Article Untitled ← Page 2 of 2 Article COMMUNIQUE. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE THAMES LODGE, No. 1895. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE following remarks of Mr . Justice WATKINS W ILLIAMS recently at a public meeting will commend themselves to many of our readers whose minds have been " exercized" by thc apparent incongruity and inequality of some recent judicial sentences . " To a certain extent , " hc said , "hc sympathised with the wonder and perplexity with which thc public mind
regarded the inequality and uncertainty of sentences ; but , to a large extent , such inequality was apparent only , and quite unreal , as the degrees of criminality seemed to be overlooked . The subject vvas worthy the public attention , but if the public desired to fairly judge the judges , they must be careful to see that they have the full facts before them . " These sensible words seem to demand attention .
* * OUR advertising columns contain an announcement of the Thirteenth Annual Festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund , at which Lord HENNIKER will preside . We trust this deserving fund in connection with the Grand
Mark Lodge will obtain all the support it deserves . The Mark Degree is now an important factor in English Freemasonry , and if the Benevolent Fund only progresses , as it should do , in the same ratio , great and lasting good must result .
We have been requested to publish , for the information of all whom it may concern , tne following short statement , which we do with pleasure . Our readers are mostly well aware , having regard to certain notices which appeared previously to the last Quarterly Court of the Girls ' School , and some circulars lhat have been issued , that a question has arisen as between the House Committee and Bro . Thomas Massa .
Just before the last meeting o 5 the monthly General Committee , the circular , which we give in " extenso , " was published : —
[ COPV . ] " 4 , Dowgate Hill , Cannon Street , F . C , 24 th Alay , 1 SS 1 . " To the Governors of the R . ALL for Girls , " ELECTION OF HOUSE Cojr .- inrrEE . " Dear Sir and Brother , — " The * appeal' issued by certain of thc present House Committee pleading for re-election contains many mis-statements—e . g ., I never ' proposed to re-build Lyncombe House ' : the proposition I did submit was not ' negatived , ' and none ot the
brethren nominated by me were proposed ' without their knowledge or consent . " 1 ask you to elect some new members to destroy the preponderating pernicious influence and dictation of the Antiquity Lodge , to which three , if not four , of the present House Committee belong , as did also the late defaulting Grand Treasurer , who was likewise the Treasurer of the Institution . " Thc poll is between four and live o ' clock on Thursday , 20 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall . Yours faithfully , " THOS . MASSA . "
At the meeting Bro . WOODFORD asked , as appears in the Freemason , \ l , considering these repeated references to the dead , one who had had nothing to do with the matter , having passed away before this silly controversy arose , it was either decent or Masonic thus to drag in the name of a poor , departed , and worthy brother for no end , simply " ad invidiam . " The CHAIRMAN replied warmly lhat he considered such conduct most
indecent . Hut it seems that a statement has been made since that the reply of the Chairman , dictated by honest warmth and loyal Masonic sympathy for a dead brother , an old friend of many years , was made personal to thc author of the circular . That was clearly not so in the hearing and understanding of all , and any such contention can easily be shown lobe utterly erroneous . The " proceeding " vvas condemned , n 6 t the " person . "
It is , in our opinion , a new fcaturcof Masonic controversy and " circularism " this vilify ing the dead . Thc late Grand Treasurer was personally no defaulter . His personal estate has paid where he vvas personally liable , all claims in full on him as Treasurer of various bodies . Where hc was merely thc banker hc has paid the proportion which the bank paid to all ils creditors ; and however hard some cases may be , all who knew our laic Bro . Tomkins will acquit him of any intentional wrong .
Such a departure from all Masonic courtesy and consideration is greatly to be deprecated , in respect of that gentlemanly feeling and high lone which have always characterized our Order ; and we feel sure we arc expressing the opinion of every thoughtful Freemason when we venture to add , that vve fervently wish such painful exhibitions may be spared us in thc future as this recent paper warlare , alike for the honour of our ancient Craft , and thc selfrespect and comfort both of our metropolitan and provincial brethren .
