Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
gift , but would be a very valuable record in years to come . Mr . F . Williams , of Stafford , was proposed as a candidate for Freemasonry , and "Hearty good wishes" were expressed by the visiting brethren . The lodge was then closed in ancient form and perfect harmony , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment .
CHESHUNT . —Gresham Lodge ( No . 869 ) . — The installation meeting of the above lodge took place at Cheshunt Great House , Cheshunt Park , on the nth inst ., under the presidency of the W . AL , Bro . Thos . Perry , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , the various chairs being occupied by the respective officers , and a large number of brethren and visitors attending . The lodge being opened , Bro . P . Sharpe
was duly passed to the Second Degree , the ceremony being worked by Bro . G . S . Bigley in a very able manner . The chair was then taken by Bro . VV . E . Gompertz , P . AL , P . P . G . P . Herefordshire , to whom , as Installing Alaster , the W . AL elect , Bro . Clement Balie Cheese , was presented by the Treasurer , Bro . F . D . R . Copestick , P . P . G . S . B ., for the benefit of installation , and a Board of Installed
Masters having been formed , he was duly installed in the chair of K . S ., the whole ceremony being worked in a manner seldom equalled . The newly-installed Alaster then proceeded to appoint the following officers : VV . E . Gompertz , jun ., S . W . ; VV . R . Dixon , J . W . ; E . Benard . S . D . ; T . S . Holland , J . D . ; F . D . R . Copestick , P . AL , Treas . ; VV . E . Gompertz , P , AL , Sec ; Rev . Charles Erskine
Alayo , ALA ., Chap . ; A . Clegg , I . G . ; Henry Hughes , Org . ; G . S . Bigley , D . C ; IT . A . Johnson and J . Humphreys , Stwds . ; and Marsh , Tyler . Ballot was taken for Bros . J . G . Harker and Thomas Purvis , as joining members , which proved unanimous in their favour . The next ceremony was the presentation of a Past Grand Chaplain ' s jewel to Bro . Alayo , as a slight
acknowledgment of the many and valued services he had rendered to thc lodge , more especially in placing at their disposal , for lodge purposes , the grand old baronial hall of Cheshunt Great House . Bro . Alayo , in responding , assured the brethren that few events in his lifc had given him more satisfaction than to receive the handsome mark of esteem which had been presented to him that dav . It would
remain , he said , as an heirloom , to be passed in his family from generation to generation . The lodge being closed , thc brethren retired to the banqueting hall to partake of the good things provided by the curator , Bro . B . Mitchell , after whicii the usual toasts were given and responded to , interspersed with songs , many and varied .
Among the brethren present were Bros . James Noyes , S . D . 1327 ; W . Bradstock , J . D . 1327 ; George Mickley , P . P . G . D . Herts , P . M . 449 ; Henry Cooper , Sec . 129 S ; Thomas Vincent , W . AL 1 SG 1 ; W . E . Neslield , 10 ; T . Reilly , P . AL 1327 ; J . Robinson , 1327 ; ] . T . Austin , 1457 ; IT . VV . Gompertz , P . AL 1364 ; C VV . Kent , P . AL
1304 ; C . VV . Kent , P . AL S 79 ; James Perkins , P . AL 705 ; James Cox , P . AI . 7 G 5 ; H . F . Hoole , 7 G 5 ; J . F . Jackson , G 54 ; J . Black , S . W . 70 G ; J . Rudd , 1537 ; II . AL Walker , 1475 ; Forsyth , P . P . D . C . Herts ; A . C . Wylie , P . P . G . S . B . ; J . Copestick , P . P . J . G . W . Herts ; Etherington , P . M . SGg ; Allan Brown ; George , S 69 ; Jackson , SGg ; Knighton , S 69 ; Duncan , S 69 ; Negron , SGg ; Sharp , Purvis , and Harker .
WORKINGTON . —Sun and Sector Lodge ( No . 962 ) . —This Cumberland lodge celebrated its eighteenth anniversary on Wednesday , the 15 th inst . The lodge was opened at three o'clock by Bro . J . J . Coverdale , W . AL , assisted by his officers , and in the presence of a large number of the members and visitors from other lodges ; in fact , the room was so crowded that , at the close of the
protracted proceedings , when the ojjen air was reached , a Turkish bath sensation was pretty unanimous . Afterwards the chair was taken by Bro . W . B . Gibson , P . AI . ng , P . G . Sec , thc senior P . AI . of the lodge , who , for the seventeenth time , jierfonned the ceremony of installation , the new VV . M . being Bro . D . Reece . The following brethren were present in the Board of
Installed Alasters : Bros . G . Brookcr , P . M . and Treas . 9 G 2 ; J . J . Beattie , P . AL 9 G 2 ; J . C Hunter , P . AI . 9 G 2 and 1021 ; J . Wood , P . AL 9 G 2 ; T . Dixon , P . M . 9 G 2 and 1400 ; Rev . E . AL Rice , ALA ., P . M . and Chap . 962 ; IT . Irving , P . AI . 9 G 2 ; VV . Carlyle , P . AL 9 G 2 and 1400 ; J . J . Coverdale , LP . AL 9 G 2 ; J . Hartley , P . AL 1403 ; J . Johnston , W . AL 1400 ; C . Dalton , VV . AI . S 72 ; VV . IT . Lewthwaite , P . AL and Org . 1002 ; and W . F . Lamonby , P . AL
1002 . The rest of the brethren having been re-admitted , the W . AL thereafter invested his officers as follows : Bros . J . Thompson , S . W . ; VV . Whitehead , J . VV . ; Rev . E . M . Rice , M . A ., P . M ., Chap . ; George Brookcr , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Bradbury , Sec ; J . J . Little , S . D . ; E . J . Burrows , l . D . ; 1 . D . Fidler . D . C : 1 . Lewthwaite , LG .: VV .
