Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Supreme Council, New York.
itself immediately felt , for it would take under its control and utilise the activity of the individual brethren , and thus conduce to a useful aim . The Freemason cannot rest satisfied by interesting himself only individually in the spread of humanity , and thus ¦ merely performing what is done likewise by educated
non-Masons . Besides , our symbols lead to that which is methodical , and also to a concentration of separate powers , by the organising of them all . This organisation must be created by the brethren , through the means of the free associations . As soon as such an association is progressing satisfactorily , as soon as the brethren perceive apathy and powerlessnoss far
behind them ( like visions of phantoms ) , they must take into consideration in what manner the desire to do good can be converted into a general and useful activity . To the brethren that are deputed to report on this subject , we shall devote the following chapter . ( To be continued . )
Consecration Of The Burdeti Coutts Lodge, (No. 1278).
The consecration of the Burdett Coutts Lodge ( 1271 ) , whose meetings are to be held at the Approach Tavern , Approach-road , Victoria Park , took place on Thursday last , Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , performing the ceremony .
Among the brethren present we noticed—R H . Marsh , W . M ., 1196 ; Wm . Sawyer , S . W ., 1196 * J . Showbridge , 158 •C . Lacey , W . M ., 174 j E . Davies , P . M ., 228 •J . H . Harmsworth , W . S ., 1178 •John Dyer , 22 •C . Deakin , 1178 ;
R . E . Barnes , P . M ., 15 and 30 •Jonah Green , J . W . and Sec . 554 and 1178 ; R . Ediuger , P . M ., 95 ; John Emmens , P . G . P ., P . M ., 172 •Richard Spencer , P . G . Std ., P . M ., 2 G and 329 ; Rev . D . Shaboe , P . M ., 554 •Daniel Scurr , P . M ., 933 :
T . A . Whislaud , P . M , 228 •B . Cundish , 742 T . Austin , J . D ., 933 •G . Griffiths , P . M ., 95 A . B . Vivian , W . M ., 228 ; J . G . Nevens , P . M .,
554 ; W . E . Gompertz , W . M ., 809 ; Stanley Balcombe , 1072 •J . Lockley , P . M ., 757 ; A . G . Goodall , Rep . G . L . New York •W . B . G . Key , P . M , 198 , P . S . G . W . for Kent , and P . P . D C .
for Suffolk ; A . Schurboom , 931 •A . Wentzell , 511 ; Kemble Smyth , 55 ; John M . Morley , 742 ; Charles Ireland , 860 ; II . Massey , P . M ., 619 ; John Saunders , S . W . ; W . J . Shenton , J . W . ; H . Lloyd , Sec . ; F . G . Farrant , S . D . ;
"W . Gathercole , J . D . ; James Long , I . G . ; T . Lloyd , Sen . ; and II . G . Buss At the ceremony of consecration the S . W . chair was occupied by Bro . W . Farnfield , P . A . G . Sec , and the J . W . chair by Bro . W . Young , P . G . S . B ., Bro . E . Walters , P . M . ( 73 ) , acting as
The lodge was opened in the three degrees , and the installing officer addressed the brethren . The petition and warrant were afterwards read by Bro . Lloyd . Bro . Hervey constituted the brethren into a
regular lodge , and the Rev . Bro . D . SIIABOE proceeded to give the following oration : — W . M ., Oflicers , and Brethren , having been requested to officiate as chaplain on this occasion , the time has now arrived for me to address a few
remarks to the brethren present . First , I congratulate the lodge on its name . I trust that like her whose name it bears , this lodge will have great , glorious and laudable objects always iu view . She
In maiden meditation , fancy free , hath denied herself from participating in the joys as well as the cares of a wedded life , and though deprived of that most holy love , a mother ' s affection for her oflspring , still with an open hand , a noble heart , and an unrestrained love for
her poorer brethren , she hath made them her children by adoption , and always is thoughtful for their wants . So may this lodge manifest during the many years it is destined to flourish , a similar feeli « towards those who may come within its benign influence . To you , W . M .-elect , and brethten , who are tho founders of this
lodge , permit me with all the earnestness of my order to inculcate upon you the necessity of strict care in admitting candidates for tho mysteries of our society . Tell them Masonry is not a shop for profit or sale , but a rich storehouse for the greater glory of our God and the welfare of our fellow man . Teach them , wheu you comply
Consecration Of The Burdeti Coutts Lodge, (No. 1278).