Since we wrote the above we understand , that fresh circulars or cards are out ; some even addressed to members of the Board of General Purposes . There seems something very peculiar and erratic in all these proceedings .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
I he monthly meeting of the Lodgeof Benevolence vvas held on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., 'Senior Vice-President , occupied the President's chair ; Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., Junior Vice-President , was in the Senior Vice-President ' s chair ; and Bro . Samuel Rawson , Past District Grand Master of China , look the chair of Junior Vice-President . Bro . II . G . Buss , Assistant Grand Secretary , Bro . W . Dodd , and Bro . W . II . Lee attended from Grand Secretary ' s office .
Amongst thc other brethren present werc Bros . Henry Garrod , P . M . 749 ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; H . S . Somerville Burney , P . J . D . ; G . P . Britten , P . M . 183 ; W . IT . Ferryman , P . M . 3 ; Charles Dairy , P . M . 141 ; E . P . Albert , P . G . P . ; J . D . Collier , P . M . ; W . Mann , P . M . 186 ; Chas . F . Hogard , P . M . 205 ; M . J . Wrangbam , P . M . 619 ; C . G . Dilley , P . M . 1 155 and 147 ; John G . Stevens , P . M . 554 ; George H . Noel , P . M . 060 ;
S . George Homfray , P . M . 16 9 8 ; C . Wellard , W . M . 1519 ; ] . R . Slnccv , P . M . 1 S 0 ; W . S . Daniels , W . M . 1541 ; S . P . Norris , P . M . 21 ; A . ' ] . Creak , P . M . 157 ; J . M . George , P . M . 1309 ; J . K . Shand , W . M . 1563 3 J . Magrath , W . M . 1306 ; Thomas CTcorpc , W . M . 1 S 39 ; Frederick J . Cox , P . M . 101 ; Charles Lacey , P . M . 174 ; G . Huggett , P . M . 16-2 -5 > J . I ' ,. Docker , W . M . 1 G 87 ; W . IT . Saunders , P . M . 1503 ; J . Blundell ,
W . M . 742 ; !•' . Binckes , P . M ., G . S . L . ; George Corkc , P . M . 453 ; A . M Broadley , W . M . 1 S 35 ; D . Haslett , P . M . ' 145 ; W . Smallpeice , P . M 1395 ; ¦ ' •S- Goodall , P . M . 7 S 4 ; Edmund Child , W . M . 53 S ; Robert J Voisey , W . M . 1641 ; Charles Alkins , P . M . 271 ; VV . Hogg , P . M . 1349 Thomas Cull , W . M . 144 6 ; C . II . Webb , P . M . 1 ( 1117 , Arthur K . Glad well , VV . M . 172 ; Thomas Edniondsion , l ' . M . 1658 ; G . Giddins W . M 749 ; Bedford . Lemere , W . M , 193 ; and il , Massey , P . M . 619 ( Freemason )
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The brethren first confirmed the recommendations of £ 350 made at last meeting . There were thirty new cases on the list , and these werc disposed of as follows : Deferred 5 ; dismissed 2 ; relieved 23 ; £ 200 in one case ; £ 15011 * 1 one case ; £ 100 in one case ; £ 50 in three cases ; £ 4 . 0 in two cases ; £ 30 in three cases ; £ 20 in eight cases ; £ 10 in two cases ; £ 5 in two cases . Total £ g 6 o . The lodge vvas then closed .
Consecration Of The Thames Lodge, No. 1895.
The D . P . G . M . Oxon attended on the 9 th inst ., by command of H . R . H . Prince Leopold , Prov . G . M ., at Henley-on-Thames , in company with a considerable number of Prov . Grand Lodge Officers , for the purpose of consecrating the above lodge and installing the first W . M . in the chair of K . S . The lodge was opened by the D . P . G . M ., who appointed as his officers Bros .