Makemson audi . Harding , Stewards ; and J . Troughear , Tyler . The P . G . Secretary made a powerful appeal to the members of the lodge on behalf of the Prov . Stewards ' list for the Boys' School festival ; but , in consequence of the forthcoming annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge being fixed to be held under the banner . ' of the Sun and Sector Lodge , it was agreed not to subscribe anything from
the lodge funds , but initiate a subscription at dinner . After two candidates for initiation had been proposed , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Assembl y Rooms , where a capital repast was prepared by Bro . J . Smith , of the Lowther Arms Hotel . A very harmonious evening was spent in toast and sentiment , under thc presidency of Bro . D . Reece , W . AL , and , in the course of the proceedings , Hro . Coverdale , the Immediate Past Alaster ,
was presented with a handsome gold jewel . A subscription was also entered into at the table on behalf of the Boys ' School Stewards' Fund , which resulted in a total of nearly £ 7 . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . W . IT . Lewtlnvaite , P . M . Skiddaw Lodge , P . P . G . Org ., Cockermouth , who also presided at the pianoforte after dinner . Several songs were sung by Bros . ] . Thompson , S . VV . ; J . J . Little , S . D . ; VV . B . Gibson , l' . M . ; J . Wagg , and VV . F . Lamonby .
BATTLE . —Abbey Lodge ( No . 1184 ) . —The installation of Bro . B . Sargent as W . AI . of this lodge took place on T hursday , the iGth inst . The ceremony was ably and impressively performed by Bro . Trollope , P . AL , P . P . S . W ., & c . The W . AI . invested the following brethren as
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
officers for the year * . Bros . C VV . Duke , P . AL , S . W . ; A . D . Womersley , J . W . ; Wells , Treas . ; Chandler , Sec ; Thorpe , P . AL , D . C ; Tree , S . D . ; Hewett , J . D . ; Richardson , i . G . There was a number of distinguished brethren present , and after the ceremony they adjourned to the George Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet awaited them . The usual loyal and Alasonic toasts were given and responded to , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
LIVERPOOL . —Hamer Lodge ( No . 1393 ) . —The annual installation meeting of the members of this lodge was held last week at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street . The chair was taken by Bro . Walter C . Envin , W . AL , supported by Bros . Kobe ' rt Leason , LP . AL ; John M'Carthy , P . M . ; Henry Jackson , P . AL , P . P . G . A . D ' . C . ; John Houlding , P . AL , P . G . R . ; James Pilling , J . W .
( W . AL elect ); R . G . Kynaston , Secretary ; R . H . Evans , P . AL , P . P . G . D . C , " Treasurer ; VV . IT . Jewitt , S . D . ; AL Callaghan , J . D , ; and J . J . Smith , LG . The W . AL elect was presented by Bros . Jackson and Houlding , and efficiently installed by the retiring W . AL , Bro . Erwm . After the customary honours , thc following were invested officers for the year : Bros . Walter C Envin , LP . AL ; Dr . B . Price , S . W . ; R . J . L . Kynaston , J . VV . ;
R . H . Evans , P . M ., P'P . G . S . D ., Treasurer ( re-elected ); VV . IT . Jetvitt , Secretary ; AL Callaghan , S . D . ; J . | . Smith , J . D . ; T . Pierrc-pont , I . G . ; T ** . L . Stockton , J . Tomlin , VV . F . Oversby , and F . A . Rainbow , Stewards ; John Bartley , Organist ; AL Williamson , Tyler ; and John Houlding , P . AL , P . G . R ., M . C . At the banquet which followed thc retiring W . AL was presented with a handsome Past Alaster ' s jewel and a beawtiful gold chain and locket for Mrs . Envin .