with the predominant wish of their hearts , when they are made and you admit them into Light , that for them as Masons there is no more shadow , tell them to Take this thought as they gaze abroad , That in heaven and earth
Shades owe their birth To Light : and Light is the shadoio of God . And that when the three grand principles on which Masonry is erected , —brotherly love , relief , and truth , —are daily carried into practice , no earthly joys or pleasures to them can be more
perfect . You , W . M . elect , we cordially felicitate on the acceptance of this great and responsible position . Here , by precept you are so well and thoroughly competent to inculcate , by example so gloriously to enunciate , the beauties of our noble Order , founded on the purest principles of piety
and virtue , I hope that T . G . A . O . T . U . will for many many years spare you to witness the prosperity of your work this day . May open hands and cheerful hearts spring up around you lodgenight after lodge-night . Hearts are like God ' s meadows , some , it is true , like the green ones of
the external world , are barren and unproductive from want of a genial nature and the sympathetic irrigations of a thoughtful one , but when they are rich and fertile , like yours for instance , their hearts are troops of friends ; and though like the sweet clover of the field
these may be and are mowed down by the inevitable scythe , it is only to be succeeded byfresh ones , who following the example of their predecessors and encouraged by the same , shall bring forth their fruits yet still more abundantly . And to every member of this lodge who is
present here this day , and to those who shall be happily admitted to the same , I admonish with all the impressiveness the subject demands , to let your light so shine that when those who are not within the Order , shall view with admiration your brotherly love , your charity , and above all truth , they may exclaim
" See how these Jlasons lovo one another . " After this followed the anthem " Behold how good and joyful a thing it is , " which was beautifully chanted ; to which succeeded the first portion of the Dedication prayer by the Chaplain ;
then the Sanctus ; and the Grand Secretary , after the usual ceremony of consecration had been completed , dedicated the Lodge to Masonry , and the second portion of the dedication prayer was then delivered .
Bro . Marsh , by desire ofthe W . M ., recited next an ode written by Bro . Sawyer , the delivery of which was enthusiastically cheered . The Constitution of the Lodgo was the next step in order , and the ceremony was completed by the singing of tho anthem , " Glory to God in the
highest . The lodge was then resumed iu the second degree , and Bro . James Terry was presented by Bro . H . G . Buss for Installation . The Grand Secretary formally installed the worthy Brother in the chair of K . S ., and the
Installation being completed the W . M . appointed as his officers : —Bro . Jahn Saunders , S . W ., Bro . W . Isaac Shenton , J . W . ; Treasurership vacant till next meeting , Bro . Hy . Lloyd , Secretary , Bro . F . Tarrant , S . D . ; Bro . Gathercole , J . D . ; Bro . Long , I . G . ; Bro . Gilchrist , T .
The Grand Secretary concluded tho ceremony with the customary charges , the applause which succeeded being both loud and long . Bros . Hervey and Col . Burdett were elected honorary members , and severally returned thanks .
The W . M . informed the brethren that having obtained the warrant from the Grand Master , it was thought right to obtain the permission of Miss Coutts to use her name for the lodge , and lie ( the W . M . ) had written to her on the subject . The answer ho received was as follows : —
Chrenberg Hall , Torquay , Sept . 20 th , 18 G 9 . Sir , —I received a very gratify ing communication from you , about ten days since , to the eflect that it had been the wish of a number of the Freemasons resident in the neighbourhood of Victoria Park to connect my name with their new Lodge , and that they
had obtained the permission of the Grand Master of tho Order . It is difficult for me to express how much I value thc mark of regard which your act indicates , but how very deeply it impresses me with the conviction how dear those objects arc ( which I have feebly yet consistently endeavoured to promote ) to the hearts
Consecration Of The Burdeti Coutts Lodge, (No. 1278).