Peppercorn , P . M . 478 , as S . W . ; Hawkins , P . G . Reg , Oxon , as J . W . ; Winkfield , P . G . Sec . Oxon , as Sec . ; Ansell , P . M . 340 , as D . C . ; Bowden , P . G . O . Oxon , as Org . ; and H . Birch , P . G . J . W . Oxon , as I . G . The following brethren were also present - . — Bros , the Rev . R . P . Bent , 10 , Past G . Chap ., P . G . Prin . Sof . ; H . Howard Hodges , 15 O 6 , P . P . G . S . W . Berks and Bucks ; H . Birch , 1763 , P . P . G ! I . W . Oxon : E . G '
rislwood , P . AI . 771 , P . P . G . D . Berks and Bucks ; J . Carter , P . AL 1533 , P . G . S . B . Wilts ; W . H . Humphreys , W . M . 1763 , P . P . G . I . W . Oxon ; VV . P . Ivey , Sec . 1101 , P . P . G . S . B . Berks and Bucks ; J . Hammond , P . AL 1533 , P . G . P . Wilts ; W . R . Bowden , 340 , P . G . Org . Oxon ; A . M . Yetts , P . AI . 414 , P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks ; J . Chapman , 340 , P . P . G . P . ; C . Oades , P . AI . 414 , P . G . Reg . Berks and Bucks ; C . G . Archer , P . AL 7 S 9 , P . P . S . G . W . Cornwall ; H . Lovegrove , P . AL 1777 , P . G . S . of VV . Middx . ;
Rev . J . A . Lloyd , W . AL 1553 , P . G , Chap . Wilts , P . P . G . Chap . Oxon ; C . VV . Cox , P . AL 15 G 6 , P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks ; Rev . J . H . Jukes , 357 , P . G . Chap . Oxon ; C . A . Galpin , 1515 , P . G . J . W . Oxon ; C . Park , P . M . 340 , P . P . G . Reg . Oxon ; VV . Park , P . M . :, 4 o , P . P . G . S . D . Oxon ; E . L . Hawkins , VV . M . 47 S , P . G . Reg . Oxon ; A . Winkfield , P . AL 340 , P . G . Sec . Oxon ; J . AL Dormor , 340 , P . G . J . D . ' Oxon ; E . Davey , VV . AI . 15 GG ; J . Franklin , S . D . 17 G 3 ; VV . R . Sutton , J . D . 1763 ; A . Risdon , J . VV .
¦ 533 ; IT . Fielding , 1763 ; R . Dowselt , J . VV . 1101 ; VV . Ferguson , VV . AI . 1101 ; E . J . Blackwell , S . VV . 1101 ; J . F . Farrant , 115 S ; J . S . Fisher , ' Sec . 1 SS 7 ; C . A . Barrett , S . W . 1 SS 7 ; J . T . Champion , 1 SS 7 ; E . Mitfield , noi ; J . Howland , Treas . 17 G 3 ; ] . Holland , 17 C 3 ; D . Snell , Sec . 176 * 5 ; F . B . Cunningham , 197 ; G . Marris , 567 ; C . E . Perry , 5 < 3 J Capt . Trollope , S . D . 1 SS 7 ; T . Ringer , P . AI . 130 S ; F . IT . Weedon ,
J . D . 1 SS 7 ; R . Wilder , 1 SS 7 ; J . Brooke , Sec . 1533 ; VV . C . White , S . VV . 1533 ; F . K . Spencer , 15 GG ; J . E . Boyton , 17 G 3 ; S . Cross , 340 ; \ V . Simmonds , 340 ; A . Wheeler , D . C . 340 ; VV . IT . White , W . AI . 340 ; J . C . Castle , I . G . 340 ; VV . Glashetlcn , P . M . 340 ; F . VV . Ansell , P . M . 340 ; W . Peppercorn , P . M . 47 S ; F . Ryman Hale , LP . AL 340 ; S . Salter , 1309 ; S . Payne , 1 SS 7 ; G . Norwood , 47 S , Prov . G . Tyler ; and VV . Biggs , 47 S , Asst . P . G . Tyler .