WALTHAM NEW TOWN . —King Harold Lodge ( No . 1327 ) . —The monthly meeting of the above lodge was held at the Britannia Hotel , on Tuesday , the iGth ' inst . Present : Bros . J . Knight , W . AL ; J . Fisher , S . VV . ; VV . Bradstock , J . VV . ; VVest , P . AL , P . P . G . S . D ., Treas . ; I . K . Young , ' P . AL , P . P . G . A . D . C ; VV . Gilbert , P . AL , P . P " . G . J VV . ; T . Reilly , P . AI ., P . P . G . P ., Sec ;
J . Tydeman , P . AL , P . P . G . A . P . Essex ; J . Gastall , P . M . ; ' ] . Noyes , S . D . ; J . Robinson , J . D . ; W . A . Spioat , Org . ; \ V . Lewis and G . Holdsworth , W . Sttvds . ; Banvick , Mi % , Cocksedge , Goodale , Lumsden , Newman , Robin , and Woolley . Visitors : Bro . Young , Henley Lodge , and others . Thc lodge was opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for
Alessrs . Banvick , jun ., Osman , Welsh , Bennett , and Howard , which was unanitr-ous , and Air . Berwick not being in attendance , the other four gentlemen were duly initiated into Freemasonry . This concluded the business , and the lodge was closed in due form , the brethren retiring to an excellent supper , provided by Bro . \ V . A . Bennett , who was one of the initiates .
YORK . —Eboracurrj . Lodge ( No . 1611 ) .-The regular meeting of this lodge was held at York on Alonday evening , the 13 th inst . Bro . J . T . Seller , W . AL , opened the lodge . There were present Bros . C . G . Padel , LP . AL ; R . W . Holden , P . M . ; T . B . Whytehead , P . AL ; C . Balmford , P . AL ; A . Buckle , P . AL 23 G ; G . Simpson , S . VV . ; AL Millington , J . VV . ; T . Humphries , Assistant
Secretary ; A . 1 . B . lurner , S . D . ; J . Blenkin , J . D . ; J . R . Jackson , Asst . AI . C . ; VV . Girling , I . G . ; and a full muster of members , together with several visiting brethren . A ballot was taken for ' V . W . Bro . Col . Shadwell IT . Clerke , G . S ., as an honorary member , which proved unanimous . Bro . T . B . Whytehead then gave an address on " Alasonic Poets and Poetry , " illustrated by copious quotations from the works of brethren from 1720 to the present time , and
concluded by presenting some books to tlie lodge library . Bro . VV . VV . Whytehead , ALA . ( Cambridge ) , arid Bac Sc ( Paris ) , then read a paper on the "Science of Practical Geometry and the Aledreval Freemasons , " and votes of thanks were passed to both brethren . A ballot was taken for a Life Alcmbership in the Girls' School , the successful drawer being the LP . AL , Beo . C G . Padel , who announced
hjs intention of acting as Steward for the lodge at one of the festivals next year . On the motion of Bro . T . B . Whytehead a Committee was appointed to confer with a Committee appointed by the York Lodge , No . 236 , as to the feasibility of holding a Alasonic gathering on the occasion of the visit of the British Association to York in the autumn . Power was given to the standing Committee of
the lodge to arrange for a lodge picnic at an early date . Letters of explanation for absence werc read from Bro . J . S . Cumberland , P . AL , Prov . J . G . Warden , and other brethren , and the lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards entertained their visitors at supper , after which rrome of the principal toasts were drunk , and a very pleasant evening was spent , enlivened by Alasonic conversation .
NORTH WALSHAM . —Suffield Lodge ( No . 1 S 0 S ) . —A successful meeting of this Norfolk lodge took place on Wednesday , the 15 th inst ., at the Angel Hotel , when there were present Bros . G . T . Plumbly , VV . M . ; F . Baillie Ouinton , LP . AL , P . AL 213 , i ** oo , P . P . A . D . of C , P . G . R . 7 A . R . J . Woolbright , S . W . ; George VV . Rogers , J . VV . ; D . G . F . Gaul , S . D . ; Horace Randall
J . O . ; A . Bullard , P . AL 1500 , D . of C ; N . B . Webster , I . G . ; C . Barnes , Secretary ; and K . Hollidgc , Tyler . Among the brethren present there were Bros . J . C . Firman , P . AL 71 ; J . Lovelace , E . Pugh , R . Palmer , the Kev . Sharley , George AIcLcan , VV . IT . Hornor , W . J . Juniper , and others . The visitors included Bros . J . Harper , W . AI . ; T . Isley , P . M ., P . G . P . of C . ; Sidney Smith , C . W . Bacon ,
J . J . Hosken , Mann , AL J . Bailey , 1500 ; and E . Wilkins , h ' 07 , and others . The minutes of the jircvious meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for and declared in favour of Mr . Harding-ham , who was duly initiated into Freemasonry by the VV . AI . in a most
impressive manner . The VV . AI . then put the necessary questions to Bros . George AlcLean , VV . IT . Hornor , and W . S . Juniper , entrusted them with the usual test of merit , and admirably performed the ceremony of raising those brethren , which concluded the working business of the evening . Before the lodge was closed it was unani-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mously resolved , upon the proposition of Bro . F . B . Quinton , that brethren being members of this lodge residing thirty miles from the place of meeting , should be liable to the annual subscription of ios . Gd . only . As there are several brethren members of this lodge residing beyond this distance , and anxious to retain their names upon the books , they will unduobtedly appreciate the benefit of
such a resolution . " Hearty good wishes " having been g iven , the brethren adjourned to an excellent supper , provided by Host J . C . Firman , and upon the removal of thc cloth the remainder of the evening was spent in the customary manner , the usual Alasonic , loyal , and complimentary toasts being given a iid duly responded to . Some excellent singing was rendered during the evening .