of Englishmen , and I earnestly pray that God's Holy Spirit will guide your Lodge in all its members may undertake in the sacred cause of charity , whether in your private or public relations . I cannot conclude my brief and inadequate expression of the sense I entertain of the honour you confer upon me without
explaining the cause of a delay in answering your letter , partly due to two causes—first , my absence from home , and secondly the large amount of correspondence I have been engaged in since an effort I have made to interest the public in the introduction into public and other schools of systematic education in
regard to the treatment of animals , and ofthe inculcating not simply of humane feelings , but feelings of duty and obligation towards creatures sharing God's greatgiftof life equally with ourselves—dependent upon us , whilst the Creator gives them into onr chargebut upon whom we depend , not for our luxuries but
our necessities . Could I venture to hope your Lodge would specially take up this great branch of charity ? May I also depend upon your offering in my behalf my sincere thanks to every member of the Lodge , and to beg them to believe that I remain their grateful , and , if I may so co-join myself with the o bject of their Order , their fellow-worker ?
I am , Sir , faithfully your obliged , ANGELA G . BURDETT COUTTS . Bro . HERVEY read a letter from the G . M . and also one written to the G . M . b y Miss Coutts , wishing to know what she should present to the lodge , and the brethren unanimously decided that the Lodge Bible would be the most
acceijtable present she could make , especially if she would write her name in it . The W . M . announced that Bro . R . Spencer of Gt . Queen-street , had presented the lodge with its Tyler ' s jewel of office , and then the lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards sat down to a most
elegant banquet provided by the host of the Approach Tavern . The customary toasts were given and honored , and some charming singing assisted to make a deli ghtful evening Bro . GOODALL , the representative of the Grand Lodge of New York , returned thanks for the foreign visitors , and Col . Burdett having been
associated in the toast , responded also . Bro . HERVEY proposed " the W . M . " in very flattering terms , and The W . M . returned thanks and hoped that the brethren would pursue that great object which was always in tho mind of that lady who gave the name to the lodge—charity . The other usual toasts followed and were drunk with great enthusiasm , and the brethren separated rather late at night .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the neek ending October 2 , 18 G 9 . Monday , September 27 . Lodge No . 79 , ' * Pythagorean , " Lecture Hall , "Royal-hill , Greenwich . „ 831 , " British Oak , " Bank of Friendship Tavern Uancroft-road , Wile End . „ 002 , "Burgoyne , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street Camden Lodge of Instruction , No . 704 , Adelaide Tavern , llavcrstock Hill , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Precentor .
Tuesday , September 28 . Lodge No . Ill , "Faith , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . „ 186 , '' Industry , " Freemasons'Hnll . „ 1158 , " Southern Star , " Montpelier Tavern , Walworth .
Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Alderniaiibiiry at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodgeuf Instruction , Palmerston Tavern , Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . Faith Lodge of instruction , Metropolitan Hallway , Victoria Station , at 8 . Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor .
Wednesday , September 29 . Lodge No . 898 , "Temperance in the Kast , " Private Assembly Booms , 0 , Newby place , Poplar . United Strength Lodge of Instniction , 228 , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town-road , at 8 ; Bro . J . N . Frost , 1 ' reccptor .
Thursday . September 30 . General Committee Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , nt 4 . Finsbury Club of Instruction , "Jolly Anglers'Tavern , " 42 , Bath-street , City-road . Friday , October 1 . Lodge No . TOG , " Florence Nightingale , " Masonic Hall , Woolwich .