1 he lodge having been opened in the Three Degrees and a prayer offered by the Prov . G . Chap ., a request was made on behalf of brethren at Henley by the Pro . G . Secretary . The D . P . G . M . gave an address to the brethren present . The Prov . G . Secretary read thc warrant of constitution , and the brethren having
signified their approval of the officers named therein , the Prov . G . Chaplain delivered an oration on the nature and principles of the Institution . After thc singing of an anthem , the Prov . G . Chap , gave thc first portion of the dedication prayer . The D . P . G . M . then gave the invocation . The Prov . G . Chap , then read a portion of Scripture : II . Chronicles , 2 nd chapter , verses 1 lo 16 . A hymn was then sung .
Thc lodge board having been uncovered , the ancient ceremony of strewing corn and pouring wine and oil was then performed ; and incense having been carried round the lodge the Chaplain offered thc second portion of thc dedication prayer . A hymn was sung heartily by all present . The D . P . G . M . then constituted the lodge in due form . On the presentation of thc P . G . Sec , Bro . the Rev . D . H . W . Horlock vvas installed as W . M .
A charge vvas then addressed to the W . M . by the Installing Master on the duties of his office . The VV . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bros . Robert Trotter Hodge , S . W . ; Archibald Brakspear , J . W . ; Benj . Hunn , S . D . ; Fred . Marsh , J . D . ; Joshua Watts , Sec . ; and E . Chamberlain , jun ., I . G . Bro . Rogers was elected Tyler by the brethren of the lodge .
An address to thc brethren was then given by the Installing Master . The D . P . G . M . was , with his approval , elected an honorary member of the Thames Lodge . A very encouraging number of propositions were then put forward by thc brethren of the lodge , and after many "Hearty good wishes " had been expressed by thc visiting brethren , the lodge was closed in due form .
An adjournment was made to thc Red Lion Hotel , where a most elegant banquet had been prepared by Bro . John Williams , whose ability as a caterer is well known . After the cloth had been cleared , " The Queen and the Craft " was proposed by the W . M ., and received in the usual enthusiastic manner .
ln proposing the next toast , " The G . M . of England , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " thc W . M . remarked that if there was a doubt in the heart of any Mason of the respect and affection in which their G . M . vvas held , that Mason had never heard of the great gathering at Plymouth , some , years since , which hc had been privileged to witness , when the Masons of the West assembled in their thousands to congratulate the G . M . on his restoration to health , and formed a procession nearly a mile long in the streets of that town .
" The Grand Lodge of England " was coupled with thc name of the Rev . R . P . BENT , P . G . Chaplain of England , who returned thanks . " The Prov . G . M . Oxon , Prince Leopold , " was then proposed and received most cordially , and the W . M . then called on the company to do honour to the name of the D . P . G . M ! , Bro . Bird , vvho had so efficiently conducted the ceremonies of the day . He alluded in a very cordial manner
to the great courtesy which hc had experienced in the somewhat tedious cortespondci . ee whicii had been lately necessary , and trusted that he would ever have cause to remember with Alasonic pride and satisfaction his visit that day to Henley . The D . P . G . M ., in reply , expressed ' his gratification at seeing another lodge added lo thc roll of the province . ' " Thc Prov . Grand Lodge Officers" vvas suitably responded to .