INSTRUCTION . STOCKWELL LODGE ( No . 1339 ) . —The first anniversary of the foundation of this lodge was celebrated by a banquet , which took place at the Cock Tavern , Kennington , on Thursday , the 16 th inst . The attendance , considering the Ascot meeting , was highly satisfactory . The chair was occupied by Bro . Plowman , 075 , being ably
supported by Bros . Cockburn and Webb , as S . VV . and j . W ., 1331 . The toasts of "The Queen" and "The Prince of Wales , as Grand Alaster , & c , " and all the subsequent toasts were proposed in a very able and eloquent manner by Bro . . Plowman , and were duly honoured by the brethren . Bros . Ayling , Cockburn , and Cooper responded to the toast of " The Founders , " and Bro . Boswell to that
of " The Secretary . " To the toast of the evening , " Success to the Stockwell Ledge of Instruction , " Bro . Frances , P . AL , P . P . G . D . ¦ 'Surrey , the Preceptor of the lodge , responded in an admirable speech , and observed that " in reviewing the labours of the lodge during this , its first year of existence , he was pleased to find that the removal to its present locality had been attended with the success that
had been anticipated , both in the better attendance of the members , and in a considerable accession of new members . " He then alluded to the greater facilities now possessed by the brethren to learn Freemasonry , which recalled to his mind , in contrast , the experience of his earlier days , when to acquire his knowledge he had to encroach very many times on the small hours of the
morning , depending upon the kindness of a brother who so generously sacrificed his time to impart to him that whicii he was so anxious to acquire . He was particularly gratified with the generous manner in which they contributed to the funds ofthe various Alasonic Charities , setting an example which vcry many lodges would do well to
follow . Ihe musical arrangements , under the direction of Bro . Matz , were of a high order , and included Bros . Schartou and Thompson . Bro . Schartou ably presided at the pianoforte . Bros . Schartou , Thompson , Matz , and Ayling's vocal contributions contributed largely to the enjoyment of the brethren . The catering of Host Bro . Palmer elicited entire approval , leaving nothing to be desired .
Scotland .
NEW CATHCART . — Sir George Cathcart Lodge ( No . 617 ) . —On the 13 th inst . a deputation of this lodge waited upon the moderator of the General Assembly , Dr . Smith , at the manse , to present him with the following fraternal address : "To Bro . the Right Reverend Dr . James Smith , Cathcart . Right reverend sir and brother , —We , a committee
appointed for the purpose , at the ordinary monthly meeting of the members of Lodge Sir George Catricart of Free and Accepted Alasons , No . G 17 , held on ist June , 1 SS 1 , beg very respectfully to tender you our fraternal congratulations , as well as those of your Masonic brethren in this locality , on occasion of the attainment by you of your jubilee as a member of the Craft . We have peculiar
pleasure in doing so , as we have been made aware of the interesting fact that your initiation into our mysteries took place immediately before the layingof the foundation stone of the church where your ministrations have , for more than seven years of Sabbaths , been enjoyed by the congregation over whicii you still preside . It was with much satisfaction we heard of your nomination to be Moderator
of the then com ng General Assembly . Our feelings of pardonable pride , however , are more than gratified when we hear it admitted on all hands that the duties of that high office were fulfilled by you with such consummate tact , dignity , and efficiency , as to reflect to some extent even on those who have but remote acquaintance with you . We cannot conclude our congratulations without testifying
to you oursmcere desire that it may please the Great Architect of the Universe to prolong your honoured life and continue good health to the time when He shall summon you from this earthly ante-room to take your place as a workman that necdeth not to be ashamed in the greater than Solomon's Temple , the numbers in which you have been so long labouring to augment , We are in name
and by appointment of the lodge , yours , with much respect . Win . Alacrone , A . Crosby , Daniel Martin . —Cathcart , 13 th June , 1 SS 1 . " The right reverend gentleman , who has been minister of Cathcart parish for the long period of fifty-three years , was greatly pleased with this mark of thc esteem in which he is held by his brethren , and replied in very appreciative and affecting terms , wishing it to he recorded that he considered it to be a high honour to be connected with the growing and spirited Lotlge Sir George Cathcart .
WHAT SHALL WE DRINK /—NO summer beverage so refreshing , so wholesome , none so delicious and grateful to the taste , when hot , tired , and thirsty , as a glass of Grant ' s Morella Cherry Brand y taken with aerated waters or lemonade . Ask pointedly for it by name , as
substitutes and mixtures abound , report adulterations to the manufacturer , Thomas Grant , Distiller , Alaidstonc . Sold at the Crystal Palace , and by Bertram and Roberts everywhere , also at the clubs , the hotels , and ali noted places of refreshment .
