL ; F . Harrison , Sec ; and a number of others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . G . VV . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 , P . G . Treas . ; W . B . Gibson , P . AL 119 , P . G . Sec ; G . T . Archibald , P . AI . 9 G 2 ; T . Dixon , P . AL 9 G 2 and 1400 ; T . C . Robinson , W . AI . 1002 ; II . Peacock , S . VV . 1002 ; VV . F . Lamonby , P . AL 1002 ;
and-others . The minutes having been confirmed , Bro . W . Stoddart was presented for installation , and was regularly placed in the chair of K . S . by Bro . Kenworthy , assisted by Bro . Gibson . The following officers were invested : Bros . T . Weatherston , S . VV . ; F . Harrison , J . VV . ; J oseph Nicholson , P . AL , Treasurer ( for the sGth time ); . ) . C . Nicholson ,
Sec ; VV . Skelton , S . D . ; J . Newton , J . D . ; J . Smith , Org . ; J . Cuthbertson , LG . ; J . Alesscngcr , Tyler . A circular was read from the P . G . Secretary , appealing for subscriptions to the list of Bro . G . J . AIcKay , P . AI . 129 , who represents the province at the forthcoming festival of the Boys' School , in which institution there are at present five boys from Cumberland and Westmorland . After
considerable discussion , the sum of ten guineas was voted to Bro . AlcKay ' s list from the lodge funds , and subsequently an individual subscription was entered into , the result being that over another ten guineas was added . 'The lodge was then closed , and subsequently tbe brethren partook of an elegant rcjiast , prepared by Bro . Dixon , Trevelyan Temperance Hotel . The customary loyal and Alasonic toasts were duly honoured .
LOUTH . —Lindsey Lodge ( No . 712 ) . —The brethren of this lodge assembled on Tuesday last , the 21 st inst ., to pay their lasl sad tribute of respect to the memory of their esteemed Bro . Past AIaster William Bartholomew Oliver , of this town , who died on the 17 th inst ., after a long and painful illness . Among those present were VV . Bros . VV . It . Smyth , R . W . P . G . M . ; ] . G . Tupholmc , W . AI . the senior of the
7 l- >; Jas . Fowler , P . P . G . S . W ., P . M . lotlge ; S- Cartwright , S . VV . ; C . A . Kirby , J . VV . ; F . D . Alarsden , P . G . Sec ; G . IL Porter , P . P . G . Org . ; Brps . Rev . Gilbert IT . F . Vane , Chap . ; T . Richardson , Treas . ; F . Adlard , S . D . ; VV . G . Smyth , J . D . ; J . F . Shepherd , I . G . ; T . IT . Spry , Wm . Somerton , J . Curtis , VV . Shot-rocks , C . Parker , | . VV . Dennis , Pritchett , Alark SmithVV . I ) . Ditchett , and R . P . Hodgson , Tyler . Thc
, lodge having been opened thc brethren proceeded to thc parish church of St . James , to await the arrival of _ the body , drawn up in two lines within thc west porch . The funeral service was taken by the Rev . Canon Wilde , assisted by Bro . the Rev . G . IT . F . Vane , curate . A numerous gathering of the tradesmen and people of thc town assembled at the cemetery to witness the ceremony . Wreaths of flowers were the only pall which covercil the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
coffin , one especially handsome being sent by Airs . G . IT . Porter , on behalf of the choir of St . James's Church , of which body the deceased brother was a member , and a vcry beautiful floral cross , worked by the wife of the W . AL of the Lindsey Lodge . Thc last sprig of acacia having been deposited in the tomb , the brethren returned to the lodge room , when a vote of condolence was ordered to be sent to the widow of Bro . Oliver , the samo to be recorded on the minutes . A short address was then given by the Chaplain
ot the lodge , Bro . Kev . G . IT . F . vane , in a very impressive manner , on the importance of the recognition of the Supreme Being _ by all Freemasons , and the ' eonnection of Freemasonry with religion . The lodge was then finally closed . Bro . VV . B . Oliver was initiated in the Lindsey Lodge in 1 S 69 , and installed W . AL in 1 S 77 . His genial presence there will long be missed by the brethren , by whom hc waj universally respected .