„ 890 , "Hornsey , Anderton ' s Hotel , I'leet-strcct , Mark Lodge , " Thistle , " Freemasons' Tavern . I ' uiulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons . Hall , nt 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel ,
Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor , United Pilgrims' Lodgo of Instruction , Horns Tavern , Kennington 7 . 30 . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of 'Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Cbaring-cross ; Preceptor , Bro . Pulsford Saturday . October 2 . General Committee Boys' School » t 4 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Supreme Council, New York.
itself immediately felt , for it would take under its control and utilise the activity of the individual brethren , and thus conduce to a useful aim . The Freemason cannot rest satisfied by interesting himself only individually in the spread of humanity , and thus ¦ merely performing what is done likewise by educated
non-Masons . Besides , our symbols lead to that which is methodical , and also to a concentration of separate powers , by the organising of them all . This organisation must be created by the brethren , through the means of the free associations . As soon as such an association is progressing satisfactorily , as soon as the brethren perceive apathy and powerlessnoss far
behind them ( like visions of phantoms ) , they must take into consideration in what manner the desire to do good can be converted into a general and useful activity . To the brethren that are deputed to report on this subject , we shall devote the following chapter . ( To be continued . )
Consecration Of The Burdeti Coutts Lodge, (No. 1278).
The consecration of the Burdett Coutts Lodge ( 1271 ) , whose meetings are to be held at the Approach Tavern , Approach-road , Victoria Park , took place on Thursday last , Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , performing the ceremony .
Among the brethren present we noticed—R H . Marsh , W . M ., 1196 ; Wm . Sawyer , S . W ., 1196 * J . Showbridge , 158 •C . Lacey , W . M ., 174 j E . Davies , P . M ., 228 •J . H . Harmsworth , W . S ., 1178 •John Dyer , 22 •C . Deakin , 1178 ;
R . E . Barnes , P . M ., 15 and 30 •Jonah Green , J . W . and Sec . 554 and 1178 ; R . Ediuger , P . M ., 95 ; John Emmens , P . G . P ., P . M ., 172 •Richard Spencer , P . G . Std ., P . M ., 2 G and 329 ; Rev . D . Shaboe , P . M ., 554 •Daniel Scurr , P . M ., 933 :
T . A . Whislaud , P . M , 228 •B . Cundish , 742 T . Austin , J . D ., 933 •G . Griffiths , P . M ., 95 A . B . Vivian , W . M ., 228 ; J . G . Nevens , P . M .,
554 ; W . E . Gompertz , W . M ., 809 ; Stanley Balcombe , 1072 •J . Lockley , P . M ., 757 ; A . G . Goodall , Rep . G . L . New York •W . B . G . Key , P . M , 198 , P . S . G . W . for Kent , and P . P . D C .
for Suffolk ; A . Schurboom , 931 •A . Wentzell , 511 ; Kemble Smyth , 55 ; John M . Morley , 742 ; Charles Ireland , 860 ; II . Massey , P . M ., 619 ; John Saunders , S . W . ; W . J . Shenton , J . W . ; H . Lloyd , Sec . ; F . G . Farrant , S . D . ;
"W . Gathercole , J . D . ; James Long , I . G . ; T . Lloyd , Sen . ; and II . G . Buss At the ceremony of consecration the S . W . chair was occupied by Bro . W . Farnfield , P . A . G . Sec , and the J . W . chair by Bro . W . Young , P . G . S . B ., Bro . E . Walters , P . M . ( 73 ) , acting as
The lodge was opened in the three degrees , and the installing officer addressed the brethren . The petition and warrant were afterwards read by Bro . Lloyd . Bro . Hervey constituted the brethren into a
regular lodge , and the Rev . Bro . D . SIIABOE proceeded to give the following oration : — W . M ., Oflicers , and Brethren , having been requested to officiate as chaplain on this occasion , the time has now arrived for me to address a few
remarks to the brethren present . First , I congratulate the lodge on its name . I trust that like her whose name it bears , this lodge will have great , glorious and laudable objects always iu view . She
In maiden meditation , fancy free , hath denied herself from participating in the joys as well as the cares of a wedded life , and though deprived of that most holy love , a mother ' s affection for her oflspring , still with an open hand , a noble heart , and an unrestrained love for
her poorer brethren , she hath made them her children by adoption , and always is thoughtful for their wants . So may this lodge manifest during the many years it is destined to flourish , a similar feeli « towards those who may come within its benign influence . To you , W . M .-elect , and brethten , who are tho founders of this
lodge , permit me with all the earnestness of my order to inculcate upon you the necessity of strict care in admitting candidates for tho mysteries of our society . Tell them Masonry is not a shop for profit or sale , but a rich storehouse for the greater glory of our God and the welfare of our fellow man . Teach them , wheu you comply
Consecration Of The Burdeti Coutts Lodge, (No. 1278).