A full report of thc National Thrift Conference , held at the Mansion House last month , has just been published by the National Thrift Society , Finsbury-circus .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
gift , but would be a very valuable record in years to come . Mr . F . Williams , of Stafford , was proposed as a candidate for Freemasonry , and "Hearty good wishes" were expressed by the visiting brethren . The lodge was then closed in ancient form and perfect harmony , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment .
CHESHUNT . —Gresham Lodge ( No . 869 ) . — The installation meeting of the above lodge took place at Cheshunt Great House , Cheshunt Park , on the nth inst ., under the presidency of the W . AL , Bro . Thos . Perry , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , the various chairs being occupied by the respective officers , and a large number of brethren and visitors attending . The lodge being opened , Bro . P . Sharpe
was duly passed to the Second Degree , the ceremony being worked by Bro . G . S . Bigley in a very able manner . The chair was then taken by Bro . VV . E . Gompertz , P . AL , P . P . G . P . Herefordshire , to whom , as Installing Alaster , the W . AL elect , Bro . Clement Balie Cheese , was presented by the Treasurer , Bro . F . D . R . Copestick , P . P . G . S . B ., for the benefit of installation , and a Board of Installed
Masters having been formed , he was duly installed in the chair of K . S ., the whole ceremony being worked in a manner seldom equalled . The newly-installed Alaster then proceeded to appoint the following officers : VV . E . Gompertz , jun ., S . W . ; VV . R . Dixon , J . W . ; E . Benard . S . D . ; T . S . Holland , J . D . ; F . D . R . Copestick , P . AL , Treas . ; VV . E . Gompertz , P , AL , Sec ; Rev . Charles Erskine
Alayo , ALA ., Chap . ; A . Clegg , I . G . ; Henry Hughes , Org . ; G . S . Bigley , D . C ; IT . A . Johnson and J . Humphreys , Stwds . ; and Marsh , Tyler . Ballot was taken for Bros . J . G . Harker and Thomas Purvis , as joining members , which proved unanimous in their favour . The next ceremony was the presentation of a Past Grand Chaplain ' s jewel to Bro . Alayo , as a slight
acknowledgment of the many and valued services he had rendered to thc lodge , more especially in placing at their disposal , for lodge purposes , the grand old baronial hall of Cheshunt Great House . Bro . Alayo , in responding , assured the brethren that few events in his lifc had given him more satisfaction than to receive the handsome mark of esteem which had been presented to him that dav . It would
remain , he said , as an heirloom , to be passed in his family from generation to generation . The lodge being closed , thc brethren retired to the banqueting hall to partake of the good things provided by the curator , Bro . B . Mitchell , after whicii the usual toasts were given and responded to , interspersed with songs , many and varied .
Among the brethren present were Bros . James Noyes , S . D . 1327 ; W . Bradstock , J . D . 1327 ; George Mickley , P . P . G . D . Herts , P . M . 449 ; Henry Cooper , Sec . 129 S ; Thomas Vincent , W . AL 1 SG 1 ; W . E . Neslield , 10 ; T . Reilly , P . AL 1327 ; J . Robinson , 1327 ; ] . T . Austin , 1457 ; IT . VV . Gompertz , P . AL 1364 ; C VV . Kent , P . AL
1304 ; C . VV . Kent , P . AL S 79 ; James Perkins , P . AL 705 ; James Cox , P . AI . 7 G 5 ; H . F . Hoole , 7 G 5 ; J . F . Jackson , G 54 ; J . Black , S . W . 70 G ; J . Rudd , 1537 ; II . AL Walker , 1475 ; Forsyth , P . P . D . C . Herts ; A . C . Wylie , P . P . G . S . B . ; J . Copestick , P . P . J . G . W . Herts ; Etherington , P . M . SGg ; Allan Brown ; George , S 69 ; Jackson , SGg ; Knighton , S 69 ; Duncan , S 69 ; Negron , SGg ; Sharp , Purvis , and Harker .
WORKINGTON . —Sun and Sector Lodge ( No . 962 ) . —This Cumberland lodge celebrated its eighteenth anniversary on Wednesday , the 15 th inst . The lodge was opened at three o'clock by Bro . J . J . Coverdale , W . AL , assisted by his officers , and in the presence of a large number of the members and visitors from other lodges ; in fact , the room was so crowded that , at the close of the
protracted proceedings , when the ojjen air was reached , a Turkish bath sensation was pretty unanimous . Afterwards the chair was taken by Bro . W . B . Gibson , P . AI . ng , P . G . Sec , thc senior P . AI . of the lodge , who , for the seventeenth time , jierfonned the ceremony of installation , the new VV . M . being Bro . D . Reece . The following brethren were present in the Board of
Installed Alasters : Bros . G . Brookcr , P . M . and Treas . 9 G 2 ; J . J . Beattie , P . AL 9 G 2 ; J . C Hunter , P . AI . 9 G 2 and 1021 ; J . Wood , P . AL 9 G 2 ; T . Dixon , P . M . 9 G 2 and 1400 ; Rev . E . AL Rice , ALA ., P . M . and Chap . 962 ; IT . Irving , P . AI . 9 G 2 ; VV . Carlyle , P . AL 9 G 2 and 1400 ; J . J . Coverdale , LP . AL 9 G 2 ; J . Hartley , P . AL 1403 ; J . Johnston , W . AL 1400 ; C . Dalton , VV . AI . S 72 ; VV . IT . Lewthwaite , P . AL and Org . 1002 ; and W . F . Lamonby , P . AL
1002 . The rest of the brethren having been re-admitted , the W . AL thereafter invested his officers as follows : Bros . J . Thompson , S . W . ; VV . Whitehead , J . VV . ; Rev . E . M . Rice , M . A ., P . M ., Chap . ; George Brookcr , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Bradbury , Sec ; J . J . Little , S . D . ; E . J . Burrows , l . D . ; 1 . D . Fidler . D . C : 1 . Lewthwaite , LG .: VV .