The D . P . G . M ., Bro . REGINALD BIRD , then proposed , iu very feeling and appropriate terms , " The Health and _ Well-being of the Thames Lodge and its Newly-Installed Master . " He said it had long been his earnest wish to sec a lodge established at so important and suitable a centre as the town and neighbourhood of Henley-on-Thames—a district particularly well adapted for the furthering in every way of the best interests of the Craft . There had many years since been a lodge established at Henley , which for reasons he would not enter into had not prospered in its birthplace . It had t been re-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE following remarks of Mr . Justice WATKINS W ILLIAMS recently at a public meeting will commend themselves to many of our readers whose minds have been " exercized" by thc apparent incongruity and inequality of some recent judicial sentences . " To a certain extent , " hc said , "hc sympathised with the wonder and perplexity with which thc public mind
regarded the inequality and uncertainty of sentences ; but , to a large extent , such inequality was apparent only , and quite unreal , as the degrees of criminality seemed to be overlooked . The subject vvas worthy the public attention , but if the public desired to fairly judge the judges , they must be careful to see that they have the full facts before them . " These sensible words seem to demand attention .
* * OUR advertising columns contain an announcement of the Thirteenth Annual Festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund , at which Lord HENNIKER will preside . We trust this deserving fund in connection with the Grand
Mark Lodge will obtain all the support it deserves . The Mark Degree is now an important factor in English Freemasonry , and if the Benevolent Fund only progresses , as it should do , in the same ratio , great and lasting good must result .
We have been requested to publish , for the information of all whom it may concern , tne following short statement , which we do with pleasure . Our readers are mostly well aware , having regard to certain notices which appeared previously to the last Quarterly Court of the Girls ' School , and some circulars lhat have been issued , that a question has arisen as between the House Committee and Bro . Thomas Massa .
Just before the last meeting o 5 the monthly General Committee , the circular , which we give in " extenso , " was published : —
[ COPV . ] " 4 , Dowgate Hill , Cannon Street , F . C , 24 th Alay , 1 SS 1 . " To the Governors of the R . ALL for Girls , " ELECTION OF HOUSE Cojr .- inrrEE . " Dear Sir and Brother , — " The * appeal' issued by certain of thc present House Committee pleading for re-election contains many mis-statements—e . g ., I never ' proposed to re-build Lyncombe House ' : the proposition I did submit was not ' negatived , ' and none ot the
brethren nominated by me were proposed ' without their knowledge or consent . " 1 ask you to elect some new members to destroy the preponderating pernicious influence and dictation of the Antiquity Lodge , to which three , if not four , of the present House Committee belong , as did also the late defaulting Grand Treasurer , who was likewise the Treasurer of the Institution . " Thc poll is between four and live o ' clock on Thursday , 20 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall . Yours faithfully , " THOS . MASSA . "
At the meeting Bro . WOODFORD asked , as appears in the Freemason , \ l , considering these repeated references to the dead , one who had had nothing to do with the matter , having passed away before this silly controversy arose , it was either decent or Masonic thus to drag in the name of a poor , departed , and worthy brother for no end , simply " ad invidiam . " The CHAIRMAN replied warmly lhat he considered such conduct most
indecent . Hut it seems that a statement has been made since that the reply of the Chairman , dictated by honest warmth and loyal Masonic sympathy for a dead brother , an old friend of many years , was made personal to thc author of the circular . That was clearly not so in the hearing and understanding of all , and any such contention can easily be shown lobe utterly erroneous . The " proceeding " vvas condemned , n 6 t the " person . "
It is , in our opinion , a new fcaturcof Masonic controversy and " circularism " this vilify ing the dead . Thc late Grand Treasurer was personally no defaulter . His personal estate has paid where he vvas personally liable , all claims in full on him as Treasurer of various bodies . Where hc was merely thc banker hc has paid the proportion which the bank paid to all ils creditors ; and however hard some cases may be , all who knew our laic Bro . Tomkins will acquit him of any intentional wrong .
Such a departure from all Masonic courtesy and consideration is greatly to be deprecated , in respect of that gentlemanly feeling and high lone which have always characterized our Order ; and we feel sure we arc expressing the opinion of every thoughtful Freemason when we venture to add , that vve fervently wish such painful exhibitions may be spared us in thc future as this recent paper warlare , alike for the honour of our ancient Craft , and thc selfrespect and comfort both of our metropolitan and provincial brethren .