STAFFORD . —Staffordshire Knot Lodge ( No . 72 G ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the 15 th ' inst ., at the North-Western Hotel . There were present VV . Bro . T . Wood , Prov . G . Reg ., VV . AI . ; Bros . J . Senior , S . VV . ; J . Baker , J . W . ; VV . ' Bro . Rev . E . C . Perry , ALA ., P . M ., Chap . ; Bros . F . Woolley , Sec ; J . Alottram , S . D . ; E . J . Afousley , J . D . ; Inglis Bervon , Org . ; Capt . Hunt , R . A ., LG . ; T . Rigby and
J Wooldridge , Stewards ; R . Tomlinson , Tyler ; G Spilsbury , P . P . G . J . W ., P . AL ; J . Bodenham , Prov . G Treas ., P . AL ; T . E . Fowke , Prov . G . D . C , P . AL ; W D . Balkin , J . L . White , VV . IT . Frith . ] . T . Evans , P . Bot trill , S . S . Plant , T . B . Mottram , G . Griffiths , N . Joyce , I Taylor , W . P . Duncalfe , VV . G . Bagnall , H . Newton , J . B AlcCallum , H . Thorn , A . Joyes , and J . Nutt . Visitors VV . Bros . Foster Gough , D . P . G . AI . ; T " . F . Cooper , I . P . M
1350 ; A . G . Collins , S . VV . 1375 ; and J , VV . C . Warmington , 12 S 4 . The lodge having been properly opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , the R . W . Bro . Foster Gough , Dejiuty Prov . Grand Alaster , was announced , and the brethren received him in due form . The ballot was taken for Mr . Charles Addison Ash , and he was unanimously elected . Bros . Evans ( Alaycr of Stafford ) and Firth were then
raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . by the W . AL , in his usual able and impressive manner . The W . AL , on rising to propose a vote of thanks to the Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster , said they were very much indebted to him for his visit that evening , but he was sorry to say that hc was obliged to leave . He ( the W . AL ) was sure they would all feel proud of the boncur cf his visit ; and before he left he ( the W . AL ) begged to propose a vote of thanks to him for
honouring them with his presence that evening . VV . Bro . Rev . E . C . Perry , ALA ., P . AL , sccontled the proposition , which was carried unanimously . The Deputy Prov . Grantl Alaster , in reply , said that attending thc lodge that night was not only a matter of duty , but it was also one of pleasure , and , although the brethren well knew thai he was not addicted to paying compliments , he could not help complimenting the W . AL and his officers for thc way in which
they had performed their work during thc time he had been in the lodge , and he noted particularly the punctuality in opening the lodge , and the order and regularity with which the whole ceremonies were conducted , especially noting that the steps were properly given , lie thought the W . AI . was the right man in the right place ; and he congratulated him ujnon the discretion hc had shown in thc choice of his officers . The Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster
then retired , thc brethren standing to order on his dejiarturc . Air . Richard Booker , having bren duly elected on the preceding night , was initiated into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . VV . Bro . Rev . E . C . Perry , ALA ., P . AL , was called ujion by the VV . M . to present , on behalf of the lodge , a Secretary's jewel to Bro . J . Lloyd White ; and , in addressing Bro . White , said he was about to perform an act whicii was a pleasure to him , and which was
highly honourable to the recipient , viz ., to present him ( Bro . White ) with a Secretary's jewel , in recognition of the services rendered by him to the lodge , lie ( Bro . Perry ) said that on occasions like the present one had sometimes to be careful in the language he used , because all the hearers would be judges of his words , but he felt certain that the brethren present would agree with him when he said that it was impossible for any one to have watched
his ( Bro . White s ) attitude and diligence in Alasonic duties for the last twelve months without great regard and admiration . He ( Bro . Perry ) regarded him as peculiarly adapted to further the ends of Alasonry , and hoped he would be long spared to wear the jewel he was about to present to him ; and that it might be handed down as unsullied as he then received it . He ( Bro . Perry ) then said he had very great pleasure in presenting him with thc
jewel , and could only say further that if he practised the same self denial in his different pursuits in life as he did . in Alasonry , he would have perfect happiness hereafter . Bro . White said that considering the Staffordshire Knot Lodge had existed for about a quarter of a century , and that such a presentation had never before been made to any of its members , it gave him great trouble to thank them in the way he should like . He was not gifted with a rapid flow
of speech , nor was he an orator ; so , in brief , he would thank the W . AL , Bro . Perry , and the other brethren very warmly for their handsome gift . Bro . White said his sojourn in Stafford was one of the happiest periods of his life , and that the fulfilment of his duties as Secretary to this lodge was one of the brightest episodes of that happy time . He should wear the jewel with great pride , as it would at all times remind linn of the kindness of the
brethren of the Staffordshire Knot Lodge , and would be a further incentive to promote the interests of _ Freemasonry in general and of their lodge in particular . The W . M ., in rising to ask the brethren to accept , as a present from himself , the three lodge rolls and a sketch ofthe History of Freemasonry in Stafford , said that although the presentation was made in his own name , yet the greater jiortion of the credit belonged to a brother well known amongst them , although not now a member of the lodge , viz ., Bro . T . VV .
Chalmers , who had executed thc work , as they could all see , in a most excellent manner . The VV . M . said he bad received a letter from Bro . Chalmers , in which he said that the work had been a labour of love to him , and that he heped they would accept it as a token of his undiminished regard for his mother lodge . VV . Bro . Rev . 1 *" . C . Verry , ALA ., P . AL , proposed that a vote of thanks be passed to the W . AL for his very handsome gift , whicii was seconded by Bro . Joyce , who said that it was not only a handsome