Makemson audi . Harding , Stewards ; and J . Troughear , Tyler . The P . G . Secretary made a powerful appeal to the members of the lodge on behalf of the Prov . Stewards ' list for the Boys' School festival ; but , in consequence of the forthcoming annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge being fixed to be held under the banner . ' of the Sun and Sector Lodge , it was agreed not to subscribe anything from
the lodge funds , but initiate a subscription at dinner . After two candidates for initiation had been proposed , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Assembl y Rooms , where a capital repast was prepared by Bro . J . Smith , of the Lowther Arms Hotel . A very harmonious evening was spent in toast and sentiment , under thc presidency of Bro . D . Reece , W . AL , and , in the course of the proceedings , Hro . Coverdale , the Immediate Past Alaster ,
was presented with a handsome gold jewel . A subscription was also entered into at the table on behalf of the Boys ' School Stewards' Fund , which resulted in a total of nearly £ 7 . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . W . IT . Lewtlnvaite , P . M . Skiddaw Lodge , P . P . G . Org ., Cockermouth , who also presided at the pianoforte after dinner . Several songs were sung by Bros . ] . Thompson , S . VV . ; J . J . Little , S . D . ; VV . B . Gibson , l' . M . ; J . Wagg , and VV . F . Lamonby .
BATTLE . —Abbey Lodge ( No . 1184 ) . —The installation of Bro . B . Sargent as W . AI . of this lodge took place on T hursday , the iGth inst . The ceremony was ably and impressively performed by Bro . Trollope , P . AL , P . P . S . W ., & c . The W . AI . invested the following brethren as
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
officers for the year * . Bros . C VV . Duke , P . AL , S . W . ; A . D . Womersley , J . W . ; Wells , Treas . ; Chandler , Sec ; Thorpe , P . AL , D . C ; Tree , S . D . ; Hewett , J . D . ; Richardson , i . G . There was a number of distinguished brethren present , and after the ceremony they adjourned to the George Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet awaited them . The usual loyal and Alasonic toasts were given and responded to , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
LIVERPOOL . —Hamer Lodge ( No . 1393 ) . —The annual installation meeting of the members of this lodge was held last week at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street . The chair was taken by Bro . Walter C . Envin , W . AL , supported by Bros . Kobe ' rt Leason , LP . AL ; John M'Carthy , P . M . ; Henry Jackson , P . AL , P . P . G . A . D ' . C . ; John Houlding , P . AL , P . G . R . ; James Pilling , J . W .
( W . AL elect ); R . G . Kynaston , Secretary ; R . H . Evans , P . AL , P . P . G . D . C , " Treasurer ; VV . IT . Jewitt , S . D . ; AL Callaghan , J . D , ; and J . J . Smith , LG . The W . AL elect was presented by Bros . Jackson and Houlding , and efficiently installed by the retiring W . AL , Bro . Erwm . After the customary honours , thc following were invested officers for the year : Bros . Walter C Envin , LP . AL ; Dr . B . Price , S . W . ; R . J . L . Kynaston , J . VV . ;
R . H . Evans , P . M ., P'P . G . S . D ., Treasurer ( re-elected ); VV . IT . Jetvitt , Secretary ; AL Callaghan , S . D . ; J . | . Smith , J . D . ; T . Pierrc-pont , I . G . ; T ** . L . Stockton , J . Tomlin , VV . F . Oversby , and F . A . Rainbow , Stewards ; John Bartley , Organist ; AL Williamson , Tyler ; and John Houlding , P . AL , P . G . R ., M . C . At the banquet which followed thc retiring W . AL was presented with a handsome Past Alaster ' s jewel and a beawtiful gold chain and locket for Mrs . Envin .