Since we wrote the above we understand , that fresh circulars or cards are out ; some even addressed to members of the Board of General Purposes . There seems something very peculiar and erratic in all these proceedings .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
I he monthly meeting of the Lodgeof Benevolence vvas held on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., 'Senior Vice-President , occupied the President's chair ; Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., Junior Vice-President , was in the Senior Vice-President ' s chair ; and Bro . Samuel Rawson , Past District Grand Master of China , look the chair of Junior Vice-President . Bro . II . G . Buss , Assistant Grand Secretary , Bro . W . Dodd , and Bro . W . II . Lee attended from Grand Secretary ' s office .
Amongst thc other brethren present werc Bros . Henry Garrod , P . M . 749 ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; H . S . Somerville Burney , P . J . D . ; G . P . Britten , P . M . 183 ; W . IT . Ferryman , P . M . 3 ; Charles Dairy , P . M . 141 ; E . P . Albert , P . G . P . ; J . D . Collier , P . M . ; W . Mann , P . M . 186 ; Chas . F . Hogard , P . M . 205 ; M . J . Wrangbam , P . M . 619 ; C . G . Dilley , P . M . 1 155 and 147 ; John G . Stevens , P . M . 554 ; George H . Noel , P . M . 060 ;
S . George Homfray , P . M . 16 9 8 ; C . Wellard , W . M . 1519 ; ] . R . Slnccv , P . M . 1 S 0 ; W . S . Daniels , W . M . 1541 ; S . P . Norris , P . M . 21 ; A . ' ] . Creak , P . M . 157 ; J . M . George , P . M . 1309 ; J . K . Shand , W . M . 1563 3 J . Magrath , W . M . 1306 ; Thomas CTcorpc , W . M . 1 S 39 ; Frederick J . Cox , P . M . 101 ; Charles Lacey , P . M . 174 ; G . Huggett , P . M . 16-2 -5 > J . I ' ,. Docker , W . M . 1 G 87 ; W . IT . Saunders , P . M . 1503 ; J . Blundell ,
W . M . 742 ; !•' . Binckes , P . M ., G . S . L . ; George Corkc , P . M . 453 ; A . M Broadley , W . M . 1 S 35 ; D . Haslett , P . M . ' 145 ; W . Smallpeice , P . M 1395 ; ¦ ' •S- Goodall , P . M . 7 S 4 ; Edmund Child , W . M . 53 S ; Robert J Voisey , W . M . 1641 ; Charles Alkins , P . M . 271 ; VV . Hogg , P . M . 1349 Thomas Cull , W . M . 144 6 ; C . II . Webb , P . M . 1 ( 1117 , Arthur K . Glad well , VV . M . 172 ; Thomas Edniondsion , l ' . M . 1658 ; G . Giddins W . M 749 ; Bedford . Lemere , W . M , 193 ; and il , Massey , P . M . 619 ( Freemason )
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The brethren first confirmed the recommendations of £ 350 made at last meeting . There were thirty new cases on the list , and these werc disposed of as follows : Deferred 5 ; dismissed 2 ; relieved 23 ; £ 200 in one case ; £ 15011 * 1 one case ; £ 100 in one case ; £ 50 in three cases ; £ 4 . 0 in two cases ; £ 30 in three cases ; £ 20 in eight cases ; £ 10 in two cases ; £ 5 in two cases . Total £ g 6 o . The lodge vvas then closed .
Consecration Of The Thames Lodge, No. 1895.
The D . P . G . M . Oxon attended on the 9 th inst ., by command of H . R . H . Prince Leopold , Prov . G . M ., at Henley-on-Thames , in company with a considerable number of Prov . Grand Lodge Officers , for the purpose of consecrating the above lodge and installing the first W . M . in the chair of K . S . The lodge was opened by the D . P . G . M ., who appointed as his officers Bros .