with the predominant wish of their hearts , when they are made and you admit them into Light , that for them as Masons there is no more shadow , tell them to Take this thought as they gaze abroad , That in heaven and earth
Shades owe their birth To Light : and Light is the shadoio of God . And that when the three grand principles on which Masonry is erected , —brotherly love , relief , and truth , —are daily carried into practice , no earthly joys or pleasures to them can be more
perfect . You , W . M . elect , we cordially felicitate on the acceptance of this great and responsible position . Here , by precept you are so well and thoroughly competent to inculcate , by example so gloriously to enunciate , the beauties of our noble Order , founded on the purest principles of piety
and virtue , I hope that T . G . A . O . T . U . will for many many years spare you to witness the prosperity of your work this day . May open hands and cheerful hearts spring up around you lodgenight after lodge-night . Hearts are like God ' s meadows , some , it is true , like the green ones of
the external world , are barren and unproductive from want of a genial nature and the sympathetic irrigations of a thoughtful one , but when they are rich and fertile , like yours for instance , their hearts are troops of friends ; and though like the sweet clover of the field
these may be and are mowed down by the inevitable scythe , it is only to be succeeded byfresh ones , who following the example of their predecessors and encouraged by the same , shall bring forth their fruits yet still more abundantly . And to every member of this lodge who is
present here this day , and to those who shall be happily admitted to the same , I admonish with all the impressiveness the subject demands , to let your light so shine that when those who are not within the Order , shall view with admiration your brotherly love , your charity , and above all truth , they may exclaim
" See how these Jlasons lovo one another . " After this followed the anthem " Behold how good and joyful a thing it is , " which was beautifully chanted ; to which succeeded the first portion of the Dedication prayer by the Chaplain ;
then the Sanctus ; and the Grand Secretary , after the usual ceremony of consecration had been completed , dedicated the Lodge to Masonry , and the second portion of the dedication prayer was then delivered .
Bro . Marsh , by desire ofthe W . M ., recited next an ode written by Bro . Sawyer , the delivery of which was enthusiastically cheered . The Constitution of the Lodgo was the next step in order , and the ceremony was completed by the singing of tho anthem , " Glory to God in the
highest . The lodge was then resumed iu the second degree , and Bro . James Terry was presented by Bro . H . G . Buss for Installation . The Grand Secretary formally installed the worthy Brother in the chair of K . S ., and the
Installation being completed the W . M . appointed as his officers : —Bro . Jahn Saunders , S . W ., Bro . W . Isaac Shenton , J . W . ; Treasurership vacant till next meeting , Bro . Hy . Lloyd , Secretary , Bro . F . Tarrant , S . D . ; Bro . Gathercole , J . D . ; Bro . Long , I . G . ; Bro . Gilchrist , T .
The Grand Secretary concluded tho ceremony with the customary charges , the applause which succeeded being both loud and long . Bros . Hervey and Col . Burdett were elected honorary members , and severally returned thanks .
The W . M . informed the brethren that having obtained the warrant from the Grand Master , it was thought right to obtain the permission of Miss Coutts to use her name for the lodge , and lie ( the W . M . ) had written to her on the subject . The answer ho received was as follows : —
Chrenberg Hall , Torquay , Sept . 20 th , 18 G 9 . Sir , —I received a very gratify ing communication from you , about ten days since , to the eflect that it had been the wish of a number of the Freemasons resident in the neighbourhood of Victoria Park to connect my name with their new Lodge , and that they
had obtained the permission of the Grand Master of tho Order . It is difficult for me to express how much I value thc mark of regard which your act indicates , but how very deeply it impresses me with the conviction how dear those objects arc ( which I have feebly yet consistently endeavoured to promote ) to the hearts
Consecration Of The Burdeti Coutts Lodge, (No. 1278).