WALTHAM NEW TOWN . —King Harold Lodge ( No . 1327 ) . —The monthly meeting of the above lodge was held at the Britannia Hotel , on Tuesday , the iGth ' inst . Present : Bros . J . Knight , W . AL ; J . Fisher , S . VV . ; VV . Bradstock , J . VV . ; VVest , P . AL , P . P . G . S . D ., Treas . ; I . K . Young , ' P . AL , P . P . G . A . D . C ; VV . Gilbert , P . AL , P . P " . G . J VV . ; T . Reilly , P . AI ., P . P . G . P ., Sec ;
J . Tydeman , P . AL , P . P . G . A . P . Essex ; J . Gastall , P . M . ; ' ] . Noyes , S . D . ; J . Robinson , J . D . ; W . A . Spioat , Org . ; \ V . Lewis and G . Holdsworth , W . Sttvds . ; Banvick , Mi % , Cocksedge , Goodale , Lumsden , Newman , Robin , and Woolley . Visitors : Bro . Young , Henley Lodge , and others . Thc lodge was opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for
Alessrs . Banvick , jun ., Osman , Welsh , Bennett , and Howard , which was unanitr-ous , and Air . Berwick not being in attendance , the other four gentlemen were duly initiated into Freemasonry . This concluded the business , and the lodge was closed in due form , the brethren retiring to an excellent supper , provided by Bro . \ V . A . Bennett , who was one of the initiates .
YORK . —Eboracurrj . Lodge ( No . 1611 ) .-The regular meeting of this lodge was held at York on Alonday evening , the 13 th inst . Bro . J . T . Seller , W . AL , opened the lodge . There were present Bros . C . G . Padel , LP . AL ; R . W . Holden , P . M . ; T . B . Whytehead , P . AL ; C . Balmford , P . AL ; A . Buckle , P . AL 23 G ; G . Simpson , S . VV . ; AL Millington , J . VV . ; T . Humphries , Assistant
Secretary ; A . 1 . B . lurner , S . D . ; J . Blenkin , J . D . ; J . R . Jackson , Asst . AI . C . ; VV . Girling , I . G . ; and a full muster of members , together with several visiting brethren . A ballot was taken for ' V . W . Bro . Col . Shadwell IT . Clerke , G . S ., as an honorary member , which proved unanimous . Bro . T . B . Whytehead then gave an address on " Alasonic Poets and Poetry , " illustrated by copious quotations from the works of brethren from 1720 to the present time , and
concluded by presenting some books to tlie lodge library . Bro . VV . VV . Whytehead , ALA . ( Cambridge ) , arid Bac Sc ( Paris ) , then read a paper on the "Science of Practical Geometry and the Aledreval Freemasons , " and votes of thanks were passed to both brethren . A ballot was taken for a Life Alcmbership in the Girls' School , the successful drawer being the LP . AL , Beo . C G . Padel , who announced
hjs intention of acting as Steward for the lodge at one of the festivals next year . On the motion of Bro . T . B . Whytehead a Committee was appointed to confer with a Committee appointed by the York Lodge , No . 236 , as to the feasibility of holding a Alasonic gathering on the occasion of the visit of the British Association to York in the autumn . Power was given to the standing Committee of
the lodge to arrange for a lodge picnic at an early date . Letters of explanation for absence werc read from Bro . J . S . Cumberland , P . AL , Prov . J . G . Warden , and other brethren , and the lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards entertained their visitors at supper , after which rrome of the principal toasts were drunk , and a very pleasant evening was spent , enlivened by Alasonic conversation .
NORTH WALSHAM . —Suffield Lodge ( No . 1 S 0 S ) . —A successful meeting of this Norfolk lodge took place on Wednesday , the 15 th inst ., at the Angel Hotel , when there were present Bros . G . T . Plumbly , VV . M . ; F . Baillie Ouinton , LP . AL , P . AL 213 , i ** oo , P . P . A . D . of C , P . G . R . 7 A . R . J . Woolbright , S . W . ; George VV . Rogers , J . VV . ; D . G . F . Gaul , S . D . ; Horace Randall
J . O . ; A . Bullard , P . AL 1500 , D . of C ; N . B . Webster , I . G . ; C . Barnes , Secretary ; and K . Hollidgc , Tyler . Among the brethren present there were Bros . J . C . Firman , P . AL 71 ; J . Lovelace , E . Pugh , R . Palmer , the Kev . Sharley , George AIcLcan , VV . IT . Hornor , W . J . Juniper , and others . The visitors included Bros . J . Harper , W . AI . ; T . Isley , P . M ., P . G . P . of C . ; Sidney Smith , C . W . Bacon ,
J . J . Hosken , Mann , AL J . Bailey , 1500 ; and E . Wilkins , h ' 07 , and others . The minutes of the jircvious meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for and declared in favour of Mr . Harding-ham , who was duly initiated into Freemasonry by the VV . AI . in a most
impressive manner . The VV . AI . then put the necessary questions to Bros . George AlcLean , VV . IT . Hornor , and W . S . Juniper , entrusted them with the usual test of merit , and admirably performed the ceremony of raising those brethren , which concluded the working business of the evening . Before the lodge was closed it was unani-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mously resolved , upon the proposition of Bro . F . B . Quinton , that brethren being members of this lodge residing thirty miles from the place of meeting , should be liable to the annual subscription of ios . Gd . only . As there are several brethren members of this lodge residing beyond this distance , and anxious to retain their names upon the books , they will unduobtedly appreciate the benefit of
such a resolution . " Hearty good wishes " having been g iven , the brethren adjourned to an excellent supper , provided by Host J . C . Firman , and upon the removal of thc cloth the remainder of the evening was spent in the customary manner , the usual Alasonic , loyal , and complimentary toasts being given a iid duly responded to . Some excellent singing was rendered during the evening .