Peppercorn , P . M . 478 , as S . W . ; Hawkins , P . G . Reg , Oxon , as J . W . ; Winkfield , P . G . Sec . Oxon , as Sec . ; Ansell , P . M . 340 , as D . C . ; Bowden , P . G . O . Oxon , as Org . ; and H . Birch , P . G . J . W . Oxon , as I . G . The following brethren were also present - . — Bros , the Rev . R . P . Bent , 10 , Past G . Chap ., P . G . Prin . Sof . ; H . Howard Hodges , 15 O 6 , P . P . G . S . W . Berks and Bucks ; H . Birch , 1763 , P . P . G ! I . W . Oxon : E . G '
rislwood , P . AI . 771 , P . P . G . D . Berks and Bucks ; J . Carter , P . AL 1533 , P . G . S . B . Wilts ; W . H . Humphreys , W . M . 1763 , P . P . G . I . W . Oxon ; VV . P . Ivey , Sec . 1101 , P . P . G . S . B . Berks and Bucks ; J . Hammond , P . AL 1533 , P . G . P . Wilts ; W . R . Bowden , 340 , P . G . Org . Oxon ; A . M . Yetts , P . AI . 414 , P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks ; J . Chapman , 340 , P . P . G . P . ; C . Oades , P . AI . 414 , P . G . Reg . Berks and Bucks ; C . G . Archer , P . AL 7 S 9 , P . P . S . G . W . Cornwall ; H . Lovegrove , P . AL 1777 , P . G . S . of VV . Middx . ;
Rev . J . A . Lloyd , W . AL 1553 , P . G , Chap . Wilts , P . P . G . Chap . Oxon ; C . VV . Cox , P . AL 15 G 6 , P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks ; Rev . J . H . Jukes , 357 , P . G . Chap . Oxon ; C . A . Galpin , 1515 , P . G . J . W . Oxon ; C . Park , P . M . 340 , P . P . G . Reg . Oxon ; VV . Park , P . M . :, 4 o , P . P . G . S . D . Oxon ; E . L . Hawkins , VV . M . 47 S , P . G . Reg . Oxon ; A . Winkfield , P . AL 340 , P . G . Sec . Oxon ; J . AL Dormor , 340 , P . G . J . D . ' Oxon ; E . Davey , VV . AI . 15 GG ; J . Franklin , S . D . 17 G 3 ; VV . R . Sutton , J . D . 1763 ; A . Risdon , J . VV .
¦ 533 ; IT . Fielding , 1763 ; R . Dowselt , J . VV . 1101 ; VV . Ferguson , VV . AI . 1101 ; E . J . Blackwell , S . VV . 1101 ; J . F . Farrant , 115 S ; J . S . Fisher , ' Sec . 1 SS 7 ; C . A . Barrett , S . W . 1 SS 7 ; J . T . Champion , 1 SS 7 ; E . Mitfield , noi ; J . Howland , Treas . 17 G 3 ; ] . Holland , 17 C 3 ; D . Snell , Sec . 176 * 5 ; F . B . Cunningham , 197 ; G . Marris , 567 ; C . E . Perry , 5 < 3 J Capt . Trollope , S . D . 1 SS 7 ; T . Ringer , P . AI . 130 S ; F . IT . Weedon ,
J . D . 1 SS 7 ; R . Wilder , 1 SS 7 ; J . Brooke , Sec . 1533 ; VV . C . White , S . VV . 1533 ; F . K . Spencer , 15 GG ; J . E . Boyton , 17 G 3 ; S . Cross , 340 ; \ V . Simmonds , 340 ; A . Wheeler , D . C . 340 ; VV . IT . White , W . AI . 340 ; J . C . Castle , I . G . 340 ; VV . Glashetlcn , P . M . 340 ; F . VV . Ansell , P . M . 340 ; W . Peppercorn , P . M . 47 S ; F . Ryman Hale , LP . AL 340 ; S . Salter , 1309 ; S . Payne , 1 SS 7 ; G . Norwood , 47 S , Prov . G . Tyler ; and VV . Biggs , 47 S , Asst . P . G . Tyler .