of Englishmen , and I earnestly pray that God's Holy Spirit will guide your Lodge in all its members may undertake in the sacred cause of charity , whether in your private or public relations . I cannot conclude my brief and inadequate expression of the sense I entertain of the honour you confer upon me without
explaining the cause of a delay in answering your letter , partly due to two causes—first , my absence from home , and secondly the large amount of correspondence I have been engaged in since an effort I have made to interest the public in the introduction into public and other schools of systematic education in
regard to the treatment of animals , and ofthe inculcating not simply of humane feelings , but feelings of duty and obligation towards creatures sharing God's greatgiftof life equally with ourselves—dependent upon us , whilst the Creator gives them into onr chargebut upon whom we depend , not for our luxuries but
our necessities . Could I venture to hope your Lodge would specially take up this great branch of charity ? May I also depend upon your offering in my behalf my sincere thanks to every member of the Lodge , and to beg them to believe that I remain their grateful , and , if I may so co-join myself with the o bject of their Order , their fellow-worker ?
I am , Sir , faithfully your obliged , ANGELA G . BURDETT COUTTS . Bro . HERVEY read a letter from the G . M . and also one written to the G . M . b y Miss Coutts , wishing to know what she should present to the lodge , and the brethren unanimously decided that the Lodge Bible would be the most
acceijtable present she could make , especially if she would write her name in it . The W . M . announced that Bro . R . Spencer of Gt . Queen-street , had presented the lodge with its Tyler ' s jewel of office , and then the lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards sat down to a most
elegant banquet provided by the host of the Approach Tavern . The customary toasts were given and honored , and some charming singing assisted to make a deli ghtful evening Bro . GOODALL , the representative of the Grand Lodge of New York , returned thanks for the foreign visitors , and Col . Burdett having been
associated in the toast , responded also . Bro . HERVEY proposed " the W . M . " in very flattering terms , and The W . M . returned thanks and hoped that the brethren would pursue that great object which was always in tho mind of that lady who gave the name to the lodge—charity . The other usual toasts followed and were drunk with great enthusiasm , and the brethren separated rather late at night .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the neek ending October 2 , 18 G 9 . Monday , September 27 . Lodge No . 79 , ' * Pythagorean , " Lecture Hall , "Royal-hill , Greenwich . „ 831 , " British Oak , " Bank of Friendship Tavern Uancroft-road , Wile End . „ 002 , "Burgoyne , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street Camden Lodge of Instruction , No . 704 , Adelaide Tavern , llavcrstock Hill , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Precentor .
Tuesday , September 28 . Lodge No . Ill , "Faith , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . „ 186 , '' Industry , " Freemasons'Hnll . „ 1158 , " Southern Star , " Montpelier Tavern , Walworth .
Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Alderniaiibiiry at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodgeuf Instruction , Palmerston Tavern , Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . Faith Lodge of instruction , Metropolitan Hallway , Victoria Station , at 8 . Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor .
Wednesday , September 29 . Lodge No . 898 , "Temperance in the Kast , " Private Assembly Booms , 0 , Newby place , Poplar . United Strength Lodge of Instniction , 228 , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town-road , at 8 ; Bro . J . N . Frost , 1 ' reccptor .
Thursday . September 30 . General Committee Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , nt 4 . Finsbury Club of Instruction , "Jolly Anglers'Tavern , " 42 , Bath-street , City-road . Friday , October 1 . Lodge No . TOG , " Florence Nightingale , " Masonic Hall , Woolwich .
„ 890 , "Hornsey , Anderton ' s Hotel , I'leet-strcct , Mark Lodge , " Thistle , " Freemasons' Tavern . I ' uiulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons . Hall , nt 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel ,
Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor , United Pilgrims' Lodgo of Instruction , Horns Tavern , Kennington 7 . 30 . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of 'Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Cbaring-cross ; Preceptor , Bro . Pulsford Saturday . October 2 . General Committee Boys' School » t 4 .