INSTRUCTION . STOCKWELL LODGE ( No . 1339 ) . —The first anniversary of the foundation of this lodge was celebrated by a banquet , which took place at the Cock Tavern , Kennington , on Thursday , the 16 th inst . The attendance , considering the Ascot meeting , was highly satisfactory . The chair was occupied by Bro . Plowman , 075 , being ably
supported by Bros . Cockburn and Webb , as S . VV . and j . W ., 1331 . The toasts of "The Queen" and "The Prince of Wales , as Grand Alaster , & c , " and all the subsequent toasts were proposed in a very able and eloquent manner by Bro . . Plowman , and were duly honoured by the brethren . Bros . Ayling , Cockburn , and Cooper responded to the toast of " The Founders , " and Bro . Boswell to that
of " The Secretary . " To the toast of the evening , " Success to the Stockwell Ledge of Instruction , " Bro . Frances , P . AL , P . P . G . D . ¦ 'Surrey , the Preceptor of the lodge , responded in an admirable speech , and observed that " in reviewing the labours of the lodge during this , its first year of existence , he was pleased to find that the removal to its present locality had been attended with the success that
had been anticipated , both in the better attendance of the members , and in a considerable accession of new members . " He then alluded to the greater facilities now possessed by the brethren to learn Freemasonry , which recalled to his mind , in contrast , the experience of his earlier days , when to acquire his knowledge he had to encroach very many times on the small hours of the
morning , depending upon the kindness of a brother who so generously sacrificed his time to impart to him that whicii he was so anxious to acquire . He was particularly gratified with the generous manner in which they contributed to the funds ofthe various Alasonic Charities , setting an example which vcry many lodges would do well to
follow . Ihe musical arrangements , under the direction of Bro . Matz , were of a high order , and included Bros . Schartou and Thompson . Bro . Schartou ably presided at the pianoforte . Bros . Schartou , Thompson , Matz , and Ayling's vocal contributions contributed largely to the enjoyment of the brethren . The catering of Host Bro . Palmer elicited entire approval , leaving nothing to be desired .
Scotland .
NEW CATHCART . — Sir George Cathcart Lodge ( No . 617 ) . —On the 13 th inst . a deputation of this lodge waited upon the moderator of the General Assembly , Dr . Smith , at the manse , to present him with the following fraternal address : "To Bro . the Right Reverend Dr . James Smith , Cathcart . Right reverend sir and brother , —We , a committee
appointed for the purpose , at the ordinary monthly meeting of the members of Lodge Sir George Catricart of Free and Accepted Alasons , No . G 17 , held on ist June , 1 SS 1 , beg very respectfully to tender you our fraternal congratulations , as well as those of your Masonic brethren in this locality , on occasion of the attainment by you of your jubilee as a member of the Craft . We have peculiar
pleasure in doing so , as we have been made aware of the interesting fact that your initiation into our mysteries took place immediately before the layingof the foundation stone of the church where your ministrations have , for more than seven years of Sabbaths , been enjoyed by the congregation over whicii you still preside . It was with much satisfaction we heard of your nomination to be Moderator
of the then com ng General Assembly . Our feelings of pardonable pride , however , are more than gratified when we hear it admitted on all hands that the duties of that high office were fulfilled by you with such consummate tact , dignity , and efficiency , as to reflect to some extent even on those who have but remote acquaintance with you . We cannot conclude our congratulations without testifying
to you oursmcere desire that it may please the Great Architect of the Universe to prolong your honoured life and continue good health to the time when He shall summon you from this earthly ante-room to take your place as a workman that necdeth not to be ashamed in the greater than Solomon's Temple , the numbers in which you have been so long labouring to augment , We are in name
and by appointment of the lodge , yours , with much respect . Win . Alacrone , A . Crosby , Daniel Martin . —Cathcart , 13 th June , 1 SS 1 . " The right reverend gentleman , who has been minister of Cathcart parish for the long period of fifty-three years , was greatly pleased with this mark of thc esteem in which he is held by his brethren , and replied in very appreciative and affecting terms , wishing it to he recorded that he considered it to be a high honour to be connected with the growing and spirited Lotlge Sir George Cathcart .
WHAT SHALL WE DRINK /—NO summer beverage so refreshing , so wholesome , none so delicious and grateful to the taste , when hot , tired , and thirsty , as a glass of Grant ' s Morella Cherry Brand y taken with aerated waters or lemonade . Ask pointedly for it by name , as
substitutes and mixtures abound , report adulterations to the manufacturer , Thomas Grant , Distiller , Alaidstonc . Sold at the Crystal Palace , and by Bertram and Roberts everywhere , also at the clubs , the hotels , and ali noted places of refreshment .
A full report of thc National Thrift Conference , held at the Mansion House last month , has just been published by the National Thrift Society , Finsbury-circus .