1 he lodge having been opened in the Three Degrees and a prayer offered by the Prov . G . Chap ., a request was made on behalf of brethren at Henley by the Pro . G . Secretary . The D . P . G . M . gave an address to the brethren present . The Prov . G . Secretary read thc warrant of constitution , and the brethren having
signified their approval of the officers named therein , the Prov . G . Chaplain delivered an oration on the nature and principles of the Institution . After thc singing of an anthem , the Prov . G . Chap , gave thc first portion of the dedication prayer . The D . P . G . M . then gave the invocation . The Prov . G . Chap , then read a portion of Scripture : II . Chronicles , 2 nd chapter , verses 1 lo 16 . A hymn was then sung .
Thc lodge board having been uncovered , the ancient ceremony of strewing corn and pouring wine and oil was then performed ; and incense having been carried round the lodge the Chaplain offered thc second portion of thc dedication prayer . A hymn was sung heartily by all present . The D . P . G . M . then constituted the lodge in due form . On the presentation of thc P . G . Sec , Bro . the Rev . D . H . W . Horlock vvas installed as W . M .
A charge vvas then addressed to the W . M . by the Installing Master on the duties of his office . The VV . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bros . Robert Trotter Hodge , S . W . ; Archibald Brakspear , J . W . ; Benj . Hunn , S . D . ; Fred . Marsh , J . D . ; Joshua Watts , Sec . ; and E . Chamberlain , jun ., I . G . Bro . Rogers was elected Tyler by the brethren of the lodge .
An address to thc brethren was then given by the Installing Master . The D . P . G . M . was , with his approval , elected an honorary member of the Thames Lodge . A very encouraging number of propositions were then put forward by thc brethren of the lodge , and after many "Hearty good wishes " had been expressed by thc visiting brethren , the lodge was closed in due form .
An adjournment was made to thc Red Lion Hotel , where a most elegant banquet had been prepared by Bro . John Williams , whose ability as a caterer is well known . After the cloth had been cleared , " The Queen and the Craft " was proposed by the W . M ., and received in the usual enthusiastic manner .
ln proposing the next toast , " The G . M . of England , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " thc W . M . remarked that if there was a doubt in the heart of any Mason of the respect and affection in which their G . M . vvas held , that Mason had never heard of the great gathering at Plymouth , some , years since , which hc had been privileged to witness , when the Masons of the West assembled in their thousands to congratulate the G . M . on his restoration to health , and formed a procession nearly a mile long in the streets of that town .
" The Grand Lodge of England " was coupled with thc name of the Rev . R . P . BENT , P . G . Chaplain of England , who returned thanks . " The Prov . G . M . Oxon , Prince Leopold , " was then proposed and received most cordially , and the W . M . then called on the company to do honour to the name of the D . P . G . M ! , Bro . Bird , vvho had so efficiently conducted the ceremonies of the day . He alluded in a very cordial manner
to the great courtesy which hc had experienced in the somewhat tedious cortespondci . ee whicii had been lately necessary , and trusted that he would ever have cause to remember with Alasonic pride and satisfaction his visit that day to Henley . The D . P . G . M ., in reply , expressed ' his gratification at seeing another lodge added lo thc roll of the province . ' " Thc Prov . Grand Lodge Officers" vvas suitably responded to .
The D . P . G . M ., Bro . REGINALD BIRD , then proposed , iu very feeling and appropriate terms , " The Health and _ Well-being of the Thames Lodge and its Newly-Installed Master . " He said it had long been his earnest wish to sec a lodge established at so important and suitable a centre as the town and neighbourhood of Henley-on-Thames—a district particularly well adapted for the furthering in every way of the best interests of the Craft . There had many years since been a lodge established at Henley , which for reasons he would not enter into had not prospered in its birthplace . It had t been re-